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Feel: An Omegaverse Story (Breaking Free Book 6) by A.M. Arthur (17)


Brogan’s slick dried up around dinnertime, and as much as he’d loved this entire experience—and as much as he wouldn’t mind another night alone with Mikel—he craved fresh air and a cuddle from his son. They showered together with barely enough room and tidied the place up. Mikel stuffed all the soiled sheets into a trash bag, because Brogan had volunteered to do the laundry at the Li house to save Mikel credits on the machines downstairs.

They packed up the car with the laundry and Brogan’s small bag of clothing. He’d only swapped out a few pairs of boxers, because naked had simply been easier, especially with a constant erection. Mikel had called ahead, and Isa said they were having a late family supper and invited them to stay. After consulting Brogan—such a perfect, generous alpha—they agreed.

Brogan’s excitement to see Peyton grew the closer they got to the Higgs home. His hands itched to hold his boy again, and he was bouncing in his seat when Mikel parked on the street. He practically flew out of the car and up the walkway to the small porch. The front door opened and Demir stood there with Peyton on his hip.

Peyton squealed with joy, little arms outstretched. “Omi’s back!”

Brogan took his son with eager arms, kissed his hair and inhaled his scent. “Omi’s missed you, too, baby boy.”

They were ushered inside out of the cold, and then Peyton was eagerly reaching for Mikel. Brogan shrugged out of his winter coat, and only then did he realize Jaysan and Morris were there, too, along with Isa’s other two sons Aven and Tarius. Aeron and Layne were busy playing in one corner of the living room, and Brogan spotted Isa and Liam in the kitchen.

“Hey, we weren’t expecting you guys,” Brogan said. He walked over to hug Jaysan, who looked tired but the guy had a newborn. And speaking of the newborn…

“He’s sleeping in Layne’s crib,” Jaysan said before Brogan could ask. “And we didn’t know we’d be here until about thirty minutes ago.”

“Liam’s quite the cook,” Morris added, his expression flat. “Can’t turn down his home-cooking.”

“I hear that.” Brogan quickly introduced Mikel to Aven and Tarius, who were polite and offered quick handshakes.

Liam popped into the living room and nearly sent Brogan toppling over with the force of his hug. “So how was it?” he whispered into Brogan’s ear.

“Absolutely perfect,” Brogan whispered back.

“Good.” He kissed Brogan’s cheek before releasing him. “Peyton was a dream, of course. He kept Layne busy for me.” Having so many omega friends whose kids were of similar age and adored each other had a lot of side benefits, such as the kids wearing each other out, as opposed to wearing out their parents.

It made Brogan ache to give Peyton a sibling or two someday.

Maybe my next heat.

“You look happy and refreshed,” Jaysan said to both Brogan and Mikel with a waggle of his eyebrows.

“Oh goddess, no heat talk, please,” Demir said. “Dad and Liam getting gooey about it is bad enough, but when you overhear stuff? Some things you don’t want to know about your parents.”

Liam took a playful swipe at Demir on his way back into the kitchen, and Brogan couldn’t help wondering if “parents” had been a slip, or if Demir was starting to see Liam as a dad. Either way, the pair clearly adored each other.

Morris’s presence and Peyton’s gentle babbling at Mikel reminded Brogan of the lingering questions he had about inheritance. Morris was a paralegal and worked for Ronin Cross, who was the best defense lawyer in Sansbury. But Brogan wasn’t sure how to bring it up without ruining the mood. No one needed to hear Hamilton’s name tonight, so he pocketed the idea for later.

Tonight, he wanted to enjoy the company of his friends and chosen family.

They were all called into the dining room, with the three toddlers left to their own devices for now. A few extra folding chairs had been added to the long table to accommodate all the guests. Brogan sat between Mikel and Tarius, with Morris and Jaysan on the other side of the table. Isa captained one end, Liam the other, and lovely spread of roasted meat, potatoes and carrots filled the center of the table.

Everyone except Isa sat down at their places. “This was an impromptu get-together, and I wish we could have fit more at the table tonight,” Isa said, smiling so proudly Brogan’s heart pounded with anticipation. Down the table, Liam was beaming. “But our boys are all here, and Liam asked for his two best friends to be here, as well.”

“Holy shit,” Aven said. “Are you?”

Liam laughed out loud. “I am. We are.”

“Liam’s pregnant,” Isa said.

Brogan squealed his excitement for his friend, and he joined Jaysan in hugging the life out of him. Demir reacted casually enough that he must have already known, but Tarius and Aven were both congratulating their dad. Morris and Mikel both politely congratulated Isa, as well.

“I’m so happy for you guys,” Jaysan said. “I know you wanted this so badly and the home tests were always inconclusive.”

“We finally got a confirmed positive today.” Liam wiped tears from his eyes. “I needed to tell you guys in person, and I couldn’t wait.”

“Thank you for including us,” Brogan said. “I love seeing you excited about this. I remember how scared you were about giving birth to Layne.”

“I hate that I ever doubted I could love him, but I can’t change it. At least I know I’ll spend every moment of this pregnancy loving and wanting the baby I’m carrying.”

Brogan blinked back happy tears and hugged his two best friends again, a circle of love and support. For as scared and uncertain as they’d all three been about their first pregnancies, their children ended up being loved and treasured by their respective omegins—and that was what mattered most.

Mikel watched Brogan practically vibrate with excitement over his friend’s good news. He was happy for the couple, as well, despite not really knowing them beyond what he’d read in the papers. But Brogan loved them, and that was enough for Mikel.

Everyone returned to their seats and the meal resumed. The food was delicious, especially the spices on the roast, and Mikel said as much.

“Thank you,” Liam replied. “The recipe was from Herris’s cookbook, but I added a little kick of my own.”

“Herris?” Mikel repeated.

“Isa’s first mate.”

“Ah, of course.”

“Omegin was a terrific cook,” Demir added. “Dad found his old recipe book back when Liam first came to live here, and he’s had bound copies made for each of us. I mean, Aven and Tarius still can’t cook, but maybe their future husbands can figure out the mystical numbers and measurements.”

Aven tossed a roll at Demir’s head. “I’m in my final year of university, plus I’m doing my in-classroom shadow program. I don’t have time to cook.” To Mikel, he said, “I’m studying to be a secondary school teacher.”

“I’m impressed and I mean that,” Mikel replied. “Teaching isn’t for everyone, and it’s a highly-underrated profession. And you?” he asked Tarius, genuinely curious about the much more sedate Higgs teenager.

“I’m second-year,” Tarius replied, keeping his gaze around Mikel’s chin. It upset Mikel a bit that he wouldn’t meet his gaze, but Mikel was a stranger and an alpha with a history of violence. “I haven’t declared a major, but I’ll need to before next year.”

“Any leanings?”

“I’ve been investigating a law profession, actually. Ronin and Morris have been very generous in answering my questions.”

“Happy to,” Morris said. “It’s a lot of work, but we can also do a world of good.”

Unlike Mikel, who had no actual skillset or career ambition beyond getting any job that paid him. He was the only man over the age of twenty in the house who had no real idea for his future, except as a mate to Brogan and father to Peyton. But what kind of good mate delivered pizza for a living?

The conversation shifted and Mikel tried to remain present as he ate. The food still tasted amazing, but he found no pleasure in it as his mood soured. He was happy for the Higgs clan and their good news—news everyone celebrated because Isa was a decorated constable with a safe home and stable employment. What if one of the condoms Mikel used had broken and he’d accidentally mated and impregnated Brogan? He had nothing to offer them.

“How’s all the extra studying going, Demir?” Jaysan asked. “Liam told me you’ve been working your butt off with extra credit and tutoring. He said you even gave up soccer this spring.”

“I have been, and it’s paying off for sure.” Demir blushed, which was odd. “I, um, wanted to make sure I had the right marks for university and to start taking those level courses along with my regular classes during my final year next year.”

Isa tilted his head, clearly hearing this for the first time. “Where’s this ambitious streak coming from? I don’t want you pushing too hard and burning out.”

“I want to fast-track into the university medical program.” Demir looked across the table, directly at Brogan, and said, “I want to be a doctor and cure Donal Syndrome.”

Brogan stared at Demir, the words not quite penetrating his conscious mind. He’d been so stuck on Demir wanting to take university-level classes alongside his secondary education, he almost missed the connection to the medical program. “You what?”

The room had gone completely silent, and even though they weren’t alone, for that moment in time, no one existed except Brogan and Demir. With tears in his eyes, Demir stood and circled the table. He squatted by Brogan’s chair, his expression as determined as Brogan had ever seen on the teen.

“Peyton is as much a brother to me as Layne,” Demir said. “And hopefully someone beats me to it, but I want to be a doctor. And a researcher. We’ll find a cure, I promise.”

“Oh.” Brogan didn’t have any other words. He nearly fell out of his chair to hug Demir, who held on tighter than he imagined possible from the slender teen. Tears gathered but didn’t fall for the beautiful gesture. So fucking selfless Brogan almost couldn’t breathe. Someone in the room was crying, maybe more than one someone, but he didn’t care. All Brogan could do was hold on.

And then Peyton was tugging on his arm, concern etched all over his adorable face, and Brogan pulled him into the hug. Peyton squirmed but seemed to know his omegin needed him. Mikel’s scent invaded his senses moments before a warm hand touched the back of his neck. His son was there, his alpha was there, and Brogan was surrounded by friends.

“Thank you,” Brogan choked out. “You don’t have to.”

“Yes, I do,” Demir said. “For every person who has it, I do. But especially for Peyton.”

“Why’s Unca Demir sad?” Peyton asked.

“Happy tears, Pey-pey. Happy tears.”

Brogan wasn’t entirely sure how he ended up sitting on the couch with Mikel on one side of him and Liam on the other. Demir and Isa were embracing nearby, and everyone had kind of separated into different rooms of the house, kids included.

“Demir really is the best kid,” Liam said in his ear. “Goddess, he amazes me every day with his big, generous heart.”

“I can’t believe it.” Brogan rubbed at his eyes, overwhelmed by everything that had happened in the last fifty-odd hours, from his meeting with Hamilton, to his heat, to Liam’s pregnancy, and now this. It was almost too much to comprehend.

“Believe it, love,” Mikel whispered. “So many people here love you and Peyton. We’ll get through this, you hear?”

“I hear.” Brogan leaned into his bondmate. “I hear so clearly now.”

“We’re all in this together,” Jaysan added as he knelt in front of their group. Morris was close by with baby Morgyn, watching them, a silent sentinel. Brogan wanted to yell at him to cool it, that Mikel wasn’t a threat, but he didn’t. Because this wasn’t about Mikel. This was about the amazing group of men Brogan called family.

“Way to be a show-off,” Aven said as he cuffed Demir lightly on the neck.

Demir blew a raspberry at his eldest brother, then hugged him.

The date hit Brogan with shocking clarity. “Oh no,” he said. “I’m the worst omegin. I completely forgot today is Peyton’s birthday.”

“We didn’t forget,” Liam replied. “There’s a small cake for him in the fridge, we just haven’t had a chance to bring it out and surprise you.”

“Really? You guys truly are the best.” Brogan squeezed Liam’s hand tight. “You were by my side during the scariest moments of my life two years ago. You were a stranger, but you gave me strength when I didn’t know which way was up.”

“I didn’t feel strong that day, but I had Isa to hold me up when I wanted to collapse. I’m so glad you have Mikel to do the same for you now.”

“Thank you.” Brogan kissed Mikel’s cheek. “I am so glad you walked into Perks that day. Otherwise, we might never have had this.”

Mikel smiled and kissed him on the mouth. “I’m glad too, love. So glad. You and Peyton are my world.”

“You guys are my world, too.”

“Plus cake?”

Brogan laughed. “Plus cake.”

They did have cake, small slices for everyone. Brogan shared his with Peyton, who ended up with icing smeared all over his face, much to the amusement of Aeron and Layne. Little Morgyn woke up cranky, and Jaysan nursed him at the kitchen table where Brogan and the toddlers were eating. Mikel and Morris both stood nearby, separate but watchful over their omegas.

Peyton received a few small gifts, mostly toys, but Demir had offered the biggest gift of all: the gift of time, energy, dedication, and life. And as Brogan wiped a smear of cake off Peyton’s cheek, he believed to his soul that Peyton would get that long, happy life he deserved.


* * *

Sleeping without Mikel for the next two nights, after being with him for the duration of his heat, left Brogan restless and unsettled. He missed having his bondmate by his side, but he’d also never presume to ask if Mikel could move into the house. Brogan wanted them to have their own space, but their income didn’t allow it, and Mikel wouldn’t move them into his cramped, shoebox of a place. At least at the Li house, Peyton had his own room.

Brogan toyed with getting a job, but he needed the permission of his alpha mate, who was technically the late Francis Hamilton. Until he and Mikel mated, Mikel couldn’t allow it. Maybe…before Braun mated Tarek, he’d been living with the Freels as his beta guardians, under the supervision of Tarek as the permissing alpha. Constable Higgs had put together the omega fostering program when they were rescued from the fight ring…maybe Higgs could give him permission?

Ugh. So many problems could be easily avoided if omegas had authority over their own fucking lives. His friends would take turns watching Peyton with no hesitation and then Brogan could contribute to his own care.

It was worth asking Isa Higgs about, but he needed to talk to Mikel first. He wouldn’t go behind his bondmate’s back.

About that…he still hadn’t told Mikel about his unexpected meeting with Hamilton. Hadn’t told anyone about it at all, and with it being the weekend, he couldn’t investigate the inheritance question. Calling Ronin now was a bad idea. He’d probably be spending his whole weekend glued to Kell’s side, surrounded by their small family, and Ronin deserved that time. Brogan could wait until the start of the week to get his advice.

Instead of worrying too much, he threw himself into spending time with Mikel and Peyton—as well as bedroom time with Mikel. They kissed, sucked each other off, and cuddled naked, but Mikel never went near Brogan’s ass. Didn’t even seem interested in penetrative sex.

On the second day after his heat, they were lounging on Mikel’s futon after brunch with Daiya and Yeoman—they were watching Peyton at the house for a few hours—after a long, naked makeout session, and Brogan blurted out, “Why don’t you want to fuck me?”

Mikel sat up so fast Brogan thought he’d been electrocuted. “What?”

With a bit more care, Brogan sat up to face his bondmate. “It’s just, I guess I thought after heat, you’d want to have sex. You weren’t exactly shy.”

“It was heat, love. There was no risk of me physically hurting you.”

He reached for Mikel’s hands and squeezed them in his own lap, having long ago lost any sense of modesty while having serious conversations. “Why do you think you will outside heat? All it takes it extra prep, artificial slick and patience. And the plus side of no heat pheromones driving you crazy? You’ll hear me if it hurts and you’ll stop.”

Mikel studied him, his eyes even more naked than his body. “How do you always have such rock-solid faith in me?”

“Because I love you. I’ve been abused by cruel men. I know a cruel man when I see one, and you are not cruel. You went to a terrible, sad place last spring, and an equally terrible accident happened.” Brogan wasn’t sure he was getting through, so he changed tactics. “You’ve had sex with other people besides Jaysan, right?”

It sounded strange saying it so plainly, knowing his bondmate and best friend used to screw each other, but bluntness was necessary, especially when trying to convince an alpha.

“Yes, I did. A few other older omegas, some betas my age.”

“Okay. After any of these encounters, did a partner complain?”


“Bleed or show signs of pain because of having sex?”


“Do you think you hurt any of them?”

“I mean…” Mikel’s expression cleared, and he blinked hard a few times. “I guess not. I always made sure they came. I never wanted my hookup to feel like a come-dump, you know? Even though they weren’t serious fucks, I didn’t want to hurt anyone.”

“Sounds like you accomplished your goal.” Brogan scooted around so he was sitting right next to Mikel. “You don’t give yourself enough credit. You made a mistake with Jaysan, but that doesn’t have to define the rest of your life. It doesn’t have to define us.”

“You really do want this with me.”

“I really do. I also understand why it worries you, and we don’t have to do it all the time. But I’d love to have this intimacy with you outside heat.”

Mikel’s gentle smile soothed the last of Brogan’s worry. “I’d love that, too. But I don’t have any slick. I haven’t been with anyone since the incident.”

“Maybe we can improvise.” He rubbed Mikel’s nose with his, bounced off the bed and strode into the bathroom. Mikel didn’t have much, but one of the massage oils from heat would work just fine. He brought it back to the bed and kissed Mikel onto his back.

Mikel growled softly and nipped at Brogan’s lower lip. “Can I use my tongue on you? To get you ready?”

“Absolutely. You can lick any part of me you want.”

They kissed again, Mikel’s tongue thrusting into his mouth, claiming him that way while one hand slid down to squeeze Brogan’s ass. Quest between his cheeks. Brogan spread his legs more, giving Mikel access to his hole, humping Mikel’s thigh. Even these simple things with Mikel were special and perfect, and he couldn’t wait to do more. To share this intimacy outside heat with his bondmate.

When the kissing wasn’t enough, Mikel coaxed him up onto his hands and knees. Oh yes, this part he remembered and loved. That first hot swipe of tongue over his hole, those addictive sensations. His nerves weren’t as sensitive as during heat, but hello! Still amazing. Arousal zinged through Brogan’s bloodstream, somehow making him even harder as Mikel licked and stabbed at his entrance.

Licked and stabbed and made sweet, growly noises of pleasure that filled Brogan with pride and love for this man. “Yes, goddess, so good,” Brogan said. “Mikel.”

“Love tasting you, my omega.”

“Please, alpha.”

“Soon, love. Let me enjoy you.”

Guh. Yes.

Mikel ate him out for what felt like hours before teasing a finger inside. Tongue and finger worked Brogan right into an orgasm. It tore down his spine and out his dick, splattering the sheet beneath him. Mikel dropped kisses all along his buttocks and lower back. “You came without touching yourself?” he asked with wonder in his voice.

“It’s all you, baby,” Brogan replied. “Felt so good. Want you to feel good, too.”

“I do. I love making you come. Do you, uh, still want me inside you?”

“Hell yes. Please. I want to feel you come inside me.”

Mikel lurched up the bed for a sideways kiss, and Brogan accepted that gift, Mikel’s earthy taste mixed with the flavor of his own body, and it was perfect. Everything Brogan had ever wanted or dreamed of with a man. And when Mikel eased two slicked fingers into his body, Brogan cried out with joy at the stretch.

“Does it hurt?” Mikel asked.

“Nope. Feels so good. Keep going.”

The massage oil felt nearly the same as slick, helping those fingers glide in and out, prepping him to take his bondmate’s cock, and Brogan couldn’t wait.

Nerves pinged through Mikel’s gut as he watched his fingers slide in and out of Brogan’s entrance, slicking him in and out, stretching that tight muscle. He was terrified of hurting or scaring Brogan, but Brogan’s confidence fed his own. Brogan’s pants and cries fueled Mikel into adding a third finger, slowly, oh so slowly. That puckered muscle smoothed out as it stretched, allowing him inside, and Brogan keened.

“Too much?” Mikel asked.

“No, no, need you, please.”

He’d never taken so much care with a sex partner, never cared so fucking much about making it a beautiful experience—because Brogan was his bondmate, his future, his first and only love. This was the most important thing he’d done in his life so far, and he’d already made Brogan come once. Mikel stroked Brogan’s semi as he finger-fucked him, working Brogan’s dick back to life until Brogan was trusting into his hand.

“Yes, please, need you,” Brogan panted, his voice fractured with lust and pleasure. “Please, give me your come.”

The demand rocketed down Mikel’s spine and into his aching cock. “Yes, love.” He gently pulled his fingers out and oiled his dick, so close to his own release he feared shooting the instant he was inside Brogan. “I love you.”

“Love you. Fuck me.”

Mikel didn’t like this position, even though it was familiar and made rutting easier—but he didn’t want some mindless fuck with a relative stranger. He was making love to Brogan, and maybe giving Brogan all the control was what Mikel needed for this to feel right. “I want you to ride me. Is that okay?”


They kissed as they switched positions, Mikel stretching out on his back with a pillow under his head. Brogan knelt over him and sat on Mikel’s thighs. Lazily stroked Mikel’s erection, then added more oil, all the while holding eye contact. The absolute love and trust in Brogan’s eyes calmed the last of Mikel’s anxiety over this act. Over them sharing this one, beautiful thing and Mikel somehow messing it up.

It would be perfect, because it was them.

Brogan sat up and scooted closer. Mikel held his hips for balance, while Brogan reached behind to clasp Mikel’s cock. To press the head against his entrance. Familiar blunt pressure gave way to hot pressure, and Brogan cried out as Mikel breached him. Trusting his bondmate to know his limits, Mikel simply held on while Brogan sank down deeper, taking more, so fucking slowly Mikel was going to lose his mind.

But the utter bliss on Brogan’s face kept him still, and he stared up in awe of Brogan. A man who’d been unerring in his faith and belief in Mikel. Who’d never once given up on them as future mates, and who refused to let Mikel believe the worst about himself. He challenged Mikel in ways no one ever had.

My mate. My heart.

Brogan rocked against him, setting a leisurely pace that kept Mikel right on the cusp of orgasm, teasing him from the edge, and he marveled at this new, unique connection. Joined in the most intimate way possible, giving and taking pleasure, creating something only they would share from now to the end of time.

Tears stung the corners of his eyes. “Thank you,” Mikel said.

With a knowing smile, Brogan leaned down and pressed their noses together. “You are very welcome, my love. So very welcome.”

They moved together as one, in no hurry to finish, and Mikel came on a long, rolling wave of pleasure. Brogan accepted his gift with a cry of joy, and on Mikel’s urging, crawled closer so Mikel could suck him. So Mikel could accept Brogan’s own gift into his body.

According to the law, this wasn’t a legal mating, but in Mikel’s mind, they were now mates. Partners in all things. One day they’d have a home to share and children to spoil rotten. Picnics with friends. Parties with family.

For today, Mikel wrapped his broader body around Brogan and held him close, grateful for his future—and oh so blessed with exactly who he held now.

My mate.




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