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Finding Hawk (Branches of Emrys Book 3) by Brandy L Rivers (14)

Chapter 15



Everything had gone better than Chatan could have hoped for. Taryn and Loval took her in and made her feel like she belonged.

Jacinda really seemed to enjoy herself. So sad that she hadn’t found that sense of comradery before. And yet, it might mean that wherever her travels took her, she’d feel most at home there, in Wanatoga.

She gave him a huge smile. “I’ll admit, that was a lot of fun. I wasn’t sure what to expect.”

“I’m glad I brought you out then.” As closed off as she’d started to get, she opened right back up with a little help from his friends.

Hopefully Loval and Taryn wouldn’t insist on them coming over. But if they did, and Jacinda chose to go, he wouldn’t argue.

A loud engine came up behind the truck. She spun in the seat to look, then ducked down. He saw who it was in the rear view. Mason, Butch, and some other assholes from Saint Morton, all puppets to that bitch Josephine.

Chatan looked over to find Jacinda simply gone. He could still feel her presence. “Tell me that spell is stable.”

“Yeah, just don’t try to reach down here. If you touch me, the spell will break. And there’s only one possible problem. The dress in the back. I should have tossed it in the cab, instead of back there.”

“Don’t worry about that. They may not notice. They’ll likely just yell at me. And if Taryn and Loval come back, it could get ugly.”

“Have to stop?”

“Yeah, better to get rid of them now. They’re going to cause an accident if we don’t. They’re just looking to rile some feathers and probably to ask about Wendy.”

“All the more reason I should leave town, so you don’t have to worry.”

“If it wasn’t you, they’d come to harass someone else.” Just maybe not with the whole gang. Not that she needed to know that. One or two at a time would come over to harass people when they got bored. Seemed to happen once or twice a week. Not usually a gang load in a truck, but Josephine had mindfucked half the males in Saint Morton.

Chatan pulled over. “Stay here, don’t make a sound.”

She didn’t answer, so he took the keys and stormed to the back of the truck where the asshole brigade had parked inches from his bumper.


“What do you want?” Chatan demanded.

Mason shouted, “Where’s Wendy? We know you’ve been hanging out with some redhead. Now you’re going to tell me where the fuck she is.”

“Don’t know a Wendy or a redhead. And you aren’t welcome here. Get the fuck out of Wanatoga.” He wanted to strangle Jenna. She was the only one stupid enough to give out information about where Jacinda might be.

“Maybe Wendy is an alias. Still, you know who we’re talking about. You were with her at the diner. So where is she now?” Mason demanded.

Chatan laughed. “You’re a fool. What made you believe she’s here?”

“Jenna. She called me because you refuse to give her what she craves. She’s stupid enough to hope I’ll give her some for being a good little girl.”

“You’re such an asshole. And Jenna’s just trying to make you jealous.”

“Of a redhead,” Mason snarled.

So tempting to shut the bastard up with a fist to the mouth. “No, of whoever you’re currently banging. She knows I’ll never take her back.”

Loval parked, and Taryn hopped out of the car. She hurried over as Butch picked up Jacinda’s dress out of the back of the truck. “Whose is this?”

Shit, there was no way that would fit Taryn. He didn’t see how it would be possible. Taryn was a fuller figured woman. Jacinda was slender.

Didn’t stop Taryn from snatching it out of Butch’s hand and pulling it over her wet bikini. “It’s mine, asshole. I tossed it in his truck because it was closer at the time.”

“Sleeping with your cousin now?” the asshole remarked.

Loval growled. “Nothing of the sort. Now get out of here. There are no strangers in Wanatoga. We haven’t seen who you’re looking for, so give it up already.”

Butch popped his head into the open passenger window of Chatan’s truck. “I smell something pretty.”

Chatan smirked. “Yeah, perfume. Took my aunt on a hike. The drive was long.”

“Never smelled this scent,” Butch snapped.

“She wouldn’t give you the time of day,” Chatan retorted.

Mason pushed past Chatan and stuck his head in the window. “A girl has been in here. Where is she?”

“Please, like I want you harassing my aunt. Now get the fuck out of Wanatoga.”

“Yeah, scram, before we start electrocuting you,” Taryn warned. Out of the three of them, she was the only one who could do anything like that.

Loval had speed and agility. He

could move the ground if he wanted to.

Chatan’s gift lay mostly with plants and making them grow. Which was pretty lame in comparison.

Then there was Taryn, a full-fledged shaman, more like his brother Tomahawk. She could manipulate the elements around her.

“Still think you’re hiding something,” Butch warned, reaching for the handle of the truck.

Chatan shoved Butch, and the bastard swung his fist, though Chatan dodged easily and shoved Butch again. This time the big guy went down on his ass. “Get going,” Chatan warned a second before sirens came blaring down the road.

He had to smile. Loval probably called Joe to make sure the assholes left town. Which meant they’d already harassed someone else. Most likely the people in the diner.

Chatan crossed his arms over his chest. “Now don’t you wish you’d left when you had the chance?”

“You assaulted me,” Butch shouted, jumping to his feet.

Joe hurried over, pushing Butch back. “Knock that shit off. You’re harassing Chatan, Loval, and Taryn. Get back in your car and go home.”

“He assaulted me!” Butch repeated.

Mason grabbed his arm. “Don’t bother. This fucker doesn’t ever see anything but what he wants to. Same as all these other losers.” Mason climbed back into the truck as the other assholes jumped into the back.

Joe muttered, “I should really give them a ticket for that bullshit.”

Chatan shook his head. “Wouldn’t do any good. They’d just fight it, and it wouldn’t ever go anywhere.”

“You okay? They find who they’re looking for?”

Chatan shook his head.

“Good. I need to talk to you later. Give me a call. And George may need you tonight, for a short bit.”

He sighed. “Of course.”

“That goes for you too, Loval,” Joe added.

“Figured that. See you then,” Loval answered.

Joe pulled Chatan aside and lowered his voice. “This young woman, is she with you?”

Chatan dipped his head slowly.

“I sense her. Tell her we’ll keep her safe.”

“Will do. If I can convince her to stick around. I imagine she’s nervous right now. Worried these assholes are going to track her down.”

“We won’t let them. Relax. Convince her it’s safer here until we can stop Josephine.”

“I’ll try.”


* * * *


Jacinda sat on the floor of the truck, shaking like a leaf. She’d managed to transmute the dress, making it bigger, and just big enough to fit Taryn.

And then the big guy scented her. Weird, because she never wore perfume or used scented soaps or anything. But Chatan said she smelled like flowers. She never noticed a scent. Maybe she needed to find a way to hide that.

Loval and Taryn drove away while Chatan spoke to the cop who came by.

If she thought she could sneak out and get to her car without notice, she’d leave now. But Chatan would likely track her down. And maybe she wanted to be caught.

Chatan climbed into the driver seat. “You hear all that?”

“Yeah, and I should really go.”

“You’re safer here than anywhere else. At least until Josephine’s out of the way.” Chatan started up the truck.

“You keep saying that, but if they’re going to be causing a ton of problems, then you’re all better off without me.”

“Jace, I wouldn’t be better off without you.”

“You hardly know me,” she answered, too much feeling in her voice.

His hand touched her shoulder and the spell melted away, revealing her. “Just an illusion?”

She sighed, laying her head back against the door. “Hiding a person is much harder than an inanimate object. I never could keep the spell up if touched.”

“Good thing that fucker didn’t get the door opened.”

Jacinda nodded, then closed her eyes. “Look, I know you want to protect me, but I don’t need protection. The only reason I hid is because you told them I wasn’t here.”

“Just like everyone else. Well, Jenna must have opened her big mouth, but that doesn’t matter because not a single damned person is going to back her up.”

Shaking her head, she climbed into the seat and pulled on the seatbelt. “You can’t guarantee that, and I don’t need a whole town lying for me.”

“I’ve seen the leftover pieces from Josephine’s victims, Jace. Not much left. The remains reek of dark magic.”

“Why does she send a bunch of perfectly human men to pick up casters?” Jacinda countered. “Think this through a minute, Chatan. She’s not coming herself. I managed to get away from them. I could always leave and come back when she’s no longer an issue.”

“They’d only follow, find you, and drag you back. The cuffs they use block magic. Block it, Jacinda.”

Her eyes narrowed. “How much do you know about their methods?”

“I’ve helped try to stop them. Someone found a pair of the cuffs they dropped. The elders examined them. How did you get out of them?”

“How do you know I was in them?” she countered.

“Saw the marks on your wrists. Nothing else causes those marks.”

“Observant. Why didn’t you say so the first night?”

He sighed. “You were shaken badly enough. Didn’t want you worried you needed to leave. Or that I’d share your secret. You’re safer here.”

She didn’t want to argue, and she wasn’t ready to leave yet. “I picked the lock.”

Chatan relaxed. “Full of surprises, aren’t you?”

“I’m resourceful. I learned long ago that you can’t only rely on magic.”

“True, but not many as connected to their magic have realized that.”

“Keep in mind my mother taught me to rely on anything I can. She’s an excellent seer, but she can’t cast like I can. Not sure anyone can.”

“You’re the only one we know of who has escaped the guys.”

“Chatan, how do you know so much about all of this?”

He sighed. “It’s a small town, and the Elders want us informed. They’re trying to stop it, but so far, they haven’t been able to catch anyone in the act.”

She couldn’t help thinking he was hiding something. Was that why he left the other night? Why he came by with food so late? “Were you there the night they tried to take me?”

“I was working.”

“At the nursery?”

He shook his head. “I have a few jobs. Some nights I work the night shift at the motel. I work at the nursery. I help where needed.”

“You were there.” She turned to look out the window.

“Fine, yes, I was there. I didn’t get there in time. I saw you leaving the parking lot.”

She had a feeling that wasn’t the whole story. But she didn’t want to give up all her secrets, so why should he.

“Do you really think I could stand by and let something happen to anyone?” he asked, a defensive note in his voice.

“No. Sorry. Look, I’m worried about everyone here. If they find out I’m here, what will they do?”

“It’s a town full of shaman, druids, and other casters. They’ll handle themselves.”

She rubbed at her temples. “Just like all those people carted off? Why haven’t they come here?”

“We’re protected. The wards keep her out, and she knows what would happen if she were to attack our people.”

“But they’re still looking for me here,” she protested.

“They won’t find you. Your car is a different color than you parked at the diner. It has a different license plate.”

“Magic,” she answered.

“Exactly. But you’ll stay safe here. You can hide. We’ll protect you.”

“Fine, for now. I haven’t found what I’m looking for anyway.” But if they got too close, or she sensed Thanatos closing in, she’d leave in a heartbeat.

“You found a friend. One who cares deeply for you.”

So aggravating, and only because she felt it too. None of what she shared with Chatan made sense. She’d known him for a few days. That was it. And she felt more connected to him than she did her own mother. The thought of leaving him behind tore her up, but she’d do it to protect him.

She needed to understand why they felt so deeply for each other in such a short time.

“Why?” she demanded. “You hardly know me. What if I’m more trouble than it’s worth.”

“You’re not. No one is. And if love were always easy, it wouldn’t be worth it.”

Her eyes widened. She wasn’t even sure what that word meant, but she suspected that’s where she was headed and that scared the hell out of her. Especially if he was already there. “Don’t tell me you’re in love,” she whispered.

“Didn’t say that. But what is growing between us could become love.” He blew out a breath. “Too forward?”

Maybe, but she had to know. “Tell me something, Chatan. When I leave, and I will have to, what do you expect will happen to us?”

“I’ll follow—if this keeps growing and evolving into what I think it will, I’ll have to follow my heart.”

Her mouth fell open. No words came to her. She never expected that. But he didn’t understand what would come for her, eventually.

He parked at his aunt’s house and took her hand. “Jace, listen to me. I’m not saying what this is, but I know you feel it too. It’s something I want to explore. Can you say you don’t?”

“You don’t understand. You can’t. Something has hunted my bloodline for ages. There’s only a few of us left. And when I go, it will be to protect you and everyone else here, even if I don’t find what I’m looking for.”

“What’s hunting you?”

“You wouldn’t believe me if I told you.”

“Try me,” he countered.

“No, I can’t. Look, I’m not afraid of Josephine or her goons. They’re all a bunch of assholes I could easily deal with. It’s not like I’m walking around the streets looking for trouble.”

“I’m sorry. I never said you can’t handle yourself. I just worry. I’d worry for anyone, but you’re special.”

“You don’t have any idea how much I wish you’d stop saying that.”

“Tell me something, Jacinda. What do you feel for me? You feel what’s between us, don’t you?”

Hysteria threatened to take over. What she felt was too much. “Damn it, Chatan. What do you want from me?”

“You. And for you to trust me.”

“I’m trying, but you’re still hiding something from me.”

“Just like you’re hiding shit from me. And I get it. Whatever big bad is in your past, you don’t want to scare me off. But I got news for you. Nothing is going to scare me away. I’ve seen big and bad. Nothing you can tell me is going to shock me.”

“Drop me off at my room, please.”

“You’ll still come to dinner?”

“I don’t know. You’re making all this so complicated.”

“Jace, it’s not complicated. You aren’t safe beyond the reservation, at least until Josephine is stopped. You want me as bad as I want you.”

She threw her hands up. He kept saying that, but then stopped before they got anywhere. “I really doubt that. You keep stopping after kissing me for a few seconds.”

He banged his hand on the steering wheel. “I’m trying to prove I want more than sex with you.”

“I can’t stay forever, and you can’t come with me when I do leave. So maybe it’s best if I just stop spending time with you. You seem to want more than I can give you.”


* * * *


Chatan already knew he was playing with fire. He couldn’t fucking help it either. Nothing worth having wasn’t worth fighting for. And maybe she needed to be shown what he wanted.

She was a grown ass woman and maybe the lack of experience wasn’t a problem. Jacinda knew what she wanted. And maybe if he gave her a piece of himself, she’d see they belonged together. Because he knew, without a doubt, that making love to her would bind them together in a way she wasn’t expecting.

He felt it, knew it, and he wasn’t going to regret it when that bond slipped into place, especially if she wanted to hide what she was running from.

Because even if he didn’t have all the answers, he knew people who could help get those answers and clear up the problem up for her.

“I’ll drop you off at the motel, but I’ll be back to get you for dinner.” In fact, he’d be early, if Taryn and Loval didn’t think he was a complete moron for what he planned to do. Loretta—well, she’d likely tell him he was a fool, just like his father.

He was nothing like his father.


He pulled into the motel and she climbed out without looking back and shut herself behind the door. He growled in frustration and drove home.

Everything had been so perfect. At least, he believed so. Maybe he was foolish. Maybe nothing was the way he imagined.





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