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Finding His Omega: M/M Shifter Mpreg Romance (Alphas Of Alaska Book 2) by Emma Knox (3)

Chapter 3


Get back over here, pretty boy.”

Kyle spun around to glance over at me, an amused sneer spread across his face. I was still in bed…naked and wanting to feel his body close to mine.

Kyle slung a grey t-shirt over his head. “What?” He laughed with appeal and shine.

“I’m not done with you yet,” I said firmly, aiming to scare him enough with directive recourse that he would take me seriously as an Alpha.

“We can’t stay in bed forever.” Kyle rolled his eyes. “The weekend is over and I need to get back to work.”

I sat up and stared at him. He was fascinating, but I didn’t understand why an Omega was having this type of effect over me.

“Where is it exactly that you work?” I quizzed him.

Kyle flicked his gorgeous dark eyes at me. “I’m an office worker.”

He walked over to his dresser and glanced at me through the mirror while placing a black watch on his wrist.

“What kind of office worker?” I pressed because I wanted to know everything about him.

Kyle laughed and turned around to assess me, propping his arms on the dresser behind me. “I’m not used to the firing round of questions from an Alpha wanting my life story,” he teased.

“I’m just trying to get to know you better,” I told him and sat up in the bed, removing the sheets from my torso to expose my hardening Alpha cock.

Kyle’s eyes trailed from my gaze and then slowly crept down to my Alpha package, pointing erect to the ceiling.

“You better put that thing away,” he warned in a joking tone.

“What can you do about it if I don’t, Omega?”

Kyle laughed at my comment and I admired the way his eyes sparkled and lit up his face when he was happy. “I suppose there’s not anything I can do about it in that case.”

He was so lighthearted, charismatic and exceedingly easy going. I narrowed my eyes in on him. “I’ve never really met anyone like you before.”

Kyle approached me slowly and stood next to me by the bed. “I’m not sure whether I should take that as a compliment or not.”

I decided to let him squirm a while by not mollifying him with an instant answer on how I meant that comment.

“Do you want me to make you breakfast?” I asked him with a smirk.

“You cook?” Kyle looked genuinely surprised.

“I resent that,” I said and grabbed him by the hips. “I might just have to punish you if you keep talking back to me.”

“I’m not talking back to you.” Kyle chuckled.

“Well fine…” I stared off past him reflectively. “Disrespecting me then.”

“Make me some eggs then.” Kyle rolled his eyes.

I stood up and stretched, making sure to stand there naked for several seconds, relishing in the way Kyle’s eyes traced up and down my body. If I wasn’t already naked I’m sure he’d be undressing me with his eyes.

I climbed into a pair of shorts from Kyle’s closet, much to his enjoyment.

“I’ll make us eggs and toast,” Kyle said and wandered over to the refrigerator, retrieving the carton of eggs and some butter.

“Thank God.” I sighed and pretended to be relieved that I didn’t have to do any of the work. “I am your guest after all.”

“Exactly.” Kyle shot me one of his million dollar smiles that lit up the room and made my heart feel like it was going to explode with desire.

I drummed my fingers on top of the bar counter. “So…” I said.

“So…” Kyle grinned and bit his bottom lip, plopping two pieces of bread into his toaster and slapping the button as the bread slid down into the bottom.

“You still never told me what you did for a living?”

“Oh right.” Kyle sniffed and placed two eggs into a frying pan. “It’s just an office job.”

“You sure are annoyingly vague.” I rolled my eyes, teasing him.

“We are a trading company,” Kyle told me and stared into my eyes for a few moments, making my heart flip.

“That sounds boring.” I laughed.

Kyle snorted, but nodded his head in agreement. “Yeah…sometimes. I mean…it can be.” He scratched the back of his dirty blond hair. “Well what about you, Mr. Bigshot?” Kyle grinned. “What does a badass Alpha such as yourself do for a living? Roam your pack and tell other people what to do?”

I gave him a smug smile. “More or less.”

“I knew it,” Kyle said and winked at me.

“I’m a small business owner,” I confessed.

“Of course you are,” Kyle joked and flipped the fried eggs in the skillet.

“Need any help?” I offered.

“Nope.” Kyle shook his head. “I’ve got it under control.”

“An Omega after my own heart.” I laughed…but then thought about how my feelings for him were frightening me already because they were moving at warp speed, making my pulse race with confusion and desperate need that I’d never experienced before he came along.

Kyle took the eggs on the skillet away from the heat and placed them on two separate plates.

“Butter?” He glanced up at me quizzically while popping the toasted bread slices out of the toaster and putting them alongside the eggs.

“Yeah…” I said and glanced out the window.

“What’s it like being in the Crow pack?”

“Hmm?” I was distracted, but uncertain for the root of the cause.

Kyle chuckled. “What are you thinking about?”

I cleared my throat and shook my head. “Nothing really,” I said firmly.

“I’m just curious to know what it’s like with a bunch of Alpha’s.” Kyle laughed.

“Exactly what you would think it was like,” I said and took the plate gratefully as Kyle handed it to me. “A bunch of guys wanting to shit talk each other and one up each other on a daily basis.”

“Sounds fun.” Kyle winked and chewed a piece of toast.

He was cute, he was charming and I felt relaxed around him. I didn’t know where that would lead me, but I knew I was going to end up craving more from him.

“I want to see you again,” I blurted out of nowhere.

Kyle’s jaw stopped chewing mid-bite. “Okay…” he mumbled with a mouth full of food then gulped it down. “I want to see you again too.” His eyes gleamed and sparkled.

In the back of my mind all I could picture was his glistening, wet asshole and my cock ramming it hard.

I didn’t think that it could be love that I was experiencing, but then again I would have no idea what love was if it slapped me right in the face.

“You sure know how to make a good egg,” I told him and swallowed down a hefty gulp of orange juice. “I might just have to keep you around.” I winked at him for effect.

“It’s been a while since I’ve um…” Kyle trailed off, scratching his head and looked embarrassed.

“What?” I laughed.

“Well…you know…” Kyle leaned in. “Since I’ve gotten to make an Alpha breakfast.

“I’m honored,” I said with playful sarcasm.

“The pleasure’s all mine,” Kyle said seductively.

I wanted to jump his bones and throw him back on his bed. I needed to keep fucking him until my eyes rolled back in my head and my arms and legs felt fuzzy.

I glanced back at a picture hanging on the wall in the kitchen. In the photograph was Kyle and he was grinning from ear to ear, holding a giant bass and a fishing rod with a lake in the background.

I studied the picture, because Kyle looked incredibly happy and had his arm around another guy who looked around the same age as him.

“Who’s that?” I wiped my mouth and pointed to the man in question.

Kyle smirked at me. “Jealous?”

I scoffed with resentment, even though secretly Kyle had nailed it on the head. “No,” I lied.

Kyle continued to grin at me as if he knew he was tormenting me internally.

“It’s my older brother Chad.”

“Chad?” I asked and raised my eyebrows, immediately feeling relief rush over me to know that it wasn’t a former lover of Kyle’s or something.

“Yep. He lives about twenty minutes away. He’s got his own Alpha and they just had a new pup about a year ago.”

“Interesting…” I said and continued to stare at the picture.

Kyle looked inquisitive. “Is it?”

“Is it what?” I looked at him with confusion.

Kyle shrugged. “Interesting? I don’t know…my brother loves to fish. I don’t really care either way…it’s’ not really my sport. That day when we went out to the lake though, I caught that giant bass within thirty minutes of arriving.”

I studied Kyle as he chuckled with delighted nostalgia at the memory. It was fun getting to know him and I found myself dreading the moment when we would have to part ways.

“My brothers and I prefer to hunt the um…old fashioned way.” I grinned at him.

“Yeah…I know.” Kyle rolled his eyes. “I’m actually surprised that you ate these eggs and toast,” he admitted.

I laughed. “Well to be honest, meat would have been better…but I decided to give you the benefit of the doubt because you look so damn sexy in the kitchen cooking for me.”

Kyle blushed from the compliment. “Thanks,” he said softly and took a sip of the coffee he’d made for me.

“It’s okay,” I reassured him. “I can just go on a hunt later.”

“What’s that like?” Kyle asked with curiosity.

“An adrenaline rush…going in for the kill.” I stared at Kyle who looked white as a ghost.

“Don’t worry.” I rolled my eyes and pushed myself back in the chair and into a standing position again. “I’m not going to hurt you.”

“That’s good to know.” Kyle laughed.

“Well…” I added. “Maybe just a little.”

“I’ve enjoyed it so far,” Kyle said with a sexy flare.

I glanced at the clock on his microwave. “So, what time do we need to part ways?” The pang of emptiness in my heart was already swelling.

Kyle glanced over at the clock too. “Pretty soon actually.”

I decided to wear my heart on my sleeve, and cast my inhibitions to the wind. It was up to me, as the Alpha to pursue my Omega in heat.

If I ever wanted to start a family of my own I would need to act fast before Kyle found another Alpha to provide for him and have pup’s with.

He was cute and charismatic. He wouldn’t remain on the market for long, that much was certain.

“I want to ask you something,” I said assertively.

Kyle was at the coat closet by his front door, rifling around in there. He poked his head out and glanced back at me. “Sure, what is it?” He sounded slightly nervous.

“It’s more of a…proposition of sorts.” I grinned wildly and slowly walked over to meet him by the door.

“Okay, well I’m all ears,” he said with a cute smile that floored me.

“I’d like to ask you out on a date,” I said with confidence and pride, even though on the inside I was gasping for air and had no clue what Kyle’s response would be.

I could tell that he was interested in me…that much was already clear by the way he moaned and screamed during sex and beamed back at me with bright enthusiasm.

“Really?” Kyle asked with alarm.

“Why do you sound so surprised?” I asked.

“Because you are an Alpha.” Kyle laughed.

“Don’t let our reputation speak for me in particular or taint your viewpoint,” I directed him.

Kyle shrugged humbly and laughed. I don’t know why, but his reaction was offending me. Being the true Alpha that I was, I thought it was necessary to call him out on it.

“What’s so funny? Why are you laughing?” I didn’t mean for my voice to sound full of bitter animosity, but apparently it did because Kyle changed his tune immediately and his face fell.

“I’m not laughing at you…” he trailed off. “It’s just…the thought of going on a date with you and how weird it would look has me chuckling,” he said comically.

“Why would an Alpha going out on a date with an Omega seem weird to you?” I asked with confusion. “It happens all the time.”

“I know,” Kyle said defensively. “It would just look weird to my friends and family given the fact that I’m engaged…to a woman.”