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Fix My Fall (The Fix Series Book 3) by Carey Heywood (10)


“She’s into you.”

I glance over at Duncan. “Who?”

He grins and moves his gaze to the door Dr. Hudson just walked through.

Dr. Nadine Hudson is the department head and not into me. “Get back to work.”

“I’m serious. Every update meeting we have all she does is look at you, and not just look at you. No, she is fucking you with her eyes.”

“You’re delusional.”

“Fine, don’t believe me.”

Blocking him out, I focus on the reports I was evaluating.

“What’s going on with Abby? Are you still friend-zoned?”

“Don’t you have some images to catalog?”

He ignores me. “Are you meeting her for coffee tonight?”

Why he’s asking me a question he already knows the answer to, I don’t know. I meet her every week.

“You should try and kiss her.”

My head shifts toward him. “Shut up.”

“I’m serious. Kiss her and then if she still talks to you, you’ll know she likes you too.”

Abby’s plump lips bloom within my mind.

“Dr. Hill?”

Abby’s lips disappear as Dr. Hudson walks back into our lab. “Yes?”

“I forgot to ask if you were attending the Titan Conference?”

Pushing away from my desk, I grab my phone. “Is that the one in Quebec?”

As I scroll through the calendar app on my phone, she answers. “Yes.”

When I agree to go to a conference, I save all of my corresponding travel arrangements in the notes section of the date. Once I find it, I reply, “I am currently scheduled to attend.”

“We should fly up together.”

I look up from my phone. Duncan might be right. Her gaze meets mine and she holds it. Studies have shown that when someone makes eye contact for an extended period of time it is a sign of attraction.

“My flight is already booked.”

She straightens her jacket. “Forward me your itinerary and I’ll see if I can get on the same flight.”

With a few finger touches on my phone, I send the information to her. “Done.”

She lingers. “Was there anything else Dr. Hudson?”

Her hand goes to her braid. It’s how she styles her hair every day.

“That’s all.”

She turns to leave and I watch as the door closes behind her. “I think you’re right.”

Duncan jumps up from his desk and comes over to me. “I am a master of love.”

It’s pointless to remind him his wife wouldn’t be on another continent if that was true.

“She wants to be on the same flight so you’ll check in at the same time and she will know your hotel room number.”


He folds his arms over his chest. “Have you ever had sex at one of these conferences?”

I blink. “No.”

He walks away, shaking his head. “Youth is wasted on the young.”

“You’re five years older than me,” I argue.

Slumping back into his chair, he turns it to face me. “She wants your room number. At some point on the first night, she will knock on your door. It will be for an innocent reason, like dinner or your opinion on a research report. Then her clothes will come off and there will be sex.”

“That’s not going to happen.”

He scoffs and I return to my desk.

“You should take Dr. Hudson to that party Abby invited you to.”

“Why would I do that?”

“Fastest way out of the friend zone is to show her that another woman finds you desirable as a mate.”

What’s frightening is I can follow his logic. I must be losing my mind.

“Enough talk for now. I need to concentrate.”

“When you meet up with Abby. Ask her if you can bring someone to the birthday thing and see what her reaction is.”

Interesting. “Your theory?”

His lips tip up and he rubs his palms together. “My theory is that Abby Thompson likes you. My proposal to test that theory is for you to see if she reacts to another woman with jealousy.”

“I don’t want to make Abby jealous.”

“If you aren’t going to kiss her, how else can you find out her feelings?”

With my thoughts churning, I refocus on my work. It’s difficult to keep them there, when Abby has invaded so many of them. Making her jealous would be wrong and unforgivable. Kissing her without confirming if she wanted me to or not would be the equivalent to forcing myself on her. There’s no way I could do that either.

Clicking save, I close the file I was reviewing and then shut down my computer.

“I’m taking off.”

I’m not going to make her jealous, and I’m not going to force myself on her. What I am going to do is get to the coffee shop before her and order her coffee for her. It will show her that I pay attention to the things she likes.

Duncan starts making kissing noises from his desk. For an honest to God genius, he’s screwy as hell.

Slipping on my coat, I sling my messenger bag over my shoulder. “Bye.”

The drive to the coffee shop has become as familiar as my drive in each morning. When I park, I discover my plan to beat Abby has been foiled. She’s already here.

It’s impossible to miss her through the large window. Her profile is to me and, instead of her usual heavy coat, a lighter weight jacket hangs from the back of her chair. The low temperature this morning has risen enough that I don’t need my coat at all. I left both it and my bag in my car.

“You’re here early,” Abby greets once I reach her table.

I watch as she pushes some files into a folder and slips it into her bag. “I hope I’m not interrupting your other work.”

“Not at all. I’m just way early. I didn’t grab you a coffee though. I didn’t want it to be cold by the time you got here. Sit down and I’ll grab you one now.”

She stands, but before she can move past me, I stop her. “I can get my own coffee.”

Her eyes move to where my hand grips her arm. My fingers loosen and I drop my hand.

I’m halfway to the counter when she calls, “Get it to go. I have a place I want you to see.”

She comes to stand beside me as I wait for my order. Once she’s there, close enough to kiss, I have an idea. She jumps when my hand wraps around the strap of the tote bag she uses to lug around all of her files.

“What are you

“It looked heavy,” I interrupt.

There are Christmas lights spun around and across the two pillars that frame the counter where you order and then further down where you pick up your drinks. Her blue eyes catch their light and sparkle as her smile goes full watt.

She is lovely.

Tugging her tote up onto my shoulder, I marvel at its weight. I’ve rarely seen her without it.

“Why do you carry so many files around with you?”

Her brows go up. “I need them all.”

“You definitely don’t need to do any weight lifting if you carry this around all of the time.”

She lifts her arm and flexes. “That and ping pong.”

I throw my head back and laugh.

When I look back down at her, she’s covering her mouth to hide her giggles.

“Here you go.”

My attention shifts to the barista with my coffee. “Thank you.”

“Let’s go.”

She leads the way out of the coffee house and to her car. As we walk past it, I try a gauge its storage space.

“Any hints as to where we’re heading, or is it a surprise?”

She keeps her eyes on the road. “It won’t be a surprise for long. We’re almost there.”

Moments later, she’s parking in front of a house that could have easily been a neighbor to the house the Brady Bunch grew up in.

“What do you think?” She asks as soon as we’re both out of the car.

“Like I should be wearing a leisure suit,” I reply.

Her eyes twinkle with mischief. “Just wait until you see the inside.”

Her words could not prepare me for the sight that meets my eyes once she opens the front door. Psychedelic wallpaper in a bold pattern covers the walls, while a pea green shag carpet covers the floors. Tiled panels stretch across the ceiling and from the center of it, a gigantic brass light fixture hangs.

“It’s like a time capsule.”

She comes to stand beside me. “Oh, wait until you see the kitchen.”

“I’m scared,” I admit.

She laughs, then surprises me by grabbing my hand to tug me further into this blast from the past house.

The décor of the place aside, it’s free of furniture. My heart thumps loudly in the vacuum of its empty space. So loud, I wonder if she can hear it.

Hopeful she can’t, I don’t let go. Her hand is warm and soft in mine. One hand of two that I’ve dreamt of touching me in innumerable ways.

When we reach the kitchen, she’s the one who releases her hold on my hand so she can showcase each original to the home appliance in full Price is Right fashion.

“Impressive. As fun as looking at this house has been, I’m scared to ask why you wanted me to see it.”

She covers her mouth in mock surprise. “You mean you’re not ready to put an offer in on it?”

“Very funny.”

She grins at me and I’m so struck by her beauty in that moment I forget how to breathe, an act I’ve done without fail since birth.

“Do me a favor.”

I stop myself from telling her I’d do anything for her and nod instead.

“Close your eyes.”

She smirks at me when I hesitate. On my next exhale, I do as she bids and lower my lids.

“Can you picture the front room?”

I shove my hands into my pockets. “Unfortunately.”

She laughs and I open my eyes to watch.

Shaking her finger she admonishes me. “Keep them closed.”

As ordered, I close my eyes again, holding her gaze as I do.

“Now, picture the front room again.”

The tacky wallpaper and shag carpet reappear in my mind.

“Imagine the walls a cool stone gray. It’s a more interesting neutral than boring old beige. Do you see it?”

Gone is the wallpaper in my mind, the bust print dissolving into the gray she suggested. Instantly, the space seems larger.

“Now, that stunning pea green shag carpet? Replace it with reclaimed hardwood floors. The warm tones and distressed look of the floors will act as a contradiction to the cool simplicity of the walls.”

Her words guide the image in my mind, each syllable like a mental stroke from a paintbrush.

“The ceilings?” I ask.

I can sense her smile at my question.

“Without the distraction from the wallpaper and carpet, all the ceiling tiles need is a fresh coat of white paint. Now, that light fixture on the other hand has got to go. Imagine an open circle of silver pipe, gradually coiling into wide smaller circles toward the center with globes of light randomly along the bends.”

My eyes pop open and lock on hers. “Like a giant solar system.”

She gulps and nods.

I’ve never wanted to kiss her as much as I do in this moment.

Before I can, she lifts her hands and slowly lowers them, motioning for me to close my eyes again. Once they’re closed, she takes me on a journey through each room of the house. In the end, she’s shown me a possibility of a house that would check every box on my wish list.

“What do you think?”

Reaching up, I rub the back of my neck. “I’m not sure.”

She frowns and I know I’ve chosen my words poorly. There’s no way I can tell her, as perfect as this house may be for me, now I’m looking for a home that would be perfect for us.

With every house she’s shown me, I’ve been creating a wish list separate from my own. One where I’ve saved each and every reaction she’s had.

This house is great, and while it is vintage, I know she’d love something older.

“Is it the work that’s putting you off?”

I shake my head. “No, not at all. In fact, thanks to my amazing realtor, I happen to already know a great contractor I could hire.”

That softens her frown, but it doesn’t stop her from asking, “Would you like to sleep on it?”

“Before you bought your house, the first time you saw it, did you know it was the right one for you?”

She taps her chin. “Ah, I see. There were houses I saw that in theory were better than the one I bought. Problem is, none of them spoke to me in the way my old house did. A house can be perfect on paper but you still need to trust your instincts.”

Her eyes bug and she surprises me by bursting out in laughter. “I’m the last person to talk about trusting your instincts when buying a house.”

“Don’t say that.”

She leans back against the kitchen cabinet. “It’s only funny because it’s true.”

I move to stand beside her, as close as I dare. She’s the one who leans against me, so I settle my arm across her shoulders.

She tucks in closer to my side and inhales. “I did it. I didn’t tell you earlier because I was excited to show you this place. I no longer own anything. I sold the land I could and didn’t have to borrow money from Asher to pay off the difference to the bank.”

Her hair smells like vanilla today, making it hard to concentrate on doing anything other than shoving my face into it. “What’s left over?”

She looks up at me. “Believe it or not, I was able to negotiate with the bank to lower the amount owed.”

My eyes widen. “They did?”

She laughs, pressing her cheek to my chest. “I know, it surprised me too but I figured the worst they’d do was say no.”

My arm tightens around her shoulders. “That’s great news.”

“Yes, I’ve been throwing every extra dollar I’ve had at the loan since I moved in with Sam. Between that, selling a ton of stuff, and the land to my neighbor, I only had to borrow ten thousand from Asher.”

I wish I could give that amount to her. Hell, I’d give her ten times that if she asked.

“Can you handle that?”

She grins up at me. “Like a boss.”

My hand moves of its own volition to cup her cheek. “You are amazing.”

Her cheeks turn pink and she blinks up at me with parted lips.


I need to kiss her now. My head dips, my face moving closer to hers.

The door squeaks as it opens. “Abby. Hey, it’s Sam. Where are you?”

We freeze and then Abby quickly shuffles out of my arms and to the other side of the kitchen.

We stare at each other with wide eyes.

“Abby?” Samantha calls out again.

“In here,” Abby replies, her voice thick.

“Hey chica, I knew you’d—” She freezes in the doorway when she sees me. “I’m so sorry, I didn’t know you were here.” Her gaze moves to Abby. “I saw your car and assumed you were here to see the blast from the past.”

Abby smiles broadly at her but her smile doesn’t reach her eyes. “I thought Spencer would get a kick out of the place.”

Samantha’s attention shifts back to me. “What do you think of it?”

Avoiding Abby’s eyes, I shrug. “Once you look past the unique décor, it has a lot of potential.”

Samantha braces herself against the doorframe. “Are you going to make an offer?”

Still not looking at Abby, I shake my head.

Samantha frowns. “Bummer, it would have been a fun place to watch someone I know update.”

Abby pushes away from the wall. “We were about to leave.”

Samantha cocks her head to the side, her eyes traveling over Abby’s face. “Let me move my car. I’m blocking you.”

Abby gulps. “Thanks.”

I walk behind them and listen as Samantha cheerfully remarks on the walls, carpet, and any other décor we pass between the kitchen and the front door.

“Oh, I wonder what the bell sounds like,” Samantha, says once we’re all at the door.

Bells chime from somewhere in the house, baum baum baum baum, baum baum baum baum. Clearly, nothing here has been updated, even the bell.

Samantha grins at both of us. “That’s one hell of a bell.”

“I like the new smart doorbells that sync up to your phone.”

Samantha lifts one shoulder. “Don’t get me wrong, those are cool, but there’s nothing like these old doorbells.”

“Well, I’ll see you later tonight.” Abby pauses, before adding. “If you don’t already have plans.”

Samantha looks at her feet. “Brent and I are going out to dinner.” She looks up. “Want to join us?”

Abby waves her hands in front of her. “And be the third wheel? Nope, no thanks, I’m good.”

“Would you like to have dinner with me?” I blurt.

They both turn to stare at me.

When a few seconds go by without Abby answering me, Samantha elbows her.

“Oh, you don’t have to.”

My eyes don’t leave hers and I think about what might have happened if Samantha hadn’t of walked in when she did. “I want to.”

Abby gulps.

“She’d love to,” Samantha replies.

Abby’s gaze snaps to her friend but Samantha is already on the move, making a beeline to her car.

“You sure? You don’t have to accept just because you feel sorry for me.”

“I’m positive.”




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