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Fix My Fall (The Fix Series Book 3) by Carey Heywood (19)


Shoving my phone into my purse, I grab my keys and give a farewell wave to where Sam and Brent are sitting. “I’m going to go pick up Spencer from the airport.”

“We’re heading over to Brent’s place as soon as this show is over so I probably won’t be here when you get back.”

“Okay, I’ll see you at work tomorrow.”

Smiling to myself, I make my way to my Highlander. There’s only one reason Sam made a point to let me know she wouldn’t be here tonight, so I wouldn’t feel weird about having Spencer spend the night. It’s crazy how much I’ve missed him since he’s only been gone a couple days.

I can’t wait to see him.

After I park, I hurry in and check the arrivals board to see if he’s landed and am surprised to see his plane came in fifteen minutes early. After looking around, I spot him right away and my belly fills with warmth. Until I notice Dr. Hudson standing with him.

She’s leaning toward him as he leans away. At the sight of her, whatever warm fuzzies I had dull.

Be the bigger person and don’t kick your boyfriend’s boss’s ass, I remind myself as I continue my approach.

Their backs are to me.

“Your girlfriend isn’t here; did she forget what time you were arriving?”

I blink.

He starts when I link my arm through his. “Hey honey.”

The moment his eyes meet mine I see him relax. His head dips and he greets me with an enthusiastic kiss. As much as I dislike his colleague, and the vibes she gives, it’s impossible not to melt against him and forget an audience.

He lifts his head. “Hi.”

I smile up at him. “Hi.”


My smile falls and we both look at Dr. Hudson.

Her pinched expression reminds me of the look someone would make if they drank sour milk. “Hello Gabby.”

“It’s Abby,” Spencer corrects.

She gives me a bland smile. “Sorry about that.”

I wrap my arm around Spencer’s waist and lean into him. “It’s alright.”

Her expression hardens but she quickly schools it into something softer. “I expect I’ll be seeing you at our annual donor banquet.”

My brows come together and Spencer stiffens.

Her eyes flash when she recognizes I have no idea what she’s talking about. “Or maybe not. Well, I should be going. I’ll see you tomorrow Spencer, and it was nice seeing you again Abby.”

Her heels click as she walks away.

Before I can ask Spencer what she was talking about, he says, “Bye Dr. Hudson.”

At his words, her step falters. She quickly recovers and without even turning around, gives a wave.

Neither of us says anything until she’s out of sight.

“What banquet?”

He ducks his head. “I only learned about it this week and was going to ask you. I’m not sure what your schedule looks like, but it’s next weekend.”

“Next weekend? Is it black tie?”

He cringes. “It is.”

As much as the prospect of finding a dress short notice worries me, there’s no way I’m missing the opportunity to see Spencer in a tux. “I’d love to go.”

As soon as the words leave my lips my anxiety reawakens and I start to wonder if he’s only inviting me because I found out about it.

“That is if you really want me to go.”

Shifting so his body fully faces mine, he frames my face with his hands. “I wasn’t planning on attending. Today I found out attendance was strongly encouraged, as in mandatory. That’s the only reason for the late notice.”

Instantly, my nerves settle. I’m going to need to figure out a way to be around his boss without being on edge like this. Moreover, I can’t let whatever vibe I feel from her make me jump to conclusions with Spencer.

“I stand by my earlier statement. I’d love to go.”

Dipping his face, he presses his lips to my forehead. “I missed you.”

My gaze focuses on his neck. “Sam is spending the night at Brent’s tonight.”

One of his hands drops away, and he reaches into his pocket to pull out his cell phone.

His thumb moves over the screen before he lifts it to his ear. “Hi Mom.” He pauses. “Yes, my flight landed about twenty minutes ago.” Another pause. “The conference was good.” His thumb moves over my lips as his eyes lock with mine. “I wanted to let you know I won’t be home tonight.”

I feel those words all over.

Even though there’s no one within ear range I blush at what they imply.

“I’ll tell her you said hi.”

His hand slides down and around to hold the back of my neck. “I love you too. Bye.”

Still holding my gaze, he drops his hand and shoves his phone back into his pocket.

Then, his lips are on mine.

This kiss is hungry, demanding, and completely inappropriate for any public place.

Let them watch.

He lifts his head, pulling in a breath. “Let’s get out of here.”

I nod and reach for his hand.

I have to keep myself from speeding back to Sam’s place.

Anticipation is a good thing.

His hand slides up my leg to rest hot on my thigh. “Are you sure Sam won’t be there?”

My lips part. “I think so. Why?”

Fingertips dig into the fabric of my skirt as he tightens his hold on my leg. “We were interrupted the last time I kissed you against the door.”


All of my focus goes to the road ahead of me. It’d be a shame to end up in a ditch and not get to experience whatever Spencer has in mind.

Luckily, we make it back in one piece. “I’ll unlock the door, you watch for Emo.”

He laughs at the reminder of exactly who interrupted us the last time.

As I open the door, his hands move to my hips and in one smooth motion we’re inside with the door closed safely behind us. Emo is nowhere to be found. After that thought, all my attention moves solely to Spencer when he spins me to face him. The next moment I’m up, my back to the door, my legs circling his waist.

Our mouths crash, my fingers going to the buttons of his shirt.

As hot as our first kiss against this door was, this is hot on an entirely different level.

Now, there’s a confidence to the way he touches me. He knows how badly I want him and what to do to make me go wild for him. Likewise, my lips and fingers seek to touch the places that will drive him crazy.

I push his shirt off and over his shoulders, my palms gliding over his firm muscles.

“Um, hey guys.” Sam says from the mouth of the kitchen.

We freeze, locking eyes.

“I got to Brent’s and realized I forgot my makeup bag.”

My eyes close and I tuck my face into Spencer’s neck. I get in one good inhale before he slowly lowers me to the ground, his hands fixing my skirt.

As embarrassing as this is, thank God she didn’t walk out any later. She would have seen a whole lot more than Spencer shirtless and my skirt pushed up.

Cheeks aflame, I look at her. “We didn’t know you were here.”

She grins. “Obviously. Not that either of you want to hear this, but that was super hot. Well done.”

An awkward silence ensues.

Then she motions to the door we’re currently blocking. “I’m leaving so you can pick up where you left off as soon as I’m gone.”

Spencer shuffles us out of her way.

Once the door clicks closed behind her, Spencer looks down at me. “I’m guessing we’re not picking up where we left off?”

I give a pitiful shake of my head making him smile and say, “Someday we won’t be interrupted.”

“What we need to do is get places of our own.”

His brows come together. “Places?”

His confusion surprises me. “Yeah, you get a place and I’ll get a place.”

He tenderly cups my face. “Or we could get a place together.”

My mouth falls open.

At my expression, his face softens even more. “Why would that surprise you?”

Leaning closer to him, I steady myself by pressing my hands to his chest. “Don’t you think it’s too soon?”

He sweeps me up into his arms, making me squeal. “I don’t think it’s soon enough.”

My hands grip his shoulders. “I’m being serious.”

His lips move to my neck. “So am I.”

His idea has merit. Moving in together would save one of us having to get rid of a place later and the way things are going, it’s the direction we’re heading in already. Sure, it may move up the timeline a bit.

“What if we’re not suited to live together?”

He carries me over to the sofa and sits down with me across his lap. “Let’s talk about it. What are things that would be deal breakers for you?”

My mouth twists to the side as I think. “Um, I’d want to be equals.”

“In what way?”

“Decisions, expenses, um, I guess that’s about it.”

One second I’m on his lap, the next I’m on my back, his body covering mine. “Seems reasonable.”

I grin up at him. “So are we doing this?”

His eyes search mine. “I don’t know. Do you want to move in with me?”

Linking my arms around his neck, I pull his lips down to mine. “I do.”

My words are like a cork set free, unleashing a wave of passion from within us. Will it always be like this, this intense need for him? I hope so. I hope I never stop wanting to feel the weight of his body on mine, the taste of his lips on mine, and the confident way his hands move over me.

He kisses me as we make love, celebrating our decision to move in together on Sam’s couch.

Afterward, we lazily scoop up our clothes and carry them to my room. We order a pizza, Spencer throwing on pants so he can answer the door when it arrives. He strips again as I grab drinks and plates from the kitchen.

I laugh. “Are we really going to eat this naked?”

He serves me a slice. “Why not?”

Taking the plate, I wonder what I want more, my pizza or to tackle him and kiss him all over.

He makes an already perfect night even better when he picks up my remote and asks, “Want to watch Naruto?”

Setting my plate on my bedside table, I turn and throw myself at him. Turns out neither of us were as hungry as we thought we were.

Afterward, cold slice of pizza in my hand, I meet his eyes. “Naruto sounds great.”

He throws his head back and laughs.

* * *

Finley grabs my hand. “He asked you to move in with him?”

Grinning up at my future sister-in-law, I nod.

Her eyes bug. “Well, tell me everything. Isn’t he still living with his folks?”

I hold back a giggle at how excited she is and Paige shakes my knee. “Yes, tell us everything.”

Sam lifts her hand. “I have a feeling I’m the reason.”

Finley shifts her gaze to Sam. “What makes you say that?”

Sam gives the table a feline grin. “I walked in on them when they were about to get it on.”

Finley’s mouth drops open as Paige laughs. Me? I turn bright red.

Paige recovers and asks, “Were they naked?”

Sam shakes her head. “Nope. But, Spencer was shirtless.” She looks over at me. “I was not expecting those biceps. You go girl.”

Both Finley and Paige look at me and grin.

Luckily, I’m saved from their attention when Heather, Finley’s cousin from Texas, comes over carrying a tray of shots.

She passes the first one to Finley. “Here’s one for the bride to be.”

Finley gingerly accepts it. “I better not puke.”

Sam shrugs. “It’s not a true bachelorette party unless someone is tossing her cookies before the night is over.”

As Heather passes out the shots, she keeps looking over her shoulder at the bar. “That bartender is seriously hot.”

Paige looks around her and rolls her eyes. “Don’t let Malcolm hear you. His ego is already big enough.”

We’re at the Drunkin’ Moose for Finley’s bachelorette party. Paige worked here last year so she knows everyone. Apparently, Malcolm hit on her a few times. It’s no shock Asher came up here every night she worked to stake his claim. Paige couldn’t stand him at the time so she usually flipped him off each time she saw him. It’s crazy to think they’re engaged now.

Heather looks over her shoulder again. “I don’t mind a big ego as long as it’s not the only thing that’s big.”

Both Sam and Finley nod while Paige shakes her head. “He could be hung like the moose this bar is named after and I still wouldn’t touch him.”

Heather slides into her seat. “I’ve met Asher. If I had a man like that as an option I wouldn’t look twice at that bartender either.”

Finley fixes her veil and meets my gaze. “Don’t think you’re getting out of telling us all about you and Spencer moving in together.”

Paige lifts her shot. “Drinks first.”

We all lift our shots as Heather give a toast. “We all thought you were crazy when you bought that house and moved out here but here you are living out your dream, in a house you made beautiful with a man that would renovate heaven and earth to be by your side. You are happier than I’ve ever seen you and we are all thrilled you’re one step closer to your happily ever after.”

Finley blinks away tears as she mouths, I love you.

We press our glasses together and then throw them back. The moment my glass hits the table, all eyes are on me.

I lift my hands. “There isn’t much to tell at this point. Before, when I was helping Spencer look for a house we had a hard time finding exactly what he was looking for. Now that we have to worry about my must haves it will be even harder.”

Paige leans forward. “What part of town are you looking in?”

Sam gives me a look because she knows this has been a point of contention for me.

I ignore her. “We’re still figuring that out. Spencer wants to be close to the school but I’d like to be a bit farther out.”

Paige’s hand covers mine. “I don’t blame you. It’s too congested by the campus.”

Finley looks at me and we both try not to laugh. Paige lives on a secluded lake in the middle of nowhere. Of course anything else would seem crazy congested in comparison.

Heather tears her gaze away from Malcolm. “Are you having any issues agreeing on anything else?”

My brows come together as I mentally go over our recent conversations. “I’m a bit more particular about the floor plan but other than that we’re pretty much on the same page.”

“Aren’t you nervous about buying a place together? Why not rent first?” Heather asks.

Finley looks her way and nods in agreement. “What if he’s always leaving plates in the sink, or leaves dirty clothes everywhere?”

Paige laughs to herself for some reason, drawing our attention. “I used to give Asher so much crap about leaving dirty clothes all over the floor.”

Realization dawns. “That’s why he has that sign in your bedroom.”

She nods. “He made it to tease me, either way, it worked because now he puts all of his clothes in the hamper.”

Heather doesn’t look convinced. “What happens if it doesn’t work out and you need to move?”

I shrug. Her questions don’t bother me because they’re all things I’ve already considered.

“It would suck but, we’d either sell the place or one person would buy the other person out if there was any equity.”

Finley reaches over to pat my hand. “I’m sure everything will work out. You all are so cute together.”

Paige and Sam both quickly agree. Heather is too busy trying to catch Malcolm’s eye.

I take a sip of my drink and look over at Sam. “Any news on the Brent front?”

Finley wiggles in her chair. “There’s a Brent front? This sounds good.”

Pink hits Sam’s cheeks and she looks away.

None of us miss this.

Paige knocks her with her elbow. “Don’t be shy. Spill.”

With a grimace she meets our gazes. “I think Brent wants to move in together too.”

I blink. “And that’s bad news?”

She fiddles with her glass. “He wants me to move in with him.”

Okay, now I see the problem. Sam loves her condo and its complex. It’s her home and I’m not surprised she’d balk at leaving it. “He knows how long you’ve lived there. Why does he think his place is better?”

“He has two bedrooms and a loft. In his eyes, more space equals better space.”

Paige taps her fingers on the table. “Why not do what Abby and Spencer are doing and look for a new place together?”

I already know the answer to that question. “She doesn’t want to co-own anything yet. If he moves in with her, he’ll pay rent and if she moves in with him, she’ll do the same.”

Heather’s chair squeals across the floor as she pushes it back. “Alright, enough boy talk. Now, we’re going to drink, we’re going to dance, and we’re going to celebrate Finley’s final days as a single woman. I’m getting us another round.”

We all watch as she saunters over to Malcolm.

Finley frowns and looks at Paige. “How much of a player is he?”

Paige crosses her arms over her chest. “Think Gideon, times a hundred.”




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