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Forbidden Love - Part Three: Happy Ever After Endings by Zane Michaelson (18)

Chapter 26

Standing outside the arrivals lounge at Auckland Airport, my nerves were in overdrive.

I’d chewed my fingernails to stumps while staring at the arrivals board.

His flight had landed on time, and any minute now he’d walk through those doors. I couldn’t believe he was going to be here, in the flesh. My eyes welled up. Tears had been threatening all day because I was so happy and seeing him again was the icing on the cake. I didn’t want to lose my composure and took a few deep breaths.

“Calm down,” I told myself. “Deep breaths.”

It didn’t work. Nothing was going to calm me down until I knew he was here for real.

The doors opened, and I held my breath.

“Not him,” I said, trembling. The doors closed.

I tried peeking through the doors when they opened again, but there was no sign of him.

What if he wasn’t on the plane? I thought, too scared to say it out loud.

I stood outside those doors and waited for forty minutes. There was no sign of him.

Heartbroken, I couldn’t stop the tears from cascading down my cheeks. He promised me, but I guess it was too much of an ask to give up what he had in England, travel here and be with me. Maybe he’d met somebody else?

I crossed my fingers and walked through the double doors, glancing around, just to make sure he wasn’t waiting inside, but the terminal was deserted.

Turning around, I felt sick. I’d waited so long for this day.

Walking back to my car, I slumped into the seat, rested my head on the steering wheel, and cried my eyes out. I didn’t want to go home, only to be comforted by my mum. I felt stupid pinning my hopes and dreams on him. I should have known better.

Driving off, I decided I was going to focus on my business. Men can wait, and in time. I’d get over him and find somebody worthy of me. What the hell was I talking about? There was nobody else I wanted. He was big and strong, and loved me for me. It was meant to be. There was to be no fairytale ending for me. I drove around for an hour, my head sore from over thinking.

My car phone rang.

It was my home number.

I didn’t want to speak and diverted the call, but seconds later it rang again.

Accepting the call, I heard my mum’s voice. “Where are you?”

“Just left the airport. I’ll be home in twenty minutes. Do you want anything pi…”

She interrupted me mid flow. “Have you forgotten someone?”

“What do you mean?”

“You know – the person you went to the airport to collect.”

“He wasn’t on the plane, Mum.” I choked on a sob. “I waited at the airport and he wasn’t there.”

“I know that,” she said.


“Because he’s here.”

“What?” The car swerved as I momentarily lost control. “He’s there, really?”

“Yes. There was a problem with his luggage, and by the time he got through customs, his phone battery had died, and you were nowhere to be seen. He got a taxi straight here, so you best move it.”

“I thought he’d changed his mind.” Tears of joy ran down my cheeks.

There was a rustling sound.

“As if,” he said, speaking into the receiver. “Now, move your arse. I can’t wait to kiss you.”

“Okay,” I said, as the line went dead.

I was more nervous on the last leg of the journey home than I’d ever been in my life.

Pulling into my driveway, I could see my mum at the window. She’d probably been pacing the floors, chewing her own fingernails down to the bone.

I jumped out the car and rushed to my front door. My mum opened it and I stepped through.

“Where is he?” I asked, excitedly.

“In the garden, waiting for you.” she smiled.

I didn’t reply and rushed through the house, into the kitchen and toward the patio doors.

And there he was. Standing with his back to me, looking at the pool as it reflected the sunlight.

I stepped onto the decking, and suddenly, I struggled to catch my breath. Calm down.

He turned around and I gasped. Still as beautiful as ever, he smiled, his whole face lit up into a picture of joy.

I walked slowly toward him, scared I was dreaming, but then, I caught his scent in the breeze. How I loved that smell.

Finally, we were toe to toe, lost in one another’s eyes.

I didn’t know what to say. My mouth wouldn’t form the words, but thankfully he broke the silence.

“Hello, Stranger,” he said.

I could have melted there and then. “Hello,” I managed to croak.

He draped his arms over my shoulders, those puppy dog eyes still as alluring as ever. We swayed as though dancing, lost to music only we could hear. “I’ve missed you so much,” he whispered into my ear.

My arms found their way around his waist. I looked deeper into his eyes, mesmerised, savouring the moment. He hadn’t changed, well apart from the odd laughter line around the eyes, but he was still the man I wanted to marry.

Our lips finally met. It was a tender, loving kiss with the promise of so much more to come. It felt good to kiss him once again, but this time, it didn’t feel forbidden – it was meant to be. We were meant to be.

“I love you so much and want to spend the rest of my life with you.”

“Are you sure?” I was scared he would regret his decision. “You’ve given up so much to be here with me.”

“You know, I’m not sure I told you this, but I was best man at Jake’s wedding a few months ago. It was the most special of days and seeing him genuinely happy with the man he was meant to be with made me realise how much we were meant to be together.”

“Is Jake happy?” It was important to know he was, and despite him moving on with somebody else, he would always have a special place in my heart.

“Blissfully, and believe it or not, he was the one who finally convinced me to follow my own heart. He told me you and I were fated and to kick down any obstacles standing in our way.” He paused, considering his words. “I loved being Father Declan, helping people, doing good in the world, but I love you much more than any position or title I held, and besides, I can still be a good Catholic away from the church. I don’t intend to be a kept man, you know – there’s still so much good I can do in the world.”

That was all I needed to hear. Our lives had come full circle. The promises we made to each other at Shrewsbury House were finally honoured. “I love you, Declan. Always have, always will.”

“I’m glad to hear it,” he said, rummaging in his pocket before dropping down to one knee. “or I’ve flown all this way for nothing.”

My heart hammered in my chest. “What are you doing?” I asked, nervously.

He opened a small black velvet box, and inside was a silver band. He was trembling, or was that me? “Matthew Jordan Anderson, will you make me the happiest man alive and be my husband?”

Don’t cry. Don’t cry. Oh, sod it, just cry.

“Yes, Declan, I’ll marry you,” I replied, trying yet failing to control the emotions inside. My heart banged in my chest.

I pulled him to his feet, throwing my arms around him. We kissed passionately, lost in our undying love. I’d waited a lifetime for this moment; through love, loss, heartbreak, and now, undeniable joy at being reunited with him. I’d never let him go again.

A squealing noise from behind caught my attention and reluctantly I pulled away from the most amazing kiss I’d ever had, turning around.

My mum was jumping up and down on the spot, clapping her hands together like an overly excited child. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, which didn’t surprise me, as she cried at everything. Something did surprise me though.

“I forgot to tell you,” Declan said, as Margaret, his mum, jumped up and down alongside my own mother. She was in floods of tears too. “I brought mum along. I hope that’s okay?”

We walked hand in hand toward our beaming mothers.

“Hello, Margaret,” I said, delighted. “I’m so happy you’re here.”

“Me too, my darling,” she said, embracing me then planting a big kiss on my cheek. “Congratulations! I’m thrilled for you both.”

I returned her embrace, genuinely pleased to see her. Not being here to share this moment wouldn’t have been right. I could have burst with happiness.

“Who’s for Champagne?” my mum asked. “We’ve got so much to celebrate so I’m cracking open the good stuff.”

“Me,” I said.

“Me too,” Declan said. “Plenty of it.”

She swept in and kissed me on the cheek. “Congratulations, my beautiful boy,” she said, before disappearing inside with Margaret.

I looked up to the sky as Declan took my hand, our fingers interlocked.

“What are you thinking?” Declan asked.

“I never really believed in God, but maybe I was wrong.”

“He works in mysterious ways, Matty.”

“Yes, he does,” I replied. “Happy Ever After Endings really do happen.”

The End