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Frigid (The Frenemy Series Book 1) by Kate Benson (16)


I nervously stared at my bedroom ceiling until after three waiting for him to slip inside like he normally did before I finally felt myself beginning to drift off to sleep. He came, but as my eyes fluttered open, I saw the first signs of daylight drifting into my window, slightly illuminating his dark features.

He woke me silently, his hand slipping under the covers and gently grazing my stomach, pulling me across the mattress and settling me against his chest. I rested my head on the inside of his bicep, staring up as I waited for him to break the silence.

He never did.

Instead, we studied each other quietly, both of us lost in our thoughts. After a long while, he lifted his hand and brushed my cheek, the pad of his thumb running over my lips before he bent to press his mouth against mine.

Despite how this all began, with a drunken kiss, in all the nights we’d spent together, kissing had never been his go-to move. It really was a shame, he was insanely good at it, but while he never denied me, almost all the kisses Dash had ever given me had been doused in fury.

As he pressed his lips to mine last night though, Dash kissed me. He kissed me long and deep, the strokes of his tongue against mine soft and full of purpose.

He kissed me like he’d been down the hall for hours, lying in bed and wondering how my lips tasted.

He kissed me like he’d never harbored anything but need for me, like my lips had always belonged to him and him alone.

He rolled me onto my back just slightly, hovering over me and cradling the side of my neck with his palm. He traced my jawline with his fingertips before tangling them into my hair, coming up for air before sucking onto my lower lip and dipping his tongue back inside my mouth once more.

He stole my breath and as his hand lowered, resting just right against my waist, I knew that breath was one I would never get back.

We melted into each other for what seemed like hours, but when he pulled away, it was much too soon. I settled into his chest, resting my head against him and releasing a soft, almost silent sigh when our bodies rested together perfectly.

I focused on his breath, matching mine to his as I felt his heart beat beneath my fingers. Eventually, my eyes grew heavy once more and I let the haze take me, the kiss he placed against my hair so light I’m still not sure if I imagined it or not.

“Sweet dreams, baby,” he whispered, pulling a sigh from my chest.

I mumbled something, hugging myself around him tighter, the low hum in his chest finally lulling me into a deep sleep.

When I wake, his side of my bed is empty, leaving me to wonder if I’d dreamed the entire thing. Running my hand over the cold sheets, I release a long sigh and bury my face in his pillow, inhaling his scent for a moment before I catch myself.

What the hell is happening to me?


After everything that happened yesterday and last night at the bar, I told myself I needed distance, that the best thing for both of us would be if we spent some time apart.

One night would help us clear our heads, get a better perspective on everything.

I couldn’t, though.

I laid in bed for hours, tossing and turning before I finally sat up and buried my head in my hands, cursing my own weakness.

I needed to know if she was awake, if she was up thinking about me, about us.

I needed to feel her leaning against my chest, feel the warmth of her breath on my skin.

I needed the smell of flowers and honey to invade my senses, the taste of her lips on mine.

I needed Evie.

Fuck, I needed Evie… 

An hour later, I was pacing my bedroom, staring at the door that had taken me to her every night for the past week.

“This is fucking stupid,” I whispered, swallowing the lump in my throat before I dug my palms into my eyes, still fighting the inevitable. “You don’t even like her that much. What the fuck is your problem?”

I glanced at the clock, it was nearing four in the morning. In three hours, the house would be waking.

“Just wait for them to leave,” I told myself almost silently. “You can wait.”

Three hours.

Three hours was nothing.

Three hours was a long movie. What the hell kind of person can’t wait three hours to see someone? A stalker, that’s who. I’m a lot of things, but a stalker isn’t one of them.

I can wait three hours.

I sat back down on the edge of my bed, unable to make myself lie back down again just yet.

I stared at the clock, leaning forward for a minute before I sat back up straight, lifting myself from the mattress.

“Dammit,” I hissed under my breath.

Fuck waiting three hours.

I snuck across the hallway, careful not to make any noise as I passed Mason’s door and slipped inside Evie’s bedroom. I closed the door silently and with the light creeping in, I could see she was sleeping, the gentle lull of her breath making me needy.

I’ll only stay a second.

I pulled the covers away gently and eased onto the mattress beside her, the warmth of her body calming me immediately as my fingertips touched her skin.

Just a few minutes and I’ll be able to sleep.

Her eyes fluttered open lazily and she gazed back at me in silence. After a moment, she began to bite at her lip in thought and I envied her. I craved the taste of her mouth on mine like it was a drug and I was an addict who’d been without a fix for days.

It’s only been a few hours. You’re being an idiot.

She rested her cheek on my bicep and the weight of it made something inside me stir to life. Her hair fell behind her onto the mattress, a strand of it resting across her lips and I brushed it away, the need to rest my palm on her neck stronger than the need to pull away.

Just one little taste and I can go back to bed.

I leaned forward and I gently took her kiss, intent on pulling away a moment later, but unable to. Instead, I brushed my tongue against hers, swallowing the soft hum that left her chest and stealing it for myself.

I leaned over her, an attempt to force myself away, but instead only pulling me in. The feel of her fingers grazing my chest made me sink further into the mattress, further into her.

I tried to leave her time and time again, my silent goodbyes being washed away with her scent, her breath, her stolen kiss.

This isn’t what we wanted.

This isn’t what we planned.

This was spiraling so quickly and so wildly out of control, we were both powerless to stop it, but we had to.

There was no way we could ever be.

I should go, I told myself, forcing myself to prepare to pull away from her as I pressed my lips into her hair. This can’t go on. None of this was ever supposed to happen.

“Sweet dreams, baby,” I whispered.

“Don’t go yet, Dash,” she mumbled. “Please stay…”