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Full Disclosure by Kindle Alexander (6)

Chapter 32

“What the hell are you doing in here?” Mitch asked. He’d left his office for no less than five minutes

and returned to Kreed kicked back in his office chair. Mitch’s computer was pushed to the side, and Kreed

had his laptop placed right in the center of the desk.

“We’re bunking together here too. Apparently the bureau’s short of space right now,” Kreed said, typing

away on his computer.

“That shit doesn’t mean you take over my spot,” Mitch said, placing his coffee on the edge of the desk.

On a second thought, he picked the hot paper cup back up and downed several gulps. He needed the liquid

energy because he’d only gotten about twenty minutes of sleep last night on that damn uncomfortable

fucking sofa.

“Sure, I can. You can sit over there.” Kreed pointed to the other side of the desk.

“The hell I am!” Mitch grabbed the laptop out from under Kreed’s hands and laid it on the decorative

office chair facing the desk.

“Hey, man!”

“You have five seconds before I physically move you out of my chair,” Mitch warned.

“Try it,” Kreed taunted, gripping on the sides of the chair. “This chair’s badass. The Marshals Service

needs to invest. I refuse to go willingly.”

“Four.” Mitch started rounding the desk toward the back of the chair.

“Three,” Mitch growled, and Kreed anchored his feet to the ground.

“Two.” Mitch continued the countdown and gripped the back of the chair.

“No fair! You gave me your lumpy bed, and I bet it was covered in undesirable shit, too,” Kreed


“One.” Mitch used his brute force, dumping Kreed out of the chair. He didn’t hesitate jumping in the

vacant seat as Kreed landed on his knees and hands, breaking the fall.

“You suck, man. Can’t say you’ve never had me on my hands and knees, Knox,” Kreed chuckled.

“Whatever. The promise of personal favors won’t help either, Sinacola,” he said smugly, reaching for

his coffee.

“And I thought you cared. Hell, you didn’t even bring me a cup of coffee,” Kreed replied, getting to his

feet. “Speaking of coffee, shouldn’t we be heading over to the coffee shop?”

“Connors will be here soon. He’s running behind,” Mitch supplied, pulling his laptop back in front him.

“Oh course he is. And why do we have to wait?” Kreed questioned.

“Because he happens to be my partner on this fucking case. The coffee’s right around the corner. No, to

the left not the right,” Mitch called out when Kreed went the wrong way. Seconds later, he was back with

Brown on his heels.

”Brown agrees, let’s get moving. Connors can meet us there,” Kreed announced.

“All right, but you guys are explaining this when Connors gets his panties in a wad. Did you get your

official reassignment?” Mitch asked, reaching for the jacket he’d tossed on the coat rack by the door.

“The email was waiting for me when I came in this morning,” Kreed offered, heading for the elevator.

The three of them made it as far as the elevator before the doors opened to Director Young. Mitch could

feel the collective sigh from both Brown and Kreed.

“I was coming down to see you,” Director Young said.

“We’re headed down,” Mitch offered up quickly.

“I’ll ride down with,” he said, holding the door open. Kreed entered first, Mitch followed, and Brown

was working at a much slower pace.

“I’m Kreed Sinacola.” He held out his hand to the director who reluctantly offered his. He didn’t

introduce himself.

“Since the team has doubled, we’re expecting quicker results,” Director Young said.

“Sir—” Brown started, but the director cut him off.

“I need daily reports from this point forward. It’s been well over a week and you’ve got nothing. Now

we’re having to double your team. No one’s pleased,” the director’s tone was sharp and clear. Mitch stayed

quiet, because no one wanted to hear what he had to say after three days of pussyfooting around the legal

department with the Secret Service interviews.

The elevator opened on the first floor parking garage. The director never said another word or looked

back in their direction.

“Well, isn’t he just a breath of fresh air,” Kreed mumbled, as they walked off at a slower pace.

“You have no idea,” Brown replied.

“I vote Connors to be the one to give the daily updates,” Mitch recommended, finally stepping off the

elevator as the doors started to close.

“I second it,” Brown said.

“It unanimous then. Serves him right for being late,” Kreed added, heading for Mitch’s rental.


Eight o’clock in the morning and the coffee shop bustled with business. Long lines streamed from each

order station and every so often names were called with coffee handed over the end of the counter. The

place worked like a well-oiled machine, and no one had to wait too long for an order.

Their whole game plan for the visit came to three men there just having coffee. It was a brilliant plan,

didn’t take long to formulate, and might have holes. They’d have to wait and see. Mitch and Kreed

followed along behind Brown, but Kreed’s attention stayed focused elsewhere.

Mitch led Kreed down the hall where Elliot Greyson was last seen. They entered the men’s bathroom,

running everyone off inside. Kreed pulled out his tools to sweep the room to see if any taps had been left

behind. They both did a thorough search for hidden exit routes. Even the ceiling was concrete. Just like the

original reports, there was nothing amiss with the room. Elliot couldn’t have exited this room without going

through the door.

“Gentlemen, we need to move it along.” A voice came from the hall outside the locked bathroom door.

Mitch recognized the voice, and he used his hand codes to try to let Kreed know who was at the door.

“Deputy Marshal Knox,” the owner said. Damn, he remembered Mitch’s name. For a one-time chance

meeting that seemed odd to him, but some people were just like that. He hadn’t pegged that guy as one of


“Mr. DeGeorge, I want you to meet my partner, Kreed Sinacola.” Mitch turned to Kreed as he opened

the door. Kreed stood right there in the doorway, blocking customers who waited to use the facilities while

Mitch made the introductions.

“Has anything else happened?” Mr. DeGeorge asked, concerned.

“No, sir, Deputy Marshal Sinacola’s new to the case. He mentioned he wanted to have a look at the

scene, so I brought him over.” Mitch took another glance around the restroom.

“I do have a few questions. Are you busy?” Kreed asked as he stepped into the hallway.

“It’s rush hour for us,” Mr. DeGeorge said, somewhat defensively.

“It won’t take long,” Kreed announced and straightened to his full height, towering over the guy.

“All right, I guess I’m willing to spare a few minutes to help. I hope you’re getting closer to identifying

the scum who did this. Business is suffering with all this police presence all the time,” Mr. DeGeorge

replied. He was a small man with a graying beard and had always seemed nice enough until right this

minute. He motioned for them to follow him, and he lead them down the same hall, but in the opposite

direction and a little deeper in to the building, until they were almost at the back door. Mr. DeGeorge turned

right and ushered them toward the small office.

“Is this the only back door to the building?” Kreed questioned the owner as he looked over the door.

“Yes, it leads to the Dumpster and alley,” DeGeorge said.

“Can I take a look?” Kreed asked

“Of course, but your men scoured the area…”

“Humor me,” Kreed replied, not stepping inside the office, but staying close to the door. Mr. DeGeorge

skirted around Mitch toward the back door. He entered a security code.

“Who has this code?” Kreed inquired. Mitch listened to see if an answer might change, but so far

everything was on the up and up.

“Every employee here. The Dumpster’s out back.” DeGeorge opened the back door, and Kreed walked

out first, spotting the security camera by the door.

“Who controls the security camera?” Kreed asked, keeping an eye on the owner.

“We do. It’s set up in the computer you guys confiscated. Any word when we can get it back?” Mitch

and Kreed ignored the owner’s question. Kreed climbed the side of the Dumpster and pushed on the

protective security gate. Mitch watched him closely. The only way Elliot could have gotten over the top of

the fence would have been with help. The spiral barbwire had no DNA. And the only other way out was

down the alley, which would have passed by the assigned Secret Service agent out front.

“The Dumpster contents?” Kreed looked over at Mitch and asked.

“It’s still in FBI custody,” Mitch answered.

Kreed jumped down and turned to Mr. DeGeorge. “This is the only way out?”

“Correct. And the agent sitting on the road never saw anyone else,” Mr. DeGeorge offered.

“No disturbance, nothing abnormal that night?” Kreed kept probing. He was relentless, which was

exactly why Mitch wanted his friend on this case.

“No one noticed anything until we locked up and the Secret Service agents were banging on the doors.”

The man looked down at the ground and wiped his hands on his apron.

“Someone’s lying,” Kreed said to Mitch.

“Now wait a minute,” Mr. DeGeorge spoke up.

“We aren’t talking to you,” Kreed blurted, flashing an intimidating gaze toward the man as he started to

walk the alley toward the street. Mitch followed. He’d been through these things with Kreed for years.

Kreed had an innate ability to flesh out a situation. His expertise was unprecedented, and Mitch had called

him more times than he could count to run things past him, see what he was missing.

Kreed walked slowly, undoubtedly checking for any holes, any way the roof might have been used.

Once he got to the street and retraced his steps to where they’d started, they’d lost the owner. He’d

vanished. Kreed started to push the Dumpster toward the wall.

“Help me, I want to get up there,” Kreed said. Mitch grabbed an end and helped roll the Dumpster to the

back wall. First Kreed, then Mitch, hoisted himself up onto the roof. The surface was flat, with an awning

stuck out from the front making it appear angled. Kreed walked the entire length as Mitch went for the

canopy. He’d seen this area before. They’d actually wiped it down for fingerprints and DNA, but he

checked again, trying to find anything that might help them with this case.

“He’s lying,” Kreed whispered and scared the shit out of Mitch. Kreed had that way of just being quiet

all the fucking time. Mitch supposed that was from all those years as a Navy SEAL.

“How do you know?” Mitch asked.

“Gut,” Kreed turned to him and shrugged. “Did we background check him?”

“You read the report.” Mitch sat down on the roof and looked out over the building. What were they


“No, I mean your online guy. Did you send this through him?” Kreed’s brows knitted together, and he

let out a long sigh as he sat down beside Mitch.

“I don’t know, maybe. I put so much in front of him,” Mitch answered honestly.

“Get him to dig. That man’s hiding something, I’m sure of it.” Kreed nodded his head toward the coffee


“We could bring him in, but, man, there’s absolutely no good-cop, bad-cop types here. Can you see

Connors playing bad cop?” Mitch laughed at the thought. “We wouldn’t get much more out of him.”

“No, and we don’t need to bring him in just yet.” Kreed lowered his voice. “You need to bug his office

tonight. His house today.” Mitch rolled his eyes. Of course, he’d be the one that had to do it. “And don’t get

caught,” Kreed added.

“I don’t ever get caught, ass,” Mitch hissed quietly.

“Stop looking like that. I know he’s hiding something. We’ll get a direction out of this, I guarantee it,”

Kreed said before getting up and strolling across the roof. Mitch was slower. He’d never hesitated on doing

things like this. Hell, he and Aaron did some shit that would have earned them both jail time if they’d been

caught, but in those cases, he’d been pretty damn sure of what he was dealing with. Not this time, though,

but Kreed had never let him down before. So invasion of privacy, here they came.

Chapter 33

Mitch had three objectives. He needed access to the coffee shop’s incoming and outgoing calls on his

cell phone. He needed DeGeorge’s phone tapped, and he needed the information from the man’s computer

at work, as well as at his home. Thank god they lived in a time where most of those objectives could be

achieved without setting foot outside the FBI building.

His only problem? He didn’t want to involve the director to achieve any of those goals. Nor did he have

anything other than Kreed’s gut to go on. Definitely not enough to convince anyone in this building to

possibly take someone’s civil liberties away.

He had two choices. Mitch had developed some pretty decent relationships with a federal judge who

now sat on the FISA court. Not allowing himself the overthink this, he palmed his phone and sent a

message to the judge, praying for an expedited approval on wiretap for DeGeorge’s office, shop, and home.

He quickly and efficiently bullet-pointed the information the judge might need to pull this together as soon

as possible. To his surprise, the judge responded back immediately that he’d have approval back to him in

the next hour. Mitch gave himself a mental high-five. One obstacle down, another to go.

Second, Mitch had to call Anne into their secret plan. She had bureau clout. Being the administrative

assistant to the top guy gave her a certain authority around the building. Anne was smart, sharp as a tack,

and beautiful. On a very firm second decision to not overthink things, Mitch grabbed his suit coat and

tossed it over his arm, ready to slide it on if needed. He entered the elevator, pushed the fourth floor button,

and swiped his tag to gain entrance to the elite floor.

Every eye in the room stopped what they were doing in order to look his way as he walked past. The

disapproving looks were still right there on their faces. After all this time, he actually got used to the stares

and even laughed now because envy had to crawl up their asses that he got away with things and they


He rounded the corner and saw the director’s door closed. Thank god for small favors. He stopped in

front of Anne’s desk.

“Hi, Mitch,” Anne said, never looking up from the computer screen as she typed.

“How’d you know it was me?” Mitch was impressed.

“If I said cologne, would you believe me?” she questioned, finally turning her smiling face up to his.

“What’s the real reason?” he asked skeptically.

“The room always becomes quiet when you walk through. I’ve thought it’s because you’re such a good-

looking guy, but today I suspect it’s the shirt without the required jacket on, not just close by.” Anne

pointed at his shirt and suit coat hanging over his arm.

“It’s a cool shirt,” he defended in a mock tone of shock, ignoring the jacket comment. He was past tired

of that stupid rule.

“Ass Bandit. Really, Mitch? You know you do it on purpose,” she said, all attention on him now as she

held laughter in her eyes, and a growing smile.

“I might do that, but it’s funny, and it got you smiling, so it works,” he said and realized he might have

turned the sweetness on a little too much.

“What do you want?” Anne sighed.

“I need you for a minute,” he answered.

“Okay, what’s up?”

“Not here,” he leaned in and whispered, pointing toward the elevator. “Can you come with me?”

She nodded and stood. He led the way, not speaking until they hit the lobby. Mitch didn’t stop until he

reached the water fountain where he took a seat. Anne did the same, sitting on the seat right next to his.

“I need extreme confidentiality. Can you give that to me?” he asked as she sat down beside him.

“Of course,” she replied.

“No, I mean no one knows.” He couldn’t stress this point enough.

“All right, you have my word. I told you Saturday I was in to help get this resolved.”

“I contemplated calling my office in Louisiana, but it’s bigger than that. We need people closer,” Mitch


“And you feel like the director wouldn’t go along with this plan?” She looked up at him, and he gave

her a smile. No, he knew the director wouldn’t go along with this plan.

“I’d rather say it like this to you. Director Young gave me carte blanche and I’ve gotten judicial

approval.” Mitch changed the words around to fit his need. It was a skill he’d perfected over the years.

“And that’s to protect me for doing what you want?” Anne asked.

Mitch nodded and looked down at his Doc Martens. “Yeah, maybe.”

“Okay, I’m in. I haven’t told you, but this case holds special interest to me. My brother’s gay. His life

hasn’t been easy. People like you, help. I want to help, Mitch. What do you need?” She’d surprised him

with that one.

“I need complete surveillance on Mr. DeGeorge, the owner of the coffee shop Elliot Greyson was

abducted from,” Mitch said honestly.

“Director Young would have to commission our Information Technologies’ agents…” Mitch cut her off.

“I’m working on a court order now. You have to know some of those guys in the IT department. You

know everyone. Go down there with me. Don’t lie to them, just sort of insinuate the approval I’ve gotten.

Get me the equipment, I’ll get it set, but I need it monitored,” Mitch said.

“The way I understand it, they can tap into his phone easy,” Anne offered.

“Right, and I can do that myself, but I need people monitoring the activity, listening twenty-four seven,

not just recording for me to go through later. I want his conversations, text messages, and all the

conversations going on around him. I want everything,” Mitch said.

“All right, and you want web-tapping too, I’m guessing?” Anne asked.

“Yes, absolutely.” Mitch nodded.

“And you will never tell my husband what you witness, correct?” she asked randomly.

“Absolutely not. Scout’s honor.” He suspected what she might be about to do and held up his three

fingers, flashing her a big grin.

“Then come on.” Anne was up, walking back into the building and in a new direction. She took him to

the back freight elevator, forgoing the standard employee elevators up front. She spent the two minute ride

unbuttoning one of her top buttons of her blouse, rolling the waistband of her skirt over one time to

shorten the length, and she reached inside of her bra, then paused when she caught him watching, and

motioned for him to turn around. Mitch did, not pointing out that he had absolutely no interest in what she

had going on. As the doors opened, she tousled her hair, and all Mitch could do was stare at her because

she had managed to transform herself from the proper administrative assistant to a hot little number in a

hundred and twenty seconds.

“Get that look off your face. You’re making it obvious,” she whispered as she gave an exaggerated walk

in front of him, much like she was taking a stroll down an imaginary catwalk.

Damn, if he hadn’t picked the right person for this job.

Mitch smiled as he followed along behind her. For the first time since he started working here, he

wasn’t the focus of attention when he entered a room. Anne rounded a corner, Mitch followed and stopped

dead in his tracks. She was anchored on the side of a cubical ledge, her arms crossed, effectively shoving

her breasts up even farther, and she kept a wide stance, showing a nice view of her mile long legs.

“Jordie, I need help with something. Can you come with me to the conference room?” she asked, her

voice a little low. She had the guy’s complete attention.

Mitch had gotten close enough to see this Jordie was typical FBI meets extreme computer nerd, and he

fumbled with his words and finally croaked, “Sure.”

Jordie never saw Mitch as he rounded the corner to his cubicle and followed Anne to a small room.

Mitch trailed along behind them, shutting the door as they entered. It was the first time Jordie looked his

way. The lust-filled gaze turned somewhat panicked until Anne took over again.

“Jordie, this is the new deputy marshal working for Director Young, remember me telling you about

him?” she asked and crossed her legs in front of him. Damn, she’s good.

“Nice to meet you,” Jordie replied, sticking out a hand, but his eyes remained focused on Anne.

“They’re looking for someone to help in the investigation. Someone who won’t say a word, keep things

on the down low. I told them I know just the person. You’re smart, trustworthy, and I know you’ll put your

all into this. I’ve watched you work for years, what do you say? Will you help them?” she asked and batted

her eyelashes a little bit.

“What do I need to do?” he asked, and for the first time since they entered the room, Mitch felt like the

guy had a brain in his head.

“Well, Deputy Marshal Knox knows the ins and outs more than I do. You know he’s the one Director

Young personally assigned to handle this case,” Mitch just looked at her. She was clever as shit. She never

one time said the director approved this, but used his name two times and implied it all over the place.

“I need to monitor someone’s activity through their cell and online. I need equipment. I’ll get the

wiretaps set in his office myself. I just need the cell phone monitored and some web-tapping,” Mitch said


“Who’s gonna monitor once it’s set,” Jordie asked. He looked excited at the prospect. Finally, something

that took Jordie’s eyes off Anne’s breasts.

“We could use your help,” Mitch offered.

“That’s all you need?” Jordie asked, acting like that was the easiest thing in the world. Aaron would

have probably said about the same thing.

“That’s it, man. I see Anne brought me to the right person.” That caused Jordie to sit up straighter in his


“How do you want this to work?” Jordie asked.

“You can go through me. Mitch’s going to give me all the details as he knows them. As soon as I have

them, I’ll forward them to you and so we begin,” she explained.

“Okay, I’ll get started as soon as you give me the green light. I’ll also stay in touch with you, Anne.

Does your husband know?” There was disdain in his voice. Jordie must have had the hots for Anne for a

while now.

“Absolutely not,” Anne replied, flashing the computer guy a big smile.

“So we’ll talk in code,” Jordie instructed.

“That would be great, Jordie,” Anne rose, all legs and boobs in Jordie’s face. “Thank you so much!”

She kissed him on the cheek. Good thing she was on his side.

Chapter 34

Once the warrant had come through, Mitch laid out his plan to Connors and Brown in a very private,

closed-door meeting. Mitch came prepared to fight to the death to make sure Connors didn’t leave that

office and tell one single person their strategy to tackle the case.

Connors caught him completely off guard when he declared his complete acceptance of the

wiretapping, and even thanked him for taking the steps to have a federal judge review the case.

Connors stepped up and began calling in favors to the short list of his trusted support staff. As a senior

agent, no one questioned him when he asked for onsite, around the clock surveillance on both the coffee

shop and monitoring the taps they planned to place.

“They’re moving. They should be in front of the coffee shop within the hour,” Connors said as he hung

up the phone.

Mitch actually reached across the table and high-fived the guy. “I thought you’d fight me.”

“We were told to use whatever means necessary to bring this case to a close. You covered our asses, and

since we don’t know who to trust anymore, it’s not like we can ask for permission,” Connors reasoned, and

Mitch wondered right then if aliens had taken over his temporary partner’s body.

“Better to beg for forgiveness, than to ask for permission anyway,” Kreed added. Mitch leaned over and

gave him a fist bump. That had totally been their motto over the years they had worked together.

“So you’re going to break into the office tonight?” Brown asked.

“We’ll go. He’ll be the distraction.” Mitch hooked his thumb toward Kreed.

“I can cause some chaos,” Kreed affirmed confidently. “I’ll set the tap under the bar while Knox works

the office. Connors, you and Brown will be with surveillance to verify everything works.”

“I’ll have a surveillance van about a block over. They can pick up both signals as needed.”

“Jordie’s also hacking into DeGeorge’s computer and setting up the web-tapping at his home and the

office,” Mitch added.

“Anne must be involved. He falls all over himself to impress her.” Brown laughed.

“No shit. He was putty in her hands,” Mitch added, laughing when he thought about how effectively

she’d worked him.

“So how long do we give this to work?” Brown asked.

“Our warrant gives us three weeks, but with our presence back in there, it shouldn’t be more than a

couple of days—no more than a week. DeGeorge’ll get spooked, we’ll know it. Besides, eight hits in nine

months dictates it’s time for another strike. They have to be getting cocky as hell by now,” Mitch said.

“We’ll need to take shifts. Someone should be with surveillance at all times,” Kreed detailed.

“That’s not the way it works here,” Connors began.

“We’re deputy US marshals apprehending a fugitive. It’s definitely how it works with us,” Mitch said.

“But we don’t have a fugitive yet. Let them do their job. They’ll keep us updated,” Connors suggested.

“You take the first shift,” Mitch said to Kreed, ignoring Connors altogether.

“I’ll take the next shift,” Brown offered.

“Then that leaves me overnight, because Connors has a family—he gets the morning shift. Great,

thanks!” Mitch feigned a smile at drawing the graveyard shift.

“Whatever, man! That’ll give you plenty of time to sex up your boyfriend and still get a couple of hours

sleep.” Kreed aimed his smirk right at him. Mitch shot him the finger and picked up the closest thing to

him, his stapler, and threw it at Kreed who caught it before it could make contact with his head.

“Shut the fuck up, man.” Mitch couldn’t help the grin that broke out across his face.

Kreed gave him a kissing sound and mocked him with a pretend phone in his hand. “I’ll call you as

soon as I can… I miss you already… Ohh! Yes, that’s it…” Kreed ducked out of the room, but his laughter

could be heard down the hall.

“For the record, I don’t sound like that,” Mitch said good-naturedly to Connors and Brown. He didn’t

care what anyone thought. Cody was a keeper he planned to have around awhile. They all needed to get

used to him.

Chapter 35

Mitch and Kreed entered the coffee shop a little before closing. The time of day where the staff was at

the end of their shift, ready to lock the doors, clean the place, and get the hell out of Dodge. He learned

early on this was always the perfect time to get information or have free access to just about anything in the

building. No one ever seemed to care.

Kreed took on the job as distractor. If possible, he would plant a bug under the main counter. Mitch

would take care of the rest of the place, including DeGeorge’s personal office. Brown, along with the

surveillance crew, sat parked in an unmarked van down the street.

As luck would have it, a young woman manned the counter. The stars and moon must have aligned

because Kreed could be very charming in certain situations. Girls usually lost their minds where he was


“Hey there, pretty eyes, they have you working here all alone tonight?” Kreed asked in a deep Southern

drawl. Mitch watched as her smile grew bigger and her eyes glazed over.

“Nah, Denise’s in the back, getting ready to close. But you guys came in yesterday, didn’t you? You were

with the investigators, right?” she asked, all perky and eager to talk.

“You have a really good memory, Jazzy. I’m impressed,” Kreed said, staring straight into her eyes,

anchoring an arm on the counter.

“Have they figured out what happened to Elliot Greyson?” she asked.

“I just consult. I’m a deputy US marshal, but this looks like a cool place. What’s the best drink you have

here?” Kreed had her hook, line, and sinker.

“I’m heading to the john,” Mitch mumbled, neither Kreed nor Jazzy, at least that was what her name

badge read, looked his way.

“It depends on what you’re looking for. Do you want a hot or cold drink?” she asked, her voice turning

coy, and just like clockwork, Mitch even mouthed the words as Kreed spoke them.

“I always like it hot.” Mitch even gave that wink he knew Kreed bestowed on the girl as he turned the

corner to the bathroom. Instead of going left to the men’s room, he went right. He reached for the doorknob

and found it locked. No problem there, he just had to hurry.

Mitch reached inside his jacket pocket, pulled out a small black leather case, and within seconds,

jimmied the lock free. He quickly stepped in, shutting the door behind him. The office was filled with

boxes, probably overflow storage, and the desk was stacked high with paperwork. Actually, clutter filled

the entire space. Better for him. Mitch worked fast at inserting the listening device into the phone. Once

complete, he dialed Brown’s cell to make sure they were picking up the signal.

“Kreed works faster than you,” Brown said as he answered the phone.

“Fuck you, can you get a signal?” Mitch said.

“Hang on, they’re working it.”

“I don’t have all day,” Mitch added.

“They got it,” Brown responded. Mitch’s triumph was short-lived when heard a key being inserted in

the doorknob.

“Shit,” he barely whispered and quietly placed the phone back on the hook before ducking to the only

place he could find to hide in the overcrowded office. He slid under the desk. So not the best place, but

maybe this would buy him a little more time before being spotted.

“The Styrofoam cups are in here,” he heard Jazzy say as she opened the door. Shit! Where the fuck are

you, Sinacola?

“Isn’t this the office?” Mitch rolled his eyes up, thanking god for the good karma being tossed his way

when he heard his friend’s voice.

“Yeah, it’s a mess right now,” she said as she stepped inside the dark office. The lights flashed on,

blinding Mitch, and he pulled his body even farther under the desk.

“Here, let me carry that for you.” Kreed’s smooth voice almost made him laugh. He could just imagine

Kreed batting his eyelashes.

“I can get it,” she said, but her tone was clear— I’d love for you to carry that for me.

“Anything else?’ Kreed drawled.

“I need to enter the sales for the night, but I can do that after you leave. Your friend has been in the

bathroom a long time. I hope he’s okay,” she said. Mitch could tell she was retreating toward the door,

thank god.

“He’s got that irritable bowel syndrome. Keeps him in there awhile,” Kreed said in a low voice, as

though he was telling her a secret, and right then, Mitch decided to kick Kreed’s ass when they got out of

there. Besides, how the fuck had he let her come to this office?

“Oh poor guy, my granddad has that. He can’t always make it to the restroom in time.” Mitch scowled as

the light turned off and the door shut behind them.

“Motherfucker,” Mitch hissed, untucking himself from under the desk. His big body wasn’t made for

such tight places, and he rolled his shoulders and then his neck.

He needed to call Brown back. Apparently he hadn’t hung up the office phone in his scurry to get under

the desk. It was sitting slightly askew in its cradle.

“You still there?” he asked, picking up the phone.

“Irritable bowel syndrome?” Brown asked. Mitch could hear them all laughing in the background.

“Fuck you, fuck him. What the hell else am I doing in here?” Mitch hissed, running his fingers across

his jaw.

“Turn the computer on,” Brown said, still laughing. Mitch didn’t say a word as he reached down to the

CPU and pushed the button on. The screen slowly lit up, and he waited for Brown’s next instruction.

“All right, we’re in,” he said.

“Everything’s good?” Mitch wanted confirmation before he left. This might be the only chance they had.

“Yep, get the hell out of there,” Brown said, and Mitch disconnected the call. He doubled checked the

phone, making sure it looked untouched, and went to the door. With his ear stuck close to the door, he

listened for any sounds in the hallway. When he heard nothing, he cracked open the door and slid out,

making sure the lock re-engaged when he closed the door. Kreed now had captured both women’s attention

and was talking at the front of the store.

“Hey, buddy, everything come out all right?” Kreed asked, acting concerned. Mitch cocked a brow, but

stayed silent.

“I guess that means no then.” Kreed pretended to wince.

“I’m sorry about that. I know it’s a hard thing to deal with,” Jazzy said, sympathy written all over her

face. He gave her a nod and a small smile.

“Are you ready?” Mitch turned to Kreed and asked.

“What, you don’t want a drink now?” Kreed asked, holding his cup in his hand. He lifted it, taking a

long drink to hide his smile.

“No, I don’t.” Mitch turned around and hurried out of the building. Every word they spoke was being

recorded and he wasn’t giving that bunch anymore ammunition to harass him. Kreed took a little longer to

exit. When he did, he held out a piece of paper.

“Fuck you, I ought to kick your ass,” Mitch rumbled, stalking toward his rental.

“But you won’t.” Kreed chuckled.

“I might. Irritable bowel syndrome? Are you fucking kidding me, that’s all you could come up with?”

Mitch opened the door, sliding in the driver’s seat.

“I had to think fast,” Kreed said, shutting the passenger door and putting on his seat belt.

“Your job was to keep her out of the fucking office,” Mitch hissed, starting the SUV.

“How was I supposed to know that’s where they kept the fucking Styrofoam cups? I was louder than a

herd of elephants coming down the hall. You had time to hide.” Mitch’s phone began to ring as he pulled

out of his parking spot.

“You’re the worst fucking partner on the planet. Hello,” he barked into the phone.

“Is this a bad time?” Cody asked, and Mitch’s ruffled feathers were immediately soothed. This was the

first time Cody had spontaneously and voluntarily called him. He could feel the smile spreading on his face.

“No, of course not. Not for you. What’re you doing?” His voice became softer and his heart raced.

“Oh god, here we go again,” Kreed spouted as he rolled his eyes and slumped down in the seat, being

completely overdramatic.

“Fuck you,” he snarled at Kreed, but he was in too good a mood right now to be serious. He gave Kreed

his I-mean-it stare before he continued. “Ignore him, Cody. We just left an assignment that he fucked up,

but I don’t want to talk about that. I’d rather talk about you. What are you up to tonight?”


Cody stretched out on his bed completely nude, his hardened cock already in his hand. It was eleven

o’clock his time, so midnight in DC, and he was more than ready for some of that hot as hell phone sex

Mitch was so good at giving him. He’d even put his laptop on the bed in case Mitch could Skype. He’d

grown to love their video chat sessions.

But dammit if his night hadn’t just came to a screeching halt. Mitch was with people—well, his buddy

Kreed. How in the hell did he even begin to answer the question Mitch asked now? What was he up to? He

couldn’t just say what he really wanted. Which was to jack off with Mitch.

“Is this a bad time?” he asked again, trying to keep his voice even. Mitch was silent for a minute, maybe

even catching on, maybe not, but Cody waited for him to answer.

“It’s not a good time for me, but you sound like you might be ready.” Mitch’s voice lowered to little

more than a whisper.

“I can still hear you, ass. I’m sitting right next to you,” Kreed said loud enough for Cody to hear.

“I can call you later.” Cody suddenly wished he’d never made this call. He should have texted first, but

Mitch stopped him.

“No, hang on.” Mitch replied, and Cody could hear the screech of the car tires in the background.

“What the hell? Are you trying to kill us?” Kreed shouted.

“Shut up,” Mitch grumbled and Cody heard the car door slam. “Okay, we’re alone now.”

“What did you do?” Cody asked, completely confused.

“I pulled over and got out. So what are you really doing?” Mitch questioned. It took a second for

Cody’s mind to switch in so many different directions.

“I was thinking about you,” he confessed, feeling a little vulnerable and still worried he shouldn’t have

made this call.

“You’re always on my mind. Are you alone?” Mitch asked, making everything right again in Cody’s



“Are you naked?” Mitch purred. Cody could hear the smile in Mitch’s tone. It made him smile too, and

he reached for his cock again.

“Yeah.” The heat of his blush warmed his cheeks. He’d gone from turned on, to losing the erection,

back to so turned on in a matter of two or three minutes, and it all happened with the sound of Mitch’s

voice. He gripped himself, moving his fist up and down his swollen shaft.

“Are you touching yourself? I bet you are. I wish I was there to do that for you.”

Cody said nothing because he wanted that exact thing so badly right now.

“I want it to be me touching you, stroking you, Cody. Me tasting you, sucking you till you give up your

load. Mmm…damn. Just thinking about you fucking my mouth…” The horn to Mitch’s rental sounded off

in the background. Cody heard Mitch curse under his breath. He had been so close, and he was horny as

hell. His dick wept with need. Kreed must have rolled down the window because he could hear him

shouting at Mitch.

“Get in the car. I know what you’re doing. You have to be on duty tonight. Phone fuck him later, Mitch.

Job before hos.” And Kreed honked the horn again.

“You need to go.” Cody couldn’t help the disappointment, but he completely understood. He had plenty

of images of Mitch in his spank bank, so he’d be just fine.

“He’s such a pain in the ass,” Mitch growled into the phone. Cody loved that sexy growl Mitch had, and

so did his dick.

“He’s your partner. You’re on a big case. I shouldn’t have called.”

“No, you always call. Don’t stop calling. I love when you call me. It’s just, I’ve got surveillance tonight,

and I’ll be off around six in the morning. Can I call you then?” Mitch sounded hopeful.

“We’re on the last leg of repairing the fence line. I’m meeting my brothers at five. We need to get it done

before I start back to work,” Cody answered. He still gripped himself tightly. He’d finish this when he hung


“Dammit! Then call me when you take a break,” Mitch instructed.

“You need to sleep sometime, Mitch.”

“Just call me,” Mitch repeated, and the horn blared again in the background. “Cowboy, I want you to

send me a picture of yourself right now. Get that angle from the webcam when you put it on the nightstand

or whatever’s by your head. And promise me you’ll keep doing what you’re doing, just make sure it’s me

you’re thinking about. It’s my lips on you, my fingers inside you, pleasuring you till you explode. And I

expect you to say my name when you come.”

“I don’t think that’ll be a problem, but I’m not sure about that picture.” Cody continued stroking

himself to the sound of Mitch’s voice.

“I promise to protect it with my life and cut your head out. No one will know,” Mitch whispered softly.

“I need to see you like this. I miss us together.”

Cody rode his fist harder and faster with each word Mitch spoke. The image of Mitch’s mouth on his

cock had his balls tingling and drawing up tight against his body.

“You’re all I can think about anymore…” Cody uttered the words he held so secretly inside his heart as

he pumped up into his fist one last time, his body arched as hot thick come splashed on his stomach and

chest. “Mitch,” he breathed out on a long moan.

“God, you’re killing me, Turner, I’m so fucking hard right now. I’m coming there as soon as I can. And

you better be ready for me.” Cody didn’t say anything, nor did he immediately clean himself up. He just laid

there, his eyes closed, thinking about Mitch’s full lips and those perfect dimples.

“Fuck it! I really like you a lot. More than a lot,” Mitch whispered his confession.

“Me too,” Cody sighed. He loved hearing those words from Mitch, especially after what he let out. His

body was completely relaxed now, enveloped in a state of bliss.

“Save it for me, no one else. You’re holding my spot, right?” The horn beeped again.

“Yeah,” Cody answered quietly.

“I’m trying, Cody. I don’t know when I’ll see you again, but I’m trying,” Mitch said. His voice sounded

a little desperate. Cody had no idea what he was trying for, what Mitch wanted to say.

“I wanna see you too,” he finally answered.

“Good, I gotta go kick Kreed’s ass. I’ll talk to you tomorrow. Sweet dreams, cowboy.” Mitch ended the


Cody still refused to move and laid there silently contemplating everything they’d just said. He’d

planned for a little phone sex, not confessions of the heart. He did like Mitch. He liked him a lot. Maybe a

little too much. Tomorrow he’d worry about the repercussions of admitting his interest in someone as

extraordinary as Mitch Knox.

Chapter 36

Days turned into a week as Mitch and the team listened to endless hours of conversation from the coffee

shop and the private discussions of the owner. They had read countless pages of computer transcripts and

nothing revealed anything they could use. On the latest report, he read through a church sermon DeGeorge

attended and to-date that was the biggest thing they had learned about the man. At least on the outside he

was a kind, caring godly man. Mitch tossed the report on the desk separating him from Kreed.

“Your gut’s wrong this time,” Mitch said.

“No, it’s not. It just proves what we’ve always known. They’re smart and know how to work the

system.” Kreed looked over at him and picked up the file.

“So what now? We follow him to the soup kitchen and church?” Mitch ran a hand through his hair and

leaned back in his chair. He was pissed they were getting nowhere and fast.

“We’re gonna have to,” Kreed countered back. Mitch reached over to his office phone and dialed


“Can you come in here?”

“Sure, hang on,” Connors said on the other end of the line. Mitch hung up the phone and looked back

over at Kreed.

“He’s not gonna go for it.” Mitch stretched his legs out in front of him and brought his fingers together,

interlocking them, and rested his chin on his knuckles.

“Why not?” Kreed questioned, a confused look crossed his face.

“Budgets.” Mitch shrugged and rapped his knuckles sharply against the desk.

“Mitch, I’m telling you, if you want the answers, you need to get them from DeGeorge.” Mitch

contemplated what Kreed had just said as Connors came inside the room and looked between them.

“What about undercover? Could we place someone on the inside?” Mitch asked.

“We got nothing to help us justify spending the money or the manpower on something like that,”

Connors said, leaning against the door frame.

“We’d have to get approval. What do we say? We need more to go on than just a gut feeling.” Connors

looked over at Kreed and then back to Mitch. “Look, I’m not supposed to say anything, but the director’s

thinking this needs a change. He thinks the case needs fresh eyes.”

“You haven’t told me that,” Mitch spoke up.

“Did you not just hear me say I’m not supposed to? Your director’s fighting hard to keep you on the

case, but you know how I feel. We’re missing the mark, Knox.”

“Bullshit,” Kreed spoke up. “I fucking told you the answers are with the coffee shop owner. Infiltrate

him and something will break.”

“And the Marshals are halving this budget,” Mitch added. “I can get Director Skinner more involved.

Make him approve undercover.”

“Look, rumor has it that we have an undercover agent freeing up. She’ll be reassigned soon. She’s

good. She’ll become whatever she needs to become. Let me see if she’s available. They won’t give her to us

for long, but she’s good enough to see things quickly.” Connors didn’t wait for their approval, he was just

out the door.

Connors came back about an hour later with a grin on his face. Kreed was on his surveillance shift and

Brown was pacing. Both Mitch and Brown stopped what they were doing and narrowed their brows,

concentrating on Connors.

“We get her, starting Monday,” Connors announced and held out his hand for a high-five. He got a

round of enthusiastic hand slaps in return.

“Yes! Awesome! How did you get her?” he asked.

“I just laid it out there. Even Kreed’s gut feeling, which held weight because he closes most of his

cases…” Connors said.

“You mean all of them. I’ll bet a hundred dollars Kreed’s right on this one too.” Mitch shot back before

Connors could finish his sentence.

“I’ll take you up on your bet, but they agreed with everything. They offered a less seasoned agent, at

least less seasoned to me, but I said we would wait. It’s only five days. She’ll work her way in, and we’ll

know if we’re barking up the wrong tree pretty quickly,” Connors assured him.

“When can I meet her?” Mitch asked.

“Maybe Friday. She’s expected to close her case Thursday.”

“Excellent news!” Mitch was excited about the new development.

“I’m calling Kreed.” Mitch dialed Kreed’s number immediately and got voice mail. He left a message,

inwardly praying Kreed’s gut was right.

Chapter 37

Cody finally nodded at some children who stood across the street. They had been staring at him for at

least the last five minutes. He could tell they were on a field trip and every so often he could hear them

talking about him as they waited patiently in line to take the tour through the capitol building. Cody had

come to learn over the last couple of days he’d been in the field, small kids were fascinated by an officer on

a horse.

He got it. Most little boys stared at him whenever he was in uniform. Many would eventually muster up

the nerve to come over and talk to him whenever they had the chance. And all children loved horses, but

put the two together and children were drawn to him and Ranger like moths to a flame. And to top it all off,

his horse loved the attention.

Sometimes on occasion, parents let their children get close enough to actually speak to him and touch

Ranger. He was mindful of his actions, careful how he handled his mount. Over the past few days, he’d met

so many interesting people. He enjoyed his job, and he hoped it showed, giving a lot of nods to the tourists

he encountered, and he always returned a smile.

For Cody, being in law enforcement meant he needed to uphold a certain standard. He had to always

remain the constant professional.

Cody held on to the reins and backed his horse Ranger into the shade. They were due a break, but he

was just so pumped about the job he didn’t want to leave. He also didn’t want to push Ranger too hard.

They were just getting to know one another.

His phone vibrated in his pocket. The faint whistle sounded, and this time, he had to really fight the

smile. Thank god no one heard that ringtone. He’d thought he had completely silenced his phone. Man, the

hell he’d get if any of his team heard that.

He shouldn’t have, but since Mitch had been on his mind twenty-four seven, he palmed his phone,

keeping an eye on the crowd as he read the message.

“Can you talk?” Mitch had asked. Instead of sending back a text and wasting the precious few minutes

he had, Cody decided to call.

“Shut the door on the way out!” That’s how Mitch answered the phone. “Hey.”

“Is it a bad time? I figured you could talk,” Cody replied.

“Nah, it’s fine. I’m waiting for Kreed to call back. What are you doing?”

“Working, Ranger and I are taking a break. So I can’t talk long.” Ranger shifted his weight under Cody.

“Are you outside? I hear…a lot of noise. Wind maybe?” Mitch asked.

“Yes, I’m on Ranger and the capitol’s full of tourists today,” Cody answered.

“You’re on your horse right now?” Mitch asked.

“Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have called.”

“No, you should have, that’s hot. Damn, the visuals that produces, cowboy.”

Cody was silent to that.

“Take a selfie,” Mitch urged.

“I’m not taking a picture of myself on this horse,” Cody said.

“Please take a picture. I wanna see you mounted and in your uniform,” Mitch insisted.

“Mitch…” he started, but the guy cut him off.

“I’m hanging up now so you can take the picture and text me,” he said, then hung up on Cody. A text

came immediately in.

“Hurry. Don’t overthink it. Just do it.” And Cody did. He opened the camera button on his phone,

stuck his arm out, and clicked the picture. He’d never done anything like that while on the job. He didn’t let

himself even consider the inappropriateness of his actions. The shot was awkward but showed him and part

of the saddle and a bit of Ranger’s neck and dark mane. He swiped the photo and sent it to Mitch, before

dropping the phone back in his shirt pocket.

“I didn’t think you could be anymore sexy than when you were lying underneath me. You proved me

wrong. Wear that when I see you next time.” Mitch’s text came back quickly.

Cody felt the blush rising up on his cheeks at the same time his cock hardened. He tugged his trooper

cowboy hat down farther on his head and adjusted himself in the saddle, neither helped. He nudged Ranger

forward and forced his mind back on the job. Mitch Knox was exactly the distraction his sister had always

warned him about, yet somehow he couldn’t find it in him to care. He welcomed the distraction if it meant

keeping Mitch around.


If Mitch sat there staring at that picture of Cody, he’d be left with a full-fledged hard-on and no way to

relieve it while sitting in the middle of the FBI building, so he closed the picture and redirected his thoughts

as he dialed Kreed again.

“We finally got the break we needed. Your gut better be right on this one. I put down a hundred bucks

in your favor. We have someone going in undercover starting Monday!” Mitch said before Kreed could

even speak.

“I gotta go home,” Kreed spoke quietly into the phone. Kreed was like a brother to him, and that tone

he heard had him worried.

“Hey, man, you can’t just open the van door like that.” Mitch heard someone say, then he heard the door

slam shut.

“What’s wrong?” Mitch asked. Whatever this was, it had to be bad.

“My little brother was killed.” Mitch could hear the pain in Kreed’s voice as he tried to register those


“What? I thought he was in San Antonio. Did he get deployed? What happened? I’m sorry, man.” Mitch

sat straight up in his chair. His heart broke as the momentary shock wore off, and the reality settled in.

“Thanks. No, my dad said it was a training exercise accident, some shit like that. He’d just moved back

home with my parents. They said he decided to not re-enlist. He declined orders and was just waiting to get

out. I didn’t even know that.”

“Kreed, man. I’m so sorry.”

“I gotta go home. They got the body released last night. I missed their call. Man, my mom’s a wreck.”

Kreed’s voice broke as he spoke. Mitch could hear the sadness in his words. Maybe tears had started, but

there would be no way Kreed would ever let him know.

“I’m on my way. I’ll get you to the airport.” Mitch jumped up, searching for his keys.

“No, I’m flagging a taxi now. I’m sorry I’m leaving the case like this,” Kreed apologized.

“Don’t worry about that. Do they have any funeral details?” Mitch leaned against the desk, not sure

exactly what to do. He hated the helplessness.

“I don’t know. I’ll text you when I know more,” Kreed said, and Mitch heard Kreed’s signature loud

whistle. The one that would stop any moving taxi within a mile radius.

“I’ll be there,” Mitch promised.

“You don’t have to come. I need to get to Dulles International,” Kreed said, then Mitch could hear the

taxi driver saying something.

“I’ll get Ellen to get you a seat,” Mitch offered.

“I just hung up with her. I gotta go, Mitch.” Kreed’s voice choked up. The best Mitch remembered,

Kreed had only one sibling who was years younger than him. His parents were older. Mitch had met them

one time for just a minute when they drove through Texas to Mexico.

His heart broke a little more right then. He vowed to himself to be better to his family. What if this had

been him? He hadn’t even met three nieces and nephews. He dropped his head in his hand before he rose.

He needed to cover Kreed’s shifts and find someone to cover them both for the funeral. He’d be there for

Kreed. He had to be.

Chapter 38

Cody ran uncharacteristically late and that stressed him out more than the man he rushed to pick up.

The last few days had been hard. Cody knew Mitch was grieving at the same time he had been busting his

ass, covering both his and Kreed’s workloads. Cody was hell-bent on being there for Mitch when he

needed him this weekend. In honor of that thought, the least he could have done was arrive to the Austin-

Bergstrom International Airport on time. But downtown Austin traffic had other ideas. The roads had been

a snarled mess, something he didn’t factor into his time when he left this evening.

Cody took a chance and pulled into the loading zone for arrivals. He was at least twenty minutes late,

probably enough time to get out of baggage claim, if Mitch had even checked any luggage. Cody drove

slowly through the lot, watching as he passed by the people standing outside. Mitch stood out like a beacon

to him. He was somewhat alone, looking impressive and intimidating all at the same time. There were

people on the sidewalk with him, but they all stayed back, which probably had something to do with the

scowl he wore on his face.

Damn, he hoped he hadn’t made things worse.

Cody pulled his truck right up alongside the curb and shoved the gearshift into park. He opened his

door right about the time Mitch opened the passenger door.

“I’m sorry I’m late.” Cody was stuck between getting out of the truck and Mitch getting inside.

“Don’t be. Thanks for picking me up. I could’ve grabbed a taxi,” Mitch said, holding the passenger

door open. He had a backpack as well as a garment bag with him. Mitch reached back to hang his suit bag

on the hook in the backseat when Cody got fully inside and shut the door. Once Mitch got everything

settled, he slid into his seat and looked over at him. Cody reached across and lifted Mitch’s sunglasses from

his eyes.

“You look exhausted.”

“I am. This one, for some reason, is really hard on me,” Mitch said, putting the sunglasses back in place

before linking his hand with Cody’s. They still faced one another, neither willing to be the first to look


“It’s been all over the local news. I’m sorry for your loss. I played little league with him,” he squeezed

Mitch’s hand.

“I wondered about that. He’s your age, thought you might have gone to school together or something.

Just a kid.” Mitch sighed as he sat back in his seat.

“He wasn’t a kid. I’m not a kid. At least I don’t see us like that. Something’s not right with this whole

thing.” Cody didn’t put the truck in gear. Instead, he continued gauging Mitch’s mindset.

“That’s the military for you. They aren’t giving any details. Kreed’s family’s a wreck.” Mitch pointed

toward the drive. “We should get going. The cop’s circled a couple of times now. He’s eyeing you.”

“I’m not gonna get a ticket,” Cody chuckled. He knew ninety percent of the Austin Police Department.

Mitch had to know that. Cody reluctantly let go of Mitch’s hand and moved the gearshift back into drive.

“I imagined you driving a big truck like this, wearing that baseball cap you wore the first night I met

you. I thought about that on the plane ride. I’m glad you’re wearing it now.” Mitch took Cody’s hand back

in his once they’d merged into traffic.

“Where am I taking you? Are you going to Kreed’s family’s house?” Cody asked after giving Mitch a

smile for remembering those details about him.

“I planned on staying with you, cowboy. If it’s okay.” Mitch winked at him.

“I’d hoped you’d would, but do you need to go by the family’s house first?” Cody asked.

“I guess I probably should. You mind going?” Mitch asked.

“Not at all. I planned on going to the funeral tomorrow. I figured I should. I didn’t know him well, but

you know.” Cody gave a shrug as he navigated the small turns of the airport with the massive vehicle he

drove one-handed, unwilling to release his hold on Mitch.

“Good. I wanted you to go. I just didn’t want to ask,” Mitch said. That surprised Cody. He figured he’d

be on his own tomorrow. That Mitch would be tied up with the family.

“San Antonio PD’s got some news that Eastfield might show up, but it’s just a memorial. I didn’t think

they came to things like that,” Cody said, picking his route from the airport.

“I hate those fuckers. Damn, they piss me off. Is anything forming a counter-protest?” Mitch asked,

looking his way, very concerned.

“I don’t know. It was gossip some of the guys were talking about,” Cody answered, cutting his eyes

back and forth between the road and Mitch.

“Do they know Kreed’s gay?” Mitch asked, fully facing him now.

“Kreed’s gay?” That got Cody’s attention, because he hadn’t known.

“If you didn’t know, that’s probably a good sign,” Mitch replied, pulling his phone from his jacket


“Kreed’s gay?” Cody asked again. He felt a pang of jealousy squeeze his heart even as he said the name.

“Yeah. It’s why we teamed up together. We’ve been doing this a long time. It’s just now that people are

so accepting. When I first started in all this, I wouldn’t have made it without him. He’s always had my back.

I’ve had his,” Mitch responded, working his phone.

“Do you fuck him?” Cody asked bluntly. He was shocked by his own crude use of words and the

possessiveness coursing through him. But damn, how was this the first time he’d heard about this? And

absolutely this was not the time to be having this conversation.

Oh shit. I’m an idiot. He’d been saying he would hold Mitch’s spot, but Mitch had never given him that

guarantee back.

“No. Of course not.” Mitch’s gaze jerked to his as he waited for the call to connect. Just as he was

getting ready to say more, his attention diverted to the phone a second before he whispered, “Hang on,” and

held up a finger to give him a minute. “Hi, Mrs. Sinacola, this is Mitch Knox. How are you doing?” Cody

drove, not listening to Mitch. Having no idea where he was going, he headed toward San Antonio, taking

Mitch to see the family, but with each passing mile, the pit in his stomach grew. He gripped his steering

wheel a little tighter than normal. Why hadn’t he thought of this before? He’d never questioned Kreed

sharing a room with him that first night he was in town. He also got the feeling Kreed wasn’t into this

relationship between them. Just the little things Mitch had said, and now he completely got why. Fuck!

“Hey, cowboy? Earth to Cody.” Mitch’s voice pulled him from his thoughts. Cody glanced over at Mitch

who now had his sunglasses pushed up on his head, and the devious grin was back, showing off those

gorgeous dimples. Maybe it was more of a smirk, but the dimples were there, drawing him in, and damn, if

dread didn’t fill him. Mitch meant something to him, and he didn’t like that Kreed Sinacola was gay.

“Where am I taking you?” Cody asked, not sharing his thoughts out loud.

“What were you thinking so hard about?” Mitch countered.

Cody didn’t answer. He couldn’t. The timing was wrong, and he needed space. Maybe distance was

more the word.

“Are you jealous?” Mitch turned in his seat, facing him.

“Of course not.” At least that was what he wanted Mitch to think.

There was silence between them.

“I don’t have sex with Kreed Sinacola. We decided against that a long time ago. We needed to have each

other’s backs, look out for the other one. He’s a couple of years older than me. He came from a military

background. He knew the deal way before I did.”

Cody glanced over at Mitch, gauged his face. He looked like he was being honest and straight-forward.

He couldn’t stare at Mitch long because he had to split his time between the road and the man. Cody finally

just picked the road to concentrate on. “You never had sex with him?”

“I didn’t say that. I have, we did in the beginning a few times. But that stopped a long time ago. We

made that decision. It’s done. I have no desire to ever go back there again. He’s my work partner, we’re

fluid in the field together. Nothing else. I promise,” Mitch assured him.

Cody let out the sigh he was holding, keeping his eyes on the road. “I assumed you’d be holding my

spot since you were asking me to hold yours.”

Mitch took Cody’s hand back in his, made a show of linking their fingers together again. “It’s a safe

assumption. Look, I’m not gonna hide the fact I’m kind of looking for more with you than someone to

fuck. Watching Colt Michaels and Jace Montgomery and knowing their story made me realize that if it could

happen for them, then it could happen to anyone. I was open to the idea, but I honestly didn’t think I’d find

anyone. Then there you were, sitting quietly in a corner, almost unseen. My world’s been pretty rocked

since then. Meeting you knocked me flat on my ass, Cody. I’m not gonna lie about that to you.”

Cody gripped Mitch’s hand tighter.

“So it’s a safe assumption?” Cody asked, not looking over at Mitch.

“Oh yeah,” Mitch answered and raised their joined hands for a kiss.

“I’m driving in the general direction of San Antonio. I’m not real sure of your plans. This is the way I

should be going, right?” Cody asked, changing the subject.

“Yeah, let me pull up their address on my phone.”

Cody’s stomach wasn’t roiling like it had before, he might even be back to the happy medium he’d been

at when this conversation started, but he still needed to be careful. He hadn’t figured Mitch for the settling

down type. No way would he have ever gone there. Besides, their distance was enough to make this whole

thing between them too hard. This was good for now, but he needed to keep his head straight. This was

going to end. The complications were stacked against them. No matter how much he wished it weren’t true,

six months from now, Mitch Knox would be a memory.


Mitch watched as Cody navigated the big truck down the older neighborhood street, dodging the parked

cars and children playing outside. He’d officially spent almost the whole entire month of October in DC.

Riding down this street reminded him it was close to Halloween. He had to look down at his phone to see it

was actually October thirtieth.

This part of the country was warm and inviting outside. The carved jack-o’-lanterns were being put out.

Decorations were being hung. When had Halloween rivaled Christmas for home décor?

“Right here,” Mitch said, pointing to the house that had cars filling the driveway and all out front along

the road.

“That’s Kreed.” Mitch gestured to the guy atop a ladder, doing some sort of home repair. An older man

stood at the foot of the ladder, pointing, giving directions. It had been years since he’d met Kreed’s family,

but he thought that might be Kreed’s dad at the base.

Cody parked the truck in the first available spot a few houses down. He turned off the engine. Mitch

didn’t move, he stayed by Cody’s side.

“You’ve been quiet. I know that’s not a good sign.”

“I’m just trying to be accommodating.” Cody gave him a smile.

“You know I feel better just being with you, but you haven’t kissed me yet,” Mitch said, scooting closer

to Cody.

“It’s probably not the best place,” Cody started to say as Mitch lifted his arm, moved in, and pulled

Cody toward him. Their lips met for a soft brushing. Mitch opened, deepening the kiss. He agreed this

wasn’t the time for much more, but he’d missed Cody and merely being in his presence soothed him.

Besides, they’d just had a pivotal moment in their relationship. Cody had been jealous of Kreed. Very

jealous, and that meant he cared. Mitch wanted him to care.

“I’m gonna need you to make love to me tonight. Maybe something tender, meaningful.” Slowly he

opened his lids to see Cody staring at him.

“You have no problem just saying what’s on your mind.” Cody leaned in and kissed his lips again.

“Actually, I don’t think you’ll believe me, but I do. I keep a lot inside.” Mitch watched as Cody’s brow

narrowed. “Come on. Kreed’s probably going to need some help with whatever job his dad has him doing.”

Mitch let go of Cody, got out of the truck, and waited for him at the tailgate.

“Mrs. Sinacola said there was a lot of food. We could stay for dinner.” Mitch tucked his hands inside his

jacket pockets when Cody slid his in his jeans.

“It’s Halloween this weekend.”

“Am I keeping you from anything? You don’t have to stay if you have plans,” Mitch said.

“No, I took off tomorrow, and Sunday I was scheduled off,” Cody said as they walked side by side

toward the house.

“Knox, it’s about fuc…time.” Kreed yelled from the top of the ladder.

“It’s about time you did some actual work for a change,” he called out, cutting across the yard. He

reached for Kreed’s father’s hand. “Mr. Sinacola, I’m sorry for your loss.”

“Thank you, son,” the older man replied. His eyes were red-rimmed, and he looked tired. Kreed was

coming down as he introduced Cody.

“Mr. Sinacola, this is Cody Turner,” Mitch introduced them. Cody was perfect. He extended a hand to

Mr. Sinacola’s in greeting.

“Sir, I played little league with Derek. I was so sorry to hear what happened.” Before Mr. Sinacola could

respond, Kreed was in Cody’s face.

“It’s about damn time I met you. Mitch freaked me out with all the positive energy and smiling he’s

been doing,” Kreed teased, sticking out his hand. Mitch took this as the diversion Kreed needed. He looked

as exhausted as his father.

“It’s crazy in there. You might wanna grab a ladder and help me clean out the gutters,” Kreed offered.

“I’m supervising,” Kreed’s father declared. “The womenfolk are three feet deep in food in there.”

“Your mom said there was food.” Mitch watched as Kreed handed Cody the ladder and grabbed a

smaller one lying against the side of the house.

“Not worth going in there,” Kreed hollered back.

“Cody, don’t let him put you to work. Come inside, eat something.” Mitch was already several steps


“I don’t mind helping,” Cody said, and Mitch laughed at the gleam on Mr. Sinacola’s face. Mitch could

see him mentally ticking things off his to-fix-around-the-house list. Cody was in good hands, besides, his

cowboy had to see for himself that Kreed was harmless. Those two needed to build a friendship if he and

Cody had any chance of making something substantial together.

“Can you use a hammer?” Mr. Sinacola asked, and Kreed just laughed.

“Yes, sir,” Cody nodded seriously.

“Well, that’s going to come in very handy. Come with me, young man,” Mr. Sinacola said.

Chapter 39

Twilight had passed about an hour ago, and Cody worked on hammering several broken shingles back

in place. The job had been more than he originally thought. Part of the siding from the house had come

loose. Once he got up there, he found a big mess, and he just didn’t have it in him to do a half-ass job.

Kreed’s father had regularly thanked him for the last couple of hours. He finally sent the man inside

when the evening chill came on. Kreed had his own task going on in the shed outside. Apparently with both

their boys gone and Mr. Sinacola’s age, a lot of things around the house hadn’t been taken care of.

What got Cody solidly in the heart was when Mr. Sinacola had said Derek had planned to make these

repairs once he left the military and was looking for work. That broke his heart. He and his family worked

together all the time. And here this family was all broken apart.

“Homemade Southern fried chicken. It’s about the best thing ever,” Mitch taunted. Cody looked down

and saw Mitch standing in the shadows of the house, holding up what looked like a chicken leg.

“I’m a home-grown Southern boy. That chicken’s a staple of my everyday life. It doesn’t hold a lot of

interest to me. Now pecan pie on the other hand…” Cody called back, jokingly.

“Well, that’s a good thing since I ate your share of chicken. Now I’m gonna go find that pie.” Mitch

grinned, and Cody just chuckled at him.

“I’m almost done. Hang on.” Cody finished the last couple of bangs with the hammer, made sure

everything was nailed properly and made his way down. Mitch sat on the porch steps. The light from the

front door cast a glow on him. He gnawed on that bone, not leaving a scrap behind. Cody had to laugh;

Mitch must really like fried chicken. He’d be at home with his mom on a Sunday lunch.

Kreed came from the other side of the house, the tall dark-headed guy wiping his hands on a rag as he

came toward Cody. “I’ll take that,” Kreed said, motioning for the ladder Cody already had tucked under his


“I got it, just tell me where to go,” Cody said, already walking toward the garage.

“Dad’s got several against the side of the house over there,” Kreed responded.

“Go inside or take a seat. I got this.” Cody put everything away, turned off the lights, and closed up the

garage. He had no idea of the time. He looked up at the moon, trying to judge, until he saw Kreed sitting

next to Mitch on the front porch. They sat side by side with the same stance, feet spread apart, elbows on

their knees, heads bent toward the other, and they were talking quietly. Both men were about the same size,

definitely the same build. They looked good together. No matter what Mitch said, he could see Kreed was

his best friend. It showed in their mannerisms. That stomach pit thing happened again, and he slowed his

pace, not sure if he should interfere.

It was Kreed who saw him and looked up. “Thanks for helping him tonight. It took his mind off things

because he got to boss you around.”

“It’s not a problem. He’s a good man,” Cody said, coming to stand in front of them. He felt liked he’d

interrupted them and wasn’t exactly sure what to do about that.

“Come sit down,” Mitch urged, looking up at him as he stood watching them. Mitch moved the chicken

bone sitting on the edge of the porch in order for him to take a seat. It would be a tight fit if he sat between

Mitch and the post on the front porch. When he didn’t move right away, Mitch reached out and took his

hand, drawing him down.

“Manual labor’s over for tonight,” he said, winking at Cody when he sat down. He’d been right about

the tight fit. Mitch leaned back and draped an arm around his back, pulling Cody up next to him. Again,

there were no inhibitions in Mitch’s behavior. He clearly felt comfortable with PDAs, and Cody cast a

glance in Kreed’s direction, gauging his response.

Kreed stayed silent, watching them. His face softened a bit and Cody glanced back at Mitch who was

looking slyly at Kreed.

“He’s hot, isn’t he?” Mitch asked Kreed and nodded in his direction.

“Yep,” Kreed responded after a minute. “Damn, Knox, didn’t think you had it in you.”

“I told you he was fucking hot. You didn’t think I could get a guy this good-looking?” Mitch watched

Cody intently and had a big shit-eatin’ grin plastered across his face. Cody’s cheeks warmed under his gaze

and the compliment in Mitch’s words.

“How old are you?” Kreed asked him.

“Twenty-six,” Cody answered, linking his fingers, matching Kreed’s sitting position.

“What’s a good lookin’ guy like you doing with an old man like him?” Kreed asked and nodded his

head toward Mitch.

“I did not fly halfway around the world to hear you casting doubt to my guy about me,” Mitch retorted

and drew Cody in closer to him. “Besides, I’m not that old.”

Kreed gave a bark of laughter. “Said the old man.”

“You’re older than me,” Mitch scoffed.

“I’m not trying to date him. Cody, when you’re thirty, he’ll be sixty-two.” That had Cody smiling,

looking back at Mitch who then shoved Kreed.

“Fuck you. I’m like seven years older than him,” Mitch snapped.

“You’re not counting the dog years. Did he tell you what a dawg he was back when he was your age?”

Kreed asked, trying for serious as he looked around Mitch to Cody.

“Okay, that’s enough. No more of this,” Mitch said, standing, drawing Cody up with him.

“Yeah, you need to know something, you call me. I’ll fill you all in about Mitch Knox,” Kreed goaded,

rising slowly to his feet.

“Don’t listen to him. He’s got nothing to say that has any value or importance to anything. They have

you a plate of food in there.” Mitch started moving Cody inside as Kreed laughed out loud at him.

“I need to wash my hands,” Cody added as Mitch opened the door and pushed him through.

“There’s a bathroom down the hall. Come on, I’ll show you,” Mitch said.

“I can show him.” Kreed offered still from the front porch.

“You just stay outside,” Mitch called back. Cody laughed again, looking over his shoulder. Kreed was

smiling. He looked younger right then, not so burdened. The moment eased Cody too.


Somewhere around eleven o’clock, Cody navigated the highway to drive them the hour or so back to

his place. His belly was full and he yawned right alongside Mitch who had a couple of whiskey shots with

Kreed. Mitch yawned louder again and Cody looked over at him. His eyes were closed, his head was back,

and his body naturally shifted with the movement. He was close to sleeping, lulled by the sway of the truck.

After they had gone inside, Cody ate more food than he ever remembered eating. What he saw as he

worked outside was a steady stream of well-wishers coming to the house. They never stopped all night

long. There was also a large group of women inside, just wanting to help out any way they could. Those

women were responsible for the three plates he’d consumed, because they never let his plate get empty. A

spoonful of something was always being added.

“Thank you for tonight,” Mitch said. Cody looked over and smiled.

“I thought you were sleeping.”

“Dozing, I think. Seriously, thank you for tonight. I didn’t know when we went over there they were

gonna put you to work,” Mitch said.

“I don’t mind helping. I do things like that for my dad all the time,” Cody replied. “I was thinking about

grabbing some of the guys at work that knew Derek and taking them over there in the next few weeks.

They’ve got overgrown trees in the back. Their fence is coming down. I think some of them paint. The

house needs some work.”

Mitch stared at him.

“What?” He felt the weight of Mitch’s gaze on him as he watched the road.

“I like you more and more every time I’m around you,” Mitch said quietly, and that made him smile. He

grinned, staring out into the night, keeping an eye on the road. “How much longer until we’re home?”

“About twenty minutes, give or take.”

“Do you mind if I sleep?” Mitch asked.

“No, go ahead. The headrest bends in.” He motioned behind his head to show Mitch.

“Fancy,” he said, lying back, resting his head on the headrest. Mitch appeared to have passed out within

seconds of reclining. Cody found he drove a little slower and a bit more carefully, letting Mitch sleep

longer. He pulled his truck through the gates of the community parking garage in the back of the complex

and parked. Mitch never woke up.

Cody contemplated his next move. He slid his hand across Mitch’s thigh, unprepared for Mitch’s hand

to reach out and grab his. Mitch kept his eyes shut, his breathing even, looking very much asleep, but slid

their entwined hands up his thigh, covering his dick, using his hand to help Cody massage him right there.

“I’ve been dreaming about you,” Mitch whispered. “See? You’re even in my dreams.”

“I dream about you too,” Cody confessed, stroking Mitch on his own now. Mitch sat forward, barely

opening his eyes, and moved until he reached Cody’s lips. He kissed him good and long, almost climbing

over the console to get to him. No matter how awkward the position was, Mitch kept Cody’s hand on him,

massaging his rock hard erection.

Cody thought he heard the words, I need you. He wasn’t sure, but Mitch’s brute force had him now

pulled across the seat, on top of the console, almost in Mitch’s lap. The kiss turned frenzied in a matter of

seconds. Mitch’s tongue made love to his mouth at the same time his hands roamed across his body.

“Inside,” Cody managed to croak out. “Let’s take this inside.”

“I’ll suck you here, if you let me. No one will know.” Mitch somehow managed to slide his fingers in

the waistband of his jeans.

“Inside.” Cody broke free of Mitch’s hold, only getting a foot or so away before Mitch was on him


“I hate when you deny me. You do it far too often,” Mitch grumbled.

“I don’t think I do it enough,” Cody teased, and Mitch went for his lips again. Cody dodged the move.

“Come on. Inside.”

Cody awkwardly got out of the truck, making sure to untuck his shirt before going any farther. He

prayed he didn’t see anyone going up the elevator. There was no way to hide the hard-on filling his jeans.

“Stay over there,” he commanded as Mitch rounded the truck. Mitch didn’t listen and came for him,

pushing him against the side of the truck and kissing him like he’d never been kissed before. Mitch

consumed him in that swirl of tongue, lips, and teeth. When Mitch came up for air, Cody wasn’t certain he

was holding himself up, and without question, the roll of his hips, matching Mitch’s, was completely


“Now, we know what’s what. Take me upstairs and make love to me,” Mitch said, lifting Cody’s chin

until he stared into Mitch eyes. The raw passion he saw reflected in their depths filled him with need. He

leaned in and swiped his tongue across Mitch’s lips.

“God, you’re killing me,” Mitch groaned. “Come on.”


Mitch had no idea where he was going. The passion they’d just experienced had Cody tucked in next to

him as they followed people inside the building. Mitch caught the door before it closed while Cody pointed

in the general direction the others had walked. The elevator dinged and Mitch moved them toward the


“Hey, man.” Mitch heard a masculine voice say. He saw the elevator doors being held, and he pushed

Cody forward, getting them inside as the buzzer sounded.

“Thanks,” Cody said, reaching for the ninth-floor button, but the guy got to it first. So he knew Cody.

Mitch eyed him as he leaned back against the elevator wall and Cody stood next to the guy.

“Eastfield’s in town,” the guy told Cody. Instead of concentrating on whether the guy was in law

enforcement or whether he was straight or gay, Mitch’s interest perked upon hearing the name of that

organization. This was the first confirmation he’d heard they were here.

“For sure?” Cody asked. Good boy, Mitch thought. Suddenly he wanted Cody questioning the guy until

they had all the answers.

“Yeah. They’re causing problems downtown tonight. I had to go in. I’m surprised you didn’t get


“I’m off through Sunday. So they’re here for the Derek Sinacola’s funeral?” Cody asked, crossing his

arms over his chest. Mitch decided the guy worked in law enforcement too.

“Yeah, talking shit all downtown. They love to get people riled up,” the guy said.

“I’m attending the funeral tomorrow,” Cody replied, somewhat quietly.

“I volunteered to work it tomorrow. Be careful, man.” They gave a quick fist bump before he got off on

the third floor.

“It’s wrong what they do,” Mitch said, the lust of a moment ago fading quickly. In its place, a sick

hollow feeling twisted in his gut. He believed in freedom of speech, he absolutely did, until it crossed the

line to hate. The ding signaled their arrival on Cody’s floor a moment before the doors opened. Cody

extended an arm, pulling Mitch forward, drawing him out.

“We aren’t worrying about that church tonight. We’re finishing what you started downstairs. Then

you’re gonna get a full night’s sleep, and we’ll get up early and head over to the Sinacola’s first thing in the

morning. Besides, for every one Eastfielder, there will be four people there supporting the Sinacola family.

Law enforcement will cover that by themselves,” Cody stated, fishing the keys from his pocket.

“I hope you’re right.”

“I know I am. I’d be there too, if I wasn’t going with you,” Cody said and opened the door to his

apartment. Mitch walked inside, a little impressed. The clean, small loft-style condo perfectly represented

Cody with a mix of Western, modern, and classic. Mitch smiled as Cody’s arms came around his waist and

his hard cock pressed against his ass.

“I like your place,” Mitch said, reaching both his arms back, pulling Cody’s head forward for a kiss

over his shoulder. Cody’s hands slid down the front of his jeans, and that was all it took for the lust to

return. He was hard and ready. Mitch tried to turn in Cody’s arms, but he couldn’t move with the freaking

arms of steel pinning him there, and fuck if that didn’t turn him on more.

“Walk to the right,” Cody whispered against his cheek before his warm tongue plunged into Mitch’s ear.

Cody unbuckled Mitch’s belt and slid a hand inside his jeans. His cock jerked at the rubbing it got. Mitch

popped the button and lowered the zipper on his jeans, freeing himself as Cody finished lavishing his ear

with kisses and moved to his neck. “Move, Knox. I’m making love to you in the bed. But I’m gonna suck

this first.”

Cody tightened the hold on his cock, and every nerve ending in his body went nuts. His senses

overloaded, and he actually heard himself whimper.

“Move,” Cody growled, pushing Mitch forward as he stroked and nuzzled Mitch from behind. Thank

god the space was small—maybe fifteen steps and they were at Cody’s bed.

Cody ran his palms up Mitch’s chest, over his nipples, and then his arms were above his head, the shirt

coming off. Cody never paused in his actions. His hands ran back down along Mitch’s sides, sliding over

his hips to grip the globes of his ass. Cody pushed his jeans down, flipped Mitch around, leaving the jeans

pooled at his ankles with his boots on. Cody shoved him back on the bed, tugging his boots off and ridding

him of his jeans in one smooth motion.

The domination thing Cody had going made his dick twitch. He fucking liked that shit, especially with

the hot blond cowboy at the reins. Mitch lifted himself on his elbows and watched in fascination as Cody

undressed and dropped to his knees. He pushed Mitch’s thighs open, crawled between them, and swallowed

his leaking cock down to the root.

“Fuck, cowboy,” he hissed, dropping his head back to the bed when that mind-blowing heat consumed


He arched his hips and eased his cock in and out of Cody’s warm, wet mouth, trailing his fingers

through Cody’s hair. Cody’s blond head bobbed up and down on his cock. The delicious rhythmic suction

of Cody’s talented mouth had his balls tightening against his body in no time.

“Cody, I need you to make love to me, please.”

Cody pulled off his dick, and he swore the temperature rose twenty degrees in that small room as those

blue eyes slid slowly up his body to meet his gaze. Cody gave him a grin and kissed the tip of his cock,

before righting himself. He leaned to the side, grabbing a condom and some lube, tossing it on the bed

within reach. Mitch scooted backward toward the middle of the bed, and Cody followed after him. That

sexy look focused intently on him. Fuck! Mitch spread his legs and Cody crawled between them, their hard

cocks brushing together as he slid his body firmly on top of him.

Their lips met when he lifted his head to take Cody’s mouth with his. He could taste himself on Cody.

The feel of Cody’s weight on top of him comforted him. He thrust his hips up, grinding his erection into his


“Fuck, Turner,” he hissed into Cody’s mouth as he continued to rut against him. Cody sucked and

licked at his lips, never stopping the sensual assault.

“I missed you, missed this,” he said between frantic kisses.

“Me too.” Cody scraped his teeth over Mitch’s throat.

“Oh, god, I need you in me, cowboy.” He took hold of his legs, pulling them back, until his thighs were

almost touching his chest, opening himself fully for Cody.


Cody sat back, and rolled the condom on. He made quick work of popping the top of the lube and

pouring some into his palm. He stroked his dick a few times, his gaze holding Mitch’s the entire time. Mitch

needed Cody Turner buried deep inside him, moving in him, making him forget the uncertainty of the

outside world.

The press of strong fingers against his rim made his muscle flutter. Cody eased a finger past the

contracting ring and slid in and out a few times before adding a second. He watched the intense look on

Cody’s face as he moved those fingers inside his body.

“Now, please.”

“Let me stretch you,” Cody whispered.

“Just fuck me, Cody,” he begged.

Cody withdrew his fingers then dragged his erection along the crack of his ass, up and down his

crevice, then teased the tip barely inside.

“Oh, shit,” Cody gasped as he pushed inch by inch into Mitch, stretching him torturously slow. Mitch’s

ass was on fire, the burn and sting quickly fading to a delicious heat and welcomed fullness as Cody started

to move.

“More.” He wanted more, needed more.

Cody pulled out almost all the way, until only the tip remained at his entrance. He slammed forward,

doing that same move over and over. Shivers raced through him. He no longer had a coherent thought in

his head. His hands fisted into the cool sheets as Cody used his knees for leverage and pounded wildly into

him. Somehow he managed to wrap his legs around Cody, drawing him even deeper.

“Harder, cowboy. Fuck me harder,” he demanded as his body strained for release.

Cody had angled his hips, the mushroomed head of his lover’s cock brushed that magical spot with

every in and out thrust of his hips. Cody fell forward and buried his face in Mitch’s neck. Mitch moaned at

the prickle of Cody’s stubble scraping along his jaw. His warm breath ghosted across his skin. Cody’s hand

continued moving between their bodies, tugging and stroking him with deliberate, rough pulls.

“Yes.” Cody rocked into him as loud pants filled his ear.

Mitch was close, so fucking close. The heat of his orgasm took root, growing in his spine, wrapping

around to settle in his balls. A sob escaped from his lips.

“I’m gonna come.”

“Don’t want this to end.” Cody’s frantic thrusts slowed. Eager lips nibbled his neck, latching on to his

skin and sucking. Mitch was absolutely sure that would leave a mark. Seconds passed as Cody lifted to his

elbow, bright blue eyes locked on his, and Cody’s grip tightened at the base of his cock, denying his release.

“Kiss me,” Cody whispered. Mitch pulled Cody’s head down to him and captured his mouth with his.

Cody’s body surged in and out of him as he pushed his tongue between Cody’s open lips. Their tongues

convened, twisting and curling around the other. Cody’s intoxicating taste burst across his palate. Mitch

stared into Cody’s eyes, holding his face between his palms, urging him even closer. And the slow roll of

Cody’s hips had him arching his body for more.

Cody made love to him, slowly, purposefully. Deliberate, long thrusts, stroking him in time with the

sway of his hips. The kiss eased, turned tender and loving, a soft brushing of lips. He was so lost to this

man. Nothing mattered, nothing existed in this moment, except the two of them. He kissed Cody with all he

had, making love tenderly to his mouth with his own. He tried to convey the feelings surging through his

soul. The kiss ended with a soft brush of lips.

His orgasm churned heavily in his balls. Cody’s cock collided against his prostate, and he groaned as his

lover increased the strokes on his dick. He hung on by a thread, needing to come, yet not wanting the

pleasure to end.

Cody kissed his way to his ear and whispered, “Come with me. Mitch baby, come with me.”

“Yes! Cody…yes!” He erupted on those words, his ass clenching uncontrollably around Cody, rippling

and contracting as creamy ribbons of his seed splattered against their chests.

“Mitch,” Cody moaned low as his body stiffened and his cock pulsed deep in Mitch’s ass. Mitch glanced

up at Cody, their eyes locked, and the impassioned look reflected in Cody’s beautiful blue eyes wrenched a

last soul-shattering spurt from him.


Cody rolled off Mitch who already snored softly underneath him. He slid the condom down his flaccid

dick, tossing it in the trash can next to the bed. He lay back against the pillows, watching the ceiling fan as it

turned in circles, and dropped an arm over his forehead and sighed. God, they had good sex. Actually, all

the time they spent together was good. He and Mitch clicked, fell easily in sync with one another, and Cody

felt the pieces of himself aligning when Mitch was with him.

That can’t be good.

Cody forced himself up from the bed. Mitch lay in the exact position he’d been in when Cody had

finally let them both come. That was a trick he’d learned from Mitch himself. Apparently he’d been an

excellent student.

Cody headed to the bathroom, turned on the warm water faucet at the sink, and grabbed a washcloth

while he let the water run until it heated. He looked at his reflection in the mirror. He was different. He

might not look different on the outside, but inside, he was a whole new person. Each time he’d been with

Mitch, he came back a different man, a changed man, a better man.

The warm water splashed across his fingertips, and he used the wet cloth to clean himself. He thought

about the kiss they shared as he’d moved so perfectly in and out of Mitch’s body. He smiled and closed his

eyes, remembering the way Mitch gasped his name. God, he loved to hear that deep sexy voice utter his


Cody reached over and grabbed another washcloth, wetting that one, hoping he hadn’t taken too long.

Mitch would make a mess if he turned over. He wrung out the cloth and went back out into the bedroom.

Mitch hadn’t moved. He was passed out and snoring solidly now. That made him smile.

The cloth was still warm when he wiped across Mitch’s stomach. Mitch jerked forward, almost colliding

with Cody’s head. He jumped backward as quickly as he could to avoid the collision. “It’s okay. I’m just

cleaning you.”

Mitch looked around the room before focusing back on him. “I fell asleep.”

“I know. I was there.” He smiled and lifted Mitch’s arm to wipe his chest. When he’d finished cleaning

Mitch, he turned back to the bathroom, but Mitch’s arms hooked around him.

“Leave it. Let me hold you,” Mitch said, his voice still thick with sleep.

Cody discarded the rag, carefully laying it on his nightstand. He reached over and clicked off the lamp,

making the room dark. Mitch pulled Cody down as he reached for the duvet, tugging the cover up over

them. “It took me a solid week to sleep right again after you left DC.”

Cody nuzzled the crook of Mitch’s neck. Mitch lay back, bringing Cody in an awkward sprawl across

his chest. Finally, after a few minutes, Mitch settled. Apparently this was the way Mitch wanted to sleep. He

lifted his arms and ran his fingers through Mitch’s hair. Mitch turned and kissed him.

“You’re perfect,” Mitch mumbled. Cody froze.


Mitch’s hold loosened and the snores were back in full force now. Cody slid to the side and Mitch went

with him. That seemed to help with the snoring. Cody laid in the dark, listening to Mitch breathe until sleep

finally took him too.

Chapter 40

The Eastfield Pentecostal congregation had already arrived. They were set up across the street from the

First United Methodist Church scheduled to hold Derek Sinacola’s memorial service. Bullhorns blared.

Large colorful hate signs waved high in the air to make sure everyone attending could see them even

though the church was surrounded three deep with supporters. The Sinacola supporters sang the Marine

hymn as loud as they possibly could.

Cody and Mitch drove in the family’s processional, as did most of the family’s friends, trying to keep

the grieving family from seeing the hate spewing across the street, but it was impossible. The Eastfield

congregation knew what they were doing and were there to be seen. As each vehicle turned into the parking

lot of the church, louder voices yelled scripture verses as signs where lifted higher in the air. Mitch tried to

read out loud the signs as he caught glimpses of them: “Soldiers-Die-God-Laughs, God-Hates-Fags, Thank-

God-For-Dead-Soldiers. What the hell is wrong with these people?”

After a while, he turned to look at Cody. Mitch realized, his man was the smart one. He kept his eyes

focused forward, seeming to not hear or see a thing.

“I hate this,” Mitch said, completely disgusted.

“It doesn’t matter,” Cody replied.

“It does matter. They can hate me; that’s fine. But why the hell do they take it out on our soldiers?” He

really wanted to know that answer. It didn’t make any sense to him. Hell, none of this did. Why did these

people spew so much hate? Why were they so vicious in their attacks? But what got to him the most was

seeing the little boys and girls that couldn’t have been more than four or five marching beside their parents

carrying hate signs. That really bothered him.

“It doesn’t matter,” Cody repeated as he pulled the truck into an open space.

“That’s all you keep saying. I don’t get it.” He turned to Cody and stared at him, refusing to leave the

truck till he had his answer.

“It’s the truth. They don’t matter, Mitch. We’re here for the Sinacola family. Nothing they are doing over

there changes anything. They suck, and Kreed’s brother died protecting their right to suck,” Cody said,

putting the truck in park. “We can’t let them get to us.” Cody turned to him and smiled. “You look

handsome in your suit.”

“I don’t know. I’m not really a suit wearer.” Mitch looked down at his clothes and straightened his tie.

“How the fuck do you do that? No one else can do that to me. You make me forget my worries and think

about you.” He smoothed his hands down his slacks. Stupid protesters forgotten.

Cody chuckled and lowered the rearview mirror, pushing the few pieces of his short blond hair back

off his forehead and checking his teeth. “You do look hot.”

“You’re the one who looks fucking hot. You were made to wear clothes like those.” Mitch opened the

passenger side door, getting out of the car. Cody was slower to leave as he grabbed some items from his

console. Mitch went and stood at the front of the truck. He had a perfect angle to see the haters, and lord,

did they hate him. He did something he rarely did anymore—he reached up to check his weapon in his side

holster. The familiar feel comforting him in the semi-hostile environment.

Mitch dropped his hands in his pockets and stared at the protestors. He wanted to shoot them the bird,

but held himself back out of respect for Kreed and his family. Cody came forward, never looking behind

him as though he truly couldn’t care less. Mitch wished he could get there.

“Ready,” Cody said, sticking a hand out, ushering Mitch toward the church. Out of defiance, Mitch

grabbed Cody’s hand purposefully and strolled slowly into the house of worship. They walked hand in

hand through the mega church filled to capacity, making their way to stand beside the Sinacola family.

“Thank you for being here.” Kreed greeted both of them. Mitch hugged his friend tightly.

“I wouldn’t let you go through this alone. Anything you need, man, I’m here. Now, don’t thank me

again. And, Kreed, stop worrying about us.” Mitch released Kreed from the tight embrace. “Concentrate on

your family.”

“I know it was hard dealing with those people out there,” Kreed said and stuck a hand out for Cody.

“I don’t pay attention to their ignorance. I’m just sorry your family has to deal with people like that.”

Cody replied, shaking Kreed’s hand.

“I would love to shove a few of those signs up their asses,” Mitch mumbled under his breath and

dropped his sunglasses in his inner suit pocket.

“Son,” Mrs. Sinacola called out. Kreed took his mother’s hand, and the family started down the long


“If we were to ever get married, I’d walk you down an aisle like this,” Mitch whispered into Cody’s ear.

Cody turned his head toward Mitch and stumbled a little. “Finally! That calm, cool, collected thing you

were doing was wearing on my nerves.” Mitch gave a small smile.

“I’m trying to be supportive,” Cody whispered back.

“Well, you’ve accomplished that. Thank you,” Mitch said quietly and stopped to the side of the pew and

waited for Cody to be seated first.

Chapter 41

“Drink this,” Cody instructed as the bartender put a Crown & Coke in front of Mitch and cleared away

their dinner dishes. They were hours from sitting in a packed church, listening to the community talk about

the Sinacola family and the loss they’d endured. Mitch had teared up several times during the service.

It was a good thing they sat on the edge of the pew, close to a box of tissues. Cody had pulled several

from the box during the hour long memorial, handing them over to Mitch, then disposing of them when he

began to worry the tissue into shreds.

Mitch hadn’t handled much of the service well, and seeing his lover so affected was incredibly

emotional to watch. The worst part for everyone concerned was exiting with all that chaos still going on

outside. All the hate from the insane church group and love from friends and supporters, but to have it all

going on at the same moment, during a time of grieving was really just way too much to handle.

Cody had known going into this weekend that he needed to just be supportive, but he had no idea how

much this day would impact him. It would take some time to process all this emotion. He’d never let

anyone know how badly that grandstanding from the church had bothered him.

“I like where you live,” Mitch said, reaching for Cody’s hand and pulling him in for a kiss. “Thank you

for today.”

“You’ve said that two or three times. I didn’t do anything.” He swiveled on his barstool toward Mitch.

They were in the space below his loft, tucked away at the end of the bar, out of the way of everyone.

“Yes, you did. And thank you,” Mitch said again, lifting his glass to salute Cody. “Let’s talk about

something else.”

“Okay, like what?” Cody asked.

“Like how hot you look in this suit,” Mitch said, turning on his stool, leaning one arm on the back of

the chair and the other on the side of the bar, effectively caging Cody in.

“That’s not a subject I’m comfortable with. Talk about something else.” Cody lifted his glass, letting the

few ice cubes at the bottom fill his mouth. Mitch took a drink from his glass and resumed the position.

“How about…I want you to come to DC the next time you get two days off in a row—if I’m still there.”

“We need to plan it. It’ll be too expensive otherwise,” Cody started, but Mitch leaned in and kissed his

lips to silence him.

“I’ll pay. You just worry about coming…” Mitch laughed at his words and took another drink, emptying

the glass.

“You’re drunk. Let’s see if you still feel this way next week.” Cody smiled at the very tipsy Mitch; he

liked him like this. Mitch had long ago abandoned the tie and suit jacket. His sleeves were rolled up, his

shirt unbuttoned to almost mid-point on his chest, and he was all smiles. Mitch was definitely a happy


“I’m gonna feel this way next week. Are you fuckin’ doubting me?” Mitch looked hurt, all except for

the half pout, half smile he still wore. “I like you in this suit.” Mitch reached over and flipped the tie he’d

made Cody wear through dinner.

Cody looked down at his clothes. “It’s just a black suit…”

Mitch stopped him by leaning in close and whispering, “Take me up stairs, fuck me hard. You know,

like you mean it…” Mitch sucked Cody’s earlobe between his lips and ran a hand over his bicep. “I think

you got it in you to take control, and I’m drunk enough to let you.”

Mitch moved forward, much closer to his face, so close, in fact, he could feel Mitch’s breath against his

lips. “Say yes. And when you’re done, I’ll do you.”

Cody chuckled. “Are you done?” he asked, reaching for his wallet in his back pocket.

“I’m paying,” Mitch said, fumbling to reach for his suit jacket on the back of his stool.

“No, we agreed, you’re here, and I’m paying.”

“No, you’ve put yourself out to help me this weekend,” Mitch insisted, turning to the bartender across

the bar. “I’m paying!”

“No, John, I’m paying,” Cody spoke up using his trooper voice, and that had Mitch looking straight at


“That’s exactly how I want you to handle me tonight,” Mitch growled as John came up and took the

credit card out of Mitch’s hand.

“Let somebody pay for you for once,” the bartender said as he swiped the card in the credit card

machine located close to them.

“Yeah.” Mitch grinned at Cody. “I win!”

Cody rolled his eyes and slid off the barstool, grabbing their jackets and Mitch’s tie. He loosened his

and reached to undo the first button of his dress shirt as he thought about how best to handle the next few

hours. He needed a game plan fast.


Mitch leaned back against the bar, watching Cody as he spoke to several guys who had just arrived. By

their looks, he would probably guess they were law enforcement. Maybe military, who knew for sure, but

they seemed to know Cody pretty well. Apparently, they had known him for a few years because there was

easy camaraderie between them all.

Another glaring fact, Cody hadn’t introduced him to any of them.

Mitch watched them closely. Cody said he didn’t hide, but he also didn’t flaunt his homosexuality.

Today at the church, there had to be police and state troopers there who knew who he was, but he’d walked

in and out of the church with his head held high and his hand in Mitch’s.

So why hadn’t he introduced him to his friends?

Mitch tried to push that thought out of his head. That was the great thing about liquor, it helped cloud

his mind so he didn’t hold on to anything too long—at least helped him forget until the next day. That was

okay too. Cody stood with his back to Mitch. He had a really good view of his cowboy’s ass. He knew that

perfect bubble butt intimately and everything else that lay underneath those slacks. He also knew how

powerful Cody’s thighs were when they were wrapped around his waist.

“Fuck…” His eyes were glued to Cody’s ass, and he would have missed the questioning blue eyes

staring back at him if he hadn’t noticed Cody’s upper body shift slightly. Shit! He must have said the word

out loud. He just shook his head and waved them off.

“Don’t mind me. I’ve got a throat thing going on.” He coughed for good measure as if to prove his

point. Cody kept watching him as he spoke to the crew.

“I gotta go. I’ll see you guys later.” He heard Cody say as he shook everyone’s hand before taking the

few steps back to Mitch’s side. He didn’t reach out for Cody like he wanted to, like he seemed drawn to do

every time that hot trooper moved within reach. Instead, he stayed against the bar, forcing his hands inside

his slacks pocket to keep them from misbehaving.

“Everything okay?” Cody questioned.

“Absolutely. Buddies of yours?” He smiled, trying not to seem jealous. Damn, being drunk hadn’t taken

those thoughts away, and he apparently didn’t like being excluded. Huh.

“I guess. I only remembered one of them from the police academy when I was like nineteen, and I

couldn’t remember his name.”

“Ahhh,” Mitch said, extending a hand toward the back of the restaurant where the door was to the


“What’s that mean?” Cody asked, shooting him a look over his shoulder.

“Nothing. Just, I see,” Mitch answered, staring down at Cody’s ass. “I had a good view from the bar.”

“Are you sure you’re okay?” Cody asked, stopping at the door, turning back to him.

“Introduce me next time,” he said, stepping closer to Cody. Cody stood his ground and didn’t back

away from Mitch. Cody could have opened the door, pushed them through, but he stood right there, chest

to chest with Mitch.

“I didn’t remember their names. You saw me looking back at you. I was trying to get you to come

introduce yourself so they would say their names,” Cody said. And with that, the tension forming in his

chest eased, and he smiled, pushing the door behind Cody open.

“So let me get this straight. Looking over your shoulder means come introduce yourself?” He bumped

Cody’s chest until the cowboy stepped backward.

“Yeah. Everyone knows that,” Cody reasoned, taking steps back.

“I didn’t know that,” he replied.

“Of course you know. I was even giving you the help-me look,” Cody stated matter-of-factly.

“What’s the look?” Mitch asked, reaching for the elevator button. Cody’s whole focus was on him.

Mitch kept his eyes on Cody’s and laughed out loud when Cody attempted to show him the supposed look.

He couldn’t help the outburst when all Cody did was widen his eyes and look constipated.

“That’s the look,” Cody advised, and Mitch backed him against the small wall separating the two


“Is that so? I’ll just have to remember that next time,” he chuckled and leaned his head in to kiss Cody’s

lips. “I just thought you didn’t want them to know.”

Cody took hold of his waist and pushed him back a step. It was all he was willing to give.

“I told you I didn’t hide,” Cody’s eyes met his.

“I didn’t know.”

“Everyone knows the look,” Cody repeated.

“I didn’t.” The elevator doors slid open, revealing an empty space. When Cody didn’t automatically

enter, Mitch reached out and pushed him inside. He was either an incredible actor or sincere. Mitch guessed

that straight-forward, good guy Cody had never taken a theater arts class in his life. “But next time, I will,”

he promised.

“I wasn’t hiding you,” Cody insisted. Mitch had completely accepted his answer but apparently hadn’t

made that clear to Cody. Mitch reached back to push the button to his floor.

“I got it. My bad, cowboy. Kiss me,” he said, moving in closer to Cody as the doors shut. Cody put a

hand on his chest, keeping him a step away.

“I wasn’t hiding you. I just didn’t remember them. I was trying to cover that,” Cody explained again,

staring him straight in the eyes.

“Good. I don’t wanna be hidden. I wanna be right there beside you.” He moved forward against Cody’s

outstretched hand and reached out, turning Cody’s head to the perfect angle. Not taking no for an answer

this time, he nipped and licked at Cody’s lips until he opened for him. That whole conversation must have

sounded crazy. Mitch also got that he’d been a little diva, but Cody had sealed himself inside Mitch’s heart

today. Now all he wanted to do was to protect what was his, and this man in his arms belonged to him.


Mitch was on him as soon as the elevator doors closed, their mouths fused together in a frenzied kiss.

Cody heard the doors open and reached out, grabbing the sides of the elevator seconds before they shut

again. He used the leverage of his body to push Mitch backward. It was like moving a concrete wall. Mitch

was powerful, glued to him just the way Cody would normally want him, but he needed them in the privacy

of his apartment first. Mitch held on as he walked them off the elevator, out into the foyer. Seconds passed

before he finally broke free from the kiss.

“Let’s get in my apartment,” Cody breathed into Mitch’s ear. Mitch fought him a little bit to take back

possession of his mouth.

“Right here’s fine,” Mitch murmured, latching on to his neck, pushing Cody backward several steps.

The strong arms holding his waist tightened; their hips now in perfect alignment so their cocks brushed

together. An involuntary moan slipped from his mouth, and he ground himself harder into Mitch.

Get a hold of yourself, he mentally chastised himself.

“God, you smell sexy.” Mitch ran his nose along his neck, up to his ear.

“I’ve got something planned. Let me go, so we can get inside.” He was surprised he got the sentence

out. Mitch had him so hard he couldn’t think. His arms tightened around Mitch, but he lost his grip on their

jackets and they fell to the floor. He had to get Mitch to his apartment now! Cody roughly shoved him away,

causing him to stumble several steps back.

Mitch looked up at him. The glint in his eyes said it all. That move had turned Mitch on, and a devious

grin spread across his handsome face.

“That’s it, cowboy. You know what I want,” Mitch growled, pointing his finger at him.

“Get into the apartment, and I’ll give it to you,” he promised, keeping his distance, because fuck, if he

didn’t, he’d have Mitch on this foyer floor, banging into him for the whole world to see. He had no doubt

Mitch would have loved that idea. Mitch pivoted on his feet as Cody reached down and picked up their

jackets taking a wide curve around Mitch as he headed to his place. “Follow me, Deputy Marshal.”

Chapter 42

Mitch trailed behind him, keeping his distance. Cody was able to get inside his apartment, discard their

jackets, and toe off his shoes before Mitch leisurely strolled inside. Mitch didn’t shut the door. Instead, he

walked straight into the living room, turned toward him, and cocked his brow.

Mitch’s invitation was very clear—give it your best shot. Oh, he would, but he was nervous. He tried to

ignore the fact he’d never done anything like this ever before.

“You sure you know what you’re asking me to do?” Cody absently reached back and shut the front

door. On a thought, he pivoted and made a show of turning the lock. “Take off your clothes. They’re too

nice to ruin,” he stated, trying to be what Mitch needed. He looked at the support beam in his living room as

he walked to the bedroom, leaving Mitch where he stood.

He loosened his tie, but let the silk hang as he untucked his shirt. He freed himself of his belt before

working the buttons at his wrist. He assessed his bedroom. The support beam in this room might be better.

It sat to the side of the room, but he could get Mitch from the beam to the bed if needed.

He lifted the tie from his collar and unbuttoned his shirt. He slid off the dress shirt, and tugged the white

undershirt over his head, then he reached for the lube and condoms in the nightstand. He grabbed those as

he worked his slacks and underwear down, tossing them on the end of the bed where he placed his shirts.

His socks came off as he stood with one hand on the dresser.

“You’re sexy as hell,” Mitch said from the bedroom door.

“How hard do you want it?” Cody asked, trying to keep his nerve. Mitch was shirtless. That expansive

tattooed chest always did funny things to his stomach, and he looked away to help keep his goals in sight.

He wanted Mitch Knox in his life like he had never wanted anything before.

“How hard you got, cowboy?” Mitch smirked, walking forward. He was much slower at undressing,

and his actions became Cody’s very own strip tease. He knew Mitch wiggled his ass and gripped his rigid

cock, stroking himself, just for show. It worked and Cody had to force his eyes away from the sight in front

of him. He turned on the small lamp on the nightstand and turned off the bright overhead light.

He then took his time to walk across the room and shut the bedroom door to block out the light from

the living room. The last thing he did was push back the curtains over the large windows, exposing the

view of the Austin skyline. He prayed they were high enough up and dark enough inside the room to keep

from being seen by any roving eyes.

“It’s a great view,” Mitch said, looking out the window before moving his attention back to Cody.

Mitch’s gaze ran up and down his body, taking him all in. The way he looked at Cody made him grow even

harder. “I can’t imagine ever getting tired of looking at that.”

Cody didn’t respond any more than the involuntary twitch his cock gave at Mitch’s lust-filled stare. He

kept it cool as he opened the condom box and the bottle of lube for easy access. Maybe he could catch

Mitch off guard with the way they were standing. Mitch had his back to him for the moment.

Mitch had been trained for the sudden attack, so he slowly slid in behind him, kissed his shoulder, and

then his neck. He placed his hands on Mitch’s waist. He had to be careful—the steel beam could work for

what he had planned if he didn’t damage anything on Mitch’s body in the execution.

“Trust me?” Cody asked quietly.

“Oh yeah,” Mitch cooed and laid his head back on Cody’s shoulder, turning in for a full kiss. The exact

move he needed. He smiled as he leaned in, lightly kissing Mitch’s lips. He took the silk tie from around his

neck and slid his palms down Mitch’s arms. In that moment, everything changed. Mitch opened to kiss him,

and Cody drove their bodies forward, wrenching Mitch’s wrists above his head, taking care as they

slammed into the support beam. The grunt Mitch gave made it very clear Cody had taken him by surprise

and now had the upper hand, if only for a moment.

He ground his hips violently into Mitch's ass as he gripped both wrists in his one hand, and wrestled

them up above his head. He tied Mitch’s wrists together with the silk necktie and bound him to the steel

beam. He was strong and he knew Mitch was just as strong, but in this moment, Mitch gave in to him. “Can

you feel me, Deputy Marshal?” He pressed his body against Mitch and held him there, securing the knot as

his cock slipped up and down the crevice of Mitch’s ass.

“Fuck yeah,” Mitch moaned. He pulled and then wrenched at his wrists, struggling to free his hands.

Mitch tried in vain to get free. Watching him struggle made Cody hard as hell.

He stayed on Mitch, pressed against his back, as he ran the palm of his hands up and down Mitch’s

brawny arms. He leaned forward and whispered in Mitch’s ear, “Don’t fight me, it just makes me harder.”

“I want it.” Mitch arched his back, grinding his ass farther into Cody. The move fueled Cody’s lust, and

he involuntarily met Mitch’s ass with a solid roll of his hips. He ran his nose up the back of Mitch’s neck

and inhaled the scent of his skin.

“Mmm…you smell so fuckable,” he hissed against the shell of Mitch’s ear. He ran his hands to the front

of Mitch’s chest, pressed his body head to toe against him, and shifted his hips. One hand moved to Mitch’s

neck and the other hand slid lower, his fingers traveling down Mitch’s flat stomach and farther into the

closely trimmed hair at the base of his cock.

“Kiss me,” Cody hissed into Mitch’s ear. At that point, it wasn’t a request. The urge to taste Mitch’s kiss

on his lips overwhelmed him. He tightened his grip on the side of Mitch’s neck and jaw and turned his head

at an awkward angle, holding Mitch where he wanted him. Effortlessly, he slid his tongue inside Mitch’s


Mitch pulled away and whispered, “I want this…need you,” before leaning back as far as he could and

allowing Cody complete and total access to his mouth. The little sex noises Mitch made kept him working

harder. He gripped Mitch’s cock and roughly stroked him. Mitch bucked up into his fist. But the grinding

backward Mitch had done had come to an abrupt halt. Now he was arching forward, shoving himself into

Cody’s hand. Mitch had abandoned the kiss, arching forward, and Cody reached low with his other hand,

gripping his balls.

“If you don’t want this, you better say something now. It’s the last chance you’re gettin’,” Cody growled

into Mitch’s ear. He wasn’t sure where his words came from, because they certainly were the only rational

thought running through his head. He rolled Mitch’s balls in the palm of his hand and Mitch widened his

stance. The heady smell of their arousal filled the room, shooting straight to his balls.

“Do your best or worst, cowboy. I need this.” Mitch rested his head against Cody’s shoulder. The

movement of his lover’s hips urged him to pick up the pace with his hand. Instead of giving Mitch what he

wanted, he squeezed his hand, tightening his fist on the base of Mitch’s cock to slow things down. Cody

bent his head and sank his teeth into the thick flesh of Mitch’s shoulder.


Trapped against a thick steel beam and held in place by a necktie and Cody’s hard body, Mitch couldn't

move, not that he really wanted to. He was fucking hot as hell from all the teasing his cowboy was doing.

Now he was completely at Cody’s mercy and damn sure couldn’t think of a better place to be. Mitch needed

this; he didn’t want to think about anything, he just wanted to feel.

Mitch tugged on his wrists again. He wasn’t getting loose anytime soon. Cody had tied him up tight,

probably been a fucking Boy Scout as a kid. The knots Cody used were a bitch to untangle from. No matter

how hard he tried, he couldn’t get free, and he was absolutely certain Cody’s roving hands and hard dick

were the reason for his complete lack of concentration.

“Did you just fucking bite me?” Mitch asked. His muscles tensed and flexed under the strain Cody

inflicted on him and the unexpected moment of pain. He drove himself harder into Cody’s tight fist. Clearly

this would be a two or three orgasm night, and he needed the first one right about now.

Cody’s fist tightened on his cock. He held him like a vise, and the buildup rolling through his spine,

churning through his balls faded as Cody denied him again. “No!”

“Yes,” Cody said, releasing his cock, sliding his palms back up his chest to his nipples. Cody mouthed

his way across his shoulder, nipping and licking down his spine. Only the sound of their heavy pants filled

the room as Cody went to his knees behind him. Mitch rested his forehead against the beam and began to


“You’re killing me,” Mitch said through gritted teeth as Cody’s warm tongue licked across the base of

his spine. When Cody’s hand caressed the globe of his ass, he held his breath. Cody had done this to him in

Washington. And it was one of the most tender, sweetest memories of his life.

“Please,” he begged as Cody spread his butt cheeks and circled his rim with his fingers. Mitch’s knees

went weak, his eyes threatened to roll back in his head as Cody’s hot wet tongue slowly slid across his hole.

Cody lapped at him, sucking and licking, but when that warm, sweet tongue poked its way inside…Mitch

lost it. Cody was a master at rimming and teasing with his tongue. A loud groan escaped his lips. He bucked

his hips, pushing back against the tongue inside him. He wanted more. His orgasm built slowly till his legs

shook. He was just about to come, and fucking Cody pulled away, denying him again. “No!”

“Shhh, you can’t come yet. I don’t want you to, Deputy Marshal.” Cody’s lips pressed against his most

intimate place. He could feel puffs of breath dance across his wet rim as Cody spoke. Mitch’s legs gave way

under Cody’s assault. Thank goodness the tie held his weight.

“I can’t take it,” he panted. Cody grabbed his ass cheeks, spreading them farther open, and slipped his

tongue deeper inside. “Fuck. Cody…” Mitch’s words turned to whimpers.


Cody held on to Mitch’s cock, palming his balls and easing him back to his mouth and hungry tongue.

He released Mitch’s sac and sucked a finger into his mouth before pressing the digit against Mitch’s rim.

The desperate whimpers and strangled breaths urged him on, letting him know he must be doing everything

right. He slid his finger into Mitch’s heat, pushing deeper inside until he felt the spot. He curled his finger,

pressing against Mitch’s prostate, and then he reared back to watch his finger slide in and out of Mitch’s ass.

“Does that feel good?” Cody asked, looking up the long line of Mitch’s body. He was perfection. Every

cord and muscle flexed and worked together, straining against the tie that bound him.

“Answer me, Mitch,” Cody said again, reaching for the lube. He withdrew his digit, coating his fingers

with lube before sliding two back in.

“Don’t stretch me too much. Just fuck me,” Mitch whispered. It took a second to understand what Mitch

said. Cody rose to his feet, adding a third finger. Binding Mitch was one thing, hurting him intentionally

was another, and Cody resisted the idea of not opening Mitch.

Mitch bucked his hips. He was back to fully supporting himself with his legs now. “Fuck me, Cody.”

Within seconds, he’d rolled the condom on and lubed himself up. Mitch tried to look back at him, he

moved his head back and forth, attempting to get a better angle, but he couldn’t. Cody gripped his cock and

aligned himself against Mitch. He was so aroused, so turned on at the sight of Mitch struggling he wasn’t

sure how long he would even last.

Cody held on to Mitch’s hip, positioned his tip at Mitch’s entrance and drove himself forward. In one

swift plunge, he was buried deep inside Mitch’s tight heat.

“Ah, fuck!” Mitch yelled.

Cody growled as unbelievable pleasure tore through him. Mitch was tight, almost too tight. Mitch

shoved backward, the force of his body pushing Cody almost completely out. Both hands now gripped

Mitch’s hips. He used his knees and pushed forward again with such a force he drove Mitch up and off his

feet, hard into the pole.

“Aghh! That’s it…need you,” Mitch panted.

Cody pistoned his hips, thrusting forward and pulling almost completely out, only to plunge forward

again. Every single time, Cody took Mitch up and off his feet, pounding him harder. The words coming out

of Mitch were almost unintelligible, but any time Cody slowed, Mitch used his body to urge him on, tilting

his ass up for Cody to take. And he did. Cody drove his hips forward, slamming himself over and over in

Mitch’s tight, warm channel.


“Ahhh…Fuck…Cody,” Mitch moaned. His knees threatened to give as the line between pleasure and

pain blurred for a moment. His body craved what Cody was giving him, his need for this man so strong it

went beyond anything he’d ever allowed himself to feel before.

He winced as Cody took his fill, withdrawing only to drive deeper back inside his body. The ‘oh, gods’

rambled past his lips the minute he had been lifted off his feet, making him sound like a complete idiot, but

he didn’t care. This was what he craved. Mitch panted as his body headed into overdrive. He began to

thrust back against Cody’s thick cock, trying to drive him deeper and harder as he began to answer each

thrust with one of his own.

If he could only get his hands on his own dick, he’d come with just a touch.

Cody’s breath hitched. If Cody felt half of what Mitch experienced, they were a match made in heaven.

Mitch had wanted to be possessed by Cody. He’d needed him. Hell, he’d waited for him to come into his

life. God, had it been a long wait.

“Just like this. I like it, like this.” Mitch hoped the words were clear. “So…good.” Each hard thrust of

Cody's hips drove Mitch’s breath from his body. Closing his eyes, he could do nothing but press closer to

Cody and hold on tight as his cowboy took his fill.

“Me too,” came a grunted response several minutes later. Mitch got it, he was right where Cody was, so

close to coming.

Mitch had worked his bindings till his hands were loose, his knuckles were white from the grip he had

on the steel beam, and he kept his fingers locked in position while Cody pounded into him.

He relaxed his upper body against Cody, leaning his head back to rest on his cowboy’s shoulder. At that

moment, so many raw emotions coursed through Mitch’s body, the intensity almost too much to process.

Time stood still for him, and with every thrust of Cody’s hips, his emotions spiraled deeper, threatening to

ignite into one incendiary moment. Without a doubt, Cody Turner was meant for him.

Mitch let go of every barrier and completely surrendered to Cody, allowing himself to be consumed by

the raging inferno of this man and the deep love blooming inside his heart. He was falling over the edge. He

groaned and fought back his need to come. The small puffs of Cody’s warm breath dancing across his

sensitive skin didn’t help. Every nerve ending was alive and in overdrive.

His hands gave way and the restraint unwound around his wrists. It was a metaphoric as well as a

physical decision when Mitch decided to let go of the bonds that had held him. He arched his body against

Cody and let his arms drop, reaching back behind him to cup Cody’s head in his hands. His fingers ran

through his lover’s damp hair, and his body melted against Cody’s big muscular frame. He couldn’t

remember anyone being able to hold him so completely before.

He had deliberately waited as long as he could to beg from deep inside his heart. “Finish us.”


Cody felt Mitch's hands come around his neck. He paused slightly and glanced up at the pole. Mitch

rested back against him, his body soaked in sweat and trembling. Cody wrapped Mitch tightly in his arms,

supporting all of his weight. He ran his hand up the curve of Mitch's neck and then along his jaw as he

turned his face toward him. Pleasure had Mitch’s eyes hooded. They were slightly opened, but dazed, and

he panted through parted lips. Mitch was the most beautiful man Cody had ever laid eyes on, and it

occurred to him for the first time since arriving yesterday, Mitch would be leaving him tomorrow. The

desolate thought slowed Cody’s thrusts, ebbing the release he’d been holding back.

“Hold on, Deputy Marshal.”

Cody managed to move them from the beam to the bed a few steps away. He gently placed Mitch down

on his bed and thrust deeply into his lover. He gripped Mitch’s ass, pulling his hips up while pressing

Mitch's shoulder blades and head deep into the pillows. It was the perfect angle; the position was exactly

right. “Oh, fucking shit, that feels…” Mitch started.

With each thrust of his hips, the pillows gave way underneath Mitch, one after another fell to the floor

beside the bed. He smoothed his hand over the beautifully detailed skull and rose tattoo in the center of

Mitch’s back and bent in to kiss the ink. Sitting up taller on his knees, he punched himself harder and faster

into Mitch.

“I love being inside you,” he whispered and gripped Mitch’s cock. His thumb circled Mitch’s sensitive

head, then delved into the slit, spreading the beads of moisture across Mitch’s swollen tip. Cody stroked

him harder, matching every stroke of his hips. Only gasps and pleasure-filled moans filtered through the

bedroom. Damn, Cody was addicted to the sound and the feel of the man who fit so perfectly with him.

Mitch was absolutely made for him.

His lover gasped for air and his body clenched around him. Mitch was about to go over. He never

slowed the movement of his hips; he welcomed the pressure building in his spine. It was something he

couldn’t continue to hold off. He was close, so close. Mitch’s tight heat gripped him, threatening to make

him lose his control. He ground his teeth together and forced himself to wait.

“Come for me,” he managed through gritted teeth, stroking his lover faster. Mitch moaned and pushed

his hips back, driving his ass against him.

“Cody, fuck,” Mitch gasped as his chute contracted hard and the heat of his orgasm ran over in Cody’s


“Yes…Mitch…” Cody lost it at that moment. The power of his release took his breath. His body

vibrated uncontrollably; his muscles stiffened and his toes curled as he emptied himself into the condom in

Mitch’s ass. The world darkened as he fell forward, completely spent.

Chapter 43

Cody stayed glued to Mitch for a good ten minutes after they had both came. Mitch rolled over and

removed the spent condom from Cody. For a while after that incredible sexcapade, Mitch was certain he’d

died and gone to heaven. Once he centered back into himself and realized heaven was a six foot four inch

blond-headed angel, he woke enough to find he was wrapped around a very silent, barely breathing Cody.

Mustering the energy, he trailed a hand up Cody’s back and that had a startling effect. Cody jerked and

suddenly sat up, looking down at Mitch, completely out of sorts.

“I must’ve fallen asleep,” Cody said, his voice rough from sleep and his breathing shallow.

“I know, cowboy,” Mitch laughed, and Cody settled back down on top of him. He looked too exhausted

to do much more than rest. Mitch liked him right on his chest. He liked to feel his heart beat against his


“I don’t remember anything after you came,” Cody breathed into his ear.

“It was kind of mind-blowing,” Mitch said with a chuckle. “I didn’t know you had that in you.”

“I didn’t either,” Cody replied.

“Ahhhh.” Mitch smiled and held on to Cody a little tighter. He liked the idea of this being something

only he and Cody shared.

“You don’t tie every guy to that pole, do you?” Mitch asked, feeling a little lame that he needed the

obvious reinforcement.

“No, I’d hurt ‘em.” Cody answered and pushed himself up and off Mitch. If he had more energy, he

would have rolled with him, but he didn’t. His body still attempted to recover from the confusing

sensations vibrating off his skin. “The guys I’ve dated are smaller. I’ll clean us. I just have to get my body

working with my mind.”

“I’m having that problem myself,” Mitch said. He closed his eyes, taking a mental note of his body

parts. He wiggled his toes and felt relief when they worked. He hadn’t known for sure if they would. After

such a life-alerting event as the sex he’d just had, he was certain parts of his body had gone permanently as

numb as his brain.

The bed moved, and Mitch opened one eye, seeing Cody stumble as he sat on the side of the bed. On a

big breath, he rose and stood there a minute. Mitch got it. He should try to get up too, but his body resisted

that thought on such a major level that he gave in and closed his eyes again.

He must have fallen asleep because the next thing he knew was Cody back beside the bed, wiping a

warm cloth on his body. Again the sensations were odd and still hard to register. The rag was warm, but left

his skin cold, and he shivered.

“Did I hurt you?” Cody asked immediately, sounding concerned. Panic flashed in his cowboy’s eyes as

their gazes met. “You said you wanted it rough. Was I too rough?”

Mitch reached out, taking a hand and wrapping his fingers around Cody’s thigh, giving him gentle

caresses with his thumb.

“You were perfect. Might be the best sex of my life. Kiss me.”

Cody studied his face before leaning in to kiss his lips. “Are you sure?”

“Nah, I changed my mind it’s definitely the best sex of my life.” Mitch kissed the top of Cody’s head. “I

just need a small nap,” Mitch said. Cody moved from under his hold and came back with a blanket,

covering him. It was a sweet gesture, one Mitch would absolutely thank him for after he woke up from his



“What time is it?” Mitch asked from the bedroom door. Cody stepped through the patio door to grab the

steaks he’d cooked on the grill. He’d put some athletic shorts on, but Mitch hadn’t bothered and wore

nothing but his birthday suit.

“Can I come out?” Mitch asked, looking around. The question was odd, until he realized all the living

room and kitchen lights were on and the curtains were opened wide.

“Hang on,” he said and turned off the grill, lifting the lid, before coming back inside. He quickly walked

from light switch to light switch, turning off the overhead lights. The television was on, volume turned

down low.

“You can wear some of my shorts,” Cody said, scooting past Mitch who stopped him as he passed by.

“Where are you going?” Mitch asked, sticking a hand out to draw Cody closer. Mitch turned them both,

embracing Cody in his arms. “My legs work. You didn’t comment on that.”

“Did I hurt you?” Cody questioned again. He’d been worried about that since he’d gotten out of bed. It

was the main reason he hadn’t crawled back in beside Mitch and slept the rest of the night.

“Not at all, and stop asking me that,” Mitch chided, kissing his lips. “Is that food I smell?”

“I made you a steak, just in case.” The sound of laughter came from outside the front door.

“Is that kids?” Mitch appeared distracted by the sounds.

“It’s Halloween. We open up the building for trick-or-treaters,” Cody explained.

“Do they knock on the door?” Mitch asked. He seemed to like that idea.

“I put the bowl of candy outside so they didn’t wake you.”

“What? You know what I would do when people did that? I’d dump all the candy in my bag,” Mitch

said. Cody pulled away, entering the only bathroom in the apartment.

“But you were bad; hopefully they aren’t,” Cody teased. “I put a note on the bowl, telling them to get

one piece.”

“Oh, that should do it,” Mitch laughed.

Cody went to the closet in the bathroom and pulled out a pair of shorts. “These should fit.” He dangled

the shorts in front of Mitch.

“You’re skinnier than me,” Mitch said, taking the shorts and eyeing them.

“Is that a bruise?” Cody asked.

“Where?” Mitch said, looking down. Cody turned Mitch, giving him a full inspection.

“Shit, man, I’m so sorry.” Cody ran his fingers over the bruises at Mitch’s hip and looked back up at

Mitch a little panicked.


Mitch saw something flash in Cody’s eyes. He wasn’t sure exactly what put that look there, but he didn’t

like seeing it on this man. Since Cody wasn’t being forthcoming in what bothered him, Mitch turned to the

mirror and moved his body around. As he looked at himself, he realized how funny it was to know you

were forever changed on the inside, but the outside looked completely the same. He started to say those

words, but his eyes met with Cody’s in the mirror. They clearly weren’t on the same page right this minute.

“I have no idea what you’re talking about,” Mitch finally said.

“Here.” Cody pointed out four or five little marks marring the skin around his hips. They were so faint

Mitch hadn’t seen them during his cursory inspection. They looked like they could have come from Cody’s

fingertips. As far as Mitch was concerned, they were love marks, made during unbelievably good sex, but

based on the uncertainty rolling off Cody, he didn’t see things that way. Not only did he not see it like that,

he’d brushed past Mitch and left the room.

Mitch ran his fingers over the marks and smiled. He loved being marked up by his handsome cowboy.

There was no pain, just discoloration. His ass on the other hand was going to ache sweetly for a week. Both

were exactly what he wanted to take back to DC with him. If he couldn’t have Cody there with him, he’d

have Cody’s mark across his heart and on his skin. Mitch grabbed the shorts and pulled them on as he went

in search of Cody.

The lights were still off. Cody stood in his kitchen with his back to him, pouring something into a pot.

He tapped the can on the side, trying to get everything out. Mitch came in behind him, wrapping both arms

around his chest.

“Stop being so concerned. I loved every minute of what we did tonight. I wanted everything you gave

me. I asked you to make it rough,” Mitch said quietly behind him, resting his chin on Cody’s shoulder.

“I think I did a little harder than rough,” Cody said. He didn’t move out from beneath Mitch, but he also

didn’t turn around. His concentration stayed on the contents of the pot heating on his stove.

“Well, whatever you did, do it just like that every time I ask. I haven’t slept that good in a long time.

Although it would have been better sleeping if you would have stayed in bed beside me,” Mitch added