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Full Disclosure by Kindle Alexander (7)


Cody didn’t say a word. They stood like that for several minutes as the beans began to boil. “Oh shit,

are those Ranch Style Beans?”

That eased the tension and made Cody laugh.

“I love those things. You can’t get ’em in New York, did you know that?” Mitch stepped back a little to

turn Cody around. “Stop being down. There’s no reason. I have less than twelve hours before I have to

board the plane. Who knows when I’ll be back? I want to eat this food, maybe drink a beer or two, and

then make love to you before I close my eyes again. Fair?”

Cody nodded.

“And I might need a pillow to sit on if we’re eating at that table.” Mitch chuckled.

“We can eat on the couch,” Cody offered, grinning at Mitch as he spoke the words.

“Okay, but I might need a pillow there too. We’ll see where this goes.” Mitch moved away from Cody.

“Where’re the plates?”

Cody reached over and opened the cabinet closest to Mitch’s head before taking a couple of beers from

the refrigerator.

“This looks delicious,” Mitch said as he began to load his plate with the dinner Cody had cooked him.

Yeah, he was totally in love. Cody sucked him, rimmed him, and fucked him until his ass throbbed, and

then cooked the perfect meal for him…steak and beans. They were a match made in heaven.

Chapter 44

“My turn,” Mitch said, rising from the sofa with a yawn. The clock on Cody’s microwave showed one

in the morning. He could sleep on the plane tomorrow, but he was missing time snuggling with Cody. They

didn’t seem like they were at a point where they could relax easily together and cuddle on the sofa since

Cody sat in the only chair right beside the couch.

They’d eaten and watched a Thunder versus Mavericks basketball game. They talked easily about the

game, about the teams and players. Cody followed sports more than Mitch, but he could hold his own

enough to communicate on the topic.

The chair had been close enough to Mitch’s side of the sofa that he could hold Cody’s hand. It was

more finger play than official handholding, but Cody participated, so that did count in the closeness Mitch

needed. He wasn’t a hundred percent certain, but Cody’s distance may have been from earlier, still put off

by the tiny, and thrilling, bruising he’d caused. Mitch hated Cody felt that way and had to set things straight.

He actually had to set them both straight, and there was only a few hours left to do it all in.

For the first time ever, he resented how much traveling his job required. He could have used more time

here. Time was what they needed and what they didn’t have. He held his hand out to Cody.

“Come on, big boy. It’s my turn,” Mitch said, and Cody glanced up with a questioning look on his face.

“I’m done with the foreplay; now I want your ass.”

“I’m not sure watching basketball’s considered foreplay,” Cody said, giving him that smile he adored as

he reached for the remote.

“And I’m certain it is.” He was in Cody’s way, and he refused to move as Cody stood.

“How’s your ass?” Cody asked carefully.

“It’s perfect. Kiss me,” Mitch said, lifting his hands to Cody’s face. He took his lips in a soft slow kiss.

In this, Cody participated. They devoured each other’s mouths.

“I wanna make love to you, Cody.”

Cody turned off the television, plunging the apartment into complete darkness. Exactly what he needed

for what he had in mind.

“Come in here,” Mitch growled, stopping Cody from dropping his shorts where he stood. He led them

to the long bank of windows in Cody’s bedroom. Mitch hadn’t really noticed the brilliance of the room

until the curtains were opened and he looked out into the night. He doubted anyone could see them this

high up and there was a perfect view of downtown Austin spread out in front of them. “Here. Don’t move.”

Mitch grabbed the lube and a condom from the dresser and dropped his shorts as he stepped back to

Cody who looked completely confused. Mitch placed the items in his hands on the ledge of the window as

he lowered Cody’s shorts and kicked them with his foot in the general direction of a side chair. “Stop

looking so confused and be here with me. Be in this moment.”


Cody wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do. He stayed by the window when Mitch went to his

dresser, but he just wasn’t picking up what Mitch was trying to do. Maybe that was the plan. Mitch was

back, standing in front of him, completely nude. His cock was hard, rigid, and jutted out in front of Mitch

as if asking for his touch. When Cody reached down, Mitch swatted his hand away.

“It’s my turn, let me seduce you,” Mitch said, placing both hands on his shoulders. “Now, turn around.”

Cody did. He’d seen this view every day for the last two years he’d lived here, but tonight it was

different somehow. The complex he lived in was upscale, very high-end, and his two rooms weren’t more

than eight hundred square feet. It had been all he could afford, but he loved his home. Loved being here,

and he loved Mitch being here too.

“Stop overthinking it, cowboy,” Mitch purred against his ear.

Cody forced himself to go with the flow as Mitch moved in closer behind him. All those emotions from

earlier came barreling forward as Mitch tugged him against his chest and ran his nose up the back of Cody’s

neck. The move caused his swollen dick to plump even further and brush against the cold window he was

pressed to.

Closing his eyes, he rested his forehead on the glass and concentrated on breathing. He’d need his wits

about him to get through the next hour if this sensual torture was what Mitch had in mind.


Buildings lit up the Austin skyline with thousands and thousands of lights as far as he could see. The

main highway in town ran in the distance, flashes of lights racing through his mind. His heart kept steady

time, thumping wildly in his chest. He absolutely didn’t want to leave tomorrow. He wanted to stay here,

holed up in this apartment with the man he loved. Insecurity hit with that thought, but so did the thought of

pleasing Cody. He licked along the path his nose had just taken.

Cody shivered in his arms and Mitch’s smile widened. He loved that his touch had triggered the


He pressed his naked body along the length of Cody’s back, so they were skin on skin and kissed and

nipped at his neck. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?”

He waited for Cody to show some sign he’d heard him, and eventually he nodded, but didn’t say a

word. He ran a hand up Cody’s chest and covered his heart with his palm. The beat matched his own. A

frantic rhythm of something magical binding them together. At least he hoped Cody felt the same.

“I need you in my life,” Mitch whispered against his cowboy’s skin. Cody shivered again, and Mitch

pulled him closer, caressing his arms, softly brushing his lips across his shoulder. “I need us, Cody.”

Cody turned his head to look at him, and something flashed in his eyes as he leaned back for a kiss.

When Cody tried to spin completely around in his arms, Mitch denied the move and held him tight against

the window.

God, how he needed this man. He’d never wanted anyone as much as he wanted Cody. Mitch took

advantage of the moment and leaned in, capturing Cody’s mouth in a heated kiss. The kiss lingered as he

slid his hands down, stroking Cody’s leaking cock. He loved how his kiss could so easily undo this man.

Mitch eased his hand between Cody’s ass cheeks and found his entrance. He slid a finger into Cody,

working him open as he reached for the lube on the ledge. He dribbled a few drops on his fingers and

pressed two into his tight opening.

“You’re so fucking hot, baby” he growled and added a third, enjoying the view of his fingers moving in

and out of Cody’s perfect ass. He curled his finger against Cody’s gland and smiled at his reaction.

“Agh, yes!” Cody hissed. “Make love to me.”

He reached for the condom, taking time to roll it in place, then spread Cody’s cheeks. Gripping himself,

he pushed the tip of his cock against Cody’s tight ring of muscle. Mitch shuddered as he slipped inside his

lover, slow and steady, inch by inch. Cody’s palms slammed against the window, then slid down the glass as

he grabbed for anything to hold on to. He could see Cody’s reflection in the window, and he couldn’t tear

his eyes away from the image. Cody Turner in the throes of passion was an incredible sight to behold.

Mitch bent his knees and built a rhythm with his hips, something he could hang on to. He pulled Cody’s

back against his chest and held him tightly, nuzzling into his neck. He drove in and out of his heat, giving

Cody everything he had. Cody’s brawny arms reached back behind him, and his hands tangled in Mitch’s

hair, holding him there. The move was hot, sexy, and possessive.

“I love you,” Mitch whispered next to Cody’s ear.


Cody allowed the sensual assault, but dear god, did he have his limits. Mitch didn’t play fair. His touch,

the caress, the care he took resonated deep inside Cody’s soul, reaching past any of the barriers or warning

signs he’d ever been able to construct. He was opening to dangerous territory and completely unable to stop


As much as he promised himself he’d give this one to Mitch, let him have his time, Cody couldn’t help

but reach back and cling desperately to the man holding him with such care. It took several long seconds

for the words to penetrate. When they did, he tensed. The words scared him. As much as he wanted to stay

right here in this moment, he also had to know if Mitch spoke from the heart or from his cock. Cody turned

at the waist. Mitch never stopped moving in and out of him, but their eyes met, and he locked on that deep


“I do. I love you, Cody Turner.” Mitch’s lust-filled voice proclaimed the words again, and he saw truth

reflected in those caramel orbs. Mitch meant what he said. Cody devoured Mitch in a life-altering dance of

dominance. Tongue, teeth, and lips collided in the heated kiss. He held Mitch’s head in place and kissed the

man like he’d never kissed another before him. Hungry, probing, searching and exploring every crevice.

Mitch’s tongue brushed against his, and he moaned as he took in the sweet taste of his lover’s mouth.

Mitch’s words blanketed his heart and embraced his soul; the moment was beautifully devastating, and

Cody knew right then he’d never be the same man he was when he walked into this room tonight.


He’d said what he’d intended, and if kisses were words, Cody had definitely returned the sentiment.

Mitch gripped Cody’s hips, tore from the kiss, and took a step backward. He pulled Cody's hips away from

the window and pushed his upper body down so he could get a better angle. He watched Cody’s hands

splayed out across the glass, holding his body in place. Perfect.

He drove deeper and harder into Cody's welcoming body. With every thrust, he searched out Cody’s

prostate. And considering all the sexy sounds coming from Cody, he figured he was doing it exactly right.

He moved his hand down, taking Cody’s rigid cock and stroked hard and fast. “You’re so…fucking…


The window rattled loudly as Cody’s head and body slammed against it with every thrust he gave. The

musky smell of their sex and the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filled the room. His hand slid up

from Cody’s hip to the base of his neck. He tangled his fingers in Cody’s hair. Cody whimpered, begging

him to finish, as his body gave several shudders before he tensed in Mitch’s arms and his ass contracted

tightly around him, drawing him deeper. That was all it took.

His hard thrusts never slowed, and holding back his release became impossible. He groaned against

Cody’s neck, unable to control his release any longer. Mitch’s driving rhythm finally faltered as his body

tensed hard and pleasure crashed over him in mind-numbing waves of ecstasy. He rode wave after wave,

and with a shout, he spilled himself deep inside Cody’s body.

As he finished, he realized he wasn’t going to be able to continue to stand on his own two feet much

longer. Before the darkness claimed him, Mitch took two or three steps backward, dragging Cody with him.

He held Cody against him as he tumbled them onto the bed.

“I meant what I said,” he whispered against Cody’s shoulder, rolling them to their side. Cody belonged

with him. After tonight, there was no doubt in his mind. The smile spread across his face, and he closed his

eyes, gathering Cody in his arms. He let the sated feeling lull him into sleep.

Chapter 45

“Wake up,” Cody said, running a finger across a sleeping Mitch’s perfectly shaped lips. Cody looked up

at the clock on the nightstand. It was already eleven in the morning. Mitch had to leave for the airport by

eleven thirty. They had gone to bed early this morning, but Cody had gotten up, fixed coffee, breakfast,

showered and dressed, and Mitch had never stirred.

“Can you get a later flight?” he asked softly. When Mitch still hadn’t moved a muscle, he sat on the side

of the bed and watched for his chest to rise and fall just to make sure he was breathing.

“Mitch Knox, open your damn eyes,” Cody said, and the long eyelashes that had fascinated him for

hours two nights ago finally fluttered open.

“You make an annoying alarm clock,” Mitch mumbled and snaked an arm out from under the cover,

draping it across Cody’s waist. He tugged and then tugged again. “Shit, you’re too big to force to lie down

and cuddle with me.”

“It’s a little after eleven. We have to leave in twenty minutes to get you there on time,” Cody explained.

Mitch returned to lying on his back, his hand brushing Cody’s thigh. “Can you get a later flight?”

“Kiss me good morning,” Mitch said, and Cody eyed him. They hadn’t showered last night when they

were done. If he leaned in there, he’d probably get stuck in bed, and there would be no chance Mitch

would get to the airport on time.

“Can you get a later flight?”

“Are you playing hardball?” Mitch asked. When Cody just stared at him, he chuckled. “No, Kreed’s

meeting me at the airport. I planned to fly back with him.”

“Then up! I have coffee, bacon, and biscuits waiting,” Cody said and stood, taking two or three steps

toward the door. “I packed your bag. It’s in the bathroom. Now get up. Kreed needs you.”

Cody left the room and shut the door behind him, but he stayed there, listening until he heard his

mattress squeak and muttering coming from the room.

“All I wanted was a kiss,” Mitch yelled his way before the bathroom door shut a little too hard.

Cody just rolled his eyes. Did Mitch seriously not know what he looked like? It was never just a kiss

with him.


Ten minutes later, Mitch was showered and dressed when he opened the bedroom door in a huff. His

booted feet thudded across the hardwood floor as he entered the room. He dropped his bag on the small

kitchen table and ate up the distance between himself and the sink where Cody stood washing dishes.

“That was fast,” Cody said, looking at him over his shoulder, splashing the suds from his hands.

“New rule. Kisses in the morning, then shower. You in the shower would have been better,” Mitch said,

wrapping both arms around Cody and hugging him tight. That bulge in his jeans grew more solid as he

rubbed against Cody’s blue jean covered ass.

“How’s your ass? Sore this morning?” Cody asked.

“I meant what I said last night,” Mitch said, ignoring the question. While he was in the shower, he

realized he didn’t have the time to wine and dine a response out of Cody. He wished he’d had a solid week

here with Cody to get things settled between them, because there was absolutely no telling when he’d be


“Are you sure?” Cody questioned. He’d gone completely still and turned in Mitch’s arms. His own

instinct had him tightening his hold.

“More so than I’ve ever been in my life,” Mitch said. Cody had an array of emotions crossing his

handsome face until he pulled away. He couldn’t go far in the small kitchen, but he did put as much

distance between them as he could.

Mitch turned with him, taking Cody’s place against the counter, and eyed him the whole time. Had he

judged this situation incorrectly? He’d thought they were on pretty safe ground when he’d said those words

last night. But in all honesty, he had no measure to go by. This was uncharted territory, emotions he’d never

experienced before. His heart sank, and he forced himself to stay quiet. He wouldn’t rush Cody or push

him, no matter how bad his heart began to ache.

Shit. So this is what rejection feels like.

“I made you a couple of biscuits with bacon. And a travel mug of coffee,” Cody said. His back was still

to Mitch as he fumbled with the food.

Fuck the food. Mitch ran a hand over his face. Fuckin’ shit. Now he was going to have to leave like this.

“I love you, too,” Cody whispered very quietly, still facing away from him.

Mitch shifted his eyes to the back of Cody’s head. Had he heard that right?

“What did you say?” Mitch needed those words reinforced.

“You heard me,” Cody responded, and Mitch was across the kitchen, again at Cody’s back, wrapping

him in his arms, tugging that hard body against his.

“Say it again,” Mitch said. It took a full minute for Cody to respond.

“I love you,” Cody said, and he worried his bottom lip as Mitch turned him around.

“Does that pain you?” Mitch asked. The words were exactly what he wanted, but the tone was off.

“I didn’t expect this so suddenly. And I can’t really see how this is gonna work. We’ve been lucky or I

guess unlucky if you count the reason for this visit, but you got to come here. It could’ve been months

before I saw you again.”

“It’s only this case that’s got me tied up right now, and I can’t see how they can justify this team much

longer if we continue to come up with shit. My home base can be anywhere; I just have to be on call and go

when they need me. I can be here,” Mitch explained.

“Like move in here?” Cody asked, and the shock showed on his face.

“Well, I guess not…” Mitch said, and that little needling in his heart pricked at him again.

“No, you could. It just feels so fast, and surreal,” Cody said in a reassuring tone.

“I know. I could get a place around here until you’re ready for more. I don’t want to push you.”

“You could stay here,” Cody said again. Then added, “It’s just moving really fast.”

“That’s how I am. I don’t pause very often, especially if I know it’s right,” Mitch said. Cody’s front

pocket on his shirt beeped, drawing Mitch’s eyes down. “What’s that?”

“My phone. It’s time to go,” he said, but neither moved. They both just stared at the other.

“Kiss me,” Mitch demanded, leaning in and covering Cody’s mouth. Responsible Cody kept the kiss

short and pulled away.

“Grab your mug. I’ll get your bags.” Cody was gone from the kitchen. Mitch didn’t want to leave right

then. It was only obligation and consideration to Kreed that had him moving. Otherwise, he’d have flown

out first thing in the morning, or hell, what would he have to do to get removed from this case? For the first

time in a while, he thought again that fresh eyes needed to take things over.

On those thoughts, Mitch picked up the coffee mug and took a long drink, amazed at how instantly

coffee perked him up. He could go back with Kreed, give the guy a week or two to get back in the swing of

things, and then officially pull himself from the case. He could offer to consult with the new team

investigating the crimes. Surprised at how good that felt, Mitch reached for the biscuits that were all

wrapped up. Cody had cooked for him. Why did he love that so much? He unwrapped one and took a bite.

“Are these homemade?” Mitch asked as Cody came back, opening the front door.

“Yeah, did you get your wallet?” Cody asked.

“You make homemade biscuits? I might have just died and gone to heaven,” he stepped past Cody out

into the hall.

“It’s just that Bisquick stuff, not the real from scratch kind,” Cody stated matter-of-factly.

“And he knows the difference. If I already didn’t love you, I would right now,” Mitch added.

“Did you get your phone and wallet?” Cody repeated again, pushing the down button on the elevator.

“I did. Thank you for taking such good care of me.” Mitch gave Cody a smile and walked over to kiss

his lips.

“Am I mothering?” Cody asked with a wince.

“In a good way,” Mitch confirmed and kissed him again.

The elevator dinged, ending the moment.

Chapter 46

Sunday morning traffic wasn’t terrible. Cody put it off to the big Halloween festivities from the night

before, but whatever kept people at home was a great thing. He’d driven to the airport and back in less than

an hour.

He parked his truck back in the designated spot, got out, and walked into his building. He should have

been on his way to his parents for Sunday dinner, but Cody talked to Sheila about twenty minutes ago to let

them know he wouldn’t be there today.

It was lame. He never missed their weekly dinner, because he knew how much his mom loved her

whole family being there, but he missed Mitch. Missed him bad, and the highs and lows of this relationship

were settling in.

Cody rubbed his eyes as he rode the elevator back up to his place. The emotions churning through him

wanted him to drive back to the airport and just wait out front until the plane took off. Who did things like

that? Girls mainly, he supposed.

He unlocked the front door and walked inside. His apartment felt empty. How was that even possible?

He’d been alone in here since the day he bought the place, but now the loft reminded him of Mitch, and

since Mitch was gone, it was lonely.

Damn, I’ve got it bad.

Cody’s phone vibrated in his front pocket. He fished it out, seeing Mitch’s picture light up the screen.

That was new too. Mitch had that way of tinkering with his stuff, yet making the phone better in the end.

Funny how Mitch was the only person in the world he’d be okay with digging through his stuff. He

answered the phone on the third ring.

“What are you doing?” Mitch’s sexy deep voice asked. Cody saw Mitch’s suit jacket on the back of his


“I just got home. I forgot to pack your suit jacket,” Cody admitted, lifting the coat in his hand and

drawing the fabric to his nose. He breathed Mitch’s cologne into his lungs. Ah, he missed him so much.

“I can get it next time,” Mitch said quietly. “I don’t wanna go.”

“I was just thinking that same thing,” Cody anchored the phone on his shoulder as he slid Mitch’s jacket

on one arm, then the other. He shrugged the coat onto his shoulders, surprised at how well the cut fit. He’d

thought Mitch was bigger than him.

“Hang on, that’s Kreed,” Mitch said and clicked over. Cody kept the phone to his ear and went to the

bathroom mirror, looking at himself with Mitch’s jacket on.

“Hey, wanna come pick me up? Kreed’s staying another few days.”

“Can you stay that long?” Cody asked, shocked at how his whole attitude just perked up.

“No, I gotta go back in the morning. If you’d rather me fly out today, I can,” Mitch offered, the

excitement of a few seconds ago faded.

“I’ll come get you and take you back in the morning.” Cody’s doorbell rang. “Hang on, somebody’s


Cody dropped his phone inside his front shirt pocket. He went for the door, looking out the peephole. A

guy in a suit stood outside his door. Okay, not something he saw every day. Cody opened the door and had

a badge shoved in his face.

“Agent Peter Langley with the Central Intelligence Agency. Are you Officer Cody Turner?” a tall, thin

middle-aged man asked.

“I am,” Cody responded, looking over the badge. It was genuine, but what in the hell? If this was work-

related, he’d have been called to the office.

“I need you to come with me, sir,” Agent Langley advised.

“What’s going on?” Cody asked, not budging.

“Sir, we’ll explain that to you when we get downtown,” Agent Langley said.

“I need some information before I just go off with you, Agent Langley,” Cody felt around in his

pockets. His keys were there. His cell was in his shirt pocket.

“It’s regarding your recent time spent with Deputy Marshal Mitch Knox.” Mitch’s name caught Cody’s

attention. His heart jerked in his chest, and he stepped out the door, locking the deadbolt as he followed the

agent downstairs.

“Has he done something?” Cody finally asked as he got on the elevator. Agent Langley remained stone-

faced. The man never said another word.


Mitch ducked his head, moving quickly through the crowd of people, trying to find a quiet place. He

shoved a finger in his ear and concentrated. He could hear all of Cody’s conversation and that voice talking

to him was familiar.

Frustrated beyond belief, Mitch ducked into an airport gift shop and found the back door. He went

through, even at the protest of the clerk, and listened closer to the conversation. When he realized what he

was hearing, his heart slammed in his chest. He’d heard that fucking voice before.

Thinking quickly, he activated the recorder on his phone and ever so carefully dialed a three-way call to

include Aaron, praying the man picked up. If he didn’t, at least the voice would be recorded.

Karma was on his side. Aaron picked up on the third ring. Mitch started talking before he said hello.

“I’m recording this call. Can you detect the voice?” Mitch asked quickly and efficiently.

“Give me a second,” Aaron said.

He palmed his wallet and waited as he listened. The clerk or security would be through that door any

minute. He needed them to remain quiet and step away, so he held open his wallet, showing his badge,

ready for when they walked in.

“I’m hooked up. Can you narrow the voice down? Have you heard it before?” Aaron asked.

“Its recent, and he said he was CIA.” Mitch specified, trying to listen and talk at the same time.

“Did he use a name?” Aaron asked.

“I didn’t catch it. He hasn’t said it again. They’ve gone silent,” Mitch whispered. He concentrated hard

on keeping his cool as the panic began to set in. He could think of no reason the CIA would need to talk to

Cody about him. Fuck if the panic didn’t accelerate.

“All right, I need the recording from your phone. I didn’t get enough,” Aaron said.

“He’ll speak again. Can you trace the call?” Mitch asked.

“Sure,” Aaron answered. Mitch could hear typing as well as Cody walking. He was leaving the

apartment. Everything in his heart didn’t want Cody leaving that building with the guy.

“He’s in downtown Austin. It looks like an apartment building,” Aaron said.

“It’s his place.” As Mitch had expected, security entered the small room. He kept his arm held out with

the badge for them all to see. There were three or four of them, but Mitch kept his head down, listening to

anything said, but still watching the guards. After a second, he lifted his finger to his lips and shooed them

from the room.


Cody stepped out of his building and the brightness of the sun blinded him. He shaded his eyes and

looked around the parking lot. Only then did he realize he still wore Mitch’s suit jacket. He felt a little bit

like a fool as he followed the agent to a car backed into the farthest parking space in the lot. The car had

federal-issued written all of it. He assumed the vehicle was probably an old Buick, something along those


“You’ll need to ride in the back,” the agent instructed.

“What’s this about, now?” Cody asked again, because he couldn’t get past the fact that something about

this whole scene didn’t feel right.

“You know the drill. We’ll talk downtown,” he said, opening the back door.

The agent extended a hand, stepping back after opening the door. Cody stood there, staring at him and

finally followed directions only because if he’d been on this assignment, he’d hate getting shit from the guy

he had to bring in.

Cody ducked his head and angled his big body into the cramped backseat. After both legs were inside,

the agent shut the door after him.

“Good, faggot,” Agent Langley hissed loud enough for him to hear through the closed door. Cody’s

nagging doubt turned to full-fledged panic as he tried to bolt. His reactions were quick, but the door

couldn’t be opened from the inside. He slammed against the door and searched outside for the guy, trying to

keep his eyes on the agent. Glass separated the front and the back seats virtually making a quick escape

impossible. He couldn’t give up, he needed to find a way out of this car.

Cody angled his body to ram his elbow into the window. Only then did he see the flash of metal as the

sun caught the gun barrel being aimed his way. Shit! Cody went for the dive, but he was too late. The first

bullet struck him somewhere in the chest, knocking the breath from his lungs as glass shattered around him.

He was forcibly shoved backward, slamming into the back of the seat. The second bullet ripped through his

shoulder, and the searing pain rendered him powerless.

Cody fell to the side. He couldn’t get enough air in his lungs, and the pressure in his chest was

excruciating. His body wouldn’t cooperate. He tumbled forward, and picked up a faint clicking noise from

underneath the vehicle. The darkness began, filling in from the sides. Shit, his vision blurred. Mitch and his

family filled his thoughts. The lack of oxygen proved too much. The darkness took him.


“Fuckin’ shit!” Mitch bolted up, yelling at Aaron. “Where is he? Where the fuck is he?”

“He was still in the parking lot when the phone went dead,” Aaron said. Mitch heard the intensity in his

tone, and Aaron was slamming the keys to his keyboard as he typed. “Hang on, Mitch. I’m patching you

through to 9-1-1.”

“What’s your emergency?” Mitch heard a dispatch officer say. On the need to get to Cody, he was up

and out the door. Airport security had stayed close by, no doubt trying to keep an eye on him. Whatever the

reason, he was thankful to see them. He needed immediate help.

“I’m Deputy US Marshal Mitch Knox. I’ve been on a telephone call where a local state trooper in

Austin, Texas, is being kidnapped. I believe there were shots fired,” he told the dispatcher a little

desperately before turning to the airport security. “I need a ride.”

“My truck’s outside,” the security guard said.

“Do you know the address of the incident?” she asked. Aaron, who was still on the call, spouted out the

information he’d gotten before Cody’s phone went dead.

“They made it outside his apartment complex. Cody was loaded into a vehicle when I heard a possible

shot and the phone went dead,” Mitch added. He could feel the panic taking over, making him helpless.

Shit, he was so fucking worried about Cody. He forced himself to remain calm. He had to use his head,

think rationally, when all he really wanted to do was scream.

“We have officers on their way. Can you identify the trooper involved?” the dispatcher asked.

“His name’s Cody Turner,” Mitch answered and stumbled as he said Cody’s name. Fuck, what had

happened? And his next most immediate thought was how he’d just found Cody. No way could he lose him

now. That sent a crashing blow to his heart.

“Oh no,” the woman finally said. For the first time in this conversation, she left the standard

communication dialog she was required to give to each caller. He could hear her advising the officers en

route to the scene. “Sir, my boss is taking over the call.”

Thank god the security guard ran. Mitch followed, ducking around to the arrivals entrance. The airport

security’s white truck sat right out front. Mitch entered on the passenger side and then thought better. He

scooted all the way over, taking the driver’s side before the guy made it to his side of the truck.

“I’m driving, get in. I need your phone.”

Mitch activated the speaker and dropped his phone on the dash as he waited for dispatch to continue the

call. He started the truck and took the phone being offered by the security guard. He dialed Cody’s number

and pushed send.

“You keep pushing this number until someone answers,” Mitch said, giving the guy a hard, no-nonsense

look. Seconds later, he peeled out of the parking space, taking corners faster than he should.

“Deputy Marshal Knox, I’m Officer Carmichael,” a new voice began, and he immediately interrupted


“I’m at the airport. I need an escort to the scene. I’m heading south leaving terminal…” Mitch looked

around. “Where the fuck are we?” Mitch bellowed. The fucking guy should have seen he had no idea where

he was. What the fuck!

“Terminal C,” the guard said. “Still no answer.”

“Terminal C. I’m heading south,” Mitch advised.

“Just a moment,” he heard the new dispatcher say. “All right, we have an officer en route to you. What

are you driving?”

“A white F150. It’s airport security,” the passenger answered loudly for Mitch, totally redeeming

himself. In a softer tone, he said again, “Still not answering.”

“Fuck!” Mitch yelled, the anxiety of the uncertainty was getting to him. He couldn’t lose Cody. Not now.

Had he just listened to Cody’s last few minutes alive? His mind spun out of control. Had he heard Cody

being killed? There was no way he knew that for sure. Colt survived the attack, so had the Greyson kid,

Mitch reasoned, trying to calm himself. He refused to consider that neither of those men had been shot at

point blank range. Mitch said a silent prayer, begging for Cody’s life.

“Deputy Marshal, there should be a patrol car on you at any minute,” the new dispatcher informed. An

Austin PD patrol car pulled up beside Mitch and pointed forward through the window. Mitch nodded. The

officer turned on the sirens and punched the vehicle forward. Mitch did the same as they flew through the

streets of Austin toward Cody’s complex.


Mitch pulled into the entrance of Cody’s apartment complex where the gates were now draped with

yellow crime scene tape, marking the area off. The officer that stood at the entrance, keeping everyone out

of the parking lot watched him, yelling as he motioned him to move on.

Mitch threw the truck in park and got out, still gripping his phone, and he worked his wallet out of his

jeans. The officer was on him, but he held his badge in the guy’s face, ignoring him completely. He forced

himself to concentrate, to focus on Cody, not the havoc that now stole his coherent thought.

Mitch passed the indignant tenants littered along the sidewalk who stood outside the iron rod fencing.

Officers from every single area of law enforcement agency were on hand. For Mitch, they were a

clusterfuck of people, but when one of their own was hit, things turned out like this.

The dread that consumed him had his brain going numb. He could feel himself going into survival

mode. His body’s way of protecting him from the news it was about to hear.

“Deputy Marshal Knox, I’m Sergeant Johnson. I was first to arrive.” The officer met him a few feet

inside the gate and walked him toward a car. Mitch assumed this was where they’d found Cody. From this

vantage point, he didn’t see anyone inside the car. Generally that was a good sign, right? It had only taken

him twelve minutes to get here from the airport. Officer Johnson slowed, but Mitch was having none of

that. All the vehicle doors were open, but everyone stayed several feet away.

“What’d you find?” Mitch finally asked the question he’d been dreading. He went for the car, bracing

himself just in case Cody’s body was still inside. The officer stopped him, and Mitch reared back to punch

the guy.

“There’s a clicking noise. We think there’s a bomb attached to the undercarriage. The bomb squad’s on

their way.”

“There isn’t a bomb. He just used that method on his last victim. He wouldn’t do it again so soon,”

Mitch said distractedly, pulling out of the hold the officer had on his arm. He centered into himself as he

glanced inside the front seat and then to the back. The car was empty except a massive blood stain on the

rear seat and floorboard.

“Where is he?” Mitch finally asked, so relieved he hadn’t walked up on Cody’s dead body.

“They took him to University Medical,” the officer said. He’d stayed several feet away, clearly not

convinced of Mitch’s explanation.

“What are his injuries?” Mitch questioned, surveying the blood stain. He’d seen far worse, but never

from someone he loved. He steeled his heart for the answer and closed his eyes.

“No one’s told you?” the officer asked, clearly surprised. Mitch didn’t answer; he just waited as he

gripped the frame of the car for support.

“Turner’s cell phone saved his life. He was shot at almost point blank range. The cell was in his front

shirt pocket and took the hit.” Mitch stopped listening and dropped his head in his hands. He bent over,

trying to fight back the overwhelming relief flooding his body and to keep from hyperventilating.

The tears he’d been holding back broke free. He bent his knees and dropped down, crying in earnest

now. Cody had lived. How was that even possible? After a minute, he felt something at his shoulder and

glanced to the side to see a handkerchief being handed to him. Sergeant Johnson had braved the supposed

bomb to help him out. Several moments passed as Mitch gathered his composure and pulled himself


“Why do you think there’s a bomb in here?” Mitch finally asked after he dropped his sunglasses in place

to help hide his red-rimmed eyes.

“The clicking sound was going off when we arrived. It was only because it was Turner that we went

near the car,” the officer said, standing at a distance again.

“You better be fuckin’ glad you went after him,” Mitch mumbled.

“Say it again, I couldn’t hear you,” the officer yelled back.

“Nothing.” Finally Mitch turned his attention back to the car. “The supposed bomb misfired is your


“What else could it be?” he shot back, a little defensive. Mitch lowered to his knees, looking under the

car. There was nothing there. Then he went to the front of the car, pulled the lever to pop the trunk and

headed to the back of the vehicle. Against the officer’s advice, he lifted the trunk. Fuck.

“You got another body in here,” he yelled out. He ignored the foul smell of death and looked around

without touching anything. “No bomb, but he’s been in here a while. The ticking’s coming from him. I need

to know the specifics when you ID this guy.”

“Shit,” the officer declared, immediately tapping his chest as he began talking to headquarters.

Mitch forced himself to consider the case. Cody was alive, and this had officially become ground zero.

What had made the killer come here? The obvious answer seemed to be the only one that came to mind—

this was a message to him. But even more importantly, why now had he done such a sloppy job?

Blinding rage at your sexual orientation, echoed through his mind.

Mitch looked around the parking lot, then at the building. “How much surveillance do you think’s

pointed this way?”

“The city’s covered. That’s one thing we’ve done right,” the officer said as the bomb squad approached

the car.

“You need to stay behind the line until we’re done surveying the vehicle.” Mitch ignored them

completely as he looked out toward the road, trying to identify the cameras. Sergeant Johnson followed

behind him, keeping one eye on Mitch and another on the car.

“You didn’t ask, but Officer Turner was also shot in the shoulder,” the officer said quietly. “We aren’t

supposed to give that information out. They’re keeping this on the DL. I guess because of you guys.”

“Was he conscious?” Mitch asked, palming his phone to call Aaron.

“He wasn’t when he left here,” the officer said, stepping back behind the imaginary line the other

officers maintained. All eyes were on the team at the car.

“Who’s heading up this investigation?” Mitch probed.

“I’m not sure yet. I was first to arrive. It’s mine right now, but my direct supervisor’s en route,” he said.

“All right, give him my card. I need to talk to him. I’m working with the FBI on a special assignment. I

need that car kept together.” The officer kept his eyes forward, watching the bomb squad work as he tucked

Mitch’s card in his pocket. “I need a ride to the hospital.”

“Parks, take him to University,” the officer called out, still staring at the vehicle. It was only then that

Mitch remembered he’d called Aaron.

Damn, he needed to pull his shit together. Cody needed him on his A game right now.

“Are you there?” Mitch asked into the phone, following Officer Parks to his squad car.

“Yeah, I’ve got Connors on the phone. I identified the voice and didn’t know who else to call when you

didn’t answer. Hold on, let me connect us,” Aaron said.

“Connors, Knox, you both there?” Aaron asked.

“Yeah,” they said, pretty much in unison.

“Did you tell him?” Connors immediately asked.

“Not yet. Mitch the voice ID is coming back a match for Special Agent Peter Langley. He’s not Central

Intelligence. He’s Secret Service, and he was also the one on the Greyson detail,” Aaron said.

“We interviewed him. He’s flagged, but his alibis held up,” Connors said.

“Fuck, do we have any idea where he’s at?” Mitch asked, getting in the passenger side of the patrol car.

“I’ve got a team forming now to head to his house, but my gut says that he’s there in town with you,”

Connors stated.

“Who all knows this? I don’t want him to go into hiding before we get him,” Mitch responded, buckling


“We have to act. He’s attacking you personally now,” Connors said.

Mitch went silent. This was completely personal, a message straight to him. Langley had to have been

watching him, and Mitch never noticed. Think!

“Okay, we think he works alone and leaves town after each strike. We’ve gotten nowhere in the cases,

and he knows that. At some point, he’d get cocky and arrogant—we know that. Now is that time, he’s

gotten careless.”

“True, but does he know he didn’t complete the job?” Connors asked.

“How do you know he didn’t complete the job?” Mitch questioned him, worried.

“I checked. It was me,” Aaron replied. “Connors is the only one I’ve told. I know to keep that on the


“So he wouldn’t stick around,” Mitch said, but he needed to get by Cody’s side, keep him safe, just in

case they were wrong. He turned to the officer driving. “Step on it for me.”

The lights went on, the siren was left off so he could hear, and the car accelerated. “He’d think it was a

direct hit to the heart. That would eliminate a survivor,” Connors added. “There’s no way he knows that we

ID’d the voice.”

“I’ve got the street surveillance cameras that surround the building. If you give me a little more time, I’ll

get into the security cameras of the building,” Aaron added.

“I don’t even want to know how you do that so fast,” Connors said.

“Remember, Connors, that’s within his jurisdiction. He’s national security. You know he has access to

everything,” Mitch tossed out in Aaron’s defense.

“Still, Knox, he’s amazing. No wonder everyone’s freaked out about him. Besides, we’ve got a positive

ID on his voice. All done the legal way. We don’t need to jeopardize the case by doing under the table

procedures,” Connors said. Mitch hardened. They had a small window to work within. Soon the news

stations would pick this up, and the guy could hide if they didn’t have him in custody first.

“Keep working, Stuart. Connors, see if you can find out if he’s boarded a plane. Good chance we can

catch him when he walks off if he’s headed back there. Stuart, I’m authorizing you to access the Marshals’

intelligence system to help get a visual on the suspect.”

“Already there,” Aaron started and then stopped himself. “I mean, sure thing, I’ll get on that for you. I

can find out if he’s boarding a plane, too.”

“I got that,” Connors said. “Stay in touch, Knox. I’ll message you if he is, and we’ll take him at the

airport.” Connors disconnected from the call, leaving Mitch still on the phone with Aaron.

“Stuart, is there any chance he’s still in town?” Mitch asked.

“There’s always a chance. He’s crazy, man. He’s broken his patterns. He’s not thinking clearly. It makes

him more unstable. It’s why I called Connors; otherwise I never would have,” Stuart said absently, a little


“Faster!” Mitch turned to the officer behind the wheel and demanded. The sirens went on, drowning

Aaron out.

Minutes later, Mitch stared helplessly at the swinging doors of the OR. Being high level federal law

enforcement gave him special privileges—one was that he was able to get this far into the hospital without

being family, but no matter how he tried, he couldn’t get any farther. Cody was being operated on, and until

he got to see his cowboy face to face, the nagging ache wouldn’t fade.

The lingering doubt that perhaps the killer was still somewhere close by wouldn’t let him go. Per a text

message on a choppy signal, Connors arranged FBI security here in the hospital. Apparently, that decision

hadn’t been popular with the Austin PD. The hospital was being flooded by the local police, as well as State

Troopers, who packed the downstairs waiting room. The unity touched Mitch’s heart, but not enough to

join the local police department in their fight to continue to provide security for Cody.

He absolutely did not believe they could handle this crime by themselves. There was no way they knew

the severity of these offenses, and as for the suspect, currently Cody Turner was the only person on the

planet able to give a positive ID.

It made sense that the killer would come back and finish the job. Mitch hardened his heart at the

thought. The panic and desperation that hovered just below the surface fled as anger began to take hold. As

the helplessness ebbed, he started to think a little more clearly—a first since he’d heard that gunshot

through the phone.

No question, Agent Langley had come after him personally. Mitch would be staying right here in Austin

to protect what was his until the FBI was in place.

In his moment of clarity, Mitch walked across the hall to a bank of windows and glanced down at his

phone. His signal increased by one bar. That had to be enough. He dialed quickly, calling the two people he

knew would help. First, his director in Louisiana.

“Director Skinner, sir, he’s hit me personally,” Mitch said, staring out the window, completely unaware

of the world outside the glass.

“What’s happened?” Skinner asked.

“Sir, he got to my boyfriend this morning. But he’s made a mistake. He’ll be back once he realizes that,”

Mitch relayed the information, steeling his heart.

“Do we know who this is?”

“Yes, sir. He’s being tracked down, but if we let him slip through the cracks, he’ll be back to finish this

job. Once he finds out Cody’s not dead, he’ll have to return to cover his tracks,” Mitch reaffirmed.

“What do you need from me?”

“I need backup. I want our guys on this. I want him arrested the minute we find him,” Mitch answered.

“Of course, I’ll arrange it now. What else?” Director Skinner asked.

“I want my dad to oversee Cody’s care. We need security to transport him here. And I need security

detail on my family. Once Cody’s stable, I want him up there with my dad. I don’t care about the

investigation. He’s safer away from here.” Mitch ran his palm along his jaw. All he could think was that he

needed Cody away from this place as soon as possible.

“I’ll arrange that. Tell your father to contact me. Does Connors have your whereabouts?” the director


“Yes, sir. Thank you, sir,” Mitch let out a sigh of relief.

“Keep me updated, Knox. Watch yourself. I can’t say I didn’t see this coming. It worried me, son.

Because of who you are, I should have put someone else on the case. You and Kreed watch yourself.” The

director ended the call. Mitch was wound up so tightly, the moments of relief hit him hard. Mitch stood

there, shaking off all this unwanted emotion keeping him from thinking reasonably. Instead, he searched his

contacts until he found his father’s phone number.

“Hello, Son, your mom told me you called her.” His dad sounded happy, and with all the background

noise, he thought he might be in the middle of something.

“I need you, Pop,” Mitch spoke quietly. All that emotion he’d been fighting came out in those four

words. It was always hard talking to his parents. Just their voices brought out the inner love and

compassion that no one else on the planet had seemed to ever have.

“Where are you, Son?” his dad asked, and Mitch heard the immediate change in his tone from Dad to

Dr. Knox. There was movement on his dad’s end of the line. The background noise slowly fading away as

he sought out somewhere he could hear the conversation more clearly.

“I’m in Austin, Texas. They got him, Dad. Just like with Colt; they got him.” Mitch lowered his head to

the big windows. He bumped his forehead against the cool glass, having to remind himself Cody was alive.

God, what would have happened if the killer had succeeded?

There was silence on his father’s end of the line for several long seconds until he finally said, “Your


“Yes, sir,” Mitch responded immediately, his voice broke on the words.

“What’s his condition?” his father asked, the professional tone masking the concern. He knew his father

did that for him, to help him stay strong.

“All I know is that the cell phone saved his life. It took the bullet to his chest. He’s got another in his

shoulder, and he hit his head somehow. He’s in surgery.”

“All right, I’m on my way.” There was never any question his father would do this very thing. The

weights were slowly lifting off his shoulders. Getting Cody the care he needed while protecting him from

another attack were his two main focuses. The people in Mitch’s life were taking over, taking care of him

and Cody.

God, the fucking tears were starting again.

Mitch dug his thumb and forefinger into his eyes, pushing them away. He’d cry for hours, just not right

now. Later. Much, much later, when he was all alone and no one could see.

“Dad, I need you to call Director Skinner. He’s arranging your flight and security for you and the family

until this bastard’s caught. If we don’t get our hands on this guy soon, Cody’s gonna be a big target. I want

him to go back home with you and mom when he’s stable. I want him far away from here until we get this

resolved,” Mitch said firmly.

“All right, Son, whatever you want. Can you text me the director’s number now? I’m at a game and

need to get your mom home before I leave,” Dr. Knox replied.

“Thanks for doing this, Dad. I’ll send the text now.” Mitch ended the call and immediately sent his

father a text with Skinner’s phone number. He waited until he got the return text from his father confirming

receipt. As he turned away from the window, a tall, blond-haired man entered the secured area. There was

an older woman flanking him. Mitch looked at the two. They had tears in their eyes, a panicked look that

Mitch totally got, and they eyed him as closely as he watched them.

They had to be Cody’s mom and dad. Damn.

Chapter 47

Mitch steeled his spine and walked straight to the distraught couple. He absolutely didn’t want to meet

them this way. Certainly, he’d never wanted to apologize for allowing their son to be put in harm’s way, but

he manned up and stuck out his hand.

“Mr. and Mrs. Turner?” They both nodded. “I’m so sorry,” Mitch started, clasping Mr. Turner’s hand


“You’re Mitch.” A woman entered the room, catching Mitch off guard. There was no denying the family

connection. She was tall, blonde, and pretty, dressed in a business suit and high heels. She was no-nonsense

and there in front of him, sticking her hand out to him.

“I’m Sheila, Cody’s sister. He’s Cody’s new boyfriend,” she said to her parents. “Have you seen him

yet?” she asked him. Mitch looked from her to her parents. She was most definitely taking the lead,

something it looked like his mom and dad were accustomed to.

“Sheila, let’s meet him,” Mr. Turner started, but she stared at Mitch, ignoring her parents, waiting for

him to answer her question.

“I haven’t. I’ve only been here about fifteen minutes. He was already in surgery when I arrived.” Mitch

looked between the three of them.

“They came down and got us. He’s supposed to be in recovery now. We can see him soon,” Mrs. Turner


“I don’t even know that much. I only got this far in because of the deputy marshal badge,” Mitch

admitted. That seemed to frustrate Cody’s sister. She looked at him hard, then did an abrupt turn, focusing

on her parents.

“Mom, you need to come sit down,” she said, ushering her mom to the chairs in the middle of the room.

“How did I not even know Cody had a boyfriend?” Mrs. Turner asked her daughter.

“I talked to him about noon today. He told me. He said he was going to come tell you and Dad this week

sometime,” Sheila answered, her voice fading. As much as he wanted to hear whatever else she had to say,

Mr. Turner was still standing in front of him, waiting for the women to get out of hearing range.

“What are they saying? I’ve heard ‘a random act of violence’ on the radio coming in, but I can’t get

through to anyone who knows anything. Damn Sunday, nobody’s fuckin’ working, and I’m not buying it,”

Mr. Turner spoke up. The years in law enforcement left the older man shrewd, and you could see the

wheels turning as he worked through the situation.

“Sir, as much as I hate to say this, I’m not at liberty to say,” Mitch responded honestly.

“So there is more to this?” he asked. Mitch sighed and just gave as much as he could at this moment.

“Yes, sir. It’s much bigger.” Mr. Turner’s face turned hard. This wouldn’t be the end of their

conversation, and thank god, the doctor chose then to enter the room. Otherwise Mitch may have caved

under the intensity in Mr. Turner’s eyes.

“Are you Cody Turner’s family?” the doctor asked.

“Yes, sir.” That same attitude Mr. Turner just gave him was there all over Sheila’s face. She was the first

one to the doctor.

“How is he?” she asked.

“He’s holding his own and currently in recovery. It’ll be a while before he wakes,” the surgeon

informed quickly and efficiently. “Are you Deputy Marshal Knox?” he turned, looking directly at Mitch.

“Yes, sir,” he answered.

“Officer Turner regained consciousness in the ambulance. He gave me very strict instructions to talk to

you and no one else. I had to promise him and then repeat the words back to him before he would allow

surgery. He said, a special agent, CIA, badge authentic. The suspect was tall, lean, muscular, graying hair,

brown eyes, a scar along his left cheekbone, and one under his right eye. Hate-related,” the doctor repeated

Cody’s words and looked visibly relieved he got them all out. “He also felt sure you would be here.”

Mitch pulled his phone out, typing into the notes section as the doctor spoke. He repeated the words

back to him. “Is there anything else?”

“Yes, but it was only if he didn’t make it through. Since he did, I’m not to say,” the doctor added.

Mitch was having none of that. He tossed out his own hard stare, trying to match that of Cody’s sister.

“Tell me what he said.”

It took a full minute of silence before the doctor responded. “He said he meant what he said this


Those words were said in a completely different tone than the first. They had meaning and stole Mitch’s

breath away. He nodded, looking down at the phone, pretending to type. He felt an arm at his back, patting

him, and he looked down at Cody’s little mother trying to give him comfort while her son lay in recovery

just a few feet away.

“What are his injuries?” his father asked, breaking the silence.

“Someone was watching out for him. His chest wound was nothing really, just deep bruising. Shards

from the protective case on the phone had been embedded into his skin, but other than that, the bullet

didn’t penetrate. The one in his shoulder was a clean entry. He was very lucky.”

“Were there any other injuries?” Sheila questioned.

“At first we thought he may have a closed head injury, but he’s been downgraded to a nasty contusion.

It’ll heal. He was unconscious when he got here. Probably the pain and shock took him under,” the doctor


“Can we see him?” his father asked.

“Yes. They’ll be back to get you in a few minutes.” The doctor nodded and gave a small smile.

“Thank you, doctor,” Mr. Turner said as the swinging doors opened. Two suits stepped in, silently

taking their places. Mitch suspected every entrance into this part of the hospital would have the same

security detail in place by this point.

His phone rang, and Mitch went back to the far side windows, trying to get as much signal as he could.

He saw Aaron on the caller ID and answered immediately.

“It’s him. I got proof, well, sort of positive ID. You can’t see his face super-well, but it’s his height,

build, profile, and the rental he’s driving’s registered to him. He’d been in Austin for a few days. He got

there Friday, per the rental.”

“Is he on a flight?” Mitch’s heart rate sped up.

“You haven’t heard back from Connors?” Aaron asked.


“Hang on, I’ll get it. You guys are too slow.”

“We don’t all have the skills you do, Stuart.” Mitch prayed they got that son-of-a-bitch.

“Hot damn, man! You got your break! He’s on a non-stop to DC, flight three eight seven. His boarding

pass was scanned about thirty minutes ago. Want me to call Connors?”

“No, I got it. Thanks, man. I owe you,” Mitch said, disconnecting the call. He dialed Connors’s cell


“He’s on flight three eight seven out of Austin; we know where he’s going, Knox.” Connors supplied


“Good. You going after him?”

“We’ll get him the minute he steps off the flight,” Connors assured.

“Don’t lose him. It’ll be a crowded flight. Don’t take chances.”

“Do I ever? We’re notifying the airlines now. We’ll get him, I promise,” Connors responded. “How’s

Officer Turner?”

“The surgeon just told me he can identify him. Aaron’s got us a good visual from the street view and

proof he’d been in town this weekend.”

“You know we can’t use his video work.” Connors and his stupid rules.

“He’ll tell us where to get the best shots. Look, man, take it as a gift and be thankful we have it,” Mitch

said. It wasn’t until he felt all eyes on him that he realized he’d probably said those words a little too loudly,

perhaps a little too roughly. “I’m heading to the local office as soon as I’m done here. I’ll get the footage


“It’s gonna blow things up around here to arrest a Secret Service agent. We need to have our argument

ready,” Connors stated.

“Don’t fucking say a word to any other department until we have him. When I get done here, I’m

heading back there. I want to talk to him myself.” He made his way to the bank of seats facing the waiting

room door.

“Mitch, I’m not sure that’s wise.”

“You’ll be there. You’ll stop me if I take it too far, but we gotta get him to say something to tie him to

those other cases.” He sat in the chair away from everyone. He didn’t want anyone listening in on the phone

calls he needed to make.

“Then get back here today. Sunday’s our only excuse for not advising everyone,” Connors said. “I gotta

go. I’ve got to pull this arrest together.”

“Get him, Connors,” Mitch said.

“Got it.”


By the time he got through the phone calls, Mitch found himself alone in the waiting room. Not

completely alone, the two FBI guards stationed by the door were the only other people left in the room.

Completely confused, he took a second look around the room again.

“They went through that door. They tried to get your attention,” one of the guards said. Mitch didn’t

hesitate. He gave a nod and hurried through the swinging doors that had earlier kept him separated from


The freedom of shoving the doors was fleeting when he came face to face with a wall. He could go right

or left, with no direction as to what was down either long hall. Mitch stood there a minute before sticking

his head back through the swinging door.

“Did you see if they went right or left?” Mitch asked.

“Left,” the guard said, fighting back a grin.

Mitch was off, going left. Several missed doors and wrong turns later, he found a back entrance into the

recovery area. He walked in on what had to be ten people lined against a wall. There was a security guard

stationed by this door, a nurse’s station in the distance, and rows of curtains to his right. Mitch nodded at

the guard by the door and looked the people over who stood to his left. They all stared at him. After a quick

assessment, he guessed some of these were the Turner siblings. Every other one was blond. Mitch could

pick out some of Cody’s features in everyone with blond hair.

Sheila stepped out from around the curtain and caught sight of him. “Mitch, come in. He’s here,” she

said, ushering him around the curtain as the rest watched. Cody lay in bed, his eyes closed, with his mother

and father on either side of him. Cody’s mom was crying, and Mitch had no idea what that meant. She held

on to Cody’s hand.

“Has he woken yet?” Mitch asked quietly, staring at Cody. His hair was a mess, his skin very pale, and

he was bandaged around the shoulder and chest. He breathed evenly, and his eyes were closed, but moving.

Mitch thought he was beautiful.

The overwhelming relief was staggering, and he wondered how many more times his heart could go

through the high and lows of today and still continue to beat. He walked to the end of the bed, rested a hand

on Cody’s foot, and squeezed.

I love you, he mentally told Cody.

“They haven’t said anything else. The nurse is going to let him sleep a little while longer, then wake him

up,” Mrs. Turner said.

“I’m gonna have to head back to DC,” Mitch started.

“Did they find the person who did this?” Mrs. Turner looked up at him, her eyes full of hope.

Right when Mitch was going to have to say he couldn’t discuss the case, her husband stepped in.

“Connie, it’s an open investigation. He can’t tell us anything,” Mr. Turner advised his wife.

“I’m sorry,” Mitch added, not entirely certain why he apologized, but he did with the crestfallen look

she gave him.

“Mom, Dad, can we give Mitch a minute alone with Cody?” Sheila asked. “I think Cody would want

that.” Mitch looked up, surprised, and cut his eyes between the three of them, until his mother finally

nodded. She kissed Cody on the forehead and squeezed his hand before leaving the small room. Cody’s

dad followed along after them.

“Take your time, but we can hear everything you say. The curtains don’t provide much buffer,” Sheila

warned him before she left. Mitch turned back to Cody, and his heart seized a bit in his chest. He hated

seeing him in this condition. And then the guilt that had been lingering on the outer surface of his frantic

thoughts finally came crashing down on him.

Cody wouldn’t have been here had it not been for Mitch.

“We know who it is. He’s not gonna hurt you again,” Mitch whispered as he reached out the palm of his

hand, stroking Cody’s cheek, and he leaned farther down to Cody’s ear. “I’m sorry I let this happen. I

haven’t been able to see well enough on this case. I should have anticipated this.”

Mitch kissed Cody’s cheek, and then kissed his lips. He let the tears he’d been holding back, fall freely.

“I love you. You do everything the doctors say to do. Don’t be stubborn. I’ll be back as soon as I can.

You’re protected, Cody, you don’t have to worry about another attack.”

Cody’s eyes fluttered before they slowly slid open. Mitch kept caressing Cody’s face with his palm. He

sniffled and wiped at his nose as Cody’s eyes focused in on him.

“You’re crying,” Cody barely whispered. The sound of his voice must have alarmed him because he

closed his eyes and blinked. Cody tried to move, but the bed just jerked a little.

“Be still. You just came out of surgery; they removed a bullet from your shoulder,” Mitch said, staying

as close to Cody as he possibly could, assessing everything he knew to look at. Cody’s eyes were focusing,

and the color to his skin was coming back. His voice was weak.

“Why are you crying?”

“I’m relieved, that’s all.” Emotion crossed over Cody’s face and then something changed.

“He’s CIA. The badge was real. He’s tall, lean…”

“The surgeon told me. I’m going after him now. I was just telling you goodbye.”

“He’s part of a hate crime group,” Cody replied.

“I know. I was on the phone still. I heard him, I heard everything.” Mitch slid his hand in Cody’s.

“The phone saved me.” Cody smiled.

“I know. I’ll be thanking Apple soon enough. Your whole family’s out there,” Mitch nodded toward the

door and squeezed Cody’s hand.

“When are you coming back?”

“As soon as I can. My dad’s coming here. He’s on his way. He’s a doctor, but he knows his shit and

everybody to call. He’s gonna watch out for you while I’m gone. You don’t have to make this decision now,

but I’m gonna want you to go back home with him. Get you outta here.”

Cody stayed quiet, just staring up at him then closed his eyes again. Mitch could tell he tried to fight to

stay awake, but lost the battle and kept his eyes closed.

“You need to sleep. I love you,” Mitch whispered quietly and kissed Cody’s hand and then his lips

before he rose. He took some paper towels from a drawer dispenser and rubbed them across his eyes and

nose before discarding them in the trash. He stepped out from behind the curtain. Cody’s family was all

right there, but so was Kreed.

“He woke up, but he’s back asleep.” Mitch smiled at Cody’s parents as he walked to Kreed and stuck

out his hand. “Thank you for coming.”

“I’m heading back with you,” Kreed informed him, very no-nonsense.

“I got this—” Mitch started, but Kreed stopped him.

“He attacked you. Enough said.” All of a sudden he felt like such a girl. He had to fight to keep the

emotion of his partner’s words at bay.

“I need to get security in there with him. Hang on.” Mitch went to the FBI agent guarding the door and

brought him inside Cody’s room.

“Stay here. You go where he goes. Got it?” Mitch waited for the yes sir from the kid before he

continued on. “And get someone else on the door. Your replacement stays with him too, twenty-four seven.

Got it?” he asked the suit that he’d placed in the corner of Cody’s little room.

“Got it,” the guy said. This time, Cody’s mom was back in place beside the bed. Probably a sister was in

the room. Cody was awake, his eyes following Mitch, actually all eyes were on Mitch but Cody’s were the

only ones that mattered.

“I’ll call you tonight.” Mitch struggled right then, but fought it and leaned in to kiss Cody’s lips again.

“You promised to do everything they asked of you.”

Cody nodded and whispered softly to him, “Be safe.”

“You worry about getting your strength back. Nothing else.” Mitch squeezed his hand, then forced

himself from the bed. He didn’t acknowledge anyone but Cody’s father and motioned for him to follow

him out.

“Mr. Turner, I’ve arranged federal security for Cody and your family. You need to call my director.

Here’s his number.” Mitch stood to the side of the elevator, scribbling Skinner’s number on his business

card. “My father’s a world-renowned surgeon, and he’s on his way. Not to take over anything, but to be a

second set of eyes. He’ll be looking for you to go over things and give his thoughts. He’ll give a good

opinion on things for you.”

“Thank you,” Mr. Turner said.

“I’m very sorry this happened. I should’ve been more prepared.”

“Come on, man. The elevator’s here,” Kreed said, holding the door.

“I’ll be back in touch tonight.” Mitch was on the elevator, his eyes on Mr. Turner as the doors closed.

“It’s not hard to see what Cody’s gonna look like when he gets older,” Kreed smiled.

“Yeah, he looks just like his dad,” Mitch agreed.

“Did the cell phone really stop the bullet?” Kreed asked, sounding amazed.

“Yeah, that’s what they’re saying. I haven’t seen it for myself yet,” Mitch answered.

“Holy fuck, he sure must have an angel watching over him.”

“Fucking A,” Mitch mumbled and gave a halfhearted fist bump to Kreed’s raised hand. Things were just

too close to home on this one. If everything went okay from Connors’s end, he had approximately six

hours until he was face to face with the fucker who shot Cody. Just the thought had him chomping at the

bit. He had to get some sort of confession out of the guy. Something to tie him to the others before

morning. Before the politics of DC took over.

Chapter 48

Cody rested with his eyes closed, wishing everyone inside his room would leave. His entire family

packed into the hospital room, making the large area seem much smaller. He slowly and carefully breathed

in and out through his nose, ignoring the throbbing in his shoulder as well as the discomfort from his chest.

His cell phone had done a bang up job at stopping the bullet by lodging bits of the protective case and

phone cover into his skin. The impact had his chest so sore, he could barely breathe without wincing. He

should be thankful for the pain, it meant he was alive, but right now his mood was deteriorating by the


Another couple of minutes passed before the general sounds in the room began to quiet. Cody hoped

they’d gotten the hint that he needed peace. Right when he truly thought the whispered voices were

preparing to leave, the door to his room opened. Things got too quiet too quickly for his loud family to

have left the room so fast. Surely his sisters would be over here kissing his cheeks like they had done about

a million times since he’d been assigned a room.

Cody cracked an eye and then turned his head as a well-dressed, older man walked into the room. He

wasn’t well-dressed as much as he just looked like he had money. Lots of money. He wore a New York

Panthers collared shirt, pressed blue jeans—the kind that showed they’d probably never seen a day of

manual labor in their existence.

For some reason, he knew he should know this man, but he couldn’t place him in his fumbled brain.

“Hello, I’m Dr. Knox,” he said, coming to stop in the middle of the room among all of his family. Cody

looked closer at the doctor, associating the name, but nothing about the man resembled Mitch.

“I’m Johnny Turner, thank you for coming all this way.” Cody watched his dad shake the doctor’s hand.

“It’s not a problem at all. Is this our patient?” Dr. Knox asked. Cody’s heart stirred as the doctor looked

his way. Mitch had his eyes. Dr. Knox then gave him a small smile and there were those dimples.

Cody tried to adjust himself. He lifted his good arm to check his hair, but exhaustion had him dropping

it in mid-motion.

“This is Cody. He’s our youngest. This is my wife, Connie, and the rest of our crew.” Dr. Knox extended

a hand to his mom and looked at the rest of his family, but walked toward the bed, that special smile still in


“It’s very nice to meet you,” Dr. Knox reached out to take his hand. Cody tried to give a formal shake,

but the medicine made him weak. Dr. Knox changed the hold as he gripped Cody and held on as he stood

over him. “I wish this were under better circumstances.”

“You live in New York,” Cody responded. Dr. Knox’s smile broadened.

“I do. Mitch asked me to come and look at the care you’re getting. I wanted to stop in and make sure

you’re comfortable with his idea before I introduce myself to your doctors.”

“Yes, sir, but I don’t wanna put you out. I don’t think it’s as bad as it could’ve been,” Cody stated.

“You got lucky. No question there,” Dr. Knox agreed. “Since you’re good with me being here, I’ll head

down to the nurse’s station, get in touch with your doctors, and give any opinions I think necessary. Is there

anything you need before I go?”

“Just sleep.” Cody glanced over at his family. Dr. Knox followed his gaze to see his entire family

watching them.

“We have a crew like this back home. Drives Mitch a little crazy. I’ll see what I can do,” he laughed. He

didn’t lower his voice, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear. “You get some rest. Mitch has this place

locked down as if the president himself was in this hospital. If you need me, I’ll leave my phone number at

the nurse’s station. Buzz them and they can get a hold of me.” Dr. Knox released Cody’s hand to straighten

his blankets.

“Thank you for coming.” Cody was touched by Mitch’s father’s actions. “I’m sorry you came all this

way. I think I’m fine.” Cody’s eyes drooped, the medication making him drowsy.

“Mitch never asks anything of anyone. He’s worried. I’ll be his eyes here to evaluate that worry for

him,” Dr. Knox said, and Cody had no idea how to respond so he didn’t. Dr. Knox patted his legs and

turned to his family. “Can I talk with you outside?”

It was crazy how much Cody appreciated that gesture. When his family left the room, a security guard

came inside and stationed himself at the door, but never made eye contact with him. He didn’t even care

and fell asleep within minutes of having an empty room.


Patience never came easy for Mitch, but this plane ride from Austin to DC had just about killed him.

Sitting for hours, after so much drama, had Mitch fighting off moments of serious panic. First and

foremost, he worried about Cody. Leaving that man had been about the hardest thing he’d ever done, and

he wasn’t certain he would have left if Kreed hadn’t shown up.

Kreed was the voice of reason. Something he never considered about the guy before. Kreed also had a

clue as to what Mitch was feeling for Cody which was just weird to him. He’d known Kreed ten plus years

and never had the guy given any clue that he’d had someone important in his life.

Neither Kreed nor Mitch had their laptops. Mitch had left his in the airport security truck. Who knew

where it was now. Kreed had left DC without his. About halfway through the flight, Kreed got internet on

his phone, but text and signal were still impossible. The lack of communication hadn’t helped Mitch’s

mental state at all.

When they landed, both their phones went nuts. They were ushered off the plane first. Actually he and

Kreed stood by the door, phones in hand, before the flight attendants were even unbuckled. Mitch ignored

the looks as Kreed glanced over his shoulder.

“Are you calling Connors or the hospital?” Kreed asked.

“My dad sent me a text. I need to call him,” Mitch answered, wondering why in the hell he was putting

the call to his father before finding out if Agent Langley had actually been apprehended.

“Cool, I’ll call Connors.” The doors opened, and they ate up the distance to the gate. By the time they

hit the terminal, Kreed gave him a thumb’s up and slapped him a high-five. Mitch participated, but listened

only to his father talk about Cody’s condition.

“He’s good, Son. I can’t find anything I’d change or recommend that they aren’t doing. I’ve heard some

rumbling that the Austin PD wants to be more involved. They don’t like being pushed out, but that’s the

only conflict. Only family members are allowed in his area.”

“They aren’t supposed to release any information on his condition until we get this done on our end,”

Mitch informed his dad, following Kreed through the airport with a finger stuck inside his other ear.

“Pieces are getting out. Lots of speculation, but his medical team here is very solid.”

“When can he leave?” Mitch asked.

“Probably in the next day or two,” his father answered.

“Can he travel?” He had to dodge two women who were huffing and puffing, slowly pulling their

oversized suitcases behind them.

“With some pain, yes, but you’ll have to talk to him about that. I think there may be some resistance to

that idea,” his father answered.

“From him?”

“No, just everyone here wants to take care of him.” Mitch let that settle in. He was glad Cody had a

community wanting him well, but he wanted Cody out of there, hidden. Tucked away from anyone that

could hurt him.

“What’s he doing now?”

“When I left his room, he was sleeping.”

“All right. When you see him again, tell him I’m thinking about him. I’ll call him tonight when I get a

chance. If you can get him alone, tell him we got the guy, but only if that’s alone.”

“Good work, Son.” His dad seemed proud.

“Thanks, but we should have had him before now.” Mitch could see the exit just a few feet away. God,

he wanted to talk to that son-of-a-bitch that shot Cody.

“Don’t do that to yourself, Son. No one’s more dedicated to this case than you,” his dad said. Mitch was

silent as he followed Kreed to an unmarked car parked in the front of the airport, a driver waiting inside.

“Dad, tell him I’ll call him tonight. Thank you for being there.”

“I will. I won’t leave the hospital until we talk again,” his father promised.

“Thank you.” Mitch disconnected the call as they headed to the detainment center.

“He was arrested without incident. Skinner had the place swarming with our guys. He walked off the

flight, picked up what was happening, and surrendered to them. They’re holding him on-site until we get

done with him. He’ll be booked and taken to Petersburg in the morning. That gives us about twelve hours

to get what we can,” Kreed informed.

“Have they talked to him at all?” Mitch asked.

“Minimal. They’re waiting. Connors is holding everyone off. He’s kind of being a little badass. Barking

orders ‘cause he’s got the highest clearance on-site right now.”

“Thank god it’s Sunday.” Mitch sat back in his seat and prayed the drive would go quickly.

“Yeah, thank god or we wouldn’t get this chance with him. So, you got a plan?” Kreed asked, and Mitch

turned and looked his way.

“I just need a confession. However that happens is my plan.”

“Okay, buddy, sounds good to me, we’ll get something.” Kreed assured him with those final words, and

Mitch knew this rested squarely on his shoulders.


With herculean effort, Mitch pushed Cody from his mind and stood there staring through the double-

paned glass window at Agent Langley. He sat at a table in a small room, his hands linked together, staring

back at the darkened window, completely alone. He looked like he didn’t have a care in the world.

Connors had the Austin surveillance camera footage printed as well as the voice audio extracted and

burned to his computer, all in an effort to convince Agent Langley to talk. In Mitch’s mind, of course they

had their guy. The video feed was perfect. The voice recording an exact match. Crazier things had happened

to free fugitives, but they had done the best they could in pulling this case together very quickly.

Mitch could feel the tick in his jaw working the longer he stood there. This was going to be an hours-

long process. The guy was trained to keep his mouth shut. He also knew the law. All he needed was time.

“Let me go in.” Mitch didn’t take his eyes off the man sitting in the small room.

“There are better trained interrogators. I’ve called in favors—” Connors started.

“I have a way of getting under people’s skin faster than anyone. It’s the only way he’ll talk,” Mitch cut

Connors off.

“Knox, you have to be careful.”

“Just let me in there. I’ve got a plan. It’ll take a few times, but I’ll get him talking.” Mitch opened the

door to the room, not waiting for permission. He checked his sidearm with the security guard at the door.

He didn’t trust himself not to shoot the guy where he sat, which would be incredibly satisfying in the short

term, but not so much as he sat in prison for the rest of his life.

He entered the interrogation room. Agent Langley’s eyes connected with his, and he held the stare until

the agent turned away. There was no look of remorse in the guy’s gaze. Nothing that indicated he knew how

much trouble he was actually in. Mitch glared at him, coming to stand directly in front of him. He crossed

his arms over his chest, letting the bulk of his muscles be as imposing as intended.

“You were looking for me?” Mitch cocked his head to the side, studying the guy. “I’m here. I’m not sure

I heard your message clearly. Care to repeat it?”

“I have a right to an attorney. I’m exercising that right.”

“We both know this is bigger than that. You can’t target a senator’s kid and keep all your rights. I’ll

make a deal with you… You talk, confess what you’ve done, why you did it, and who else you’re working

with, and you might get a nice plea deal.” The guy smirked at Mitch.

“I’m exercising my right to an attorney.”

“Ain’t gonna happen. You’re a big enough man to target unsuspecting men, but not big enough to have

that conversation with me now? I fuck men, but you know that, don’t you? We have positive ID of you at

the scene of the crime in Austin.” Mitch grinned as Langley gave the slightest narrowing of the eyes before

forcing the passive features back in place. “Got anything to say now?”

“I want my attorney.”

“Ain’t gonna happen, we’ve got you now.” Mitch placed both hands on the table, leaning in. “What’d

you do, follow me?”

“Attorney,” the agent said.

“Was this all a big show to gain my attention? Did I turn you down at one point? You aren’t my normal

type. I tend to like my men younger and prettier than you.” Mitch leaned completely in, getting in the guy’s

personal space.

Agent Langley didn’t like that at all. After a moment of chicken, the calm façade wore off, and the agent

leaned back in the seat, creating distance. Hate and disgust were clear on his face, and he stayed silent. That

spoke volumes. Mitch had his strategy.

He said nothing more, but turned to leave the room. As they shut the door behind him, he re-holstered

his weapon, then grabbed his phone and set the alarm for one hour. He’d be back in there talking about the

homosexual lifestyle, accuse the guy of being closeted, and let him tick like a time bomb. Langley would

give. He’d talk before morning, for sure.

“Let me handle him, Connors. Don’t let anyone in there, and don’t fucking argue with me right now. I’ll

be back in an hour.” Mitch headed to his office to call Cody.

Chapter 49

“Mr. Turner,” Cody heard in his haze of sleep. He tried to turn away from the voice. Anyone using

words like mister wasn’t anyone he needed to talk to right now.

“Mr. Turner, I need to give you your medication.” Cody cracked an eyelid, saw the nurse, and gave in as

he opened both eyes. The place was wrong, so was the nurse, and he tried to rise. A long string of curse

words flew from his lips as he registered the pain in his body and carefully laid himself back.

“Settle down, sir. You’re okay. This will help with the pain,” she said swiftly and efficiently. Clearly this

was not her first time with disorientated patients. Cody let her drop the tablets in his mouth and took a sip

of the water she held. They did that three more times until everything on the tray was taken. She turned

away and entered information into a portable rolling computer before she looked back to him.

“You slept through dinner, can I get you another tray?” He looked in the direction she pointed to see

covered dishes sitting on the hospital bedside cart. The pain in his arm was a little too much to consider

eating anything and he shook his head.

“His parents are bringing him some warm soup from the dining room,” someone said from the corner

of the room.

“All right, Mr. Turner. Here’s the call button. Call the nurse’s station if you need anything. It’s almost

time for your vitals. The aide will be around soon.” The nurse packed up her portable cart and left. Cody’s

eyes landed on the man attached to the voice, but recognition took a second more to sink in.

“Dr. Knox?” Cody asked, still a little uncertain if he had dreamed the earlier exchange or if this was

Mitch’s father in the room.

“Yes, you remember. Pretty impressive after everything you’ve gone through today,” Dr. Knox said,

rising, walking toward him.

“Why are you here? Wait. Not that I’m not thankful…” Cody started, but stopped as a hand reached out

to him.

“Mitch couldn’t be here. He needed someone watching over you. I volunteered.” Dr. Knox stood beside

the bed, patting his leg. “Make sure you let them know when you’re in pain, especially this next twenty-four

hours. No need to live with it right now.”

“Yes, sir,” Cody nodded, staring at the older man. He had a memory of thinking Mitch looked absolutely

nothing like his father. Dr. Knox was a shorter man, balding, very excellent bedside manner. Then he

remembered the smile and the dimples he’d caught glimpses of earlier.

“I’m sorry you came all this way.”

“I wouldn’t be anywhere else. Son, Mitch wants you to know they have the suspect in custody now.

They still have security tight around you, but he’s working hard to alleviate the threats.”

“He blames himself, doesn’t he?” Cody asked.

“He has always taken on other’s burdens, but I’ve always figured that’s what makes him so good at his

job,” Dr. Knox answered.

“What are they saying about my arm?”

“You’ve had good care. If you do what they say and promise to do your physical therapy, you’ll be

good as new. But they’ll keep you in here another day or two, for good measure. Your phone took the hit. I

suspect Apple’s going to have a field day with that one,” Dr. Knox said, smiling warmly down at him.

“Mitch found the suspect pretty quick,” Cody said, relieved the agent had already been taken off the


“Yes, he did, and I promised him I’d call once you woke. Are you up to talking to him now?” Dr. Knox

asked, pulling his phone from his pocket.

“Yes, thank you, sir. I hate that Mitch called you away from your job and family because of me,” Cody

replied, watching as Mitch’s father dialed the number.

“He’s never asked anything of his family since the minute he pushed himself out of the nest. I’m very

happy to be here for him and you, Cody. It’s not an imposition,” Dr. Knox responded and lifted a finger to

Cody, silencing him.

“Son, do you have a minute? Cody’s awake,” he heard Dr. Knox ask. “Here, Cody.”

“Hello,” Cody said, watching as Dr. Knox turned from the bed and walked toward the door. He ushered

the guard out of the room before he stepped out too.

“How you feeling?” Mitch asked, his voice turning soft as he spoke.

“Okay, sore, tired,” Cody replied honestly. “What’s going on? Your dad said you have him in custody.”

“Yeah, we have him. We’re just trying to get him to talk.”

“Was he really CIA?” He tried to push himself up in bed and winced, but kept quiet. He didn’t want

Mitch to know he was in any pain.

“No, he’s Secret Service, but he left too many clues this time,” Mitch trailed off.

“You still there?” Cody asked when Mitch became silent.

“Yeah, babe, I gotta go. I just thought of something. Can I call you back?” Mitch asked, distracted.

“Yeah, sure.” Cody hoped Mitch couldn’t hear the disappointment in his voice.

“I just thought of a new angle to get his confession. If it works, I can get back there with you a little

faster. I love you, Cody. I’m not sure I could have handled losing you. I knew you were important to me,

but you freaked my shit out. I don’t ever want a repeat.” Cody felt the exact same way. The emotion of that

statement ran strong inside him. Too strong.

“They told me you got help to me fast,” Cody said, instead of what he really wanted to say. “Call me

later. Go do what you need to do.”

“Say it back to me. I won’t ever put you in that position again, I promise.” Mitch had a way of pulling

Cody out of his shell, making him face his feelings and uncertainties.

“You didn’t do this, Mitch. He’s a sick fuck; just like those guys that beat up Mr. Spencer. You can’t take

this on, but you can find justice. Go get him. Not just for me, but all those men,” Cody replied.

“Say it back to me, so I know you mean that.”

“I love you,” Cody said, and there was silence again.

“I can’t imagine ever getting sick of you saying those words to me,” Mitch said. “I gotta go. I’ll call you

later. I love you.”

The phone went dead. Cody stared at the ceiling, and a smile formed on his face. Those new love

feelings made him momentarily forget all the obstacles that lay between them.


“It hasn’t been an hour,” Connors informed him when he came busting through the side office. He

ignored the window, ignored everyone, including Connors as he checked his weapon and went back into

the interrogation room. He barely schooled his features and started in on the agent the minute he entered.

“You left too many open ends on this murder attempt. Where did you see me with him?” Mitch

demanded as he stalked across the room, coming to a stop right in front of the table separating the two of

them. He was met with silence. A bored expression crossed the agent’s face.

“Attorney,” Langley said in the same uninterested tone as his facial expressions.

“Did you follow me to Austin?” That was a question that burned his ass—how did this guy even know

about Cody?

“Attorney,” the Secret Service agent repeated.

“Or were you there already?” He placed his hands on the table and stared at the suspect.

“Attorney.” Agent Langley pretended to yawn.

“In what capacity were you there?” Mitch asked.

That got him silence.

“Yeah, I’m getting it now. When did you see me? It could have been here. He’s been here, but I’m not

thinking that was it. You freaked on this one. Blew your identity. Something made you crazier than you

already are… Did you see us here or in Austin?”

“Fuck you, I want my attorney.”

“It made you so crazy to see me, you fucked yourself over. You didn’t see the plan through, you reacted

from the gut. Well, you know what? He lived, and he’s gonna keep on living. I’ll make damn sure of that,”

Mitch spat, getting closer to the guy as he watched his eyes burn with hatred. He had hit his mark.

“You aren’t a card-carrying member of that church. I’ve checked that. So what is it? Are you in the

closet? Or are you mad at the government?” Mitch asked, watching him closely. All he could see was sheer

disgust on Langley’s face.

Mitch moved in for the kill.

“That’s fucking it, isn’t it? You’re gay and mad at the government. You spent time in the military, hiding

yourself. Did you fall in love in there? Was it unrequited? Have you twisted it in that fucked up brain of

yours to make it the government’s fault how you turned out?”

Mitch rounded the table, standing close enough to bend in, getting all in Langley’s personal space, and

whispered the worst insult of all to a homophobe. “If you’re so lonely, I’d of let you suck my dick. All you

had to do is ask.”

The agent leaped out of his chair, swinging both handcuffed hands toward Mitch’s face. “He should

have died. I should have come after you,” the enraged agent bellowed. Mitch was standing too close. The

fist came out of nowhere and caught his jaw, whipping his head back, sending him stumbling backward. He

lifted a hand to the window, stopping the guards from rushing in. They didn’t have enough information yet,

and he needed a confession that would come from the unguarded words of a fanatic’s rant.

Langley tackled him and Mitch let it happen. He’d hoped the motherfucker had a short fuse. One after

another, double-fisted punches pummeled down on his face.

“You lying faggot! I killed him, and you’re next. I’m coming after you next, you filthy cocksucker.”

Mitch felt the belligerent agent being wrestled off him. The force and impact of the agent’s blows zoned him

out, but he didn’t need to hear any more. Connors and the video feed would pick up the rest.

Mitch sat up, and after the stars faded, he saw it took three guys to subdue the enraged agent. The man

was a badass and very well-trained; he could have overpowered the Greyson kid all on his own.

Mitch got to his feet with some of the most vile accusations about his sexual orientation still being flung

his direction. He made his way out of the room, rubbing his sore jaw. Langley’s outburst was sure to leave a


“You okay?” Kreed asked, handing him a wet paper towel and ice pack as he entered the office.

“Yeah. You get all that?” Mitch asked Connors.

“Yeah, he’s still raging. You made him crazy. He just implicated himself to the Greyson case and the

justice’s bombing. We got enough.” Connors looked satisfied, still staring into the room.

“So let’s book him and go after the owner of the coffee shop.” Mitch wiped the blood from his nose,

not peering back through the window. Langley was everything wrong with this world. Mitch didn’t need to

look his way again.

“Kreed’s already brought him in.” Connors grinned at him.

“Really?” Mitch asked Kreed, giving him a fist bump.

“Yeah, he’s in holding room two. He’s doing that same bullshit Langley did, saying attorney over and

over. But he’s scared. He’ll break soon enough,” Kreed offered.

“So they worked together to get Elliott Greyson out of the coffee shop.” Mitch said the obvious out

loud. “Just like you thought.”

“We have enough to book Agent Langley. It’ll take some creative talking, but I’ll book the shop owner

too. We’ll get it out of him,” Connors stated, sitting back in his chair. “Brown just sent a message. They

have Langley’s computers. They’ve just started the sweep of his house. Based on what they’re saying, we

have our men.”

Chapter 50

Cody sat on the side of the bed, wincing as his older sister, Sheila, tugged a T-shirt down over his head

and pulled the material over his arm. “Stop being such a baby.”

“I was fucking shot yesterday. Can’t you be a little gentler?” he winced.

“It’s your own fucking fault. You’re too damn big. Who needs all this muscle? No one. It’s a stupid

double extra-large shirt,” she chided, not paying him any mind.

“Mitch likes it,” Cody tossed out, then immediately began to blush.

“I bet he does. You didn’t tell me things got so far along. He was a wreck waiting to hear from the

doctor. He cried in the waiting room. It was kind of sweet.”

“It sort of all just came together this weekend.” Cody smiled, sliding his feet into the flip-flops she’d

placed for him on the floor.

“He sure is a good-looking thing. I can see why you’d be so into him. So what happens now? Are y’all

going to keep living so far apart?” she asked, going to the other side of the bed.

“I don’t really know. He said he could move here.” Cody blushed, eyeing her as she slipped a hand

between the mattress and the rail. “What are you doing?”

“Dad left this for you. I didn’t think you’d remember. You’re really good at looking people in the eye

and coming off like you listen.” She pulled a pistol out.

“Hey! Be careful with that.” Cody took the gun, checked the safety, and kept the Glock pointed away

from both of them. With the gun still in Cody’s hand, Dr. Knox entered the room, then his mom and dad.

Mitch trailed behind them. Everything faded away as their eyes connected. Mitch looked exhausted, but

perfect, and when he smiled at Cody, his body stirred, even under the influence of all the pain medicine.

“You shouldn’t be leaving today,” Mitch said, bypassing everyone as he came closer to Cody.

“What happened?” Cody gasped when he saw Mitch’s busted lip and the bruises on his handsome face.

“Let’s just say I pissed off the bad guy.” A sheepish grin spread across Mitch’s face before he winked at

him. He still had a hold of the gun as Mitch stalked closer, not stopping until he lifted Cody’s chin with his

thumb and kissed his lips.

“I haven’t brushed my teeth yet,” he warned, knowing the warmth in his cheeks had to be a bright red


“I don’t care. Do you need help into the bathroom?” Mitch asked.

“I already went. Does your face hurt?” Cody gazed into Mitch’s eyes.

“No, and you need to stop worrying about me. This is a small price to pay to get the confession we

needed. Besides, you’re the one who got shot and is now trying to sneak out of the hospital early.”

“You really got him to confess?” Cody asked, ignoring the part about his being shot.

“Yep, I did.” Mitch nodded.

“Good job!” Cody lifted his face, and Mitch bent in and kissed him.

“Ahem…” Cody’s dad was beside them, ruining the moment until he realized he was relieving him of

the pistol he held.

“I’m glad you remembered this.” His Dad checked the safety on the weapon, before tucking the gun

inside the waistband of his jeans.

“You were too out of it, but I saw that look in your eyes,” his father said proudly, whacking him on the

back. Cody winced as his shoulder shook under the pressure.

“Dad! That’s his bad shoulder.”

“Oh, Son, I’m sorry. I didn’t think,” his dad started.

“It’s okay, Dad. Is the wheelchair here?” he asked.

“What’s up with you trying to leave?” Mitch questioned. “I think you need to stay and rest another day.”

“He’s hardheaded, Mitch. That’s something you need to know about him before this gets too far. He

hardly listens to anyone,” Sheila said at the end of the bed, and all Cody could do was stare at her.

“Is he hardheaded? That’s something I haven’t seen yet.” Mitch laughed.

“Oh my god, Cody. He doesn’t know that when you get something in your head, it’s impossible to

remove?” Sheila feigned a look of horror.

“Shut up, Sheila,” Cody shot back, giving her a very clear I can’t believe you right now look. “I’m

going home.”

“Back to our house,” his mom confirmed, gathering the few belongings his family had brought to him.

“Not if she doesn’t shut up,” Cody said, and that had everyone but Cody laughing. He struggled to get

out of bed, to stand on his own two feet, but Mitch was right there to hold him in place. Cody was

determined though—he’d walk out of the place if he had too. He wasn’t staying another second. Between

his family and the constant hospital staff interruptions, he needed to go home to get some sleep.

“What about all these flowers?” his mom asked, looking through the drawers, making sure she got


“Give them to the nurses or other patients. I don’t care.” Cody started taking small steps toward the


“I’m gonna get you situated at your parents.” Mitch supported his weight by holding his good arm and

waist as he walked. “You know, they’re bringing you a wheelchair.”

“I’m fine. Just get the car.” Cody tried breathing deeply through his nose, hoping to manage the pain in

his shoulder.

“They have a back way for you to leave. There are a lot of media people out front,” his mom said from

behind him.

“Why’s the media here?” Cody stopped, completely confused with why reporters would be interested in


“Because you’re a local hero,” Sheila explained.

“You stay away from them. Don’t talk to them at all,” Cody warned his sister. She’d make this into a

production and opportunity to push every single product and belief system she had.

“Too bad for you, the family voted me a spokesperson for you. I talked to them last night.” She smiled


“I think I’ve changed my mind. We might need to go to your house.” Cody looked over at Mitch and his

father who stood right beside him ready to catch him if he fell.

“You have an open invitation,” Dr. Knox said from behind Cody. The wheelchair was pushed through

the door, and Mitch helped him over to the seat. The team of security was there by the door and that

confused Cody. What had he missed over the last twenty-four hours?

“I thought you made an arrest,” Cody asked as he sat down.

“We did, I’m just covering my bases,” Mitch said, helping to adjust him until he sat comfortably. “I’m

not taking any more chances where you’re concerned.”

“Ah…” He heard a collective sigh from his sister and mom behind him.

“I like Mitch,” his mom said in a soft voice.

“Me too,” Sheila actually agreed, which was just very weird all in itself. When he turned in Mitch’s

direction, Mitch’s eyes were on his family. He was smiling broadly, making his dimples stand out more than


God, he was in trouble.


Three black Tahoes sat in an underground garage. Mitch understood this was overkill and a waste of

taxpayers’ dollars, but he didn’t care. Cody was too important a package to not arrive in one piece. As far as

Mitch was concerned, he’d have Cody under lock and key for eternity to make sure this never happened to

him again.

Once Cody realized this was his transportation, he jerked a panicked gaze up to Mitch. As a matter of

fact, every eye looked at him as though wondering what he had planned, but he ignored them all and

moved forward, giving everyone their riding assignment.

“Your dad and I are hoping for a bait and switch. Mr. and Mrs. Turner, Sheila, and my father are in the

front SUV. The driver’s a deputy marshal friend of mine based out of Dallas. Y’all are going to take the

long way home. The two SUVs behind you are blacked out for show. If the media takes the bait, they’ll

follow your parents,” Mitch explained.

“We’re going home by way of Round Rock before we cut back and take Dr. Knox to the airport,” his

father added. Round Rock had to be at least an hour north of where the Turner’s lived.

“I thought you said you got the guy,” Cody questioned again, concern entering his voice.

Mitch leaned in. “We did. Shhh, you’re giving me a complex.”

“Oh, that’ll throw them off, for sure. How are you two getting home?” Sheila questioned.

“Once I know they followed, we’ll go to the farm in my rental,” Mitch detailed. “If it all works out right,

we’ll be at your parent’s house about the time you hit Round Rock. I’ll call you, Mr. Turner,” Mitch

continued, pushing Cody with him to the truck to open the door and help the others inside. His good friend

Brody Masters was the driver of this truck, and he hopped out, helping everyone inside.

“Dr. Knox, I’ve known your son a long time, sir. He’s had my back more times than I can count.” Brody

extended a hand to his father who’d gotten in on Mitch’s side. Mitch had called in all those favors Brody

owed and got him down here to make this run.

“He’s a good son,” Dr. Knox said, taking Brody’s hand. His father smiled brightly at the compliment.

That had Mitch narrowing his brow and listening closer. Something wasn’t right, but he’d slept about a

minute the last few days, and it didn’t connect right away.

“I bet he is. Sir, I’ve got a son that I adore…” Brody started, giving Mitch the eye and everything

connected then. Colt’s autograph.

“You’re such a douche.” Mitch chuckled and immediately glanced around at every one. “I’m sorry for

the language. Don’t bother my pop about that, Masters. I’ll get the autograph next week.”

“What did I miss?” his dad asked, humor in his eyes.

“Mitch’s is my son’s god-uncle,” Brody started with laughter in his voice.

“I’m not, Dad. Don’t listen to anything he has to say. I’ve seen his son once, and that was years ago. Get

your ass in the car and shut up, Masters.” Mitch shut the door on his side and motioned for his dad to roll

down the window. “Call me when you get to the airport.”

Dr. Knox nodded and patted his arm. “Cody, it was a pleasure, son. I want you two to come to New

York as soon as you can travel.”

“Thank you, sir,” Cody’s voice sounded off, and Mitch turned back to look at him. Mitch smiled, when

he discovered his tired cowboy had been in the middle of a yawn.

“Get going. I’ve got to get him home. Call me to confirm they followed you guys, Mr. Turner,” Mitch

said, going back to Cody, not waiting for an answer.

Mitch loaded Cody into his SUV. He got him settled, adjusted the seat back some, and Cody closed his

eyes. He waited as he listened to the reports coming his way. When Mr. Turner finally called, his heart was

relieved. Most of the media followed along behind the decoy caravan.

Mitch put the rental in drive and slowly pulled out of the parking garage. He took the back way that Mr.

Turner had told him about, and as they hit the highway, he felt home-free. He could get Cody home without

drama. Mitch looked over, and Cody was awake, staring at him.

“Are you really feeling all right?”

Cody nodded. “It’s more my chest where the phone embedded in my skin. I’m just sore and bruised. I

wanna know everything that went down.”

“I’ll tell you everything tonight. I promise. Your parents invited me to spend the night.” Mitch smiled.

“If you’re gonna be there, I could just go home,” Cody tried again.

“No, everyone knows where you live now. You need to be away from everything. We should really go

to my family’s house,” Mitch tried again to get Cody to agree.

“I don’t want this to be the first way I meet them,” Cody said, lifting his bandaged arm. “Your dad came

all this way.”

“You’re a hardheaded man, Cody Turner. Good thing I’m so head over heels or I might have to

question this.” His teasing worked, and Cody gave him a smile. Mitch reached over and patted Cody’s

thigh. “Sleep. The medicine makes you tired. We can talk later.”

“Are you staying in town for a while?” Cody asked.

“Yeah. I’ll have to give my final reports and probably fly back to DC at least once, but I’m taking

vacation after that. I already told Skinner. I have about a million hours, so I can stick around and help get

you solidly back on your feet.”

“Thank you.” Cody let out another yawn.

“You don’t have to thank me. I want to. You’re my cowboy. I love you,” Mitch whispered. Cody was

sleeping before he ended the sentence.


Later that evening, Mitch sat on the front porch swing of the Turner’s home, enjoying the cool country

breeze. Cody rested on the lounger next to the swing and one of his little nieces—there were too many, and

Mitch couldn’t remember her name—sat close by. Out of all of them, this little girl loved her Uncle Cody

the most. She couldn’t have been older than five, but she sat on the floor of the front porch and held

Cody’s hand, working the iPad in her lap.

She never said a word as she let Cody rest. She just wanted to be with him. Quiet nieces and nephews

were something completely foreign to Mitch. Even though he didn’t get to see his own nieces and nephews

as much as he should, he always heard them in the background whenever one of his siblings called.

He played a game on his cell phone, keeping a constant swing going back and forth when Connors

interrupted with a phone call. He answered on the first ring, even though he was pretty certain that allowed

the zombies time to eat his character. He hated that shit. Zombies were ruthless killers in the video game


“Knox,” he answered.

“I’ve got a pretty big update. We got a full confession and statement that Langley worked completely

alone. He met with his attorney and the guy came back with Langley’s written and signed account of each

death and accident. He gave enough information to undoubtedly tie him to the scene of each crime. He

admitted he planned to go after your friend Montgomery, not Michaels. He also admitted he changed the

video feed in the back of the coffee shop,” Connors said, clearly very relieved, maybe even happy they had

finally solved this case. “The only discrepancy is that DeGeorge admitted giving Langley access to the

security system.”

As Mitch listened, he got up off the swing and took the steps down so he could hear better and have a

little more privacy. Something felt off. “Why the abrupt change?”

“I guess he figured he was busted after going off on you,” Connors replied, and that earned him a solid,

Huh, from Mitch.

“What’s gonna happen to DeGeorge?”

“Kreed had already caused him to slip up. The guy knew the video feed had been changed. He’s being

charged as an accomplice to the crime right now. Hey, hold on. Brown just walked in,” Connors said. He

could hear someone in the background talking. An intense conversation going on.

“Shit, Knox, I’m putting you on speaker,” Connors said. Seconds later, he heard Paul Brown talking.

“They found Langley dead in his cell,” Brown said loud enough for Mitch to hear.

“Who confirmed that?” Connors asked.

“Anne just called me when she couldn’t get you to pick up the phone. Young just got the news,” Brown

informed them.

“I thought they had him on suicide watch?” Mitch asked.

“They did. He asphyxiated himself with his pant leg,” Brown explained.

“You’re kidding me?” Connors replied. “So we got the confession and he killed himself? That’s


Connors tone was off and Mitch got it. He stood there thinking things over as he kicked at the grass

with his boot. “Where’s Kreed?”

“He’s on his way to verify all this himself. You know how he is. He doesn’t take any information

blindly, but he was there with me when Anne called,” Brown said.

“Okay, I’ll call him later. Connors keep me posted on what they need from me,” Mitch said.

“How’s Cody?” Brown asked. Mitch looked up and Cody was watching him. The minute their eyes

connected, Cody leaned in and whispered something to his niece. She jumped up and scurried off.

“He’s doing good, I think. He needs me. I gotta go.” Mitch was already taking the steps back up to Cody

as he disconnected the call.

“Need some help?” Mitch asked and took over for Cody to help raise the lounger. He’d had trouble

getting the lever to hold.

“I heard a little bit. What happened?” Cody questioned, his eyes on Mitch.

“He confessed to every case then killed himself.” Mitch sat back down in his same spot on the porch

swing because it was the closest to Cody. He just stared at his cowboy, letting the news of Langley’s suicide

sink in.

“So you’re done. You solved the case?” Cody asked and Mitch leaned in to kiss him.

“I think you solved the case, but we’ll see what happens. You never know when you’re dealing with all

this political shit.” There was silence for several long moments between them.

“You’re gonna go stir crazy if you hang out here every day with me. You know that, right? You’re used

to traveling free,” Cody said randomly as he glanced apprehensively at Mitch. Cody could change a subject

in a heartbeat and usually did when he decided to talk, which wasn’t all that often.

“No, I’m not, Cody. I keep telling you, this is where I want to be. I’m a changed man. You changed

me.” Mitch held Cody’s gaze as he leaned in, lifted his hand, and ran his palm down Cody’s cheek. “Almost

losing you scared the shit out of me. I’m here for as long as you want me.”

Cody raised a hand to hold Mitch’s against his cheek. Cody visibly swallowed, another sign Mitch was

learning that the words about to be said were impactful, so he listened closely. “I don’t think I’ll ever want

you to leave. You’re the part of me that’s been missing. I’m off when you’re not around.”

“Those are the words I wanted to hear.” Mitch leaned in and kissed Cody. When Cody opened for him,

he deepened the kiss, letting all the love he felt remove the lingering doubt he had about this case for the


“I love you,” he whispered. He couldn’t seem to say the words enough.

“I love you, too. Forever.” And that earned Cody another kiss.


“As sexy as you look in my childhood bed, you need to get up. The crew’s gonna be here in about an

hour,” Mitch whispered, sliding his palm up and down Cody’s back. He heard the words and agreed he

needed to move, so he turned over, but instead of getting up, he snuggled deeper inside the warm bed.

“Is it still snowing?” Cody drew the covers up and over his head. Mitch tempted him, but not as much

as the comfort of the down mattress.

“Yes, just special for you.” Mitch tugged the blankets down, exposing Cody’s face. He snaked a hand

out from under the covers and ran his palm across Mitch’s thigh. “Come lay down with me and keep me


“You’re a tease. You won’t sleep with me because my family and the Montgomery-Michaels duo are

right down the hall, which sucks for me, so get your ass out of bed.” Mitch yanked the covers back down

and the blanket ripped completely off his body. When the cool air hit his warm skin, Cody’s eyes popped

opened. Shit! Mitch wasn’t going to give up, so he might as well get moving.

“It’s Christmas Eve. You could be nicer,” Cody complained, sitting on the side of the bed, rolling the

stiffness from his shoulder. He felt more than heard the quick kiss Mitch placed on the top of his head.

“I love you. Shower and come downstairs. Mom’s got breakfast cooked.” Cody looked up, yawned

again, and that earned him a kiss on the lips even with his morning breath.

“I’ll be down in fifteen,” Cody mumbled, rising and doing a full body stretch, his sweatpants dipping

low. He laughed when he heard Mitch’s grumble as he slammed the door behind him.


Mitch sat at the end of the sofa, his arm stretched across the back, hugging Cody’s shoulders. He kept

him right there pressed against him. A raging snowstorm churned outside the windows. The curtains were

pushed wide, giving them a front row view of the winter wonderland surrounding them. His mother made

sure all the drapes in the house were open, so Cody could get his first taste of what a white Christmas truly

meant. This year Mother Nature really put on a show.

All of his older brothers and sisters, with their children, were there visiting. Everyone had grown so

much. His oldest brother, Matt, had become an old man since he’d seen him last, but he supposed that was

what happened when you were nearing fifty. Matt’s oldest child was close to graduating high school. Mitch

had actually kept her at about twelve years old for the last five years, and he was shocked to find out how

much she’d actually grown. She looked very much like a young woman. That was just too weird for him.

Currently the family sat gathered around the brightly lit Christmas tree in the living room, passing out

presents to all the grandkids that wouldn’t be able to stay for Christmas day.

“I told you they were loud,” he leaned his head, whispering into Cody’s ear.

“You’ve experienced more than enough of the Turner hospitality. You know this ain’t got nothing on

them.” Cody looked over at Mitch, grinning from ear to ear. “How’s the tattoo?”

“Hurts like hell. Why’d you let me do that?” he asked, smiling back at Cody who bumped him in the


“Ah, young love.” Mitch cut his eyes up as Colt came to stand behind them.

“Leave them alone,” Jace said as he took a seat on the floor in front of Mitch and Cody.

“No, he can keep going this time. I am young,” Mitch teased, nodding firmly. “It’s why I love coming

home. I’m the baby.”

“You have a niece almost your boyfriend’s age,” Colt snickered, and that earned a frown from Jace.

Mitch laughed and pointed down to Jace.

“You’re in trouble for messing with me so much. You better sit down before he makes you leave the


“Hey, Dr. Knox, did you know that Mitch got a new tattoo a couple of days ago?” Colt hollered.

“He did?” That earned a solid scowl from his father when he glanced over at him. Mitch cocked his

head back to Colt.

“Really? This is how you wanna play?”

“I wanna see!” Pretty much every one of his nieces’ and nephews’ voices rang in complete unison. His

family was a straight-laced crew. He was the only one with body art. Mitch untangled himself from Cody

who just grinned at him, and he leaned down to kiss those perfect lips as he rose.

He tugged his shirt up, letting the crew admire the artwork on his chest.

“I think that cross is cool,” his sister Lori said, the only adult to really come and examine him. “Is this

one new? For those I love I will sacrifice. That’s so cool. Did it hurt?”

“Like a bitc…crazy.” He caught himself before he said the bad word out loud. That would be two strikes

according to the look on his dad’s face.

“Have you seen enough?” He glanced down at the littlest nephew who must have been around three and

half years old. The little guy’s big brown eyes bore a striking resemblance to his own, and when he smiled,

he had the biggest dimples. This was the one everyone said reminded them of Mitch.

“I want that,” he said, pointing to Mitch’s chest. He bent at the knee and lowered to the floor to let the

little one examine his chest all he wanted.

“Cody, how you feeling, son?” Dr. Knox asked, changing the subject.

“I’m good, sir,” Cody answered.

“Such good manners,” Mitch’s mom cooed, making Mitch smile at her comment.

“Mini-Mitch, come sit by Pop-Pop before Mitch gets in trouble for showing you all that,” Matt called

out. That was the one part of him that his dad didn’t like. His father wasn’t a tattoo guy. He never really said

anything to Mitch about the tattoos. He just gave a look that let Mitch know he didn’t agree.

“Hey, Dad, did you get enough sausage this morning? I saw Colt in there hoarding some in his pockets,”

Mitch remarked, standing after his nephew got bored with looking at the ink on his chest.

“What?” Jace gasped as he looked back at Colt.

“Yeah, Mom made some for you, Jace, and Colt ate your sausage, too,” Mitch quipped, stepping over

the wrapping paper littering the path back to Cody.

“Man! That’s getting old. Jace, I did not eat any more than my share that was cooked for me. He’s

messing with you. He’s still peeved because our wedding photo replaced his baby picture in the hall. Don’t

listen to his lies,” Colt exclaimed, coming around the couch and taking a seat next to Jace. Mitch looked

around and all eyes were on the couple now sitting on the floor.

“I’m not lying. I’m quite certain he ate your sausage this morning,” Mitch chuckled and dropped down

in his spot on the couch.

“Really? You’re gonna do that here?” Colt huffed, his face turning red as he looked back at Mitch. His

brothers actually laughed hard at that. His sisters and sisters-in-law clearly didn’t get the joke by the looks

on their face. He knew better than to look over at his dad.

“We’ve got the Skype call, Mitch. Do I just answer it?” his mom asked from her place on the couch

across the room.

“Yes, ma’am.” This time the freshly inked skin resisted the movement and prickled as he stood.

“Where’re you going?” Cody asked.

“Hang on, babe.” Mitch went to his laptop and connected the few steps that Aaron had arranged for him

until he was able to use the remote control to click on the big screen TV. Cody’s entire family popped up on

the screen. They had a huge family between the two of them.

Mitch watched as Kylie sat up front on her grandfather’s lap, her eyes scanning for Cody. He knew the

moment she saw him because she lifted her new Princess Barbie, the one they had given her, with a giant

smile on her face. Mitch found he wanted that same kind of relationship with the little mini-me nephew

he’d bonded with since he’d been home.

“Knox family meet the Turner family.” Mitch waved his hands around. His dad knew them and stepped

in to make introductions as he went for Cody who looked completely confused. Of course, Cody still

wouldn’t get what was going on, which was for the best. He liked shock and awe. He extended a hand and

pulled Cody up, purposefully stepping on Colt in the process. “Oops…my bad.”

He tugged Cody across the room, knocking wrapping paper out of the way as he went. Once he got to

the center, the chatter came to an end as he turned and smiled. Cody’s red face said it all, and god, he loved

that blush on his lover’s cheeks. His guy wasn’t comfortable being the center of attention ever and certainly

not in Mitch’s family’s home. He stared at Cody, lost in his eyes. Suddenly his mouth was dry and his heart

hammered in his chest. This was it, he’d been so excited and sure of himself, but now, the thought of

forever with Cody humbled him. He wanted to make Cody the happiest man on earth.

“I’ve brought us all together today to share in this moment. I already asked your dad, he gave his half-

assed approval,” Mitch teased as Cody’s dad started to chuckle. Neither would ever say how worried Mr.

Turner was by what Mitch was doing. Mitch understood Cody’s father’s concern was well-founded simply

because all of the ignorance surrounding gay marriage, especially in the South. But Mitch loved Cody, and

this was the man he wanted to spend his forever with.

“Cody, this may seem a little rushed. I just didn’t know when everyone would be together again, and my

feelings aren’t going to change no matter how much time passes. Since I first laid eyes on you, I knew I had

to have you. That feeling has only grown stronger as I’ve gotten to know you. I love you and I know

without a doubt you’re the only man for me.”

Mitch fished around in his pocket until he found what he was looking for.

“You’re supposed to have that ready,” Matt called out from across the room and was immediately

shushed by all the females. He lowered to one knee and looked up at Cody who stared down at him with

the most intense look he’d ever seen. Mitch got it, his heart pounded wildly in his chest, pumping the blood

through his veins so loudly he swore he heard the roaring in his ears. He opened the box and lifted the ring,

holding Cody’s gaze with his.

“Cody Turner, will you do me the honor of marrying me? Please. Make an honest man out of me.”

Cody stood silently. He’d spent the better part of the last few months with the man. Cody was proud and

strong, but he worried over their lifestyle like his father, even if he never said it out loud. He waited on

baited breath for Cody’s answer. Cody’s brilliant blue eyes never strayed from his. His cowboy loved him,

no question there; he saw the love reflected in their depths.

Silence filled the room, but Mitch wouldn’t have heard anything anyway. His heart, mind, and soul were

connected only to this man who always took his time to respond to life-changing events. So he continued

giving Cody enough room to grasp the importance of the moment.

Mitch always pushed, Cody took things slower. They balanced each other.

After what felt like fifteen minutes, Cody finally nodded. That was all anyone needed. Cheers erupted

from both living rooms. Mitch stood and pulled Cody to him, no resistance to this PDA in front of their


“Thank you! I love you,” Mitch proclaimed loudly.

“I love you,” Cody said, burying his face in the crook of Mitch’s shoulder. Mitch could feel Cody’s

heart hammering in his chest. Cody lifted his face to kiss Mitch’s neck before he whispered in his ear, “You

completely surprised me.”

“I wanted to,” Mitch whispered quietly. He closed his eyes and pulled Cody against him even tighter if

that were possible. “I love you so much, Cody Turner.”


Four hours later

Aaron Stuart sat at one of his computer screens in his downtown studio apartment. He’d dodged the

Christmas Eve festivities with the fam, feigning illness, since he really couldn’t stand his new sister-in-law.

Crazy gold-digger was only after his brother’s money, and she’d scored big this time around. She was on

her fourth marriage and this time got pregnant to secure her spot on his brother’s bank account. Interesting

the things he could find out about people online.

His idiot brother was too in love to believe his findings, so he deserved what he got in the end.

Tyler Connors earlier email had bothered him all day long. Elliot Greyson had had a breakthrough

moment in counseling yesterday. A wave of memory was back, but he didn’t identify Agent Langley as his

abductor. Actually, he been more than adamant that he was one hundred percent convinced they didn’t have

their man where his case was concerned.

Connors decided to wait and clue Mitch in after the Christmas holidays. The Marshals and the FBI had

arranged for him to take some time off. He’d become too high profile after Cody’s attack. His face was

recognizable so they kept him on the down-low. He’d probably get assigned to a desk on his return, bury

him in piles of paperwork.

After that email, Aaron had sifted through the miles of files he had on the case. So they hadn’t gotten all

their men. That meant the information was somewhere inside the data, hidden, just waiting to be found. He

pulled up all the video coverage he had on Agent Langley. Aaron watched the in-custody interview between

Agent Langley and his attorney. There was no audio, but he suspected they’d exchanged some valuable

intel, whether directly or using code. He pushed that file out to his desktop. He’d investigate the attorney


Next he re-watched the coverage of Cody’s accident, leading back to the coverage of Kreed’s brother’s

funeral. He bounced his leg as he watched the hate spew from those supposed Christians’ mouths. As a gay

man, it was hard to stomach. The leg twitch helped him concentrate and kept his anxious feelings

manageable. He didn’t know how Mitch had kept so calm amidst all the hate. How had he not taken out his

gun and shot them all? He would never understand how people who called themselves Christians could be

so cruel. Aaron slowed the feed and concentrated on the picture in front of him, looking for anything that

might help. That was when he saw him. Aaron almost missed the lawyer.

He rewound, slowed the video feed, and stilled the screen on the familiar face. Langley’s lawyer was

part of the hate group picketing the Sinacola funeral. Why in hell hadn’t anyone caught this before now?

Better question, how had he missed this? Damn.

Pulling up his phone, he went to call Mitch and stopped. He didn’t want to be the one to tell him there

were now holes in the case. Instead, he tried Connors on his cell. The agent didn’t pick up, but he was

traveling for the holidays. He then called Kreed. He hated bothering the guy during this particular

Christmas. Mitch had told him he’d gone home for the first time in years. Maybe he would answer.

“Kreed Sinacola,” a deep voice barked over the Christmas music playing in the background. “Hang on, I

can’t hear you. I’m going outside.” Seconds passed and the background noise quieted. “That’s better.”

“Kreed, it’s Aaron Stuart. I hate to bother you, but are you busy? This is important.”

“Hey, Aaron, nah, it’s fine. What’s up?”

“I was going over the footage on the Langley case, and I think I might have found something,” Aaron

replied, his eyes back on the attorney as he captured a print screen and sent the photo to Kreed’s phone.

“Well, of course you have. Tomorrow’s Christmas, you know that right? This couldn’t wait twenty-four

hours?” Kreed sarcastically replied.

“Probably not.”

A Nice Guys Novel 3

Coming 2015

Books by Kindle Alexander

If you loved Full Disclosure then you won't want to miss Kindle Alexander's bestselling novels:


Double Full, A Nice Guys Novel 1

The Current Between Us

Texas Pride

Up in Arms

* * * *

True love will stand the test of time, Always!

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discovery, love, lust, heart wrenching scenes and hot and I mean hot male-male sex.”

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If I could rate it higher than 5 Pennies, I would. I don’t think there are enough words to convey how

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"Kindle Alexander knows the rules of romance and she applies them good."

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"You can't help but love Jace and Colt and suffer their heartbreak right along with them."

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" Double Full is a compelling and fabulous read!"

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"Double Full will be in my heart for some time to come."

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characters are mature, well rounded and seem to find a place in my heart."

—Denise , Shh Mom's Reading

"I will recommend this to those that love family stories, hot men coming together and discovering love, a

twist that will raise eyebrows and a very happy ending." —Pixie , Mmgoodbookreviews

"I loved this book! Everything about it was just perfection...great characters, suprises, and the

story...seriously, it was so sweet and romantic and just really good reading."

—Christi Snow , Author

"Kindle Alexander has given us another great book. The characters Trent and Gage grabbed my

heart and haven't let go. This isn't just a love story, it has a mystery going on that keeps you hooked." —

Teri , The Bitches of Eastwick Book Reviews

"Loved this book!!! This is the second book I've read by Kindle Alexander. The first one was Texas

Pride. I was hooked right from the beginning. It's an amazing love story." —Brenda Wright , Twinsie Talk