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Glacier (VLG Book 9) by Laurann Dohner (17)



Mandy got to meet her first VampLycan at the airport. He was tall, muscular, and daunting. Lake had flown from Alaska on a private jet to pick them up. He also got her through the small airport without the use of her ID or her real name.

“We were worried the council might be looking for you,” Glacier explained.

“You knew a VampLycan was coming?” He hadn’t said anything to her.

“Not until I asked Creed how he wanted to get back to Alaska. Velder sent Lake for us.”

“This has to cost a fortune. Private jet. Ouch.” She couldn’t imagine how much had been spent.

Glacier only shrugged. “The clans have money.”

Lake grinned. “This baby used to belong to our enemy. Our clans took possession of it after Decker died, and anyone who needs to fly uses it. The pilots are Lycans from a family pack. They’ll mind their own business and not ask any questions. We told them to stay in the cockpit. It’s all cool.”

Mandy studied him. “You’re from Velder’s clan, right?”


“You know about me?”

“Of course. Velder informed us.” He winked. “You look pretty good for a dead woman. The Vampire council will never find you.”

“Is your clan going to be okay with me living with them?”

“Yes. Your secret is safe with us. Not to offend you, but nobody wants a bunch of Vampires invading Alaska to go after our neighbors.”

That set her at ease. She also liked the way Lake smiled at her; he didn’t seem bothered by what she was.

Glacier hovered close, being protective. He put his hand on the small of her back, helping her onto the jet and into her seat. He even held her hand while they flew.

In Alaska, they landed at a larger airport. That’s when they said goodbye to Creed. Mandy, Glacier, and Lake took a smaller plane to a remote area, where the human pilot landed on a dirt road, dropping them off at Lake’s vehicle. He drove them into VampLycan territory. The town was small. They parked behind an auto shop.

Mandy felt nervous as she climbed out of the vehicle, but Glacier kept flashing her smiles and whispering assurances. Lake gave them directions to their new home in the woods, before walking away.

Velder met them outside a two-story cabin. He smiled at Mandy and hugged Glacier. “Welcome to my territory, and to your new home. It’s a two bedroom with two bathrooms. It was built last year to house visitors. I hope it’s to your liking.”

“I’m sure it will be. We appreciate this.” Glacier hugged her to his side.

“We’ve always wanted a GarLycan to live with our clan. It will help bond all the clans tighter together. We’re honored to have you.” Velder grinned. “Everyone can’t wait to meet you. I came alone to keep you from feeling overwhelmed. Tomorrow, we’re holding a party to welcome you.” His gaze cut to Mandy. “It will be held in the evening for your comfort. The sun will still be up when it starts, but I was assured you’d be fine.”

“She will be,” Glacier agreed. “Aveoth told you?”

“That drinking your blood protects her from burning? Yes. I was pretty surprised. Everyone else in the clan has been told she’s the result of a Vampire impregnating a rogue Lycan, but she has few Lycan traits. Aveoth and I thought it would cover all the bases. The rest of the backstory we created is close to the truth—the council found her and trained her to be an assassin. You found Mandy on a mission and faked her death to keep her safe.

“I apologize for making you lie about your history, but it was the only reasonable explanation for someone who smells like a Vampire, but who’s also able to withstand the sun. It’s rare, but it’s happened before with our kind, a child born with predominantly Vamp traits. Aveoth wanted to tell all VampLycans the truth, but decided it’s too much of a risk. And I agreed. I understand why Vampires can never find out about GarLycan blood. Also, there could be a danger if anyone in Lorn’s clan finds out. Some are still upset about Decker. This would give them an opportunity for revenge. It’s better to be safe than sorry.”

“I’ve heard that name before. Who’s Decker?” Mandy glanced at Glacier for an answer.

“He used to lead one of the clans. Total prick,” Glacier muttered.

Velder chuckled. “What he said. Decker is dead. Lord Aveoth killed him. Some VampLycans in his clan were very loyal to him. The rest of us are forever grateful that he’s gone.”

“I’ll fill you in later,” Glacier promised.

Velder handed them keys. “We stocked it with food. Everything you need should be here. There’s also keys to an SUV on this ring. It’s parked behind the cabin, and has a map of the area. We have a convenience store that stocks most food and personal items. Anything they don’t have that you need, let us know.”

“Thank you,” both Mandy and Glacier said at the same time.

Velder left them to explore the inside on their own.

Glacier opened the front door. “Stay here.”

She waited on the porch as he entered, turning on lights. It was charming that he wanted to make sure it was safe before she entered. The view she caught of the interior had her loving the place already. It had an open floorplan with a rustic log cabin look. Lots of wood floors, big beams, and a beautiful stone fireplace.

Glacier came back to her quickly and made her gasp as he scooped her into his arms.

“What are you doing?”

He grinned. “Carrying you over the threshold.” He entered the cabin, using his foot to close the door behind them. “What do you think?”

She got a better look at the kitchen. It was modern, with an island separating it from the living space. Granite counters, gray and white in color, with stainless steel appliances. “Nice.”

“I love it. Did you notice we didn’t see any other cabins nearby? We have lots of privacy.”

She grinned. “This is going to be way better than living in New York. I bet it’s quiet. And look at that fireplace.”

“Wait until you see the master.” He put her down on her feet. “There’s one smaller bedroom downstairs, but the one upstairs is massive, with a walk-in closet and great bathroom. It even has a soaking tub with a separate shower.”

“Show me.” She took his hand.

Mandy was ecstatic. This would be their home. A place where she’d be living with the man she loved.

She liked every room they entered. The whole place was inviting, roomy, and well-furnished in ways she wouldn’t change. They ended up in the master last. There was another fireplace in the room, a king-size bed, and a large sitting area with a couch in front of the hearth.

“Well?” Glacier smiled at her. “What do you think?”

“We could be very happy here together. What do you think?”

“You’re here. It’s perfect.”

He made it so easy for her to love him. “We should test the bed. You know, to make sure it’s not too hard or soft.”

He chuckled. “I agree, but there’s one more thing I need to do before we go to bed.”

“What’s that?”

“Get to know the area around our house. How would you like to go flying?”

Excitement hit hard and fast. “Seriously? I’d love that!”

He removed his shirt and led her downstairs, out the front door, and she watched as he grew wings. This time she got to observe from the back. Slits opened near his shoulder blades and the tips grew out, getting larger. Small popping noises accompanied the growth. It stunned and amazed her.

“Does it hurt?”

He turned to face her, meeting her gaze. “Not anymore. Shifters adjust to it. He stretched his wings as he approached. “Come here, baby. You need to hold on tight to me. Later, I’ll get a harness from my people sized for you. I can strap you to my chest with you facing forward.”

She laughed. “Really?”

“Yes. It will be more comfortable, and you can see a lot more if you aren’t wrapped around me in flight. Come here.”

Mandy hugged his body and he curled one arm around her back, the other just under her behind. He bent his knees, jumped a little, and his wings flapped as they rose upward.

She glanced around as they reached the same height as the treetops, then they were above them. “Aren’t you afraid someone will see us fly?”

“That’s the great thing about Alaska, and particularly where we are. There are no human towns nearby and we’re in VampLycan territory. It’s safe to do this even in the daytime. I just need to avoid the human border areas. One day, when I have permission, I’ll fly you near the cliffs so you can see where I was born and raised.”

“I’d like that. Are you allowed to go back there now that we’re mated?”

He pressed a kiss to her cheek. “I can, but that doesn’t matter. I only want to enter the cliffs if you’re allowed to be there at my side.” He had risen high enough to allow her to spot a bunch of cabins nestled in the woods around them. Most were distanced from each other, giving the occupants privacy. Trees and a few rivers stretched as far as she could see.

“It’s beautiful.”

“So are you. Hold on to me tighter.”

She locked her fingers together behind his neck. He released her back and used that arm to point, turning them a little as he hovered high in the air. “See that? That’s Howl. Velder’s town.”

She squinted. “It looks so tiny.”

“It is. A gas station with a few stores. I think they have an auto repair shop, too. Most VampLycan clans have one to be able to get humans back on the road. Not that many travel this far off the main highways. No one is going to ever find you here. You’ll be safe.”

“Thank you.” He’d saved her life and given her an amazing new one. “Let’s go home.”

He hugged his arm around her back and suddenly swooped downward. She gasped then laughed as they flew fast. She was flying with her mate. He kept them just above the trees, the air whipping at her hair. It was a remarkable experience. Mandy knew he wouldn’t let her fall.

“I could get used to this!”

He chuckled. “That’s good, because you’re stuck with me forever.”

“I’m never going to complain about that.”

He landed in front of their cabin but didn’t put her down. Instead, he walked them into the house after retracting his wings. “We have a bed to test out.” He kicked the door closed behind him. “And a life to begin.”