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Happily Ever Alpha: Until Nox (Kindle Worlds) (Hyde Series Book 3) by Layla Frost (9)





Leaning against my rental, I lifted my chin and put out my cigar. “Aye, Sheriff.”

Sheriff Mayson’s gear gave him away, but even if he’d been in plain clothes, I’d have known it was him.

And since the lad with him studied me like he wasn’t sure whether I was the kind of man he’d work with or against, I guessed he was Nico.

The bounty hunter.

If I’d heard about the Maysons from Gus and her nan, I was willing to bet they’d heard about me from everyone else.

The visit from them wasn’t unexpected, but I was still glad it’d come when Gus wasn’t around.

“How’s Miz Carol Anne?” Sheriff Mayson asked.

“Good. Sleeping.”

Gus was, too. They’d been watching some godawful fookin’ show about a family who just bitched and cried, when they’d crashed. I’d stepped out to call Beck and have a smoke but hadn’t gotten far when the two had approached.

Sheriff Mayson nodded before stating, “With you and Augusta together, and Miz Carol Anne talking with my wife about some plans, we looked into you.”

I nodded. “Figured you would.”

“Didn’t find a thing,” Nico put in.

Aye, I figured that would happen, too.

My shit was so off the grid, someone would need my skewed compass to find it.

Sheriff Mayson continued being blunt. “Miz Carol Anne told Susan what you do for a living. Augusta grew up down the road from us—just her and Carol Anne for most of it. You can understand why we’d be wary—”

“Aye, I can. But you can also understand Gus is an adult, not a wee lass anymore. And, based on her nan, I’m sure it wouldn’t surprise you that feistiness is hereditary. Which means if Gus knew you were out here talking to me about her decisions, she’d lose her mind at all of us. And, all due respect, I’d rather not get on her bad side.”

Sheriff Mayson smiled wide at that, but Nico still eyed me.

I wanted to wrap up the conversation before the prick doctor made his rounds. I didn’t like the way he looked at Gus, and I enjoyed making that clear.

And I really fookin’ enjoyed her fiery attitude while I was doing it.

Not wanting to miss out, I gave the men more than I owed them. “Gus knows everything there is to know. And since she’s off her nut enough to still love me, I’ll make sure she never regrets that choice. That means making changes to ensure we’re both safe because, like I said, she’s off her nut enough to want me around. So, Sheriff, if you’re worried, don’t be. But if you want to talk more, for all our sakes, do it with her. Because I’m not kidding about her losin’ it.”

And it’s making me fookin’ hard just thinking about.

Nico shook his head. “She’s a tiny woman. You can’t seriously be afraid of her.”

“Aye,” I admitted without shame, “and you’d have to be thick not to be.”

“I think we’re good,” Sheriff Mayson said. “Susan mentioned visiting this afternoon with November and July. Have Augusta call if that doesn’t work.”

Them coming by meant Gus would spend the time holding July, greedily hoarding the little lass. And I’d get to watch her, greedily planning how to put our baby in her.

That’s why I didn’t hesitate to say, “A visit would be good.” I glanced toward the building. “I’ve gotta get back in before she wakes up.”

Sheriff Mayson nodded. “Go enjoy your boom.”

“Not this bullshit again,” Nico muttered, crossing his arms.

With a chin lift, I turned and headed inside to enjoy my boom…

Whatever the fook that meant.


I was gonna throttle someone.

I wasn’t sure if it was gonna be Killian or Meema, because they were both gunning for it.

Right then, though, Killian was in the lead.

He’d been in Tennessee for four nights. I’d stayed at the hospital his first night in town, but we’d spent the following three in his hotel room.

Three nights of fucking.

Three mornings of waking up with his arms around me, his bottom one curled up to hold my breast, his other stretched down to cup me between my thighs.

Even in his sleep, Killian touched me.

And when he woke up, he ate me or fucked me. Sometimes both.

Like Pavlov’s dog, he had me conditioned. I’d wake up soaked, anticipating the insane pleasure he always gave me.

I was addicted.

But so was he, so I didn’t mind.

The morning after we’d become an official we, I’d gotten out of the shower and was about to get dressed when I was suddenly on the mattress with my legs spread and Killian’s head between my thighs. Not even pausing, he’d tossed his phone toward me. Since his tongue had done this little twist thing, it’d taken my eyes a few moments to focus correctly. Once they had, I’d seen it was an email from his doctor’s office, including an attachment with his last tests results, dated almost three months prior.

When my brain could function, and his mouth wasn’t too full to talk, he’d told me he hadn’t been with anyone for a while before then and definitely no one since.

I was on the pill and clean, so the first time had been the only time we’d bothered with condoms. Which was good because it’d suck to have to hunt one down every time, especially when it seemed like anything I did put Killian in the mood. Like when he’d decided the way I put my hoodie on was sexy and had fucked me up against the hotel room door—hand over my mouth and everything.

The man knew exactly what did it for me.

Still, as we talked to Dr. Collins, I wondered if the good dick Killian gave me was worth him being a jealous pain in the ass. Anytime the doctor swung by, Killian would touch me. He’d curl a possessive arm around my shoulders, pulling my front to his side. Or he’d stand behind me and wrap his arms around my waist.

That time, though, Killian had really upped his game by pulling me down onto his lap while Dr. Collins had washed his hands. Although it was quickly becoming one of my favorite places to sit, it wasn’t where I wanted to be while discussing Outlaw Meema’s pain in the ass shenanigans.

Deciding Killian’s dick was worth the hassle, I skipped turning to knee him in the crotch and instead jabbed his chest with my elbow.

The only reaction I got from him was a chuckle and the feel of his cock hardening under my ass.

He was sick.

I was sicker because, though I’d never admit it, I secretly loved it.

Trying another tactic, I ignored him totally and asked Dr. Collins, “What’s the likelihood she’ll be discharged today?”

Dr. Collins—who always used the ignore tactic when it came to Killian—looked only at me. “If these scans look good, we’re hoping soon.”

Yeah, I bet you are. I see a party with streamers and confetti the moment she walks out.

I didn’t blame them for being exasperated by Meema. A few days before, she’d tried to walk out the front door of the hospital. When that hadn’t worked, she’d tried going out with the recycled boxes.


As if she were James freakin’ Bond, she’d snuck into a cart that’d been filled with collapsed cardboard boxes.

After getting caught trying to walk out, she’d pretended she was just a confused old lady. No one had bought that excuse the second time since that’d taken skill and a watchful eye to know when the cart would be unattended.

That hadn’t stopped her from attempting escapes three and four, which was when the nurses had finally had enough and alarmed her bed.

Ambitiously trying to win the title of Number One Pain-iest Pain in Gus’ Ass wasn’t enough. Oh, no, not for Carol Anne Allan. She needed to make sure she was the biggest pain in everyone’s ass. She’d begun relentlessly nagging—and even attempting to bribe—everyone she saw.

To say she was over the hospital was an understatement.

Dr. Collins checked his beeper, worry lines creasing his forehead. “I thought she’d be back by now. I’m going to go check in with the department and make sure there hasn’t been another escape attempt.”

“Good idea,” I said, rubbing my temple.

Between Killian and her, I’ll have a headache for a month.

As soon as Dr. Collins closed the door, I shifted to stand.

Killian’s arms were still locked around me, so I didn’t get far. “He wants to fook you, ya know?”

“Dr. Collins?”

“Aye,” he bit out gruffly.

I shrugged. “Yeah, maybe. But he’s not going to. Pretty sure it’s your head between my legs when I wake up in the morning.” Shooting daggers, I added, “Even if you’re a pain in my ass. I bet they’re out there gossiping about me on your lap.”

His head dipped into the curve of my shoulder. Teasing his tongue up my neck slowly, he reached my ear and whispered, “Aye, who cares?”

“I do,” I breathed, my tone nowhere near the forceful, assertive one I’d been going for.

He pulled back and met my gaze. “Okay.”

Even though I knew it wasn’t needed, I blurted, “When I told you my mom was a partier, that was a nice way of saying she was a slut. And I don’t mean that in a slut-shaming way. I’m all about sex positivity, but there was nothing positive about it.”


“I have no clue who my dad is because she had no clue. There were a lot of guys, and she’d been too out of her mind to be picky or discreet. Which meant that, from either overheard whispers or outright teasing, I’ve heard a lot of fucked-up shit. Ever since I was old enough to understand, I’ve worked hard to never put my meema through that sort of shit again. I just—”

“Mo chuisle, you don’t owe me an explanation. You said you don’t like it, I won’t do it. Aye?”

“Aye,” I teased, heat surging through me when his cock twitched against my ass. “I didn’t want you to think I don’t want people to know we’re together. I just don’t want Meema to deal with gossips whose mouths are bigger than their minds.” He tried to help me up, but I stilled his hands on my hips. “But that only goes for when there are other people around.” Exaggeratedly, I made a show of looking around. “And I don’t see anyone else here.”

Killian’s hand went into my hair, fisting as he pulled me to him. His mouth was about to hit mine, and I could almost taste the coffee and honey smoke. Before I got to actually taste it, though, there was noise in the hallway.

I was willing to risk it, but Killian, showing he listened and understood, lifted me to stand.

He didn’t follow, though.

Instead, he held eye contact as he boldly adjusted himself.

“You don’t play fair,” I grumbled, going to peek out the door. Seeing that the ruckus outside was only the lunch deliveries, and not a southern belle gone wild, I turned back, ready to climb back into his lap.

I wanted more of the beautiful torture that was Killian Nox.

When my gaze landed on his, the dirty talk died on the tip of my tongue.

He looked pissed.


“What’s wrong?”

He looked up from his phone. His muscles were tight, his face was thunderous, and a storm brewed in his hazel eyes. The fact he could blank his expressive eyes so easily was impressive.

And flattering when he didn’t bother to do so with me.

“Work shit.” He looked back at his phone, his fingers moved quickly across his screen. “My guy, Beck, is trying to handle it, but he might need me.”

Well, that’s a lady-boner killer if I’ve ever heard one.

“You should go, take care of things,” I said. “I really appreciate that you’ve stayed this long, but stuff here is settling. You’ve gotta get back to Nolan and your real life.”

One that doesn’t involve waking up together every morning.

Man, and the depressing thoughts keep rolling.

We hadn’t talked yet about what we were going to do. When we’d had privacy, there’d been more enjoyable things I’d wanted to do before crashing into an exhausted sleep. I hadn’t figured a hospital room during the day was the time to have such a heavy discussion.

Yet, here we were.

Killian’s eyes burned into mine. “My real life is with you, mo chuisle.”


“Beck can handle it.”

“I’m sure he can. But what about the next thing? Or the thing after that? I’m pretty sure being a PI isn’t exactly something you can telecommute for.”

Unfortunately, Meema chose that moment to get back to her room, putting the conversation on hold.

I moved closer to Killian to get out of the way as they wheeled her bed in. Standing between his legs, I cupped his cheek and whispered, “It’s fine. We’ll make it work.”

I thought I’d spoken quiet enough, but either the room’s acoustics were weird, or all the scans had given Meema super-hearing. “Oh, good, did ya tell her?”

“Tell me what?” I asked.

“Told you that’s not my place. My decision’s made,” Killian said to her.

I looked between them. “What decision? And when did you two even talk?”

“When you were grabbing coffee.” Killian’s lips tipped up. “Told you she talks fast.”

“Okay, then what decision?”

Huffing, Meema snapped, “A shit decision that makes no damn sense.”

“Meema! Language,” I chided, shocked since I didn’t think I’d ever heard her swear.

“It’s true,” she said. “We get some bursts of action, like what happened with November and her evil mother, but if he moves his business here, most of his work will be from Morty’s Discount Insurance. He’ll spend his time watching to see whether morons like Hank Anderson are trying to commit insurance fraud. He is. Any idiot can see that. Then he’ll be on to the next boring case.”

Note to self: When we’re done discussing the possible upheaval of our lives, ask Meema for details about poor November.

Oh shit, nosiness must spread through the air and water here.

Killian shrugged, reaching to wrap his hand around my thigh. “I’d be happy.”

She rolled her eyes. “But we’d all be a lot happier in Boston.”

My brows shot up. “You wanna move?”

“Not just want to. I am moving. Dr. Collins talked to me a few days ago about assisted living facilities. He said you were adamant I’d be against it, but then you,” her gaze shot to Killian for a moment, “got distracted, so he wasn’t sure where things stood. And then when… a friend came to visit, we talked. The assisted living facilities here are filled with the same people I see all the time. I’m ready for new people. New adventures.”

Killian was right. She had a man visiting her!

Moody and hormonal senior citizens, with their angst and secret boyfriends.

They grow up so fast.

“And you’re fine to leave your… friend?” I asked.

She waved off my question. “I’m ready to meet new friends. The pickings here are slim.”

I rubbed my temple. “Meema, I can’t offer you a place to stay. I don’t even have a place to stay right now.”

Killian’s hand tightened around my thigh.

“Sweetheart, here or there, I don’t want to live with you. I like my independence. I like that I can watch my shows at three in the morning without bothering anyone. I like that I can have friends over when I want.” Her stubborn expression softened as she gave my arm a squeeze. “I loved raising you. I didn’t mind one bit having you there because, after everything that’d happened with your papa and mama, I needed you more than you needed me. But things are different now.” She glanced meaningfully at Killian then back at me. “For us both.”

I twisted to look at him. “You wanna move here?

“I wanna move wherever you are,” he rumbled.

My heart clenched in the best kind of way, my happiness making me feel effervescent even as I questioned, “After a month?”

Killian shook his head. “No. After a lifetime of waiting for you. Not living states apart, mo chuisle. My work is available anywhere.”

“Like Meema said, I doubt there’s a lot of action around here. And you hate cheating spouse cases.”

“Aye, but I love you.”

“But jus’ sayin’,” Meema butted in, “I’m still moving. So, you wanna move here, that’s fine. You can have my house and save me the hassle of listing it. But if you’re just moving here to be close to me, then it’s a moot point.”

I studied my meema, looking for even a hint of doubt.

There wasn’t any.

She looked eager and enthusiastic about the future.

If she could arrange it, I bet she’d form the doctors and nurses into two lines and Soul Train dance between them on her way outta there.

“Boston is a totally different world,” I cautioned, not letting myself get too excited.

“Which is exactly what I want,” she shot back. “My friend helped me look on his iPad, and the assisted living facilities there look like resorts. I can stay busy, meet new people, and you can come visit.” She wiggled her brows. “Just call first.”

I covered my ears. “Scarred for life now.”

Her expression softened again, and I was shocked to see tears brimming her eyes. “Being in Boston means I’ll be close to where my Bonnie was. Where she always wanted to be. Just like you with MIT, your mama had been planning since she was a kid. She knew she’d love being lost in the crowds.”

Just like me.

I wonder if we had other things in common.

“If I’ve got to move out of my big house and settle in someplace new, it’ll be where my baby felt free,” she finished, swiping away her tears.

Well how the hell am I supposed to argue with that?

There was a knock at the door before someone came in. Pushing open the curtain, Dr. Collins smiled at my meema. “How’d you like to get out of here?”

Relief surged through me. Taking a page from Meema’s and Killian’s books, I sat down on Killian’s lap, not giving a solitary fuck about any gossip.

My mind was on the fact that my meema was okay. Alive and happy.

It took me a minute to realize Dr. Collins was still talking, but before I could figure out what I’d missed, Killian’s accented voice answered whatever his question had been.

The beast had my back.

“I know you’re anxious to get out of here,” Dr. Collins said to Meema, “but I just need your patience a little longer while I draw up your discharge papers. Once the nurse brings them in and you sign, you’ll be on your way.”

But then what?






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