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Happy Accident (Silver Cove Book 3) by Jill Sanders (17)

Chapter 16

Kayla leaned back and let Rowan use his hands on her feet. When they moved up her legs, she closed her eyes and enjoyed the slow massage.

She woke to sunlight, alone in Rowan’s bed.

Glancing down, she saw that he’d removed her dress, but had left her bra and panties in place.

Leaning back, she groaned when she realized she’d fallen asleep on him. She heard Connor’s laughter coming from downstairs and pulled herself out of the bed.

The sundress that she’d worn yesterday was hanging over the back of the chair. Pulling it over her head, she walked into the bathroom and freshened up before going to find her son.

She laughed when she found him sitting on a stool with two bear claw oven mitts on his hands, waiting for the toast to pop up.

When Rowan spotted her, he glanced up from scrambling eggs and smiled.

“Young cub, look who’s finally awake. Mama bear.” He winked at her.

Her son turned slightly and gave a loud growl.

“Cub here is waiting for the toast. Why don’t you pour some juice?” Rowan nodded to the already-set table.

She walked over and planted a kiss on her son’s head. He was no longer dressed in his pj’s from last night, which meant Rowan had taken him across the street before she’d woken up.

Then she placed a kiss on Rowan’s lips. “Morning.” She smiled up at him.

“Hmm.” He set the spatula down and wrapped his arms around her. “Morning.”

She poured everyone some juice and then sat down and watched the pair work in the kitchen.

Connor only dropped one piece of toast, and she thought about what a wonderful helper he had always been. He loved doing big boy things and always asked if he could help out.

Her heart was so full, it felt on the verge of bursting.

“So, I talked to my aunt and have called in and moved all my appointments around so I can stay home with the bear cub today while she deals with insurance and getting the door replaced.”

“Oh.” She bit her bottom lip. “I could have—”

“Kayla,” Rowan said, setting a large bowl of eggs on the table. “I only had two appointments that were easily covered by Bruce.”

She nodded. “I could stick around…” She started to say, but then realized she’d promised her mother that they were going to get everything ready for a garage sale next weekend.

“No, we’ve got this. We were talking about doing manly stuff.” He walked over and helped Connor down from the stool and set him on the ground.

Her son came running around the countertop, the mitts still on his hands, one of them covering his cast almost completely.

“Well, if you’re sure?”

“Mommy, look, I’m a bear.” Her son got on all fours and gave another loud growl.

“Bears like honey,” she added, seeing the container sitting on the table. She poured some on his toast. “Come on over here and sit down to eat your bear breakfast.”

She smiled as he crawled towards her.

“I’m going to have to wash your oven mitts,” she joked when Rowan sat down next to her.

“They needed it anyway.” He took her hand in his and then quickly reached over and took the mitts off Connor before he picked up his toast with them. “Sorry, cub, we have to use our imagination while we eat.”

Her son’s eyes moved to hers and she nodded in agreement. She was slightly surprised when her son shrugged his shoulders and started eating the honey toast.

“I fell asleep last night,” she said after a sip of coffee.

Rowan smiled over at her. “You were tired.”

“Thank you, for… everything.”

“I’m just thankful you appear to be a klutz.” When she gave him a look, he shook his head. “If you hadn’t dropped the phone…”

She took a deep breath. Hadn’t she been thinking of a million what-ifs all night and morning long?

“I don’t know how close it was, but…” She shivered and looked over at Connor, who was already done with one piece of toast and was digging into the eggs.

She didn’t know what would happen to Connor without her. She hadn’t really planned for his future since she was so focused on just surviving the next day.

Images of her son living with her mother and her mother falling back into her old ways surfaced and caused her to push the half-eaten plate aside.

“Hey.” Rowan took her hand. “It’s okay. I’m sure it was just some kids messing around.”

She nodded and tried to put the what-ifs out of her head.

“I… need to go change clothes and get over to my mother’s.” She stood up and looked down at her son.

“I’ve got this.” Rowan smiled up at her. “We’ll pack a lunch and meet you over at your mom’s place.”

“That would be wonderful.” She kissed both of them, then headed across the street.

Her mother and she spent almost three hours separating everything and getting it ready for the garage sale. They found several large folding tables and organized all the small items on them. She’d found two boxes of stickers and had used them as price tags, taking her time to label everything.

“I was thinking,” her mother said, shortly before lunchtime. “We should have the rest of the rooms upstairs cleared and cleaned by next weekend.”

Kayla had figured the same. “We can move in, anytime you’re ready,” she said, setting a large glass bowl down.

“I’d like that. I was hoping that I could start watching Connor in the evenings.”

She thought about it. Her mother still had three cats in the house, but she’d assured her they were up to date on all their shots. Besides, Kayla had been around them and knew they tended to stay to themselves.

“I see no reason why he couldn’t stay with you. As long as he sticks to downstairs.”

“Yes.” Her mother smiled. “How wonderful.”

For the rest of the day, her mother moved around like she was walking on air.

When Rowan and Connor came over for lunch, her mother asked Connor if he’d like to come spend the evenings with her.

Her son had surprised her by jumping up in her mother’s lap and hugging her.

“It’s the most bestiest thing I want ever.”

Her heart had melted. Then she’d glanced over at Rowan and saw the sadness behind his blue eyes.

When she drove into town for her shift at the store, she was happily surprised to see Crystal still there.

The front glass door had been replaced. It didn’t just look new, it looked like nothing had gone wrong in the first place. She wouldn’t have even known that it had been replaced.

“I thought I’d stick around and get a few things done around here,” Crystal filled her in. “Besides, Rowan really sounded like he wanted to spend the rest of the day with Connor. I heard your mother is going to start watching him in the evenings.”

“I hope it’s okay with you.” She locked her purse in the bottom drawer and clocked into the system.

“Of course, it is, sweetie. I’ve enjoyed my time with him and will continue to enjoy him during the days. My grandbaby is due soon.” She sighed and leaned against the counter. “It gives me goosebumps every time I say that.”

Kayla smiled. “How’s she doing?”

“Fine. Serenity complains about being stuck on the mainland until after Aurora is born.”

“What if they don’t name her Aurora?” She shifted and watched the woman’s smile grow.

“They will.” She leaned closer. “I’ll tell you a secret.” She glanced around the empty store. “I overheard them discussing names and know for a fact that they love it.” She leaned back. “Besides, it’s in the cards.” Her eyebrows shot up. “Speaking of which.” She pulled open a drawer and pulled out a stack of dark cards. “Since we have the place all to ourselves, I might as well do your reading now.”

She pulled up a stool and sat down and motioned for her to take the stool next to hers.

* * *

Rowan was having the time of his life. He’d taken Connor to the local Boys and Girls Club so they could use the swimming pool. There was a large slide in the middle of the pool and they spent most of their time going up the stairs and enjoying the ride down.

Then, on the way back, they stopped at Ed’s Pizzeria and had a large cheese pizza and spent ten dollars playing video games in the back.

The kid was a natural with Pac Man and easily beat Rowan’s high score. Okay, so maybe he helped him out a little.

They had run into a few people he knew and he’d introduced Connor to everyone. He could tell that everyone was wondering just what the relationship was between them, so he made a silent promise to take Kayla and Connor out locally to show everyone in town that they were an item.

They were a few blocks away when he got the call from Sarah.


“Rowan, it’s happening, now.” Ben’s voice sounded muffled. “We’re leaving the house now.”

Rowan glanced over at Connor. “Meet you there.”

After hanging up with Ben, he dialed Kayla’s number.

“What’s wrong?” Kayla asked.

Rowan smiled. “Nothing. If all goes well, I’ll win the bet tonight,” he said as he turned down the road leading to his clinic. “I’ll have to drop the kid off at your mom’s place until I’m done.”

“Okay, thanks for letting me know,” He could hear her talking to someone and remembered that Crystal was at the store with Kayla. “Crystal says she’ll meet you at the hospital.”

“Thanks.” He felt bad for calling Kayla before Crystal, but figured Ben would have called her anyway.

“Rowan, good luck.”

“Thanks.” He hung up, then glanced back at Connor.

“Sorry, kiddo, you’ve got to hang out with your mema for a few hours.”

“Yay!” Connor clapped.

When he parked at Kayla’s mother’s house, she was in the drive waiting for him already.

“Kayla called,” she said, pulling Connor out of the back. “We’ll be here when you’re done.” She waved as he pulled out.

By the time he made it to the hospital, Ben and Sarah were already set up with a room. Crystal hadn’t arrived yet.

“Looks like I’m going to win the bet,” he said as he walked into their room after he’d cleaned up.

“Shut up and get this kid out of me,” his cousin growled.

Rowan chuckled as he got to work.

Less than an hour later, he welcomed Aurora Lilly into the world.

Seeing the small baby in his cousin’s arms as Ben and Crystal hovered over made him realize the one thing he’d been missing.

When he drove back to Kayla’s mother’s house to pick up Connor, he knew exactly what he wanted in life.

As he carried the sleepy kid in, set him on his sofa, and flipped on the cartoons, he thought about not being able to spend his evenings with him. He knew it was a good thing that his grandmother got to spend time with him, but it was hard to fight the sadness he’d felt when Kayla had agreed to it.

He sat next to the kid and when Connor climbed up into his lap and snuggled down to watch SpongeBob, his heart melted.

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the smell of pool chemicals and greasy pizza on the three-year-old boy who had won his heart.

As they waited for Kayla to return, he thought of a plan to get Kayla to fall for him so he could spend the rest of his life with the pair.

When she made it back, he tried to convince her to stick around for the night again, but she shook her head and he helped her carry the sleeping kid across the street and up to his own bed.

He lay in his bed, alone, that night and had never felt emptier. It was strange—before she’d come home, he hadn’t realized he’d been lonely.

Seeing his cousin with her new family made him realize he had a hole in his life.

He had everyone in town to help fill his life, but now, he couldn’t imagine a day without Kayla and Connor in it.

Picking up his phone, he glanced at the time and figured she’d just be laying down.

-Are you still awake?

It took less than a minute for her to respond.

-Yes, Connor had a fun time swimming tonight.

-Did he wake up?

-For about two minutes to speed-tell me everything you two did.

-LOL, we missed you.

-I had my cards read today by your aunt.

-Oh? And?

-Apparently, I’m destined for great happiness.

-That’s nice. The last time she read my cards, she told me I marry two people.

After he hit send, his mind flashed to an image of Kayla and Connor instead of the two brides he’d originally imagined.

-Lucky ladies. LOL

He was silent as the thought sunk further into his brain. His aunt had an eerie way of being right all the time.

-What are you wearing? she texted after a moment, causing his smile to return.

-Nothing, it was hot today. You?

-Mmm, white silk.

-OMG! Tell me more.

His phone rang and he lay back and had some of the best phone sex he’d ever enjoyed.

The following Saturday morning, he met her at her mother’s house bright and early.

He’d just unloaded the ladder and painting supplies when Ben and Adam arrived, ready to work for the day.

“How’s the new daddy?” he asked, already seeing the man’s smile double.

“No one ever told you baby poo is one of the grosses substances on earth. Superman himself would probably flee in terror.”

Rowan chuckled. “Wait until she’s a few months old and starts eating solids.”

Ben groaned, but there was still a smile on his lips.

They spend the first few hours scraping the old paint off the trim and touching up the paint on the main part of the house. After lunch, which Kayla and her mother had made, they got started on the painting.

“Remind me again why we’re here painting this place?” Adam asked when he’d dropped his paintbrush for the second time.

“Because Rowan’s getting laid,” Ben joked back.

“Oh, right.” The Frenchmen chuckled.

“Will you two shut up and focus.” He frowned when he burned his elbow on the metal gutter. It was close to eighty degrees out and he’d removed his shirt over an hour ago.

“Hey, we’re doing the best we can. Neither of us is painters,” Adam added.

“Speak for yourself. I spent a summer in college repainting my buddy’s house. That place was a bitch.” Ben wiped the sweat from his eyes.

“And this isn’t?” Adam asked.

“No. We plan on having someone repaint our place next year,” Ben added in, his eyes going to them.

“Don’t look at us,” Rowan joked. “I hired someone to do my place last year. I’ll give you their number. Your place is too large.”

“Why didn’t you hire them to do this one?” Adam asked.

“Because I’m helping a friend out,” he supplied.

“Right.” Adam smiled. “You’re getting paid in other ways.”

“Are you boys done with your locker talk?” Kayla said from the base of the ladder, causing all three of them to jump.

“Sorry,” the three of them said in unison.

She laughed. “I’ve got to get to work.” She glanced down at her watch.

He set the bucket and brush down, then descended the ladder. Kayla watched him the whole way. The hunger in her eyes shone clearly, causing him to smile.

“I’d hug you, but I’m all sweaty.” He moved closer.

She took the last step and wrapped her arms around him, her hands moving over his shoulders and chest. “I have to go home and shower anyway,” she purred.

He leaned in and covered her lips and kissed her until he heard the cat whistles from the roof.

Pulling back, he smiled down at her.

“Your aunt’s going to drop Connor off in half an hour,” she supplied. “When will you guys be finished up for the night?”

He glanced up and calculated how much more sunlight they had. “About an hour.”

She nodded, biting her bottom lip.

“Want me to stick around here?”

“Maybe you can check to see how things are when you leave and let me know?”

He brushed a strand of her hair away from her face. “I’m sure the kid is going to be fine.”

“It’s not Connor I’m worried about.” Her eyes moved back to the house. “See you.” She waved to Adam and Ben as she drove away.

He stood there for a moment and watched her go. When she hit the stop sign, he turned back to climb the ladder.

He figured he could stop by the store later and give her a play-by-play account in person.




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