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Happy Ever Afterlife Part 2 (Afterlife saga Book 9) by Stephanie Hudson (9)


Aliens and Demons




“Are you alright?” Draven asked me, now looking concerned as I could imagine I had gone deathly pale as I felt all the colour drain from my face.

“Yeah, just…well, just thinking about everything you said and why you dream of me like that?” I said because it was both true and what Draven would have expected to hear. He came to sit down next to me and pulled me into his embrace.

“It will be fine Keira, I will figure this out, but you need to promise that you will leave this to me…yes?” Okay, so this was the point where I knew if I said the words, agreeing to that promise, then it would no doubt come back to bite me in the ass and in the form of hurting Draven. So, I did the only thing I could think to do, I suddenly put a hand to my forehead and faked feeling nauseous.

“Here, drink this, you need to replenish the fluids in your system,” he said, handing me a glass of water from the side table.

“Better?” he asked rubbing my back and touching my forehead to see if it was hot or clammy.     

“Yeah, although I wouldn’t mind having some help getting out of this dress,” I said knowing that the time had passed for gaining anymore answers tonight. Besides, I could see the strain in his eyes and what telling me something like this had done in taking its toll.

So instead, I decided light-hearted playfulness was the way to go, so I waggled my eyebrows at him, making him laugh and shake his head at me. After this he made short work of getting me out of my dress and when I saw him swallow hard at the sight of my fancy lace black underwear set, I felt bad that this was one night it wouldn’t be for a good cause.

No, instead of doing what he looked like he wanted to do, he simply undressed me before fetching me something comforting to wear. It was a pair of super soft, comfy Pyjamas that were light grey check trousers and a white vest top to match, one that had a patch work of hearts in the same material all over it. Then, once dressed again, he tucked me up in bed and just before I could complain thinking that he wasn’t going to join me, he started removing his jacket.

Then came the hard part and that was watching as he took off his sexy suit and gifted me with the sight of his beautifully toned and muscular body. I swallowed down my sexual lump the size of a man's testicle and decided to say something, for I feared if I didn’t, I would only start drooling.

“So, I take it this isn’t the usual attire worn back in those days?” I asked, genuinely curious as of course, this was me we were talking about. Little Miss one million questions. He turned to look at me over his shoulder just before ridding himself of the shirt.

“Let’s just say I was happy to see the back of codpieces, puff sleeved jackets and fur trimmed capes,” he told me making me laugh because honestly, I couldn’t see Draven wearing any of those things…one of them especially, which is why I said,

“Codpiece?” He turned fully towards me with the amusement clear in his eyes. His lips twitched as he fought off a grin and he added,

“Yes Keira, I, along with most men at the time, wore the garment.” I smirked when trying to keep my face straight as I made a ‘Umm mm’ sound.

“Something on your mind, sweetheart?” he enquired in a nonchalant tone as he took off his boots and breeches leaving me forgetting how to form words.

“Uh…” He chuckled at me and I knew he was secretly loving the effect he had on me, especially when naked. I knew this by the grin and the little shake of his head as if he was wondering what to do with me. Meanwhile, I was just hoping it involved something that once upon a time hid behind a codpiece. Of course, after I was sick and Draven acting as if I was now some breakable china doll, I knew this outcome would be unlikely.

“You going to give me an answer, love?” he asked as he got into bed beside me after throwing back the covers. I smirked and then lifted the covers back up over his chest and then I took a peek, looking down at his impressive man danglers as Pip called them. Granted it wasn’t the sexiest name in the urban dictionary, but then again, not a lot of what Pip said when describing things sexual could ever be classed as sexy. Cute and hilariously funny, yeah totally, but sexy…not ever.

“See anything you like down there?” Draven teased as I still had the covers tented above him.

“I was just wondering if you had to get yours specially made or something, as I don’t see you having much need for a codpiece, not someone of your size…or was it worn as a way to fend off all the ladies with grabby hands?” I teased making him playfully growl at me before trying to nip at my lip. I dropped the covers laughing and then, knowing how we wouldn’t be doing anything ‘fun’ tonight, I nodded to the remote control on his side of the bed.

“So, part of your punishment is that I get to pick something to watch, so pass it over,” I demanded, making him roll his hand a few times as he bent at the waist, mimicking a royal bow.

“But of course, m’lady.”

“So, what about me, I gathered I was also missing some authentic parts to my outfit?” I asked without looking at him as I flicked through the online video library looking for a classic and knowing how much Draven really needed to catch up on popular culture. Or should I say, more like introduced to it for the very first time, EVER!

“Well, I didn’t want to see your beautiful golden hair covered with a tight curled, powered wig or have certain desirable attributes covered by that of a stiff laced, high neck ruff,” he said looking down at my breasts and running the back of his hand teasingly across them.

“Desirable attributes, eh?” I asked faking my surprise.

“Very desirable…and as I said, covering such would hinder my view of such bountiful fruit, one that looks ripe for the tasting,” he said on a hum before leaning down to kiss the one closest to him. I let my head fall back and released a moan but unfortunately it didn’t last as it seemed that was all I was getting.

“You looked ravishing tonight,” he said, and I blushed before whispering a small,

“Thank you.”  Then I glanced back at the screen as I tried to hide my red face and ended up blurting out,

“Alien!” causing Draven to look at me peculiarly.

“Excuse me?”

“The movie, it’s a classic, trust me we have to watch this!” I said getting excited as I hadn’t it watched in years and to be honest, I was more looking forward to seeing Draven’s reactions to it. Although, if his sceptical look was anything to go by, then I was no doubt in for a frowny good time.

“You like this?” he asked me when I snuggled back after plumping up my pillows and said,

“Uh yeah, what’s not to like, it’s a horror based in space and as far as I am concerned, the only mythical thing left for me to watch in a movie without thinking, oh well they got that wrong, or well I have met them and they don’t look like that or eat brains and suck blood…I’m sure you’re getting my point here.” He gave me a sideways grin and said,

“Yes love, I get your point.”

“Ooh, I just love the intro, it’s so moody,” I said making him grin before telling me,

“It’s lines that spell a word sweetheart, I don’t think its Oscar worthy.”

“I am surprised you even know what the Oscars are,” I teased him back making him tickle my sides and pull up my vest, so he could get to me.

“Actually, I think you will find this won an Academy Award,” I informed him in my best know it all voice.

“Oh really, is that so?” he teased back in his best, ‘Isn’t someone a clever clog’ voice.

“So, when do the aliens make an appearance?” he asked at the scene of the crew all eating and drinking around a table after coming around from cyber sleep. 

“There is only one alien in this movie, hence the name, but in the second movie there are loads,” I told him glancing back for a second finding him looking at me and hiding his smirk behind his hand. I wondered with that look if he wasn’t asking me questions just to see my reaction and getting his entertainment that way instead of the movie. 

“Besides, they have to get to the alien planet first before the egg things can explode on that guy’s face,” I said nodding to the screen and the first poor bastard that gets killed.

“Mmm, sounds very educational,” he murmured making me turn back and smack him playfully on the arm. Something that prompted him to put his arm around me and nestle me closer to him. We continued to lie there, and I could tell Draven was finally getting into the movie, as he kept asking questions. This made me laugh and tease him about being ‘one of those people’ and when he asked what that meant exactly, I told him,

“It means you’re someone who is curious and wants to ask questions all through a movie because you’re not patient enough to watch it and find out,” I said on a chuckle.

“Why would I do that when I would much prefer to hear it the way you tell it…now what in Hell’s name is that thing!” he shouted when noticing the screen and seeing what was now lay beneath the helmet they had to crack off the guy’s head.

“That is a facehugger,” I told him smiling.

“Ooh, now watch this bit, it has acid for blood and when they cut into its leg in a minute they find that the blood eats through the ship.” I told him, explaining stuff before he even asked.

“Now who is the impatient one?” he commented with a grin.

“Well, you know that old saying, if you can’t beat them, join them,” I said nudging his arm and waggling my eyebrows at him, making him groan when really, I knew all he wanted to do was smile and chuckle. In the end we missed a few bits because this teasing led onto play fighting and me hopelessly trying to pin his arms down, which I knew was never going to happen. It was only when I recognised the iconic scene coming up that I detangled myself from him saying,

“Oh, this is the bit, we have to watch this part!” I shouted getting back into position with a little excited bounce and Draven made an exaggerated moan, like my fidgeting was affecting him.

“Oh hush,” I reprimanded, slapping him on the chest.

“Well, he recovered quickly,” Draven commented dryly seeing them now all sat around eating and laughing as if just hours before the guy hadn’t had a facehugger curled around his head.

“Just watch,” I told him and seconds later the guy started coughing and choking before falling dramatically to the table.

“By the Gods, now what is that thing!” Draven exclaimed once the creature had burst from the guy’s chest, splattering blood around the room as his ribcage cracked open outwards.

“Now, that is the alien and known at this stage as the famous chestbuster,” I told him, feeling myself for once being the one with a world full of knowledge.

“At this stage?” he asked as now I could tell he was deep into the movie.

“Let’s just say it gets bigger…much, much bigger,” I said using my hands to indicate its rapid growth.

“You know, I think I am going to like this movie after all.” I laughed when he said this.

“Well, that’s good to know considering we are already half way through it,” I commented on another giggle.

After this point we continued to watch the rest of the movie without fooling around and I must have fallen asleep at some point, because it was only when I felt Draven shout next to me that I jolted awake. This was when I realised that all the other crew members were dead, and Ripley was running for her life through steam filled hallways to try and stop the ship from exploding, only to fail.

“Does she get out…? What are you doing, just leave the damn cat!” Draven said making me cry out,

“What? No! She can’t leave Jonesy.” He gave me a little smirk telling me he had said it to get this very reaction and was teasing me. 

“So, she did get away,” Draven mused prematurely, making me hide my knowing grin, for I knew what was coming next. But although I knew to expect it, I still jumped out of my skin, letting off a little scream just like I did every time when the Alien’s hand shot out right next to Ripley. I had to smile because even Draven, mighty King of the supernatural world, flinched in surprise himself, but at least he didn’t let out a girly scream like I had. I laughed at myself as I had automatically buried my head into Draven’s chest making him chuckle too.

“What is she doing now?”

“I think this is the clever bit,” I told him not giving much away.

“Well, I don’t think she is going to get far if she plans on escaping into space,” he said watching her slowly stepping into a space suit. I smirked, kissed his bare chest once and whispered over his skin,

“Just watch.” And we did as Ripley moved into position and then started to force the alien out of its hiding place before blasting it from the ship out of the airlock and then finishing it off with the ship’s thrusters.

“Now that looks almost as hard to kill as a Horo-matangi demon,” he said once it was all over and Ripley was now doing her ‘This is Ripley, last survivor of the Nostromo’ bit.

“What’s a Horo…manty…whatever you said, demon?” I asked, getting the name completely wrong towards the end and making him chuckle because of it.

“It’s a creature that lives in the Lethe, and if I had to describe it, then I would say it looks similar to a large reptile in the figure of a man.” I wanted to ask at this point did it look like the Spiderman Villain, the Lizard, who started life as a scientist who turned himself that way after an experiment went wrong. Although to be fair, I think that this was the back story for most comic book characters, that was if you took away the billionaires with fancy suits, the genetic mutants and dudes from outer space.    

“What’s the Lethe again?” I asked remembering Sophia telling me about and now focusing less on fictional characters and more on myths that were no longer very mythy thanks to Draven. Okay, so not sure ‘mythy’ was an actual word, but I would better my sticker collection that Pip would start using it regardless.  

“The Lethe is the river of forgetfulness, which makes for a good hunting ground for the Horo-matangi as they prey on those searching for forgiveness and are haunted with regret for their sins.”

“So not exactly like talking to a priest in the confession box then?” I said making him laugh, then pull me to him so that he could kiss me on the forehead.                  

“No, more like asking for forgiveness and then finding yourself eaten for your sins. Of course, on occasion they find themselves in the human world as the river links to Lake Taupō in New Zealand and it’s where many of the creatures break through from Hell and into an underwater cave on the reef there.”

“But what do they do there?” I asked naively.

“Well, mostly lurk in wait for the poor unsuspecting canoeist paddling down the wrong creek, before they strike.” I looked back at him in horror and he ran his thumb over my lips pulling the bottom one from my teeth.

“Don’t worry sweetheart, I have people who reside in the area and monitor the problem, one of whom you have seen a few times at the club,” he said surprising me. This meant that I spent the next hour bombarding him with questions of his ‘main business’ in this world, which was about as far from the stock exchange and board meetings as you could get.

In the end I fell asleep to the sound of his voice and being held as he stroked my back and arms in that totally blissful way.


I woke the next morning to find two things that surprised me and at the same time made me want to burst out laughing. The first was to find a fresh pot of tea next to my side of the bed and with it a small plate of what looked like ginger biscuits. The next thing was when I rolled over to thank Draven for being so thoughtful, I found him sat up in bed reading a huge book with the title, ‘What to Expect When You're Expecting’

“Some light reading?” I asked in an amused tone.

“Did you know that our baby is about the size of an apple seed right now?” Draven told me staring intensely at the book and therefore missing the tender warm look I gave him.

“Really? That’s cool, what else does it say?”

“That during this time you will start to develop different symptoms, like morning sickness, light headedness, frequent urination, fatigue, food cravings and aversions to other foods like red meat, abdominal cramps…” he told me, making my face drop after hearing the depressing list.

“Right, well I think that’s a bit too much information for so early in the morning,” I muttered rolling over and pouring my tea, whilst stuffing a biscuit in my mouth just for something good to focus on.

“Have you had any vaginal bleeding or increased vaginal discharge?” he asked, making me nearly choke on the mouthful I had been in the process of swallowing.

“Jesus, Draven! No, I haven’t and no offence, but you would be the last person I would tell if I had,” I told him after I had finished coughing. He looked totally affronted by my answer.

“But why?!” he asked frowning at me

“Because it’s embarrassing that’s why,” I argued making him now lose the frown and replace it with a soft smile.

“Sweetheart, it’s not embarrassing, it’s the most natural and beautiful thing in the world.” At this I snorted.

“Yeah, well tell that to Libby when she would pee herself every time she laughed too hard, coughed or sneezed... I think she ended up washing the sofa cushions about six times during her pregnancy.”

“That really happens?” he asked now looking shocked.

“Uh, yeah! And considering you have a thing for collecting antique furniture, then I think it’s safe to say it wouldn’t be worth much after its got a big pee stain in the centre of the 16th century cushions.” Hearing this he waved a dismissive hand at me and said,

“I don’t care about that, all I care about is you and your wellbeing. I don’t want you to be in pain or feel discomfort.” This time I gave him a soft smile in return. Then I leaned over to him, cupped his cheek and said,

“That’s sweet Honey, but I think all of the above is inevitable. Besides, you keep bringing me tea and biscuits in the morning and I would say you’re in for a winner,” I said making him give me a sideways grin.

“So, have you had any vaginal bleeding?” he asked after a moment of silence. I groaned out loud and shouted,

“Draven!” He gave me a look that silently asked what my problem was with asking this, but seriously, even for someone as far removed from the human world as Draven was, he still should have known the obvious answer to that one. 

“Okay, so I think that is enough reading for one day,” I said taking the book off him, this time making him moan.

“I mean, is there anything positive in this book, other than having the baby at the end?” He smirked and said,

“Not unless you consider constipation or mood swings one of them,” he replied with a smirk, one that quickly turned into a grin when I growled at him.

“I feel one coming on now,” I said dryly.

“Then I suggest you use the bathroom, or that will really embarrass you.”

“Draven! I meant a mood swing not needing the toilet!” I shouted making him throw his head back before roaring with laughter.

“I know sweetheart, I was teasing you,” he told me after finally controlling his laughter enough to do so.

“Maybe not the safest thing to do around a hormonal pregnant Vampire, you do remember I have fangs now…right?” I said trying for my best, ‘don’t mess with me Mister’ face, one that even without the aid of a mirror, I knew was useless. 

“Yes, but mine are bigger,” he said in a cocky tone and added to it by leaning into me and showing me a closer look as his fangs started to grow. I didn’t know whether it was because I was now a Vampire or because I just loved it when he bit me during sex. But I had to say the sight of him with his fangs out, which for Draven was a rare sight, was getting me all hot and bothered and wet and horny. 

“Yeah, is that so?” I teased back shifting closer to him and pressing my breasts into his chest.

“Mmm.” At this point he could only manage a murmured agreement and a nod as he looked down at my cleavage, one he seemed captivated with.

“Then maybe you should put them to good use, baby,” I said in what I was hoping sounded like a sexual purr. The moment I saw his eyes flash purple I knew it had worked as he had me under him in seconds. His hands ran up my arms as he pushed them up above my head and he looked down at me as if any second, he was going to ravish me until breathless and screaming.

Well, a girl could hope.

Then, as he started to lean down to kiss me, his fangs started to retract.

“Stop!” I shouted louder than I had intended. His hold on me relaxed as he questioned my reasons for shouting this. So, I strained my neck up, so that my lips were that bit closer to him when I whispered,

“Don’t take them back…I like them, it’s hot.”  His eyes flashed a darker shade of purple, showing me his surprise before they narrowed down at me in that carnal way.

One I knew meant I was definitely in for good things…good and wonderful naughty things.

Draven didn’t disappoint but then again…


When did he ever?          








































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