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Hard Dive (Paradise Lost Book 2) by Megyn Ward, Shanen Black (28)


It only takes an hour to return to the hospital and contact Dr. Bodden. He walks me to the business office and after assuring that everyone has been paid, he schedules Diana’s surgery for that evening.

I’m not sure he hadn’t already had her on the schedule and the whole refusal ploy was only to push me to find the money. Who cares? Diana is going to get what she needs. That’s all that matters.

I call Blake to let him know Diana is being prepped and then dial Timothy at The Green Frog and update him about Diana’s condition and that he’ll have to hire people to replace us both.

The ladies in the hospital room took good care of Diana while I was out pimping myself out to Jonas. Now they cluck and tend to me. After being tough in front of Jonas and strong and supportive for Diana, it feels good to have them dote on me. They feed me and don’t seem to mind my sadness as I sit on the hard vinyl seat and stare at Diana’s empty bed. It’s out of my hands now. I’ve done all I can.

Soft soles of flip-flops approach behind me and before I can look, Blake’s hand closes on my arm. “Kylie.”

He takes my hand and squats in front of me. “Why didn’t you tell me she needed more surgery?”

I straighten my shoulders and lift my chin. I’m grateful to have Blake share this burden, but he doesn’t have to carry me, too. “It happened so fast and you were out on a dive. I had to make the decision.”

We’re interrupted by a young woman in a dark skirt and white blouse. She carries a clipboard. “Ms. Sawyers?”

Shit. Did the payment bounce? Jonas tricked me and hadn’t really put money in my account. My heart slams into my ribs. “Yes.”

Blake stands above us.

She hands me the clipboard and clicks a pen. “We forgot to have you sign here for the payment clearance.”

I swallow, sweat popping on my forehead. “You got paid, though, right?”

She grins and nods, her accent lilts into the room. “Oh yes, it’s only the paperwork. We want to get that taken care of.”

I inhale. At least that was successful. I sign and hand her the clipboard and she scurries away.

Blake watches her, then scrutinizes me. “Payment? For Diana’s surgery?”

I’d hoped he wouldn’t find out so soon. “Yes.”

“Where did you get the money?”

I hesitate.

He leans against Diana’s bed, his focus intense. “You couldn’t have got it from Zach or Liesa.”

How does he know so much about their financial situation?

He studies me. “You wouldn’t go to Jonas Knightly, and even if you did I’m pretty sure he didn’t go all Daddy Warbucks on you and help you out.”

My dry chuckle sounds bitter. “Being my father is the last thing he’s interested in.”

Blake parses the meaning of my words and color drains from his face. “He figured out it was you.”

I nod, miserable but at the same time, thankful I have some way to help Diana.

“You agreed to be on Liesa’s Life?”

I make my voice strong. “It’s the only way.”

“No.” He grabs my hand. “You can’t do this.”

“It’s done.” I pull my hand out of his as gently as I can. “I signed a contract. I don’t have a choice.”

He looks devastated. “Why didn’t you ask me? I have money put aside. We could have worked this out together.”

“Money for Columbia—your future.” I shake my head. “This is your dream. You might never get another chance. There’s no way I’d let you spend that money. Not when I can do something about it.”

“So that’s it?” Fire sparks in Blake’s eyes. He doesn’t look like my easy-going friend. Right now, he looks downright dangerous. “Martyr Kylie gets to fall on her sword and save everyone?” The heated look in his eyes flickers and his gaze goes cold. “You’re so fucking selfish.”

“Selfish?” It feels anything but.

The hospital room grows uncharacteristically quiet and I fling myself out of my chair to see the families staring at us like we’re an episode of Liesa’s Life. I whip the curtains along the metal bar to block their view.

“Yeah, selfish.” His face flushes and I know he’s holding on to his temper by a fingernail. “You’re a female Atlas, holding up the whole world on your shoulders. You carried your mother until the end, somehow believing it was your fault for not finding Jonas and making him pay. As if his money could have kept her alive. And now, you’re dead set on saving Diana all on your own because asking for help would be admitting that you let the world roll off.”

“Stop it.” I don’t need this crap.

“For as long as I’ve known you, you’ve been out to rescue everyone except yourself.” He swipes a hand over his face and chuckles. “Matter of fact, you seem hell-bent on punishing yourself.”

“What is that supposed to mean?”

“It means I loved you, Kylie—I would’ve done anything for you. I—”

“So, while I’m determined to save everyone but myself, you’re just as determined to save someone who doesn’t want or need a rescue.” I laugh right along with him but there’s no humor in the sounds coming from either of us. “So, tell me, Blake—which one of us is more fucked up?”

The question seems to hit him like a physical blow and he stares at me for what feels like forever. Finally, he lets out a slow breath and nods. “You’re right. I’ve wanted to save you from the first moment I met you, but I’ve moved on, believe me. You’re still my best friend, though, so it pisses me off to watch you sell yourself to that fucking scumbag. If you let Jonas put you on that show he’ll own you. You’ll never be free. Look at Liesa. Look at Zach.”

I think about the contract I signed. It states that I will receive my first chunk of money when ratings increase by five percent. After that initial bump, I won’t get paid again until the ratings maintain market share for four consecutive weeks. After eight consecutive weeks of the new rank, I’ll receive the bulk of the money and be free to leave the show and collect a percentage in the future. Jonas only has rights to the shower scene for this season, after that, he can keep me on the show, but he can’t air the scene.

Basically, once we get viewers engaged, I have two months of hell and then I’ll be free. If it doesn’t work, I’ll be stuck on the show for as long as Jonas wants me there. Shower scene or not, doing time on Liesa’s Life will be a torturous sentence.

All Blake’s pleading only firms my resolve. “I’m not like Zach or Liesa. I’ve worked my whole life for anything I needed or wanted. I’ll do my job for Jonas and in a couple of months, I’ll be free.”