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Hard Game (Wild Boys Sports Romance Book 1) by Harper Lauren (30)



Sunny Saturday mornings for me are much more special when it’s not football season. I often start out with a quiet run around the perimeter of our Burchnell neighborhood, just as the sun’s beginning to rise, splashing the dark sky with streaks of pinks and oranges.

I love the feeling of my feet pounding against the earth instead of pavement with the cool breeze blowing on my face and the smell of morning dew blending with the fragrance of flowers. Everything’s always so serene, except for the occasional moo of a cow in the distance or the excited bark of a dog across the street.

After my run, I take time to rest before helping out my mom with some farm chores. Then afterwards, we enjoy breakfast together in our humble home, exchanging stories from the previous day or just laughing about silly things. Next, I take a cold shower that wakes me up even more, making me alert and lively, ready to take on the full-blast energy of my little football players.

This has been my Saturday routine for a year now, except when I have football practice or a game scheduled.

I thought today was going to be another one of those Saturday mornings. I had no idea.

As I bounded over to the football field of Burchnell High in a jersey shirt and a pair of sweat pants, I was surprised to see that it was empty and silent. Usually when I arrived, there were already a bunch of kids hanging around.

I was pretty sure I didn’t forget to send out the text reminder to their parents. I checked the time. It was rather unusual that nobody was here yet.

I walked to the center of the field and decided to do some stretching. Maybe they were all just late.

Suddenly, to my astonishment, static sounded from the loud speakers. It was followed by the first few chords of an upbeat love song. As the intro played, one of my students came out from behind the bleachers. It was 7-year-old Pete, holding a balloon with the letter T.

“Hey, Pete,” I said, approaching him. “What’s that balloon for?”

He didn’t answer. Before I could follow him, several others came out with balloons too. I watched in amazement as the kids formed a vertical line, each one holding a balloon with a letter, a silly grin plastered on their faces. Soon they had formed the words “THANK YOU”.

I couldn’t help chuckling. “Who put you up to this?” I asked, already knowing who was behind it.

Another student of mine appeared, holding a giant balloon printed with the words “Happy Anniversary!” I smiled broadly.

Then before I could say anything else, Cassy came last, looking gorgeous and spirited in a red dress that matched the red heart-shaped balloon tied around her wrist. She rushed to my arms and gave me a sweet kiss on the lips. The kids hooted and whistled behind us.

“Happy first anniversary, Mr. Football Star,” Cassy said with a beautiful smile on her face, her eyes shining with great joy. “Thank you for everything. I love you so, so much.”

“Oh, you…” I said, laughing. “I love you so, so much too. But this is too much!” I waved my hands over to the kids who had all released the balloons now into the air and were all cheering and clapping.

I placed an arm around Cassy’s shoulders as she also released her own balloon. “May the heavens bless our relationship,” she whispered to me.

“Indeed,” I said as we looked up in the bright sky and watched the balloons quickly climb up and disappear behind the clouds.

“Where’s the cake?!” an overweight kid screamed. The other children burst out laughing.

“Don’t worry, you’re going to get the cake I promised you,” Cassy assured him as she leaned over and ruffled his hair. “Once your coach here gives the go signal.”

“Okay, guys,” I said, clapping my hands and motioning for them to gather around me. “We’ll have an hour of drills and then we can stuff our faces in cake and all the food I’m sure Cassy here prepared for us. Is that okay?”

“Yeah!” they shouted in unison.

Some of them began to chant “Hut! Hut! Hut!”, signaling everyone to form a line.

“Thanks for the surprise,” I whispered to Cassy before starting my class officially.

She simply smiled and sat on the bleachers to watch us. “Go, kids! Show your coach what you’ve got!” she yelled cheerfully.

We did a couple of cone drills that the kids were already familiar with. They certainly sweated it out, but were obviously improving their speed and agility. Even their footwork was a lot better. I, of course, pointed this out and congratulated them. “Next meeting, we’re going to play football! Are you ready?” I said loudly.

“Yeah!” they all bellowed, still full of energy after the mighty workout.

Their parents were coming one by one to pick them up. Cassy, however, asked them to stay for some snacks. They happily relented, expressing their joy at seeing the two of us still so happy together.

Not long after, a delivery boy came with several boxes of pizza and a huge cake. There were also drinks, fries, and doughnuts--- more than enough for everybody.

“You are the sweetest,” I told Cassy, giving her a peck on the cheek.

She grinned up at me. “Oh, it’s nothing. It’s only a little surprise. Consider it my payback for that super romantic gesture you did for me at the horse farm lake.”

I laughed and gave her a hug, my heart soaring with immense gratitude, bliss, and love.

It was really amusing to watch my girlfriend playing and chatting with the little boys. Who would have thought a city-bred woman like her who’d grown up an only child actually had a natural way with children? She talked to them so easily and even told jokes that made them laugh. And the more I watched her do that, the more my heart seemed to melt for her.

I realized then that over the past year, I kept on discovering new things about Cassy that made me fall in love even more. It seemed too good to be true, but I certainly wasn’t complaining. I just couldn’t keep thanking the stars for this dream come true that I’d never even wished for at the beginning.

She’d make a great mom, I found myself thinking. I felt alarmed immediately after the thought appeared in my head. Where did that come from? It was the first time I’d ever imagined her in that manner. For some reason, I pictured us living in our own little farm with a bunch of jolly kids. It made me laugh.

“What?” Cassy asked, giving me a puzzled look.

“Nothing, nothing,” I said. “Just a weird, unexpected thought.”

“Well, what is it?” she probed.

“It’s not important,” I said. Then changing the topic, I asked, “So are you ready for tonight’s big event?”

She broke into a wide grin, her eyes lighting up excitedly. “Are you serious? I’ve been more than ready for a week now! I couldn’t sleep for days!”

“It’s going to be a huge success,” I told her confidently.

On our way to Miss Young’s farm, she told me about her new football-inspired collection of dresses, shirts, jackets, and skirts. Her bubbliness was contagious.

When she settled down, I took her hand and squeezed it. “Hey, I’m sorry I didn’t get you anything for our anniversary. It’s been a very busy week.”

“Hey, don’t worry about it,” she said sincerely, smiling at me. “I know you’ve been working your ass off at my shop, supervising the carpenters and artists, coordinating with the local caterer and stuff. And you have your football clinic too and farm duties on top of that.”

“Still no excuse,” I told her.

“You’ve put too much effort into the shop. That’s a gift already, unless you’re going to bill me!”

I chuckled. “Well, now that you mentioned it, that’s not a bad idea.”

She gave me a friendly slap on the shoulder, and we both laughed.

That afternoon, we were too hyped up to simply lounge around and wait for the time to go by. So we settled into the farm tasks we’d gotten accustomed to.

“Just like old times, huh?” I teased as Cassy went over to the chickens to feed them. With a mocking grin, I said, “How about showing me that dance again, the one you did when the chickens kept on pecking at your feet before?”

Cassy turned around and made a face. “Oh, shut up, Willard!” she cried out, making me chuckle.

“At least you’re not wearing designer boots now,” I pointed out. “Even if they are pink!”

Cassy looked down at her knee-high farm boots. “Yup! I got these at a thrift shop.”

It was funny how she was still a lot like the first Cassy who’d been exiled to this small rural town, and yet she’d also matured and changed in many ways. Just watching her expertly taking care of the farm animals made me so proud and amazed.

Soon we were fooling around behind the barn after watering the crops, skipping and hopping like little kids and ticking one another. The farmhands had all taken a break.

I caught Cassy in an embrace, pulling her closer and pressing my body against hers in the overcast afternoon. Our eyes locked in understanding, our bodies seemingly communicating.

We both leaned in for a passionate kiss as we wrapped our arms around each other. “You’re amazing, you know that?” I whispered when we finally went up for air.

“Yes, I know,” she answered, giggling.

I snickered. “Yeah, well, an amazing woman like you is surely lucky to have landed an even more amazing man like me.”

She wrinkled her nose in pretend disgust. “Right. Lucky me.”

“Seriously, though…” I began. “It’s not every day you get to meet a super handsome athlete who falls in love with you.”

She pulled away then and hit me playfully. “What did I ever see in you?!” she said in a joking tone.

We walked back to the house, hand in hand. “Well, I can list all the good traits I have that you probably saw in me.”

She opened her mouth to protest, but I quickly silenced her, saying, “But, but listen…no matter what they are, they’re only half as good as what I saw in you.”

Her annoyed look turned into an amused smile, and then into laughter. “Crazy,” she said.

“That’s why you love me,” I retorted.

After a while, we said our goodbyes so we could both get ready for the official launch party of her very first Creations by Cassy shop. Her mom had wanted her to open a boutique first in the city, but Cassy had insisted that she wanted the first one to be in Burchnell. After all, this is where her fashion business first came to fruition.

That evening when I picked her up, I was mesmerized. Even after all this time of seeing her in different scenarios, she still managed to take my breath away. Donning a tight-fitting shirt dress with a high slit that resembled a football jersey in style, her elegance and flair were still apparent. This was one of her newest creations, obviously inspired by all the football games she’d watched the past year. It looked stunning on her, of course.

The downtown boutique was already bustling with guests when we got there. I beamed at the end result of the team I has supervised, admiring the classy window display and minimalist yet cozy interiors. We had incorporated some natural elements, as Cassy had wanted, such as vertical gardens on brick walls.

Cocktail tables had been set up in front of the shop. There were local media guests too covering the event. Everything looked absolutely perfect.

Meanwhile, Cassy was beyond ecstatic. Yet she maintained her composure and gracefully entertained guests and gave interviews for the media.

One side of the shop contained her new football fashion collection, while the other side exhibited the second country-inspired set of creations she had done a few months ago. In the center, there were low shelves and racks of everyday fashion items that were quite affordable but stylish.

“This is so fab!” Charlene exclaimed when she joined us. She was with our other friends, including Alex and Rosie.

Even some of my teammates who had become friends too with Cassy had shown up. One of them, Stryder, gave me an exaggerated pat on the back. “Well done, buddy. You’ve got one hell of a girlfriend here!”

“Thanks, man,” I said. “It’s about time you found yourself a real relationship too.”

Alex and the other guys guffawed. “That’ll be the day!” Alex said.

Stryder laughed. “Hey, I’m perfectly capable of a serious relationship,” he protested. “Maybe the right girl hasn’t come along yet.”

“After you’ve slept with so many, you haven’t found the right one yet?” I joked.

He punched me playfully. “Not as lucky as you yet, dude.”

The women simply rolled their eyes and moved away to have their own conversation, mostly about fashion.

A lot of Cassy’s old clients came by, keeping her busy. Most of them bought from the shop. Even Mrs. Wells came and congratulated Cassy. She bought some items too for her teenage girls. And of course the cheerleaders of Burchnell High were all there, oohing and aahing at the lovely creations.

“Finally, some real taste in fashion right here in this town!” the head cheerleader said as she fingered the material of a dress that caught her eye. She disappeared into the fitting room with another girl and came out smiling happily. Another sale!

Cassy came up to me later on, looking euphoric. “I can’t believe the items we prepared for today are running out fast!” she whispered, clutching my arm and slightly jumping with joy.

I smiled and rubbed her shoulders. “That’s because my girlfriend’s an amazing designer.”

That made her smile and hug me tight. “You really know how to flatter a woman.”

“Just telling the truth,” I said with a lopsided grin.

“I think our anniversary is a lucky charm,” she noted.

I nodded in agreement. “Definitely.”

She grinned and gave me a smack on the lips before excusing herself to attend to the customers.

I busied myself with the cocktail drinks and finger foods as I joked around with my football buddies. After a few minutes, I caught sight of a familiar figure coming. I straightened my shoulders at once as I went to face the only man who always seemed to intimidate me--- Cassy’s dad.

“Good evening, Mr. Young,” I said with a polite nod and smile.

“Hello, Ivan,” he greeted, smiling casually. “I hear you and Cassy are celebrating your first year together as a couple. That’s something.”

“Yes, sir,” I said. “We’re going strong, definitely.”

“Well, congratulations!” He shook my hand. “I trust that you’ll keep taking good care of my daughter.”

Even though he had a genuine smile on his face, his words somehow made me feel nervous. Or perhaps it was just how he said it.

He led me to the side, farther from my friends and the rest of the crowd. “I have a proposal for you,” he suddenly said, looking serious.

My eyes almost bulged from their sockets. I hated deals with this man. I was about to say no when he raised a hand. “Let me speak,” he said firmly. “How about this--- you keep making my daughter happy, loving her the best way you can, and in return, I won’t make your life miserable. Sound good?”

I felt like gaping at him, but I eventually chuckled. He was making a joke, wasn’t he? He probably just wasn’t good at it. I tried to relax a bit, but it was difficult. I found myself breathing more heavily. “Uh, with all due respect, sir, I would rather not get into any deals with you. You don’t need to ask what you’re asking now, because I will always do whatever I can to give Cassy the love and happiness she deserves.”

“Great, then we understand each other,” Mr. Young said to my surprise. He actually chuckled as he patted me on the shoulder, leaving me at a loss when he walked away.

The program was underway. A short video was played to introduce Cassy and show her in action, while also incorporating testimonials from clients and even greetings and congratulations from known figures in the fashion world. Cassy was then called in front to give a short speech and welcome everybody.

“I’m just really grateful for all this,” she said at the end. “Thank you so much to all those who have supported and helped me--- my friends…”

She paused while all our friends cheered. Then she glanced toward her parents. “…my parents…” she continued. They smiled and stood up to be recognized while everyone clapped.

“…my Aunt Ellen…” she went on, smiling at her aunt who was standing beside her parents.

And then she gazed at me. “And my boyfriend Ivan…” I waved while the boys hooted.

“Thank you to Burchnell town as well, for helping me learn more about life and pushing me to be the best I can be. Without all of you here, I couldn’t have made this possible. You are all my inspiration.” She took a bow then while we all cheered.

“And now, please enjoy the rest of the evening as we listen to some live music by none other than our resident town artist Shane Miller!”

We all clapped as the familiar curly-haired woman went up with guitar and began strumming.

Cassy came over to my open arms. “Congratulations and happy anniversary,” I whispered, giving her a kiss on the forehead and embracing her tightly.

“Thank you,” she whispered back, looking very happy.

I saw her mom approaching with a big smile on her face, looking proud of her daughter. It was a rare sight that Cassy treasured. I wondered what the daunting woman had in mind, as she had a determined look in her eyes.

“Cassy, I am so proud of you,” Mrs. Young said, taking her daughter’s hands and squeezing them. “And you know your father is too.”

Cassy looked teary-eyed as she nodded. “Thanks, Mom.”

“I know you will go a long way,” her mother continued. “And your Dad has also been telling me about your amazing progress in his company. Even our managers are quite impressed.”

Cassy and I both grinned as we listened.

Then Mrs. Young took out an envelope and handed it over to Cassy. “Please take my congratulatory gift,” she said. Then looking at me too, she continued, “It’s actually for both of you too, for your anniversary.”

My eyes widened in disbelief. Was I dreaming? But even through my shock, I managed to utter a thank you.

Cassy brought out two pieces of paper from the envelope, her eyes eagerly scanning the contents. “Oh, my God,” she whispered, grinning with excitement. “Tickets to Paris for Fashion Week!” She jumped up and down as she looked at me and then threw her arms around her mother.

“I figured you’d want to go, now that you’re a blossoming fashion designer yourself,” Mrs. Young explained. “And I know you’d want Ivan to come along too.”

“Wow, this is too much, Mrs. Young…” I began to say.

“Don’t say no,” Mrs. Young warned with a smile. “I’ve made arrangements for your stay as well in one of the grandest hotels there, in two separate rooms, of course.”

“Oh, you shouldn’t have gone to all that trouble, Mom,” Cassy said. “But thanks! Thank you!”

“Well, actually, your father and I will be there too in that same hotel. But don’t worry, we won’t rain on your parade. You know me, I’m a lover of fashion.”

Cassy laughed. “Yeah, I got that from you.”

Mrs. Young nodded. “As for your father, he has several meetings with potential clients. I think he wants you to do a presentation or two, but I can convince him otherwise.”

“No, no, it’s fine,” Cassy said immediately. “That’s all good, Mom. I would love to help out the company any way I can.”

“All right then,” Mrs. Young said. “Have fun, you two.” She went off to join her husband, leaving Cassy and me in awe.

“Things are turning out so well,” Cassy exclaimed. “Can you believe it?”

I shook my head. “I could tell your mom seemed possessed by something,” I said jokingly, making her slap me good-naturedly.

I whisked her away then far from the crowds, the music and chatter fading a bit in the background. We embraced contentedly in the open street under a lamppost and a sky blanketed with glimmering stars.

“Close your eyes,” I instructed.

“What?” Cassy said, bewildered.

“Close your eyes,” I repeated. “It’s my turn to give you my surprise.”

“But you said…” she started, then stopped. Laughing both nervously and excitedly, she pointed an accusing finger to my chest. “Oh, you liar!”

I laughed too. When she finally closed her eyes, I took out a small box from my jacket’s pocket and opened it to reveal a shimmering chain of gold. Dangling from it was a tiny gold football pendant with a single diamond, along with a dress-shaped pendant that was dotted with ruby stones. I took it in my hands and placed it in front of her face.

“Open your eyes now,” I said.

When she did, she saw my surprise and gasped. “Oh, my God! It’s so, so beautiful!” she whispered, obviously awestruck. She fingered the pendants in admiration as I grinned.

“Happy first year to us, Cassy,” I said. “Let me put it around your neck.”

She turned around and I brushed her braided hair to the side as I clasped the necklace. It shimmered against her glowing skin. She quickly faced me again and gave me a sweet, lingering kiss on the lips. “I love it, Ivan. Thank you so much.”

“Those pendants represent us, two totally different persons who shine together,” I told her. “Kinda corny, but it’s true.”

She laughed, touching the necklace and holding it up from her neck in the light. “This is us, creating beauty and wonder together,” she added. “And everywhere I go now, our love and unity will always be with me to strengthen me and remind me of us.”

“That’s right.”

We kissed once again, enfolded in an invisible mist of love and passion. She intertwined her fingers with mine as we walked back to the celebration, both of us looking forward to more years of happiness and success together.


The End

Read on to find out more about Stryder’s story!




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