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Hard Mistake (Notus Motorcycle Club Book 4) by Debra Kayn (18)

Chapter 18

During the last week, she'd really tried to put her doubts about Chuck seeing Gracie out of her mind because he'd been with her every second he wasn't working at Port Loaders. Erikka rubbed her lips together, unable to grasp what she'd heard and afraid the conversation was straightforward, and she was a fool for believing him. There was obviously something going on between Chuck and Gracie for her to talk so freely to him.

Chuck reached for her. "We were—"

She held up her hand cutting him off from making an excuse. "I would like to talk with Gracie. Alone."

He remained standing in between her and Gracie. She smiled because it was better than crying. "It'll only take a couple of minutes."

"Jesus," muttered Chuck, running his hand over his head. "Erikka, if you'll—"

"It's okay." Gracie stepped out from behind Chuck. "I'll listen to her, and then we'll come in and wait for any news about the momma and baby."

He pointed at Erikka. "Don't wander. You want to leave, I'm the only one taking you out of the hospital. Hear?"

She bristled. For a few moments, while listening to a private conversation, she'd forgotten about Rachel. She'd forgotten about Mr. Markham. She'd forgotten about everything because her heart was hurting.

"I'll come back in the room." When Chuck remained, she said, "You can trust me."

He visually flinched and stepped away, walking back into the waiting room. She delayed talking until the door latched, and then she looked at Gracie. The other woman wasn't giving anything away. She couldn't tell if Gracie was upset with Chuck, her, or life. One thing was clear. Erikka arrived on the scene after Gracie and wasn't a part of the thrown-together family that gathered for the birth of one of their own.

"Will he leave me when my sister is found?" she asked.

"What happens between you and Chuck—"

Her stomach rolled. "Please, don't do that. Woman to woman, I'd like to know if Chuck is the type of man to leave me once my sister is home."

Even the thought of losing Chuck made her physically sick. As much as seeing the biggest threat to her relationship with him standing in front of her.

"I think this is something Chuck would need to talk to you about." Gracie frowned. "I don't involve myself in his sex life."

Ouch. Erikka swallowed her embarrassment. What she refused to do was defend her choices. She enjoyed Chuck and wanted to be with him for more reasons than sex. Those reasons were personal and private, and while Chuck seemed to see through her, she wasn't going to voluntarily give more information about herself to Gracie.

"But, I think you do." Erikka held her fear inside. "You might not think so, but Chuck respects you and his friendship with you is important. Maybe even more important than what he has with me. You've known him longer, and I admit we've only recently grown close. I love what I do know about him, and part of that is the way he treats his friends as family. But, I don't want to be hurt. If he's playing me, I'd like to know. I expect my sister to come home and I want to be there for her one-hundred percent. She's going to need me, and I won't be able to do my best if I've got a broken heart."

Gracie blinked out of her stare, and she sagged against the wall. "I understand," she said quietly.

"Do you?" asked Erikka.

Gracie inhaled deeply. "Chuck won't intentionally hurt you. He has a habit of being with a lot of women and doesn't commit."

"He hasn't been with any since he started working for me."

"That could be true."

"It is," said Erikka. "I want to trust him. I do."

Gracie looked at her. "Then, trust him with your whole heart and nothing less. He deserves nothing but all of you."

"But, you said —"

"I know what I said, and for how thankful I am to have Chuck in my life because he saved me, I'm afraid." Gracie's eyes teared. "Please, don't hurt him. He means the world to me."

Touched by the sincerity, Erikka had nothing to assure her that neither one of them wouldn't be hurt. The connection, the feelings, the need to be together was more than she had expected. It could be the circumstances with her sister making her desperate, but she'd swear on her life, Chuck felt the same consuming need to be with her.

"I don't want anyone to get hurt," she whispered.

Gracie studied her. Erikka put on a brave face and looked beyond the strong and confidence surface of the woman in front of her. There was something in Gracie's eyes that scared her more than jealousy. That whatever made Gracie loyal beyond reason to Chuck would win him in the end.

"We should get back inside and wait with the others." Gracie turned and walked back into the room.

Erikka followed, wishing Chuck would whisk her away from everyone and make her feel special again.

Chuck stepped away from Wayne and went to Erikka. She inhaled deeply, counting him coming to her instead of Gracie as a small victory. Then, she hated herself for being petty when there were many other things happening around her that were more important than her love life.

"Tell me what you need," he whispered in her ear, holding her to him.

She shook her head. "Not now."

He pulled his head back and looked at her. So close, she could feel his breath fan her cheeks. "Sure?"

"You need to be here for Thad and welcome the baby to the world." She swallowed, needing to change the subject. "Has Lieutenant Gomez or Galeeno called?"

"Not yet." He pulled her to his side and walked her over to the chairs.

Together, they sat and waited. And, waited.

Four hours later, a few minutes after midnight, the nurse came back into the waiting room. Everyone quieted and stood.

The nurse smiled, putting everyone at ease. "Baby Bowers came into the world at eleven thirty...yesterday. Mother and baby are doing great and would like to invite you all into the room to meet the newest member of the family."

Everyone stepped forward. Chuck reached back for Erikka and grasped her hand. She tugged him to stop. She was fine in the waiting room. This was a time for family.

"Whoa." The nurse blocked the door. "Because it's after hours, let's try and keep visitors to two at a time."

The door swung open behind the nurse. Thad strolled in and motioned his hand. "What's the holdup? Everybody come in."

Mrs. Bowers hurried forward to her son. "Tell me, boy or girl?"

"Lena will tell you when you come in." Thad kissed his mom's cheek and grinned. "Kick it in gear. Lena needs to rest soon."

"Oh, go ahead, everyone, but please...keep the noise down." The nurse shook her head smiling. "I'm done arguing with Mr. Bowers. It's been a long shift."

Everyone filed down the hallway. Chuck and Erikka brought up the rear of the group. She hesitated at the doorway, but Chuck pulled her into the room. The sight of a new life cradled in a mother's love pushed the confusion and fear growing inside of her away.

Her ah joined the others in the room. She hugged Chuck's arm. The sleeping newborn, bundled in a blanket and wearing a little pink and blue stocking cap was the cutest baby she'd ever seen.

Lena looked up from her child and scanned the room with an exhausted smile that couldn't be contained to her mouth. She glowed in motherhood. Erikka squelched the rise of desire to have what others had already found.

"Everyone is here?" Lena looked up at her husband by her side.

"I told you, babe." Thad kissed his wife and his protective hand gently cupped the baby's head. "Your family is here for you."

"And, baby," Lena said, smiling. "Go ahead and tell everyone..."

Thad stayed bent over, cradling his small family, and raised his gaze to the roomful of people. "Everyone, I'd like to introduce you to Avi Thalia Bowers, our daughter."

A collection of gasps filled the room. Erikka tore her gaze away from the happy family and looked into shocked faces. Chuck's chin lowered, and he stared at the floor. Erikka angled her body toward him and put her arm around his back.

"Oh, my..." Mrs. Bowers shuffled forward. "May I...hold her?"

Chuck blew out his breath. A shudder ran through him onto Erikka. He put his arm around her, and for the first time, it wasn't him giving her comfort. He held onto her for support. His reaction, everyone's reaction, mystified her.

The three grandparents took turns holding the baby. Erikka pivoted and stood in front of Chuck and whispered, "Are you okay?"

"Yeah, better than okay." He kissed her upturned lips. "Let's go see the baby and then go home."

While waiting their turn, she studied Gracie who stood beside Lena's bed with Clara and Wayne. She could understand Chuck being attracted to her. Gracie's long blonde hair and mannerisms, identical to her sister, brought attention when she wasn't even trying. Gracie's honest smile and happiness toward the others made her beautiful.

Chuck pressed his hand against her back and took her to the proud parents. Erikka repeated her congratulations and admired baby Avi.

"She's perfect." Erikka straightened. "Just beautiful."

"Thank you." Lena reached out and squeezed Erikka's hand. "And, it's nice to meet you. Thad has spoken of you."

She smiled, feeling guilty about taking Thad away from his wife and now, baby, to search for Rachel.

"Brother..." Chuck wrapped his arms around Thad and slapped him on the back. "Special, man. We will make sure Avi knows where her name came from."

Thad stepped back, sniffed, and pulled a cigar out of his vest pocket, handing it to Chuck. "I'm going to count on it."

Chuck rolled the cigar between his fingers and then leaned over and kissed the top of the baby's head, and then kissed Lena's head. "Good job, momma."

Waving her goodbye to the others, Erikka walked out of the room with Chuck. In the hallway, Wayne and Glen stopped them from leaving.

"Phone is quiet." Wayne handed over his cigar to Chuck, who slipped it into his pocket. "Anything on your end?"

"No. I'm going to call and wake Galeeno's ass up when I get Erikka home and in bed." Chuck patted her butt, keeping her beside him. "We're going to take off."

"Call me after you hear." Wayne lifted his chin toward the door behind them. "I'm going to take Clara and Gracie home as soon as they're done in there."

"I need to drag Ingrid home, too. She needs to open Pauly's Peddlers in the morning. I'll swing by Wayne's house after nine unless I hear from someone in the meantime." Glen slapped Chuck on the shoulder. "Good night with Avi, huh?"

"Yeah." Chuck exhaled. "Didn't see that one coming."

"None of us did." Wayne clasped Chuck's hand, pulled him close. "Full circle, brother. Beautiful."

"Right," mumbled Chuck.

Erikka witnessed the bond, the coded conversation, the love between the men. There was more going on with all of them than a baby arriving.

Chuck slipped his hand in the back of her jean pocket. "Let's go home, love."

She walked with him out of the hospital. The night air hit her, and she yawned. Her outing with Chuck turned out differently than she'd imagined. Her thoughts conflicted and expanded over the course of the last several hours. When she'd imagined getting together with Chuck, trying to start a relationship, she believed what happened between them would remain private. But, he wasn't a simple man.

He was a complex man that came with a club and all the dynamics of other people in his life that wasn't going anywhere. It was no longer a question of if his family and friends fit into their life together, but if she fit in with them. Or, if there was room for her and if she could fall in love with a man who might never be fully hers.