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Hard Pack (Ridden Hard Book 2) by Allyson Lindt (26)

Chapter Twenty-Six

VICTORIA WAS GRATEFUL for Ash’s company, but when the other woman left, she was alone with her thoughts again.

She hated this decision to not see Tristan anymore. It was true, jobs and careers and personal freedom were on the line.

But with the shock and emotion of her suspension faded, she wondered if they’d acted rashly. She’d sworn she wouldn’t let public opinion drive her ever again. That rumors would never control her life the way they had in the past.

Was she going to hurt other people though? The charity did good work. It didn’t deserve to crumble. Neither did Tristan’s firm.

Did her staying away from Tristan change any of that?

Damn it, she missed him.

Sitting here wasn’t giving her solutions, and she couldn’t sleep. Maybe a drive would help clear her head.

It was almost eleven on a Saturday night. The farther she got from downtown, the less traffic she saw.

She didn’t realize she was heading toward the real estate firm until she turned down the street it was on. She might have ended up here by mistake, but she knew that wasn’t true.

Maybe she’d drive by his house next—torture herself a little more. Hell, if she was feeling like going full stalker, she’d figure out where this condo of his was, that he kept for social gatherings, and check it out now.

His car was in the parking lot. The Subaru hatchback with all the bells and whistles. Her heart lodged in her throat. It jammed tighter when she saw a single light on in the building, coming from his office.

She needed to keep driving, but she couldn’t. She didn’t want to do this alone. Parenthood. Life.

Sure, she could, but she didn’t have to. Tristan would stand by her. There was no doubt in her mind. And things would be a lot easier to figure things out with him than it would be without him.

Victoria parked her car next to his, and reached for her phone to call him. She came up empty-handed as she searched through her purse. This whole thing had her so distracted she’d left it at home.

She picked through the snow along the narrow path surrounding the building, and approached his office window.

His head was bent, his attention focused on his screen.

She tapped on the glass, and his head flew up, his eyes wide. He squinted, then focused on her. A smile spread across his face, and her world start to right itself. He held up an index finger, and walked from the room.

She scurried to meet him at the front door. He arrived seconds after she did, flipped the lock open, and pushed the door open.

“What are you doing here?” he asked.

She didn’t have the right words. She threw her arms around his neck, and kissed him hard. It knocked them both off balance, but they recovered, and stumbled back into the building.

When he hugged her tight, and crushed his mouth to hers, the broken pieces inside her slid back into place.

He broke away with a gasp, search her eyes. “We need to talk.” His voice was gravel.

“We do, but let me go first, please? Or I might chicken out.”


TRISTAN WAS SURPRISED at how late it was, but that took a back seat to Victoria being here. He wanted to tell her what he’d found. That everything would be all right. That he loved her.

But he would hear her out first, because she asked. Unless it was another we can’t be together speech. Given the way she lingered in his arms, he doubted that was the case.

He brushed his lips over hers again. “You first then.”

“We’ve spent our entire lives being who we thought other people expected us to be, and resenting them for it. When I left Hollywood, I said I wouldn’t do that anymore, and I’m done. I don’t care if being together costs me my job. I mean, I do, but we’ll deal with it together. And the rest of it, we’ll figure that out too. But only if you’ll work with me on it.”

He tugged her fingers from around his neck, grasped her hand, and led her to the receptionist desk. Hands on her hips, he lifted her to sit on top, then kissed her on the nose. “You look tired.”

“You’re being condescending.”

“No. I’m being an asshole by making you wait for an answer, but you do look tired. When was the last time you slept?

“When was the last time I was at your house?”

He hated how much stress this caused her. He shouldn’t add to it by teasing. Tristan kissed her forehead, then her nose, and then pressed his lips to hers. “Yes, to everything you said. I agree. Also, I love you.”

Her smile was one he’d pay everything to see again and again. “So we’ll figure this out together?” she asked.

“Always. But not this time. Not the firm stuff, anyway.

A frown sneaked in. “I don’t like that. Also, why are you here so late?”

“I’m figuring things out.”

Her smile was back. She draped her arms over his shoulders again, and pulled him close. He nudged her legs apart with his knee and slid between her thighs.

“I missed you.” He trailed his lips up her neck, inhaling the faint scent of peaches. The sweats and baggy T-shirt she wore, reminded him of their first night together. That moment when he saw a glimpse of the woman he’d fallen for.

“Don’t change the subject.” When she pressed into him, the weight of her breasts was warm and soft against his chest. “What did you figure out?”

“I’ve put together enough pieces to try to put a hold on the investigation, and most likely clear things up. That includes the accusations against you, for embezzlement.”

She teased her fingertips along the short hairs on the back of his neck, sending a pleasant shiver through him. “You’ve been busy. How are you going to do any of that?”

“I’m pretty sure he’s keeping two sets of books. And according to Ash, that’s a minor thing compared to what he’s been doing. But I’ve got potential proof of forgery, and that’s what we need to get the IRS off our backs.”

“Holy shit. I should dump you more often.”

That sounded like such a horrible idea, he wouldn’t point out splitting up was a mutual decision. “Don’t you dare.”

“Never ever again.” She rested her forehead against his shoulder.

He placed a finger under her chin, and raised her head to meet her gaze. “We should celebrate.”

“Hmm. What do you have in mind?”

He glided his other hand under her shirt and up her spine. She arched her back, pressing tighter against him.

“Seeing how much abuse the receptionist desk can take.” He slid to her torso, then cupped her breast through the fabric of her bra.

Her lips parted in a silent sigh. “What if someone comes by?” Her question was breathy.

“It’s eleven at night.” He dipped his head to suck on the soft skin of her neck. Tonight he didn’t care about leaving marks.

“I came by.”

“Then they can watch, but I’m not sharing.”

“Good.” She wasn’t interested in anyone but him, and she couldn’t imagine that changing.