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Hearts of Fire by L.H. Cosway (18)

Mystery came knocking once more


I barely slept a wink that night. After sitting and talking with Matilda for more than two hours, we exchanged numbers, and she called for a taxi to bring her back to her hotel. When she called Jay, he told her that he was in Jack’s camper and that he wouldn’t be returning until late. He didn’t give any more details than that, which was frustrating. I desperately wanted to know what was happening and how Jack was feeling, but I forced myself to be selfless. This wasn’t about me, this was about the brothers.

I stayed the night in Lola’s room. The past few weeks I’d basically started living at Jack’s place, but I knew I wasn’t welcome there right now. If not because he and Jay needed time alone with one another, then because he considered me a Judas. He thought I had betrayed him, and I didn’t know if just because he was embracing Jay that he’d forgiven me, too. I finally fell asleep in the early hours of the morning/passed out from emotional and physical exhaustion. Take your pick.

When I woke up, Lola’s bed was empty, and the alarm clock told me it was past one in the afternoon. I shot up in the bed and hurriedly pulled on some clothes. I didn’t even stop to grab breakfast. Instead, I made my way directly to Jack’s camper. I knocked on the door a number of times but received no answer, and when I peered in the window, it didn’t look like anyone was home. Dejected, I returned to Violet’s, where I found Lola in the lounge, reading some magazines.

“Wow, you look like someone just told you your cat died,” she said, taking in my appearance. “So, what was all that last night with Jay Fields?” she went on curiously. I let out a long sigh, sat down across from her, and recited the tale from beginning to end. By the time I was done, Lola was staring at me with her jaw hanging open.

“That’s some crazy story,” she said, and then her eyes took on a mischievous gleam. “Okay, so is it wrong that I’m visualising some brother-on-brother action right now? Because that’s one sexy threesome opportunity right there.”

I threw a cushion at her head. “Lola! That’s so wrong — firstly because it’s incest, and secondly because Jay is a married man.”

“Oh, fine, go and piss all over my fantasies, why don’t you?”

I just shook my head at her, a tiny smile shaping my lips. The girl had a knack for making me feel better even when I was at my lowest. My smile faded quickly, though, and Lola noticed.

“He’ll forgive you, Lille. Quit fretting about it. That man is head over heels for you. I’ve seen it with my own two eyes.”

I glanced at her, praying she was right. The rest of the day passed restlessly for me. I tried to concentrate on some sketches, but it was no use. I even offered to wash the outside of the camper van for Violet and Lola. Violet looked at me like I needed mental help for wanting to do such a thing, but she let me clean it all the same. Losing myself in scrubbing the dirt off the van occupied my mind for a little while, but as soon I finished I was itching to find Jack again.

I tried calling his phone but got no answer. This wasn’t too unusual though, because he often forgot to carry it on him. When I called Matilda she told me that Jack and Jay were spending the day together, and that she was hanging out at the hotel by herself. She offered for me to come and join her, but I declined. I wouldn’t have been good company right then.

I sat on the steps of Violet’s camper, sipping on a mug of red wine (she didn’t own any glasses) to soothe my nerves, when King ambled up to me and sat down. It was unexpected, but I didn’t question it. My emotions were all over the place, so I merely accepted his company for what it was.

“It doesn’t help, you know,” he said and I glanced at him.


He nodded to the wine. “It numbs but it doesn’t heal. It numbs you just enough every time to make you forget that it doesn’t heal. It’s like Western medicine, treating the symptom and ignoring the cause. So, forget about the symptom and look at the cause,” he stopped and pointed his finger harshly into my arm to drive home his point. “That’s where you’ll find the cure.”

What he said made perfect sense, but still, it irked me that he didn’t take his own advice. “If you know all this, then why don’t you treat your cause? Why do you continue to medicate the symptom?”

“Ah,” he said, letting out a long, weary sigh. “Some of us are too far gone for all that.”

A silence elapsed as the noise from the crowds coming to see the circus began to grow louder. I decided I wasn’t going to work that night; I wasn’t in the right frame of mind. I did, however, know what I was in the right frame of mind for.

“King,” I started and he turned to me. I swallowed. “You know that picture you have of the woman?” He nodded, eyes narrowing warily. “Could I…I mean, would you like me to paint it for you?”

I shivered as I waited for his response. I wasn’t even sure why I wanted to do it, but for some reason I thought he’d like to have a painting of his Alexis that he could keep.

“That way, if you ever lose the photograph again, you’ll still have the painting.”

More silence, and then, ever so slightly and without breathing a word, he nodded his head. Digging into his pocket, he pulled out the worn photo and handed it to me. I took it with care and then went to gather some of the supplies I still kept in Lola’s bedroom. King sat and watched me as I set up and began to paint. I painted well into the small hours of the morning, as the grey light of the coming day began to slowly filter into the sky.

Wiping the perspiration from my brow, I stood back and took in my work. I was satisfied with the end result, and felt like I’d managed to capture the happiness on the woman’s face as she stared into the camera. Without my realising it, King had come to stand beside me, and when I looked at him his pale blue eyes were watery with tears. Even though I’d been the one to create the painting, I felt like this was a private moment for him, so I went inside to scrub my hands. When I returned, both the painting and King were gone.

He’d taken it, and that was good enough for me. I’d made something that held meaning for him, and it gave me a sense of peace. When I finally went to bed, I found that I’d exhausted myself enough to sleep.


The next day I woke up to my phone ringing. Checking the time, I found it was past two in the afternoon and my heart jumped to know I’d slept half the day away. I noted that it was Matilda’s number flashing on the screen, and when I answered she asked me if I had any dinner plans. Apparently, Jay and Jack were still getting reacquainted with one another, and she wanted some company.

It filled my heart with good feelings to know the brothers were still bonding, which soothed some of the ache inside me. I told her I’d love to, and we hung up with plans to meet in a couple of hours at the restaurant beside her hotel. Lola forced me to take a shower and gave me a loan of some clothes to wear, which consisted of an emerald green skater dress and a navy cardigan. The green was surprisingly complementary to my skin tone, and after blow-drying my hair with Lola’s tiny travel hair dryer, I felt a little better about myself.

I had enough cash to spare, so I took a taxi into the city, getting out when I arrived at the restaurant. Running my hand through my hair and hitching my bag up on my shoulder, I stepped inside and was immediately hit with the sound of male laughter. I was drawn to that sound, and as my eyes scanned the space for Matilda, I found her, but she wasn’t alone. She sat at a booth-style table beside Jay, and Jack sat on the other side, wearing a long-sleeved black T-shirt and with his hair down. My stomach tightened when I saw him, and I got the distinct sense that this was an ambush. I stood there, taking in the scene, as Jay made some kind of joke, smiling widely across the table at his brother, and Jack smirked at whatever he said.

“I swear to God,” Jay exclaimed, gesturing animatedly with his hands. “I’m standing in front of this chick, asking her to pick a number between one and twenty, and she starts telling me about her yeast infection. I’m like, and I need to know this why? Selecting random people on the street can be fucking weird sometimes.”

Jack laughed low and deep, and when he glanced at his brother with genuine affection in his eyes, my heart did a little somersault. I couldn’t believe the turnaround since the other night. The atmosphere between them had completely transformed. I didn’t move until Matilda’s eyes landed on me and she gave me a warm, welcoming smile. Stepping forward, I reached the table and just about managed to find my voice.

“Uh, hi.”

Jack’s back was turned to me, but I saw him tense the second he heard my voice. Yeah, he definitely didn’t know I was coming. I wasn’t sure whether I should be thanking Matilda or chewing her out for tricking me. Jay saw me and smiled, then gave me a little wink.

“Hey, darlin.”

“Lille,” said Matilda, “I’m so glad you could make it. You look gorgeous. Love your dress. Come, sit down.”

Anxiously, I slid into the booth next to Jack, but he didn’t acknowledge me. Making sure to keep several inches of distance between us, I frowned and stared at the menu that lay on the table, trying to decide whether or not I should stay. He clearly didn’t want me here.

“Jack,” I said quietly as I took in his handsome profile. Upon hearing his name, he turned to me, and when he met my eyes, it nearly took my breath away. They held such stark emotion that I was sure was mirrored in my own. “H-how are you?” I asked, trying for casual and failing. His gaze travelled from my face to my shoulders, and then down. I felt hot and itchy under his stare, and I could have killed to know what he was thinking.

“I’m good, all things considered,” he answered finally, and I couldn’t read him at all.

Jay leaned down and whispered something in Matilda’s ear. She narrowed her gaze and elbowed him in the side. “No way, Jay. I already told you no, so quit pestering me.”

I tried to focus on them, but I was still hyper aware of every little move Jack made, every breath he took.

“Oh, come on, Watson. You need to live a little.”

“What’s this?” I asked, not really caring what they were talking about. I just needed to distract myself from the tension that was radiating off Jack.

Matilda leaned in, sighed, and rested her elbows on the table. “My husband, the horndog, has been trying to convince me to join the mile-high club. I swear to God, every time we take a flight, he’s at it. Like a dog with a bone.”

Jay barked playfully and leaned in to nip her earlobe with his teeth. Seeing them both so much in love made my current heartsickness feel that much worse. Jack was right beside me, but it felt like there was an ocean between us. I turned to look at him again and saw his lips twitch slightly at his brother’s antics. I could see in his eyes the love that was there; it even seemed like he looked up to Jay. Hardly two days had gone by, and already the dynamic they’d had as kids was returning. I imagined they must have done some serious amount of talking.

The waiter appeared at our table then. He was a handsome Italian guy with dark eyes and dark hair, and he spoke very good English. I wasn’t even hungry and the menu was practically gibberish to me, but I forced myself to pick something. When it was my turn to order, I glanced up at the waiter for help. “Um, what is the Milanese di pollo?”

“It’s a breaded chicken breast with salad,” he answered, giving me a warm, interested smile. Something about the way he looked at me told me he liked what he saw, and I grew uncomfortable, mainly because Jack was right beside me.

“Oh, right, okay, that sounds good,” I said. “I’ll take that.”

The waiter must have sensed I was ordering it for convenience, and he was right, because I wasn’t a big fan of breaded chicken. He leaned down and took the menu in his hands, holding it in front of me. “You tell me what you like and I’ll choose, yes? What is your favourite: steak, seafood, pasta?”

“I like seafood,” I offered.

“Ah, so how about the zuppa di pesce? It is a fish stew.”

“That sounds good, thank you,” I replied, smiling gratefully.

“It is my pleasure, bella ragazza,” he said, and placed his hand on my shoulder for a second. All of a sudden I felt heat at my neck, and I realised that Jack had leaned in and was resting his arm along the back of the booth. I glanced at him to see he was staring daggers at the waiter, and my pulse hammered. Whoa, he looked angry. The waiter left quickly after taking in Jack’s expression, and a quiet fell over the table.

Matilda gave me a playful grin. “Do you know what he just called you?”

I shook my head. “I don’t know much Italian.”

“He called you a beautiful girl. Methinks the waiter likes you, Lille.”

I grew both tense and elated that Jack was pissed at the waiter flirting with me.

“I was chatting with a woman in the hotel spa the other day. She’s from London, and she said she loves coming here because she gets so much attention from the men. They love the pale skin,” Matilda went on, and I had a feeling she knew exactly what she was up to. She was trying to make Jack jealous, and it seemed to be working. I stole a peek at him again, my cheeks flushing, and I found he was staring at me intensely.

“So, tell me,” said Jay, breaking my attention away from Jack. “How did you two kids meet?”

Jack gave him an annoyed look and remained silent, so I chose to answer, clearing my throat. “The circus was doing some shows in my hometown. I was working at my summer job in the local restaurant, and Jack used to come in a lot with Marina. She’s the ringmaster.” I could feel Jack watching me as I continued the story shyly. “I was always looking at him. I thought he was gorgeous. I dunno, I suppose you could say I had a bit of a crush.”

Jack made a grunting sound that I wasn’t quite sure how to interpret. Jay had been grinning at me while I spoke, but now his attention went to his brother. “Oh, yeah, and what did you think of lovely Lille when you first saw her, Jack?”

Jack didn’t answer right away, but when he did, I felt myself grow weak at his low, fervent response. “I thought she was exquisite. And not for the likes of me.”

Jay frowned, and I was blushing even harder now. God, I loved this man so much.

“Well, I don’t think Lille agrees with that assessment, do you, darlin?” Jay asked, focusing back on me. I shook my head and felt my body lean slightly closer to Jack’s. His fingertips brushed the back of my neck, and I sucked in a breath at the contact. The moment was broken when the waiter arrived back with our food. He didn’t flirt with me this time, not after having Jack almost glower him to death before, and left as soon as he’d distributed the plates.

I lifted my spoon and began to eat. The stew was delicious, hot and salty. I had one hand resting on the edge of the booth and noticed that Jack’s hand rested just a few inches away. Feeling bold, I moved my hand so it rested against his. I felt the heat of his skin all the way down to my toes. A few moments passed, but he didn’t break the contact. Perhaps he craved it just as much as I did.

Throughout the meal, I stole glances at him. I knew Jay and Matilda could see, but I tried to ignore their indulgent smiles. At one point when I tried to look at Jack, I found he was already staring at me, his eyes trained on my mouth. I’d just eaten a spoonful of stew, and a little of the liquid had dribbled down my chin. Almost as though it was second nature, Jack lifted his thumb and wiped it away. I watched as he then brought his thumb to his mouth to suck it clean, and as soon as I saw him do it, I was wet and aching for him.

“Jack,” I whispered, and moved my leg so our thighs touched.

“What is it, flower?” he asked, just as quietly.

“I’m sorry.”

His lips turned down sadly. “I know you are. I know.”

An agonising moment of quiet passed before Matilda spoke. “You know what I want to do tonight? I want to go dancing. We should all go to a club or something.”

Jay chuckled. “Okay, Watson. Your wish is my command. Admit it, you just want to see me bust some sexy moves on the dance floor.”

“Well, what’s the point in having a husband who can dance if I’m not going to take advantage of it every now and again?”

Jay stared fondly down at his wife before looking to Jack. “What about you, bro? You like to bust a move, too?”

Jack looked uncomfortable for a second, so I answered for him. “Um, have you seen him on stage? Of course he likes to dance, but it’s more like a tribal sort of thing.” I slid my pinky around Jack’s beneath the table, and he let me.

“It’s actually called Poi dancing,” Jack explained gruffly. “It’s Maori, from New Zealand.”

I rubbed my pinky along his, and a moment later he gripped my hand tight, giving it a squeeze. The emotions I was feeling in that moment were almost too much to bear.

“Oh, yeah, and where did you learn how to do that?” Jay probed.

Jack seemed embarrassed now. “I took classes.”

Matilda leaned forward with interest. “In Dublin? Really? I didn’t know you could learn that kind of thing back home.”

Jack’s brow crinkled slightly as he stuck his fork into his linguine. “It was combined with a belly dancing class.” He paused, frowning, but then his lips twitched. “Don’t laugh.”

Despite Jack’s instruction, Jay let out a big chuckle, and Matilda giggled. “That’s nothing to be embarrassed about. I bet the ladies in the class were drooling all over themselves to have you there.”

“Hey!” Jay protested, scowling impishly at his wife.

“What?” Matilda exclaimed. “Jack grew up well. Just like you did. Never let it be said that the McCabe/Fields brothers don’t bulk up once they hit puberty.”

“I can’t believe you’re the same girl I knew as a kid,” said Jack with a smile. “I remember you used to give me chocolate chip cookies all the time. In my head, I called you Cookie Girl.”

“In my head, I call her something else,” Jay put in flirtatiously, and Matilda whacked him on the shoulder.

“You always have to lower the tone,” she complained, but she was still grinning.

Jay flashed his teeth at her as he smiled. “You love it.”

For a second I forgot the tension between Jack and me, and soaked in the fun-loving atmosphere that simply radiated off this couple. They were so enjoyable to be around, and I was sure it was their warmth that was lessening Jack’s distance from me. I’d eaten way too much bread and olive oil, mostly out of nerves, so when it was time for dessert, I didn’t have much room left. I turned to Jack, and he must have sensed my attention because his eyes came to mine.

“Do you want to share something? I don’t have enough room left for a full dessert,” I said, rubbing my hand over my tummy. Jack’s gaze heated up and wandered to my stomach before rising to my chest. The dress I wore was a little bit low-cut and showed what I thought was a classy amount of cleavage.

“What do you want, flower?” he murmured quietly.

My attention flickered to the menu. “Um, the tiramisu looks good.”

“Then order it, and we’ll share.”

I noticed Matilda giving me an encouraging smile, and I grew self-conscious. Still, I craved Jack’s touch like a drug, and while the brothers chatted and we waited for dessert to arrive, I tentatively leaned my head on his shoulder. After an emotional two days I was tired, and I really just wished we could go somewhere and be alone. Talk things out. I heard him let out a long sigh, and before I knew it, his big arm came down around my shoulders and pulled me in tight.

“Awww!” said Matilda in delight the moment she saw. “You two make such a beautiful couple.”

Jack gave his usual uncomfortable grunt, and I glanced away shyly.

“No, seriously,” she went on. “You both look so striking together. Your colouring’s so light, and Jack’s is so dark.”

I savoured the heat of Jack’s body and hastened a glance at him from beneath my lashes. I wasn’t expecting it when he leaned in, brought his mouth to my ear, and whispered, “She should see us when we fuck.”

My eyes went wide, and I swear every hair on my body was standing on end. Jay was watching us with amusement, and Matilda looked like she was dying to know what Jack had said. I for one was glad that she hadn’t. It would have been mortifying. I was grateful for the distraction when the dessert arrived. Jack handed me a spoon, our fingers grazing when I took it. He watched as I dug in. I could only manage three or four mouthfuls before my stomach started to complain, so I let him finish the rest.

After dinner Matilda used her phone to search for the nearest dance club. Apparently, when Jack told Marina about reuniting with his long-lost brother, she’d insisted he take some time off to be with him, so we didn’t need to hurry back for the show. Since Turin had been such a successful stop for the circus, I’d made enough money painting faces to justify taking another night off, too. Besides, there was absolutely nothing right then that would make me leave Jack’s side. He might have warmed up to me over dinner, but I still wanted to apologise properly. Explain that I never had any ill intentions by sending Jay his letter.

The club we ended up in was loud and crowded. A couple of men gave me interested looks, but they quickly aimed that interest elsewhere when they saw Jack standing behind me. I hated to admit it, but I loved that he was being all possessive. It meant he still cared.

After we all shared a drink at the bar, Jay led Matilda to the dance floor, leaving Jack and me alone for the first time that night. We stood side by side, watching the gyrating bodies, and I didn’t know what to say. It wasn’t like he’d be able to hear me anyway, since the music was loud enough to wake the dead.

I felt his hot, humid breath on my neck when he leaned down and shouted over the music, “I’m going outside for a smoke.”

“I’ll come with you,” I shouted back, and followed him out the side of the club and into an alleyway. A couple of people hung about, smoking and chatting in Italian. I stood close to the wall and watched as Jack pulled a pack of smokes from his pocket, then used a match to light one up. He took a drag, still holding the match in his hand as the smoke rose off it slowly and drifted into the air. His eyes came to me, and they held unmistakable heat. I knew we were both remembering the same thing, our first night together, making love out in the open. He’d used a hot match against my nipples, awakening a hunger inside me I didn’t even know was there.

He seemed taken off guard when I closed the distance between us to stand before him. Our eyes met, and there was a question in his when I took the match from him and brought it to my chest. Dragging it over the rise of my breasts, I gasped when its heat scorched my skin and heard Jack emit a strangled groan.

“What are you doing, Lille?”

“I miss you.”

He dragged his hand through his hair. “I miss you, too.”

“I’m so sorry for betraying your trust, Jack. You’re the most important person in my life, and I’ll do anything to win your forgiveness.” I continued running the match over my skin, and my nipples were rock hard beneath my bra.

His voice was strained. “Will you…could you stop doing that? It’s fucking distracting.”

“I like distracting you,” I murmured.

“You don’t have to try to distract me, Lille. It already comes natural,” he answered, his voice thick with warning. I dropped the match and let out a breath.

“You seem happy with Jay,” I ventured.

Jack tilted his head, staring up at the sky as he spoke. “I am happy. I’m still trying to get my head around it all. It’s kind of surreal. It’s like there’s this whole back story to our family that I never even knew about.”

I nodded. “Yeah, Matilda and I talked last night. She told me all about it.” I paused, trying to figure out what to say next. “I shouldn’t have gone behind your back,” I told him sadly. “I should have figured out a better way.”

“You did what you thought was right. I’m not gonna lie, Lille. I’m still fucking angry that you stole the letter. You can’t just go around meddling in people’s lives like that, but I’ll admit in this case, the end result was a good one. It wrecks me to know you took such a huge risk for me, and at the same time it makes me want to strangle someone, because shit, my words were private, and you read them.”

I didn’t disagree with a single thing he’d said. “I’m too curious. I really didn’t read it with any kind of ulterior motives. I just wanted to know you so badly. I had such strong feelings for you even then, and I had a moment of weakness. But Jack, the pain in what you wrote wasn’t something I could ignore. I cared about you too much to just let you go on suffering, so I put myself on the line. I thought that if I could reunite you with your family, then it would be worth it, even it meant you’d hate me after. Now I understand that the way I thought was silly, because I can’t handle losing you. You’re in my skin now, Jack. You’re the love of my life, and I need you so much I can’t breathe with it.”

A solitary tear streamed down my face, and I cursed myself for crying. I was being an emotional fool, making a show of myself in a dirty alley outside a nightclub. But then Jack was in front of me, his hard body pressing into mine, caging me in warmth as he brought his hand to my cheek and wiped away the tear.

“Flower,” he murmured, taking my chin in his hand, his fingers grazing my throat, “if you think I could let you go, then you seriously underestimate the kind of man I am.”

His words made me crumble. I was gone. A mess. And when he brought his mouth to mine for an intense kiss full of unspoken words and promises, I almost lost the ability to hold myself upright. Jack’s tongue slid inside my mouth and he let out a feral growl, backing me up into the wall almost painfully. His mouth captured mine, possessed every inch of my insides, causing tingles to radiate down my spine. I moaned and he swallowed it, gripping my neck in his tight grasp and pressing his hardness into my belly.

“I can’t be gentle tonight, Lille,” he said, his voice a carnal warning, and I whimpered.

“I don’t want you to be.”

“You need to be punished.”

“Punish me, then.”

Before I could think another thought, his hand was under the hem of my dress, smoothing up my thigh and seeking refuge inside my underwear. His long fingers opened me quickly, rubbing down my slit, finding my entrance, and plunging in without preamble. I gasped at how perfectly he filled me. There were people only feet away from us, but no street lights shone on our unlit corner. We were shrouded in the privacy of darkness.

I yelped in surprise when Jack’s mouth came down on my neck, his sharp teeth grazing my skin before biting down hard. My entire body shook against him, my breaths coming out choppy and laboured.

“Jack,” I breathed.

“I told you I couldn’t be gentle, flower,” he ground out, fingers pumping while his thumb found my clit. The pressure was delicious, perfect, and I knew it wasn’t going to be long before I came.

“I want…to…ask you a question.”

His tongue licked at the shell of my ear. “Then ask.”

“Why do you call me flower?”

I didn’t have to look to know he was smiling that glorious smile, the one that lit up his face from the inside out.

“Because when I touch you, you fucking bloom,” he answered, and it was right on his final word that I came with a startling intensity. His fingers left me and rubbed along my folds. “I’ll never get tired of the way you feel. This is mine,” he grunted into my ear, but I had no answering words. All I could do was nod. When I finally found my voice, I let out a breathy, “Yours,” and it felt like his entire body vibrated with approval. Just as he was setting my dress back to rights and I was nibbling at his neck, my face pressed into his hot skin, the door to the club opened, and someone stepped out.

A moment later I heard Jay call, “Jack, Lille, are you two out here?”

It only took a moment for him to spot us. I was still coming down from my orgasm, my body trembling against Jack’s as he held me in his arms. My hands were fisted in his shirt.

“There you are,” said Jay, a knowing lilt to his voice. I glanced at him for a moment to see him smirking to high heavens. Jack shook his head at his brother’s cheery demeanour and said, “We’ll be in in a minute.”

Jay raised his hands in the air. “Hey, no rush. Matilda’s in the bathroom, powdering her nose or whatever shit women do in bathrooms. She’s been gone a while, so I was wondering if Lille could go check on her, but I see she’s otherwise indisposed at the moment.” I bristled with embarrassment, self-conscious that Jay could see the “I just came” flush to my cheeks. I drew in a deep breath and ran my hands down my dress.

“It’s okay. I can go find her,” I said, and slid out of the cage of Jack’s body. I tried to put one foot in front of the other, which was difficult given my current state, but I just about managed to reach the door. Jay held it open, Jack heavy on my heels, and I stepped back inside to the throbbing beat of the music. Just before heading to the bathroom, I turned around to see Jay reach out and ruffle Jack’s hair, like he was congratulating him. Jack half scowled, half grinned at his brother and gave him a little shove. It made my heart squeeze so see them acting like such siblings, and I hurried on to find Matilda. When I reached the bathroom, she was standing by the sinks, washing her hands.

“Lille,” she said when she saw me. “Oh, you look like a woman who just got what she wanted. I take it you and Jack are back on track, then?”

I looked away sheepishly before replying, “Yeah, I think we are. I really should thank you for inviting me to dinner. I’ll be honest, when I first realised it was a setup, I kind of wanted to strangle you for a second, but I know now that your heart was in the right place.”

She seemed taken aback by my words and gave me a shy smile. “You’re welcome. I’m happy to help.”

A moment of quiet elapsed while Matilda reached inside her purse and retrieved some money to give to the bathroom attendant. I stood there, suddenly overcome with the need to embrace her. She must have noticed, because when she looked at me, she asked, “What?”

“This is going to sound weird, but can I give you a hug?”

She laughed. “Of course you can.”

I went to her, wrapping my arms around her small frame. I guessed that after all we’d been through reuniting Jack and Jay, I felt a sense of kinship towards her.

“I suppose we’re sort of sisters-in-law now,” she said warmly.

“Well, if Jack and I ever marry, it won’t be for a long time, but yeah, I suppose you could call us that.”

Matilda grinned as she pulled away. “Hmm, I don’t think you need a ring on your finger with Jack. The way he looks at you says it all. You’re it for him.”

“It’s a little early to say that,” I hastened, but she cut me off. The shine in her eyes told me she was tipsy, which explained the soppy sentiment that came out of her next.

“Oh, Lille, there’s never too early when true love is involved.”

Her words made me grin, because she’d definitely had a few. I let her lead me back out into the club. We didn’t immediately find the brothers, but a song came on that Matilda liked, so I let her lead me onto the dance floor. We danced for a minute or two, the crush of the bodies surrounding us strangely liberating, when I felt familiar arms come around my middle.

“I can still smell you on my hand,” Jack growled into my ear, his voice sending delicious spikes of awareness right to my core. Our bodies moved to the beat, and I looked to see Jay join Matilda, taking her into his arms and doing a cute little dancey hug.

“Wait ’til I get you home tonight — you’re gonna fucking ache in the morning.”

I twisted in his hold to face him, my breasts pushing into his hard chest as we continued to dance. I trembled, enjoying the friction between our bodies.

“I’m already aching for you,” I said, going up on my tiptoes to shout into his ear.

His lips tipped up at the edges as he swept my hair over my shoulder and gripped the back of my neck. “What do you want me to do to you, flower?”

The loudness of the club, the heat, the sweat, and Jack’s potent masculinity all combined to make me brave, more open with my desires. “I want your tongue between my legs,” I said, and I felt rather than heard the rumble emanate from Jack’s chest. “I want you to make love to me so hard I end up sore.”

His other arm squeezed tighter around my waist, and when I met his eyes, they practically blazed with his desire for me. I could feel him hardening again, and it gave me a little thrill to know my words had done that to him, to know there were hundreds of people surrounding us. Jack used his grip on my neck to tilt my head back, and before I knew it, he was sinking his tongue deep inside my mouth, moving it in slow delicious thrusts that made me envision his cock inside me.

By the time we came up for air, the DJ was playing a completely different song, and Jay was tapping Jack on the shoulder.

“I think it’s time we get out of there,” he shouted as we followed him to the bar, where it was quieter. Jack held my hand in his. “How about we head out to the circus? I want to meet the people you live with.”

Jack nodded, and a couple of minutes later we were huddled in a taxi. Jay sat in the front and began doing a card trick for the driver. Matilda scolded him for distracting the man, saying we’d all end up in a crash. I watched in fascination, the side of my body moulded to Jack’s as Jay shuffled a deck of cards in a way I’d never seen before. At least not in real life.

It looked like the show had just ended when we arrived at the circus, because there were dozens of cars blocking the road as the audience left the tent and headed back into the city. We got out, the cool night air kissing my skin. Jack led the way to the gazebo, where most everyone would be hanging out after the show. I thought he seemed a little excited to introduce Jay as his brother. Before we got there, though, we stopped in our tracks as a terrified scream rang out somewhere close by.

“What was that?” Matilda asked, moving closer to her husband, a wary look on her face.

“It sounded like a scream,” I said, skin prickling. This was eerily similar to the night Lola was attacked, and when I met Jack’s gaze, I knew he was thinking the exact same thing. Before any of us could say another word, we heard footsteps pounding hurriedly toward us, and I jumped in fright when Julie emerged around the side of a camper. She was wearing a silk robe that was torn at the shoulder, her stage outfit on underneath, and blood was trickling down from a cut on her eyebrow. Her eyes were wide and full of terror

It struck me as odd that my initial reaction was to go to her, help her, even after all she’d done to me. I let go of Jack’s hand and stopped her by placing my hands on her shoulders.

“Julie, what happened?” I asked, frantic.

Her chest heaved in panic, but as she took us all in, she seemed to find her voice. “He came after me. He hurt me,” she sobbed before breaking down into tears.

Jack stood in front of Julie and spoke firmly. “Listen to me, you need to tell us what happened.”

“A man in a mask broke into my camper. He…he attacked me, tried to rape me, but I punched him and managed to get away.”

Jay let out a low whistle, and I looked at him to see he had one eyebrow raised as he took in Julie’s state of distress. He was staring at her very closely, but I couldn’t tell what on earth he must have been thinking.

“I’m calling the police,” said Matilda, her phone already out of her bag as she held it to her ear.

When I looked at Jack, it was almost as if we were having a silent conversation. We both knew what this meant. Julie’s attacker sounded all too similar to Lola’s, which had happened all the way back in Orléans. It was way too much of a coincidence. This was the same guy. And if it was the same guy, the chances were likely that this person was someone in the circus. We all helped lead Julie back to her camper, where, sure enough, the door was wide open and a few bits of furniture lay tossed aside from the scuffle.

A few minutes later her sisters arrived, full of concern, and I relayed to them what had happened. Matilda hung up the phone and told us that the police were on their way; we just had to wait for them to get there. Now that her sisters were with Julie, the rest of us weren’t really needed anymore, so we began walking in the direction of Jack’s camper. None of us were much in the mood for continuing with our night, though.

“So you’re telling me this happened before,” said Jay, now rolling a dice between his fingers as he walked beside us, Matilda on his left.

“Yes,” I answered. “My friend Lola was attacked back in Orléans. And a couple of years ago, a dancer with the circus was raped and killed. All evidence seems to be indicating that the culprit works here.”

“Hmm,” Jay murmured, and rubbed at the stubble on his chin. “Curiouser and curiouser.”

“What are you thinking?” Matilda asked, eyeing her husband with interest.

Instead of answering her, Jay stopped walking to stand in front of us. We all paused mid-stride, and Jay looked to Jack. “How many people live here? Forty? Fifty?”

Jack nodded. “About that, why?”

Jay waved aside his question to ask another of his own. “Do you think you could gather them all in the tent tomorrow, say around lunchtime?”

“I could try.”

“It has to be everyone. And I mean, everyone — well, except for the kids,” Jay went on, a wicked gleam in his eye and an expression that told me he was forming some kind of plan.

“Oh, God, what are you up to now? This better not be anything dodgy,” said Matilda warily before addressing Jack and me. “He’s always coming up with hare-brained schemes. He uses all his mentalist voodoo to trick people.”

Jay tugged on her wrist and pulled her into him, staring down at her fondly. “Ah, dear Watson, I’m not trying to trick anyone this time.” He paused for dramatic effect, eyeing each of us in turn. “I’m going to catch us a killer.”




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