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Heaven's Loss (Hell Yeah!) by Sable Hunter (14)




Two weeks later…


“Anything else, guys?” Seren asked a table full of cowboys, balancing the empty tray on her hip. “Last call.”

“Last call for alcohol!” One of the men raised his empty mug. “I’ll buy a round…for everybody!”

A chorus of ‘hell yeahs!” arose around the room. Hardbodies was jumping tonight.

“Coming right up,” Seren told him. Her smile was bright, but her feet were screaming. There was no doubt about it, she needed more comfortable shoes.

Hearing the chants, Emma and Doris set out to help Seren fill the order to deliver final drinks to the rowdy crowd. Once they were finished, the trio spent another hour after closing shutting the club down. Doris taught Seren that if it’s done right, setting up for the next day was a piece of cake. “How were your tips, hon?” the older waitress asked as she snapped gum between her teeth.

“Pretty good, I think. I haven’t counted yet,” Seren answered as she wiped down the tables.

“Anybody give you any trouble tonight?”

Seren knew the question stemmed from the recent run-in she’d had with Diego Valencia. “Nothing I couldn’t handle.”

“Be careful,” Doris warned her. “That Diego seems to be nothing but trouble.”

“I will,” Seren promised, chill bumps covering her body at the memory of what the man had said to her tonight.

You won’t always be in a crowd, little cock tease. One of these days I’ll get what I want from you.

Seren wanted to believe the man wouldn’t hurt her. From what she’d overheard, he worked at the Bar X ranch. The night she’d first noticed him, he was sharing a table with Cruz Catano from Tebow and another man she’d never seen before. At first, the shock of seeing someone familiar had lifted Seren’s spirits. She’d approached the table where Cruz sat with a huge smile on her face. Of course, Cruz had no memory of her and the men with him falsely interpreted her friendliness as sexual interest. To her dismay, Diego Valencia began to harass her at every opportunity. Now, she dreaded for him to make an appearance at the club. “I’m just glad he left early tonight. I’d hate for him to figure out I live behind Hardbodies.”

“Just keep your eyes open,” Doris advised before gathering the contents of the cash register to go into the safe in Isaac’s office.

After finishing the last table, Seren took the dirty rags to the kitchen. On the way, she heard someone knocking on the back door. “We have a visitor!”

“That’s probably Josh,” Emma called from behind the counter. “Would you let him in?”

“Sure thing.” Seren hurried to the rear of the club to unlock the back exit. Once she did, Emma’s husband stood there with a smile on his face and a weight bench in his hands. “Hello, Seren. Tell Emma I’m going to unload this stuff for the power lifting competition and then I’ll be up to fetch her.”

“Okay.” Seren didn’t move as Josh Long stepped into the hall to place the piece of exercise equipment next to the wall. “Oh, my God!” she whispered. She’d forgotten all about the event. “Canyon will be here!”

“Something wrong?” Josh asked as he entered the second time with a couple of barbells.

“Uh, no.” She turned away to do as he asked. On her way to see Emma, Seren’s head was spinning. Canyon would be at the power lifting event! “What do I do? What do I do?” She wanted to see him more than she wanted another breath – but she shouldn’t. Seren wasn’t sure how she’d react in his presence. “Emma, Josh is unloading equipment for the weightlifting event. He said he’d be up to join you as soon as he finished.”

“Great. Thanks.” Emma smiled in her direction. “I think he’s competing with the Tebow group and volunteered to bring some stuff. Since he went through rehab a while back, we have our own exercise room at home.”

“I’m sure that’s convenient. Better than having to go to a gym every day.” She held onto the counter for support, focusing on Emma to keep her mind off Canyon. Seren was amazed at how well the bartender functioned without sight. She didn’t seem to let anything stop her from doing what she wanted to do. Seren admired that.

“Is something wrong?” Emma asked. “Your voice is tense.”

“Oh, I’m good.” She pushed away. “Almost finished for the night.”

“Okay. Let me know when you’re ready to go. I saved you a plate of leftover potato skins and popcorn shrimp.”

“Yum. Thank you. I won’t forget.” Although the food sounded good, her stomach felt very unsettled. The notion of seeing Canyon again made her so nervous, she thought she might throw up. “I love him so,” Seren whispered as she made sure all the salt and pepper shakers were full for the next day. As she worked, the confrontation with Gregori kept replaying in her mind. “Nothing can happen. Nothing will happen.” 

“All done!” Josh announced. “Are you ready, honey?”

“I am. How about you two?” Emma called out to Doris and Seren.

“Locking up!” Doris yelled from the front. “You all go ahead. I’ll set the alarms.”

“Here I am.” Seren came up to join the husband and wife.

“And here’s your food.” Emma held out a plate covered with aluminum foil. “How are you enjoying the trailer?”

Josh laughed. “Don’t tell me you’re staying in that tin can in the back?”

“Hush.” Emma elbowed him. “The place has good memories for me. Don’t you remember the nights we spent there together?”

“Oh, I do. I do.” Josh leaned in to collect a kiss from his better half. “Just make sure you double lock that door. The latch would be easy to jimmy. Always use the deadbolt.”

“I will.” In light of her conversation with Doris, she vowed to remember to do as Josh advised. “Well, I guess I’ll see you all later.” Seren waved at her coworkers as she made her way out the back.

Once she was out in the night air, Seren took a breath and stared up at the black velvet sky. Above her, a zillion stars twinkled in the heavens. Closing her eyes, she tried to recall how it felt to sail among those stars. The memories were fuzzy – hazy. Granted, by all rights she should miss that freedom, she should miss heaven. Instead, all she missed was Canyon.

Nearby, a rustling noise in the bushes drew Seren’s attention. Josh’s warning came to mind and she hurried to the trailer, opened the door, and slipped inside to fasten both locks. Once the entrance was secure, she rested her head on the hard surface. “You’ll get through this. You don’t have a choice,” she murmured to herself. “All you have to do is go about your business and keep your distance.” Easier said than done, she’d have to do her job. Considering what they’d shared, it seemed odd to think Canyon wouldn’t remember a moment of their time together. Heck, even if he did, Seren looked so different, he wouldn’t recognize her anyway.


*  *  *


Setting the welding torch aside, Canyon wiped the sweat from his brow. Standing back, he surveyed his progress. “Pretty good. Pretty good.” The piece was taking shape. “It oughta be.” He’d been working on his angel every spare moment for the last two weeks. The only other thing he’d done, other than blacksmithing, was lifting weights for the damn competition. Truthfully, anything that kept him away from this piece when he was awake made him grouchy as an old bear. And when he tried to sleep, insomnia plagued him. Many nights, he slept only a few hours before coming here to the studio to bring his vision to life. The prospect of completing this angel seemed to be the only thing that brought him any kind of peace. When he did sleep, dreams haunted him. Dreams of an angelic woman whose face he couldn’t quite see.

But God…her touch. He ached for her.

The dreams were so real, he could feel her skin beneath his lips when he kissed her.

Lost in a memory, Canyon almost didn’t hear his cell phone ringing. Pulling it from his pocket, he noticed the caller ID. “Bull, how do you feel?”

“How do you think?” Bull laughed. “I’ve been freezing my balls off with this cryotherapy.”

“Hell, I know. Still, I think it’s better than radiation or chemo.” Since finding out his friend had cancer, Canyon had talked to Bull every day.

“I think you’re right.” Pausing for a minute, Bull sighed. “I hope this works. I’m not ready to hang up my hoe just yet.”

“It’ll work.” Canyon believed what he was saying, but having lost a child to cancer – he couldn’t help but worry. “How’s Isabella holding up?”

“She’s my rock. She refuses to believe for a second that I won’t be just fine.”

“Isabella’s a good woman.”

“Damn straight she is.”

Bull’s voice cracked a little and Canyon felt his own throat tighten. “Hey, are you two coming to Hardbodies tomorrow night.”

“I don’t know, Brady.”

“Do come if you can. It’ll do you good to get out and about. Isabella’s deserves a night on the town. She’s been at your side for days now.”

“You’re right. We’ll see what we can do. What time?”

“I have to head over early, but the event starts at seven. I’ll watch for you.”

“You do that…and Brady? Will you do something for me?”

Canyon could hear the tension in his friend’s voice. Bull Redford was one of the strongest men he knew, so hearing the uncertainty in his voice almost brought Canyon to his knees. “Yea, you know I will. Name it.”

“If something happens to me. Will you take care of Isabella?”

Canyon knew Isabella owned a ranch in Mexico big enough to rival any in the states. On that ranch worked people who’d been faithful to her family for generations. If anyone would be taken care of – it would be Isabella. Still, he’d do anything for them and he told Bull so. “You and Isabella can always count on me.”

“Thanks, friend.”

“Just remember. Everything’s going to be okay. You’re going to be okay. The checkup you had caught it early. You’re going to be good as new.”

Bull chuckled. “You always make me feel better, Brady. That’s why I count on talking to you every day.”

“I’m glad.”

“If you ever need me for anything. Anything. You know I’m here for you, buddy.”

“I know you are, Bull. I know you are.”

Once the call was finished, Canyon stepped back to study his angel. More than any piece he’d ever created, she seemed to speak to him. Somehow, his dreams had become connected to his art. Moving closer, he ran a hand down the elegant neck and over the swell of her feminine mounds. “Maybe I’ll dream of you again tonight. And this time…let me see your beautiful face.”


*  *  *


“First Willie serenades us and now this weight lifting competition. Whew!” Doris wiped her brow. “Sometimes work is just damn fun. I have never seen so many muscles in all my born days.” The older woman was practically drooling. “If I wasn’t married and maybe ten or fifteen years younger, I’d go proposition one of those Greek gods.”

“Which ones aren’t married or otherwise attached?”

This question was put forth by a young woman sitting at the bar. Seren didn’t know her. Since Doris had moved away to deliver a drink order, she attempted to answer, “Uh, I’m not familiar with all of them. I know Isaac, the owner of Hardbodies, he and his brother, Jacob McCoy, are happily married. They’re the dark-haired men on this end. Josh Long is the cowboy on the other end and he’s married to our bartender, Emma.”

“How about that sexy mountain in the middle? The one whose muscles have muscles.”

Seren stiffened. She was referring to Canyon. From the moment he’d walked in, dressed in black workout pants and a black tank top, her blood pressure had been hovering around the critical point. “Canyon Brady. He’s a blacksmith and…an artist. He’s single and so is the blonde, Jonah Callan.”

“Damn, Canyon’s a blacksmith? No wonder he’s ripped and delicious.” The woman licked her lips, then held out her hand to Seren. “My name’s Joplin Capri. I just moved to Kerrville to open a bakery.”

Despite her jealousy, the pretty lady intrigued Seren. “A bakery? Wow! What a good idea. I’m Seren Whitewing. Nice to know you.”

The announcer’s voice drowned out Joplin’s response with his comment on Canyon. “Big Canyon Brady is next up, ladies and gentlemen. Let’s give him a hand.”

“Whoop! Whoop!” Joplin gave out an appreciative catcall and Seren felt an odd fiery ache in her chest. Pressing her palm over her breast, she realized the pain she was experiencing was jealousy – pure and simple.

“God, he’s good looking.”

Seren agreed with Joplin, but she didn’t feel the need to say so. “Excuse me.” She placed the beer bottles and drinks Emma supplied on the tray and made a trip across the room to a table full of women who were admiring the weightlifters with as much concentrated appreciation as Joplin. As she walked, she kept an eye on Canyon – discretely – she had no desire to attract his attention. Once she finished with her customers, she answered calls to a couple of other tables, then headed back to the bar. Seeing his muscles bulge as he did the reps made Seren all hot and bothered.

“Squatting three hundred eighty-five and deadlifting five hundred pounds, big Canyon Brady of Tebow Ranch is in the lead! Over all Tebow is beating Bar X by almost two hundred points!” There were simultaneous groans and cheers as Seren continued on with her duties, casting glances at Canyon when she could get a chance.

“Next up, for Bar X, Diego Valencia!”

This announcement caused another reaction in Seren – her skin crawled. She looked away from the stage, edging back toward the bar. Before she could pick up a new round of drinks, a voice called out – a familiar voice, “Excuse me, waitress!”

Canyon’s attention was fully on the newcomer at Bar X. As far as he could tell, this Diego guy would be his stiffest competition. At first, he thought tonight would just be something to pass the time – but now he wanted to win. 

Seren looked around desperately for Doris. She didn’t want to serve Canyon, she didn’t think she could keep up the pretense of unfamiliarity. Seeing the older waitress on the other side of the club, knee deep in thirsty bikers, Seren took a deep breath and headed to one of the head tables near the stage reserved for participants. Her voice trembled as she asked, “Hey, what’s your pleasure, guys?”

That voice. Husky. Sexy. Sweet. Would the rest of her compliment that voice?

Canyon turned his head so fast, he almost put a crick in his neck.

Any words he would’ve said in answer to her question were stuck in his throat. Good thing Jacob spoke up and ordered a round for all of them. Canyon was too busy looking at the beautiful girl to properly converse.

Holy Hell.

He swallowed his excitement and just let his eyes have a party as they roved over the face and form of the woman who’d just inquired after his pleasure.

Long dark hair, stormy blue eyes, full pink lips, and a curvy little body that made him ache. A lot of water had gone under the bridge since he’d been this attracted to a woman.

“Anything else?” she asked.

“Yea,” Canyon spoke up, not really knowing what he intended to say. All he knew was that he needed to prolong the exchange. Get her to look at him. Acknowledge him. “I haven’t eaten, I’ll take a burger. All the way.” To his disappointment, her eyes didn’t meet his gaze. She acknowledged his request with a smile and a quick, “Coming right up.”

Quaking with nerves, Seren did her best to function. Her close proximity to Canyon caused her whole body to light up in response. She wouldn’t look his way. She couldn’t. Seren was afraid he’d see the yearning in her eyes. She was even more afraid of how she’d react when he looked at her like she was a stranger. “Be right back.”

Canyon stood when she started off. He told himself he was being a gentleman, but his every instinct was yelling for him to stop her leaving. When she still kept her eyes averted, he had to forcibly contain himself from reaching out to grab her arm. With a last-ditch effort for her to lift her face to his, he added quickly, “Give me an order of fries to go with that burger. Okay?” Inside, he groaned. Man, was he smooth.

“Sure thing.”

Seren almost ran from the table. She felt her stomach clenching. Covering her mouth, she prayed she wouldn’t throw up.

“Angel, hey, Angel!”

Seren’s feet stopped of their own accord. Whirling around, she saw John, Jonah’s father, coming toward her. “Mr. Callan.”

“I thought it was you. I’ve missed seeing you.”

Totally confused as to how he could recognize her, Seren could barely speak. “I…missed you too.” She spared a millisecond to avert her eyes to where Jonah was sitting next to Canyon. They were both looking their way. “How are you?”

“Fine and dandy. How about you?”

“Uh, you remember me, Mr. Callan? You recognize me?” Seren whispered the questions.

“Sure, you’re Seren. You burned your hands.”

Seren felt weak. Baffled. Bewildered. She looked over her shoulder, fully expecting to see Gregori looming over her. How could this be? No one else seemed to recognize her – not Jacob, not Jonah, and certainly not Canyon. He’d placed his food order with the same nonchalance as if he’d been at McDonalds. “Uh, yea.” She pointed to the bar. “Good to see you. I’d…better get this order processed.”

“Sure. See you later, little pilgrim.” He tipped his hat to her and sauntered off.

Reeling from shock and weak with worry, Seren stumbled toward the bar, spouting off the list of food and drink items she needed. Avery, seeing how pale and sick she looked, came sprinting up to her. “You need to get off your feet. What’s wrong? Are you ill?”

Seren shook her head. “I just need water.”

Emma filled a glass and Avery handed it to her. Seren drank sparingly, fearing the nausea she was feeling wouldn’t even allow her to keep down water.

“Here, sit down.” Joplin stood and picked up Seren’s tray. “I’ll finish your shift.” She glanced at Avery, giving her a smile. “I’d be glad to pitch in. I put myself through school waiting tables.”

“Great! All help appreciated.” Avery grinned. “Seren, honey, you rest. Go lay down in the trailer if you need to.”

“Don’t worry,” Joplin told her. “I’m not after your job, Seren. Remember, I’m opening a bakery.” Nodding her head toward Avery, she winked. “Perhaps, Hardbodies might consider selling some of my wares in the future?”

“Can’t wait to sample them,” Avery said, helping Emma ready the drinks to be served. She also turned in Canyon’s food order to the kitchen. Glancing one more time at Seren, she nodded to the back. “Go rest. We’ve got this. I’ll come and check on you in a bit.”

Needing to be alone, Seren didn’t argue. “Okay. I’m sorry about this.” Forcing herself to keep her eyes pointed straight ahead, she didn’t glance toward the stage or toward Canyon’s table. No one was paying her any mind; everyone’s attention was on the big men lifting weights. As she wove her way through the crowd, Seren tried to get control of herself. She didn’t know what to think about John Callan recognizing her. How was that possible? And her reaction to Canyon – she was still shaking from the upheaval of her emotions. The possibility of having to interact with him hadn’t really occurred to her. Seren guessed she’d hoped their paths would never cross. “Yea, right,” she scolded herself for the lie. “You wanted to see him, but you can’t do it again.” For the first time, Seren began to seriously consider moving on to another town. Putting distance between herself and Canyon. The very idea caused her to tremble. “How would I survive?” He’d been the center of her existence for so long, she didn’t know how to be any other way.

Turning down the hall, Seren made for the rear entrance. Just as she stepped near the storage room, a hand shot out of the darkness, slamming her against the wall. For just a brief moment in time, Seren thought Canyon might’ve followed her. The pain blooming in her shoulder from the rough treatment convinced her otherwise. Canyon would never treat her so rudely.

“Told you I’d get you alone, didn’t I?”


“Leave me alone!” Seren cried, struggling.

“Not until I’ve gotten what I wanted.” He held her still – effortlessly.

Terror seized Seren, stealing her ability to scream.


…Meanwhile, Canyon sat with Bull and Isabella Redford. His friend seemed to be in good spirits. Who could blame him? He had a beautiful wife who adored him unconditionally. Something akin to envy pricked Canyon’s conscience.

“Looks like Tebow has this competition wrapped up. Right?” Bull lifted his half full glass of beer toward the stage.

“Maybe. Bar X has some strength, that’s for sure.”

“Next year, I want you to compete.” Isabella took Bull’s hand. “You’re the strongest man I know.”

Bull beamed at his wife’s compliment. “Do you hear that, Brady?”

Canyon saluted Isabella with his drink. “I did and she’s right. We’ll have to start working out together.”

Bull’s eyes widened. “I guess I’ll have to give up Blue Bell and Oreos.”

Isabella kissed his cheek. “I’ll make it up to you in other ways.”

As his two friends bantered and flirted, Canyon’s attention followed the pretty waitress as she sat at the bar. Several other employees stood near her. They appeared concerned. Was something wrong? He narrowed his gaze as she stood and began to make her way toward the back of the club. A feeling of loss made his chest feel heavy. Keeping his eyes on her, he noticed her body jerk oddly just as she stepped out of sight into the darkened hallway. Sitting straighter in the chair, Canyon kept staring. What had he just seen? Unwilling to just guess, he rose. “Excuse me, you two. I have to check on something.”


…With her heart pounding, Seren struggled to get away from Diego Valencia. “Stop. Let me go!”

“Ah, don’t carry on.” He held her immobile, one big hand collaring her neck, the other fumbling at her breast. “You want this. I know you do. I remember how you looked at me that first day. You want my cock.”

Everything in Seren rebelled. “No! Let me go! I don’t want you. I want…” To be let go. To get out of here. Canyon. She wanted Canyon. “Can…!”

Seren didn’t complete her anguished, instinctual cry for help. Before she could get that most important word out of her mouth, Diego was jerked off her and thrown against the opposite wall. A huge, formidable form stood between Seren and her attacker.

Canyon Brady.

Seren hung back, stunned at the unexpected development. Canyon had shown up at the exact moment she’d needed him. Seeing him stand up for her, stand between her and danger – was so beautiful, she could barely manage to stand there without crying and screaming at the unfairness of fate.

“What do you think you’re doing, asshole?” Like the incredible hulk, Canyon’s anger just made him seem larger.

“Nothing she didn’t want me to do.”

“That’s not true,” Seren spoke up, unable to keep quiet.

“Call the cops,” Canyon told her.

“I didn’t hurt her!”

“Did she want your attention?” Canyon screamed in his face.

“No,” Seren answered for him. “But…no cops.” With John recognizing her and Gregori’s gift of fake ID’s, she didn’t know what an investigation might turn up.” I just want him to leave me alone.”

Canyon crowded Diego, getting right up in his face. “Hear that? Today’s your lucky day. If you want to walk out of here under your own steam, I suggest you disappear pronto. And if I ever hear of you worrying this lady even a little bit, I’ll tear your sorry ass limb from limb. Got it, jerk?”

Diego didn’t immediately back down. “Who are you to tell me what to do, fuck-face? The MeToo Movement honor guard?”

“I’m a better man than you, boy, that’s what I am.” Canyon crowded him just a little more and Diego held up his hands.

“Fine.” He threw a leer Seren’s way. “She’s not that hot anyway.”

Canyon lunged at the guy, but Seren reached out to stop him.

Her touch was the only thing that saved Diego. The small, soft hand made a greater impact on him than anything ever could. He felt her touch clear to his soul.

“Get out of here before I change my mind, lowlife.”

Diego left and Seren didn’t know what to do – other than thank him. “Thank you. He…uh…I’m not sure why he did that.”

“He’s a moron and a pervert.” Canyon faced her in the shadows. He was so drawn to her, as if invisible strands of awareness connected them. “Are you leaving?”

Trusting him implicitly, she nodded. “I live in the trailer out back.”

“Don’t leave.”

Don’t leave. Don’t leave.

His entreaty broke her heart. “I have to.” She looked over his shoulder to see Joplin holding a platter containing his hamburger. “Your food is ready.”

“I only ordered it to get a chance to talk to you. What’s your name?”

Knife in the heart. Seren almost went to her knees. “Seren. Seren Whitewing.” He wouldn’t recognize the name. Closing her eyes, she wondered if this was yet another punishment. If so, it was especially cruel. “The woman who’s serving your food is helping me out. She w

anted to meet you. Her name is Joplin Capri and she’s planning on opening a bakery in town.” Seren hated playing Cupid for the man she loved.

“I don’t care about anyone else. I want to talk to you.”

Seren backed up. “I can’t.”

Canyon couldn’t understand. She was trembling. “I’d never hurt you. Ever. I’m the one who’d protect you from idiots like Diego.” He watched her back up a few more steps, heading for the door. “Don’t go. Please.”

“I have to.” She needed to leave before she begged to stay. “I’m sorry.” Sorrier than he would ever know. Taking one last look at his beloved face, she turned and ran.    

Canyon watched her go, but he didn’t keep his distance. As soon as she was out the door, he was behind her. There was no way in hell he’d let her walk out into the darkness alone. Once he was passed the exit, Canyon stopped, waiting while she sprinted across the drive. He stood guard while she unlocked her door, then he remained until he heard the interior locks click.

Taking a deep breath, he backed against the wall, crossing his arms over his chest. He’d stand here awhile, watching out for her. Later, he’d make sure Diego was gone from the premises. His stomach growled, but he refused to leave his post. Tomorrow was time enough to settle up with Isaac over the uneaten burger.

Leaning his head against the log exterior of Hardbodies, Canyon wondered at his odd reaction to this woman. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d felt this way. Love at first sight was an alien concept to him. With a smile, he laughed off the thought. One thing for sure, he intended to see her again. And…he no longer had to wonder how to finish his latest project. Tomorrow, his angel would have the face of Seren Whitewing.