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Her Highland Secret: Only she can save him... Only he can protect her… by Faris, Fiona (20)

Chapter Twenty

“Ye need tae meet w’ th’ council Lucas,” Magnus said, seriously. “Ye been away a long time an’ the clan needs ye tae take up yer birthright as laird.”

Lucas knew what he said was true. They had been discussing the issue for the better part of an hour in his father’s study. The room was as old as the castle itself with a broad hearth and a portrait of Lucas’s grandfather wearing full plaid hung above on the stone wall. As a lad, Lucas had spent hours in this room while his father took council with one clansman or another, learning about what it took to be a laird. How to make decisions that benefitted the whole clan and not just the few. He knew he was ready to take on the role as laird, despite his worries, he would do the best he could by his clansmen. But Lucas didn’t feel right accepting his position as laird of the clan without his brother, Gavin, at his side.

The MacGille clan had always been ruled fairly and justly with family in concert. The job of laird was bigger than only one man. Magnus said he understood, but his concern was that a clan without a laird too long would suffer hardships come winter, and winter was fast approaching. His father, the previous laird, had now been gone for over five months and three of those dead. It was time, in Magnus’s opinion, for Lucas to take up his mantle. And what of Gavin? If Gavin never came home, did that mean the clan would go without a laird forever?

To that, Lucas conceded Magnus had a point. But there were other issues at hand as well.

“And what about Ella?” Lucas asked. “Will ye help me convince the council and me Ma to send her tae France where she’ll be safe, until I can kill th’ bastard who murdered Da?”

“Do ye really think that Evans will come here?” Magnus asked.

“Aye, soldiers are expensive to an Englishman, and between me and Ella we managed tae kill two of them. Whatever his need is tae claim th’ lass. He willnae stop until he takes his revenge. And I willnae stop until I’ve had mine. I dinnae want to bring a fight to Cadney. I’ll not put MacGille families in danger for this fight.”

“I think that’s not for ye to decide on yer own Lucas. Ye should meet with the council, take the lairdship, and give th’ clan time to plan a proper revenge on the Commander,” Magnus said. “He didnae just kill yer da, he killed our laird. Don’t take that away from the clan.”

Lucas had to admit, when Magnus said it, it made sense and seemed simple.

“And what about Ella?” Kelly asked from the doorway. Lucas looked at Magnus, neither man had heard or noticed the woman who had apparently been eavesdropping on their entire conversation. “I heard ye both speakin’ on th’ matter, but with no words to put the poor lass at ease. We dinnae need another fight on our door, and the lass doesnae need to be sent tae France, we can protect her just fine here at th’ keep.”

“I agree, we don’t need another fight, but I also agree Evans needs to be stopped. France is the best option for the lass. If she stays here we cannae offer her th’ proper protection. She ain’t one of th’ clan, wife,” Magnus said, and then turning to Lucas he added. Unless that ‘tis… Are ye willin’ tae die for the lass then?”

“Aye,” Lucas said, without thought. Although it wasn’t just for Ella that he wanted to end Evans. His need to seek revenge for his father’s death was just as strong as his desire to protect Ella from the bastard. He would not allow Evans within arm’s reach of her while he still took breath. Of that he was sure.

Kelly stepped deeper into the room, closing the door behind her. Lucas could tell by the look on her face she was about to give him an earful.

“Might I remind ye Kelly, yer about tae speak tae yer laird,” he said as a warning.

“Not yet ye ain’t, Lucas MacGille. And I just came from the lass, and you sir have some explainin’ tae do about yer intentions with her,” Kelly said. She was petite, but Lucas was terrified as she came at him pointing her finger into his chest. “Ye say ye’d die for the lass, but yet ye want to send her away?”

“Now wife, ye can’t be attackin’ Lucas in such a way,” Magnus said, as Lucas looked to his cousin for help. Kelly just ignored her husband, and pretty quickly Lucas figured out who wore the plaid in their house. It was hard for him not to laugh at the waif, his feelings for Ella were serious, but she was so tiny and so full of piss and vinegar he couldn’t hide his smirk.

“Dinnae smirk at me Lucas. I saw the mark ye left on her breast. Ye took the lass’s maidenhead and now ye want tae send her away? How is tha’ supposed to make the girl feel?”

Lucas let out a deep sigh. He hadn’t been careful. He hadn’t wanted to be careful. Truthfully, he wanted Ella. She was all he wanted, but he was afraid he couldn’t keep her safe here. He was afraid his people wouldn’t embrace her like he had, and if he had to walk away from his clan to keep her, he would. Sending her to France was a way to avoid making that difficult decision. Here was his cousin’s wife, small in stature but big in heart, already defending Ella to the face of her laird. He was foolish to think so little of his clansmen that they wouldn’t accept her as he had. Of course they would.

“My intentions are honorable. I swear it. I honestly thought France was the safest place for her until it was safe for her tae return. I’ll not bore ye with the details, but he thinks Ella belongs to him. Her father bet her wedding bed to the man in a game of cards. He willnae stop until he has her, and I’ll not allow it.”

Kelly stepped back from Lucas shocked. “Poor lamb,” was all she was able to say, then suddenly attacked Lucas with her finger again. “And then ye took advantage of the lass anyway? What th’ hell is the matter with ye Lucas?”

“Woah, woah. I dinnae take any advantage that wasnae freely given ye witch!” he said backing away from her.

“Watch it Laird,” Magnus warned. He would allow Lucas and Kelly to work out their differences of opinion but only to a point. Kelly was still his wife, and Lucas tried to respect that.

“Kelly, of course ye be right lass. I dinnae think past the nose on me own face with regard to Ella and her feelings about all of this,” he said raising his hands in defeat. “I’ll speak with the council tomorrow and accept the lairdship. And I’ll speak with Ella tonight at the meal and let her know I willnae send her tae France if she doesnae want to go. I will give her the choice.”

“Och, I’m glad yer comin’ tae yer senses Lucas, but I’m afraid Ella won’t be at the meal taenight,” Kelly said. Now it was Lucas’s turn to look shocked.

“Why not? Is she unwell?” he said, moving toward the door. If something was wrong with Ella he needed to be by her side. Kelly and Magnus were both smiling at him. “What? What is it? Do I need tae go to her?”

“Nay, Lucas. She is well, just tired from the long journey. I left her with some bread and cheese from the kitchen. She only needs some sleep is all. Whatever ‘tis ye want tae tell her can wait until the morn,” Kelly said holding in a laugh.

He immediately relaxed. Of course, Ella would be exhausted. He was exhausted as well. He thought about food and his stomach growled in hungry anger. “Verra well, let’s go eat. I’ll tell Ella everything she needs tae ken tomorrow after the council meeting.”

Lucas still didn’t understand what about his concern for Ella caused her and Magnus to find humor, but he couldn’t waste his thoughts on it. He was too hungry.

* * *

The main hall of the keep was lit with candles and the two large hearths at either side of the massive hall were burning high. There were several tables lined in rows, and the clan had already filed in for the evening meal, eager to catch a look at Lucas returned from battle. The mood was jovial, and Lucas found himself happy to once again be in the company of his people. The main hall at Cadney was different from any other Lucas had ever seen. The Laird’s family table was not elevated above the other tables, instead his family sat among the other families of the clan.

Lucas took his traditional seat to the right of his father’s empty seat. He was taking in all the friendly faces wishing very much Ella had felt up to joining him on this happy night, when he was rushed from behind.

“Lucas!” his sister Millicent screamed in delight as he quickly turned and took the young woman into his arms, hugging her tightly. She was a sight for his sore eyes. At nineteen Milly was a force to be reckoned with. Lucas couldn’t help but think she would be turning lads’ heads from this point on. She had the MacGille fire-red hair and bewitching emerald green eyes like his own. It was often remarked that she looked more like Lucas’s twin than Gavin’s with his dark eyes.

“Milly, how I missed ye so. Are ye well, lass?” he asked, fighting back the emotion that threatened to overtake him.

“Aye, brother. Wait until Ma hears ye are back. She will be happy for sure,” the girl said. Then turning sober, she asked. “Have ye any word of Gavin suring ye travels brother?”

“Nay, sweet girl, but dinnae give up hope. If he is alive, he will find his way back,” Lucas said.

“He is alive. I would feel different if it weren’t true. Dinnae fash, brother, he will return to us soon. Now, tell me about this beauty of an English lass ye brought home tae th’ keep?” Milly said, flashing Lucas a brilliant smile. Lucas set her down and sat next to her at the family table.

“Never ye mind, ye’ll meet Ella soon enough. I ken,” he said, pouring a trencher of ale for himself. Now that he was home, he found he missed the food and drink that was readily available. As cozy as their barn had been, nothing replaced the feeling of satisfaction he found being home among family.

The meal started, and Lucas enjoyed the company of men he hadn’t seen since the before the battle of Dunkled. Ale and whiskey flowed freely, as tray after tray of game and puddings were passed around. Lucas saw new babies born to old friends, and spent a good amount of time talking with Magnus, Kelly, little Mattie, and his sister.

“My laird, can I fetch ye more tae drink?” Edina said coming around the table to place her hands on Lucas’s shoulders. He was more than a little drunk but sober enough to be uncomfortable with the familiar way she touched him. Once, he remembered there had been talk between his parents of Edina. Mention that she would make a good match for Lucas. It was true that in his youth he had been fond of her. She had been an entertaining little scamp, who was unafraid of spending time in the old woods with the boys, and rough and tumble, but he had never felt any romantic desire for the girl. She was bonnie, that was for sure, but there was something missing in her. Lucas felt she didn’t really care for him, as much as she cared for being the wife of a future laird.

“I’m nae the laird yet, Edina,” he said pushing the woman away. “And ye’d do well tae remember yerself around me. We are not coupled, nor are we likely tae be.” She blanched at his blunt speak. He didn’t like to hurt her feelings, but also didn’t want to lead her on. His only interest was Ella, and it wouldn’t do anyone any good to think Edina was an option, including Edina herself. He watched as her eyes darkened in anger.

“Ye’d turn me away for that English bitch!?” she spat. Lucas was taken aback by her anger. Kelly stood and approached the pair with a smile on her face.

“Och, Edina. I thought I heard ye were needed in th’ kitchen?” she said to the other woman, trying her best to keep Edina from getting out of control. Lucas appreciated the interference. He wouldn’t stand for anyone in his clan treating Ella poorly, but he recognized his first meal back was not the best time to lash out at Edina for her insolence.

“I think that would be wise,” he said, keeping his tone even, as he turned away from Edina.

“I dinnae think so,” Edina said. “I think someone needs tae tell our soon-tae-be laird, that he is makin’ a huge mistake turnin’ away from me as he is in order tae choose that slut,” she spat. Lucas was incensed. He stood from his seat and turned to face Edina. Kelly and Milly both interceded.

“All right, that ‘tis enough for one night,” Milly said, placing a hand on Lucas’s arm. He had never struck a woman, but the urge to slap the vile words about Ella from Edina’s mouth was almost too strong for him to ignore, and he appreciated that Milly saw it in him and rose to stop it. Kelly led Edina from the room. The girl seemed to realize the gravity of her words and turned before leaving.

“My apologies, Lucas,” Edina sobbed. “I pray ye can forgive me. I’m only tired is all. I dinnae mean what I said about our guest.” He didn’t believe a word of what she said. Her display of jealousy clouding any feelings of friendship he had held for the girl. Disgusted, he turned to Magnus.

“I think I’ve had enough meal for one night. I’ll make a plate and see tae it that Ella has something tae eat before turning in for the night,” he said. Magnus nodded. He made a small plate of the food on the main table, poured himself another trencher of ale and headed off toward the bed chambers.

The halls were dark, but Lucas didn’t need candle light to know his way around the keep. Kelly had put Ella in the room facing the meadow and the loch.

He gently opened the door to her chamber and saw the fire had burned low. There was a slight chill in the air, and Ella was fast asleep under the woolen plaids on the bed. He quietly set the plate of food down on the empty table under the window and turned to stoke the fire.

He wouldn’t disturb her slumber. He stood to watch her. There was the faint scent of rose in the room from her bath. It reminded him of the first time he had seen her in the barn, leaning over him and doing everything she could to ensure he lived. She looked peaceful at rest, and strings of longing tugged at his heart. Even though his own bedchamber was just across the hall, this would be the first night in a long time he’d slept so far from her. He had gotten used to the gentle rise and fall of her breast when she was deep in sleep.

It could have been that his thinking was dulled from the ale and whisky, but in that moment watching Ella as she slept Lucas knew he couldn’t be away from her. It was folly to think he could send her to France. He could only be assured that she was safe if she remained under his protection.

Edina was in the minority of his clan in her thinking. Most of his clan would accept Ella with open hearts and open arms. His mind was decided. The next day he would do as he told Kelly and Magnus, and speak with the council. He would agree to take on his birthright role as Laird to Clan MacGille. He would do so only with the understanding that he would marry Ella Pearson. He was confident the council would agree and help ensure that the entire clan welcomed Ella as the new Lady of Cadney Castle.




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