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Her Highland Secret: Only she can save him... Only he can protect her… by Faris, Fiona (18)

Chapter Eighteen

Late September, 1689 Cadney Castle, MacGille Lands Scotland

The smell of wood smoke and cooking meats greeted Lucas and Ella as they crossed the arched stone bridge over the stream that surrounded Cadney Castle. As a boy Lucas, Magnus, and Gavin would take turns challenging each other to daring feats of courage on the same bridge. Who could balance longest on the loose stone half-way across. Which boy could lean over the edge longest without falling off. He jumped down from the horse and kissed the ground inside the stone walls. He was finally home, the place he had longed to be more than any other.

Before Ella it was thoughts of Cadney Keep that kept him going when it seemed all hope was lost. Lucas was a highlander, and he knew more than on any battlefield, he belonged in the highlands. The castle rose high on a cliff overlook looking Loch Cadney, whose long deep waters kept the clan stocked in wild fish. Nothing had changed in the time he had been away. The fine gray mist curling from the four chimneys that outlined the high stone walls sent the sweet aroma of wood smoke through the air and reminded Lucas that the hustle of daily life was busy going on around them as always. The men would be busy in the fields with the herds, or gathering oats and barley, as the woman would be busy in the kitchens and larders ensuring there would be enough meat and food to last the long winter.

“Och, lass, have ye ever seen such a glorious sight,” he said, opening his arms wide and spinning around showing her the surroundings of the keep.

“It is quite impressive,” Ella replied, laughing. He looked up at her, the sunlight created a halo around her golden locks, giving her an angelic glow. Her grey eyes sparkled with mirth. Ella truly was beautiful.

“That ‘tis lass, indeed impressive,” he said, helping her down from the horse before leading them to the stables to take care of the poor animal who had been pushed to his limits bringing them to safety. Lucas rubbed the animal’s neck. “Good cuddie,” he whispered to the animal. “I am verra grateful for th’ work ye did, beast.”

“Lucas, ye wee shite, I never thought tae see the likes of ye again!”

The loud booming voice caused Lucas to turn away from the horse and brace himself. Magnus MacGille charged toward him from the door of the stable, lifting him high in a tight embrace.

“Watch me wounds, ye ogre,” Lucas responded, laughing at the boisterous greeting from his clansman.

“Och, Magnus MacGille, let the laird down tae his feet this instant!” Lucas smiled as he saw Magnus’s sweet wife Kelly approach wiping her hands on the apron wrapped around the front of her dress. No doubt Magnus forced her away from some type of important kitchen or keep work to come to the stables and Lucas was grateful. Their son Mattie was walking beside his mother. Lucas found the boy much changed, he was now almost as tall as his mother. If the lad keeps growing, Lucas thought, he will surpass his own da in size before his eleventh birthday. The sight of Magnus and his family reminding Lucas just how long he’d been away.

“I’m not the laird, yet sweet Kelly, but ‘tis sae good tae see ye lass,” He planted a light kiss on the petite brunette’s cheek before turning to look at the young boy at her side. “And who is this strapping young lad?”

“Lucas, ‘tis me, Mattie,” the boy said. He knew it was his little cousin, but still Lucas was amazed at the changes in the boy since he had left the keep for battle not even five months before.

“Och, lad, yer huge. What are the women folk feedin’ ye?” he said tussling the boy’s hair, which was flame red like his own and his father’s. A good MacGille trait, Lucas thought. He’ll be a grand warrior.

“How do Lady MacGille and Milly fair?” Lucas asked Kelly. Seeing Magnus was a sight for his sore eyes, but it also brought to mind the truth he was afraid to face. Magnus surely brought the news back to the keep of his father’s death, and without Lucas here to help ease his mother and sister’s grief, he needed to know if they were well. Kelly quickly sent Mattie away to help the men in the fields. He protested, not wanting to be cast out when the conversation among the adults was so interesting, but Lucas agreed. The lad didn’t need to hear any more talk of death, grief and battles.

“Milly is braw, ‘twas hard tae hear about yer da, but she is recovering well. Although she refuses tae think yer brother Gavin may have suffered th’ same fate. No one has seen, nor heard from him after the battle. I’m afraid we all fear th’ worst,” she said, casting her eyes down. It didn’t come as a surprise to Lucas that his sister refused to believe her twin dead. Gavin and Millicent had always had a special connection. If Milly thought Gavin still lived, then Lucas was inclined to believe his sister. There was a magic between twins that could not be denied. Lucas also knew Kelly felt deeply for his sister, the two grew up together and had been thick as thieves since they were little girls running together in the meadows that surrounded the keep.

He noticed a poignant look exchanged between Magnus and his wife. “And me ma?” he asked, his tone pushing Kelly to give him and answer.

“Well, Lady MacGille is a different tale, Lucas,” Kelly said with sadness in her voice. “She has taken tae not leavin’ her rooms. I cannae tell ye th’ last time we saw her at an evening meal. Ye cannae blame her, she lost her husband, and as far as she knew her two sons. It’s too much for one woman tae bear.”

Lucas turned away from Kelly, it was exactly as he feared. He knew his mother was a strong woman, but no strength in the world could compete with losing a husband and two sons. She was not the type of woman who should be hiding in dark rooms with no company save for her grief. His mother was a braw and strong woman who should be at her rightful place helping to lead the women of the clan. It was his fault she retreated, he should have prevented his father’s death. Running his hands through his hair in frustration he kicked the dirt of the stable. He should’ve been there, should’ve tried to make it back to the keep sooner. Maybe he could have worked to lessen his mother’s pain. He closed his eyes against the onslaught of emotion that threatened to overtake him.

He felt a warm hand entwine with his own. He opened his eyes and was face to face with Ella.

“Lucas, it’s not your fault.” Quietly she placed her free palm on his cheek. With all the excitement of seeing Magnus and Kelly, he had all but forgotten she was there, and now here she was comforting him in his pain. He placed his hand over hers and nodded, finding it difficult to locate his voice.

* * *

Ella enjoyed quietly standing back and watching Lucas greet his friends after his long absence from the keep. She quickly figured out that the large, boisterous man who lifted Lucas off his feet in greeting was the same Magnus who had found Lucas after the battle of Dunkeld and brought him to Fergus and Sarah’s barn. She made a note to remember to thank the man later. He was a true friend, and Ella immediately felt she would be able to trust him, his wife, and son.

When the conversation turned and she saw the pain on Lucas’s face upon realizing his mother’s deep grief, Ella could no longer stay silent in the shadows. He needed to know it wasn’t his fault. He had done everything humanly possible, but he had been gravely wounded, travel would not have been possible any earlier than when they had left, and if Ella had not been sought after by Evans and his soldiers, she would have insisted Lucas rest for at least another sennight before undertaking the arduous journey back to the keep.

“Ella, lass, I ‘av forgotten my manners,” Lucas said, snapping himself out of his own self-pity. “May I introduce ye tae my trusted cousin, friend, and savior, Magnus MacGille, and his wife Kelly. The lad here before was their son, Mattie MacGille.”

Ella stepped forward and Kelly took her into a tight embrace. “Why ‘tis nothin’ tae ye lass, but skin and bone,” she said, laughing. Ella knew she wasn’t laughing at her but rather with her, and the small, loud, brown-haired woman was right. Ella had managed to lose a rather large amount of weight since coming to Scotland. She was also filthy. Oh what she wouldn’t give for a warm bath. “I bet ye would give yer left foot for a hot bath,” Kelly continued, as if reading Ella’s mind.

“Oh yes, that would be lovely,” Ella said. Kelly jumped back from Ella as if she had been stung by a bee.

Kelly and Magnus looked back and forth between Ella and Lucas, more than once. Their shared look made her self-conscious. They didn’t realize she wasn’t Scottish until she spoke. She instinctively backed away from the woman and back toward Lucas. Even though she knew the couple would do her no harm.

“Och, Lucas, she’s English?” Magnus asked.

“Aye, she is at that,” Lucas said, giving them both a look of warning. “And without her I’d be dead. She’s a healer, and a damn braw one. Kelly, mayhap we can give Miss Ella a room and a hot bath? If ye have any clean clothes that might fit her, that wouldnae be bad either.”

“Of course, Lucas,” Kelly said, then turning to Ella and looking her up and down. “Ye look about to be Milly’s size. I’m sure we can find ye something. Sorry for me surprise lass, we dinnae get many English ladies in these parts. I meant nothin’ by it.”

“Nothing to apologize for. I completely understand.” Ella replied, giving Kelly a warm smile. She appreciated the woman’s honesty. Truth was if their roles were reversed Ella would have been just as surprised to have a Scottish woman show up at her home.

“Lucas, yer alive?” Ella turned to see another woman, a pretty girl, maybe twenty and one if a day, with long red hair, and dark-brown eyes, rushing into the stables toward Lucas at full speed. Ella felt a small pang of jealousy as the girl wrapped her arms around Lucas and planted a kiss right on his lips.

Lucas quickly pushed the girl away and held her at arm’s length.

“Och, Edina, slow down lass. No need to take liberties. Aye I’m alive,” he said, smiling. There was a lightness in his voice as he addressed this new woman that Ella found irritating. “This is Ella Pearson. I was just asking Kelly to show her to one of the empty rooms and to set a bath, do ye mind helpin’ lass?”

The girl, Edina, looked Ella up and down with a nasty snicker. Ella squared her shoulders and stood up as straight and tall as she could. It was clear Edina had some type of feelings for, or connection to Lucas, and Ella wasn’t sure how she felt about it, but she didn’t like it. She tried to remember was a stranger here, and she did promise to do her best to be kind and agreeable, so she stuck her hand out in greeting.

“Edina, what a lovely name,” she said. “I’m Ella.”

Edina looked from Lucas to Magnus and Kelly, shocked. “She’s English!” the girl exclaimed.

“Aye, that she is,” Lucas said, tersely. “And she is a guest here, so I trust she will be treated as such.”

Edina flashed her a brilliant smile, but it never reached the girl’s eyes. “Of course, Lucas. Just came as a shock is all. She’s filthy. I will happily help Kelly get the woman cleaned,” Edina said. Edina hadn’t yet been in the stables when Lucas asked Kelly to provide a bath for Ella. Ella’s stomach turned, it was clear the girl had been eavesdropping before her dramatic entrance. Edina was not as sweet and innocent as she seemed. Ella made a note to keep an eye out for the redhead.

“Let us get tae the castle then, shall we?” Kelly said, before leading the way out of the stable, giving Ella a genuine smile, which she happily returned. Ella turned back and gave Lucas a pleading look. He nodded reassuringly, letting her know that she would be safe with the two women. Ella’s need for a bath and a fresh dress outweighed her ill ease with leaving Lucas’s side. She trusted him and felt safe enough with Kelly. But Edina was another story, she couldn’t help but hope she wouldn’t be left alone with Edina.