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Hidden in Smoke (Phoenix Rising Book 2) by Harper Wylde, Quinn Arthurs (19)



The moment that Nix settled into the car, tiredness overtook her. I had claimed the seat next to her, choosing to stay close to try to keep her calm. I knew she hadn’t slept much last night despite her brave face as she bid us goodnight. She’d pressed her head against the chilled window and tried to take in the scenery during the drive. We’d barely made it ten minutes before her eyes closed. Gently I cradled her head, pulling her into me and repositioning her onto my shoulder and chest. Wrapping an arm around her, I effectively became her pillow. I knew she had been thoroughly fascinated that we were driving over two hours to get to the marina where our boat was, but even though Anchorage sat on Cook Inlet, it wasn’t the easiest waterway to manage given the changing water levels that went with the tides. The boat we owned was docked at a marina in Seward, Alaska. It was also the most direct place to launch from to get to the island we were headed for; home.

The scent of Nix filled my lungs as I bent my head and nuzzled her hair. The city flew by, and soon we were on the scenic road headed toward our destination. The mountains rose on the left side of the two-lane road. Since Nix had come into my life, I’d begun to see things from her perspective. What had become commonplace in my life was all new for Nix, and the wonder in her eyes was contagious. I tried not to take my surroundings for granted anymore. She was good for me.

“Hey, pull over at that lookout just up ahead,” I quietly instructed Killian, who was driving.

“Are you sure we have time for this?” Theo checked his watch.

“We’ll keep it brief. She’s never seen this before. You know she’ll be upset if we let her miss this view.”

“Alright, but we can’t stop at every lookout.” Theo tapped his leg in a quick paced rhythm. I knew this deviation from the plan might rattle him—he was focused on getting us through this meeting. Reaching over, I clapped him on the shoulder, making sure to keep my movements small so I wouldn’t startle Nix awake.

“Just this one. It’s one of my favorites.” The car veered to the right and slowed as it glided to a stop on the extended shoulder of the lookout.

“Wake up, Nix.” I shook her gently and watched as her lashes fluttered and opened to reveal the rich chocolate color of her eyes. “Good girl.” I murmured softly as she stretched and sat up, looking out of the window sleepily. “Come on.”

I reached past her and opened the door.

“Are we here already?” She slid out of the car and tried to get her bearings. I could tell she wasn’t fully awake yet, despite the fact she’d only slept for a few minutes.

“We’ve only been on the road for a short time, but I wanted to show you something.” I placed an arm around her shoulders, leading her toward the railing, glad for the few moments alone with her. I watched as her eyes widened in awe. “It’s one of my favorite spots. We drive to the marina a lot to commute to the commune, and when I get the chance, I stop here, let nature sink into my bones.”

The sun glistened off the water, and the snow-capped mountains rose in the distance.

“The beauty and grandeur of it often puts things in my life in perspective. No matter what I’m going through, nature helps balance me. I know that’s partly because of my Kitsune and our connection to the earth and forests, but I believe that it works for everyone, not just those supernaturally connected to it. Whatever happens today, we’re not going to lose each other.” Leaning down, I placed a kiss on her head. Her breath was shaky as she exhaled and when she spoke, her voice was quiet.

“It makes me feel small, inconsequential.”

Softly hooking a finger under chin, I turned her face up to mine. “You’re not and will never be inconsequential Nix.” I leaned down and placed a soft kiss on her lips, reveling in the feel of her mouth moving under mine. It was a sweet, claiming kiss. I wanted to take it deeper, but I knew now wasn’t the time. Letting her go I watched as she turned to take in the scenery.

Her voice grew with strength, tinged with a little bit of sass. “It reminds me that no matter what we face today, the world doesn’t end. I’ll live to see another day. I should know that more than most right?” She sighed, curling herself into my side. “Thank you, Hiro. It’s beautiful.”

You’re beautiful.” Ryder’s voice interrupted from behind us as he sauntered forward. Stretching his arms over his head, Nix and I both turned and watched, eyes riveted to the swath of skin revealed from the motion. The angular muscles of his hips dove behind the waistline of his designer slim fit jeans. He stepped up next to Nix, looking down at her with affection. I knew this meeting was putting a strain on him. The pain of losing Allie was close to the surface as he worried about losing Nix. I was already determined not to let that happen.

“So are you.” She teased, poking him in the stomach, trying to get him to smile. When he quirked his lips, she beamed.

“The Kraken wants to get crackin’,” He joked and Nix giggled, but then his tone softened. “After you, mikro poulaki,” he motioned to the car.

I hadn’t heard him speak Greek in years, not since his sister disappeared. My heart squeezed in my chest.

Settling in the car again, Nix squished herself between Ryder and me, holding his hand and leaning her head back on my shoulder as the car pulled back onto the road. When she dozed off again, I soaked up her presence, accepting the peace the lull of the vehicle offered. It felt like the calm before the storm.

* * *

Nix gaped as she walked through the small town of Seward, drawn to the tourist shops all set in a row as we walked toward the boat.

The smile on my face was genuine, and I listened to her squeal in delight at the differing sights.

She tried to peer into each shop we passed, and when he hit the marina, she pulled to a stop to take in a sign with pictures of different fish one might come across when fishing.

“You like fishing?” Theo asked her.

“I don’t know. I’ve never tried it.” She shrugged but studied the images all the same. She had a zest for life that I hadn’t gotten near enough of. I wanted her to experience all of this without the strain of the upcoming meeting sitting on her shoulders. She shouldn’t be sequestered indoors because she was afraid of being ambushed by the crazy psychopath who had raised her, if you could even call it such.

While I was worried about the Council and the decisions they would likely try to make in regards to Nix’s life, I was also quite confident that they were going to want her to settle down and mate. My brothers and I were all good matches for her, and I would do everything in my power to make them see that. Then I’d try to give Nix as much time to live her life before she settled down and became a mother.

The image of her, swollen with my child, made my heart race and my Kitsune howl in my mind. It was far too early for such things, but I gleaned onto the image anyway. It wasn’t a far fall for my brain to start running through ways to get her pregnant. I wanted to see her splayed out on my bed, tied to the frame and writhing in pleasure. I cleared my throat, happy that my mental walls were solidly in place while I tried to reign in my wild imagination. It wasn’t the time or the place for such thoughts. Instead, I started thinking up date ideas that would put the look of interest and excitement on her face that she held now.

Practically skipping down the dock, I could see all my brothers warming to her enthusiasm. Whether she knew it or not, she was easing the burden on their souls. A few more hours, and I hoped that we would be pulling the boat back up to this dock, together, ready to head home.

Following her down the wooden dock, I saw Theo’s face-splitting grin as he stepped up next to Nix and led her toward the vessel. Along the way he pointed out different boats, talking to her about their various functions and the pros and cons of different styles. He was in his element now that he was near the water, and I knew his Kraken would be stretching his tentacles, enticed even by the frigid waters of Alaska. His excitement lit his eyes and softened his features. He was handsome, and I wanted to see this relaxed look on his face more often. We should all make more of an effort to soothe his beast by getting in and around water as much as possible. I wondered if he felt like a fish out of water always living on land and rarely letting his beast free.

Coming to a sudden halt, I heard Nix’s intake of breath. “Are you kidding me? This doesn’t seem like merely a boat.” She waved her hands out in front of her as Theo stood by proudly and Killian, Ryder, and Damien gathered around taking in her reaction. “This looks like a yacht. You own this?” She asked in surprise.

Nix stood shocked at the size of the boat we owned. I was amused that she thought we owned a dingy. What did she think we were going to do? Row ourselves into the Gulf of Alaska? It was practically the Pacific ocean. I shook my head at her in silent laughter as she climbed aboard and instantly started peppering Theo with questions.

Guiding her into the enclosed cabin that sat behind the helm, we all wore amused expressions as she turned in a circle, taking in the interior. Aside from some comfortable bench seating, there was a small galley and dining table, not to mention the room that she hadn’t even seen yet. As we gave her a tour of the boat, Theo seemed to thrive under her interest, but after her first one hundred questions, he had simply handed her the manual to the boat as she gaped at his amused smirk. The questions kept her mind busy, off the subject of her impending meeting, so I welcomed every one of them. Once we had gotten underway though, Nix had sobered as she stared at the water and scenery flying past outside the window.

“So this island… It’s in the Pacific ocean?” She asked.

“Yes, though if you want to get technical, It’s in the Gulf of Alaska.” Ryder strode to the window as he answered, running a hand through his newly dyed purple hair. The shock of color stood out against the white walls of the boat and the rock colored cliffs and snow-capped mountains beyond that we passed as we exited Resurrection Bay.

“It’s spelled so humans can’t see it. You won’t find it on any map.” Killian’s gruff voice spoke from a seat nearby; he had been sullen and quiet all morning.

“It’s safer that way. Keeps the secret. All shifter communities have barriers to keep humans away.”

The wind on the water made the day much colder, and the chill filled the cabin. Reaching into a compartment hidden under the seats, I grabbed a blanket and wrapped it around her shoulders. We needed to get her a new jacket. She’d been using one of Ryder’s old ones since the shooting, but it was big on her. The further we traveled the more her mood sunk. She even turned down Theo’s offer to steer the boat, and we all knew she would have loved the new experience.

Theo, who sat stately behind the wheel, motioned Damien over to take it from him. Slipping past everyone in the cabin, he exited out the back door and crouched down, held on to the boat, and thrust his hand into the water, closing his eyes. I wasn’t sure if he was calling the water life to show off or stay away, and when he returned to take the wheel back, I followed him into the helm. His eyes were glowing more electric than more usual.

He shrugged when I arched an eyebrow in question. “There was a pod of orcas heading this way. Her first experiences shouldn’t all be tainted by stressful situations. I asked them to keep their distance. I want her to experience the ocean with me, just not this way.” He motioned to where Nix sat with her arms wrapped tightly around herself, closed off and focused.

Nodding my agreement I watched as the first glimmer of the barrier shimmered ahead of us. It was easier for me to see than my brothers, given the fact that a member of my species made it, however, it wasn’t long before the guys all noticed it as well. As mythologicals, we were able to see the spelled walls easily, and when Nix looked up, I knew she saw it too as we drew near.

“Let’s get this over with.” She sighed, and none of us could agree more.