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Highest Bidder (Fanboys Book 2) by Marie Johnston (7)

Chapter Seven


Tilly’s belly fluttered with delicious nerves. She’d just orgasmed, but her body was already primed for another round. Even if Flynn wasn’t any better at sex than their first time, if he could work that kind of magic with his fingers…best vacation ever.

She dried off. They were going to do this. But she doubted he had any protection down here since he was just wearing his swim trunks. Would they make their way upstairs in awkward silence? Would he expect her to say sexy, coquettish things, whatever those would be? As he bent over to dry his legs, an evil idea formed. She wound the towel and snapped him, the fabric cracking in the air just short of his ass.

He snapped straight. “What the—”

With a devilish grin, she used her Harley Quinn imitation. “Race ya!”

Spinning on one foot, she darted for the stairs. The clamber of Flynn racing through the door spurred her hysterical laughter and she took the stairs two at time, not caring one bit how much her butt jiggled.

His deep laughter was supremely satisfying. She streaked down the hall, about to go to her room, but he likely had the condoms in his, so she veered into his bedroom and dived onto the bed.

Bouncing, she was still laughing when he landed on top of her on his hands and knees. His mouth was stretched wide and he was breathing hard from the quick sprint. His impressive erection caught her attention. Broad from tip to base, he was hard and straining for her. She’d wanted more of it last night and she’d make sure that happened tonight.

“When’d you take your trunks off?”

His green eyes gleamed with intent. “That was the reason I didn’t catch you.”

“I’m getting your bedding wet.”

“You will be,” he growled, sending a wave of heat through her core. He wove his fingers through her straps and dragged them down, staring at her breasts when they bounced free.

Her nipples were painfully erect and when he lowered his head and dragged his tongue across one, she whimpered. “More.”

He seemed to forget about her swimsuit as he tongued her nipples, first one, then the other. She cradled his head, shivering at the air wafting over her wet skin and the fiery sensations he was sending through her body. She arched her back. He released her nipple with a pop to peel the rest of her suit off. Tossing it aside, he dropped his body down, his lips on her stomach.

She was giddy with excitement. So…no wham, bam tonight—she was getting the royal treatment.

He kissed and licked his way down to the apex of her thighs. “Flynn?”

He raised his head enough to cock an eyebrow at her.

How did she even… She didn’t want to dissuade him, but if he failed again, she wanted him to know it wasn’t his fault. “I just got off.”


“Say I do it again while you’re…down there. Then I probably won’t when we…”

His smile sent a wave of lust through her. He wedged himself between her legs, her knees up, feet on his shoulders. “Tilly, baby, let me show you what I can really do.”

His hot mouth cupped her nub and his tongue attacked her. She wrenched off the bed with a gasp of ecstasy. That felt good. He worked her until she was needy, rocking herself with him for more, before he inserted first one finger, then two. Only, the intrusion was slow and steady, unlike his tongue on her clit. The dichotomy was too much for her nerves. She wanted to be filled with him, but for the love of all things sexual, she didn’t want him to ease up with his tongue. A second orgasm was imminent. Sure, that’d happened before—when she’d done it herself after a date that’d ended in mediocre sex, and it had been mostly to see if it could really happen.

He set a steady, slow rhythm with his fingers. Then he tilted his head and oooh… Was he sucking on her clit?

With little warning, she exploded. She would’ve jackknifed off the bed, but he held her in place until she fell limp. He could impale her and go about his business and she didn’t care to move a muscle, but she’d miss being an active participant.

He reared over her, his gaze intense, his chin glistening from her juices, but he didn’t rush to don the condom, hadn’t even pulled out the box.

“What you’re saying is,” he planted his hands on either side of her body, “that you’ve never had three orgasms in one night before.”

“Truth. Have you?”

He lifted a shoulder. “Eh, maybe.”

Not the response she expected. “How could you not remember? Did you have more?” She sounded shrill; she snapped her mouth shut. When she got shrill, Flynn started to stutter.

But this time, all he did was lift the side of his mouth. “I guess if I did, they weren’t worth remembering.”

She nodded. “I get that. An empty orgasm.”

His gaze stuck on hers. “Yeah. Empty.”

A girl could take those words the wrong way. Like she’d be an empty orgasm for him, too. But the stark realization in his gaze chased those thoughts away.

Her body was recovering from round two, but her goal wasn’t to get herself off. She wrapped her arms and legs around Flynn and pulled him down to her, seeking some way to deepen the connection between them. She’d wanted Flynn forever, but that was with the fervor of a young girl who’d made her crush out to be everything she’d needed him to be at the time. Today, he was just Flynn, a man who needed his bed partner to care about him. And she did, even if she couldn’t share all of herself with him. They weren’t the same kids they used to be, but Flynn would always be special to her.

Their mouths met for a languid kiss, his erection pressed between them. He shifted until he stroked her wet folds. One little tweak and he’d be at her entrance. He broke their kiss to nip along her neck as he reached for the nightstand. While he took care of the condom, she ran her hands over his broad shoulders. A few scars marred his hands and wrists.

He noticed her tracing them with her fingers. “Hazards of the trade when you don’t do things right the first time.”

She loosened her legs to give him room to roll the condom on. “I like them. The rest of you is…”

He paused. “Is what?”

“Too perfect.”

His gaze swept her body where it held his. She was spread under him, completely naked and more open than she’d ever been with a guy, but she wasn’t embarrassed. No negative emotions were allowed to rain on her time with him. But there was no denying who ate right and got a lot of physical activity in this bed. Defined abs, firm pecs, and solid legs. He was nothing but muscle.

“See. Your body’s sick.”

The corners of his mouth kicked up. “And you were holding out on me with yours.”

“What do you mean?”

“I’ll show you.”

He placed himself and her breath caught. Don’t let me down. She couldn’t ignore that she’d fantasized about how Flynn would shame all her former lovers.

He didn’t shove in and get down to business, he fed himself inside of her, so slowly she almost started begging.

Rolling her hips up, her voice came out whiny. “Flynn.”

He jerked forward and impaled himself. She closed her eyes and sighed. The only thing that had kept their first time together from sucking was how well he’d filled her. Just being seated within her, he hit so many of the right places.

The air rushed out of him and he collapsed to his forearms. “Tilly.”

Wrapping her legs back around him, she twined her arms around his neck. He slid out, then crashed back in, his ass clenching under her calves.

A whimper escaped. Shouldn’t she be too sensitive or too numb for it to feel this good already?

Another lingering slide out, then he swiveled his hips and teased his way in.

His forehead touched hers. “Tilly, you’re killing me. It’s all I can do to hold back.”

“Don’t then.” Just fuck me!

“No, I need to prove myself.” Another leisurely thrust, belied by all the desperate tension in his body. He set an unhurried pace, goading her sex into desperation.

“I think you’ve proved yourself enough. I need more.”

A low chuckle vibrated through his chest into hers. “I told you to let me show you what I can do.”

He claimed her mouth again as he claimed her body. His shaft stroked her desire to violent flames, until she was panting at the effort of keeping up with him. A third climax built, and he hadn’t even had one.

He’d proved himself, so thoroughly.

Then what had last night been?

Before the question could burrow in, he wedged a hand between them. His finger landed on her clit. She twitched. Too much, that was too much!

But he just rested his hand there as he rode her, his tongue licking her senseless and his hips plunging into her over and over again.

She squeezed her legs and wrenched back, but his other arm was a steel band that anchored her to him.

The orgasm crested and she cried and moaned, but he didn’t ease up. She shook, her legs clamping down hard, then falling loose as she rode out the massive wave of ecstasy. Her core was coiled so tight she feared she’d create a void within herself, then fly apart, only to collapse in on herself again. Over and over until she was dizzy with release.

Flynn grunted and slammed into her one last time, his entire body an unyielding wall of man on top of her. He shuddered and groaned, but maintained contact, his kiss morphing from urgent to languid as his climax faded. He held her clit hostage with nothing but the pressure of his finger, but he released it and wrapped his arm around her.

She was breathing like she’d run a 5K. His chest heaved as if this round had been as profound for him as it had for her. Because Flynn had blown every freaking guy off the planet. He looked as good as he did and he could conjure an orgasm from her as deftly as Dr. Strange summoned a new realm.

Best vacation ever.




Flynn woke to a warm body curved into him. Tilly slept as freely as she lived life, sprawled half across him and over the rest of the bed. Her mouth was slightly open as she puffed air, a thick chunk of light brown hair plastered over her face.

Damn, she was cute.

Despite the sun shining through the picture window and the birds chirping cheerful melodies outside, a cloud dimmed his outlook on the day. He had to run to town and meet with John Woods. Normally after spending the night with a girl, Flynn was planning two things: one last round or two of sex, and a good excuse to get the fuck out of Dodge. A work meeting was hands-down the best, but Flynn didn’t want to leave the bed.

He should get a quick run and a workout in before he left. The sheets were tenting admirably, thanks to the sex bunny he’d uncovered in Tilly. So a good workout and cold shower were even more warranted to keep him from sprouting another erection during his meeting.

An unbidden smile appeared on his face. Tilly had surprised both of them. She’d been an uninhibited and enthusiastic partner. No shyness, no hiding her body. She accepted herself. And she should. Curves in all the right places, she was so free with herself and him that she had the most astounding orgasms, until he thought she’d clamp off all blood supply to his dick. And she didn’t do it on purpose. No artful body positioning, no whatever the hell those vaginal calisthenics women did to fake enjoyment. Just Tilly coming like a force of nature. He was one lucky son of a bitch to have experienced it—to have been the one to cause it.

As if his ego in the bedroom needed more stoking, but once puberty had passed, sex was just one more thing he’d had to master and dominate. And last night, he’d dominated.

Carefully, he extracted himself from his slumbering partner. Fucking work.

He sat up and shook his head. He never thought like that. It was always fucking time off.

Dressing in his running shorts and a T-shirt, he made little noise, but Tilly rolled over, letting out a soft moan in her sleep. Her head popped up with a floof of hair. She rolled again to face him.

“Morning.” She yawned and pushed her hair out of her face. He wanted to fist his hand in that hair and take her again.

He’d gotten a pack of twelve condoms, but he’d need to pick another one up if they were going to share a bed this week.

“Hey. I’m going for a quick run before I leave for the city.”

She stretched her hands overhead and fuuuck… Her breasts jutted up to the ceiling, her lean legs curved at an enticing angle. A quickie instead of a run would— No. Too soon for his pride for a quickie. And since they’d had another round in the middle of the night, she could use a recharge.

“I should try a run. Is there a nice trail nearby, or should I run on the road?”

He should offer to go with her, but he hated missing his workout. He kept his runs short and hard because he usually had a long day of work in front of him.

She must’ve noticed his indecision. “Don’t wait for me.” Waving him off, she sat all the way up. “I have all day to bond with nature.”

Guilt ate at him. What had made him think sneaking away for a day of work was okay?

He didn’t dare touch her before he left. “I’ll have my phone on me if you need anything,” he called as he walked out of the room.

“’Kay.” Her soft footsteps faded as she went into her bedroom to dress.

He frowned as he went down the stairs. If she was okay with him leaving for the day, then he shouldn’t whine about it.

His run wasn’t as brutal as usual. He let up on his pace and stuck to the dirt roads that wound around the lake and its various cabins. Vibrant green trees surrounded him, rustling in the breeze. Glittering blue beckoned him. The water would be nice. Tilly wanted to go fishing. He hadn’t been fishing in forever, always had too much to do and lacked the gumption to sit on a boat with nothing but his thoughts. But with Tilly… He’d have to rent a boat in town, but he’d make it happen. He looked forward to it.

After a couple of miles, he turned around and sped up. If he dithered any longer, he’d be late and John was already antsy about the project. He was only Flynn’s age and Flynn suspected that was why he was so skittish about trusting such a big project to him. But Flynn had come highly recommended, and even he could tell the dude was all about image.

The cabin came into sight and so did the swaying, scrumptious behind of Tilly. He started covering the distance between them. Startled, she whipped around to look at him—and skidded over a loose patch of gravel. His chest froze as she went down, sprawled on the ground. That had to have done some damage.

“Oh, shit.” He sprinted the rest of the way, but she was already on her feet, brushing herself off.

“I’m so clumsy.” She threw him a smile and started jogging.

He fell in next to her and peeked down at her knee. “You’re bleeding.”

“Just a little road rash. Wow, it’s really gorgeous out here.”

Her breathy tone reminded him of sex, but he glanced back down to her knee. She hit a good pace, one he honestly hadn’t expected of her, but a rivulet of blood ran down her leg. He’d gotten enough road rash to know how painful it was, but she’d barely paused.

“Do you want to stop and take care of your wound?” He wanted to stop and take care of her wound.

“Nah. We don’t have anything for it here anyway. It’ll wash off in the shower and I’ll slap a bandage on it.” She passed him a smile when she caught his perplexed stare. “Really, it’s okay. I’m a big girl.”

With a high pain tolerance. He’d been known to limp home after a wipeout. They were a few hundred yards from the cabin when she punched him on the shoulder.

“Race you!” She sped off.

He could only shake his head before he raced after her. He passed her—sort of—easily and reached the cabin first.

He stopped to stretch, but she darted up the porch and ran inside, her laughter filtering out. “I’m going to shower,” she yelled from inside. “Wanna conserve water?”

He’d been about to drop for some pushups, but the inner debate over whether to finish his workout or fuck a hot chick in the shower was over in a heartbeat. Rushing in the cabin and up the stairs, he was about to detour for a condom when he spied a trail of foil packets leading to the guest bathroom.

When had she…

He didn’t care. Snagging one on his way, he was naked before he hit the bathroom.




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