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His Captive: A Mafia Romance by Nikki Chase (47)


Rafe,” Piper says from across the aisle. She looks tiny in the giant plane seat.

“Yeah, princess?” I reach out and take her hand in mine. For the first time, I hate how big these damn seats are, and how much space there is between them.

“I have a question.” Her expression is serious. She seems nervous about what she’s about to ask.

“Sure, I’ll answer your question, but only if you come over here and sit on my lap.”

We’ve been spending a good portion of today naked in bed, and it seems strange to be so far apart and fully clothed now. I have no doubt that she was a virgin last night, but after all the pounding I’ve given her all day, that pussy is far from virgin.

Piper giggles. She glances up at the fasten seat belt sign, which is turned off, before she hops over the aisle and plops her sexy ass down on my lap.

“So, what did you want to ask me?” I ask.

“Um, your family name, Holt. Does it have anything to do with the bank?”

“Yeah.” I shrug. “My family owns the bank.”

I can’t believe she doesn’t know this. Most girls I sleep with know about my family before they even know me. In fact, there are girls who specifically want to be with me because of my family’s wealth.

Forget about oysters and chocolate; money and power are the ultimate aphrodisiacs.

But Piper reacts in the strangest way. Her easy expression turns serious, and her big, blue eyes take on this distant look.

“What’s on your mind, princess?”

“Nothing.” She gives me a smile, but I can tell she’s still distracted. Piper’s not like any one of my gold-digging fuck buddies from the past. She doesn’t often come across people like my family, so she’s probably intimidated.

“There’s nothing for you to worry about, princess.” I give her a light kiss on her forehead.

I pull her into my arms, then turn her around until she’s leaning her head on the window, the back of her knees resting on the arm of my seat and her dainty little feet dangling over the aisle.

She makes a little happy hum as her head settles into the crook of my neck, filling my nostrils with the scent of her coconut shampoo.

I run my fingers over her legs, brushing the hem of her sundress, which comes down to her mid-thighs.

“Wait, I have another question,” she says, her little hands grabbing mine.

“Okay, but you’re going to have to pay for that, too,” I whisper into her ear, letting my lips graze the graceful column of her sensitive neck.


“You’ll see.” With my fingers, I draw little circles up her inner thighs, pushing her dress up more and more until she stops me again.

“It’s a pretty serious question, Rafe,” she says with mild irritation. She looks cute with a little frown and a slight pout.

“Okay, princess. Hit me with your question.”

“So, if your family runs a bank, you know a lot about credit cards and loans and stuff, right?”

“Yeah.” I have a finance degree from Harvard, although I may not look like it.

“Remember what you said about my credit score? You know, when you came to ask me for the rent for the first time?”

“Yeah.” I remember wondering if she’s in denial, or if she’s lying to me, although I have no idea why she would.

I’m glad she’s bringing this up herself, actually. Maybe she wants to confess that she’s been lying to me about her credit?

I wouldn’t mind that kind of a lie, though—not too much, anyway. It’s not like I’ve only been telling her the truth. Her confession would give me the opportunity to admit my own lie without guilt.

“Why would you lie about my credit score?” Piper asks.

“Huh?” I ask, dumbfounded. What does she mean? When I find my voice again, I say, “I didn’t lie about your credit score. You did.”

“But I don’t even have any debts. I mean, aside from my unpaid rent, which you’re forgiving me for.”

“Well, Piper, I don’t know what to say to you. You have a lot of debt. I know it seems scary to think about, but you need to acknowledge the debt to get rid of it. It won’t just go away on its own.”

I feel bad about bursting her bubble. She’s obviously young and still learning about the way the world works. She’s been struggling.

It must not be easy to be that young and facing so many financial challenges. I’m not going to pretend I understand, because I had a cushy life back when I was a college student.

I admire her courage and determination. It takes a lot of guts to go to the city and get her education, knowing she doesn’t have enough money. But she needs to face this problem to solve it.

“But I didn’t lie to you, Rafe. I’ve never had a credit card in my life.” She looks confused. There’s alarm in her big blue eyes, too.

“Okay, you know what? Sometimes, these records are wrong. Maybe I didn’t see it correctly. I didn’t know you back then, princess, and I didn’t pay attention.” I pull her close and nibble on her earlobe. I don’t want to talk about this. Actually, I don’t want to talk at all. Not when she’s on my lap, looking all sexy and sumptuous. “When we get back to the city, I’ll re-check it, okay?”

She nods, her face a mixture of fear and turmoil.

“Don’t worry about it. It’s going to be fine.” I wrap my arms around her and rub her skin. I want to shut the world out so it’s just Piper and me, without anything to distract us.

I want to shield her from her money worries. Strange, I usually hate doing anything for girls if it involved money. But with Piper, I don’t worry about her taking advantage of me.

“Okay.” Piper smiles. Then, her eyes take on a playful quality. She shifts on my lap and reaches down to grab me over my jeans.

“Fuck, that feels good,” I say, making her smile grow bigger as her hands continue to trace the outline of my bulge.

I’ve been teaching her some new things, and she’s been taking it all in stride. She’s a natural; so sexy and responsive, and I can’t get enough of her.

To be honest, I didn’t expect any of this. With any other girl, I’d have backed out as soon as I heard the word “virgin.” I don’t have the time or interest in being somebody’s teacher when I can have more fun with someone who knows exactly what she’s doing.

But being with Piper has been fucking great. I’m happier than I’ve been in a long time.

Ever since I got out of prison, partying has lost its appeal to me. I still have fun with women, but it’s more out of habit. To be honest, I don’t derive the same level of enjoyment I used to, from sleeping with yet another new body.

With Piper, though, it’s like I’m a walking bag of hormones. I want her all night and all day. I just can’t get enough of her.

I slide her up without a warning, making her gasp from surprise. Fuck, that’s adorable.

She makes my cock twitch in my pants and plucks my heart strings as easily as she strums a guitar. Effortless.

“Dirty girl,” I say with an amused smile dancing on my lips. I slide my hand all the way up her inner thigh and feel the crotch of her panties. As expected, she’s soaked.

Jesus, she’s insatiable, and I love it.

I rub her pussy over the thin cotton of her panties and feel her squirm in my lap, rubbing my cock deliciously. She looks beautiful when her cheeks fill with color and her eyes glaze over with lust.

“Rafe, are you sure it’s okay to do this here?” Piper asks, her breathing getting heavy.

“Why wouldn’t it be?”

“Well, there’s the flight attendant…” Her voice trails off into a lustful sigh. She may object with her words, but her hips thrust forward in my lap, her head pushing back against the plane window. She wants more.

“Let me worry about that.” I pull her panties down her thighs and lift her legs, making her yelp in shock. I yank her panties all the way off. Holding them up in my hand, I smirk at her. “These are mine now.”

“Rafe, really, maybe we shouldn’t

Before she can finish her sentence, I place my hand back on her soaked pussy and place a finger right on her clit. She bites her lower lip, trying to stifle a moan. Her face grows red as she looks at me with pleading eyes.

“What do you want, princess?” I can’t tell if she wants me to continue, or if she wants me to stop. Maybe she doesn’t know what she wants either.

“I… We shouldn’t be doing this here,” she sighs. With my fingers sliding over her wet folds, she can’t focus. Her legs part ever so slightly, even as she speaks. It’s the sexiest, most adorable thing I’ve ever seen.

“I said don’t worry your pretty little head about it. We’re supposed to be engaged, remember? We’re supposed to be in love. The flight attendant will understand.”

Piper’s eyes look more determined this time as she reaches down to grab my wrist and shove it away.

“I should get back to my seat,” she says abruptly. She swings her legs around and starts to get up, but I put my arms around her waist, keeping her in my seat.

“Where do you think you’re going?” I ask.

“I already told you. Back to my seat.”

“Hey, I was just joking about the ‘pretty little head’ comment, princess. I didn’t think it was going to be a big deal.”

‘I knew it was a joke.”

“Then what’s wrong? Is this because I said we’re supposed to be engaged?”

She stays quiet for a few anxious seconds. When she parts her lips, she says, “Am I even going to see you again after today?”

“What, did you think I was just going to disappear on you?” I can’t suppress a smile. Fuck, could she be any more adorable?

“Well, that is the agreement.”

“No, the agreement is you pretend to be my fiancée and I let you stay for free. That’s all. Everything else that happens outside of that exchange is not part of the deal.”

“Then what is this?” Piper asks directly, pointing at me and then at herself.

“This is whatever we want it to be. What do you want it to be, princess?”

“I don’t know,” she says.

“It’s up to me, then. And I’m telling you I want you to be mine.”

She twists to look up at me, surprise and disbelief in her eyes. She opens her mouth to say something, but her jaw just hangs there and no words come out.

“You heard me. You think I’m going to let you go just like that, after last night?” I grab her waist and pull her tight against my chest. “You’re mine. All mine.”

To my relief, her lips form a shy smile. She gazes at me from underneath her lashes. But I’m going to need more from her.

“Say it, princess. Tell me you’re mine,” I demand.

“I’m yours,” she says slowly, tentatively, like she’s trying the words out for size. She seems to like the way it sounds. Looking right at me, she repeats, “I’m all yours, Rafe.”

“That’s right, princess,” I say.

Piper jumps in my lap when someone clears her throat behind us. Making her way to the aisle right by my seat, she smiles politely and says, “Excuse me, Sir, Miss, we’re about to land soon. Please go back to your seat and put on the seatbelt for safety.”

Piper’s face flushes red and she hurriedly gets up. As she leaps across the narrow aisle, she looks back and sees her panties on my seat. She looks horrified, her gaze flicking between me, the white panties, and the flight attendant’s face.

The flight attendant, confused by Piper’s expression, looks down at my seat. She must have spotted the panties; they’re in clear view. But she remains professional and pretends she’s not aware of them.

We pay our staff well—well enough to look the other way when they’re expected to. And this time is no different. I’m sure she has seen way crazier things.

An engaged couple getting frisky while we’re airborne? It’s practically innocent. Wholesome, even.

But Piper doesn’t know the high standards we expect from the service staff. I can see the uncertainty in her eyes, in that split second when she considers whether she should come back to grab her panties, or if she should just pretend nothing’s wrong so as to not draw any more attention to them.

I grab her panties and stuff them into the front pocket of my jeans. I’ve decided she’s going commando for the rest of the day.

Knowing she can’t get her panties back without making a scene in front of the flight attendant, Piper gets back to her seat and puts on her seatbelt like the good girl she is.

The flight attendant checks that we’re safely strapped in, thanks us, and disappears to the back of the plane.

The corners of my lips pull up as I watch Piper’s confusion turn into resignation. She’s so fun to mess with, and I look forward to continuing this indefinitely.

She’s definitely crazy if she thinks I’m just going to let her go. She’s the first person in years who makes me feel alive, who makes me feel anything at all. Life’s finally fun and full of colors again.

She’s mine. Completely. I’ll be her first and her last. No man is ever laying a hand on her, not if they don’t want any trouble with me.