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His Crazy Summer: A Portville Mpreg Summer Romance (M/M Non-Shifter Omegaverse) (Portville Summer Series Book 2) by Xander Collins (14)

Chapter 14


It took both me and Brian at least five minutes to get Jeremy up off the living room floor, but we eventually got him out the door and into the neighbors car, who took all four of us to The Sunnyside Clinic.

The hilarious thing was, on the way to the clinic I got a call from Shane. He and his alpha, as well as our other roommate, Holden and his mate, were all on their way to The Sunnyside Clinic as well. No one planned it, of course, but somehow all four of us spent the summer hiding a pregnancy from each other. And now all four of us, along with our partners, were rushing to the clinic delivery room at the exact same time.

Brian’s partner Nate and Shane both gave birth that Saturday evening, and Jeremy and Holden’s partners gave birth the next day, but we all stayed there at the clinic until the last baby was born.

The clinic even put up cots for all four alphas and let us eat for free in the cafeteria. The doctors and nurses there were all so awesome. I know they were used to seeing pregnant couples in and out of there all day every day, but the staff treated all of us like we were the only ones there.

Dr. Livingston, the doctor who ran Jeremy’s omega group, came in and talked to us for a while. It was nice to finally get to meet him and tell him how grateful I was that Jeremy had the group. Having people who’d gone through the same thing really made things easier for him.

* * *

“So why didn’t you tell me?” Brian asked as he sipped a cup of coffee in the cafeteria. It was Sunday morning and Jeremy had given birth a couple hours ago, and after a whole night of labor he was completely exhausted. So I let him and our baby girl sleep while I grabbed something to eat.

“About the baby? Or about Jeremy?” I asked, staring at my own cup of coffee.

“Both. I know I’ve been busy the last few months, but I was kinda bummed to find out that you were expecting your first baby this way. I mean, if that guy’s monster truck hadn’t broken down in front of our house I might never have known.”

“I’m sorry, man. I guess I just didn’t know if you would be pissed or what. I mean, none of us could stand Jeremy when he lived across the street and drove around in that loud truck. And after what he did to Hank and Jason, blocking their driveway when Hank went into labor, I guess I figured he wouldn’t be very welcome.”

“Well, I have to admit I was shocked to see the two of you together at the door, but you know I trust your judgment, don’t you? If you told me someone was cool I would believe you.”

“Yeah, I should’ve thought it through. I know you’re a good guy, Brian. I’ve really missed hanging out with all of you.”

“Yeah, me too. We’re gonna have to plan a get-together. Maybe at that rich guy’s house. I’d love to see where Shane’s been hiding all summer.”

“Oh yeah, you mean Shane’s professor?” I asked. “Yeah, man I had no idea who that guy even was. I mean, Shane told me about being pregnant a few months ago. He was scared about anyone finding out and I brought him here to the clinic so he could get checked out. But things have been so crazy these last few months, between working part-time for my dad, and part-time for Jeremy’s family, not to mention meeting them all at the shower, I haven’t talked to him at all. ”

“Jesus, that shower sounds like it was hilarious.”

“Oh, my God, Brian, you have no idea. Jeremy’s family really knows how to party.”

“Well, just don’t forget to tell us about the next one. I wouldn’t miss it for the world.”

* * *

Jeremy spent the next week in bed with our daughter while I took care of them. Everyone worked overtime and got our new house finished while we were at the clinic, so by the time we got home we had everything we needed. They’d even gone all out and put up lights and more decorations inside and outside the house, and put a massive pile of presents under the tree.

That whole week leading up to Christmas I cooked and cleaned and helped Jeremy in an out of bed and the shower while he recuperated. Both of our parents insisted we just relax and spend time as a family until January, and the break was so welcome. I loved working hard and feeling my muscles burn at the end of the day, but more than that, I loved seeing my baby girl’s bright, shining smile when she looked up at me.

But in all that time, while we watched Christmas movies and snuggled together on the couch, we still hadn’t decided on a name for our little angel. Every time I came up with a name I thought was perfect Jeremy would veto it for one reason or another, and just about every name that Jeremy came up with didn’t feel right to me. I couldn’t blame him, though. This was our little girl and we had to make sure she had the perfect name.

On Christmas morning while I sat in the bathroom with our sweet little dumpling in my arms, I looked into her eyes and it came to me.

“Felicia,” I said out loud.

“What?” Jeremy called from inside the glass-walled shower.

“I think that would be a perfect name for her.”

“What?” Jeremy yelled again. “I can’t hear you!”

I stood up and opened the shower door just as Jeremy turned the water off. “Felicia,” I said, feeling a grin spread across my face. “Your great-grandmother’s name.”

Jeremy grabbed a towel and glanced up with the cutest look in his eyes. Eyes that immediately told me how touched he was by my suggestion. “That’s perfect. I can’t believe I didn’t come up with it myself. Grammy will absolutely love it,” he said as he lowered his lips to our daughters forehead. “She even as the same eyes.”

“They’re your eyes,” I said. “The most beautiful eyes I’ve ever seen in my life.”

The three of us moved into the living room and snuggled together in a big pile of blankets on the couch. We had twinkling lights on and soft Christmas music playing in the background while Jeremy and I had breakfast—a french toast casserole I’d put in the oven earlier that morning.

After we ate we took our time opening the presents our families had put under the tree. They had all been so generous. There were clothes and toys and diapers—more than we even needed—and if some of it was second-hand, neither of us noticed or cared.

In the middle of opening presents we took a video call from my dads and Mateo and Nina and Ralph a call. Mateo had made the call since my dads were’t too tech savvy, and they were thrilled to get to see our sweet little Felicia on Christmas morning. They were planning on dropping by with some food a little later. I knew they couldn’t wait to see her again.

Then I gave my friends a call to see how their Christmas’ were going, and after all the calls were over and the paper and contents of all the presents were scattered across the living room carpet, I brought out a small gift that I’d hidden behind the couch cushion.

“What’s this?” Jeremy asked as I handed him the small box.

“It’s just something for you. For both of you.”

Jeremy tore the paper away and laughed when he saw what was inside.

“I know how much you miss your truck,” I said, looking down at the teeny model of a lifted monster truck. “And I thought, when Felicia gets old enough, the two of you can play with it together.”

“This is so awesome, Alex,” Jeremy said with a smile. “I know how much you hated that thing.”

“But you loved it, and that’s important to me. It’s a part of you and I want our daughter to know that about you.”

“Oh, she’ll know it all right,” Jeremy said. “As soon as she’s old enough I’m getting her a little lifted truck she can peddle around in, and I’m taking her to smash-em-up derbies and car shows, and—”

“What about me?” I asked.

“You can come along too. But those things are loud, you know. With all those bad exhaust systems and poorly tuned engines. Are you sure you want to?”

“I’ll happily go anywhere the two of you go,” I said, kissing Jeremy on the lips. “Always.”


* * *

If you feel like you missed out on the moment when Jeremy gave birth to Felicia, you’re right. That chapter wasn’t included for a special reason. This summer series is about four roommates who start out living in a house together, then find relationships of their own and move on. In the final chapter of the fourth book, all four of the omegas will give birth in one, chaotic scene. So, please stick with The Portville Summer Series if you’d like to have that experience.

The next book, His Secret Summer, is about Shane and his secret summer romance with his college professor. If you like older man/younger man, dom/sub relationships, then don’t miss it!

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