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His Human Vessel: An Alien Warrior Romance (Zandian Masters Book 5) by Renee Rose (2)

Chapter Two


Bayla moaned and slid her hand between her legs, her fingers finding her damp core.


The sharp word jerked her awake, and she opened her eyes. She lay on her belly in her cage, hand between her legs.

Fertility drugs gave Bayla erotic dreams on a regular basis, but nothing compared to the one she’d been having. Doctor Daneth had been pounding into her from behind, his pure animalistic lust a heady drug.

She’d never had satisfactory sexual relations, despite the fertility drugs that made most males far more appealing than they might otherwise be. But after her incredibly erotic first planet rotation with Daneth, she’d been steeped in lusty thoughts and sensations.

She’d fallen asleep immediately after he put her to bed the night before, but when she’d woken in the night, she’d found the cage positioned right beside Daneth’s bed. He’d opened his eyes and shushed her to sleep like a baby. She remembered waking in the early morning to find him standing beside the cage, staring down at her with hunger, but when she’d stirred, he’d merely turned the cage away and told her to go back to sleep.

Now, though, he appeared beside her cage, his brows locked together in obvious displeasure.

She pushed herself onto her elbows, too groggy to understand what she’d done wrong.

“You do not have permission to pleasure yourself.”

Oh. She rubbed her forefinger and thumb together, wiping away the traces of her body’s natural lubricant.

“You are the subject of a very important medical procedure. I cannot have you taking your sexual satisfaction into your own hands. I forbid you to touch yourself without my permission. Understand?”

Not really, but she nodded anyway. “Yes, Master.”

His eyes narrowed as if he knew she was blowing stars up his ass. “If I find you’ve been masturbating—and I will know”—he indicated the cuff on his forearm—“I will whip you until you cry. Are we clear?”

Her bottom clenched, cheeks flushed with heat as she remembered how he’d paddled her to tears the planet rotation before. “Yes, Master,” she muttered.

“I mean it. Your orgasms are mine to control. Every one of them. Your body belongs to me. You’re my vessel, and I’m going to keep you in perfect condition for the duty for which I chose you.”

She wanted to scowl, but she schooled her features to something more agreeable.

His vessel, my ass. Well, not literally.

He wasn’t a bad master, and, so far, her surroundings—the cage, the food, Daneth’s room—were so preferable to the fertility farm, she never wanted to go back. But she also didn’t want to be implanted with an alien. She didn’t want to grow a baby inside her, only to have it taken from her a third time.

“Open cage door,” he commanded, and it sprang open. “Out.”

She climbed to her hands and knees and backed out. Daneth molded his hands around her waist and lifted her down, though he could have easily lowered the cage. He wants to touch me. A thrill of power flicked through her.

He placed her feet on the floor. “Come. A small punishment to help you remember this rule.”

“I didn’t know the rule, Master,” she wheedled, but his frown stopped her from going on. He sat on the edge of his bed and beckoned her to him.

She approached and started to drop to her knees between his legs, prepared to suck him off again, but he stopped her with a hand on her forearm and dragged her across his lap instead.

His hand cracked down on her bare ass, but it didn’t fall hard. A small punishment, he’d said. Maybe he just wanted to have her over his lap. He peppered her ass with light smacks that only succeeded in making her more horny.


Was that his intention? Torturing her through arousal because he’d claimed ownership of her orgasms?

Heat pooled between her legs—playing this strange new game with the sexy doctor excited her. Especially when he stopped and rubbed her tingling buttocks. “You like having your ass spanked, don’t you, little human?” The rough quality of his voice told her he liked it as much as she.

When he pulled her cheeks apart, though, she squeezed her ass together and squirmed on his lap.

He delivered a much harder smack to her ass. “You will hold still, or I will strap you down.”

“Ouch! Yes, Master.” She spoke the words expected of her, but stopping the squirming and relaxing her bottom was another matter.

Daneth tapped one cheek. She bit her lip, her buns instantly tightening again until she forced her muscles to soften. Once more, the doctor prized her cheeks apart, and a cold blob of liquid dropped on her anus.

She flinched, trying to squeeze again, but Daneth’s finger rubbed it in a circle then something cold and hard pressed against her back entrance. She lifted her head, craning to see over her shoulder. “W-what is that?”

“A plug. To remind you who controls your body. I will take it out when I feel the lesson is complete.”

His words angered her, even as fresh heat rushed to her core.

She tried to resist the object, but he pressed insistently until her tight sphincter had to open or incur pain. The muscles yawned, and the plug stretched her wide.

She mewled, not so much from discomfort, although there was some, but more from the sensation of intrusion. Invasion. Humiliation at having him claim this part of her body in addition to her uterus. This hadn’t been a punishment on the fertility farm. But an attractive alien doctor hadn’t been part of the equation, either. Was she embarrassed because she cared what he thought of her? Did she want more respect? That was stupid. Slaves don't get respect.

The plug seated in her, and the discomfort eased, but the sensation of fullness remained.

“Put on a tunic.” He tipped her back up to her feet. “I will take you to the kitchen to eat.”

She wasn’t sure how to stand, much less walk, with the plug inside her. She tried, making a stiff-legged trip across the room to fetch her tunic, which he’d hung on a hook the night before. It turned out the plug didn’t inhibit her movement, but the jostling of walking certainly provided a cascade of sensation to her anus, making her pussy drip.

She slipped on the tunic. “May I use the washroom, Master?” she asked.

He looked up from his study of his cuff readouts with impatience. “Of course. Don’t interrupt me for foolish questions.”

Grr. How was she to know whether she was allowed to use his washroom or not? For all she knew, slaves had their own separate facilities. She kept her annoyance to herself, though, and took care of her business.

When she returned to the chamber, Master Daneth clipped her handcuffs behind her back and attached a collar and chain around her neck. Apparently, he thought she’d try to escape once they left his room.


Where would a human slave go? And why would she leave the incredibly luxurious comforts of her current situation? Her life had suddenly improved in almost every aspect—from food to surroundings to her new master. She wasn’t going to make a run for it and risk the Ocretion death penalty for runaway slaves.

Nope, she wasn’t stupid. She’d lucked into a decent situation for the first time in her life and she intended to work it to her advantage as long as she could. She just needed to figure out how to stay here but avoid the pregnancy part.




Daneth held the chain attached to Bayla’s collar and escorted her down the corridor. Her full lips parted as she took in her surroundings. “Where are we?” she breathed.

Since he hadn’t spoken to her first, he didn’t answer. He didn’t want to establish a situation in which she could interrupt his thoughts with every foolish question that popped into her head.

To his satisfaction, she lowered her eyes and muttered, “Forgive me, Master.”

Excellent. A quick learner.

They passed the great room, and she slowed, drawing in an extended breath. He was about to jerk the chain to hurry her up when he caught the childlike wonder in her eyes. Against his better judgment, he slowed his steps. “This is the great room, where Prince Zander receives his species once a week.”

“It’s...incredible.” She craned her neck to take in the vaulted ceiling and crystal-amplified skylights.

He never paid attention to his surroundings, but, seeing it through her eyes, he supposed Zander’s palatial pod was quite opulent.

He and several other palace officials had managed to get the young prince out of Zandia alive, along with enough Zandian crystal to purchase this pod. When Zander became a young man, he’d dedicated himself to strategic trade, increasing his wealth exponentially. Enough to fund the war to take back their planet.

It was Daneth’s life’s work to ensure there were Zandians left to inhabit it when that finally happened. Encouraging the young prince to mate had been his first project. Now that the next being in the royal line had been conceived, he’d returned his focus to the project involving Bayla, his intended vessel.

“Master, please tell me—what is this place?”

He could hardly issue a rebuke when she asked so sweetly. Veck, the way she stared up at him with those pleading blue eyes made his resolve crumble to pieces. But he was smart enough to know that it was an act on her part. She’d learned to play the part of obedient slave and eager sex kitten. It was probably what kept her from beatings or ill-treatment.

“You’re in the Zandian palatial pod, temporary home to Prince Zander, until we retake our planet.”

He saw the flicker of intelligence as she digested that information. Yes, she may play the part of a simpleton, a childlike female who’d learned to be docile and subservient, but he’d be wise not to underestimate his beautiful human.

“Where is the pod? There is sunlight here.”

“We are stationed in Ocretion airspace, above their planet. They granted Prince Zander asylum when we lost Zandia.”

“How did you lose your planet, Master?”

“The Finn overtook it and killed most of our species. That is why my work is so important.”

She paled. “H-how many of you are there left?”

“Probably less than two hundred. And most are my age or older. There are no females of breeding age whatsoever.”

She peered up into his face in a way that made his pulse jump. “How old are you, Master?”

Was it wrong that his dick hardened every time she called him master? Stars, he hadn’t expected to get a power trip over owning a slave. It had been a necessity for his experiment, nothing more.

“I’m fifty-two.” Too old for you. Why then, had the urge to breed her overcome him seventeen times since he’d purchased her?

His hand drifted down to mold over one cheek of her ass, bare beneath the tunic. It was a proprietary gesture. He’d given in to the urge to touch that soft flesh simply because he could. She belonged to him and her body was his to train, touch, and use as he required.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw flashing on his cuff. Thirty percent aroused.

His cock thickened. His fingers twitched toward her core, wondering if he’d find her slippery and wet between her legs again. But this behavior was foolish. He had things to do, and the girl hadn’t been fed yet.

He gave her ass a light slap. “Let’s go, slave.”

“Yes, Master.” So vecking agreeable. He didn’t know what to do with a being who pretended to like him. It had never happened before.

He took her to the kitchen, slapping her ass every time she slowed to ogle a piece of art or finery. He told himself this was part of her discipline. It certainly wasn’t because he couldn’t keep his hands off her firm, rounded ass.

He introduced her to the palatial pod’s chef. “Master Barr, this is our newest human acquisition, Bayla. If all goes well, she will also be pregnant within the week and will have the same dietary needs as Lamira.” He released the magnet clip on her cuffs to free her hands.

Bayla lifted her gaze to him. “Who’s—”

He arched a brow, and her mouth clamped shut. Good girl.

Barr bowed. “It will be my pleasure to feed another human female.” He indicated a seat at his counter and heaped a serving of grain cakes on a plate. “Lady Lamira grows heirloom fruits and vegetables originally found on Earth. Doctor Daneth believes those foods are best suited for the human body.” He brought a smaller plate with a pile of tiny red fruit to her. “These are called strawberries.”

Bayla’s full lips stretched into a wide smile which did something strange to Daneth’s insides. They squeezed and turned in the most uncomfortable way, and something akin to anger flushed through him.

Anger? At what?

His hands clenched into fists at his sides. He wanted to shove the little red berries up Chef Barr’s nose… oh. Could this be jealousy? Surely not. Why would he envy old Barr feeding the slave.

His slave.

Yes. His. Slave.

Was this some primordial instinct to provide for a female rearing its head? Or the need to demolish all competition for said female?

Bayla finished chewing the strawberry she’d popped into her mouth and moaned. “Master Barr, I’ve never had a strawberry before, but it’s the best thing I’ve ever tasted in my life.”

Barr’s skin darkened in a blush, and he bowed.

Yes, Daneth wanted to shove Barr’s head in the oven. He didn’t like Bayla talking to the chef. Didn’t like her smiling. He definitely didn’t like her moaning like that.

He checked his cuff. Twenty percent aroused.

Good. If he’d found her arousal had increased over eating strawberries, Barr would’ve lost several teeth. Considering she’d been 30 percent aroused when he’d touched her backside, the 20 percent probably related to her sitting on a bare, freshly spanked ass with a plug in it.

He tapped his fingers on the counter, grateful that she ate so quickly this time. She cleaned both plates in mere minutes.

“Would you care for more, Bayla?”

“She’s finished,” he snapped. Not that he’d ever deny his slave food, but if she wanted more, she could eat it in her cage. “She will take her meals in my chamber,” he said, “unless I escort her out.”

Barr bowed again.

He picked up Bayla’s leash and wrapped it around one hand, tugging her off her chair. “Hands behind your back.”

Her immediate obedience gave him a small thrill. “Attach cuffs,” his voice commanded, and her wrists locked together.

Veck. The bound position only pushed out her breasts out farther. Her nipples poked out of the thin fabric of her garment, as if begging for his touch. Add to that her downcast eyes and submissively bowed head, and his cock was suddenly too large for his pants.

Gritting his teeth, he jerked the leash. He had to stay focused. She was a vessel for his project. Nothing more.

“Come.” He led her back down the corridor.

Two guards approached and stopped at the sight of Bayla. One of them cleared his throat. “Doctor Daneth.”

The same impatience he’d experienced in the kitchen intensified. He wanted to drag Bayla away from these males and lock her up in his room, perhaps never let her out. It would be for her own protection. An unbred female might prove too much of a temptation around the pod. He recalled what happened when Prince Zander’s mate, Lamira, had been left alone with a guard. The guard had attempted to force himself on the female.

“Warriors, this is Bayla. She’s part of an important protocol to repopulate our species.”

Both males took on a look of hunger, their gazes traveling up and down her small body.

“She will not be bred,” he snapped too sharply, but neither lifted his eyes, which seemed to be locked on—veck.

The belt wrapping around her tunic had tugged free, and it gapped open, giving the males a clear shot of her incredible breasts.

He snatched up the edges and yanked it closed, which only succeeded in freeing the belt completely, so it dropped to the floor.

Bayla dropped to her knees to pick it up, twisting and arching to show her breasts off more as she used the hands pinned behind her back. When she rose, she faltered crotch-level because—vecking hell!—both males sported enormous erections.

Fifty percent aroused. Fifty-five percent aroused.

Even if he hadn’t seen the flashing indicator on his cuff, he would have known. He recognized the scent of her arousal.

To make matters worse, Bayla made a show of herself, letting the tunic hang open while she struggled against her bonds to cover herself. Her lush naked body made the guards’ eyes nearly pop from their skulls.

Rage overtook him, even as his rational side analyzed the situation. Zandian male exhibits need to show dominance in the group and claim the lone female. He made mental notes to study his reaction later. Like Prince Zander, when Lamira was placed into his keeping, aggression and anger overtook Daneth’s logic.

He yanked the chain, nearly jerking her off her feet, and marched back toward his lab.

“Master Daneth,” she gasped, running to keep up with his long strides. “I dropped the belt.”

He didn’t vecking care. Some being would return the belt later. Right now, he needed to get her into his lab and away from every male in the pod.

He pressed his palm to the door to open it and yanked her into his office.

Breathless, cheeks flushed, she looked more beautiful than ever. He had to resist the urge to punish her mouth with his lips first. But no. Over his knee.

He dragged her to the examination bed and put one knee up on the footrest, bending her over his thigh with her torso resting on the bed.

“Bad. Girl.” He gripped her bound wrists and pushed them, with the tunic, up to the small of her back.




Bad girl. The words made her belly flip. She’d known she irritated Daneth. She’d been trying for jealousy and had obviously succeeded. But the moment his hand started paddling her bare ass, she realized, as she had the previous planet rotation, she’d bitten off more than she could chew.

“Oh, ow,” she whimpered.

He paddled fast and hard. If it wasn’t his full strength, she shuddered to think what that would be, because his hand struck like wood. It was so much worse than the leather paddle had been. Each crack made her jump and flinch, but he held her tight, and other than prance in place and twist her head from side to side, there was nothing she could do to resist the terrible spanking.

She tried to breathe, to calm her body’s fight or flight reflex and resist the pain with each inhale and exhale, but it became increasingly harder.

His spanking hurt.

And even through the agony, her pussy wept with arousal. The butt plug jostled in her anus with each smack and something about the bare bottom position, the humility of the chastisement made it intimate, embarrassing, and deeply thrilling. She hated it and loved it all at the same time.

“Stop! Please, Master, I’m sorry!” she cried, certain she couldn’t take any more.

“I will not stop,” he snapped, spanking harder still, which she hadn’t believed possible. “I have punished you twice already for this behavior and I will. Not. Tolerate it.”

Stars danced before her eyes as she struggled for breath. “Please! It’s too hard! You’re spanking too hard.”

Unbelievably, that stopped him.

He stretched her cheeks up and out, like he was examining them for color and texture. “I am only spanking with my hand.” The anger had drained from his voice, which held a scientist’s curiosity now.

The moisture that she hadn’t had time to weep during the spanking stung her eyes. “Well, your hand is awful.” The tears in her voice made her sound pouty, and damn the doctor, he actually chuckled.

“Worse than the leather paddle?”

“Yes, Master.” Still sulky.

“Dark red color after eighty-three strokes,” he reported, presumably to his data recorder, not her.

“Climb up on the table.” He patted the examination bed.

With shaking legs, she mounted the bed and curled up on her side, not wanting her throbbing flesh to touch the fabric of the table cover, though it was silky soft, not paper.

“Release wrist cuffs.”

Her wrists fell apart, and she sighed in relief. The position had shown off her curvy assets—maybe too well—but strained her shoulders.

Her relief didn’t last long. Daneth gripped her by the waist and arranged her on her back, drawing her knees up high to her shoulders and pinning her cuffed ankles in place there, so her pussy and bottom were spread wide, open for his examination.

Her anus pinched closed around the plug, squeezing and contracting in a shivery pulse.

He pulled her hands wide over her head, attaching them to the wall behind her. The effect was to lift and spread her breasts.

Her shaking increased, and so did her tears. Never in her life had she felt so vulnerable, so utterly exposed.

Daneth had transformed from angry, jealous lover back to the cool, clinical doctor and she wasn’t sure she preferred this side of him. The calm, indifferent way he handled her now frightened her much more than the hard spanking.

He walked to a cabinet and retrieved several instruments.

“Wh-what are you going to do to me?” She hated the quaver in her voice.

Daneth neither looked at her nor spoke. He was back to ignoring her, as he had the previous planet rotation, when she’d woken to find herself bound to his table. It made her want to kick him in the nuts.

“I’m sorry, Master. Please have mercy. I didn’t mean to make you angry.”

He unwrapped and sprayed an instrument then approached. “Oh, I think you did.” He still didn’t look at her, directing his attention, instead, to her lady parts, spread and displayed for him.

He inserted the large phallus into her vagina, not checking for lubrication, although—dammit—it was already there. The probe filled her and she groaned, pleasure shivering down her inner thighs and making her toes scrunch up.

She panted, trying to get used to it, but he flicked it on, and the device whirred to life, vibrating so hard it shook her entire pelvis—hell, it shook the entire bed—and the plug in her anus seemed to spring to life right with it.

Daneth cocked his head, studying her pussy and the contraption inside. He fiddled with it. Suddenly, a small clamp attached to her clit.

She screamed, jerking uselessly against her bonds. “Oh stars, what are you doing?” she screeched. “Take it off. Please, Master, take it off. I’ll be good, I promise.”

He tilted his head. “Does it hurt?” Only mild curiosity, not concern.

“No. Yes. No, but I don’t want it. Please take it off. Please? I’ll be so good. I’ll be a good girl for you. I’ll never show my tits again. I’ll never try to make you jealous. I’m sorry. I’m so sorry.”

Daneth flicked off the vibrator and, for the first time since he’d spanked her, met her eyes. “You were trying to make me jealous?” His brows drew together as if the concept confused him.

Even though he’d turned off the vibrator, the shaking in her body hadn’t stopped, Her thighs quaked, ass shivered. One stroke of her pussy, and she’d go off. “I’m sorry, Master.” Tears leaked from the corners of her eyes, but she didn’t know what they were about. Need, perhaps. Yet, she’d begged him to stop the vibration. Her mind tied itself up in a knot and then lay down and quit.


She struggled at her bonds. The strangest desire to be held in his arms arrived in her brain and once it landed there, wouldn’t leave. She leaned her chest toward him, wanting him closer, needing his reassurance. “It excites me,” she whispered. “I’m so sorry. I don’t know what’s come over me. I’ve never acted this way before.”

Daneth’s eyes, normally a purplish shade of brown, turned bright amethyst. His horns lengthened. He stepped closer and traced his thumb down her cheek.

She pushed into his hand, nuzzled it, craving it and so much more. “Please forgive me, Master. I was a bad girl, I know. Have mercy on me.”

He leaned toward her.

She held her breath.

Would he kiss her? Release her bonds? Breed with her?

She stretched her neck trying to reach him. And then screamed because he’d flicked on the terrible, wonderful vibration again. “Master!”

His mouth covered hers, swallowing her next scream. He pumped the vibrator in and out of her stretched pussy while his tongue mimicked the movement in her mouth, taking her, claiming her, punishing her with each sweep, each thrust.

White-hot pressure built to the bursting point, and she exploded, orgasm rocking through her, lifting her hips from the table, though the action tightened and twisted her fully flexed knees. Her eyes squeezed tight, she screamed unintelligible words, and Daneth drew back and slapped one of her breasts, hard.

The orgasm went on and on.

He slapped her other breast, and she wept and moaned. The squeeze and release of her climax passed, but Daneth didn’t remove the vibrating phallus, didn’t stop looking at her with that cruel smirk.

“Master,” she moaned. “Master, please. No more. I’m a sorry girl. I’m such a sorry girl. I’ll be your good girl, I promise. I’ll never show my breasts again.”

“No. You won’t.” His voice sounded flinty, matching the hardened lines of his face. Was the strain due to desire? The enormous bulge of his cock tented his pants and lab coat. “You will never, ever try to make me jealous again. Nor will you show your breasts. You will not be permitted out of my lab or chamber without full covering on your body.”

She wanted to remind him that she had requested panties the previous planet rotation and he’d been the one to refuse, but she didn’t dare.

“You will not cocktease me. And if you ever cocktease other males on this pod again, you will never be allowed out of this lab or my chamber again. Understood?”

She bobbed her head. “Yes, Master. Please stop.”

He kept her under his cool consideration, not moving.

“Please? Please, Master.”

“I like hearing you beg so much more than I ever imagined I would.” He slapped her breast. “What I don’t like?” Another slap. “Seeing you aroused by other males.”

Her face flushed with heat, and the urge to cry returned as the reason for his anger suddenly became clear. “I wasn’t aroused by other males,” she pleaded. “I wasn’t.”

He pinched each of her nipples between a thumb and forefinger and twisted until she screamed.

“Please, Master!”

“Don’t lie to me. I embedded sensors in your inner walls to measure your level of excitement. I will always know.”

Tears spilled, only because she knew it was true but didn’t want it to be. She didn’t want him to be hurt by her arousal by other males. She’d been teasing for him, not them. She shook her head, the back of her hair rubbing on the table covering. “No, no, no, no,” she moaned. “It-it wasn’t my fault. My body responded—it’s the drugs. Not my fault.”

Daneth released her nipples abruptly. “Perhaps it wasn’t your fault,” he conceded. “That much you can’t control, can you, little slave?”

She shook her head. “No, Master.”

He brought the backs of his fingers to her cheek and stroked, showing signs of mercy, though he still hadn’t stopped the incessant vibration.

“Please?” she begged.

“Please, what?”

“Please, Master?”

He waited—apparently that wasn’t the add-on he desired.

“Please take it out,” she croaked. “Please don’t be angry anymore. Please...hold me.” She bit her lip, wishing those words hadn’t tumbled out. She averted her gaze to the window as another tear tracked along the side of her nose.

The vibrator stopped. Daneth removed it and the anal plug, leaving her feeling empty and wrung out. “What does hold me mean?”

“Nothing,” she answered quickly. “Never mind, Master.”

“Release ankle cuffs.” He pinched her chin and turned her face. “No lies, pretty human.”

She blinked, surprised to see...was it warmth In his eyes now?

“Release wrist cuffs.”

She moaned as her arms dropped and the blood rushed back into them with billions of pinpricks.

Daneth scooped her up. “Is this hold me?”

She tucked her face into his neck and nodded.

“You like this?”

Another nod. She looped one arm around his shoulder.

He carried her through the door to his chamber and toward the cage. “Why?”

She tightened her grip on his shoulder, not wanting to be put away yet. She didn’t answer.

“Bayla.” His voice cracked like a whip.

Her bottom clenched. “It feels nice.”

“Humans require physical contact.” He didn’t say it like a question, but he didn’t sound certain, either. More like he was testing out a theory.

“Don’t Zandians?”




Did Zandians require physical contact? If he’d been asked two planet rotations ago, he would’ve scoffed with an instantaneous, definitive no. But, feeling the soft weight of Bayla in his arms, the scent of her skin, the musk of her arousal filling his nostrils, he wasn’t so sure.

“Not physiologically,” he hedged.

What if Zandians did require physical touch? What if it brought them alive? Made them experience emotions they hadn’t felt in thirty solar cycles?

No. That was foolish. He’d known having close contact with a human female might affect him. If he was going to complete his experiment successfully, he needed to pull back from her allure and focus. Concentrate. Stop allowing her to whip his emotions into a frenzy.

And yet, when those slender arms tightened around his neck, there was no way in the galaxy he could let her go. She liked this. She wanted him to hold her. How utterly ridiculous.

How precious.

Instead of attempting to place her in the cage, he detoured to his sleepdisk and made himself comfortable, scooting into a seated position with his back against the wall. Bayla’s soft, heated bottom settled in his lap, teasing his stiffened cock. He’d loved torturing her with orgasms. Watching her face flush and eyes turn glassy. Hearing her plead for release. Oh vecking stars, the way she’d begged with him had made him rock hard!

Master, please. I’ll be your good girl, I promise.

Those words made him want to flip her onto her knees and pound her pussy hard from behind. Pound her until she learned what it meant to be his good girl. To serve her master’s every whim.

Veck, he was losing his mind.





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