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His Knight (Shining Armor Book 1) by Charity Parkerson (4)

Chapter Four

It took Benny longer than he’d admit to answer the knocking at his door. His grumbling and cursing died away when he spotted Wyatt on the other side. “Hi.” Sheesh, even to his ears, he sounded breathless. He’d always been an idiot.

Wyatt’s gorgeous smile made an appearance. “Hi. I figured you were still having trouble getting around by yourself. I’ve come to help.”

Since Benny had been taking care of himself for years, he would’ve expected pride to make an appearance and use his mouth to shoot Wyatt down. It didn’t happen. Benny couldn’t stop smiling. He hopped backward so Wyatt could come in. “How is it that you took more bullets than me, but you’re up and driving around? I have to anticipate a bathroom break fifteen minutes ahead of time just so I can get there before I piss on myself.”

Wyatt’s sexy laugh rumbled through the living room. “I don’t have crutches hindering me, and I’m used to being in pain. You’re young. You haven’t gotten there yet.”

“I’m not that young.” Yeah, even to Benny’s ears, he sounded stupid, but he had some pains.

Light green eyes flashed his way. Laughter made them even brighter. “You’re young compared to me. I’m thirty-four and I played football through college and two years professionally before tearing out my shoulder. Everything hurts when I get up in the morning. Then some little bastard went and shot me several times.” Wyatt shrugged. Benny’s mouth watered as he watched the man’s massive shoulders lift and roll. “I’ve just added to the list of shit that pops, creaks, and aches when I crawl out of bed.”

Curiosity over that bed ate Benny alive. “I bet it’s huge.”

Another round of laughter filled the room, feeding Benny’s heart. “What?”

“Your bed,” Benny clarified, crutching his way back to the couch. “I have no idea why. You just strike me as a man who owns the world’s biggest bed.”

Wyatt helped him settle back down. “You’re such an odd kid.”

The words knocked the air from Benny’s lungs. Life was unfair. Benny always crushed on the wrong people. It was funny how Wyatt being straight didn’t bother him. His type usually was, but the man considering him a child—that was a punch to the gut. Wyatt was right. He was odd.

“Are you okay? Do you need some pain meds?”

Benny shook his head, trying to dispel his black thoughts. It wasn’t Wyatt’s fault. Benny was always alone, but then again, he wasn’t. There was no one in his life directly, but he never sat around the house with his thoughts. “Sorry. I had a weird moment there, feeling sorry for myself,” he admitted. Even though he felt stupid for doing so, Benny couldn’t stop the confessions. “I’ve been on my own since I was seventeen. This shit,” he said, motioning toward his leg. “It’s a new level of bullshit. I’m used to being on the go—classes, library, and volunteering. Sitting here, waiting to heal, is making me nuts.”

“That was another worry of mine. You’re young.”


“With no parents.”

Could this get worse?

“And no one to help you. I thought maybe you could use like a big brother or something.”

If Jesus could just take him now, that would be great.

“So I brought some stuff. Hang on,” Wyatt said, heading for the door. “I’ll be right back.” Benny watched Wyatt disappear through the front door. He returned in less than a minute, carrying several bags. His smile wiped away Benny’s irritation. “I thought, if you don’t mind me hanging around, we could watch some movies, eat some junk, and whatever.”

He really wanted to know what “whatever” consisted of, but Benny didn’t ask. “You brought food and movies?” Benny couldn’t hide the happiness in his voice.

“Yeah, and some other stuff.” Wyatt dropped two bags—a plastic bag and what looked to be an overnight bag—on the coffee table. He carried the rest to the kitchen. It killed Benny not being able to follow. Curiosity ate him alive. Wyatt returned empty handed. His gaze landed on Benny. Benny fought not to eat the man alive with his stare. He was fucking perfect. Wyatt wasn’t huge. In fact, they were the same height, and Benny was only five-foot-nine, but Wyatt was cut. His shirt molded to every line. His arms made Benny want to cling to them. All Benny could do was measure each breath and dream. “What would you like to do first?”

At Wyatt’s question, Benny wrestled his wayward thoughts to the ground and tried burying them. “I don’t know. Your options were vague.”

To his surprise, Wyatt crossed the room and pulled him to his feet. Benny wondered if he looked as shocked as he felt as Wyatt held on to him and helped him to the kitchen. Benny lost the battle. His hand landed on Wyatt’s stomach. He told himself he braced himself against falling. His body screamed he was a liar. When Benny’s fingers collided with Wyatt’s abs, he stroked. He didn’t mean for it to happen. Wyatt’s body made him stupid. The man’s skin was soft yet hard. He could feel every muscle rolling beneath the man’s skin, but he was like velvet. The second Benny found his hand, sliding across Wyatt’s stomach in a loving caress, horror overcame him. He prayed the floor would swallow him. It was like something glitched in his brain, because he did it again, savoring the sensation of silky washboard beneath his palm. He told himself to drop his hand and just hang on to Wyatt’s waist. It didn’t happen. By the time they made it to the kitchen where Benny could cling to the counter, his humiliation was complete. If Wyatt left him right then, alone with no way back to the couch, it would be what he deserved. The silence between them was deafening. Benny tried several times to force his eyes in Wyatt’s direction before succeeding.

When he finally managed to meet Wyatt’s gaze, the man looked more thoughtful than annoyed. He turned away, grabbed a stool, and forced Benny to sit before heading for the grocery bags he’d abandoned. Wyatt pulled out a covered glass pan. “I can’t take credit for this part. Mom was worried about you too. She sent food. I hope you like lasagna.” Benny watched in silence as Wyatt opened every drawer until he found the silverware. He pried the lid from the pan, uncovering a cheese-covered meal. Benny still couldn’t make his brain work as he watched Wyatt dig a fork in. “This is Mom’s special recipe. If you know women, then you know—whether you like it or not—you should say that you love it.” He paused with a fork full of lasagna held over the dish. “Do you have a girlfriend?”

In the worst case of timing ever, Benny’s brain fired back to life and a loud burst of horrified-sounding laughter escaped him. He fought for control. Heat crawled up his neck and exploded across his face. Not only had he just felt the man up, now this. “Um, no. I’m gay, which has always seemed like it should be glaringly obvious, but this past year is really teaching me new things.” He couldn’t stop. The babbling just kept pouring out. “First, Professor Thomalson won’t stop flirting and then I get hit on by the chick at the coffee shop. I have three phone numbers from nurses at the hospital, and now, you

Wyatt put his hand over Benny’s mouth, muffling his words. He fell silent, mostly because he had to snap his teeth together to keep from licking Wyatt’s hand. The temptation was real.

“Stop,” Wyatt said, looking serious enough that Benny’s heart rate slowed. “It was a joke. You’re a chick magnet and that cracks me up. Stop explaining yourself. You don’t owe it to me or anyone, okay?” He dropped his hand. Benny’s throat swelled. Even if he’d wanted to speak, he didn’t have the ability. The past week of his life had been hell, but Benny recognized that of all the shit he’d endured in the past seven days, this was the most unfair moment of them all. Wyatt was amazing—like the kind of guy Benny could fall in love with entirely too fast. He’d seen this happen to his friends. Watched them make themselves stupid over a straight guy. Benny never thought it would be him. It seemed life didn’t a give fuck what he thought he’d never do.

* * *

Wyatt had to cover Benny’s mouth. If he’d let the man ramble a second longer, he would’ve kissed him, and neither of them needed that. In his profession, he’d heard tons of stories about survivors falling in love under stressful circumstances. It never ended well. He liked Benny. A lot. He was funny and had a dry wit Wyatt had never been able to resist. It was odd for Benny to be so funny, yet be unable to tell when Wyatt was joking. He’d known Benny was gay. First off, a straight dude would’ve tossed Darrel’s number back in his face. Secondly, Benny obviously didn’t realize how he looked at Wyatt—like he could eat him alive. Butterflies stirred in Wyatt’s gut at the thought. It had been a damn long time since anyone looked at him the way Benny did.

He picked up the fork again and held a bite out for Benny. “Try this.”

Benny dutifully opened his mouth and let Wyatt feed him. He chewed. “Holy shit. That’s delicious. I can’t tell you the last time I had real food. Please tell your mom how much I love her.”

Wyatt chuckled. “There’s garlic bread and brownies here too,” Wyatt said, deciding to go with pretending nothing happened. “If you want, I’ll give you Mom’s number so you can thank her yourself.”

Benny’s face lit. “Is your mom single?”

A surprised snort escaped Wyatt. He couldn’t help it. Benny looked so damn earnest. “Yeah, but my dad just passed three months ago. I don’t think she’s quite ready for you.” Wyatt moved to the fridge, where he’d stashed a cold twelve-pack. “I brought beer. If that’s not okay, let me know what you’d like to drink, and I’ll grab it.”

“Beer is fine.”

After snagging two beers, Wyatt turned to find Benny stealing another bite. He winked when he noticed Wyatt watching. Wyatt opened the beer and passed it over. Benny took a quick sip. “So, she’s not ready for a relationship with a chick magnet. How about another son? Is she adopting?” he asked, looking hopeful.

For a moment, Wyatt couldn’t respond. He could never be this man’s brother. Wyatt didn’t mean for it happen. He set his beer aside and closed the distance between them. “I’m sure she’d love to have you, but then I wouldn’t get to do this,” Wyatt said, capturing the man’s lips.

The instant it registered with Wyatt’s brain that he held Benny’s bottom lip between his teeth, he thought to pull away. His body wasn’t capable. All because of the sound Benny made the second Wyatt’s teeth sank into his flesh. It was the longing of a man too long neglected. Their tongues met. Wyatt took a step closer. Benny gasped in pain, bringing Wyatt back to reality.

He jumped away. “I’m sorry. Jesus.” Wyatt swiped his hand over his face, feeling like an idiot. Benny was injured and Wyatt had pawed at him like a fucking idiot. Without looking Benny’s way, Wyatt opened the first cabinet door he came to, looking for plates. He moved to the next when he only spotted glasses. The silence of the room sank in. Wyatt finally chanced a glance Benny’s way. He looked devastated. It punched Wyatt in the chest.

“You’re sorry?”

Wyatt’s gaze dropped to Benny’s mouth at the question. His stomach cramped with need. “No.” His feet carried him across the room before he knew what he’d do. This time, when their lips met, Wyatt knew what to expect. The heat didn’t lessen, but he held on to his head. Benny didn’t need some huge, horny guy pawing at him while he was hurt. But Benny would heal, and when he did, Wyatt needed him to understand—this was happening. Every sensible idea about relationships formed under pressure had disappeared with the first kiss. This was about more than Benny saving his life. Every night-long conversation through their time in the hospital had led them right here. Benny was giving him a shot. Wyatt was determined the man wouldn’t regret it.

Benny was a nibbler. He kept drawing Wyatt’s bottom lip between his teeth, biting and then sucking before delving his tongue inside once more. It was damn hard to pull away. Wyatt’s cock leaked inside his jeans at the idea of Benny’s sexy soft lips wrapped around it. It wouldn’t be tonight. Wyatt had to shut things down before horny-man brain took over, turning this into a bad porn movie.

He backed away. Benny’s expression almost had him throwing his good intentions to the wind. Flushed cheeks, unfocused gaze, and kiss-swollen lips painted an image Wyatt craved more than oxygen. He couldn’t stop himself from brushing his thumb along Benny’s bottom lip. “Goddamn,” Wyatt breathed before clearing his throat and taking another step back. “Where are your plates?”

Benny absently motioned toward a cabinet behind him. Wyatt set to fixing their food and focusing on his task. He’d always been an idiot, but Benny made him feel downright empty headed.

Wyatt sat braced on the edge of a knife, waiting for the storm as they sat side by side on the couch and ate. Benny did such a damn good job of pretending nothing happened, when he finally broke, Wyatt was almost relieved. Almost.

“You have an ex-wife.”

Wyatt should’ve anticipated Benny would go there first and had some speech prepared. As it was, he didn’t know where to start. “Obviously, she was a mistake,” he said with a chuckle. Wyatt immediately wished he could take the words back. Not only did he sound like a dick, but Kayla wasn’t so bad. She was a little crazy, but it was possible he’d driven her there. There was nothing for it. “I shouldn’t have said that. It wasn’t fair to her. Actually, all of being married to me wasn’t fair. I mean, I never lied to her or anything. She knew I dated mostly men before her, but I’d dated women too. I think she thought our life would be different.” Wyatt stopped, because he wanted to explain, but he equally realized Benny probably didn’t want to hear any of this.

Benny motioned for him to continue. “Go on. I’m not bothered,” he tacked on, making Wyatt smile. It was like the man could read minds.

“Um, she’s a bit of a kink.” Damned if Wyatt did feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. He couldn’t remember the last time he’d been this uncomfortable.

Rather than laughing at his discomfort, as anyone else would’ve done, Benny nodded his understanding. “She assumed, since you’re bi, you’d be open to having other men join you,” Benny said, hitting the nail square on the head.

Relief poured through him. “Exactly. I think she expected life with me would be fun and exciting. In truth, she was alone a lot and worrying over whether I’d live through the night. I tried making her happy. Eventually, I gave in and agreed to let this guy she worked with...” Wyatt wondered again if he told too much.

Benny nodded. “Let me guess, your onetime threesome became their full-time twosome.”

“Yes,” Wyatt said, sounding every bit as relieved as he felt over not having to spell things out.

“Actually, something somewhat similar happened to my last relationship. Except I refused the threesome, and the twosome continued without me. Funnily enough, when I was hiding under that truck, that’s the first thing I thought about when it really hit me I might die. That’s kind of depressing,” Benny said, sounding sad as he stared at some point over Wyatt’s shoulder. Then a hint of a smile touched Benny’s lips, and he met Wyatt’s gaze. “I also thought there was no way in hell I’d let someone with such beautiful eyes die while I watched.”

An odd sensation overcame Wyatt—like he witnessed fate in the making. He shook his head, trying to dispel his random thoughts. “I get the feeling you’re an old man trapped in a twenty-two-year-old body.” Benny smiled. It turned into a wince as he shifted. Wyatt quickly retrieved the man’s empty plate and set it on the coffee table. “You need to stretch out. Here,” Wyatt said, patting his lap. “Head here.”

Even as Benny rearranged his legs to do as Wyatt bade, he argued. “You’re the one who should be stretching out. I still don’t get how you’re in better shape than me.”

The instant Benny’s head was in his lap, Wyatt recognized his mistake. He wanted the man there too badly. His fingers immediately sought the man’s hair, brushing through his soft locks. “I’m better sitting up. Stretching out pulls at all my wounds. It’s awful. I’ve been sleeping in my recliner because every time I try lying flat, it’s like my insides are being shredded. Trust me, you’re not alone.” He thought it over before adding, “In fact, you’re doing me a favor by spending time with me and distracting me from the pain.”

“Mhmm,” Benny hummed, making Wyatt’s dick stir. He’d never heard a man sound more content. “Same. I never have time for pity parties when you’re around. It’s stupid, but I’ve almost missed the hospital.” It wasn’t stupid. Not at all. Wyatt felt the same. He’d been single for a while and was used to the silence. His house had been deafening since leaving his nights with Benny behind. Benny motioned toward the arm of the couch. “If you reach between the cushion and arm, there’s a handle there. This side of the couch reclines.”

Wyatt found the handle and pulled. “Sweet.”

Benny’s chuckle vibrated against his crotch. “There’s a remote over there somewhere too, if you want to find something to watch. I won’t judge you if you fall asleep as long as you don’t judge me.”

“Go for it. I’ve missed your snoring.”

“Bastard,” Benny said, his voice heavy with laughter even as he pinched Wyatt’s thigh. Or, rather, he tried a few times to pinch Wyatt without luck. “That’s fucked up. Nobody’s body should be so goddamn perfect there’s no skin to grab.”

“Jesus. Go to sleep,” Wyatt fussed. In truth, he was flattered and trying to hide it. Wyatt didn’t spend a ton of time working out. He was wide framed from playing football and ended up at the gym more out of boredom than any real desire to be there. Now he was happy for all those nights he had nothing better to do. He couldn’t stop running his fingers through Benny’s hair. It never occurred to him he should find something else to do. He already knew there was nothing on TV that could compete with Benny. The man’s breathing deepened. Wyatt knew he should stop touching him and let him sleep. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t stop, until his eyes grew heavy and every weight he carried slipped away.

* * *

Wyatt came awake with a start. For a moment, he stared at the unfamiliar ceiling in confusion. The warm weight in his lap caught his attention. His gaze dropped and collided with gorgeous blue eyes. Damn. Wyatt didn’t know how long he’d been sleeping or how long Benny had been watching him.

“I have a problem,” Benny said before Wyatt could ask. “My leg is seized up and I can’t move.”

Although Benny’s voice was calm, Wyatt could see the panic in his eyes. In truth, Wyatt wasn’t feeling so hot either, which meant he’d been asleep, in the same position with no pain meds, for a long time. “Okay. I got this,” Wyatt said, struggling to sit up.

To his surprise, Benny chuckled. “What a fucked up pair we are. I’m thinking the hospital should’ve kept us a little longer.”

Wyatt smiled through the pain of sliding out from underneath Benny. “That’s probably my fault. They knew I wouldn’t leave if they discharged me alone, and I made a terrible patient.”

“I remember,” Benny gasped out as Wyatt helped roll him onto his back. “Fuck me,” Benny growled through gritted teeth.

Wyatt’s body fired to life. It didn’t matter Benny’s words had been an exclamation of pain. That was the moment Wyatt knew he was in trouble. It was also the moment Wyatt’s brain disconnected from his tongue. “If you insist.”

Luckily, Benny laughed, obviously assuming Wyatt had been joking. “I’m game. You can only make things better at this point.”

Wyatt couldn’t contain his smile as his gaze swept Benny’s body. He had no idea how to fix him. “Tell me what I need to do.”

“Your poor ex-wife. First, you take off your pants.”

Despite Benny’s laughter, Wyatt could hear the pain behind the words. “Jeez. You’re a mess,” Wyatt muttered. He went with his gut and gently massaged Benny’s leg. Benny released a groan that had Wyatt’s cock beating a pattern against the inside of his zipper. “Tell me if I hurt you.”

“I’m being serious when I say I don’t think you can make it worse.”

Wyatt’s chest tightened. He couldn’t let this man hurt. “Okay. I’ve got this.” He dug through the stuff on the table and found his phone. It seemed there was no line he wouldn’t cross for Benny. Wyatt texted Jayden.

Wyatt: What do I do if a wound stiffens the muscle to the point of excruciating pain?

Jayden: Are you okay? Do I need to come over?

Wyatt: It’s not me. It’s Benny. His leg is sort of locked up?

Jayden: Make him take all his meds. Alternate heat and ice. Massage around the wound, but be mindful of any stitches. Why are you with Benny?

Wyatt: Thank you. He’s my friend.

Jayden: Oh. Okay. Can I come by when I get off tonight? I need to talk to you about something.

Wyatt: Text me when you get off. If I’m home, that’s fine.

Jayden: Okay.

Wyatt tossed the phone aside. “Where are your meds? Jayden says you need to take one of everything they gave you.”

“Fantastic. I’ll be out of it all day. They’re in the kitchen.”

Wyatt gave him a short nod and stood. “Do you have a heating pad? You need to alternate heat and ice. Also, Jayden says I need to massage around the wound.”

“I thought the point was to ease the stiffness. Not make it worse,” Benny said, still trying to laugh even though his expression said otherwise.

Wyatt walked backward into the kitchen. “Actually, that’s not that bad of an idea. I think I could make you forget about your leg.” Wyatt heard himself. He sounded serious and turned on. It was too late to take it back. When Benny’s lips parted, and a flush touched his cheeks, Wyatt didn’t want to take it back. He turned away before he made things worse. The moment he was out of sight, Wyatt covered his eyes. What the fuck was he doing? For one, he was too old for Benny. Secondly, the man was in pain. Wyatt gathered Benny’s meds, a drink, and an ice pack while vowing to do better. He reappeared to find Benny trying to roll off the couch on his own.

“What the fuck are you doing?” The roar was out of his control.

“I gotta pee and you can’t help with that,” Benny grumbled, still trying to get up.

“For fuck’s sake,” Wyatt bitched, setting everything on the table. “First, take these meds.”

The way Benny downed one of each of the pills said a lot about how bad he had to go. Seeing nothing else for it, he pulled Benny straight up, helping him to his feet. With his weight braced on one leg, Benny made a sound that ripped at Wyatt’s throat. The worst part was the way Benny tried to hide it—like he worried Wyatt might think he was dramatic or being weak. No one knew how close Benny had come to losing that leg. He needed help, and he had no one. Fuck that bunch of bullshit. He had Wyatt, and this wasn’t happening on his watch.

“Let’s speed this up so I can take care of you,” Wyatt said, before lifting Benny from his feet and rushing him toward the bathroom.

“Don’t,” Benny argued, sounding scared. “You’ll tear your stitches out.”

Wyatt’s temper snapped. “Would you stop worrying over me? I know my limitations.” He wasn’t angry with Benny. Wyatt was pissed off at life for making someone as amazing as Benny have to deal with this mess in the first place, much less alone. He set Benny down inside the bathroom. “I’ll wait outside for you. If you need me, yell.”

The way Benny blinked at him as he closed the door in his face said a lot about how Benny didn’t know what to make of Wyatt. That made two of them. Wyatt didn’t know what he was about either. All he knew was—he liked Benny. A lot. Way more than he could shake. A self-deprecating smile tugged at the corners of Wyatt’s mouth. Benny made him want to beat his chest and be the strong one—like he needed to prove he was worthy. Wyatt just hadn’t decided of what—Benny saving him or Benny keeping him. Maybe it was both.

The water inside the bathroom ran. He could hear Benny brushing his teeth. Great. Now Wyatt had to pee too. By the time the bathroom door opened, Benny looked halfway human again, albeit a miserable one.

He hopped one step. Wyatt swept him off his feet. Benny had been right. It felt like his stitches were ripping to shreds, but damned if he would show it. He waited until he had Benny settled back on the couch with ice on his leg before running for the bathroom. Benny’s laughter followed him down the hall. With his bladder empty and his face washed, Wyatt tried scrubbing his teeth with his finger and some toothpaste before checking his bandages. Everything looked fine. Benny probably didn’t weigh enough to do any real damage, but Wyatt hated to ruin his image by having his guts falling out on the floor. By the time he made it back to the living room, Benny had one arm slung over his eyes. Wyatt’s heart squeezed in his chest. He got the feeling he wasn’t the only one pretending to feel better than he did.

“I’m going to run out to my truck and grab my meds.”

“Okay,” Benny said without uncovering his face.

Wyatt made it quick. Benny wasn’t looking so hot. He popped two pills even though he was only supposed to take one and swallowed them without a drink. Wyatt was back at Benny’s side in no time. He pulled the coffee table as close to the couch as he could get and sat before plucking the ice pack from Benny’s leg. Wyatt eyed the sweat pants covering his thigh. “Would it be okay if I look at your wound? I’m not a doctor or anything, but it would make me feel better if I could check it over.”

Benny’s arm lifted enough for his gorgeous eyes to peek out. “I’m supposed to change my bandages anyhow and the meds are kicking in.”

Without thought, Wyatt’s fingers curled around the waistband of Benny’s sweatpants. Benny didn’t fight him for the material. Wyatt’s cock joined the party the moment he slid Benny’s pants down. Benny lifted his hips for Wyatt. Wyatt’s mouth went dry. It was exactly the same as if he undressed the man for a different reason. He didn’t know how to be clinical about it. Wyatt wanted Benny.

He kept his gaze on his task, trying to hide his lust. Even though Wyatt could’ve stopped at the knee, he didn’t. He peeled Benny’s pants off. Since Benny had covered his eyes once more, Wyatt had more freedom than he deserved. He fought to keep his gaze from shifting higher than Benny’s thigh. Instead, he focused on peeling away the surgical tape.

“You’ll have to just pull it. There’s no good way to get it off,” Benny muttered, sounding high.

Wyatt yanked and then winced. He knew that shit hurt. His stomach twisted into knots at the first sight of Benny’s thigh. There was no chance Benny would escape horrible scarring. Even still, Wyatt wanted to kiss away the man’s pain. He might not have been the one who’d shot him, but Benny had done even more damage saving him. These scars would always be for him.

Still trying to be clinical, Wyatt taped down a fresh bandage. “It looks okay. I think you just need to loosen up the muscle. Maybe tonight, I can set an alarm on my phone for every four hours. We can get up, take our meds, and stretch.” Wyatt massaged around Benny’s wound as he spoke. “That way, we don’t wake up all fucked up again.”

“You talk like you’re staying again tonight,” Benny said around his arm.

“Yes,” Wyatt said, rubbing Benny’s inner thigh. “I’m making an executive decision here. You’re keeping me until you’re better. I don’t want you being alone and I don’t feel as bad when you’re around.”

Benny peeked out at him again. “What about after I’m better? Do I not get to keep you then?”

Wyatt held his gaze and stroked Benny’s leg. “I think we both know you already have me for life.” Wyatt just didn’t know in what capacity.

While using the outer edge of the bandage as his guide so he wouldn’t bump Benny’s wounds, Wyatt held Benny’s stare as he rubbed his thigh. The man’s expression kept him fascinated. Wyatt couldn’t lie. Touching Benny like this turned him on, but it was the arousal written on Benny’s face that had his dick throbbing. Wyatt couldn’t stop. He kept moving higher. It wasn’t intentional. He just kept finding his hands moving north. The higher he went, the more the flush of Benny’s cheeks deepened. Despite Benny’s willingness to chat with anyone who spoke to him, the man’s uncomfortable fidgeting around strangers told the real story. Benny was painfully shy. He would never ask Wyatt for anything. Wyatt would never make him. They both knew if Wyatt dropped his gaze, he’d find Benny hard for him. Wyatt wanted to ease Benny’s every ache. This time, Wyatt’s moves were calculated. He moved higher, intentionally brushing the bulge in Benny’s underwear with the edge of his hand. Benny sucked in a ragged breath. Wyatt did again because he needed that sound like he needed oxygen. The third time, he moved slower, dragging out the motion and leaving no room for doubt it had been intentional.

Benny reached down and covered his hand, stopping him. “I should probably put the heating pad on now.”

Wyatt didn’t move. Benny had shut him down and he wasn’t sure what to make of it. It was obvious Benny was aroused, but it was possible he’d read too much into that kiss. Before he could stop it from happening, Wyatt put everything on the line. “What do you want from me?” Wyatt couldn’t help it. He had to know where he stood. Benny had been eating him alive with his stare since they met. That didn’t mean anything. If Benny only wanted him as a friend, Wyatt would be okay, but he needed to know that before he lost any more of himself.

Benny’s bravery showed itself. He didn’t pretend ignorance. “I want you, but I took all those meds on an empty stomach. My head is swimming. I’m hoping I don’t puke. It would be nice if I could have a moment with you where I’m not a complete embarrassment. Not to mention, you’re hurting and trying to hide it. Right now, I just want to put some heat on my leg while you kick back and think of yourself for once.”

Wyatt realized something terrifying in that moment. He could fall in love with this man so fucking easily. “You’re not an embarrassment. You’re human like everyone else. In fact, I like you more than anyone I’ve met in a long time.” Wyatt turned out to be the one who felt awkward after confessing too much. He glanced around and found the heating pad. After setting it to low and gently placing it over Benny’s wounds, he grabbed his phone. “I need to check in with my mom. She’s probably still sitting on pins and needles, hoping you liked her food.” Wyatt still didn’t glance Benny’s way as he pushed the coffee table back where it had been, leaving plenty of room to recline the couch. With nothing else left to distract him, Wyatt maneuvered his way beneath Benny’s head, letting the man use him as a pillow as he kicked the foot stool out on the couch. He dialed his mom’s number. Before he hit the talk button, Benny broke the silence.

“I like you more than anyone I’ve ever met. Otherwise, I wouldn’t care if I threw up on you.”

An unexpected chuckle hit Wyatt. He ran his fingers through Benny’s hair as he waited for his mom to answer her phone. Benny snagged his hand and brought it to his mouth. He pressed his lips to the center of Wyatt’s palm. Wyatt couldn’t focus on anything else. There was a strange sensation in his chest. He didn’t want to ever move from that spot. Benny moved Wyatt’s hand to his chest and held it there as if hugging him. It hit Wyatt. Benny was completely starved for affection. That was something Wyatt could fix. He could and would steal so many touches from Benny that the man would beg for some peace. Wyatt planned to start today.

* * *

Wyatt’s phone buzzed, snagging his attention. He had no idea how long he’d watched Benny sleep. Wyatt thought he might’ve dozed off. He’d taken his meds on an empty stomach too. They’d gone to his head. After gently rearranging Benny, Wyatt checked his phone.

Jayden: I’m off. Are you home?

Wyatt: No. Sorry. I forgot about you coming by. I’m staying with Benny for a while.

Jayden: You’re still with Benny? Why?

Wyatt: As I said earlier, he’s my friend. He needs help.

Jayden: Look, I know you feel some sense of responsibility or something when it comes to him, but don’t you think you’re going overboard? It’s starting to sound like he’s taking advantage of your kindness.

Wyatt: Actually, I showed up unannounced and I’m refusing to leave. I appreciate your concern. If anyone should know I’m a big boy who can take care of myself, it’s you.

Jayden: Sorry. I didn’t mean to sound like a dick. I just need to talk to you.

Wyatt: So call and talk, or type it here.

Jayden: Never mind. I guess new friends are more important than old. I’ll see you when I see you.

Wyatt: Grrrr. I’m trying to be here for you. You’re the one who won’t just talk.

Wyatt: And, I guess we’re not talking at all now.

Wyatt: Whatever.

Giving up, Wyatt set his phone aside. He didn’t feel like dealing with Jayden’s bullshit today. Wyatt was trying his ass off to stay friends with the guy in spite of everything. Maybe it was past time for him to let it go.