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His Knight (Shining Armor Book 1) by Charity Parkerson (7)

Chapter Seven

555-2829: Wyatt always comes back to me. You mean nothing.

Benny: Who is this? If you’re so special, you’d think I would’ve heard your name.

555-2829: Don’t play dumb.

Benny: Whatever.

* * *

Jayden: I went by your house and you weren’t there.

Wyatt: I’ve been staying with Benny.

Jayden: Can we talk?

Wyatt: I don’t think that’s a good idea.

* * *

555-2829: I hear you’re still seeing Wyatt. You need to back off.

Benny: **sigh** Get a life.

* * *

Jayden: I miss you.

Wyatt: Please stop.

* * *

555-2829: Seriously, you need to back off.

Benny: Seriously, you’re pathetic.

* * *

Wyatt: Darrel wants to go out drinking tonight. Want to be my date? Or should I make an excuse for us?

Benny: I’m up for anything.

Wyatt: I’d love for you to be up for me.

Benny: That too.

Wyatt: Pick you up at 8?

Benny: I’ll be ready.

Wyatt: Want to stay the night with me?

Benny: Yes, I would.

Wyatt: Sweet.

* * *

Jaks Tap was packed and loud. Thankfully, they still snagged a table. It was obvious Darrel had been drinking since long before they arrived by the way he spoke loudly, making himself heard over the crowd. Despite the bodies filling the club, Wyatt only felt one. Benny’s cologne filled his nostrils. His warmth pressed against Wyatt’s side. It was getting harder to share Benny’s company. When he’d picked the man up earlier, Wyatt almost went straight home. He’d run through every excuse he could muster. In the end, he knew he couldn’t leave Darrel alone at a bar. That sucked no matter how independent a person was.

Darrel kept trying to tell a story about some guy who hit on him at the mall. All Wyatt could concentrate on was Benny’s hand sliding up his thigh. They’d been officially dating for three months, and still Wyatt hadn’t tried anything beyond touching. He wanted inside Benny to the point he thought he’d go insane, but something always stopped him. Usually, it was his work schedule. He’d temporarily been moved to nights and had only gone back to days this week. During the short naps they’d taken together, Wyatt had sneaked in some heavy petting, but that was as hot as things had gotten since Benny had blown his mind on the couch. Now Benny had agreed to stay the night. Wyatt wanted to rush him from the bar, or jump the man right there, whatever happened first. He was sick with desire.

Darrel paused mid-sentence in his story. His gaze landed on some point over Wyatt’s shoulder. The way his eyes lit let Wyatt know who he’d seen. Only one person ever brightened Darrel from the inside out like that.

Wyatt bit back a groan. It was like everyone he knew wanted what they couldn’t have. “I’m gonna grab us a beer.” He pressed a quick kiss to Benny’s lips, stopping him from searching the crowd behind him, obviously trying to figure out who’d caught Darrel’s attention. “I’ll be back in a second.”

“I’ll come with you,” Darrel said, sliding out of the booth. “Those first six beers didn’t count.”

Wyatt smiled when he heard Benny chuckle. His smile fell halfway to the bar. “I hope you have a way home.”

Darrel waved off his words. “You know I can always find someone to take me home.” Darrel stumbled, nearly knocking over one of the stools at the bar. “Damn, these things keep getting wider.”

Wyatt snorted. “Yeah. That’s what’s happening.” Wyatt pointed at his empty beer bottle and held up two fingers.

“Can I ask you an honest question?” Darrel said, suddenly seeming very sober. “What are you doing with that kid?” he asked, not waiting for permission. “You know how this huge age difference stuff works. He’ll get bored and move on in six months.”

With every word Darrel spoke, Wyatt’s stomach twisted a hair more. It was as if he stole Wyatt’s fears and gave them life. That didn’t mean Wyatt had to give anyone the satisfaction of admitting it. “I don’t know if that’s true in this case. Benny is different. He’s an old soul trapped in a young body. Anyhow, age doesn’t count for shit now. I love him,” Wyatt admitted, hitting Darrel with the truth, and leaving the man looking like he’d been slapped. For the first time in history, Wyatt had managed to leave Darrel speechless. Wyatt wanted to laugh. That is, until he realized why Darrel had nothing to add. Jayden stood behind him.

“Can we talk?”

Wyatt’s eyes fell closed. Fuck. He hated this. The bartender set two beers on the bar. “Eight dollars.”

Wyatt dug his wallet out and handed the dude a ten. “Keep the change.” He deliberately took his time. Wyatt had never been more tired of anything in his life than the mess with Jayden. He’d been the first person Wyatt had dated after his divorce. Everything about them had been a mistake, starting with the fact that they saw each other all the time through work. Ending with, Wyatt hadn’t been ready for anything serious and there’d been no spark. At least, there hadn’t been a spark for Wyatt. It seemed Jayden felt differently. Still, Jayden had been the one who’d dumped him. Wyatt had recognized the problem was probably him being slow to trust again. He’d been willing to stick it out and try to see where things went. Jayden had not. So this bullshit of Jayden missing him was doubly stupid.

Once he’d paid for his drinks, and there was nothing left for Wyatt to focus on, he faced Jayden. “Can it wait?”

Jayden’s hard expression said it couldn’t before his mouth confirmed Wyatt’s thoughts. “No.”

Wyatt didn’t want this. Everything Jayden could possibly say, Wyatt had already heard. Not to mention, he was there with Benny and no way would he disrespect his man. “Let me put it another way: it’ll have to wait until another time. Better yet,” Wyatt said, feeling his cool slip. “Let’s not do this at all.”

The way Jayden ran his tongue over his teeth said a thousand things. Wyatt would regret this. There would be drama. “I’m not a fool. I know you don’t want me, but you could hear me out.”

“Let’s dance,” Darrel said, snagging Jayden around the waist and obviously trying to take one for the team.

Jayden’s surprise was evident as his gaze slid Darrel’s way. “You hate to dance.”

Darrel steered him toward the dance floor. “Not as much as you’ll hate yourself in the morning if you keep heading down this path,” Darrel said his voice fading as he got farther away.

With his cheeks puffed out and blowing out his breath, Wyatt headed for where he’d left Benny. Really, they needed to drink their beers and get the fuck out of there before the shit hit the fan. The instant Benny came into view, all the drama slipped away. Benny’s face lit—like he’d waited his whole life to see Wyatt and he couldn’t be happier. That shit was more addictive than any drug. Every time, butterflies stirred in his stomach. Without a plan, Wyatt slid into Benny’s side of the booth and kept going until he had Benny trapped against the short wall separating the tables from the dance floor. As soon as Benny had nowhere left to go, Wyatt captured the man’s lips. He felt more than heard Benny moan. The sound vibrated around their entwined tongues. His earlier confession to Darrel chanted in his head—like it did each time he kissed Benny. He didn’t want to scare Benny away with his intensity. Wyatt also worried lust made things seem deeper than they were—like once they slept together, he’d realize the building tension had been all about sex. It didn’t feel like it, though. This felt like the real deal. Every time he looked at Benny, thought about Benny, passed a house for sale in good school district, heard a love song on the radio, cooked dinner... the list went on and on. The point was—he had a feeling in his gut every second of every day. That sensation screamed Benny was the one. Even now, he fought the urge to drop to one knee and beg Benny to keep him forever. It didn’t matter they hadn’t slept together or told each other they loved each other. Wyatt couldn’t let him get away. He wanted to stake his claim before someone else gave Benny everything he deserved. Benny was his best friend, and he was under Wyatt’s skin. The way Benny’s fingers brushed through Wyatt’s hair made Wyatt’s throat tighten. He’d never been more scared of losing anyone. Wyatt forgot where they were as he committed Benny’s every touch to memory.

“Drink your beer,” Wyatt demanded before delving back in and stealing Benny’s kisses. “Goddamn,” he growled against Benny’s lips. “I swear I’m trying to stop.” Underneath the table, Benny’s hand slipped past the hem of Wyatt’s shirt. His fingers brushed Wyatt’s stomach—skin on skin. Wyatt sucked in a hiss. “Don’t forget you’ve already said you’d come home with me tonight. You can’t take it back now.”

“I’ve no intentions of taking it back,” Benny said, sounding determined.

Wyatt forced himself to lean away. “Drink your beer so we can go.” He pushed his beer Benny’s way. “In fact, drink mine too so I can drive.”

A chuckle sneaked up on Wyatt as Benny turned the bottle up and chugged. When it was gone, he grabbed Wyatt’s and did the same. He set the bottle aside. “Let’s go,” Benny said, urging Wyatt out of the booth.

Wyatt didn’t hesitate taking Benny’s hand and heading for the door. He didn’t look left or right, nor did he search for his friends. They’d understand. Even though he was in a hurry to get inside Benny, Wyatt automatically timed his steps to compensate for Benny’s limp. He wouldn’t risk hurting Benny’s leg for any reason. At the truck, he helped Benny inside before rushing to jump behind the wheel. His mind was on one thing and one thing only—getting Benny in his bed. He barely got his keys in the ignition before Benny overcame him. On his knees in the passenger seat, leaning over the console, Benny became the aggressor. The man’s mouth hit his with enough force their teeth bumped. The lack of lighting Wyatt always cursed any time he parked at Jaks Tap became his best friend when Benny massaged Wyatt’s erection through his jeans. Their tongues stroked and retreated. Benny’s teeth sank into Wyatt’s bottom lip. A moan rose in Wyatt’s throat. Benny would push his limits. Wyatt could already feel it.

“Get this truck in gear,” Benny breathed against Wyatt’s lips. “I need you inside me. I’m tired of fantasizing.”

Damn. Wyatt would be lucky if he lasted two strokes. He was so goddamn hot for Benny. “Put your seatbelt on and don’t hurt your leg,” Wyatt fussed as Benny maneuvered his way back to sitting.

Benny’s low chuckle made Wyatt realize he sounded like the man’s father. Fuck it. He didn’t care. Benny meant the world to him. Wyatt wanted the man safe and healed. He wanted Benny forever. As Wyatt pulled from the parking lot, he realized the truth. No matter what else happened tonight, they needed to talk about what they had. He was insane with the need to grow old with this man.

* * *

Benny slipped off his shoes at the door. He glanced up, meeting Wyatt’s gaze as Wyatt did the same. For a moment, the world held its breath. Benny barely saw Wyatt move before his back was against the closed front door. Wyatt was everywhere and more intense than Benny expected. He could barely breathe beneath the onslaught. His jeans loosened. Wyatt’s hands were massaging his ass—skin on skin—before Benny had time to accept he was about to get fucked without preamble. There was no backing down. Not that Benny wanted to. Things had just escalated faster than he’d thought possible. One second, Wyatt had looked his way. The next, all Benny could do was cling to the man’s shoulders.

Wyatt’s short nails scraped Benny’s hips as Wyatt pushed at Benny’s jeans. “Tell me if I scare you,” Wyatt said between kisses.

“I’m not afraid,” Benny breathed as he nipped at Wyatt’s lips.

Wyatt’s lips moved to Benny’s jaw, heading south. “You should be. I’ve never wanted anyone as badly as I want you. You’re part of me.”

Benny’s heart couldn’t take hearing those words without seeing Wyatt’s gorgeous eyes. He bent and craned his neck, forcing Wyatt’s gaze to his. For a moment, the world fell silent as they stared at each other. “You’re the one who should be scared. If you do this, you’ll be stuck with me, because I’m already sick with love for you. If you don’t want to feed this obsession, now is your chance to get out.”

The pressure of Wyatt’s hands against his back increased. He massaged even as he moved lower. Benny’s feet left the ground as Wyatt lifted him from the floor by his ass. Benny automatically held on. Still, Wyatt didn’t look away. His expression gave nothing away. Benny wondered if he’d be sick. He’d never told anyone he loved them. “Give me everything,” Wyatt demanded on a growl before capturing Benny’s lips again. This time was every bit as rough as the last as if Wyatt fought to consume him. Benny’s heart soared. Wyatt hadn’t returned his words, but neither had he rejected them. That was more than he’d ever had before. More than he’d expected from a man like Wyatt.

A loud knock penetrated Benny’s brain. He was so turned on it took him a minute to realize someone banged on Wyatt’s front door. They froze—lips clinging. The rapid beat started again.

“Son of a bitch,” Wyatt growled, mirroring Benny’s thoughts.

“Dude, I know you’re home,” said a muffled voice through the door.

Wyatt strung an impressive litany of curse words together before releasing a loud sigh. He met Benny’s gaze. “I’ll take care of this. Why don’t you go to bed, and I’ll be there in a second.”

With a nod, Benny untangled himself from Wyatt’s arms and headed for the bedroom. His knees were weak. He could feel Wyatt’s heated gaze on his skin with every step. Inside the bedroom, Benny paused just out of sight. He wasn’t an idiot. People didn’t show up, banging on someone’s door in the middle of the night for no reason.

“What do you want, Jayden?” Wyatt said as he opened the door, making Benny realize he’d already known exactly who it was. Benny’s curiosity doubled. Wyatt had never seemed unhappy about Jayden coming around. Benny searched his memories for any time he’d seen Wyatt actually speak to Jayden and he came up empty. It seemed like the guy always hung around with Darrel, but he didn’t talk much.

“You wouldn’t talk to me when I tried at the bar. Now we’re alone. You can spare me five minutes and hear me out.”

Wyatt sighed loud enough Benny heard it in the bedroom. “Why are you doing this to yourself, Jayden? You’re young and sexy. Men throw themselves at you daily. Have you stopped and asked yourself why you keep showing up here and texting?”

Benny’s stomach cramped. Wyatt didn’t sound interested. In fact, he seemed downright annoyed, but Jayden must think he had some shot or he wouldn’t have shown up.

“I know exactly why I’m here, and why I can’t stop calling.”

“Don’t,” Wyatt said. Benny’s muscles tensed. He fought the urge to storm from the room and find out what Wyatt didn’t want Jayden doing. “You know I’m with Benny.”

“I know,” Jayden said, sounding hurt. “Knowing you’re with someone else hasn’t stopped me from loving you, so I don’t know how to stop trying to win you back.”

Well, damn. Benny didn’t want to be pissed, since Jayden sounded hurt, but fuck. The dude obviously had no qualms about trying to steal Wyatt from Benny. No doubt, he’d been the one texting Benny nonstop. He fucking hated this. Benny swept the room with his gaze. He should go to bed and let Wyatt handle things. A white t-shirt balled up on the dresser caught Benny’s eye. Wyatt had worn it yesterday. Without thought, Benny stripped and grabbed the shirt. As he slipped it over his head, Wyatt’s scent overwhelmed him, making his half hard cock stir. He’d been turned on for too long. His leg ached from being on it too much today. Wyatt was his, and Benny was at the end of his patience. The shirt fell mid-thigh on Benny. Benny swiped his hands through his hair, tousling it.

Before he could change his mind, he stepped into the bedroom’s doorway, making his presence known. “Is everything okay?”

Two sets of eyes turned his way. Wyatt’s gaze dropped to Benny’s toes before sweeping back to his face. He looked ready to fuck.

A muscle in Jayden’s jaw ticked. “I didn’t realize you were here.”

No shit, but Benny wasn’t sure that fact would’ve stopped Jayden anyhow. “It’s fine. Are you okay?” Oddly, Benny did care. If he lost Wyatt, it would kill him. He’d probably fight too.

Jayden dipped his chin in a sharp nod. It looked as if he ground his back teeth to a pulp. “You should grab an ice pack for your thigh. It’s swelling. You’re pushing yourself too hard.”

The fucked-up thing was—Benny believed Jayden actually cared. “Yeah. That’s where I was headed.” Benny took two steps toward the kitchen before pausing and meeting Jayden’s gaze once more. He bit his lip, debating. In the end, Benny had to admit he just wasn’t that great at keeping his mouth shut. “You know, when you came through the door at Jaks Tap tonight, you should’ve seen Darrel’s face. You’re very lucky to have someone who lights up when he sees you like he did. I was almost jealous.” Without another word, Benny headed for the kitchen, berating himself. He shouldn’t have said anything. He always did this—ruined everything with his inability to keep his opinion to himself.

Benny opened the freezer. Wyatt’s arms encircled his waist. Benny’s eyes fell closed as Wyatt’s lips brushed his nape. Jesus. He hadn’t been lying earlier. Benny was sick with love for this man whose touch made him useless. When Wyatt’s hands or lips were on Benny’s body, he paralyzed Benny. Benny would immediately close his eyes and memorize the moment because life was short. Even if they grew old together, it wouldn’t be enough time for Benny’s heart.

“I should’ve stayed out of it.”

Wyatt inched the t-shirt up. “Are you wearing anything under this?” Benny’s grip tightened on the freezer’s handle. “Goddamn,” Wyatt breathed when he obviously realized Benny was nude under the shirt. He pried Benny’s fingers from the freezer door and led them to the counter’s edge. Benny held on for dear life as Wyatt dropped to his knees behind him. His head swam. Benny tried blaming the beers he’d chugged earlier. He’d never been very good at lying to himself. All the blood from his brain had gone to his cock, and Benny might come the second Wyatt touched his dick.

The pressure from Wyatt’s palm against the small of Benny’s back had him bending over. There was a tiny part of him that had never been more embarrassed over his current position. The rest of him focused on the excitement rushing through him. He’d been impatient for Wyatt for too long. His cock leaked. Benny could feel pre-cum rolling down his length. He was at that stage of horniness that there was nothing he wouldn’t agree to do.

Wyatt massaged his ass cheeks.

Benny broke. “Please.” Even Benny heard the desperation.

A low, evil-sounding chuckle sounded behind him before Wyatt’s teeth sank into his ass cheek. A moan ripped from Benny’s throat. Wyatt tongued his asshole. Benny cried out. He was so fucking close to the edge already.

“Wyatt.” The plea in his voice was shameless. He didn’t know if he wanted to beg Wyatt not to stop, especially since the man’s fingers were currently massaging his prostate, or demand Wyatt fuck him hard and stop teasing. Neither of those things passed his lips. Instead, the truth popped out. “I need you.”

Wyatt flew to his feet and Benny found himself swept into Wyatt’s arms. Benny couldn’t stop staring at the muscles flexing in Wyatt’s jaw. He looked like a man on a mission. At the edge of the bed, Wyatt sat Benny on his feet and stripped the shirt from Benny’s body. Rather than feeling exposed, as Benny would’ve expected, since he was nude with Wyatt fully clothed, Benny felt sexy. The way Wyatt looked at him was empowering.

“Get moving. I want you ready to get fucked.”

Benny scrambled to meet Wyatt’s demand. The man’s voice and face were hard. It was hot. As he looked on, Wyatt stripped. Benny ate him alive with his stare. He needed to see every inch. Commit it to memory. Wyatt was perfect. His light brown skin and green eyes combination had always had Benny’s attention. Now he could add the hard pads of Wyatt’s chest and the way his thick cock tapped his cut abs. Benny’s already soaked dick dripped on his stomach. Wyatt opened the bedside table. Benny watched as he ripped open a condom and rolled it down his length before coating it with lube. Benny’s gaze stayed locked on the way Wyatt’s dick moved in his hand. Even as the man set one knee on the bed, climbing on, Benny craned his neck, trying not to lose sight of what he wanted. Wyatt settled between Benny’s thighs. His fingers locked on Benny’s jaw, forcing Benny to meet his gaze. Wyatt’s hold tightened, ensuring Benny couldn’t look away as the head of his thick cock pushed at Benny’s asshole. It was intense. Benny fought the urge to close his eyes. Everything about Wyatt was hard and focused. The sweet side of Wyatt was gone. The person who worshipped Benny when they kissed wasn’t there. Benny’s fingers scratched at the sheet beneath. He held on. Wyatt’s gaze never wavered as he pushed inside Benny. This wasn’t sex or making love. It was a claiming. Wyatt ensured Benny never lost focus on him. Benny sucked in a deep breath. He didn’t have a lot of experience, but this was still unlike anything he’d ever known. Benny wasn’t scared, per se. It was more that he recognized the warning in Wyatt’s stare. This changed things. Benny was his. It was too late to run.

Wyatt was larger than any man Benny had ever been with. Things weren’t going smoothly. In fact, he was downright uncomfortable. Thankfully, Wyatt didn’t seem to be in a hurry. Benny kept holding his breath and then releasing it in slow gasps to the point he thought he’d hyperventilate or pass out.

“Relax,” Wyatt said, sounding as hard as his stare.

“I can’t relax. You’re not relaxed,” Benny said, sounding as panicked as he felt. Other than the overwhelming sparks flying in every direction, Benny wasn’t enjoying himself. In fact, he was on the edge of losing it. It was obvious Wyatt was a very extreme person. In fact, that was one of the reasons he loved Wyatt. Everything about the moment was sexy. That was exactly why Benny was feeling like a failure. The way Wyatt stared at him meant everything. Benny wanted to be sexy and say sexy things. Instead, he couldn’t relax or breathe properly. In truth, his thigh screamed from the angle and Wyatt’s huge cock was too much.

Benny took another deep breath. It sounded like the gasp of a dying man, deepening Benny’s horror. Wyatt’s expression changed. He pulled away, making Benny wonder if he’d cry.

“I’m sorry,” Benny said out of habit. Fuck. He hated being awkward. The sexy way Wyatt made him feel earlier was gone. Now he was just nude and outmatched. He searched for anything to look at other than Wyatt.

Wyatt shifted positions, giving Benny the room he needed to move his thigh into a more comfortable position. Some of the tension eased from his chest. Then Wyatt kissed him and it eased even more. Wyatt’s kiss was always sweet, even when it was searching. When his lips moved against Benny’s, Benny forgot his own name.

“You’re not ready for this.”

Benny’s throat swelled at Wyatt’s whispered words. No one would ever understand how much he hated himself in that moment. Wyatt was the first person he’d met who made him want to live a life outside the comfort of his home and computer. He was the first person who made him feel normal and like he didn’t have to crack jokes to hide behind, so no one would notice how uncomfortable he was in his own skin. Now Wyatt was like everyone else, seeing his shortcomings.

He fought the urge to kick his feet and punch the mattress like a two-year-old child having a fit. Instead, he wilted, withdrawing inside himself. “I’m sorry.” He took another ragged breath. “If you don’t call me again after this, I get it.” Benny’s voice broke, making the final words come out in a whisper.

Wyatt’s fingers lightly brushed Benny’s jaw. The loving caress had Benny in real danger of crying. “Benny.” The way Wyatt said his name, as if it tasted like heaven on his tongue, had Benny’s stomach tightening in the best way. “I love you.”

Benny’s gaze shot to Wyatt’s so fast he made himself dizzy. Wyatt meant it. The love was in his eyes. Benny could barely breathe.

“I got carried away,” Wyatt continued—like giving a confession. “Being with you, it’s everything. The way I feel about you, it’s stronger than anything I’ve ever felt about anyone and I’ve been married. You make me question if I’ve really loved anyone else before. This,” he said, motioning toward their current predicament. “Is just one more thing to deepen this addiction inside me. I got carried away,” he said again, as if this was really all his fault and Benny had done nothing wrong. Benny still didn’t believe it, but he could breathe again. He’d also lost the desire to beg Wyatt to take him home. “I forgot about your thigh,” Wyatt admitted with a blush that fascinated Benny. “Let’s try this,” Wyatt said, grabbing one of his huge pillows and shoving it beneath the small of Benny’s back. He gently held Benny’s thigh. “Are you okay like this?” Benny nodded, incapable of speech. Wyatt led Benny’s other leg higher, making room for his huge frame. Before Benny could guess at his intentions, Wyatt slid lower and opened his mouth over Benny’s cock. A gasp tore from Benny as Wyatt’s hot tongue stroked his length. All of everything was forgotten. If his thigh hurt; hell, if it was still there, Benny couldn’t feel it. The suction on his dick was all Benny could focus on. Wyatt held him place, keeping him from hurting himself. It was a good thing because Benny wanted to lift his hips and take his pleasure from Wyatt’s mouth. Wyatt didn’t take it easy on him. He sucked Benny’s dick like a man with a mission. His head bobbed, and he took Benny down his throat with ease. Benny clung to the sheet and reached for everything Wyatt offered. Benny’s body tensed. He held his breath. An orgasm tore through him, dragging a moan from his throat.

Wyatt kissed a path up Benny’s body. Benny lingered on a high. His mind was fuzzy. His body was limp. All he wanted was to feel Wyatt’s lips against his. Wyatt didn’t give him time to anticipate his actions. He captured Benny’s mouth in a scorching kiss. The flavor of Benny’s cum coated his tongue. Before Benny had a chance to tense, Wyatt’s dick pushed past the tight ring of muscles surrounding Benny’s asshole. Ecstasy stole Benny’s breath and fear. Wyatt hit everything at the perfect angle. With Wyatt’s tongue in his mouth and the man’s cock filling his ass, Benny was closer to heaven than he’d ever been. He was glad Wyatt hadn’t given up on him. All his doubts disappeared. Benny could feel Wyatt’s barely suppressed desire to fuck him hard. It was in the man’s every tensed muscle. Instead, he moved slow, taking his time and kissing Benny sweetly.

“I’ll be better eventually,” Benny promised, feeling like the worst of failures.

“You’re perfect now,” Wyatt whispered between kisses. “I wouldn’t change anything.” Wyatt’s lips moved to Benny’s jaw and then to his ear. Each harsh breath the man took sounded loud and had Benny panting. Wyatt was back to holding Benny’s jaw as he nipped at Benny’s ear lobe. His frenzied motions let Benny know how close Wyatt was to the edge. “Benny,” Wyatt gasped, making Benny moan at the sound of his name in that perfect tone of desperation. “You make me want a life with you. I want to beg you to give me forever.” Benny’s mind went blank. His hold automatically tightened on Wyatt with each word he spoke. “Damn, you feel fucking perfect on my dick. Loving you is so goddamn easy.”

“Wyatt.” Benny heard the pleading in his voice, but even he didn’t know what he begged for.

“I’d give you anything, baby,” Wyatt said, sounding hoarse.

“I want everything,” Benny admitted for the first time in his life. “Come for me. I love you.” Benny no longer knew what he said. He just needed to see Wyatt come unglued. The tension was killing him.

Wyatt claimed his mouth. His kiss was rough and deep. It felt as crazed as Wyatt seemed to be. When Wyatt finally exploded, the sounds he made against Benny’s mouth had Benny ready to go again. It was the sexiest moment of his life. He’d never felt more powerful. Wyatt’s kiss softened. Benny’s eyes stung. They felt a lot like forever. Benny prayed he wasn’t wrong.




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