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His Revenge Baby: 50 Loving States, Washington by Theodora Taylor (30)

Chapter Twenty-Nine

No’s office matched the rest of the house. It was an impressive feat of stone and glass, with a fireplace that flared to life seemingly on command when they entered the room. Despite all the glass and monochrome furniture, the red oak floors, cream-colored Berber carpet, and total absence of a desk, the room seemed warm. Inviting even.

But Lilli didn’t feel either warm or welcome standing in the middle of Norio’s office. Neither of them sat on any of the couches after they came through the door. As if they were in mutual agreement that this office was a battlefield, not a social arena.

“Okay, why are you doing this?” Lilli asked as soon as he closed the door behind them. “What do you want from me?”

No didn’t respond. Instead he went over to a small bar area and returned with a bottle of whiskey, which he then handed her. His favorite brand, she remembered from the copious notes Miyuki had given her.

Miyuki…Lilli’s stomach dropped just thinking of his former assistant. And what had happened to her after she’d dared to cross No.

“Please,” she whispered, even as she fell into the old Japanese custom of the woman pouring the drink for the man, tilting the uncorked whiskey bottle with both hands and letting it stream into his slanted glass. “I know what I did was wrong. I shouldn’t have spied on you for your father. I didn’t know he was the one who sent me, but that doesn’t matter. It was a bad thing to do. A terrible thing to do. And that’s on me. I get it. But please leave Ruby out of this. She’s only a child, and she’s already been through so much. I’m all she has. So please don’t use her to get your revenge on me.”

No took a slow sip of the whiskey she’d poured him, then said, “Please forgive me for my confusion. But I am under the impression you think I care what you want. Or how you feel about this situation. But I do not care for you or your feelings, so you should stop begging. It has no effect on me.”

Lilli blinked. Stared. Shook her head. Only to realize he wasn’t kidding. Or exaggerating. He really was completely unmoved by her pleas.

He really hated her that much.

“Okay,” Lilli said, rubbing her temple. “Are you planning to hurt her? That’s all I want to know. I know you don’t care about me or about my feelings, but if you want me to continue talking with you, then you will have to reassure me that you won’t hurt my niece.”

No remained silent in the wake of her latest request, once again looking down his nose at her from his greater height.

“Look! I’m all she has—I have to protect her,” Lilli began.

“I have no plans to hurt the girl,” he finally relented in a bored tone, as if they weren’t talking about a child’s life.

Nonetheless, Lilli let out an audible sigh of relief. “Thank you,” she said sincerely. “I know it was stupid of her to ask to come here—”

“How much did he pay you?” No asked, cutting her off.

Lilli stiffened, knowing exactly who and what he was talking about.

“It must have been a large amount,” he continued, “but my investigators could not find a trace of extra money in your bank accounts, or the monies Miyuki paid Osaka Charm on your behalf.”

Ignoring the fact that he’d obviously had her investigated within an inch of her life, Lilli answered, “It wasn’t for money. Well, not for me at least. It was more like a trade.”

“A trade?”

She nodded and confessed, “My brother’s baseball career in exchange for spying on you. I didn’t do it for money, I did it for my brother.”

He looked away, his face going even harsher as he processed this information. But then he simply said, “I see.”

“You see,” she repeated, not really believing he was going to let her off the hook that easily.

She was right.

“A room has been prepared for you,” he informed her. “On the other side of the house from where Ruby is located. So you will need to turn in the opposite direction from her room when you reach the top of the stairs. It will be the second door on your right.”

Lilli looked at him. Waited for further explanation. Which did not come. So she ended up sputtering, “You—you want me to sleep here?”

“Yes,” he answered with another bored look. “Or I would not have had a room prepared you.”

“For how long?”

“As long as it takes,” he answered.

“As long as it takes for what?”

Another long look. Then he replied, “As long as it takes you to become pregnant with my child.”