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Hitman’s Pet: A Mafia Hitman Romance (Dirty Bikers Book 4) by Heather West (78)

Chapter Thirteen



As the days rolled by, Sierra and I discovered just how well our bodies were matched. The sex was amazing. She surprised me with how willing she was to do anything I presented and with how well she went along with it. It was almost enough to make me forget that all of this started with my suspicion that she was up to something by seeking me out at the bar.


I was beginning to think that she had sought me out simply because she had heard about the way I liked to have sex and the way I liked to control women. She was someone who definitely needed to be controlled in bed. It allowed her to let go of herself and let her pleasure overtake her.


Every time we had sex, I could feel the moment she released control over her body to give in to the moment and the sensation. Her body would suddenly relax beneath me, or on top of me. But that relaxation would soon be replaced with a different kind of tension. It wasn’t stress. It was the building ecstasy in her body that caused her to tense up after the need to control was wiped away by pleasure. That was a very different tension.


It also seemed like the more of her I had, the more of her I wanted. I couldn’t keep my hands or eyes off of her. I went to sleep wanting her. I dreamed about her. I woke up wanting her. I wanted her again immediately after I had her.


I lay in bed in the morning, staring at her and wondering what it was about her that made me want her like a drug. I ran a hand down her delicate arm, down her side to her hips. My fingers drifted down the side of her leg.


Sierra seemed so delicate and innocent in her sleep, but she was anything but delicate or innocent. Her looks were deceiving. She was a strong woman who knew what she wanted and how to get it. The how seemed to involve sex, or some use of her body. She knew she was seductive, and she had no trouble using that to get her way.


Maybe that was what made her crave submission so much, I mused. She was used to getting what she wanted and having to have control over the situation. I offered her the opportunity to let go of all of that.


At least that was what I told myself while I lay naked next to her in the bed. She was such a challenge. I still didn’t know much about her other than the way we seemed to work together, but I didn’t mind. I figured I would learn more about her as we went along.


Sierra was a mystery, and just as I unraveled her body in bed, I was going to unravel her past in time.


I wasn’t sure of what I would find when I started to unravel her, though, and I was a little worried about that. I knew we all had pasts. I knew I sure as hell had my own, and I was pretty sure hers had never been that bad, but still, I wondered.


I wondered why she had sought me out. I amused myself with the thought that it was because she knew someone else I had slept with, and they had told her about what I liked in bed, so she wanted to see for herself. I didn’t think that was the real reason, though. She was too much of a professional to seek me out just for pleasure.


I wondered what she did for a living. She didn’t seem to be worried about money, but, then again, she was also living off of me while she stayed at the house. Still, she didn’t seem too terribly impressed by the money I had, unlike some of the women I picked up at the bars where the MC used to gather. She seemed more impressed by my generosity than my wealth, which told me she was used to wealth.


No, she was definitely comfortable being around wealthy people. That wasn’t much of a stretch for her.


I looked at the gently sloping curves of her body outlined by the sheets on my bed, and it was no wonder why she was so accustomed to wealth. Men had probably given her everything she wanted all her life. She certainly knew how to use her looks to her advantage, and I was sure she had been honing her skills for a long time.


I didn’t mind. I knew she was working her magic on me. I knew she was using her body and her sex to get in deep with me, and knowing that gave me the upper hand, or I supposed it did. She didn’t have to try hard.


Sierra stirred in her sleep and mumbled something through her sleeping lips. I couldn’t make out what she was saying, but I placed my hand gently on her shoulder, and she settled down. I narrowed my eyes, wondering what she was dreaming. What could have possibly troubled such a beautiful face? I certainly couldn’t imagine anyone trying to do anything to harm or upset her. She made it too easy to go along with what she did.


Besides, I had seen the effect it had on her whenever I took control over her in bed or when I taunted her when we weren’t sleeping together. She seemed to enjoy it. That couldn’t have been the kind of thing that bothered her in her sleep.


There was something dark in her history, I was sure. It seemed like fewer and fewer people were able to get by without some sort of darkness trailing them. I ran a hand gently over her hair to comfort her.


I found myself wanting to protect her when we weren’t challenging each other to battles of our wits. I found myself unable to concentrate on anything else for long now that she had become a somewhat permanent fixture in my life.


I also wondered how long this would last. Like the Sun Stone in my cellar, Sierra seemed like the kind of person who rarely stayed in one place for very long. She didn’t seem like the type to let dust settle on her life.


I knew it was best to enjoy every day we spent together because there weren’t many that were promised. Once she had her fill of me, she would be on her way, and oh God, how I wanted to fill her with myself.


No matter what, my mind always drifted back to the beautiful body lying naked next to me. Her feminine, almost feline curves begged me to touch them, to trace them with my fingertips and lips. I wanted to taste her skin. I wanted to taste her breath again when we kissed. I wanted to bury my face between her delicious legs again and taste her.


Even just lying next to her, it was hard to keep my hands off of her. I wanted her constantly. I stroked her arm absently as I marveled over the way my silk sheets conformed to her shape so perfectly. I could see the swell of her breasts, the way the underside curved perfectly for my hands. The sheets draped gently over her flat stomach. They hugged her thighs and traced the way she slept with her legs curled in her sleep.


I watched the sheets heave with her chest as she breathed slowly and deeply in her sleep. The motion of her rising and lowering breasts was hypnotic. The sound was soothing and restful. Just listening to her was as good as closing my own eyes and sleeping.


I felt the warmth of her body against mine under the covers. She wasn’t more than a couple of inches away from me all night as we had slept. Her smooth back had pressed against me several times throughout the morning, waking me with longing.


I sighed as I stared down at her. As I gently stroked her body, I felt myself growing excited. I felt my desire for her stirring between my legs. I pressed myself between the soft, round cheeks of her ass and slid my hardening sex along the tender folds of flesh between her legs, urging myself to get even harder for her.


Of all the things we had done, I had yet to wake her up with sex. I had yet to slide myself into her while she was sleeping to wake her. She was so warm against me that I actually considered it.


I longed to tie her up in her sleep and wake her as I took her again for my own. I wanted to command and control her body at all times. I wanted to exert my power over her and show her that she was mine, that when I had asked if she was going to stay, I had been fully prepared to make her stay and make her want to stay out of sexual desire.


She was mine. She had agreed. Her body had been turned over to me, and she knew what to say if I crossed any lines. I considered all of this as my erection grew harder, as my desire heightened.


If I wanted to wake her by penetrating her, she had given me permission to do so already. She had agreed to let me use her delectable body any way I saw fit.


She moaned as I gripped her thigh and pushed myself against her. I could feel the warmth between her legs calling me to her, begging me to enter her as she slept beside me.


I ran my hand along the back of her leg as I continued to grow harder, pressing myself harder against her. I ran my shaft along her warm, wet lips, growing painfully harder but not letting myself enter her just yet. I felt her skin part along the top of my shaft as if her tender lips were kissing me as I slid myself past them. I closed my eyes and could still see how delicate and delicious her lips looked. I could remember how they had felt around my tongue when I slid it inside of her.


I didn’t know how much longer I could refrain from taking her right there in the bed and making her call out my name again. Every time I entered her, it was a reminder that she belonged to me while she was under my roof.


No matter how long this lasted, she was mine.


She moaned and pressed herself against me. I felt her cheeks press just above my hardened sex. My body reeled to her touch.


I grabbed her hips and rolled mine against her. I wanted her so badly I could taste it.


I kissed her bare shoulder and brought my hand up across her stomach. Her body responded by pressing against me even harder.


She moaned and turned her face towards me, parting her lips so I could kiss her. As our lips met, our tongues quickly stroked each other. My hand found her breasts. I cupped her skin firmly and gave her a little squeeze, catching her nipple between my thumb and forefinger.


She bucked against me and gasped as she turned her head away. Then she grabbed my hip with her long fingers and pulled me against her.


“Oh, fuck,” she called out, the words torn from her chest.


She started rocking her hips, running herself along my shaft. I felt her lips growing wetter with each stroke. She slid forward so that my head parted her lips just over her entrance.


“Mmm, good morning,” she said as she rolled over and took my face in her hands, kissing me again with a smile on her face.


That smile was why I woke her up with kisses and gentle strokes on her body every morning. It was brighter and warmer than the sunlight streaming in through my sheer curtains.


Chapter Fourteen



Waking up next to Gunner in his silk sheets had become the norm in my life. It was strangely comfortable to wake up with someone’s arms wrapped around me, despite all the years I had spent not allowing that sort of thing to happen. We were forging a connection, whether we liked it or not.


I had spent the last few days submitting to his sexual desires and allowing myself to simply enjoy the pleasure of his body instead of controlling every aspect of our sex like it was some sort of business transaction. Giving him control over me was the most liberating sexual act I could imagine. Being submissive for him made me realize how little I had enjoyed sex before, which was one of the reasons I had tried to avoid it.


I had always used my body to get what I wanted. Now, he was using it to please himself.


He woke me with his hardened desire pressed between my legs. He woke me with kisses on my neck and shoulder. He cupped my breast in his hand, large enough to engulf me whole between his fingers and palm. He worked my nipple between his fingers, hardening the pink flesh to a point.


It was a pleasant surprise, and it was something I had been waiting for, to be woken up for sex. I turned and smiled, and kissed him. I could have woken up to him like that every day, and I would have been happy.


Gunner’s arms wrapped around my body. He placed his hands flat on my back and pulled me to him. His touch was both comforting and thrilling. I pressed myself against his muscles and felt him throbbing against the folds of skin over the entrance to my wet core.


I pushed my weight against him and rolled him onto his back. He may have woken me with the promise of sex, but I was going to control it. He was going to submit to me.


While I kissed him, I let my hand glide down over the contours of his chest and stomach. He was built to precision. His body was the essence of manhood. He was both a beautiful work of art sculpted from the finest clay and a fine-tuned machine designed to fulfill my needs.


I wrapped my fingers around his thick shaft. I was surprised to find that he was almost too thick for my fingers to reach all the way around. I stroked him, pumping him a few times and listening to him moan. His muscles strained against my hand as if they were working either to hold back his desire and pleasure, or to let it all go in my grip. I briefly imagined his hot juice flowing down over my fingers. It would have been a pleasure to wear him.


I kissed his chin, then his neck. I could feel his muscles working under my lips as I kissed his shoulder and then his chest. He dug a hand into my hair, cupping the back of my head. He guided me down as my lips followed the lines of his muscles.


His skin was hairless and immaculate. He was tan, but not like he’d been out in the sun. His skin had a deep glow to it. I kissed the bare skin just above his shaft. I felt his flesh quiver with excitement under my lips, just as my thighs and the tender flesh between them quivered.


“Kiss it, Sierra” he begged, guiding me with his hand still on the back of my head.


I looked up at him and smiled with my mouth just over the tip of his head. I stuck my tongue out and flicked it over the very tip of him, barely touching him. I watched as he sucked his breath in through his teeth and arched his back.


“Take me in your mouth,” he said. This time it was more of an order, and I felt the weight of his hand pushing me down gently. He wasn’t demanding, but the suggestion was there.


I felt a surge of pleasure and excitement rush through my body. Even in bed, we were beginning to play our little game, trying to see who would be able to take control of the situation. I had him right where I wanted him, though, and he wasn’t going anywhere until I said so.


I opened my lips around his head and slowly slid my mouth down over him. He filled my mouth completely, and I could feel the texture of his skin, his veins throbbing with his heightened pulse, as I took him all the way to the back of my throat.


It was the first time he’d allowed himself to be vulnerable to me, and it was the hardest I’d found his manhood. He groaned and rubbed the back of my head as I pulled my lips back, sucking on him as I lifted my head.


“That’s so good,” he panted.


The breathless pleasure in his voice thrilled me. I took him in my mouth again, running my lips and tongue down to where my fingers were wrapped around the base of his shaft. He moaned as I pulled on his shaft with my mouth. I could feel his body tensing beneath me. His manhood tensed in my mouth, and I could feel the pleasure beginning to mount in his body.


I slid back, letting his head pass my lips on the way out. Then, with my hand still on his shaft, I straddled him. I slid my legs down on either side of his waist and hips, and I positioned him so that his head pressed right against my opening.


“Was it good, Gunner?” I asked him tenderly.


“Oh God, it was so good,” he said slowly, his pleasure making his words little more than a whisper.


His hands were on my hips now. Instead of guiding my head down on his shaft, he was ready to guide my hips down against his. He pressed down on me, but I resisted.


“Not yet,” I teased. “We’re going to move at my pace this morning.”


I placed one hand on his firm chest and held his shaft in place with the other. I slid him into me and let go, placing both hands on his massive chest for leverage.


I slowly pushed him down, arching my back as I felt every inch of him passing through me. I could feel every detail of his flesh as it slid through my opening. I wrapped my wet lips around him and pulled my hips back up. My muscles tightened as if they were trying to keep him inside me.


I slid back down, stopping before our hips met. He gripped me and tried to pull me the rest of the way down. His sex seemed to grow even harder at being denied full access to me. I rocked my hips where I was, shifting him inside of me.


“Please,” he begged, “take all of it.”


I leaned down to whisper in his ear, “Oh, I will, but you’re going to have to wait.”


He pushed up with his hips, sliding himself a little deeper inside of me, but I pulled up. My body trembled as he pressed against each side of my opening. I didn’t know how long I could continue to tease him before I gave in to his wishes.


Not long.


I shoved myself down onto him quickly, thrusting him all the way into me, and ramming him deep into my core. His head pressed against my deepest walls, stretching me inward to accept him.


I sat up and grabbed his hands. I pulled them up to my breasts and made him grip me. He squeezed and pulled while he pushed up into me. I gave him control and let him work my body from underneath.


A sudden wave of pleasure roared through my body as I let go and let him use me.


“Take me,” I panted. “Just like this, Gunner, take me.”


I felt my insides shaking with growing ecstasy as he thrust himself into me even harder. He pulled back and rammed into me again. And again.


I collapsed on top of him, and he grabbed my ass to pull me along his shaft.


I kissed his neck and his shoulders while he abused my insides with his massive shaft. I ran my hands over his arms while he grunted.


He pulled me down as he thrust himself deep into me, and I cried out while he held me down against the base of his shaft. I gripped his arms.


“Holy shit, Gunner,” I said as my whole body began to tremble against him. He trembled beneath me, and I knew we were about to reach ecstasy at the same point.


I rocked my hips to try to get there first so he could pull out of me. It worked. I exploded in a bright white light of pleasure as ecstasy rushed through my body. I rocked myself harder and harder against him, furiously pumping myself against him as my orgasm rolled through me in wave.


“I’m going to come, Sierra,” he said breathlessly, his head tilted back. I pulled myself off of him and slid down his body, taking him first in my hand, then in my mouth.


I wrapped my fingers and lips around him. I tasted my flavor on his skin. It was the first time I remembered tasting myself, but it was a familiar flavor. It tasted right, like I would have expected it to.


Then, my mouth was filled with the taste of his warm, salty juices as his manhood jerked in my hand. He grabbed my head and pushed me down as he pumped his hips against my face.


“Take it all,” he said with a gasp. “Fuck. Get it all, Sierra.”


He filled my mouth, and I swallowed him as quickly as he could empty himself for me. As his body finally relaxed beneath me, I pumped him with my fist and pulled the last few drops out with my lips and tongue.


He let go of my head and ran his hand down along my hair, petting me. I pulled my mouth back, letting him fall out from between my lips.


I looked up at him to see his eyes smiling at me above his open, panting mouth. I could see his pulse racing in his chest.


I took him back in my hand and kissed the sides of his shaft before sliding back up beside him. He put his arms around me and held me against him. His constant attention, though usually sexual in nature, was beginning to feel more like adoration.


Things were getting complicated, because I could feel his adoration being reciprocated. I was happy and comfortable by his side. I felt safe in his arms. I couldn’t explain it, but for some reason, I felt like he saw more than just a toy when he looked at me. Unlike the men before him, Gunner wasn’t thinking of just tossing me to the side when all of this was done.


That was a shame, I thought. One of us needed to understand that this would have to come to an end eventually. And it was probably going to be when I found the diamond.


I hadn’t heard any news from Coyote about the emails yet, so I was off the hook for the time being.


“Good morning,” I said again with a wide smile on my face. I kissed his chest and ran a hand along it.


“Good morning. So, you like being woken up that way?” he asked.


“Of course. You could wake me up that way every day and I wouldn’t mind.” What the hell was I saying? I wasn’t going to be around to be woken up every day like that. Once I found the Sun Stone, I was out.


I needed to get back on track and stop letting myself be lured astray by his abilities.




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