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Hitman’s Pet: A Mafia Hitman Romance (Dirty Bikers Book 4) by Heather West (36)





“All the rooms are upstairs. Drag the mattresses up there, and leave one in each room. Shouldn’t the bed frames go up first?” Blade – excuse me, Robert – furrowed his brow and held his hand out to the delivery crew as if to say to them they should have understood what he wanted them to do. As they walked off, he signed the shipment forms for the beds being delivered.


He smiled as I walked up to him. He hugged me and kissed my forehead. Then, he rubbed a hand gently on my stomach. I blushed and pushed his hand away. I hadn’t started showing yet, and I wasn’t ready for him to tell everyone.


“Baby, I’m only three months,” I whispered. “Let’s enjoy being normal adults as long as we can.”


He laughed and took me into his arms. “I’m just so excited,” he said, kissing the top of my head. “Just think, in a couple short weeks, we’ll have our new shelter up and running. And we’ve got the little one on the way, too? Things are really looking up for us.”


“I told you things were going to get better one day.” I smiled up at him.


“I know. A year ago, I never would have imagined this day.” His voice trailed off as he got lost in thought.


I knew he was thinking back over the last year as he watched the workers hurry in and out of the building he’d renovated for the new shelter. It had been a rough time for us. After the night Vlad and Axel had died, the Marauders found out about Robert’s involvement in the sex slave auctions. Since he had lied to his president on several occasions regarding his relationship to Vlad, he had been removed from the MC. The ceremony had been private, and he’d never told me what happened. From what I read online and what I saw in movies and on TV, it wasn’t pleasant.


I turned around and pulled his arms around in front of me, squeezing myself tight with them. I kissed his muscles. There was one point where I had thought I was going to lose him. It wasn’t pretty watching him come back from being kicked out of the MC, but in the end, it didn’t change who he was.


If anything, it had made him stronger.


“So, today they are bringing in the beds. Once everything is in, I’m going upstairs to make sure it’s all right, the way I want it. We’ve got a few more things to do, some stuff to make sure we have stocked and ready to go, and then, we open.” He swayed with me as he talked.


“You and your safehouses,” I teased.


“Don’t make me take you on a tour again.” His face lit up like a child’s face on Christmas morning every time he talked about it. Speaking of Christmas, he couldn’t have chosen a better time to open the shelter. It was far too cold for people to be sleeping out on the street.


While we stood there watching the beds getting delivered, a familiar face appeared in the doorway. A tall man with broad shoulders and warm smile walked in. He sidestepped the delivery crew to reach Robert.


“Blade?” he asked as walked up to us. “Maggie, nice to see you again.”


“It’s Robert now. No longer Blade,” he said, extending his hand. “It’s good to see you Evan.”


“Thanks, man. I heard you needed some help running this place, and I figured why not, right?” He gave a nervous laugh.


“Yeah, I need people like you, Evan. Good people who care and will take care of each other.” He patted Evan on the back.


“I hope I can be of service.” He seemed more timid than I remembered. I wondered how the last year of his life had gone.


We had been able to live off the money Robert had made working for Vlad over the last year. I had still gone out and found work to keep us from depleting all his money, though. I had worked for the children’s home and for a couple of lawyers who knew him from his days with the Marauders. I had probably held five or six temporary jobs over the course of the year, until Robert had started to come back around.


“Hey, you want to take a tour of the place?” Robert offered Evan.


“Yeah, sure. I guess I should.”


“Baby, we’ll be right back, unless you want to come, too.” Robert gave me his look that begged me to take him up on the offer. I shook my head and laughed, and he was off with his new friend. Anyone who would go on a tour of the shelter was his friend.


“So, you need any help getting this place together?” I heard Evan ask as they walked off.


Of course, Robert had his own ideas for how his shelter needed to be run. It wasn’t just a shelter. There were rooms upstairs on the second and third floors of the building. Downstairs, the first floor housed offices, including a nurse’s station. There was the front desk, where guests and residents could go for help with nearly anything. There were drink and snack machines. There were game rooms.


The real fun occurred in the basement, where there were laundry facilities and a large commercial kitchen designed to cook enough food to serve everyone working and living at the shelter. For the most part, he planned to staff the shelter with residents, who would cook and do laundry, things like that, for one another, as a way to earn their keep and maintain low operations costs.


He also had hopes of having career counselors stop by once or twice a week for people struggling with employment. He wanted an on-call nurse, psychologist and psychiatrist. He wanted to help people, not just provide them with a place to sleep and a few warm meals before kicking them back out on the street.


It was definitely ambitious, and I had definitely heard him go on about it enough over the last couple of months that I had his whole little spiel memorized. I waited downstairs by the receptionist’s desk for Robert to return with Evan.


“Hey, baby, Evan said he wants to come on board,” he said as he practically bounced back up to me. “And he says he can help drive residents to appointments, things like that.”


“That’s awesome. You need someone to be able to do that,” I said with a smile.


“I figure I need to do something to give back. Look, I need to hit the road. You’ve got my number. If you need anything let me know, but I’ll be back bright and early tomorrow morning to help you finish setting the place up,” Evan said, shaking Robert’s hand.


“Hey, great to see you, man,” Robert beamed.


“And always a pleasure, Maggie,” Evan said, ever the gentleman.


We stood and watched him walk out, dodging the delivery crew as they moved about like busy ants.


“I knew I was going to see him again,” Robert said. “You don’t help someone like that and never see them again.”


“What a coincidence,” I said. “It’s been right about a year since the last time we saw him.”


“Right. And a year ago, I would have told you it was no coincidence, that it had been planned, but now. There’s no reason for us to run into each other like that, not that kind of reason anyway.” He put his arm around me and pulled me close to him.


Once the deliveries were done, and Robert had checked everything over to make sure it was up to his standards, he sent everyone home and locked the place up. He beamed as we walked down the steps from the door of the old building. His excitement radiated like heat or light from him. At the sidewalk, he stopped and turned to look at the building in the dying afternoon light one last time before we got in the car.


Night fell quickly on our way home. It felt hours later than it was by the time we walked into the house. In his excitement, as soon as he closed the door, Robert turned me around and took my face in his hands, kissing my lips passionately.


I grabbed him and pulled his hips and pulled him against me. Our tongues tangled. Our bodies pressed together. He started walking me backwards toward the bedroom. Our love for each other mingled with passion as we pulled each other’s clothes off and left them in a trail leading from the front door back to the bed.


By the time the mattress pressed against the back of my legs, I was in my bra and panties only. He was in his boxers, barely holding his eager desire in. I climbed back onto the bed, and he grabbed my panties, sliding them down my legs as I slid away from him. I unhooked my bra and shrugged it off my shoulders, revealing my breasts to him as he pulled down his boxers. As the waistband slid down past his shaft, I watched him rise for me. I grabbed my breasts and rubbed them for him, playing with my nipples making them hard to entice him to come to me.


I picked up my legs and spread myself open for him. He climbed onto the bed and ran his hands up my thighs, between my legs, and up my stomach. His fingers tangled with mine as his hands cupped my swollen breasts. He brushed his fingers over my sensitive peaks. He kissed my belly gently, lightly, as he climbed up my body.


His hips settled in between my legs, pressing against mine as the tip of his head pressed against my lips. I was already parting for him, my body just as eager to let him in as he was to enter me.


His lips encircled my nipple, pulling it into his mouth. I sucked in a sharp breath and arched my back. I put my hands behind his head and held him down on my breast. I rolled my hips, urging him to enter me.


“Make love to me,” I breathed as he lingered just outside my wet entrance. My desire ached to have him inside of me.


He kissed up to my neck, my chin, and then my lips. He pushed his hips into me ever so slightly, pressing his head past the opening to my center. I held his head in place as our lips worked each other and our tongues twisted and tangled around each other. I lifted my hips against his, pulling him deeper into me.


I moaned into his mouth as he entered me all the way, his shaft driving in to its base. My muscles clenched around him immediately. He pulled back, and I felt every inch of him pass through my wet, tender lips. My body shuddered as he pulled away. As he pushed back in, I grabbed his arms and held on tight.


He stroked my g-spot with every thrust. He filled me completely, stretching me so he could fit inside. He pumped himself into me with a steady rhythm, driving me closer and closer to orgasm with each thrust.


“Kiss me,” I whispered. “Please, kiss me again.”


He leaned down and our lips met. We pressed our mouths hard together as he moved against me faster, harder, driving himself deep into me repeatedly. He stroked me faster and faster, the pleasure growing so intense I couldn’t breathe. My body began to tense up beneath him as my pleasure grew into ecstasy.


I gasped as my legs began to shake. My insides quivered. “I’m going to cum,” I told him in a jerky, breathy voice. I held onto his arms as I started to shake. My orgasm rolled through me, jerking my body. I writhed underneath him.


He pushed into me slowly and held himself against me as I shook against him. I could feel him growing harder, stiffer inside of me, until his warmth filled me. I pulled his face down between my breasts and arched my back, groaning as my orgasm reached a crescendo with his.


“I love you,” I called out as my body started to relax.


“I love you, too,” Robert told me, whispering it into my ear as he kissed my neck.


He relaxed and slid out of me, coming to rest on his back next to me. I had never known someone who could take me there as quickly as he did, and he did it every time. I pulled his arm around me and pressed my ass up against him. I rubbed it against his relaxing manhood, hoping to rouse him again.


He made me insatiable sometimes.


His hand rubbed on my belly again, calming my hips. “One day soon, you’re going to start to show,” he said, his smile obvious in his voice.


“Don’t remind me.” I rolled my eyes.


“No, it’s going to be beautiful.” He kissed my shoulder. “You are going to be beautiful carrying our child, baby. You don’t even know.”


I smiled. Sometimes I didn’t know what excited him more – the prospect of being a father, or the new shelter. I knew one thing for certain, though: that baby and I had nothing to worry about with Robert by our side. I was home, and there was no need to run anywhere but into his arms.




Keep reading for my bonus book – UNLEASHED


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