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Hold Still (A Hold Series Spin-off Book 2) by Arell Rivers (23)




I PULL UP outside McKenna’s house, excited to hear how her meeting with the Project went. I bet she kicked ass.

After today’s recording session, I did something I swore I’d never do again. I walked into a jewelry store and checked out some of their pieces. I decided on a bracelet that I know she’ll love. It has interchangeable gems she can match with her dyed hair—and panties.

Shutting Shirley off behind her little Honda, I put the kickstand into place. I flip open the visor of my helmet and direct my eyes into the little house. McKenna crosses the living room in front of the bay window. I sit like an idiot in her driveway and breathe in all that is my girlfriend. The woman who has taken my heart and given it new meaning.

As my hand comes under my chin to release the strap, McKenna stops moving. A guy appears in front of her, his hands on her shoulders. Who the fuck—my thought is cut off as he takes her into his arms and kisses her.

They’re kissing.

What the fuck is going on?

They turn and he puts his arm around her shoulders. She’s looking up at him but I can’t make out her expression.

Like I need to.

I know what her expression says. It says “I got that schmuck Ozzy to fall for me” and “We’re going to milk him for all he’s got.”

Too bad she doesn’t know I’m not worth much anymore.

I flip down my visor, release the kickstand and roll out of her driveway. How could I have been taken for a fool again? Gotta give it to her, though. She’s a superb actress. My lip curls upward. Maybe the dickwad she’s really with can’t get her off like I do.

Somehow on the freeway, I gun Shirley. Eat up the miles. After driving aimlessly for at least an hour, I pull into my driveway. My empty driveway. What did you expect? A little Honda waiting for you?

Walking through the front door, Bans races to me. I drop a couple of pats on her head on my way to my target—the bar. There, I pour a double shot of whiskey and tip my head back, savoring the burn on its way down my throat. I slam the shot glass back onto the counter, picking up the whiskey bottle to pour another, when the doorbell rings.

She seriously decided to come here now? Right after sending her other boyfriend on his way? I join Bans at the front door and swing it wide.

“Hi, Ozzy. You left some paperwork at the studio, so I thought I’d—”

Aiden’s voice trails off when I leave him at the door and head back to the bar. “Want anything to drink?”

“I take it tea’s not on the menu?” Aiden asks when I don’t turn into the kitchen.


Since he doesn’t reply, I pour my second shot and down it.

“Woah there, boss. Where’s McKenna?”

“Not here.” She’s with her other boyfriend.

“Oh.” He shuffles some papers. “Well, ah, I brought your notes from the studio. And, I have some other things we need to go over to prepare for the end of your residency.”

A sound somewhere between a snort and a laugh escapes my lips. Of course my residency is ending. I have a quarter of a new album recorded, with other songs in various stages of draft. Luis’s words haunt me about never being able to finish up the album without him. His words are followed by McKenna’s saying she loves the songs and urging me on. I wonder if that was an act, too.

Aiden takes my silence as acceptance and spreads the paperwork over the coffee table. As if I care. I can sell my house in LA and rent a one-bedroom. Or I can fuck my way through LA and never need a home base—or an income. He talks about turning in the Penthouse at the Jade and this house, but I’m beyond caring.

Bans, as if sensing my unease, rubs her head on my leg. I pet her silky coat and she lays down on her back, wanting a belly rub. As I’m obliging my dog, I realize she’s like every other bitch in my life. Only, once I make her feel good, she still wants to be with me.

“I should stick with dogs, right Bans?”

She barks as Aiden drops his pen on the documents. “You haven’t been listening to a word I’ve said.”


He sighs. “Did something happen between you and McKenna?”

“What a loaded question.” I run my fingers through my hair and eye the whiskey. I have a concert to give in two hours, so I better lay off. Well, one more can’t hurt. Striding over to the bar again, I respond to Aiden while pouring another shot, “She had a meeting today about the Project.”

He smiles. “Oh. Well, I wouldn’t be nervous if I were you. I bet she kicked ass. That one’s a real fighter.”

I swig the shot. “She’s a real something, for sure.”

Aiden takes the shot glass from my hand. Walking toward the kitchen, he says, “C’mon, let’s get some food into you. You guys didn’t break for lunch so you’ll need some fuel before tonight’s show.”

I move to follow him, but stumble. Shaking my head, I check to see what I tripped over, but don’t notice anything out of place. Moving more deliberately, I sit at the kitchen table while Aiden puts some food onto a plate and turns on the microwave. “You have quite the choice in the fridge.”

I shrug. What can I say? McKenna and I ate well. While it lasted.

He places the dish in front of me and I choose to eat rather than engage in any conversation with my assistant. It’s none of his business anyway. As I’m finishing up the rice and beans, my phone pings. Maybe it’s McKenna telling me she had a slip up. Maybe she’ll have the decency to come clean.

I take my phone out of my back pocket. Sure enough, it’s a text from McKenna:

Meeting went well. I’m going to be wrapped up with finalizing my submission until the Big Reveal on the 14th. I’ll try to get out to see you, but I’m really swamped.

What the fuck is this? I toss my phone onto the table. “Take some advice from me, Aiden. Stay away from women.”

He sits next to me, a glass of iced tea in his hand. Sighing, he asks, “What happened with McKenna?”

I force a laugh. No way am I going to reveal that I was played—again. It’s bad enough he knows all about Teresa and Luis. No money has to be exchanged this time, so he doesn’t need to know all the gory details. “She was a diversion. She kickstarted my muse so I could write the album, but I don’t need her anymore.”

His eyes bounce around the room, but he remains silent. Smart guy.

“She fulfilled her purpose,” I mumble more to convince myself than Aiden. I reach for my shotglass, only to realize I left it in the bar.

He clears his throat. “So, then, do you want me to get you some towel girls tonight?”

Every molecule in my body stills. I should return to screwing all of the groupies, but my heart screams no way. “You know, not tonight. I haven’t been getting too much sleep lately, if you know what I mean?” Since when did I let my heart rule my cock?

He nods. “Okay. Let me know when you’re ready. I’ll make sure the Penthouse is in good shape.”

I shrug. “Well, I’m going to shower for tonight’s concert. See you there?”

He gives me the once over and taps his lip. “Sure.”



BACK IN MY dressing room after the show, I take a shower. It wasn’t a great concert, but the audience seemed to enjoy it anyway. All of the whiskey from this afternoon wore off before I took the stage, yet I couldn’t get my mind off of McKenna in some other guy’s arms. Who the fuck is he?

Throwing on a pair of jeans and a Jade T-shirt, I head to the afterparty. Jazz is the first to see me.

“Hey, Ozzy! You haven’t been back here for a while.”

I grab a beer off a table. “Yeah, well, I think it’s high time I corrected that.”

“Is McKenna with you?” He looks around.

“Nah. I’m done with her. Got what I wanted and it’s time to move on.” I wiggle my eyebrows for effect, hoping he’ll see that rather than hear the dull tone of my voice.

“Sorry, dude. Sucks.” His hand stills for a moment, beer hovering midway between his chest and lips, then continues its ascent. Swallowing, he says, “Plenty more out there, my man.”

I clink the neck of my beer with his and chug about half in one gulp. Looking around, I reply, “Don’t I know it.”

Three more beers in and I’m surrounded by a bevy of tall, willowy blondes. I made sure not to include anyone under five-foot-two or brunette in the group. Similarly, each of my band members has at least one girl on his arm—or attached to his face. This is the way things should be.

I smile at the women surrounding me. None of whom grab my attention, even the one next to me who’s rubbing her fingernails up and down my thigh. “You know what, ladies? I’m getting tired.”

The one with the fingernails coos, “I can wake you up.”

I force a smile. “I bet you can, babes.” As soon as the familiar nickname falls out of my mouth, McKenna’s gorgeous face materializes in my mind’s eye. Mi Dulcita. All the alcohol in my stomach turns sour. I can’t do this. “I think I need to go to bed to sleep tonight. Hopefully you all can catch me again tomorrow, when I’m more rested.”

The women, as one, sigh. I turn my back on them and call for the limo. They don’t matter to me, and I don’t matter to McKenna. Fine fucking life I got going on.

Night turns to day, which turns to night again. Concerts come and go. Women throw themselves at me but I still can’t bring myself to seal the deal. All because of McKenna, who texts me less and less frequently. Not like I ever start an exchange.

I bring up our last conversation.

McKenna—Super busy with everything ~ How are your new songs going over with the audiences?

Me—Everything’s going well.

My finger traces her name. We’ve gone from sexy flirting to all business. I guess that’s what I was to her all along anyway—a job.

I spend most of my time drunk. Aiden pops over sometime around three in the afternoon to sober me up enough to perform. Then he’s smart enough to let me resume my drinking for the night. Tomorrow’s going to be different, though. Tomorrow’s the Big Reveal for the Project. Ginger made it perfectly clear I have to attend. And she’s going to be there.

At least Aiden helped me pick out two chicks to accompany me.

I down another whiskey. I’m going to need it to get through the next twenty-four hours.