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Holt: A Wolf's Hunger Alpha Shifter Romance by Desiree A. Cox, A.K. Michaels (14)





Maximus came home and put me under the same spell as before. He put me back in the cage, but this time he entered behind me. I couldn’t move. All I could do was stare at him.

He held himself up with one arm and started out rubbing his free hand down my hair, professing his love for me. He kept calling me my pet. He’d kiss one cheek, then the other, all the while his fingers were combing through my tresses.

I couldn’t move. I wanted him to stop, but I couldn’t speak.

He stared at me for several seconds, then he lowered his mouth to mine and forced his tongue between my lips. He kept twisting his head from side to side and moaning. His moans made me sick. His wet, slobbery kiss made me sick, too.

My stomach lurched when his hand slid beneath the robe and cupped my breast, squeezing it over and over like it was a stress ball. He’d squeeze, then pinch my nipple, then squeeze again. Each time, the pressure was greater and more painful. In my mind, I was begging him to stop, but no words came out of my mouth.

His hand slid from my breast down over my stomach, where he momentarily stopped. His fingers made their way lower, lower, lower until he had my crotch firmly in the palm of his hand -- literally.

He whispered in my ear that he was going to make me his, then slid one of his long fingers inside me. I wanted to scream. I held my breath in hopes that I’d pass out and he’d leave me alone. I closed my eyes as he wiggled his finger inside me, dragging it out and pushing it back in. I couldn’t even close my legs in hopes of stopping him from violating me. I could feel the tears trickling down my face. I wanted it all to stop. I would’ve preferred for him to have killed me.

He leaned in and kissed my neck, then told me he loved me again. I could feel the bile rising in my throat. I tried to contact Barry to beg him to hurry, but he never replied to me. The tears were flowing in a steady stream.

There was a rustling noise, but his hand never left me. When I opened my eyes, I saw Maximus kneeling. He was preparing to violate me in the worst way. I’d been saving myself for my soul mate, and it wasn’t him. I was screaming in my head, No! And I was frantically calling for Barry, but he wouldn’t answer.

When I closed my eyes again, Maximus grabbed my face in his hand and squeezed harder than he had ever done. That was when he told me he’d killed a wolf on his way home. He said he saw it crossing the road and sped up in his truck, then ran it over. Then he rammed himself into me while he laughed that horrible cackle of his. I faded to black in my dream.

The dream I woke from was so vivid. So real. So terrifying.

The empty feeling left in my chest and stomach was haunting. I sat up in bed and hoped like hell it was just a dream. That was when I realized I’d been crying. I wiped at the remaining wetness on my face, then inhaled deeply before letting the breath slowly out through my slightly parted lips.

I wrapped my robe around me nice and snug, then went to the kitchen to get a drink of water. As I sipped, I shook my head at the horrible nightmare that woke me.

My heart was racing. I pulled the robe even tighter around myself while my stomach roiled. I rushed to the bathroom just in time to empty the contents of my stomach into the toilet.

I slowly padded across the floor, taking a seat in the hard, wooden chair. I had no desire to watch television or read any of his books. I wanted nothing to do with being in his fucking house anymore. I wanted out. NOW!

I tossed the robe onto the floor and transformed into my Coy-wolf. I paced back and forth in the living room before I made my way to one of the windows, and began clawing at the window sill. I left a lot of marks, but the wood wasn’t ripping away. I used my teeth and left incisor marks, but it still wouldn’t rip free. What kind of material is this, I thought.

Furious, I walked over to the couch he’d been sleeping on and swiped my front paw with claws out across the seat, ripping it. Stuffing was visible and protruding though the gashes.

Fuck him and his couch, I thought. I swiped again, leaving another set of claw rips and more stuffing exposed.

“Precious one, what are you doing?” Barry said through his link.

“I need out of here. I’m going crazy. I hate this guy and I hate being locked in his house,” I said.

“I need you to stay calm,” he said.

“That’s easy for you to say!” I screamed. “You’re not the one locked in here. My Coy-wolf couldn’t even rip the trim off around the windows.”

“Don’t damage his things. If he gets there before me, who knows how he’ll react. I’d die if he seriously hurt you.”

“Then run faster, Barry, because I’ve already shredded his precious sofa.”

“I’m moving as fast as I can. Why don’t you ever call me Holt? That’s my name now.”

“You’ll always be Barry to me. My sweet Barry.”

I paced back to the sofa and gritted my teeth, growling my hatred for Maximus. I could feel the foam building up in the corners of my mouth as my anger grew stronger. I leapt up onto the piece of furniture with all four feet, claws out, and began shredding it with swipes and kicks. Stuffing material was flying in the air around me. I wished it was his filthy body under my paws.

When I finished with his prized sofa, I transformed back to my human and made my way into his kitchen.

I stomped over to the cupboards and opened the one with his plates and glasses. One by one, they were flung across the room, crashing hard against the wall, shattering into bits on the floor.