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Hot Single Dad by Claire Kingsley (15)


As the day goes on, I find it almost impossible to keep my hands off Linnea. But we’re with Charlotte, and this isn’t the kind of thing we can spring on her. Not until we know for sure what’s happening between us. Sharing a kiss—even a kiss like that—and confessing we both feel something only means more is possible. I want to tread carefully where my daughter is concerned.

I’ve never been serious enough about a woman to introduce her to Charlotte. As far as she knows, Daddy has always been alone. And that’s not far from the truth. Between the demands of school, and now my job—and doing it all while raising her—I haven’t had a lot of time for relationships. It took a long time after losing Melanie before dating was even a possibility. Since then, I’ve dated a little. But I haven’t met anyone who made me want to put in the effort. Not until Linnea.

So we make eye contact and smile, like we’re sharing a secret. We take Charlotte to the park, then the library. I’m in a pretty great mood, so I suggest we all go out for ice cream too. Charlotte eats her pink bubble gum cone and alternates between sitting in my lap and sitting in Linnea’s.

When we get home, Linnea pulls out her phone and looks at the screen. Her eyebrows draw in and she takes a deep breath.

“Is everything okay?” I ask.

“Nate keeps texting,” she says. “I answered him once, only to say I won’t be teaching his son anymore. But he won’t stop sending me messages.”

I hold out my hand. “I’ll take care of it.”

She hesitates, but gives me her phone. “What are you going to do?”

“Just block him for you,” I say, not mentioning the fact that I’m memorizing his number. I tap a few things and make sure he can’t call or text her phone anymore, then hand it back. “There. Problem solved.”

She smiles. “Thanks.”

“Of course.” I place a quick kiss on her forehead. “I think Bug got ice cream on my shirt. I’m going to change.”

I go upstairs and slip into my bedroom, closing the door behind me. I type Nate’s number and hit call. The asshole better answer.

“Nate Ingram,” he says.

“This is Caleb Lawson,” I say, keeping my voice low. “We met last night when you picked up Linnea.”


“Listen, you piece of shit. Do not text, call, or contact her again in any way. Keep texting her and I’ll break your thumbs. And if you go anywhere near Henley’s Music while she’s there, I’ll gut you like a fucking fish.”

“Hey man, I

“Don’t. Stay away from her, or I’ll cut you open and harvest your goddamn organs. Are we clear?”

He coughs. “Uh, yeah. Clear.”

“Good.” I hang up.

Now the problem is solved.

While I’m alone, I finalize my plans for our date night. I make a couple of calls, and then text Kendra to see if she and Weston can watch Bug.

Me: Hey, are you guys busy tonight? Can you watch Charlotte for a few hours?

Kendra: For sure. What’s up? Work issues?

Me: No. I have a date.

Kendra: !!!!!!!!

I shake my head and wait, because I know she’s going to keep asking questions.

Kendra: Who is she?

Kendra: How did you meet her?

Kendra: Is it a first date?

Kendra: Wait. Why can’t Linnea watch her? Does she have plans? Is something wrong?

I hesitate another minute, waiting to see if she’ll keep going. My phone stays quiet, so I take a deep breath and answer. This is going to send Kendra off the deep end.

Me: My date is Linnea.

Kendra: OMG!

Kendra: Are you serious?


Kendra: Okay, yeah. We can be there around 7.

Me: Perfect. Thanks.

Kendra: Anytime.

I’m sure by the time my phone is back in my pocket, Kendra has already texted Mia. There’s not much I can do about that. I’ll make sure Kendra knows to be subtle about it with Charlotte. We won’t lie to her—we’ll just tell her Daddy and Linnea are going to have dinner. With little kids, the simplest explanation is usually best.

* * *

Kendra and Weston arrive and Charlotte is so excited to see them, she’s not the least bit worried about me and Linnea leaving. We say goodbye, and as soon as the front door closes behind us, I grab Linnea and pull her in for a kiss.

“Sorry,” I say. “I’ve been wanting to do that again all day.”

“No need to apologize,” she says. “Me too.”

We get in the car and she asks me what we’re doing. I keep my cards close and tell her—again—that it’s a surprise. She’s already confused because I told her to dress casually, and when she came downstairs wearing what was admittedly a very cute skirt, I had her change into jeans.

At our first stop, she waits in the car while I run in. I’m just picking up our dinner. It’s not fancy, but it’s good food, and it will be easy to eat where I’m taking her. The second stop is a convenience store, and I try to get my purchase into the trunk before she can see what I’m doing.

I drive us out to Golden Gardens Park in Ballard, up in the northwest corner of Seattle. It’s a long stretch of sandy beach on Puget Sound. It’s also one of only two parks in the city that allow bonfires.

We get out and I hand her the bags with our dinner. “Can you carry these?”

“Sure,” she says. “But what are

I touch a finger to her lips. “You’ll see.”

In the trunk, I have the small bundle of firewood I bought at the convenience store, plus the blanket I keep for beach trips with Charlotte. I tuck the blanket under my arm and grab the firewood by the plastic strap holding it together.

“Are we having a beach picnic?” she asks.

“Yeah, I thought this would be nice. We can build a fire in one of the fire pits and watch the sun set.” I wait for her reaction, but she just stares at me, her lips parted. Suddenly I wonder if I screwed up. Maybe I should have tried to get reservations at a nice restaurant. “Unless that doesn’t sound good and you’d rather we do something else?”

“No,” she says quickly. “This is perfect.”

We don’t have to walk too far before we find a fire pit that’s open. It’s a large metal container right on the sand. The sun is still up, and the breeze is mild, but I get straight to work building a fire. In just a few minutes, I have a little blaze crackling.

Linnea lays the blanket out on the sand next to the fire. We get out our dinner—sandwiches from my favorite deli—and sit close together, facing the water.

“I figured it would be nice to be somewhere quiet. And I don’t think you’ve seen the sun set over the water—at least not here.”

“I never have,” she says, her voice soft.

“So this is good?” I ask. “Are you warm enough?”

She meets my eyes. “Yes, I’m fine. And this is so good. I like this so much more than dinner at some expensive restaurant.”

I know she’s referring to her date with that asshole. It’s hard to believe that was just last night.

“Good.” I reach over and touch her chin, bringing her mouth to mine. Her lips are so soft, her mouth warm and yielding.

We sit and eat next to the crackling fire, talking and laughing like we usually do when we’re together. The sun dips low toward the horizon, igniting the sky with a blaze of orange and red. The water sparkles and Linnea leans in and rests her head on my shoulder while we watch the sun go down.

After the sun sets, I wrap my arms around her—just because I can. I breathe in the scent of her hair as she relaxes against me. We’re quiet for a while, gazing out at the water while the last bit of light fades and stars wink to life in the dark sky.

Eventually we both start to get cold, so we douse the fire, pack up, and head to the car. We get home to find Kendra and Weston snuggled up on the couch watching TV, and a certain little girl nestled in her bed upstairs. I can tell Kendra is about ready to burst—she probably wants to know all the details of our evening—but Weston herds her toward the front door. I walk them out, thanking them for watching Charlotte. Kendra goes out to their car, and Weston pauses just outside the front door.

“Here.” He reaches into the inside pocket of his jacket. “I figure if you have any, they’re old as shit.” With a glance toward Kendra, as if to make sure she’s not looking, he hands me something.

It’s a bunch of condoms. I close my fist around them quickly and look over my shoulder to make sure Linnea isn’t within earshot.

“Dude, what the fuck?”

“I’m just trying to do you a favor,” Weston says.

I shove them in my pocket. “Thanks, I guess? But I don’t think

“Whatever, Lawson.” He shakes his head and walks out to his car before I can say anything else.

I go back inside and Linnea is standing in the kitchen. Her hair is a little windblown and her cheeks are still pink from the night air. Suddenly these condoms are burning a hole in my pocket. But Linnea has such an air of innocence about her. I’m reminded that she’s a lot younger than me, and I’m not sure what she’s ready for.

“Thank you again for tonight,” she says. “I think it was the best date I’ve ever been on.”

“Wow.” I step closer and run my hand down her arm. “That’s really good to hear.”

She pops up on her tiptoes, and this time she initiates a kiss. At first I mean to hold back, but she slides her tongue across my lips, and I surge in. I grab her by the waist and pull her against me. Kissing her deeply, I let my hands move over her round hips to her ass. She makes a little noise in her throat and her hands clutch my shirt. I’ve wanted my hands on this ass for so long. I squeeze her and she presses her hips closer, rubbing against my erection.

The feel of her body pressing against my hard cock is intoxicating. I’m starting to lose control, my mind taken over by need. I back her up against the counter and lift one of her legs so she’s partially straddling me. She moans into my mouth, the heat of our kiss growing. I hold her tight against me and she shifts her hips, grinding against my thigh.

I leave her mouth and kiss down her neck. She tilts her head back and her skin tastes so sweet. This isn’t enough. I need more of her. All of her.

My hand dips under her shirt and finds the soft skin of her back while my other hand keeps her leg up. I press my thigh between her legs and she gasps. Her sharp intake of breath makes me pause, my mouth next to her ear. I should probably slow down, but god, I want her so bad.

“Yes, Caleb,” she says, her voice breathy.

My heart thunders in my chest and it’s hard to focus on anything but the aching pressure in my groin. “What?”

She shifts so she can meet my gaze. Her eyes are hooded, her lips full and red. “I’m telling you yes. Take me upstairs.”

I lower her leg until her foot hits the floor, my hand running up her thigh. Stepping back, I let her move in front of me, then follow her up the stairs. I’m in a daze, hypnotized by the swish of her hair, the sway of her hips. And that ass—fuck. She’s already driving me out of my mind and she’s not even undressed yet.

Oh fuck. Linnea’s about to get naked.

I quietly shut the door behind us and pull my shirt off as I move in toward her. She bites her bottom lip and touches my chest, sliding her delicate hands down my abs. I grab the hem of her shirt and she lifts her arms while I slip it over her head. She’s wearing a sheer black lace bra that shows the outline of her nipples. I swallow hard and I can’t stop staring.

Oh my god, her boobs. I get to touch those magnificent boobs.

She unbuttons her jeans and slides them down her curvy hips to reveal matching black panties. I take my pants and underwear off, and the way she licks her lips when she looks at my dick makes me crazy.

She looks up at me shyly through her eyelashes as she reaches behind to unfasten her bra clasp. My hands actually tremble as I slide her bra straps down her shoulders and the cups fall away, revealing the most beautiful set of tits I’ve ever seen.

They’re as perfect as they seem when she’s dressed. Round. Firm. Creamy skin. Erect pink nipples. I run my hands up her rib cage to cup her tits in both hands. My brain is short-circuiting at the sight of her gorgeous curves, the feel of her skin, her nipples pebbling against my palms.

“Do you know how beautiful you are?” I brush her hair back from her face and kiss her, then nudge her onto the bed.

I lean over her, propped up on one elbow, and run my hand up her thigh, past her hip, up her ribs. Cupping her breast, I slide my tongue over the hard nub of her nipple.

She gasps, her body twitching. “Oh god, Caleb, they’re really sensitive.”

I groan, squeezing it gently. “Do you want me to stop?” I run my tongue around her nipple in a lazy circle.

Her voice comes out in a whimper. “No.”

“Good.” I lick her again, then take her breast in my mouth and suck.

Her back arches, and she moans. It’s the sexiest fucking thing. My cock is so hard it almost hurts, but these tits—I can’t pull myself away from them. I lick and suck and squeeze her, moving from one side to the other, while she shudders and gasps. Driving her crazy is making me absolutely insane.

Leaning over, I find the lines of her tattoo. I’ve fantasized about running my tongue along the design more times than I can count. I kiss and lick her, grazing my teeth over the delicate treble clef, the little swirl of music notes.

I slip my hand into her panties and she moans again. Searching gently with my fingers, I feel her respond. I rub her clit and slide my tongue across her nipple again. “You’re so wet.”

She moves her hips against my hand and I give her more, sliding my fingers inside her. I suck on her breast while I play with her pussy, enjoying her slick heat. Her hips move faster and I work my fingers, exploring, finding her most sensitive places.

The steady rhythm of my fingers on her clit and my mouth on her tits has her panting, her body writhing. She puts her hand over mine to give herself pressure where she needs it. The sight of our hands between her legs is so damn sexy. I want to make her come like this.

“That’s it, beautiful.” I suck on her nipple again and she moans. “Let go. Let me make you come. Then I’ll put my cock inside you and do it again.”

“Oh god, Caleb,” she breathes. “That feels so good… just like that… yes…”

Her body convulses as her orgasm takes her. I love seeing her so uninhibited, trusting me with her body. Watching her come sends a shock wave of desire through me. I have to be inside her. I pull her panties off and reach over the edge of the bed to get one of the condoms out of my pants pocket. I almost hate to admit it, but I’m going to have to thank Weston for that. He was right—if I have any around, they’re probably too old to be trusted.

Linnea watches me roll the condom down over my erection. Her cheeks are flushed and her tongue flicks across her lips. I climb on top of her, feeling her soft skin and the heat of her body. Lowering my hips between her legs, I let my cock rest against her opening.

Her tits press against my chest as I lean down to kiss her mouth and spread her open with the tip of my cock. She whimpers again, a strangled, desperate sound.

“Yes?” I ask.


All at once, I thrust inside her. She lifts her hips to meet me and leans her head back, a moan escaping her lips. I groan into her neck, the feel of her pussy overtaking me.

She clutches my back as I start to move, slowly at first. If I go any faster, I’ll come in her too soon. She feels too fucking good.

“Linnea, you feel amazing,” I say, my voice low in her ear.

Her pussy is so hot, and I slide through her wetness easily. I lift up so I can kiss her tits again. Her skin tastes so good and the feel of her firm nipple in my mouth sends bursts of heat straight to my groin.

“Harder,” she breathes.

Sliding my hand down, I cup her ass and drive my cock in.

“Yes, harder,” she says.

“I don’t want to hurt you.”

Her eyes are clouded over, her lips full and swollen. “You won’t. Fuck me harder.”

The word fuck coming from her mouth is like a lightning strike. My fingers dig into her ass while I pump my hips. I’m intoxicated by her scent and the feel of her body. She yields to me completely, her legs open wide, her arms around me. We move together, driving, grinding, thrusting, our skin glistening with sweat. Soft whimpers escape her lips with every thrust of my cock.

God, it’s been so long since I’ve felt this—something more than the quick thrill of sex. So long since I felt consumed by a woman—connected to her. I want to touch her, kiss her, love every inch of her.

I completely let go, growling and groaning as I fuck the life out of her. The feel of her nipples dragging across my chest and the pressure in my groin as my balls tighten is maddening. Her eyes roll back and her pussy clenches, tightening around my cock as she starts to come again.

It makes me lose my fucking mind. I explode inside her, the orgasm rocking through my body. My back stiffens, my hips thrust, and my cock pulses over and over. I can’t think, can’t breathe. I ride out the climax with her, driven only by instinct—the primal need to mark her, claim her as mine.

I hold her close as we both catch our breath, and place soft kisses on her neck and jaw. My lips find hers and I kiss her mouth in a slow caress, savoring her taste.

“That was unbelievable,” she says.

I smile and kiss her lips again. “You’re unbelievable.”

She stays in my bed while I get rid of the condom. I climb back in and pull the sheets up over us. She settles into my arms, her body molding to mine—soft curves against my hard edges. I’m completely relaxed, drifting in a pleasant haze. I can’t remember the last time I felt so good—the last time everything felt so right.




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