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How to Heal a Life (The Haven Book 2) by Sloan Parker (16)

Chapter Fifteen

“Wow.” Seth couldn’t believe everything he’d just heard. He stared across the front of the van at Vargas. “That sounds like a lot.”

“It should’ve been that way from the beginning.”

“Why? It’s the Haven. Not the White House.”

Vargas snorted out a laugh as he turned the van at the next intersection. That smile on him was good to see after the past fifteen minutes of his intense explanations regarding the new security protocols at the club.

As soon as they’d begun their drive across town to the Haven, Vargas started going over the details of the changes that were in place, including the manual check of photo IDs at the club’s entrance, the guards he now had positioned on most of the exterior doors, the on-site person monitoring the video feeds around the clock, the new guard posted outside his apartment, and the fact that all the security personnel were now armed with stun guns.

Vargas continued with his explanation. “I’ve got cameras everywhere except the private rooms upstairs for obvious reasons.”

“Sure. Although I doubt some guys would care if they were being watched.”

Vargas chuckled again. “That’s for sure. None of the employees blinked an eye when I told them about the camera going up in the employee locker room.”

Seth laughed too, but it was a half-hearted gesture. “It all sounds expensive.”

Vargas’s brows drew together. He returned his focus to the street ahead. “I just wanted you to know that you don’t have to worry about someone getting in when you’re staying there, whether the club is open or closed.”

“Okay.” Seth wanted to add that he wasn’t worried, but he didn’t want to lie to Vargas. Since they’d left his place, he’d been a hot mess. It felt like his body was shaking apart from the inside out, the same uncontrollable shivering that comes from standing in the open wind of a winter storm. Only he wasn’t cold. For some odd reason, that thought had a tense laugh bursting out of him.

Vargas grinned at him from the driver’s seat. “What’s so funny?”


“Tell me.”

“It’s just… I’m just nervous, I guess.”

“I’ll be there with you the whole time.”

“Thanks.” Seth breathed deep. As he’d done all morning to distract himself, he thought back on the day before in his bedroom and what might’ve happened had Dylan not shown up. Would he have been able to go through with what they’d been headed toward? Would Vargas? Or would he have stopped them?

“Vargas, are you seeing anyone?” Seth almost smacked himself on the forehead. He could not believe he’d blurted that out. “I mean, I know you’re not serious with anyone, but…” What was he thinking? Did he really want to know how many people Vargas had slept with in the past two years?

“But what?”

He shook his head. “Nothing.” He so needed to shut up. Where was the sexy, confident flirt he’d once been? What did it matter if Vargas had been—or was—having sex with someone else? It wasn’t like Seth believed what Dylan had implied about what Vargas was feeling for him.

It was just sex.

Yet no matter what, Vargas wouldn’t want to take advantage of him, or the situation, which meant Seth was going to have to give him a clue that he wanted more to happen between them.

Hell, he’d probably have to give him a lot more than one clue. He might have to jump him and beg Vargas to fuck him.

Just thinking those words had a flush creeping over Seth’s face and neck, heat pooling in his lap. That was one way to stop shivering.

It had been so long since he’d felt that rush of being suddenly turned on. After he’d gotten home from the hospital, months had gone by before he even felt like jerking off. Now those private sessions with his hand had been coming more and more often lately, Vargas the star of every one of his fantasy-filled handjobs.

As if Seth’s life was some cosmic joke that existed to give the universe a laugh, the van pulled up in front of the Haven.

Vargas cranked the engine off. He reached into the back seat and unhooked Charlie’s harness from the seat belt, then attached his leash and encouraged the dog to get down so he was standing in between the front seats. “After we get inside, I’ll have someone move the van around back and get your bags.”

“Okay.” Seth sat motionless for a moment. Then he went for the passenger door handle. As soon as he had the door open, Vargas shot out of the van on his side, taking Charlie with him. He rounded the front end and stood beside Seth’s open door.

Seth slid off the seat, Vargas holding on to his arm until he had his cane in hand and was steady on his legs. He took Charlie’s leash from Vargas. “I’m ready.”

Vargas shut the door to the van, but Seth held still again. The street and sidewalks around them were empty. Not a car or pedestrian in sight. Had Vargas paid someone to close off the street in front of the club? Seth nearly let out another burst of laughter. Not that Vargas wouldn’t pay to give him that, but who would think of such a thing? He doubted even Vargas would go that far.

The exterior of the club appeared the same as it had the last time Seth had been there. Everything he’d been feeling and thinking that night came back to him in a flash, including how he’d spent that entire day hoping things would go well with the guy he agreed to meet in a room upstairs. He’d been so flipping excited about the date.

A soft voice from beside him, like a warm caress to his skin, brought Seth out of the memories.

“I’m right here. You take as long as you need.”

Seth nodded, but he started for the front door anyway. Holding on to Charlie’s leash with his free hand and the cane with his other, he raced forward as hastily as he could manage, wanting to get this part over with, needing to be inside the building more than he imagined he’d feel.

At the entrance, Vargas was right there, sliding his access card through the reader. He opened the door and signaled to the guard on duty. The guard gave a nod and stepped back. Vargas held the door open wide for Seth and Charlie.

No avoiding it now.

Seth made his way inside, going slower than he’d been traversing the sidewalk, but once he passed the threshold, he sped up again and didn’t stop, just kept navigating his way farther into the club. He went past the lounge and the bar and then right into the dining room.

Behind him he heard Vargas speaking low with the guard, asking him to move his post outside until further notice.

The first floor of the club was lit brighter than Seth had ever seen it. Was that how it always was when the place was closed? He decided not to ask. He wasn’t sure he could form words right then anyway.

Other than the lighting, the club looked similar to every other time he’d been there, minus the crowd of men. He was grateful for the absence of people. Although he didn’t want to avoid that situation forever. He needed to step foot inside the place when it was filled with men, the lights low, the music in the bar thumping away. He had to face all that.

And he would soon.

He also had to confront the private room upstairs where he last remembered being inside the club, where he’d gone willingly to meet Prescott. He had no memories of Henderson severely beating him and leaving him on a table in the dining room, but he did recall the instant Prescott had overpowered him and drugged him in the room upstairs.

Vargas came to stand beside him. He took Charlie’s leash from him and gave the dog more leeway so he could sniff around a bit. “If you’re not ready, we can—”

“No. It’s okay.” Seth scanned the vast open space around them. The tables in the dining room were cleared of the usual dinnerware and linen tablecloths. A sea of bare wooden surfaces. The starkness seemed strangely comforting. “You don’t have to worry so much. Really, I’m okay.”

His fear had considerably diminished once he’d stepped inside. He felt oddly calm and detached. His last memories of the Haven’s first floor weren’t horrible ones.

He gestured at the array of tables. “Which one was it?”

Vargas pointed to an open area between two tables. “There. I found you lying right there.”

“On a table?”

“Yes.” Vargas kept his focus on the patch of empty carpet, like he was taking in what he’d seen there on another night. “After the cops took what they needed for evidence, I had the table removed.”

“You should put a new one there. It looks off-balance like this.”

“It’s fine the way it is.” Vargas whirled around and took a couple of steps away. He came to an abrupt halt as if he realized he still held the end of Charlie’s leash and the dog wasn’t following him. He kept his back to Seth.

All Seth’s planning and worrying, all his hopes that he was doing the right thing for himself, and he hadn’t once thought about how hard this would be on Vargas just having him there.

Vargas had been the one to find him, beaten and bloody. He’d been the one to call for the ambulance, and then wait with him for the long minutes it took the EMTs to arrive. He had to talk to the police and describe what he’d found.

And now Seth was making him relive that night.

He wouldn’t put Vargas through that for another second. He spun away from the open space where that table had been and headed for the main staircase, stopping at the base of the stairs. “Can I see your apartment?”

Vargas didn’t respond. He turned once more to that empty carpeted area between the tables. He had his jaw clenched, his hand tightly clasped around the leash.


He snapped his head up. “Yeah. Absolutely.” He came forward, leading Charlie. “But let’s head up this way.” He pointed toward the elevator to the right of the stairs, and together they walked that way.

Vargas stopped before the elevator doors. He didn’t say anything right away, didn’t make a move to push the call button, just stared at the closed doors as if they’d automatically open at any moment. Maybe he’d installed some sort of motion detector or invisible retina scanner.

Seth leaned on his cane and tipped forward so he could get a good look at Vargas’s face. “Is everything okay?”

“I thought the elevator would be better, so you didn’t have to traipse up all those stairs, but—”


“That’s how he took you out of here. In the elevator shaft.”

“Oh. It’s okay. I don’t remember that. Or the tunnels. I woke up in the room where he kept us.” An odd wave of relief rushed through Seth at saying the words. He hadn’t gone over the specifics of that night with anyone in a while.

“And Henderson?” Vargas asked, his focus locked on the elevator doors.

“I still don’t remember any of that. Just him injecting something into my arm before he took me out of the cage. I don’t remember him leaving me here.”

Vargas looked his way. “You sure about this?”

“I am.”

“Okay.” He pressed the button on the elevator.

They got off on the second floor and made their way past the main security room. When Seth had first joined the club, he’d heard that Vargas had an apartment there, but no one ever said they’d seen the private rooms or even mentioned they knew where they were located.

As Vargas had explained earlier, a security guard stood in the hall outside the apartment. Two men waited behind him. Vargas pointed to the first man. “Seth, this is Carter. He’s the head of my security force here at the club and helps manage the place. If you need anything and I’m not around, you talk to him.”

Seth shook Carter’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

“You too.” Carter leaned down and let Charlie sniff his hand, then gave him a pat. “And you too, Charlie.” Carter was a big guy, tall and broad, with a kind smile that seemed in direct contrast to the serious scowl he’d sported when they first approached.

Vargas said, “Carter will be on duty outside the apartment tonight, then after that it’ll be either him or two others. At least for right now.” Vargas signaled to the other men, and they came forward. “This is Ian and Neil.” Both were similar in height and build to Vargas, but Neil was younger, closer to Seth’s age. He smiled at Seth, and the two men offered him a “hello” in greeting.

Vargas gestured to the closed door of the apartment. “Only you and I can enter without showing a photo ID. Everyone else must have their ID and they must be on an approved list. Even if they are with one of us, they have to be on that list ahead of time. So if you want Toby or Dylan or anyone else to be able to visit, let me know, and I’ll get them added.” He motioned to Carter, and the man opened the apartment door, silently closing it behind them after they stepped inside.

Seth proceeded through the apartment’s entranceway and into the living room, scanning the furnishings as he crossed to the center of the room. The place was neat and modern but with a quiet, homey feel to it. The walls were adorned in a collection of framed prints, a mix of old sailing vessels and depictions of early 1900s baseball games. On the coffee table were several cooking magazines, model car catalogs, and a copy of The Count of Monte Cristo. A pair of glasses sat perched beside the reading materials. Seth had never seen Vargas wear the glasses.

There was so much he still didn’t know about him.

Vargas waited at the threshold between the entranceway and the living room, Charlie at his side. He unhooked the dog’s leash, and Charlie barreled into the room, sniffing around like mad, jumping up onto the couch, circling once, twice, then hitting the floor again to inspect more. He rounded Seth again and again.

“Easy does it, Charlie. You’re gonna bust up the place.”

“He’s just excited. No worries.” Vargas remained where he was as he added, “Right now it’s just the three guards, you, me, Walter, and Tucker on the list for the apartment. No one else can get in here.”

Seth wanted to say that was overkill, but instead he said, “I like that.”

“Me too.” Vargas grew quiet as he studied him. “You doing okay?”

“Yeah. I feel… fine, comfortable.”

“Good.” There was a pause. Then Vargas drew in a heavy breath like he’d barely been taking in enough oxygen since they’d gotten out of the van.

Seth glanced around the room again. “I like your place.”

“I’m glad.” A hint of the look Vargas had given Seth right before they’d kissed the previous morning flashed across his face.

Seth wanted nothing more than to forget everything else, walk over there, wrap his arms around Vargas, and pick up where they’d left off. He could still feel the press of Vargas’s lips against his, the way Vargas had held on to him, like he never wanted to let go.

If only Seth could make himself take a step forward.

Vargas kept his stare fixed on him. “Seth, what you asked me earlier… I’m not seeing anyone.”


“I haven’t for a while.”


“I haven’t been with anyone for the past two years. Not even a one-night stand.”

Seth wanted to ask why, but instead he nodded. “Okay.”

Vargas held his gaze for another moment, then indicated an open doorway to the right. “The kitchen and dining room are through there.” He motioned toward a hallway. “This way are the bedrooms. I’ll show you where you’ll be staying.” He started down the hall, proceeding quickly as if he needed to get away from what he’d admitted in the living room.

Seth followed.

“At the far end are the master bedroom and bath. Across the hall from that is my office. And this is your room.” Vargas held the door open with an outstretched arm.

Seth entered the guest bedroom but then abruptly stopped. “Wow.” He wasn’t sure what he expected, but it wasn’t this. The walls were painted a brilliant, beautiful shade of blue, and there were several plants situated around the perimeter like those in the hospital’s meditation room. Golden sunlight was filtering in through sheer drapes over the windows. Decorative pillows accented the bed, and an upholstered recliner sat in the corner of the room beside a bookcase. The space was comfortable. Serene. Everything plush and inviting.

Except for one thing.

On the side of the room opposite the bed was a flat steel door built into the wall, a harsh contradiction to the rest of the room’s decor. It had a three-prong spindle-style handle on the front. Like some kind of vault. “What’s that?”

“That’s for you. I had it installed this week.” Vargas moved to an access panel on the wall directly beside the steel door. He pulled down the panel’s cover, revealing a touch screen interface. He placed his thumb on the device, and it scanned his fingerprint. Then he kept talking as he hit several buttons on the screen. “It runs the length of this room and is six feet deep. I had this outer plaster wall added so the entire wall wouldn’t be steel and ruin the aesthetics of the room. This guest room used to be quite a bit bigger.”

He punched in a last command. A red light on the panel changed to green, and a series of metallic thumps followed. When they came to a halt, he reached for the handle and rotated until it quit spinning. He yanked. There was a low hissing sound as the door unsealed.

When he had the door all the way open, he spoke again. “The walls, the ceiling, and the floors are all made of reinforced steel, and the entire thing is encased in a bulletproof lining. There’s a concealed hinge on the door and an automatic battery backup. It has a dual bolt-locking system, separate ventilation, and it’s been stocked with emergency supplies.” He turned to face Seth and gestured to the open doorway beside him. “You don’t have to use it if you don’t want to, but I wanted you to have the option.”

Seth gaped at him until his mouth went dry. He blinked and swallowed. “It’s a safe room?”


“You added this for me?”

Vargas looked into the open doorway, then back at Seth. “Yeah. I wanted you to feel safe here.”




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