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Hyde (The Blazing Devils MC Book 3) by Roxanne Greening, R. Greening (2)

Chapter 7

Lucy A.K.A Mouse


A hand covered my mouth as an arm snaked around my waist, lifting me off the floor. I wanted to scream, but his fingers slipped into my mouth, causing me to gag. I b down and expected him to let me , instead he let out a grunt and kept moving.

Something hard slammed into the side of my face. Pain and heat exploded, and my world tunneled. There was a moment I thought I could fight the darkness clouding my vision, but the next hit had the lights going out.

My arms hurt, and the tips of my toes were dragging on a cold surface. I tried to open my eyes, but my lashes got stuck on something. 

They blindfolded me and hung me up like a piece of meat. The only I was sure of was, these people weren’t the cops. Goosebumps stretched over my skin as someone’s breath brushed the back of my neck.

I couldn’t help jerking away from it. The feel of the warmth coming from their mouth told me they were close.


“Ah, she’s awake. I thought for sure he knocked those pretty brains in your head to mush.”

Shivers of fear coursed through me. The darkness in his voice was terrifying. I could tell he wasn’t a nice person. Those rose-colored glasses I so strongly held onto were slowly falling.

“Kara. You ran hard sweetheart, but I finally found you.” Kara? 

“Did you really think you could run forever?” I shook my head as words failed me. 

“We need to get married as promised and you are going to be my wife.”

Swallowing I tried to think of something to , anything to get me out of this. Fingers wove through my hair, yanking it back, exposing my throat.

“Such a beautiful throat…”

His fingers caressed it slowly, almost reverently. Shudders shook me. I tried to fight them off, but I failed, and he noticed.

“You’ll get used to my touch.”

No. it won’t happen, I can’t and won’t let him, but I won’t let him have her either.

“Who’s Kara?”

Those fingers in my hair tightened painfully. Suddenly the blindfold was yanked from my face.

I tried not to look at any of their faces, but my eyes still scanned the room.

“Who the fuck are you?”


“And where exactly is Kara?”

“I don’t know anyone by that name I swear it.”

His face already cold face turned colder. The fury was written in every little .

“Who the fuck did you bring me?”

“I thought…”

“You thought what? That you had a fucking brain up there? I fucking told you to bring me Kara not some little…”

He looked my way, and I saw the calculated look in his eyes. He shot the man on the other side of me.

My eyes stayed glued to his, I could see it there reflected back at me. I was no stranger to death, and it didn’t really faze me.  My eyes stayed glued to his and I could see it reflected back at me.


“You’ve seen death before? Looked it in the eye little girl?”

My head nodded before the rest of me could catch up. 

“Not even a little flinch. I respect that.”

Well, I didn’t. He now knew my secret. I felt as though I was stripped bare even though I was still fully clothed. He removed layers upon layers trying to dig deep.

I know what he was looking for and I wouldn’t let him have it. If he got too close, he would expose Hyde, I couldn’t let that happen.

Closing my eyes, I begin to sob like a devastated woman. Like a normal person would in the face of death.

“Clean this shit up and take her to a room.” I didn’t like the sound of the word room. I wasn’t leaving here, not really. A twisted sensation in my stomach had tears stinging my eyes.


“Please what little dragonfly?”

“I’ve never…”

“Ah, I see. N worries.”

No worries? He just killed a man, but I shouldn’t worry. Suddenly I was no longer hanging from the ceiling. My legs couldn’t hold my weight, I hit the cold concrete floor hard. 

Strangely, I noticed that the floor had a shine to it. It wasn’t like normal concrete it looked polished?

