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In Bed With The Professor: A Billionaire Romance by Natasha Spencer (98)

Chapter 7

The spa day went by fast for them both. A light lunch had been brought to them, but the dinner hour grew near, and a growling stomach met Shaw’s keen ears. “Hungry, Robin?”

She placed her hand on her robe-covered tummy. “Seems I am. I should get going now. I think we’ve talked more than necessary about this endeavor, Shaw. Once you decide…”

He cut her off. “I already have. I’m in.”

She looked at him with confusion. “Surely, men of your wealth don’t make such hasty decisions.”

“I make hasty decisions sometimes. And how about you join me for dinner this evening. We can leave from here.” Shaw eased out of the heated massage chair and held his hand out to help her up.

She took his extended hand. “I don’t have anything decent to wear. I came in blue jeans and a sweater. Maybe another time.” She headed toward the dressing room, but his hand on her shoulder stopped her.

“I’ve had something put in the dressing room for you to wear. I had hoped you would say yes to my invitation, Robin.” Being used to getting his way, especially with females, ‘no’ wasn’t a thing Shaw completely understood.

Unsure of how to take the man, Robin found words spilling from her mouth, “Look, Shaw, just because you want to make this deal with me doesn’t mean I’m going to do anything you want. You can’t tell me to go to dinner with you, and expect I’ll jump with joy that you want my company.”

He knew he hadn’t phrased things right. Taking a step back, he held out his hands in a surrender gesture. “Okay, okay, I get it. I’m pushing too hard. I’ll ease up. But I don’t see what your problem with going to eat with me is. I mean,” he gestured to her stomach, “you are hungry.”

At times Robin’s stubborn nature got in her way, and this seemed like one of those times. Her tummy growled once more to emphasize the point. “I am hungry.”

He winked at her. “And I made a reservation at the 4th Street Chop House. It’s my favorite steakhouse in Loveland.”

She crossed her arms over her chest and huffed. “So you completely expected me to just go with you then!”

Shaw saw that his work was indeed cut out for him. Finding another date for dinner would be easy. Hell, he could pull a girl in before he walked all the way out the damn door. But he didn’t want to take just anyone to dinner. He wanted to take Robin. Even if she was obstinate as hell. “No. I hoped.”

His words seemed to soften her just the tiniest bit. “Hoped. Hmm. Well, that’s awfully nice. And I’ve never eaten there. It looks too expensive for me. I probably shouldn’t go. I mean it’ll break me to pay my half of the bill.”

“You’re not paying half of anything. I’m asking you to come with me, that means I pay for everything.” Shaw gave her a direct stare. He wanted her to know he was in charge, but that quickly changed.

“I pay my half of everything, Shaw.” She stomped her little bare foot on the light blue carpet.

His lips pulled up to one side with a crooked smile. Damn, she’s cute.

He managed, somehow to slip his arm around her squared off shoulders as he chuckled softly. “Robin, Robin, Robin, I’m beginning to see a pattern here, and it’s becoming more and more apparent why you’ve never had a boyfriend. Being a wee bit submissive isn’t a crime or weakness. Accept my offer of dinner. Accept the clothes I’ve had brought in for you. And last, of all, accept the fact that I’m paying for everything tonight. If it makes you feel any better, I’ll let you take me somewhere sometime, and you can pay for everything. Or better yet, you can make me dinner at my place or yours sometime.”

Her tummy growled once more, and she gave in. “Fine.” Her answer seemed a little harsh, and she felt a bit bad about that. “I mean, thank you, Shaw. I’ll get changed and meet you out front.”

“My car will be waiting.”

He left her with a grin on his face as he went to change. She’d find a surprise when she got into the dressing room.

Robin pushed open the door to the dressing room and found two women in spa uniforms, waiting for her. They rushed to her, one held a red bra and panty set, and one held a red hooded dress. Her eyes caught the attached tag that read Valentino with a price tag over three thousand dollars. The woman who held the dress looked at the place Robin looked at and hurried to grab the tag. “Hurry, Miss Winters. Into the stall and change into these things. We have to do your hair and makeup.”

Unsure of everything, Robin became hesitant, but the two women hurried her, and before she knew it she was all dressed up, fixed up, and ready to go.

The Valentino Garavani red hooded Techno jersey dress paired well with Rockstud ankle boots in the same shade of red made by the same designer. She felt like a movie star, and when she looked in the mirror she gasped, “Oh, my!”

One of the women pulled the hood up and remarked, “You look like Little Red Riding Hood.”

The women giggled, but Robin didn’t. “This is too much. This outfit costs more than my car.” She pushed the hood off. “Do you think he means for me to keep this?”

“I’m sure he does, Miss Winter.” With her hair curled, her makeup done, she was pushed out the door and escorted to the reception area where Shaw stood, waiting for her.

Another gasp took her by surprise when she saw him all dressed up in an expensive suit, complete with a black bow tie and leather loafers. He looked rich and sexy as hell. “Shit,” she whispered under her breath. The women giggled and let her go.

“Have fun,” Robin heard them saying quietly.

Shaw’s expression never changed as he watched her come to him. “My, don’t you clean up well, Robin.” He offered her his arm, and she placed her hand in the crook of it.

Looking him up and down, she had to remark, “As do you, Shaw. Much better than the attire I saw you wearing the first time.”

“I’m a man of many styles.” He walked outside with her, and she saw a man holding the door open on a long black car.

“Evening,” he greeted them.

Shaw nodded, and she did too. Then she whispered, “Where’s Trevor?”

“I gave him the night off.” Shaw let her get in then slid in next to her in the backseat of the limousine. He winked at her. “Miss him?”

She laughed at his joke. “Jealous?”

He nodded. “Maybe.”

A blush covered her cheeks, and he felt a tinge of hope that she’d come around. He actually liked the girl. They’d talked so much, a thing he’d hardly ever done with anyone, much less a female. With females, he liked to get right to the action and then get on with other things.

“You’re kidding, I know,” she said then looked at him as he took her by the chin, making her do it. She held her breath, worried he was going to kiss her. And she wasn’t sure if she’d be able to stop if he did that.

“You look gorgeous. I didn’t want to fluster you with the other women around you, but I wanted you to know I think you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met.” He kissed her cheek with a light peck. His wolf growled in his head, and Shaw knew he was treading on dangerous ground.

The kiss, even though completely harmless, left Robin breathless. She blinked as she tried to gather herself. “Shaw?”


“Please refrain from treating me like I’m something to you. This is a business relationship, nothing more than that.” She let out the breath she’d been holding and dropped her head, fiddling with her hands in her lap. “This dress and these shoes are too much. I’ll give them back to you tomorrow. I can’t accept them.”

Shaw sat back, unfettered by her words. “You will do no such thing. You will keep them, Robin. You’ll need some nice things to wear when we meet with others about this project. I want everyone to see you as a savvy businesswoman, more so than a young dog trainer with little money.”

Robin nodded, understanding things better then. “Oh, I get it now. You’re grooming me for my upcoming position with your company. You don’t want me to embarrass you.”

“The position isn’t upcoming, we’ve made a deal verbally. You’re now the Chief Operations Officer of Luna Guard Dog Training Services. Tomorrow we’ll hammer out the details, such as salary and all that jazz.” Shaw knew he was throwing a lot at her at one time, but he was sure she could handle it all. “You’ll be paid each Friday. Do you have a bank account?”

“I have a PayPal account. That’s how people pay me for training their dogs.” She looked at him and wondered why the hell he was really doing all of this for her. There had to be some alternative reasons he was doing such a grand thing for her.

“That’ll never do. I’ll take you to my bank tomorrow and make sure you get a proper account open. And I’ll set you up with my accountant to take care of everything for you. You’ll get a bank card to pay for everything you want or need, and the accountant will keep track of it all.” Shaw patted the top of her thigh. “Not to worry, I’ll take care of you.”

Her hackles raised. “I don’t need taken care of, Shaw. I’m perfectly capable…”

His finger on her lips hushed her up. “Have you ever dealt with more money than you know what to do with, Robin?”

She’d never had more money than she knew what to do with. “No. But…”

He tapped her lips once more. “But nothing. I’ll take care of you in the financial department, that’s all I’m saying. Perhaps you should stop jumping the gun where I’m concerned. I’ve told you, I respect your work, that’s why I’m going into this thing with you. There’s no other reason.”

Robin suddenly felt kind of stupid. Why’d she ever think he wanted more from her than what he said he wanted? He was out of her league anyway. Far out of it.

“You’re right. I’m sorry, Shaw. I’ll try to get a handle on myself.” Robin’s eyes lit up as they stopped in front of the restaurant. “We’re here!”

Shaw loved the look on her face, and so did his wolf, who howled inside of him. Down boy, he told his wolf silently. She’s too special for us.