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Infatuation (Club Destiny #5) by Nicole Edwards (39)




Are you fucking kidding?” Kaleb could barely make out his youngest brothers words as Zane doubled over in laughter.

Hell, no. I’m dead serious. Sawyer was standing on the side of the road, holding up a sign that said ‘will work for sex’. I shit you not.” Kaleb finished pouring his coffee before taking his mug back to his desk, dodging Zane in the process.

Hello? This was Sawyer Walker they were talking about, so Kaleb shouldn’t have been all that surprised really. But, he’d been hard pressed to keep his jaw out of his lap as he drove past his brother standing shirtless, wearing jeans and shit kickers while standing on the side of the road holding up the damn sign. To top it off, there was a truck full of women pulled over talking to him.

You know Dad’s gonna be pissed when he sees it.” Zane doubled over in another fit of laughter.

Kaleb wasn’t all that worried about their father and what he thought about Sawyer’s wild and crazy antics. It was their mother they actually had to worry about. Curtis Walker would laugh right along with Zane, but Lorrie Walker would be fit to be tied.

But that was Sawyer for you. At thirty three, he wasn’t supposed to be the wildest of the seven of them, but he even gave Zane a run for his money.

The screen door slammed and Zane sat upright, immediately choking on his laughter. As Travis made his way into the small kitchen, Kaleb barely suppressed a groan.

 “What’s going on?” The oldest of the seven Walker brothers wasn’t smiling, and Kaleb had a feeling he wouldn’t find Sawyer’s antics all that funny anyway, so Kaleb kept his mouth shut.

 “Sawyer’s down on Main and 1st half-dressed holding up a sign.”

Fuck,” Kaleb muttered and pinned his brother with a death glare. “Seriously, Zane?”

He was met with a shrug.

Telling Travis anything that didn’t pertain to Walker Demolition was like telling their mother as far as Kaleb was concerned. The oldest of the Walker boys at thirty five, Travis had turned into an old man in recent years – at least as far as his mood was concerned.

Fuck,” Travis groaned as he turned to the coffee pot sitting on the counter. “When will he ever grow up?”

Today, just like any other day, Kaleb was going to give Travis a wide berth, not to mention, knock Zane upside his head for telling on Sawyer. “Likely never if I had to guess.” Kaleb chimed in, knowing that was the only sufficient answer.

Did you hear back from Carl Stranford?” Travis glanced over his shoulder at Kaleb before returning his attention to pouring his coffee. “You were going by his house yesterday?”

Suddenly wishing he’d had more coffee, Kaleb rubbed his hand over the back of his neck trying to squeeze some of the tension out. There never was a good time to have this conversation with Travis, but now certainly wasn’t it.

Yeah.” He definitely stopped by Carl’s, just like he had several times that week, but his brief conversation hadn’t resulted in anything other than the expected ‘Let me think about it, Kaleb, and get back with you.’

Shit,” Travis groaned, obviously knowing what that response had been before Kaleb even had to say it out loud. “That man keeps stalling, and I don’t know what the hell for. You’d think he’d be ready to sell off a portion of that land by now. He’s all but lost every one of his crops and to tell you the truth, I’m getting damn tired of waiting.”

And if Carl didn’t do something soon, he’d lose a lot more than just his crops, but Kaleb wasn’t going to share that with Travis just yet. Until he had the chance to talk to Zoey about it, he wasn’t ready to spread the devastating news.

Not to mention, it wouldn’t matter what he told Travis because until he had a firm agreement from Carl, none of it mattered. His oldest brother would just get even more pissed off than he already was.

Walker Demolition – the company Kaleb and his brothers had built from the ground up – had grown leaps and bounds over the last few years, and instead of being content with what they’d built, Travis was ready to venture in another direction, expand their horizon’s he’d said.

Instead of focusing solely on tearing shit up, Travis had come up with the idea to build a resort. Not that Kaleb didn’t think it was a brilliant idea because he did. He was just content with the tearing shit up part.

The plans he’d seen for a mega resort the likes of which their small town had never seen, were underway. They’d received the necessary approvals, and now the only thing left to do was to secure the land. Travis had already bought out two of their adjacent neighbors, acquiring a good three hundred acres of decrepit old farmland, but he hadn’t been satisfied with that. Now he was looking for another hundred that backed up to what they’d already purchased. Only this land belonged to Carl Stranford, an ornery old farmer who had been giving them the runaround for the better part of the last six months.

Call him.” Zane’s tone was laced with sarcasm. “Or better yet, go see him. Maybe some of your macho intimidation will make him come to a decision.”

Kaleb groaned.

Zane was the youngest of seven and considering the age difference between him and Travis, he didn’t remember much of the Travis they had all grown up with. The fun loving, hang on by the seat of your pants guy they’d all wanted to be like. But that man never returned from the four year stint in the Army. In his place was the grouchy, unsmiling man that sat before them now.

I might just do that,” Travis snapped, before turning and walking out of the room.

When the screen door slammed behind their brother, Zane turned to Kaleb. “Why don’t you go talk to Carl? Or better yet, Zoey?”

What does Zoey have to do with this?”

Zane liked to give Kaleb shit about Carl Stranford’s only daughter. Not only had she been Kaleb’s closest female friend for the better part of the last decade, she was also the woman Kaleb had always wanted, but never had. Despite the ever present physical attraction, he’d somehow managed to be friends with her without ever trying to push it any further, although he’d wanted to.

More than wanted to.

Since she’d never shown even an inkling of interest in him other than friendship, Kaleb had opted to take what he could get and they’d established a very solid friendship. Hell, the woman knew everything there was to know about him and most of his brothers, yet she still chose to associate with him, so he considered himself lucky.

They were infamous in their little town, but that was mostly due to their wild and crazy behavior since about the time each of them could walk. They were a rowdy bunch, and there was a long list of rumors associated with them – some true, some not entirely true. For whatever reason, Zoey chose to ignore them, and for that, he was grateful.

Not that Zoey Stranford wasn’t as wild as they came. That was partly what he found so damn attractive about the woman. She didn’t care what other people thought about her, and it seemed her one goal was to have fun and not hurt anyone in the process.

So, he’d mastered the art of pretending when it came to Zoey. First and foremost, he was her friend, but that wasn’t the problem. His issue was in learning to hide the unbridled lust burning deep and hot for as long as he’d known her.

And since his brothers had dubbed her the one woman who wouldn’t give him the time of day, they loved to give him a hard time about her.

It certainly wasn’t a hardship being friends with Zoey, but it had gotten increasingly more difficult in the last few years. Ever since she and that jackass Jason Tribbons divorced, Kaleb did everything he possibly could to make sure he kept his feelings for her hidden. But hell, he wasn’t a saint and he wasn’t sure how much longer he could pull off the charade.

Zoey doesn’t have any say in what her father does with that land,” Kaleb added as he watched the wheels turn in Zane’s head. His little brother was going to piss him off, he could feel it.

Yeah, but she likes you.” Zane goaded. “I’m sure if she goes running to daddy, telling him her boy toy wants to buy the land, he’d sell it in a heartbeat.”

Boy toy? “I know you’ve got something better than that.” Kaleb pushed.

Kaleb had grown quite fond of his own dick over the years, and he didn’t have any intentions of losing it, thank you very much. Carl Stranford would just as soon cut off Kaleb’s dick than let him date his daughter.

Carl was an overprotective son of a bitch when it came to his one and only daughter, and he and Zoey had had to clarify their friendship on more than one occasion over the years. Granted, Carl was close to eighty now, and Zoey was very much a grown woman who didn’t let her daddy tell her whom she could see, but still...

Hell, he’d expected Carl to answer the damn door with a shotgun in his hand the night he had taken Zoey to her senior prom. Thankfully Carl hadn’t, but that was probably due to Zoey’s mother who had liked Kaleb. Not that Kaleb could blame the man. If a nineteen year old man had the balls to show up on his doorstep asking to take his seventeen year old daughter to the prom, Kaleb knew damn well that young man would know how acquainted he was with his gun collection.

But true to his word, even back then when he was ruled by hormones alone, Kaleb never laid a finger on Zoey, no matter how badly he wanted to. And to this day, he’d never so much as kissed her, and his dick knew it all too well.

Shaking off the thought, Kaleb pushed himself out of his chair. “I’ll go talk to Carl. Until we get that land, Travis won’t let it go.”

Nope, he won’t,” Zane agreed as he stood. “Tell Zoey hello for me.”

Fuck off.” Kaleb grinned as he walked out the back door.


Not fifteen minutes later, Kaleb was pulling up to Carl Stranford’s house, wishing like hell he didn’t have to do this again today. Thankfully Zoey’s truck wasn’t in the driveway, which meant she was probably working – something Kaleb should’ve been doing. Instead, he’d get the pleasure of explaining to Carl yet again what he wanted and why he was there.

He pulled around to the back of the house, put the truck in Park and climbed out. Stealing himself for the conversation to come, Kaleb took a deep breath and looked around. With the sun shining bright and not a single cloud in the sky, Kaleb took in the vast landscape, looking off to the south as he tried to picture the entrance to the resort as Travis envisioned it.

He could see the massive wrought iron gates in his mind, the ones that would be manned twenty four hours a day by security, allowing only those invited to come inside. Kaleb had seen the artwork for the gates design, including the large “A” and “I” that would be welded into the intricate iron design. Alluring Indulgence, the name he and his brothers all agreed on.

Given the type of resort they were looking at creating, the name suited it. The goal had been to come up with a name to reflect the carnal temptation they fully intended it to be. So, thanks to an online dictionary and a case of beer, Alluring Indulgence was born.

He wouldn’t lie, he was anxiously waiting for the day they opened their doors, but in order for that to happen, Kaleb had to convince Carl to sell him the land. With a resigned sigh, Kaleb shut the truck door and made his way to the side door of the house.

Rapping his knuckles on the wood frame, Kaleb waited like he always did until Carl’s gruff voice instructed him to “Come in.” The man never bothered to get up, nor did he bother locking any of his doors so Kaleb let himself into the large, typical farmhouse kitchen.

Mr. Stranford,” Kaleb greeted Zoey’s father as he stepped into the living room.

Instead of a greeting, Kaleb was met with a muted “Hmmphh”.


How are you today?” When Carl pointed to the couch, Kaleb took a seat, keeping a smile on his face and his eyes on the old man sitting in the chair.

Just like in recent days, Kaleb felt an overwhelming sense of nostalgia sitting on the couch in the Stranford’s dated living room. With the dark wood paneling, well-worn hardwood floors and a ceiling fan that had to have been produced in the 1980’s, he was hit with flashbacks from his teenage years. There was even the faint smell of cigarette smoke still lingering, although Kaleb knew Carl had quit smoking long ago.

He and Zoey spent many days sitting right there on the very same maroon and green, flowery couch Kaleb sat on now, talking, laughing and avoiding the glares of one ornery old man who continuously traipsed back and forth through the room, making sure the up-to-no-good teenage boy in his living room wasn’t somehow taking advantage of his sweet little girl.

Was doing fine until you showed up.”

That was definitely the Carl he’d grown accustomed to. He much preferred the ornery old man to the fragile, forgetful one he’d spent hours with, as well. Carl had been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s within the last year, and as each day passed, Kaleb recognized more and more symptoms. At times, he was positive Carl didn’t know who he was, even though he pretended to.

If you’re looking for Zoey, she’s not here.”

Kaleb barely heard him over the television turned up loud enough for Carl to hear without the hearing aids he refused to wear. Glancing over at the TV and then back at Carl, he bit back a laugh when Carl sighed dramatically before turning the volume down with the remote on the arm of his chair.

I’m not here to see Zoey, Mr. Stranford. I’m here to see you.”

Ahhh.” Carl didn’t look any happier than he sounded by the news. “Out to try and steal my land again, are you?”

No, sir,” Kaleb said, forcing back a smile. He was, of course, looking to acquire some of Carl’s land, but in his opinion, the offer was more than fair. So, no, he was not looking to steal anything.

So, why is it that you can come over to talk to me about my land, but you aren’t here trying to woo my daughter?”

Kaleb couldn’t tell whether Carl was serious or trying to jack with him. Woo? Seriously? Who said woo anymore?

He couldn’t very well tell Carl that he’d been thinking about “wooing” his daughter for some time now, but had never gotten up enough nerve to do so. No matter how Carl sounded, Kaleb wasn’t convinced he’d take any man’s intentions toward his daughter as a good thing. Not after her devastating divorce.

Shaking off that train of thought, Kaleb focused his attention on Carl once more. “Mr. Stranford, I wanted to stop by to see if you’d come to a decision about the land.”

What are you planning to do with my land again?”

Kaleb’s hands balled into fists, but he kept them hidden. He was fairly certain Carl knew exactly what he and his brothers intended to do with it, but he figured he had no choice but to oblige him.

Sir, we’re looking to build a hotel.” Well, it was more of a resort, but he didn’t want to go into the details.

A hotel? Like what? A La Quinta?”

Fighting the urge to laugh, Kaleb shook his head. “No, sir. Not a La Quinta.” Not by a long shot, he thought to himself.

What do you plan to do with my house if you build this hotel?” Carl asked, sincerely, his forehead creased with worry.

We don’t have any plans for your house, Mr. Stranford. We aren’t looking to buy the land that your house sits on. We’re only looking to acquire the one hundred acres that sit adjacent to my father’s land.”

One hundred acres, huh?”

Oh, brother.

Yes, sir.”

The amount that Kaleb and his brothers were looking to purchase was about half of what Carl owned in total. Even though he was certain Carl didn’t have any intentions of using the land in the future, they didn’t want to go overboard. In Kaleb’s opinion, Travis was riding a fine line as it was.

Since Travis was insistent that the entrance face the south, for a number of reasons he’d been told, this had been their only option.

And how much are you offering me?”

Kaleb was pretty sure he saw a twinkle in Carl’s eye, and if he wasn’t mistaken, the man was trying to catch him in a lie. Well, that was one thing the Walker’s didn’t do. They didn’t lie, and they didn’t try and cheat someone out of what was rightfully theirs.

Taking a deep breath, Kaleb settled in for the long haul. For the next half hour, he repeated the same conversation he’d had with Mr. Stranford for the umpteenth time.




To say Zoey was tired was an understatement.

She and V were going on hour number three of their weekly visit to the Wilson’s gi-freaking-normous house in which they scoured the five thousand square foot monstrosity from top to bottom. Sometimes she wished she wasn’t quite so gullible because when Victoria Wilson had bragged about how well kept her house was, Zoey had actually believed her.

Ummm... That was so not the case.

V?” Zoey called out, her voice echoing off of the Travertine floors and twenty feet tall ceilings. “Where are you?”

Making her way to the master bedroom downstairs, Zoey had a good idea where V was, and she smiled at the thought.

Noticing that the master bedroom was in tip top shape, Zoey continued toward the master bathroom and the sound of V sighing. Loudly.

Are you almost done?” Zoey asked when she found V on her hands and knees near the toilet – the one thing V absolutely detested about cleaning houses. For a while, she had tried to convince Zoey that she was allergic to toilets, and some of her excuses had bordered on insane, but knowing V, Zoey had never given in.

Does it look like I’m almost done?” V snarled. “If someone,” cough, cough, “understood how much I truly hate this part of the job,” cough, cough, “they might’ve agreed to handle the bathrooms all by herself.”

Ummm... In case you didn’t know, I’ve already cleaned the other four. And you’re just lucky I volunteered to clean the kid’s bathroom,” Zoey snarled back, remembering all too vividly what the Wilson’s son’s bathroom had looked like before she went in there.

Unfortunately, the bathroom hadn’t been the worst of it this time. She wasn’t sure what it was the Wilson’s did to make this much of a mess in a seven day period, yet each week it seemed to get worse. With six children – Zoey had no idea how they kept up with six kids – it was a wonder the house was even still standing.

Well, what’s one more?” V asked, still scrubbing away before flushing the toilet and standing. With a little wiggle of her hips, V managed to straighten her skirt before tossing her hair back over her shoulder.  

How the woman could come to work – cleaning houses, mind you – looking impeccable day in and day out was beyond her. If she didn’t know better, Zoey would’ve thought V worked in the corporate world for all of the trouble she went through to get dressed up each day.

Not Zoey. No way. Her outfit for the day consisted of her soft, faded jeans and an oversized t-shirt that had clearly seen better days. But, neither her shirt nor her jeans had holes in them, and that was about as good as it got for her.

Staring back at her friend, Zoey realized they looked like polar opposites, what with V wearing wedge heels and a flouncy skirt. V was also tall and curvy in all the right places while Zoey was on the short side. Like day and night, Zoey smiled to herself.

After V stripped the latex gloves off, tossing them into the sink, she turned her attention to Zoey. “What’s left?”

I think we’re done.” Zoey smiled. “As long as you’re done in here, that is.”

Oh, I’m done,” V said feigning exasperation.

What do you say I buy you a drink then?” Zoey asked, turning toward the kitchen to pack up the rest of their things.

Throw in dinner, and you’ve got a date.” V stated, tossing the last of her supplies into the bucket they used to haul them back and forth from the truck.

Can’t do dinner tonight.” Zoey grinned. “I’m meeting Kaleb.”

Ohhhh... That’s right. I almost forgot. You’re weekly date.” V pretended to be offended, but Zoey knew better. “I’m being shunned for that sexy, hot neighbor of yours.”

It’s not a date.” Zoey realized how defensive she sounded as soon as the words were out of her mouth.

When are you going to give in and sleep with him?”

Hefting her bucket of cleaners, Zoey managed to lock the front door and roll her eyes at her friend while pretending not to have heard the question.

It wasn’t the first time V had asked that particular question, and she knew it wouldn’t be the last, so Zoey wasn’t even going to dignify it with a response. Best friend or not, V had an uncanny ability to get on Zoey’s last nerve with her constant pestering when it came to her friendship with Kaleb Walker.

It seemed as though once a week V would go off on a tangent about how Zoey and Kaleb were dancing around one another and should just give in and admit they wanted to sleep together. For the most part, Zoey managed to ignore her. The rest of the time she just made it worse by arguing.

There was possibly a smidgeon of truth to V’s assessment of the situation, but Zoey wouldn’t admit it. Ever since Zoey’s marriage came crashing down around her, she and Kaleb had managed to rekindle the friendship they’d shared since middle school. Only this time, her best buddy managed to spark an irritating amount of lust that Zoey refused to acknowledge.

Considering there weren’t many days that passed in which they didn’t meet up for dinner or drinks, or just to hang out with a group of friends, Zoey was having a hard time ignoring this little infatuation she’d apparently developed for him.

As far as she could tell, there wasn’t an ounce of reciprocation from Kaleb’s side, so it made it a little easier to pretend he was just her friend. And she could’ve lived with that if her warped and twisted mind hadn’t gone and conjured up a plethora of images that consisted of all of the things Zoey wanted to do to the man.

She had a feeling V’s comments were to blame for that carnal slide show playing over and over again in her mind.


Ten minutes later, Zoey was pulling her truck into the gravel parking lot of Moonshiner’s – the one and only bar in their very small town. For a Thursday afternoon, it was packed, but the more the merrier, Zoey thought to herself.

It took a little persuading – or flirting, whatever you wanted to call it – to commandeer two bar stools, but they finally managed. Ordering their usual – mango margaritas – Zoey glanced around the dimly lit room, scoping out the familiar faces.

Most of the Thursday crowd was younger, getting a jump start on the weekend and choosing to battle it out at the pool tables. The dance floor was empty, but that wasn’t unusual for this time of day. It usually livened up quite a bit after dark, but they were still a few hours off from that.

Feeling a tad surly after V’s pestering from earlier, Zoey turned to her friend and threw out the one question she knew would get V riled up. “So, when are you going to focus on your own Walker man and lay off my nonexistent sex life?”

My Walker man?” V almost sounded as though she had no idea what Zoey was talking about. Almost. “Who the hell are you talking about?”

Remembering the way V had all but jumped on Zane Walker the last time they’d all gotten together, Zoey arched an eyebrow in challenge. “Don’t deny it. I saw the way you were eye fucking Zane the last time we were here.”

Zane? Zane Walker – Zane?” Vanessa laughed, and the sultry sound had half the bar turning to look at them.

Do you know another one?”

The best defense is a good offense – the phrase suddenly rang through Zoey’s mind when she saw the look in Vanessa’s eyes. It was about to be a free for all.

Wait.” V held up a hand, taking a sip of her drink. “You first.”

Me first, what?” Zoey was confused.

You admit to crushing on Kaleb, and then I’ll tell you my story.”

Oh, whatever,” Zoey laughed. “I am not crushing on Kaleb or anyone else for that matter. But you, my beautiful friend have a bad case of the hots for one Zane Walker.”

V blushed immediately, but turned her head and avoided Zoey’s knowing stare. It was obvious the woman had been lusting after Kaleb's younger brother, but Zoey had no idea for how long. Not that age mattered, but there was a six year age gap between V and Zane, which was surprising because her friend had never been the type to go for younger men.

You can’t deny it, V.”

When Vanessa’s ears flamed red, Zoey knew she’d hit her mark. But, they both knew it was all in good fun because yes if either of them were to own up to it, both of them had the hots for one of the Walker brothers.

Maybe not, but what about you and Kaleb?”

What about me and Kaleb?” Zoey asked, forcing a smile. She did not like where this conversation was going, regardless of whether this was her best friend or not. She was not willing to admit whatever these strange feelings were that she’d developed for Kaleb.

You have to admit he’s hot.” V grinned.

Well, of course, he’s hot.” That wasn't a secret.

Have you ever fantasized about what it would be like to kiss him?” V asked, getting pushy as always.

What was this? Eighth grade? 

Hoping like hell the heat that suddenly infused her face wasn't visible, Zoey smarted off. “Hasn't everyone?”

The smile that beamed on V’s face had Zoey stilling in her chair.

Oh God.

She was suddenly enveloped in strong, muscled arms and overwhelmed by the all too familiar, highly intoxicating scent of the one man she wished hadn't just heard that comment.

So, what would it be like?” Kaleb’s sexy voice whispered in her ear, his warm breath tickling her cheek seconds before his lips landed in a chaste, friendly kiss.

Shoving him off of her, Zoey laughed because if she didn't, she might just cry. “Oooh, gross! Boy cooties.” Yep, definitely eighth grade.

Boy cooties?” V asked, laughing. “That’s what you scream when Kaleb Walker plants a kiss on you? Mercy, woman. I’m beginning to seriously worry about you.”

Zoey felt the heat flood her face as she purposely ignored Vanessa, all the while trying to pretend Kaleb hadn't actually heard their conversation.

You’re early.” She told him when she finally managed to compose herself.

I’m starving.” He waved off the bartender when he strolled over. “Take me to dinner.”

Nuh uh, buddy. It’s your turn to pick up the tab,” Zoey reminded him.

Before Kaleb could argue, Zane walked up and Zoey watched as V’s entire demeanor changed. If she wasn't mistaken, it just got a lot warmer in the bar, despite the blast of cold air from the air conditioner.

Zoey smiled. Right. Nothing there.

Ok, I’ll take you to dinner.” Zoey stood abruptly. “Here, Zane. Take my seat.” Throwing a knowing grin at Vanessa and watching as her friend tried to shoot daggers from her eyeballs, Zoey laughed.

You are so dead,” V mouthed before Zoey turned away.

Truer words had never been spoken because as Zoey turned to walk out of the bar with Kaleb, she was hammered with a sudden, overwhelming urge to... kiss him.





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