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Inversion (Winter's Wrath Book 3) by Bianca Sommerland (11)

Chapter 11

Connor rubbed his hands together as he walked through Tiergarden, a huge park full of bare trees in the center of Berlin. During the summer the park would be beautiful and green, but even with patches of snow on the ground and dead trees all around, it was still pretty nice. He slowed as he spotted the first of the monuments the red-faced teen at the information booth had told him to keep an eye out for.

The Bismarck Memorial, created in honor of Prince Otto von Bismarck, the first Chancellor of the German Empire. Connor sensed Balthazar stepping up to his side as he looked over the impressive statue. The main guy, Bismarck, stood at the top of a pillar, overlooking a woman stepping on a panther, a guy holding a globe, and some dude in a cloak reading a massive book. They were all green, probably because whatever they were made of was old as fuck.

Neat. Connor pulled out his phone and snapped a picture. Assignment done.

“Let’s go.” He began to turn back the way he’d come, not surprised when Balthazar stopped him short. He scowled over his shoulder at the man. “I’m going back to the hospital.”

“Not yet.” Balthazar rubbed Connor’s shoulders, huffing out a laugh. “Tate wants you to enjoy the city.”

“He wants pics and souvenirs.” Connor had seen a shop on the cab ride here. He’d stop in, grab a ball cap, and Tate would be happy. Every member of the band had taken a different area of the city so they could get their forced ‘tour’ over with quickly.

None of them had wanted to leave the hospital, but Tate was a manipulative little fuck. And being hurt, and stuck in the hospital for at least another day, they couldn’t deny his simple request. He couldn’t enjoy any of the sights, so he wanted them to do it for him.

Malakai, Brave, and Shiori had gone to Gendarmenmarkt, which had beautiful cathedrals the young woman really wanted to see. She’d been talking about going there before they’d even bought their plane tickets and Tate hadn’t forgotten. He’d brought her to tears telling her he’d need her to describe them to him.

Okay, maybe that hadn’t been a guilt trip. Tate looked sad for a bit, then did that stubborn look and demanded Malakai and Brave make sure she had fun.

Jesse and Alder had gone to Checkpoint Charlie, but only after making a deal with Tate that he’d video chat with Danica while they were gone. The drummer hadn’t spoken to Winter’s Wrath’s original stage performer yet. He didn’t want her to see him all fucked up.

Connor rubbed a hand over his face. He’d managed to hold it together when Tate broke down after saying nothing but ‘Hello’ to Danica. She got the kid smiling and laughing before they’d all left, so getting Tate to call had been a good idea. But until that moment, no one had known how strong Tate was trying to be for them.

I have to get back.

“Come with me.” Balthazar slung his arm over Connor’s shoulders, guiding him further along the long path. He was looking up, then at Connor, as though waiting for him to notice something.

Following his gaze, Connor spotted a giant pillar he couldn’t believe he’d missed before. Tall enough to be seen from a distance, situated in the center of a roundabout. At the very top stood a golden angel, staring over the city holding a staff and a wreath.

“Damn. Now that’s impressive.” Connor leaned against Balthazar’s side, enjoying his steadying presence. The security guard should probably be with Brave, or Alder. Maybe even back at the hospital with Tate. Instead, he’d somehow worked something out with Skull and the new member of the security team who Connor hadn’t even met yet, and accompanied him here.

“The Victory Column. One of the most popular tourist attractions in Germany.” Balthazar smiled as they continued. “Come, there’s a tunnel to cross to the base of the monument. You need to learn to slow down, no matter how difficult it seems.”

“How do you know it’s difficult?”

“Because you’re always moving, as though being still scares you.” Balthazar shifted his hand to the back of Connor’s neck in a firm grip that had his insides doing flips. Lowering his tone, Balthazar shot him a slanted smile. “We’ll work on that.”

Since last night, Balthazar hadn’t made any moves for ‘discipline’. Or anything else. Connor wasn’t sure if he’d been teasing—which didn’t seem like him—or if his idea of foreplay involved moving at a glacial pace. He looked at Connor like he wanted him. Sometimes.

Then like he was simply doing his job.

Could they have things both ways? Connor needed whatever they had to be straightforward. He’d fuck Balthazar in a hot minute. Let Balthazar fuck him. No reason for this to be complicated.

“I don’t like that look.” Balthazar stopped a few steps from a stone structure with steps leading down into the dimly lit tunnel. “Talk to me.”

More talking. Connor sighed and hooked his thumbs to his jean pockets as Balthazar pulled away. He had to be careful with his words.

Not one of his strengths.

“What are we doing?” Connor licked his bottom lip, grinning when Balthazar’s hard gaze followed the gesture. “You want me.”

“I won’t waste time denying it.” Balthazar’s eyes narrowed slightly as they met Connor’s. “Your point?”

Connor moved closer to him, hooking his fingers to the buttons of Balthazar’s black shirt. “Are you waiting for an invite?”

“For what, Connor?” Balthazar brushed his hand away. “To shove you against the closest hard surface?”

Hell yes! Connor braced himself for Balthazar to do just that. There weren’t many people around. The tunnel entrance would be out of view.

But the man didn’t move.

Instead, he laughed. “You’ve set the bar very low for what you expect from people.” He shook his head and started down into the tunnel, calling back over his shoulder. “You won’t sleep tonight unless you get a good workout. The steps inside the column will help.”

How the hell did he know that? Connor’s lips parted. Closed. He swallowed, trying to think back on all the nights he’d quietly gotten up to go for a jog, or lift some weights until his body was tired enough to shut down his mind. No one in the band ever noticed. He didn’t want them to.

They might wonder if something was wrong with him and they’d been dealing with enough shit over the past year.

He hurried to catch up to Balthazar. “You know I have trouble sleeping?”

“Yes. I’m a light sleeper myself.” Balthazar shot him an amused look. “You don’t think I’d let you wander around remote truck stops alone, do you?”

“No, but…” All right, Balthazar hadn’t kept an eye on him because he cared. He’d been doing his job. Still was. “Where have you set the bar? I’m fucking confused.”

“Are you interested in a relationship, Connor?” Balthazar stopped at the bottom of the steps, turning when Connor stopped a few steps behind him. “A real one.”

A relationship. Fuck, he hadn’t even attempted being in one since high school, when he was sixteen. Ten years and he’d been single. And happy with the status. No one expected more than he could give. No one tried to get too close. He didn’t have to share his life, or his past. Didn’t have to wonder if he’d fall in love and have to pretend to be the guy people really wanted. Someone…normal.

In a few days, Balthazar had already started to dig beneath the surface of who Connor let everyone else see. Connor had let it happen. He could stop whatever was building between them now, before Balthazar got any closer.

He didn’t want to.

But he wasn’t ready to give Balthazar what he was asking for either.

“I don’t know.”

Balthazar inclined his head. “That’s where I’ve set the bar. Let me know when you’ve decided if that’s too high.”

* * *

Annette pressed her eyes shut seconds after catching sight of Connor and Balthazar. What was she even doing here? Connor was going to think she was some kind of crazy stalker. She shook her head, taking a deep breath and thinking back on what had prompted her to call the tour manager, Jesse, to find out where she could find Connor.

Strangely enough, Joanna had been the one to convince her not to leave their night as a one-off. The woman who’d left without so much as a goodbye had been more than happy to see her before her shift. XVI Hours had stayed in the club parking lot, rather than return to where the other opening bands were hanging out. Who knew what they’d been told about Tate’s injuries?

Best to wait and assess the mood than put themselves in the middle of a hostile situation.

Standing outside the bus, burning her lips on the coffee Orion had brought her, Annette spotted Joanna and called out to her without hesitation.

Then flushed when Joanna glanced over, looking confused.

“Hey, you.” Joanna laughed as she strode across the parking lot. She pulled Annette into a quick hug, easing her embarrassment. “I wasn’t expecting to see you again.”

Annette ducked her head. “Sorry. Is this weird?”

“Not at all, sweet girl.” Joanna brushed her fingers across Annette’s cheek. “I enjoyed you very much. I might break my own rules and give you my number.”

“I’d like that.” Annette bit her lip, then pulled out her phone so they could exchange numbers. “I’m not sure how long we’ll be here…”

“Definitely not long enough.” Joanna lifted a strand of Annette’s hair between her fingers. She sighed. “I could have so much fun with you. But… Ah, never mind. Where is your boy?”

Swallowing hard as her pulse raced, Annette shook her head. “Tell me what you were going to say.”

Joanna released a soft laugh. “I’m not looking to keep a pet, my sweet. I’m happy to play with one that belongs to someone else. The boy won’t get attached to me, but you might.”

Annette frowned, pulling away from the other woman. “I’m not interested in a relationship, if that’s what you’re worried about.”

“I doubt you’ve ever had one. I’m not convinced you know what you want.”

“I want to enjoy my life. I don’t want to feel used. Worthless.” Damn it, what was it about this woman that made it impossible to keep her thoughts to herself? She clenched her jaw, staring past Joanna, at North who was laughing and flirting with the bouncers as if he didn’t have a care in the world. “Last night, for the first time, I didn’t feel that way.”

Following her gaze, Joanna chuckled. “I was using you, pet. But the boy wasn’t. You’re not letting him slip away, are you?”

“He’s not mine.”

“But he could be.” Joanna slipped behind her, leaning close to whisper in her ear. “I think he could give you everything you want. He’s a free spirit like you are. The way he looks at you tells me there could be more between you, without either of you having to change.”

Wrinkling her nose, Annette shook her head. “Rumor has it he’s not exactly picky with his lovers.”

“But he didn’t fuck you. He was focused on your pleasure.” Joanna kissed the side of her neck. “You don’t want to feel trapped, but you need someone who wants more than a night of passion. I can’t give you both. But I’ll be around when you find someone who can.”

That sounded…wonderful. But could she really have a relationship like that? Did they even exist in real life? Something between possessive and not giving a fuck?

She thought back on her time with Connor. There was no way to know if he would go for it, but with their lifestyle, maybe he’d find the prospect just as appealing as she did.

Only one way to find out.

“I’m hoping to see him again later.” Annette shrugged, taking a deep breath as Joanna rubbed her arms, then moved away from her. “But we won’t be in Germany much longer.”

“And I’m not offering you more of my time yet, sweet girl. But I do like to travel, so keep in touch.” Her lips curved, and she walked backways, gesturing for Annette to get moving. “As for your man, what are you waiting for?”

Annette decided to take not ‘waiting’ to a whole new level. If she’d known Balthazar would be trailing Connor, she might have timed this better.

You’re here now. You want to see him. No big deal, right?

The bodyguard spotted her the second she stepped into view. His eyes narrowed.

She ignored him, flashing Connor her biggest, brightest smile. “Hey, you!”

Connor glanced over and grinned. “Hey!” He stepped forward, holding out his arms as though to hug her, then stopped, letting them fall to his sides, thumbs tucked into his pockets, his grin turning sheepish. “Sorry, we’re probably not good enough friends to

Dude. Get over here.” She slid up against him, wrapping her arms around his waist. His big arms surrounding her was like being wrapped up in the coziest blanket on a chilly night.

Only the chill was coming from Balthazar.

She let out a happy sigh. “I’ve been waiting for a minute. It’s not warm, eh?”

He laughed, his breath stirring her hair. “I almost forgot you were from Canada. Y’all really do that ‘eh’ thing.”

“Hardly ever.” But probably more often than she realized. She peeked up at him. “It’s nice to see you.”

“It’s nice to see you too.” His gaze warmed and he leaned down, brushing his lips over hers. “Did you come to do the tourist thing?”

She wet her bottom lip, not sure why that brief kiss stole her breath as much, if not more, than when he’d kissed her while Joanna’s mouth was on her pussy.

It took a bit to remember what he’d asked. “Oh, I hadn’t planned to. Jesse said you’d be here.”

Connor cocked his head, his lips curving. “So you came just for me.”

Grinning, she lifted her shoulders. “Figured I owed you, since that wasn’t the case last night.”

He barked out a laugh, pulling her to his side with his arm around her shoulders. “You’re bad.”

“And you don’t mind at all.”

“Nope.” He continued walking with her slowly to the entrance of the Victory Column. “Since you’re here, do you want to hang out for a bit? Take in the sights?”

“We can’t stay long if you want to see Tate before visiting hours are over.” Balthazar tone was sharp, and he avoided her gaze when she looked over at him.

She’d almost forgotten he was there.

Clearly, he was having none of that.

Slowing his pace, Connor turned to Balthazar. “I’d have left already if you didn’t insist on checking this thing out.” He pulled out his phone and handed it to the bodyguard. “Can you take a few pictures?”

Ouch. Annette schooled her features as Balthazar’s jaw ticked. The man had a thing for Connor, no doubt about that. But they didn’t act like a couple. Aside from the bodyguard acting all territorial.

Still, Connor seemed completely oblivious to Balthazar’s reaction. He smiled when the bodyguard took the phone, backing up with her for a good shot. The first few they made goofy faces. Then they gazed up at the Victory Column.

Annette did her best to hold the pose, but staring up that high brought on a wave of dizziness and she swayed, laughing as Connor grabbed her, tipping her over his arm. When his lips covered her, the world spun and she fisted the shoulders of his black hoodie in her hands. The heat of his mouth, the slip of his tongue bringing with it a hint of coffee and chocolate, was like a tall glass of the most potent alcohol, downed in a single gulp.

She held on to him as he stood her up straight, feeling a little drunk on him. Maybe this had been a bad idea after all. Yes, she liked Connor. A little too much. Annette had interpreted Joanna’s whole ‘go after your man’ thing as he’d make a good friend. With benefits.

Falling for another man she’d be working with wouldn’t lead anywhere good. Been there, done that.

Burned the fucking T-shirt.

Inhaling a lungful of cold air, she eased away from him and started into the column. “How is Tate?”

Connor shoved his hands in his pockets, expression darkening. “His arm is fucked up and they had to put screws in to hold the bone together or some shit. And he might never see the same with his right eye.”

Her throat tightened as she pictured Tate, so full of laughter and life, lying in a hospital bed, the excitement of his first European tour ruined by that asshole. “Jesus, I’m so sorry.”

“Not your fault.” Connor trudged up the steps, glaring at each one. “If I ever find the son-of-a-bitch who grabbed him, my band will be raising bail money.”

“Every single band will pitch in.” Annette dug her nails into her palms. “That fucker better hide.”

Lips curving slightly, Connor glanced at her. “Sexy and bloodthirsty. When’s the wedding again?”

Snickering, Annette quickened her pace. They were not touching that subject again. It had been funny when he’d been all shocked by her teasing, but less so in reverse. What could she say? She was a complete hypocrite.

After about a million steps, they finally reached the top. Standing below the feet of the golden angel, her lips parted as she looked over Berlin. The view was stunning, golden in twilight, the lights of the city shining brightly as darkness fell. She could make out The Fernsehturm—which surprisingly just meant television tower—and the massive green dome of the Berlin Cathedral.

Places she’d hoped to visit, but if Reese’s plan to have the bands work together came through, XVI Hours wouldn’t have time for sightseeing. They were good, but doing a collab with Winter’s Wrath? They’d have to bring out their A game. Which meant squeezing in practice whenever possible.

“You’re thinking a lot.” Connor stepped behind her, wrapping her up in his arms. “I don’t blame you, I’ve got a lot on my mind too, but I’m glad Balthazar told me to stay a little longer. I almost missed out on the chance to tell Tate how beautiful it is up here.” His voice grew rough. “I’ll have to bring him some day.”

If he’d said anything else, she might have tried to put some distance between them, because being held by him felt way too good. But she loved the way he talked about his young friend. How much he cared about his bandmates.

Letting him hold her was her only way to comfort him. She knew what it was like to need someone close and find yourself surrounded, yet alone. Even though she had to be careful not to get too close, she wouldn’t do that to him.

“From what I know of Tate, he’ll come out of this just fine.” She tilted her head to meet his eyes over her shoulder. “With some cool new scars to show off.”

The sadness in Connor’s eyes faded slightly and he laughed. “We’ll probably never hear the end of it.”

As they made their way back to the stairs, Balthazar caught her eyes, his expression much less hostile. He inclined his head before leading the way down.

She bit back a smile. For a split second, she’d gotten a glimpse of the man she’d met before their first show. Just yesterday, but it seemed like more time had passed. She patted the pocket of her jacket where she’d put the ecig he’d given her.

Then she cleared her throat. “Hey, Balthazar.”

He slowed, turning sideways and arching a brow at her.

She pulled out the ecig. “I have to thank you again. This thing is great! I haven’t had a cigarette all day.”

At first, it seemed like he wouldn’t reply, but then he shook his head, his lips slanting. “I’m very happy to hear that. When you run out of liquid, let me know. I’ll give you some of mine.”

“That would be great.”

“Now…” He shot Connor a wry grin. “We need to work on this one.”

Connor looked from her, to Balthazar, shaking his head. “Don’t start ganging up on me.”

“Wouldn’t dream of it.” Annette patted his chest and snickered as Balthazar tapped his chin as though still considering. “Though…that could be fun.”




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