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Irish's Destiny (Wild Kings MC Book 6) by Erin Osborne (12)


IT’S BEEN A WHILE AND SAMI has started dating a boy at school. I think his name is Jared, but I could honestly care less. Even though I told her that I wanted her to get out and date other guys, it’s breaking my heart to know that I’m more than likely the one that’s going to have to chaperone them on their dates. In fact, it’s going to kill me knowing that it should be me out there with her. Taking her places that she wants to go, places that she didn’t know existed in this town, and sharing the feelings and emotions that flit across her face in wonder. Those should be my experiences, but for Sami’s sake, I’ll let her have them with someone else.

Tonight, I’m going to be following them around a fucking football game. I hated football in school and now I’m really going to hate it. Anyone that knows Sami knows that she could care less about football. If you really want to watch her face light up, take her to a dirt track to watch racing or put a NASCAR race on tv. She’ll sit there all night long and watch that. The only time she moves is when there’s a commercial on, if it’s not on split screen with live action still. Instead of being like most girls at a dirt track, trying to stay out of the flying dirt and dust, my girl loves it. She embraces it and waits as long as possible to take a shower afterwards. Sami doesn’t want to wash off the memories and feelings she gets from watching a race.

Now this asshat is trying to take her to a football game thinking he’s impressing her. It’s going to bore the living fuck out of her and I know it already. Before the game, he’s not even taking her out for dinner or anything else. Instead, he’s going to buy her nasty food at the concession stand and think it’s a big deal. Another thing that Sami hates.

“So, another date tonight, huh?” Irish asks me.

“Yeah. Fun times!” I mutter sarcastically.

“You know it’s not forever, right?” he asks me.

“I know. It’s just that these experiences should be mine. I know what she likes and doesn’t like. These assholes in school don’t know shit about her and what she likes.”

“You’ll get those moments Goose, just be patient. Use this time to your advantage and get to know her better than anyone knows her. Be her best friend before you become her lover. Then, you’ll know for sure that she’s the one. And she’ll know without any doubts in her mind that you’re the one for her.”

“Is that what you’re tryin’ to do with Whitney? Or are you just goin’ to steamroll over her until she has no choice but to move in with you?”

“I’m tryin’ to do what I’m tellin’ you to do. It’s not easy with the circumstances, but we’re gettin’ there. Hell, I’m just happy that she lets me go to the doctor with her.”

“You guys will get there quicker than I will with Sami. This waitin’ shit sucks, but I’m not goin’ to do anythin’ to upset or hurt her. And I know that me goin’ away will break her. I can see it in her eyes.”

“Then go with that. Remember that as you’re waitin’ to prove to her that she’s really the one you want to be with. That she’s worth waitin’ two years for. And if you think about it, it’s a little less than two years already.”

I sit there and think about everything Irish just told me. There’s no way that I’m going to do anything to intentionally hurt my girl. So, I’m going to wait until she’s old enough. For now, I’ll suffer in silence. While I’m suffering in silence, I’ll make sure that no one hurts my girl. No stupid ass young punk will break her heart. If they try to, they’ll find that they won’t be walking or talking very good for a long time.

Tonight has been a very long and boring night. The douchebag that brought Sami out is not paying a single bit of attention to her. Instead, she’s sitting with her phone and playing a game or texting. I’m not sure which one, but I can see the boredom radiating from her and I’m on the ground standing guard.

Honestly, I want nothing more than to go in the stands where she’s sitting and bring her out of here. Her nose is red from the cold, her hands are shaking, and I can see her bouncing her legs up and down to try to keep them warm. So, I make a decision to grab one of the women, probably a mom, standing near me to go get her a hot cocoa. She usually drinks them when she’s cold. I also grab her a cheeseburger and fries. It’s not much, but it’s better than the nothing that he’s gotten her since he picked her up.

Irish is going to love hearing about this because he already messaged me and told me that he didn’t like the looks of the asshole. I told him about the driving too fast and out of control with my girl in the car, not paying attention to her, and the fact that I am now the one taking care of her. Because I see that in one of the stands, blankets, hats, and gloves are being sold. So, I give some money to one of the guys standing near me and send him over to get one of each for Sami. She will be taken care of one way or another. That’s a fact I’ll stand by until the day I die.

As the woman takes Sami her food, I see her look down at me and smile the smile only I get. She’s got a few, but the one that lights her face up and makes her eyes crinkle is the one reserved for me. The smile the asshole is getting is her fake smile. She’s perfecting it tonight on the few times he’s deemed it necessary to talk to her. I don’t even know why he brought her here when he’s been flirting with every other female sitting close to them. It’s sickening and I’m about to do something about it.

I’m so lost in my own thoughts about what I want to do this guy that I don’t notice that the guy brought Sami everything else I just got for her. It’s not until she sends me a text that I look up at her again.

Sami: Thank you Goose!! You didn’t have to get me this stuff.

Me: It’s not much, but you will be taken care of. If I have to do that on every date I chaperone, then I will.

Sami: This is why it’s so hard for me. I could care less about this prick and he knows it. That’s why he’s ignoring me. And I called him out on only taking me out tonight to fuck me. That gets saved for one person and one person only.

Me: Good girl!

Sami: Who said it was you?

Me: Didn’t. Just know it better not be him.

Sami: Trust me, he probably wouldn’t know what to do.

Me: Lol

Sami: Looks like those lessons in texting are paying off.

Me: Very funny. Now pay attention so we can leave soon. He asks, you tell him you can’t go anywhere after the game.

Sami: Already planned on it. I’d honestly rather just leave now with you and go home.

Me: Up to you.

I don’t have to wait long for her decision to be made. Before the twatwaffle can blink, Sami is up, with everything I just bought her in her arms, and making her way towards me. I see him stand up and start yelling at her, but my girl just ignores him. Keeping my eye on him, I see the rage building and building until he starts following her down the stands and towards me. Let him make a move when she gets to me.

“Listen to me you stuck up bitch,” I hear him yell to Sami. “Game isn’t over, you aren’t going anywhere.”

“Wanna bet?” she asks, still walking to me.

“You’re not going to put out, the least you could do is stay until I’m ready to leave, you biker slut.”

“What the fuck did you just call me?” Sami shrieks. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

I let them get a little bit closer to me before I make my move. Before Sami can even blink, I’m past her and yanking the fucker up by his neck. There’s no way in hell he’s talking to Sami like that. He has no right to talk to anyone like that, but especially not my girl. I’m here to prove a lesson to him.

“You think you can talk to Sami like that?” I ask, getting in his face. “You think you have the right to talk to anyone like that?”

“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?” the punk asks me.

“I’m talkin’ to the guy that’s about to have his ass handed to him. You ever step foot near her again, I’ll pound you into the ground without a second thought.”

“I get it now. You must be one of those trashy bikers she’s fucking. That’s the only reason I even asked her out. I figured it’d be an easy fuck.”

This motherfucker just said the wrong thing to me. Sami is the last person I know that deserves to be talked about like this. She’s not an easy fuck for anyone. And she never will be. What the fuck is going through this kid’s head? I really can’t do anything to him though. If I do, then I know that I’ll be in the back of a cop car before I can blink. That’s just the type of rich entitled prick this is. He’s one lucky motherfucker right now.

“I’m tellin’ you right now that the only reason I’m not poundin’ you into the ground is because you’re a fuckin’ minor. I’m not wastin’ my time or energy on you so that Sami gets hurt. You’re not worth it!”

Sami pulls on my arm so that I leave before I do something stupid. She knows that when it comes to her, I will do anything to protect her. Including beating the shit out of some punk that doesn’t know the meaning of the word respect. If there’s anyone on this earth that deserves to be respected, it’s my girl. She’s never done anything wrong to anyone and I won’t stand by while she gets hurt.

“Let’s just go home,” she tells me. “This punk ass bitch probably doesn’t even know what to do with his pencil dick anyway.”

I’m so proud of her right now. So, we’ll leave, and I’ll figure out where to go so that her entire night isn’t ruined. The diner will probably be deserted right now with everyone at the game. We can go there, she can have some dessert and then we’ll go to her house. It won’t be the best night ever, but it won’t be completely destroyed either.

Walking to my truck, Sami puts her arm through mine. I’m not sure if it’s to keep me from going back there or if she just wants to hang on to me. I’ll take it no matter what the reason is though. I’m a selfish bastard that way.

“So, I think we need to talk, Goose,” Sami says.

“About what?”


“There can’t be an us yet.”

“I know. But, you want me to date and experience other things so I won’t regret being with you. Well, I’ve been on a few dates and I can honestly tell you that no one measures up to you. None of the boys will ever treat me the way you do, and I don’t see why I have to continue playing this game when I don’t want to.”

“I get where you’re comin’ from Sami. But, I don’t want you to get bored or wonder what else is out there. If you’re missin’ out on somethin’ by bein’ with me. Because I’m goin’ to tell you now, when you turn eighteen, you’re mine and I’m not givin’ you up. There won’t be anyone else and I won’t let you go. So, I want to know that you’re ready to only be mine when we get there.”

“I’m ready now. The only thing stopping us is my age. I know what I want Goose and that’s you.”

My head is spinning right now. There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for Sami, but I can’t give her the one thing that she wants. Not yet. So, I’ll keep being there for her and let her know that I’m not going anywhere. We can go out and do things together, just not put a label on it yet. If that gets me in trouble, then I’m going to have to deal with it when I get there.


I understand why Goose wants me to get out and experience different things, but I don’t know why that has to include dating. Like I told him, no one is ever going to measure up to the man he is. These little boys want one thing and only one thing. They think that because a biker follows me around school for protection, that I’m fucking them. There’s only been two or three that have followed me around and apparently that means I’m fucking the whole club. Other than the few people that I talk to on a regular basis, the kids are so mean.

When they think that my ‘biker boyfriends’ aren’t paying attention, I get called all sorts of things. Slut and whore are the main two but there’s a ton more. Thankfully Goose hasn’t heard any of this otherwise I’m sure he wouldn’t be following me around school anymore. I like when he’s the one that’s following me around. He makes me feel safe and like no one can touch me. If he’s not here anymore, then I don’t think I’ll want to come to school and deal with all this shit.

And it’s only because of Goose that I’ve accepted dates and tried to mingle more with the kids I go to school with. If it wasn’t for him wanting to be sure that I’m not going to regret being with him then I wouldn’t have done this. Now, I’m done. I refuse to put myself through this any longer. I know what I want and I’m going to wait to turn eighteen.

“Mom!” I call out, walking in the door a few days after the football game.

“In my room honey.”

I walk into her room and see her sitting on the bed surrounded by paperwork. I’m not sure what’s going on, but I guess I’m about to look and see what mom’s doing now. Walking over, I see that there’s a ton of housing brochures. Looking at my mom, I see that she seems overwhelmed.

“What’s all this?” I ask, picking one up.

“Irish decided we needed to start looking at houses. I already told him we’re not moving in with him.”

“Why not?” I ask, confused. “You know it’s going to happen eventually anyway. Why are you going to make him wait and keep paying rent when we can get a house with him?”

“I’m not sure. I don’t want to jump into anything with him and have it not work out. This can’t be about the baby. It has to be because we want to be together.”

“And you think you both don’t want to be together? I know he wants to be with you mom. He’s talked to me.”

“Still, I don’t know. This all seems too much. Like he’s trying too hard to give me what I want. He’s not taking everyone’s needs into consideration here.”

“Tell him that then. And figure it out together.”

Mom kind of nods her head to me. So, I sit down and look at one of the brochures. There’s a picture of bedroom in there and I instantly fall in love with it. This room is completely me in every way. It’s huge with a raised area the bed sits on. The window has a bench seat I can sit on and read or think. There’s two closets, not walk-in, on either side of a built-in dresser with a mirror over it. Then, the final touch is the bathroom off the one side of the room. My mom sees me drooling over the room and takes the book from me. Instead of putting it with the rest, I see her set it to the side. Maybe she hasn’t looked at that one.

I sit with my mom for a little bit and tell her about what I’ve been telling Goose. She knows where my heart lies already, so it’s not a big surprise to her. I’m waiting for her to start preaching to me about our ages and things, but she doesn’t. She simply tells me that the heart knows what it wants and that she doesn’t want to see me hurt. By him or anyone else.

“So, if that’s the case, what are you going to do about Irish?” I ask her.

“I don’t know. He dumped a lot on me the other day and I don’t know if I’m ready to jump into something with him without taking our time. I was forced to do that before and I’m not going to do it again.”

“Isn’t it different this time since you’re making the choice to be with Irish. No one sold you or is forcing you to be with him, live with him, or anything else. The situation is completely different. Why don’t you do what you want to do for once mom?”

My mom sits there and looks at me for a minute before responding. “When did you get so smart?”

“Watching you and growing up with the strongest mom I know. So, what are you gonna do mom?”

“I guess we’ll give it a shot and see what happens. But, I don’t know that I want to buy a house. I mean, you and I’ve talked about building a house before, I kind of like that idea.”

“So, tell Irish that. See what he says before you write it all off with him.”

“I’ll think about it Sami. You’ll know soon enough. Cassidy and him are coming over to spend the night tonight.”

“What?” she asks bewildered at my statement.

“You heard me. We’re going to see how it goes with them staying one night. We’ll take it from there. Not that I really had a choice in the matter.”

“He’s not trying to steamroll you. Irish knows what he wants and he’s trying to get it.”

“I know. I’m just concerned we’re rushing. Now, go do your homework or whatever and I’ll let you know when dinner is done.”

“Um, where’s Cassidy sleeping?”

“Probably in here with us.”

“She can sleep in my room. I’d like the company.”

“We can talk to Irish when they get here.”

I nod my head and go to my room. Irish is definitely going for what he wants. In all honesty, I admire him for that and wish that I could do the same thing. But, I’ll have to settle for Goose’s friendship and see what happens in the future. It would crush me if we were to lose the connection we have now. He’s my best friend and someone that I want in my life no matter what.




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