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Iron Princess by Meghan March (16)



Coming back to the distillery after a day away feels even harder than it should. Probably because I have to deal with yet another event and all its details.

We can’t hire an event planner fast enough to suit me.

I should have been running through my checklist of last-minute items an hour ago, but I got distracted when Valentina responded to my email, asking how quickly I can deliver my new finished piece. Now all I want to do is get back to the warehouse, hop in the Tahoe, and drive to Noble Art as fast as I can.

“I swear, Keira planned her vacation for this week on purpose. She wasn’t thrilled about hosting this speed-dating event after Mount threatened to make anyone who hit on her disappear.”

Kane leans against the wall of windows facing the New Orleans skyline as I rush around the tables once more, adjusting the centerpieces. He tried to help, but men and table decorations don’t mix.

“I thought you hired him to deal with this nonsense,” Odile says as she steps through the entrance to our closed-off section for the event. It’s only the second time we’ve used our new modular wall that looks like shelves in a rackhouse, or at least close enough so that customers can feel like they’re getting an authentic experience.

She sets the tray of appetizers on the sideboard and shoots a sharp glance at Kane. “So, what’s he doing watching you fuss over it all?”

“Observing a master at work,” he replies smoothly.

“More like she forbid you from touching a damn thing because she has to have everything just so.” Odile wags a finger at me. “Don’t you dare try to rearrange my appetizers. I’ll know.”

“I don’t want to touch your appetizers. I like having all my fingers attached.” I waggle my fingers back at her.

She nods and looks at Kane again. “Learn from her. She’s a smart one. You get too fresh, I’ll let her borrow a knife from my kitchen to skin you.”

This time he straightens to his full height. “I’d hand her one myself if she felt like she needed it.”

Odile crosses her arms. “You got some kind of weird fetish—”

“Odile, please. Not now.”

She harrumphs.

“Besides,” I add. “I have my own knife if I need it.” I shoot a wink in Kane’s direction, but he’s not smiling. He looks solemn. Like he really would hand me a knife to cut off his arm before he’d ever hurt me.

A week ago, I might question whether that was true, but now, I have no doubt. Just like he wouldn’t hesitate to kill anyone else who hurt me.

My man is fiercely protective.

My man. It still feels strange to call him that, but I’m determined to get used to it.

As soon as Odile disappears to head back to the kitchen for another tray, someone taps on the modular wall.

Both my head and Kane’s swivel in that direction.

Jeff Doon. Keira’s high-school boyfriend who is the president of the chamber of commerce. As possessive as Mount is, I’m still surprised he let the guy live once he found out who he was.

“Hi, Jeff. You’re . . . early!” I try to sound excited and it must be convincing, because he grins.

“Temperance, it’s so good to see you again.”

He covers the distance between us quickly and I extend a hand to shake, but he tries to hug me instead. My arm bends awkwardly between us as I try to adjust and end up with my palm pressed against his chest.

My first thought, before the embarrassment kicks in, is probably not the most professional one—his cushiony body is light years away from Kane’s hard one. I bounce back from him like his skin burst into flames after he clumsily claps my shoulder, and I can feel Kane’s eyes boring into my back.

“Jeff, so nice to see you. I’d love to introduce you to my new assistant.” I wave an arm in Kane’s direction, and Jeff straightens when he sees him.

“Wow, nice suit you’ve got there, man. Assistant gig must be a good one.”

Even to my untrained eye, Kane’s suit looks custom-tailored, so Jeff’s comment isn’t all that surprising. The pinstripes are set off by the snowy white shirt and pocket square, but no tie.

I’ve never known a man who wears a pocket square before, and I had no idea it would be so sexy. File that under Things I learned from my hit-man boyfriend.

Wait, is he my boyfriend? I don’t have time to address my own question because Jeff is speaking.

“Temperance, would you like to introduce us?”

“Yes. Of course. So sorry. I was thinking of something else I still need to do.” I turn to Kane. “Jeff, this is my new assistant, Ken Sax. Ken, meet Jeff Doon.”

When Kane told me his assistant name yesterday on the way to work, I laughed and asked how he’d picked it. “The phone book,” he said, and produced what looked like a perfectly legitimate Louisiana driver’s license bearing his picture as Ken Sax. When I asked how many other IDs he has, and if any were under the aliases Bruce Wayne or the Dark Knight, he changed the subject.

“Nice to meet you, Ken. You from around here?” Jeff asks, and I interrupt before he can launch into small talk.

“If you don’t mind, Jeff, I could use your help in checking the table with the name tags. I know you said there might be a few last-minute changes. Can you handle that?”

“No problem. Anything I can do to make this go smoothly, Temperance.” He turns halfway toward the table before he stops. “Actually—there’s one change I wanted to mention, and I’m hoping you’ll be okay with it.”

He sounds hesitant, which immediately puts me on edge.

“What’s that?”

“My secretary was supposed to participate but she had a last-minute child-care issue, so we’re one woman short. I was hoping you’d agree to step in and fill the spot.”

I freeze like a raccoon caught digging in the trash. “Excuse me?”

“Louise couldn’t make it, so—”

“I heard that part, but I must have misheard you when you said you wanted me to fill in. I have to run the event. I can’t . . . speed date.”

Jeff sighs. “No problem. I’ll ask Ernie to sit out too. He’s been having a tough time in the dating circuit lately, but I guess he’ll survive.”

I don’t know who Ernie is, but I couldn’t care less if he ever gets a date.

But Jeff isn’t done. “Unless . . . how about you give your assistant a test run and see how he does managing things? Trial by fire. Right, Ken?”

I send a pleading look over my shoulder toward Kane to save me from this disaster, but Odile interrupts as she brings in her last tray.

“Wouldn’t kill you to talk to some nice men instead of rotting away in your office for the rest of the modern age. Jeff has a great idea.”

“Perfect.” Jeff’s face lights up. “I’ll go ahead and make you a name tag, Temperance, and get rid of Louise’s.”

Lord, help me.