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Jazon: An Omnes Videntes Novel by Wendie Nordgren (4)


Jazon had been failing at all of his efforts to stay out of Tracy’s mind. He continued to slip comfortably into her thoughts. Instinctually, he had offered her empathic comfort during her moments of intense grief and fear. At first, her irrational fear of him had been a jarring reminder of why he and his brothers had avoided contact with Eriopis and Enyos. Both of the Laconian races could sense the duality of their hybrid natures. Laconians could discern their unnatural differences and knew with certainty that they had been genetically altered to allow their survival. It was a good thing they didn’t understand how much more powerful those genetic manipulations had made them.

Their father had come close to perfecting his new race of children with Izaac’s batch, 019. Izaac and his pod brothers, Rozz, Zam, and Traviz, were the strongest of them. Batch 021 hadn’t been as fortunate. Of them, only Jezzie remained. Jazon thought it was because their empathic abilities had been too strong.

Now, here Jazon was, alone in the Laconian Sector without his brothers, where just about everyone would see him as Tracy did. The hard part was not just suspecting their disgust, but being able to both feel it and verify it in the thoughts they believed they blocked from him. He finished making up the couch for his reluctant guest. He, Agata, and Vasco had agreed that she would have to remain under guard until the mission was complete. It would be too simple for an Eriopis male to pluck their identities and their mission from her mind and jeopardize everything.

He felt her approach and turned. Damp black hair fell to her shoulders. Big black eyes were in a pale, delicate face. Her arms and legs had the same white skin, like cream. Aurilius existed in a state of perpetual twilight and darkness, being as far as it was from a sun. Jazon wanted to look at her on the sandy beaches of Epopeus and began wondering how to manipulate events in order to make it possible.

“Um, ah, here,” Jazon said as he pulled back the covers.

Tracy hurried past him and crawled inside of the blankets. She looked so small in his shirt. Jazon moved to tuck the blankets around her. Tracy slapped his hand.

“Well, goodnight,” Jazon grumbled as he stormed off to his quarters.

Tracy watched his back as he walked to his room. She pulled the covers up under her chin and looked around at her unfamiliar surroundings while attempting to fall asleep.

Even though he was annoyed with the female, Jazon gave her nervously flittering mind a gentle nudge to sleep. Then, he changed into some exercise clothes and went to the small gym to work out. Sleep wouldn’t be coming as easily for him. He’d have to exhaust himself.

The next morning at the dining table, Captain Agata said quietly, “We have discovered that the nanites being used to send the differentiating commands to the stem cells are provided by a small company that attempts to compete with Bosh Technologies.” He took a sip of coffee and then finished off his eggs. “Vasco and I will go in, place an order for medical nanites, and plant listening devices. While you draw all of the attention in the merchant district, we should be able to catch them off guard.”

“What are you going to do with her?” Vasco asked.

“I’ll keep her with me. What do you think of that, Tracy? Do you want to help bring your father’s killers to justice, or will you hide under your blankets, pretend to be asleep, and eavesdrop on our meeting?” Jazon asked.

Tracy froze for a moment before she gave up on her ruse and sat up. With wary glances at the men watching her, she wrapped a blanket around herself and walked to the table. Jazon returned his attention to his breakfast. He felt an unwelcomed pang whenever he looked at her pale little face, messy black hair, and big black eyes. She looked like a real version of one of the little dolls with which Neema played.

“May I get you some breakfast, Lady Tracy?” Vasco asked with a charming smile.

“Yes, thank you.”

Jazon glared at the man while he prepared Tracy’s breakfast. Vasco planned to win Tracy for himself. It filled Jazon with unmitigated fury because part of him longed for her acceptance. Parvacian society had accepted him. Occasionally, Parvac females would give Jazon considering looks, but they didn’t mesmerize him the way mean, judgmental little Tracy did with those big black eyes of hers.

“What are you staring at?” she asked snottily. Jazon glared at her, too. He cleaned and stowed his dishes and returned to the gym. Glad he had gone and taken his unnerving stares with him, Tracy ate her breakfast. “Why do I have to go with him? I can be of more help at the nanite company.”

Captain Agata said, “You need to remain with Jazon so that he can shield your mind. Those instrumental in the creation of the clones whom we seek will know that you are Dr. Heintz’s daughter. Should someone recognize you, Jazon will sense it, and we will have a new investigative lead.”

Vasco refilled her glass of juice. “Why are you so hard on him?” he asked.

“He’s a hybrid.”

Vasco waited for her to explain.

“He’s dangerous and unstable,” Tracy added.

“You are a scientist, are you not?” Vasco asked.

“I completed my oceanography degree.”

“As an educated individual, perhaps you might consider making your own observations of him rather than operating under the assumption that those childhood tales told in the dead of night at sleepovers are fact. Yes, he is a dangerous adversary, but his service and loyalty to the Empire are worthy of respect, not childish censor and hostility.”

Tracy felt her cheeks begin to burn. “My father taught me that such genetic manipulations go against nature.”

“Without him, how would we battle against the truly unnatural clones that are being created and used to murder, deceive, and insight war?”

“So, you think it takes a monster to defeat a monster?” Tracy asked.

“He isn’t a monster. He is a highly evolved warrior, and in my presence, you will treat him with the respect his rank deserves. Is that clear?” Captain Agata asked. Tracy stared at the male and clutched her blanket tighter. “Vasco, we have work on the bridge.”

“Yes, sir.”

The men left, leaving Tracy to finish her breakfast in peace. In the hybrid’s room, she found her clothing, clean and folded. She got herself cleaned up, her hair tamed, folded her blankets, and stacked them on the couch with her pillow on top of them. On the habitation deck, her movements hadn’t been restricted, so she went exploring. The open kitchen, dining, and living space butted the hull where two viewports provided a view of passing stars. Tracy didn’t recall the stars passing by quite so quickly on the trip to Epopeus on which she had gone with her father and his research team a few years ago. On that trip, she had gotten to assist in collecting research samples.

Tracy remembered smiling up at her father as warm waves tickled her knees. Specks of white sand and water droplets had clung to his protective glasses as he had helped her place the sea star into its container. She fought back against her sorrow. She wanted to make whomever had taken him from her and her brothers pay, even if it meant cooperating with a hybrid and a couple of Parvac soldiers.

She walked past the two doors leading into crew quarters and along a short corridor. There was a medical bay, storage and laundry room, and a gym. The other rooms were sealed. She entered the gym. Jazon was occupying the corner to her right. His back was turned to her and covered in a sheen of sweat. In his hands, he gripped a horizontal bar. Slowly, he lifted his weight until his head was above the bar before slowly lowering himself. He repeated his actions. His feet were crossed at the ankles and held away from the decking. Mesmerized, Tracy watched as he lifted himself yet again using only the strength of his arms. Muscles rippled beneath his tan skin. A line ran down the center of his back to disappear beneath the waistband of his exercise shorts. Liquid heat pooled involuntarily between her legs. Strass was downright feminine compared to this male.

Jazon dropped to the flooring and turned. “What?” he asked.

Tracy had forgotten why she had been looking for him and instead focused on his etched stomach muscles. Confused, she turned around and returned to the small sitting area. After she had gone, Jazon grinned. Her mind and mouth said no, but physically she wanted him. There was hope he could win her. He decided to make an effort to be shirtless around Tracy as much as possible while docked on Epopeus. After his shower, he found her seated with a stiff spine on the couch watching a documentary on the wall-mounted vid-screen. Lieutenant Vasco had deactivated its communications functions as a precaution.

“Have you decided to assist us in our investigation?” Jazon asked.

“How do I even know that I can trust you?”

“What? Would you like to see our service records?” Jazon asked sarcastically.

“Maybe, I would!” Tracy snottily replied.

“Fine!” Jazon stormed off to his quarters and returned with his vid-screen. “I’m watching you. Don’t try anything,” he warned as he thrust the device at Tracy.

She shot an annoyed look at him and then began perusing the files. First to appear were Captain Agata and Lieutenant Vasco. The men had been in the Inquisitors’ Branch of the Parvac military since they were her age. Then, she saw Jazon Ponidi of the Omnes Videntes, an Imperial Guard to Princess Probus of Parvac. Serious black eyes peered back at her from the screen. He looked proud and deadly in his black uniform trimmed in silver. Neat medals and ribbons decorated his chest.

Contritely, Tracy said, “Okay. Maybe, you are who you say you are.” She handed the vid-screen back to him.

Jazon sat down on the couch beside her. “Lady Tracy, our goals coincide. Let us seek justice together.”

Surprised at his sincerity and sudden display of manners, Tracy turned to face him. “Whoever killed my father made it seem as though he died of natural causes.” The memory caused her pain.

Jazon reached out to take her hand, but she folded her arms across his chest. He realized that she would only ever reject him. Tracy was a traditionalist. She would never encourage friendly or romantic gestures from him. The fleeting thoughts he had entertained of winning her for himself vanished. He needed to keep his mind on his mission and not on a female. Felix could have clones imbued with his knowledge poised to harm Teagan, Empress Neema, or the children. It was his job to eliminate the clones and bring their creator into custody. It was time for him to accept that any happiness that came to him would come vicariously through his brothers.

“You look much more professional in your uniform,” Tracy said as she glanced up at his hair. It appeared to have grown some since the picture had been taken.

“I am a merchant from the Empire buying supplies to sell to the Eloneave on Talpa. I need to look the part and not the soldier.”

“That makes sense.”

“We will gather intelligence secretly.”

“Do you know anything yet?”

“I know you aren’t heading the cloning research or involved with it in any way. We will learn more on Epopeus.” Jazon stood.

“I want to help,” Tracy said in a rush.

“Alright. We will devise a cover story for you, and it needs to be quick. Your babysitter has reported you to be missing.”


Jazon raised an eyebrow at her.

“Angelica. She’s my brothers’ nanny. I better call her.”

“First, we must decide what to tell her.”

“That’s simple. I decided to apply for a research position on Epopeus at the University of Oceanonics for graduate credit. I’ve decided to become a doctor like my father. I’m an adult. I can go wherever I please. I booked cheap passage on your merchant ship.”

“I will clear it with my team.” Jazon gave her a quick bow and went to the lift.

In a matter of minutes, Tracy had her missing person’s status revoked and Angelica calmed. That Angelica and the Enforcers knew her itinerary relieved much of her apprehension. If the hybrid and the Parvacs had intended to abduct her, they wouldn’t have allowed the communication. However, now whoever had killed her father knew where she was and where she was going. Also, whoever did run the lab in the middle of Fig Forest must have realized by now that her father’s vid-screen was missing. Would whoever he was come looking for her?

By the second day of her impromptu journey, Tracy was feeling less on edge. Captain Agata was formally polite, Lieutenant Vasco flirted with her, and Jazon had been quiet and reserved.

“Lady Tracy, a message is coming through for you. Can we trust you?” Captain Agata asked.

“Yes, I won’t tell what we are really doing.”

Jazon said, “I’ll make certain of it,” to Captain Agata.

Tracy bristled. He had some nerve. When the Captain put the message through to the wall-mounted vid-screen, Tracy was surprised. It was the last person she had expected to call. She had expected it to be her mother or Duran along with a heated argument. Instead, it was Strass.

“Tracy, what do you think you’re doing?” Strass was furious. “You told me one thing when I asked to see you, but instead you were planning to run away?”

“Strass, I knew you wouldn’t understand. I’ve decided to attend graduate classes and intend to secure an internship.”

“Not if I have anything to say about it. Turn around and come home. I’ll pay your passage fees.”

“I’m not going home. I can never go home. It was sold. Remember?”

“You have a new home for now, and I intend for you to have one with me.”

“What?” Tracy asked.

“You must know that I intend to make you one of my wives, Tracy,” Strass said in a patient, condescending tone.

“No, I didn’t realize that. Your attention quickly strays elsewhere.”

Strass gave her a sympathetic look. Jazon observed the boy. He had a weak chin, a scrawny neck, and a mousey look about him.

“Tracy, come now. What do you expect? You are often more interested in your samples than you are in me. However, I’m willing to overlook your eccentricities and take you in.”

Strass had been the only boy to show any interest in her. She had been thrilled with his attentions. Strass was a third son of a prominent family. Marrying him would secure her future. Even if she did become a forgotten wife, she would be financially safe. Pursuing her doctorate would destroy her chances of receiving another offer of marriage. She was sure of it. What should she do?

“Lady Tracy, I beg you. Please, give me a chance to win your affections for myself. If after my business on Epopeus concludes and I have not convinced you to accept me, I will return you to the scrawny arms of this boy. However, I believe you will be more content within my embrace,” Jazon said from where he had gone down to his knee before her. “Play along,” Jazon whispered into her mind.

Reaching out, he trailed his fingers along her white throat while sending all of his desire coursing through his touch. Tracy’s head fell back to the couch as pleasure unlike anything she had ever imagined tingled through her. She cried out as that pleasure centered between her thighs with an almost seismic intensity as her world shook. Unable to resist, Jazon buried his fingers into her thick black hair and kissed her with the depth of his pain and longing.

When he ended the kiss, he said against her lips, “Stay with me, Tracy. I need you. I would worship you for all of my days. You deserve more than some spoiled boy.”

Jazon turned his attention back to the little prick who had insulted Tracy. Jazon had seen his type before. The puny little narcissist would wear her down piece by piece, and make her feel like she deserved it. He should do Tracy a favor and twist Strass’ head off of his neck for her.

“How dare you attempt to steal my female from me?”

“She isn’t yours until she places her palm on the scanner,” Jazon countered.

“She is mine! She has given herself to me!” Strass yelled in impotent fury.

“Well, you must not have given her enough, or she wouldn’t have decided to leave you. Accept it. She was finished with you before she ever met me.”

“You will pay for this, merchant! My father will deal with you!” Strass screamed.

Jazon started laughing harder than he could ever remember having laughed before. “You really are just a boy. Look, son. Be glad Tracy gave you any of her attention at all. She is way out of your league. She’s out of mine, too. However, unlike you, I’m aware of it and plan to learn from your mistakes. You’ve only got yourself to blame. You should have treated her better while you had the chance.” Jazon ended the call.

Tracy had listened from where she laid boneless against the couch. She hadn’t seen Strass’ reactions because all she could see were flashes of lights on the inside of her eyelids.

“Are you alright?” Jazon asked concerned. He hadn’t ever known of a female to react in such a way to just a touch and a kiss. “That boy must have the lovemaking skills of an aged slug. Maybe, you should rest for a while.”

Tracy gave an inarticulate squeak for an answer. Her brain felt like it had been rented out for a fireworks exhibit. Jazon picked Tracy up and carried her to his bed. When he tucked her in, she didn’t slap his hands away.




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