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Jion (A Sci Fi Alien Abduction Romance) (Aliens Of Xeion) by Maia Starr (96)



This trip taking Karissa back to the Earthlings was very different from the trip that I took to take her from the Earthlings to the Corillion galaxy. For one, when I stole her from the lunar base, I was taking her to be the wife of another Corillion leader, therefore I could not touch her. She was not mine; she was to belong to Yiqua. Touching her would have violated the rules of the Corillion warrior.


But now, she belonged to no one. In fact, I was returning her to never be a part of the Corillion world ever again. There were no rules keeping me from enjoying her company, that is except for her own rules, which I would not violate. She would have to want me in return. It would be different, because it would be for fun only, and I had never been with a human female, as most Corillion had not. So this was all new territory for me.


At first, I had no hope that she would want to be with me simply for fun and then return to her home planet never to see me again—that was until I caught her watching me in the shower. That changed everything. That let me know that she found me attractive, and enjoyed my naked show of release. It let me know that she found me desirable and did indeed want to explore the possibility of having some fun. So this was very different from the first trip we took together when I took her from the moon base when she was already promised to another, but not now.


I couldn't help myself when she walked into the kitchen. I wanted to tease her about watching me shower, but without admitting to her that I knew. But it was fun to tease her. I enjoyed the fact that she was watching me. It turned me on more than I could ever imagine. As soon as I realized that she had been watching me, I secretly hoped that she would join me in the shower, but she did not. But knowing that she was watching me made me release that much faster. It was very erotic. Then afterward, when I walked by her bunk, I heard her shouting and whispering and grunting and groaning, and I knew that she was doing exactly what I had just indulged in. She too was turned on and had to release herself after watching me in the shower; this was all very promising toward my goal of being with her, if she would have me.


"Will you teach me?” she said as she entered the flight deck where I was sitting behind the controls.



"Teach me to fly this hunk of junk. I've always been curious as to how they work," she said.



"Yes, that's exactly what I'm saying,” she said as she sat down in the seat next to mine.



"Taking her out of hyperspeed," I said as I flipped a few switches and safely took the ship out of hyperspeed. Soon we were floating through the blackness of space.


"These are the main controls right here. Take them into your hands. This one veers right, and this one veers left. Push them forward to go straight ahead and back to go backward. It is fairly basic. This controls the speed, and this is your brake,” I said as I explained everything to her on the dashboard. She eagerly and intelligently took it all in. I was impressed with her ability to pick it up.


"This is fun!” she said as she veered the ship sharply to the right recklessly.


"Whoa! Not so fast! Don't be reckless!" I shouted to her, holding onto my seat. She just laughed and continued to play with the ship in a very fun way. I smiled at her.


"Are all human females like you? I have taken many before and have never encountered one like you, but you cannot be the only one of your kind,”  I asked her.


"No. I am one-of-a-kind. But I don't like the way you said you have taken many before; you say it so casually. You do know that what you're doing is wrong, right? How long will it take for you to see that?” she said in a stern tone.


"My entire race depends on it; when will you see that?” I said to her. “I think you've had enough fun for now,” I said, taking control of the ship.


"How long do you have? How long do you yourself have before you… expire?” she asked.


"That is none of your concern,” I said as I put the ship back into hyperspeed and then unbuckled myself, ready to leave the flight deck.


"You're not going to tell me? Why did you not take me for yourself? Why did you take me for Yiqua instead of for you? It does not make sense to me. Why risk your life for another when you might die waiting for your own human female?" she asked.


"It is the Corillion way. It is how it is done. The Corillion leaders have women brought to them by the rest of us warriors. I too am a leader, but my tribe is so small that Yiqua oversees his tribe as well as mine. I am almost like a secondary leader. Therefore I had to find him a female before I could find one of my own. I thought I had done that and could see to my own needs, but as you see, you changed all that," I said to her.


"So what will happen now? When you return to the Corillion galaxy, Yiqua will be gone. What will be your next steps? Will you be able to claim a mate of your own? Will it be in enough time, or will you die?” she asked bluntly.


"I have seven months of my cycle left to find one. If I do not mate, then I will die,” I said as I walked away from her, not wanting to speak of it anymore. I had been raised to not care about my perish cycle. I had been taught not to think much of it, and she was making me think about it. She was going to make me count down the months that I had left, but it was not how I was taught to be the fearless Corillion warrior and captain that I was. I had always put my leader before my own needs; nothing should change that. Not even a gorgeous human female that turned me on beyond belief like this one before me. She was a deadly temptress and everything that I could ever hope for, but it was not meant to be for us.


"Look, I know how much trouble you're going through to get me back to Earth. And even though it is your fault that I am in this to begin with, jerk, I am grateful that you are doing this. I know that you could have left me on that asteroid hovering over Yiqua’s dead body where I would be put to death. I am grateful for your risk in taking me home. If there is something that I could do for you, I would. Maybe when we get back to the lunar base I can bring you provisions secretly or something, I don't know, but there must be a way to repay you,” she said as she walked behind me from the flight deck to the kitchen. There was no getting away from her in this very small ship with just the two of us.


"You want to repay me?" I said as I turned to her. She was not expecting me to stop so abruptly and turn around and she crashed directly into my chest. She just stopped in shock and lifted her head to look up at me. Her blue eyes were beautiful and she was so petite underneath me.


"If I can repay you, I will. What is it that you will need? Food? Fuel?" she said as she stood underneath me, but did not move.


"You can repay me by saving my life,” I said to her. Her eyes grew wide as she looked at my chest, down to my abs, and then down to my cock.



"Precisely. It is the only way to save my life. You do not have to stay my forever mate, just a one-time thing."