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Karn (My Single Alien - sci-fi romance adventure Book 3) by Arcadia Shield (17)

Chapter 17

“Act natural,” Karn said as he walked alongside Billy toward the docking bay. “No one expects us to stroll in and steal a ship. If we play it cool, we can get our hands on what we need.”

Billy nodded and walked with an exaggerated sway.

“What are you doing?”

“Playing it cool.”

“Be like a normal person.”

“This is my normal person walk. The ladies love a swagger.”

“We’re not after a lady. We’re after a ship. We also don’t want to draw any attention from those two guards.” Karn tilted his chin toward the docking bay entrance where the guards lounged.

One leaned against the wall, his hat pulled over his eyes. The other was sprawled on a chair, checking his wrist comm.

Billy stopped swaggering. “What kind of ship are we looking for?”

“Something fast and efficient. A ship that won’t be missed by its owner.”

Billy nodded. “There are a couple of dozen to choose from in here. We’ll find the perfect escape craft.”

“Keep your voice down. Don’t say anything until we get past the guards.”

“I won’t mess this up for you. You’ll be glad you brought me along. I will be useful.”

Karn patted his shoulder. “I know all of that. Let’s focus on the mission.”

They strolled past the guards, who didn’t give them a second look. First challenge complete. Karn acted like he knew where he was going as they walked past the ships. He inspected each one. Most were too large and would be difficult to get onto. He wanted a nice, clean, empty ship. One with limited security and basic systems.

Karn stopped. “That is a thing of beauty.” In front of him stood a Rolon ship. The black disk-shaped hull gleamed, and the overhead lights made the crystalline structure glisten. There wasn’t a scratch on it. He reached out to touch it.

“Isn’t it a bit fancy for our needs?”

“We have to travel in style. This is my dream ship.” With warp drive operational in under ten seconds, plasma blast canons, and a pilot seat that heated and cooled on command, Karn looked at perfection.

“If we take that, we’ll definitely draw attention to ourselves.”

“We should have a go. It might be empty. I’m sure we can find a hack around any security measures in place.”

“It’s a great ship.” Billy shifted from foot to foot. “It’s just that it’s a bit obvious. If we take that one and it gets reported as stolen, we’ll be tracked instantly.”

Karn sighed. The kid was annoying, but he had a point.

“How about this one?” Billy hurried over to a slightly dented, matte gray shuttle.

Karn walked around it, keeping an eye on the guards as he did so. “It’s ugly.”

“It’s what we need. There are thousands of shuttles out there that look like this one. It will be harder to find.”

Karn looked back at the beautiful Rolon ship.

“You know this makes sense. We take the ugly ship and get ourselves a nicer one when we set up elsewhere.”

“I could take that other ship if I wanted to. I could have it.”

Billy grinned. “I know that. You can get your hands on anything you want.”

“Let’s get to work.” Karn ran his hand over the access panel and was surprised when the docking ramp dropped down. “Whoever owns this ship really doesn’t care if it’s stolen.”

“What about the guards?” Billy whispered. “They’ll think it’s strange if a ship takes off without logging a flight plan.”

“Don’t worry about that. I messaged a couple of friends. They’ll be here in a moment to provide a suitable distraction.”

“You’re taking out the guards?”

“Nothing so violent. There are other ways to distract them.” Karn nodded toward the docking bay doors where two provocatively dressed humans sashayed through.

Both the guards’ backs straightened as they watched the women approach.

“You know those hot chicks?” Billy asked.

“They’re friends of mine,” Karn said. “I paid them a little money to keep the guards entertained while we leave.”

Billy laughed, his eyes glued to the women as they flirted with the guards.

“Come on, kid. Less leering and more action.”

They headed onto the ship. It really was a hunk of junk. There were bare wires exposed, and the pilot seat was nothing more than an upturned crate. So long as it went that’s all Karn cared about. He needed to get off this station before he was arrested again. This was his new start.

Karn secured the docking ramp to avoid any unwanted guests sneaking on board. The controls were basic. It was easy to bypass the security and engage the engines.

“Everything looks good to go,” Karn said.

“The docking bay doors are opening,” Billy said. “Somebody else must be leaving.”

“Perfect. We’ll jump on their tail and get out. With a bit of luck, the guards will be so busy they won’t notice a small ship heading into space.”

Billy sat in the co-pilot seat next to Karn and strapped in. “This is so cool. We’re really going on an adventure.”

“Of course we are. A new start somewhere else. I can take my work anywhere.”

Billy was silent for a moment. “What about me? Can I work for you?”

“You want to be my bodyguard?”

“Not really. I mean, I could do it. I’ll protect you if I have to.”

“Of course you will, kid.”

“Maybe I can be like you. I can be a spy.”

“An intelligence gatherer.”

“Sure. I can be one of those. You can have me as your apprentice. You know I work hard.”

Karn’s mouth twisted to the side. He worked alone. That was how he’d always done things. It was simpler that way. There was nobody else to risk getting hurt. He didn’t like the thought of Billy being put at risk.

“I’ll think about it. This isn’t an easy job.”

“I know I can do it.”

Karn smiled at Billy. “Do you know how to fly this?”

“Sure. We all had lessons in the simulator when we first got here. I aced my tests, even with only one arm.”

“Do you want to do the honors and fly us out?”

Billy grinned. “Really?”

“Sure. Be discreet and follow the big ship.” Karn pointed at the ship heading toward the open docking bay.

“No problem. I can do that; you watch.” Billy’s fingers ran over the controls. The engines fired up and the ship shot into the air.

“Slow and steady. Remember, we don’t want to draw attention to ourselves.”

“Got it. I’ll get us out of here.” Billy nosed the ship forward, following the much bigger Draxdan ship as it slid out of the docking bay.

Karn realized he was holding his breath as they made it successfully through the doors.

“We did it,” Billy said.

“Well done, kid. You got us out of there safely.”

“Prodigy to Rolon shuttle, come in.” A serious sounding female voice came over the ship’s comm.

Karn glared at the controls. He should have realized the station would have a security trigger for any unplanned flight departures.

Billy looked at him. “What do we do?”

“Ignore them.”

“Prodigy to unidentified Rolon shuttle. We have no report of your scheduled flight departure. Please send your confirmation numbers and destination.”

“She’s not giving up,” Billy said.

Karn tapped his fingers on the control panel. “Make sure they don’t get a visual on us. Comm back some nonsense and then cut the link. By the time control has figured the information is rubbish, we’ll be out of range. They don’t care where we’re going. They’re covering their backs.”

Billy opened the comms channel. “What do you want me to send?”

“Make them think we're heading through the wormhole. It will take them a while to check the details. That’s all we need. Then we’ll be free.”

Billy keyed in the information and sent it through to Prodigy.

“Remain in your current location. Checking flight departure details now.”

Karn cut the comm link. “Sorry, sweetheart. We’ve got other plans. Punch it, Billy. Let’s get the hell out of here.”

Billy whooped as he fired up the engines and they shot away from Prodigy.

Although Karn smiled, he felt a pang of regret. He’d enjoyed his time on Prodigy. He’d missed the human beer, decent food, and hot showers. It had begun to feel like home. He’d been there six months. It was the longest he’d stayed anywhere in an age.

Also, he didn’t like to admit it, but Karn would miss seeing Ivy strutting around the corridors like she owned the place. He’d miss the chance to see if he was a father. He shook his head. He’d left all that behind.

Karn leaned back in his seat and kicked his feet up onto the controls. Ivy had made her decision. It was the wrong one, and he still couldn’t believe she’d made it, but she had a history with that loser, Marcus, and chose him over their future together. Karn had never promised anything to Ivy. They might have spent a few months flirting and dating, but it meant nothing.

“We’re out of the range of the station,” Billy said. “Where shall we go?”

Karn stretched his arms over his head. There were so many exciting possibilities out there, so many places that would value his services. “Let’s head to the next space station. We need to dump the shuttle and get a new one. We don’t want anybody tracking us.”

“We’re not going through the wormhole?”

“We’ll get there. We need to lie low for a couple of days, grab a new ride, and form a plan of action. We’ll be fine on Starland. No one will pay us any attention.”

“I’ll change course,” Billy said. “I was thinking we’d go straight through the glory hole.”

“I like your enthusiasm, kid. We’ll save that ride for another day.”

Billy peered at the navigation screen. “That’s weird.”

“What are you looking at?”

“There’s a ship behaving oddly.”

Karn shrugged. “Ignore it. We don’t have time to go on a rescue mission.”

“It looks like the pilot doesn’t know what they’re doing. Their stabilizers must have stopped working.”

Karn leaned forward and stared at the screen where a small green dot kept bouncing around. Whoever was inside that ship would be in a world of hurt if they weren’t strapped in.

“We should help them,” Billy said.

“They don’t need our help. They must have everything under control or they’d have commed for assistance.”

“Maybe they can’t. Maybe they’re hurt.”

“That’s not our problem. We need to get out of here before the station’s security comes after us.”

“I’m opening a comm to the ship.”

Karn shook his head. “If we get caught, I’m blaming you.”

“This is Billy on the, well, on a shuttle in space.” He glanced at Karn. “Do you need help?”

There was silence.

“You see. They don’t need our assistance. Maybe they’re testing the ship’s controls.”

Billy ignored him. “I repeat, this is Billy. Your ship looks to be in distress. Can you hear me?”

“Yes! Is this thing working?”

Karn jumped from his seat. “That sounds like Ivy.”

“No way. What’s she doing in space?” Billy asked.

Karn scowled. “Taking a romantic trip with her new boyfriend, well, her old boyfriend.”

“Is that you, Ivy?” Billy asked.

“Yes! Who’s that? I need help.”

“I live on Prodigy. I’m friends with—”

Karn cut the comm link. “She doesn’t need to know about me.”

Billy’s expression was puzzled as he reopened the link. “Is your ship having problems?”

“I don’t know how to fly. Autopilot is off, and I’ve deactivated the stabilizers.”

“Why do that if you can’t fly?”

“I didn’t do it deliberately!”

“You should ask why her boyfriend can’t help,” Karn said.

Billy frowned at him. “Why are you being a jerk? I thought you liked Ivy?”

Karn scowled. “She’s not who I thought she was.”

Billy’s eyebrows rose. He returned his attention to the control panel. “Don’t touch anything else. With the stabilizers off, the ship will be sensitive to any course change. You don’t want to get the ship in a spin. That’s when things get really bumpy.”

“They already are. I feel sick. Get me off here.”

Billy glanced at Karn. “I get you have a problem with Ivy, but we need to help.”

Karn grimaced. Ivy had made a choice, and it hadn’t been him. “She looks like she’s doing okay.”

Billy thumped him in the arm. “What are you talking about? She’s your girl. She’s in trouble.”

Karn rubbed his arm. “You really can punch. Maybe I need to reconsider you in the role as bodyguard.”

“I know you want to do this. You’re so in love with Ivy.”

“We don’t use that word around here.” Karn stared at the jumping green dot on the screen. Billy was right. Even if Ivy didn’t know it, she was his goal. She’d rejected him, but he wasn’t about to give up on her.

“What do you want to do?” Billy asked.

“Rescue my damsel in distress.”




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