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Karn (My Single Alien - sci-fi romance adventure Book 3) by Arcadia Shield (4)

Chapter 4

“How can Karn be my match?” Ivy looked at Prince Charming in the reflection of the mirror she stood in front of. “He’s fun and hot, but shady.”

Prince Charming slowly waved a gold furred arm at her.

Ivy had left the office and returned to her quarters. She was getting ready to meet Karn. The nerves in her stomach wouldn’t settle, no matter how many shots of vodka she downed.

“I know. I can be a little shady when I need to be. You must keep reminding me this is a fact-finding mission. This is not a proper date. I have to figure out how the stupid My Single Alien database matched us. There must be something wrong with it.”

Prince Charming made a soft snorting sound before inching his way along one of his branches, his long sloth talons expertly keeping him in place.

“There’s no point in telling me off. I’m doing nothing wrong. I need to watch out for myself. I know you do the best you can, but you’ve got other priorities, like eating and sleeping and not falling off your branch.” Ivy did a final check of her makeup. She’d gone for killer red lips.

She’d kept the outfit casual, sticking to the usual jumpsuit, the same as most humans wore. Ivy had accessorized with several pieces of expensive jewelry and a pair of her favorite red boots to match her lips.

She turned from the mirror and walked over to tickle Prince Charming under the chin. “You be a good boy while I’m gone. No late-night snacks or inviting anybody around without me knowing about it.”

He snorted again and reached an arm out as if meaning to climb onto her.

“No time for cuddles. I have a date. I mean, I have a mission. Wish me luck.” Ivy left her quarters before she changed her mind and abandoned the whole plan.

She needed another drink. Those shots had done nothing for her. She was never normally nervous when she dated. This wasn’t even the first time she’d been out with Karn. She knew him. She’d made out with him several times.

The first time Ivy had seen Karn, he’d been dressed in head to toe black, and his skin was pale blue. As she’d gotten to know him better, she realized the color of his skin changed along with his mood, and there was little he could do about it. It helped get a read on him and figure out when he was being genuine and when he was being a charming liar.

Entering the Enchanted Captain, Ivy looked around. She was early. She was never early for dates.

She grabbed a drink from the bar and sat facing the entrance, so she could see when Karn arrived.

The Enchanted Captain was a favorite place to hang out any evening on the space station. Apart from the occasional bar fight when a few too many drinks got consumed, it was a fun place. They often had live music, although some of the tunes the aliens played were bizarre.

The alien who ran the bar, Olid, always let the fun times roll without letting things get too messy.

Ivy sipped her drink, her knees bouncing up and down as she waited for Karn to arrive. She made a list in her head of everything she needed to figure out to see if he was her ideal mate. His background would be useful, what his family was like. She knew little about his work.

Forka were known for their espionage skills. They were basically intergalactic spies. From the odd hours Karn kept and the way he’d sometimes vanish for several days, Ivy knew he was in the same line of work. It didn’t bother her. As long as he did no harm to others, she couldn’t see there being a problem with spying.

“Do you need a refill?” Olid wandered over and nodded at her drink.

Ivy realized her glass was almost empty. She hadn’t even noticed she’d been drinking. “No thanks. I’m waiting for someone.”

“Have you got a date?”

“Yes. No. Well, it’s more a work thing.”

Olid nodded. “Those kinds of dates are always the trickiest.”

Ivy needed to get a grip on herself. “It’s nothing serious.” Her gaze shifted to the entrance of the bar as Karn walked through the doorway. Oh boy, she was in trouble. Her racing heart and sweaty palms weren’t helping her feel cool and composed. This was fact finding, nothing more.

As usual, Karn was dressed to kill in a form-fitting bodysuit. He looked like something out of a freaking Spiderman movie. The fabric stretched tautly over his lean muscles as he strode toward her.

Karn gestured to Olid. “We’ll have two more of whatever Ivy’s drinking.” He slid into the seat opposite her. “I hope I haven’t kept you waiting long.”

“It’s fine. I was early.”

“Tough day?”

“The same as always. Ridiculously happy couples and their babies showing the world how great My Single Alien is.”

“It sounds terrible.”

“I’ve had worse jobs.”

Karn grinned. “Such as?”

Ivy nodded thanks as Olid brought their drinks over before walking away. She took a sip to steady her nerves. “I’ve always been in public relations, making sure the company looks the best they possibly can, no matter how sleazy they are on the inside.”

“You’ve had a few sleazy bosses?” Karn’s attention was completely on her. His dark eyes interested, the red rim around the iris barely visible in the dim lighting.

Ivy tilted her head. From the pale blue tint of Karn’s skin, he wasn’t playing around. She settled in her seat. Maybe this was more of a date than she’d realized. “My first job was straight out of college. I worked for a sewerage company.”

“You had to sell the benefits of peoples’ waste to them?”

“Nothing so disgusting. I had to promote the company as ethical and green. Just before I left, it was discovered they’d been pumping raw sewage into the countryside and polluting an area of natural beauty.”

“Charming. Where else have you worked?”

“A few different places. My favorite company was a product samples company. We were sent all the latest designs of jewelry.”

Karn looked at the ring Ivy wore. “I noticed you like designer. That’s a Hilliard Church ring.”

Ivy raised her eyebrows. “It is. You know your designers?”

“I love good things. I know a well-designed item when I see one. Some of Earth’s designers have grown popular on other planets. Do you always buy designer?”

“When the budget allows.” Ivy smiled to herself. Sometimes even when the budget didn’t allow. She had a couple of companies chasing her for money she didn’t have thanks to her impulse purchase addiction. They’d get the money eventually. She always paid her debts, just not always on time.

“What about your current job? Do you often have to work late?”

“Now and again. Diadora can crack the whip when she needs something. The matchmakers usually work later than I do. They don’t finish before eight. There’s a lot of demand for human booty.”

“I can see why.” Karn’s eyes flashed red. “And your boss? Does she ever pull an all-nighter?”

“Not that I know of. Why, are you thinking of asking her out?”

“She’s not my type.” Karn grinned at Ivy. “My first job was getting onto a Banti ship and recovering information they’d stolen.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad.”

“It wouldn’t have been if the equipment I’d been given worked. My laser failed, so I had to fight off the ship’s guards bare-handed.”

“What a hero.”

“I do okay in a fight.”

Ivy knew all about Forka stealth abilities. They could creep up on you almost silently and knock you out before you realized they were there.

“You like the life of a superspy?”

Karn tilted his head from side to side. “It has its advantages. If I want something, I can easily get my hands on it. Others pay a lot to get back something taken or have me retrieve the important information they need.”

“Hi, Karn.” A petite Draxdan strolled past the table.

Karn nodded at her, but his gaze remained on Ivy.

An unexpected swirl of jealousy shifted through Ivy. She had no reason to be jealous. They weren’t exclusive. “Is that somebody you know?”

“A friend.”

“Just like we are friends?”

“Something like that.” Karn reached over and caught hold of Ivy’s hand. “I’m here with you, and I like it. You’re interesting. You work hard to get what you want, and you don’t mess around.”

“That’s a good thing?” Ivy wasn’t interested in being with anyone who didn’t let her do her own thing. She’d always worked and enjoyed it. She complained about My Single Alien and the idiots she worked with, but the work was decent. Sometimes, seeing the happy couples with their babies even made her smile, but not often.

“Of course. It’s important to be independent and know what you want out of life.”

“What do you want? Have you got plans for your future to settle down and have half a dozen kids?” Whoops, so much for being discreet in her questioning.

Karn’s laugh contained surprise. “Half a dozen might be pushing it. Maybe one or two. It would be good to have someone to carry on the family business.”

“You’d raise your children to be spies?”

“I prefer the term intelligence gatherer, but whatever works for you. Why not? There will always be work, and it’s interesting.”

“It is if you put aside the fact you’re annoying a lot of people by stealing from them.”

“It’s not stealing. It’s giving information to people who need it.”

“That’s stealing if it doesn’t belong to you.”

“I like to see the boundaries as blurred.”

“Where do you see yourself in five years’ time?” This sounded more like a job interview than a date.

Karn rubbed his chin. “No clue. A millionaire with my own ship and a successful spy business?”

“It sounds like you’ve not given much thought to your future.”

“Have you?”

“I have recently.”

“What do you see?”

“Trouble if you stay in my life.”

“Don’t see me as trouble. See me as a challenge. See me as exciting.”

“Is that how you see me?”

Karn’s eyes glowed red again, and a stain of purple crossed his skin. “I see you in all kinds of compromising positions. Nothing I can show you here.”

Ivy sat back in her seat. Could Karn be her match, or was he just a player looking for no commitment and a fun ride?

“What’s on your mind, Ivy Blain?”

“Nothing in particular.” So long as she discounted the fact her potential life partner sat opposite her.

“You’ve got a curious look in your eyes. I’ve never seen it before. Something is bothering you.”

Ivy took a few seconds to take a drink. “I’m considering my future.”

“Are you thinking of a change of career?”

“No, being here suits me. I wasn’t sure I’d take to space, but I like it. I like all the opportunities I can go for.”

“Space has its advantages. You can get lost easily if you need to.”

“Do you often need to disappear?”

Karn shrugged. “Now and again. Never for long. You’ve never been to my home planet?”

“Earth is the only planet I’ve been on. I plan to explore when the war calms down. I’m not sure I want to hop through the wormhole any time soon to see that.”

“There are safe places to visit,” Karn said. “A number of aliens have grown tired of the constant fighting and have peace treaties in place. There are dozens of planets you could visit with no risk. I can show you around. My home planet is a stable one. You might like it. We have a particular fondness for gold. Our leader’s home is full of gold. Everything glitters as you walk past.”

“You know the Forka leader?”

Karn inspected his nails. “Of course. We’re friends.”

“You move in fancy circles.”

“It pays to be on the right side of the aliens in power.”

“I shall add your home planet to my list of places to visit.”

“Any time you need a guide, you let me know. I’d be happy to show you around.”

Now Karn had dropped his smooth act, Ivy felt herself relax. “Do you still have family living there?”

“A brother.”

“No parents?”

“Sadly not. My brother is... different. He lives in a commune with others similar to him.”

This was the first Ivy had heard of a sibling. “How is he different?”

“Derr sees the world differently from others. To him, everything is muddled up.”

“I’m not sure I understand. How does Derr see the world as muddled?”

Karn leaned forward in his seat. “I’ll give you an example. When he hears a noise, he gets the taste of something in his mouth. Derr also sees certain colors when he hears certain sounds.”

“We have that condition on Earth. It’s called synaesthesia.”

Karn shook his head. “The translator hated that word. It’s not a condition. It’s the way he is. Some on my planet think it’s abnormal and don’t like sound tasters to mix with the general population.”

“Sound tasters? Is that what you call your brother?”

“It fits. He finds the world overwhelming. Anywhere noisy or busy makes him nervous. The commune Derr lives in looks after him. He has others around him who experience the same things and see the world in a similar way.”

“I’d like to meet him.” Ivy wasn’t sure why she’d said that. Meeting Karn’s brother would give her insight into his family responsibilities. The fact he kept an eye on his brother showed he cared about more than himself.

“Perhaps I shall introduce you. He’s a great brother.”

Karn clearly cared for Derr. Ivy saw a different side to Karn, and she liked it.

She needed to keep a clear head and not get clouded by Karn opening up. Ivy had always gone for smoking hot and mysterious guys. It led her to heartbreak and frustration when they’d messed around, thinking they could get away with it because of the way they looked.

Ivy wasn’t proud of the fact that, sometimes, she’d even let them. She shook her head as she recalled her last relationship. Marcus had been gorgeous but completely flaky. She’d fallen for him hard, and he’d abused her trust. More than abused, he’d stamped his way across her heart.

Would it be the same with a gorgeous alien? Ivy had never considered dating an alien before, but she enjoyed being with Karn. He set her at ease every time they went out. He didn’t judge the fact she liked expensive things. In fact, he liked his own expensive things. That tight-fitting bodysuit wouldn’t have been cheap.

“You’ve got that look in your eyes again,” Karn said. “I wish I knew what you were thinking.”

“Maybe I’ll tell you some day. Shall we have another drink?” This fact-finding mission was turning into fun.

Two drinks later, and Ivy knew the database hadn’t messed up. Although Karn’s charm occasionally drifted into smug territory, he was fascinating.

He had plenty of amusing tales about the work he did, but he was also interested in her. He kept asking questions about her life and her interests. It was rare to find a guy who talked about anything other than himself and his own needs.

The bar was getting crowded and the music louder. It was time to leave.

“Shall we go back to my place for a nightcap?” Ivy pushed her chair back and stood.

“That sounds good.” Karn extended his elbow.

Ivy tucked her hand through it. They walked out together, looking like the perfect gorgeous couple they were. The perfect match-made couple.

Ivy stopped by her door and turned to Karn. “This doesn’t mean you get to stay the night.”

His smile widened. “Of course. We’re getting to know each other. No funny business, is that right?”

“That’s right. Well, we might have a little funny business.” She strolled in and kicked off her boots.

When she turned back to Karn, she saw him examining her room. She looked around. Ivy preferred a minimal style but had invested in a few key pieces. There was original artwork from D’Arb Royck, the talented Nooke painter, two exquisite glass cut figurines, and a handcrafted bowl from Miran.

Karn’s gaze settled on Prince Charming, who swung slowly from a sturdy branch. “What is that?” he took a few steps toward the sloth.

Ivy walked over and held her arms out for Prince Charming. It took him a moment, but he happily attached himself to her, snorting into her hair as he did so. “This is my pet, Prince Charming. He’s a sloth.”

“Is he safe?” Karn looked at Prince Charming’s long curved talons.

This would be a real test for Karn. Could he get on with Prince Charming? If Karn disliked him, it would be the end of any budding romance. Ivy had a rule: Love me, love my sloth. It was non-negotiable.

Ivy curled a hand around Prince Charming’s back. “He’s fine. He won’t hurt you. He’s too slow to do any damage.”

“Where did you get him? I didn’t realize animals were allowed on the station.”

“They’re not. He’s my secret. I discovered him in a tiny cage when I arrived here.”

“Where was he?”

“In the docking bay, hidden behind some packing crates. When I saw him, I figured someone had brought him up here, but he seemed so miserable stuck in that cage, and he had no food or water. I checked on him throughout the day. Nobody came for him. Nobody was looking after him. So, I snuck him out of the cage, tucked him in a bag, and sneaked him past security. Prince Charming has lived here ever since. He was smaller when I first got him. He’s almost too heavy to carry around now.” Ivy stroked Prince Charming’s course back hair.

“I never imagined you with a pet.” Karn held his hand out for Prince Charming to sniff.

“Neither did I. I couldn’t leave him. He’d have died in that cage.” Ivy tightened her grip on Prince Charming, carefully watching his response to Karn. “Whoever got him up here must have changed their mind about keeping him. I was only planning on giving him somewhere to sleep for a night, but he grew on me. He’s very clever.”

“He must be to have captured your heart.” Karn copied Ivy’s movements as he stroked down Prince Charming’s back.

Ivy noticed their fingers touched as he did so.

“He has an expressive face. Is he smiling?”

“They don’t smile, but he always looks happy. It’s because he’s here. He likes it.”

“I can see why.” Karn looked at the elaborate set of branches Ivy had erected around the room. “It’s like a jungle in here.”

“Prince Charming uses it all. He has a sleeping perch in the bedroom. Most of the time, he likes to hang out in the lounge with me.”

Karn brushed a strand of Ivy’s hair off her cheek. “You are quite something. You never fail to surprise me.” He leaned forward and kissed her.

Ivy took a step back. Her lips felt like they were burning from his kiss. “What was that for?”

“I like to be surprised.”

Ivy turned away and busied herself placing Prince Charming back on his branch. This wasn’t the first time she’d kissed Karn. They’d had a couple of make out sessions on previous dates. This kiss felt different, much more intimate than when they’d dry-humped in a dark corner of the bar.

She touched her cheek with the back of her hand. She felt on fire. Ivy continued to fuss with Prince Charming, giving herself a moment to calm down. It must be the alcohol; it often made her cheeks flush.

“How about that nightcap?” Karn stood behind her, closer than she’d realized.

“Good idea. Is brandy okay?” She walked away without looking back at Karn.

“That will be lovely.”

Ivy grabbed two glasses and returned to the lounge. She opened a cabinet and extracted a bottle of Remy Martin Louis XIII she’d had imported from Earth.

Karn nodded his approval as she poured their drinks. “You have excellent taste in alcohol.”

“You’ve tried this?”

Karn took a glass and sat on the couch. “No, I know about it. There aren’t many bottles left.”

Ivy joined him, doing her best to retain her calm exterior. She was fact-finding. The gentle, intimate kiss was not important. “As you’ve noted, I like quality things. That includes my drink.”

“Does that include your aliens?” Karn looked at her steadily as he sipped his brandy. He nodded in appreciation before setting his glass down.

“I like aliens who are upfront with me. I don’t like being messed around.”

“Nobody likes that. What’s your type? Are you even looking for an alien?”

Ivy took a moment before answering. She wasn’t looking. At least, she hadn’t realized she was looking for someone. There must be a reason she’d submitted her profile to be matched with an alien. Ivy could put it down to a moment of drunken idiocy, but her subconscious must be telling her something. Was she lonely? Did she want someone in her life?

“I’m open to aliens. They can’t be any worse than human guys.”

“I get the impression you don’t think much of the men on Earth.”

“Can’t say I do. The ones I dated never seemed happy. It was as if they were always on the lookout for something else. Worried that, if they settled for me, they’d miss out on something better.”

“If anyone had the privilege of being with you, they would never consider it settling.”

Ivy smiled. “I know I’m a catch.”

“You are that. Although, I’m not entirely sure what that means.”

“I’m lousy at picking a good match. It’s why I leave that sort of thing to Vegas and the others.”

“You’ll know when you find the right individual to be with. Something will click.”

“Have you ever clicked with somebody?” Ivy stared at Karn’s mouth.

Karn’s gaze grew intense. “Perhaps. It’s not good to rush these things.” He closed the gap between them. “I like to get to know a woman first and make sure we’re compatible.”

Ivy’s breath caught in her throat. Was he talking about their match? He can’t know that their profiles had been matched by My Single Alien. “What do you consider to be a compatible match?”

“Dark hair. Red lips. Likes the finer things in life. Knows her own mind. Can make a jumpsuit look like the sexiest piece of clothing ever created. Has a fondness for weird looking animals.”

Ivy shook her head. “There are not many women who would live up to that description.”

Karn caught hold of her chin. “Right now, I can only think of one.”

“Do you think you can handle that one?”

“I’ll do my best. I know she’d give me top marks for effort.”

Karn was so close, Ivy felt his breath mingle with hers. “I never give anyone top marks.”

Karn’s lips touched hers, a gentle kiss, nothing like his usual urgent touches. Again, it felt too intimate. She pulled away.

“Is something wrong?” Karn looked calmly at her.

“We should call it a night. It’s late. I have an early start tomorrow.”

Karn nodded and stood. “That’s just what I was thinking.”

“You were?” Ivy jumped up and followed him to the door. “You’ve not finished your brandy.”

“You have it. I need a clear head.”

“Sure. Well, good night.”

“Good night, lovely Ivy. I’ll look forward to our next encounter.” Karn kissed her cheek. “And goodnight, Prince Charming.” He strolled out the door and along the corridor.

Ivy frowned as the door slid shut. She hadn’t expected him to give up the chase so easily. Had she just been rejected by her so-called perfect match?