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Kind Ella and the Charming Duke: A Historical Regency Romance Book by Barton, Bridget (9)

Chapter 9

The fire in the morning room at Dandridge Hall was set, but not lit. Nobody had used the room that morning, and so the servants, quite rightly, had not put a match to the kindling.

Of all the rooms at Dandridge Hall, the morning room seemed to be much underused. Not only that, but it lacked the somewhat dedicated attention to detail that the rest of the house enjoyed. But for Ella, that was part of its charm. It was a room in which she felt at home, for it had that certain warm imperfection that had always reigned supreme at Longton Manor.

It was nicely decorated, but perhaps just a little shabby in comparison to the rest of the house. But therein seemed to lay its comfort somehow, not to mention the fact that it was not used by either Ronald Belville or his daughters.

Her mother had begun to use it when they had first moved in all those weeks ago, but she had quickly abandoned it in favour of other rooms which were better appointed. But at first, she had used it as a place to sit quietly and write her correspondence, check the menus, and deal with other little household matters.

But the room, despite being the morning room, was not well orientated. It did not get the full sunshine in the morning, as just such a room ought to. There were other rooms on the other side of the hall which were much better placed to have been appointed as the official morning room. And Ariadne, wasting no time, had identified just the room she wanted to use instead, leaving the old morning room to almost the sole use of her daughter.

Ella did not want to call one of the maids to light the fire. She enjoyed the solitude of the morning room and did not want to announce her frequent use of it by causing a fuss. As much as Patience and Georgiana would be little interested in the place, she felt sure that if they knew what a great refuge she had begun to find it, they would do something to upset it all.

Whilst they were not interested in Ella and her life, they were certainly spiteful enough to amuse themselves for a few moments in upsetting her day.

Ella rose from the ageing, comfortable russet -coloured couch and made her way to the fireplace. There was a small and ornate golden box on the mantle shelf and, when she lifted its lid, Ella was pleased to find that it did, indeed, contain matches.

Although the door to the room was closed, she could not help looking over her shoulder to check that she had no witness to the fact that she was lighting the fire herself. It was not something that she had done before, although she had watched her old maid at Longton Manor perform the task many times.

Without much hope of success, Ella was pleasantly surprised when the paper caught instantly and very quickly had the kindling alight too. She threw the match onto the fire and hurriedly returned to her seat on the couch, picking up her book without reading it so that she would look as if she was well established in the room if anybody deigned to enter.

The morning room was not large, and she was pleased to feel the warmth from the fire take effect within a matter of minutes. Still, she kept the warm woollen blanket over her knees, finding it more of a comfort than anything else.

Looking down at her book, she thought she would, perhaps, turn her attention to it for just a little while. However, at that moment, there was a light tap on the door.

Ella turned in her seat as the door opened, and Violet peered around the edge.

“Oh, Violet,” Ella said brightly. “Come in, come in.”

Violet, small, neat and pretty, hurried into the room, and Ella could see that she was carrying a small, round silver tray.

“I took the liberty of bringing you some tea, Miss Winfield.” Violet quickly set the tray down on the low side table next to the couch where Ella sat. “It is just that I have taken tea into the drawing room and realized that you were no longer there. I did not want you to miss out, Miss Winfield.”

“Oh, Violet, how very kind of you. And how thoughtful.”

“I knew you would be in here,” Violet said with a secret smile. “But I would have lit the fire for you,” she said, looking over to the fireplace.

“I must admit to feeling somewhat proud of myself that the thing is going at all,” Ella said with a laugh. “But I suppose that is because it was set very well, and my part in the whole thing was, in the end, quite minimal.”

“If you like it in here, I will make sure that the fire is lit after breakfast every day.”

“What would I do without you?” Ella said truthfully. “Really, it is no lie to tell you that you are the only person here who pays me any kindness whatsoever. You and William that is.”

“William is still riding on a wave of excitement after last week’s excursion, Miss Winfield,” Violet said in a whisper and looked back towards the door, just as Ella had done minutes before. “He cannot get over it; he really does enjoy a good adventure.”

“That is good to know, especially if I ever plan to have another one.” Ella smiled brightly. “I just hope that the opportunity arises. I do not have much to look forward to living in this house.”

“I know, Miss Winfield,” Violet said gently. “But you must hold onto hope. And never forget, William and I are both on your side, even if it can only be secretly.”

“And it means more to me than I can say.”

“I wonder if the Duke of Hillington is going to come here,” Violet said, changing the subject dramatically.

“Really? What makes you say that?”

“When I went into the drawing room, Lady Patience and Lady Georgiana were arguing wildly,” Violet whispered again.

“Yes, that is why I left the drawing room in the first place. That is why I am hiding out here, Violet.”

“They seemed to be arguing about the Duke again.” Violet was barely audible. “About which one of them he would prefer and which one of them he would marry.”

“Well, if the poor man has any wisdom whatsoever, he will not take either one of them.”

“Was he really as pleasant as you say, Miss Winfield?”

“Yes, very pleasant indeed,” Ella said wistfully. “And certainly more deserving of better company in a wife than either Patience or Georgiana could provide.”

“What a shame he had such a big black mask on, though, Miss Winfield,” Violet said, and Ella remembered how her little maid had been so excited to hear every detail of her adventure.

“Yes, he certainly seemed to want to remain anonymous, even though all present were perfectly well aware who he was.”

“I wonder if he is very handsome,” Violet said dreamily. “And I wonder what he thought when he returned, and you were not there. He must have thought you most mysterious.”

“Violet, you have a much more romantic nature than I gave you credit for.” Ella laughed.

“I have, Miss Winfield.” Violet laughed too. “Just imagine how wonderful it would be if he wanted to find you.”

“I cannot think that he would want to find me, especially if he has realized that I was an interloper and not a properly invited guest.”

“But perhaps that would make you even more interesting to him,” Violet said quietly once more.

“Even if your fancy is true, Violet, there is no way for him to identify me. It is not as if we will ever meet again in such circumstances.”

“But you might meet again here if he comes to Dandridge,” Violet said with a look on her face which suggested she had come full circle, finally remembering what it was she had meant to say in the first place. “For his attorney is to come today.”

“Henry Mercer is to come here?” Ella sat up a little straighter as she remembered the kindly looking older gentleman from the masquerade ball.

“Yes, he is due to come out sometime this morning. He might even be here already. I had supposed that was why Lady Patience and Lady Georgiana were arguing over the Duke. I thought that perhaps his Lordship had mentioned the attorney’s visit to them.”

“And how do you know of it?”

“Because I heard the butler telling one of the other maids to make sure that the study was in good order this morning, for the Earl was to have a visit from the Duke of Hillington’s attorney.”

“Oh, I see.”

“So, perhaps the Duke might be coming here after all. If he is still searching for a wife, then he might even come to afternoon tea. You might find yourself in his company again.”

“Yes, you might be right,” Ella said and could not work out quite how she felt about that.

“I had better go, Miss Winfield before the housekeeper realizes I am missing.”

“Of course, Violet. And thank you again; the tea was really very thoughtful.”

Once Violet had gone, Ella poured herself some of the strong tea. The room had warmed up beautifully, and she felt suddenly very relaxed. She knew that Violet’s kindness had gone some way to creating that feeling.

Much apart from being so kind and caring, Violet was a very good ally to have. She was quietly observant and always brave enough to tell Ella what she had seen or heard.

And it all got Ella thinking, wondering if the Duke really would attend Dandridge Hall. And if he did come to afternoon tea, would he recognize her? Her thick brown hair would be straight, of course, barring a few curls around her face. Would that be enough to disguise her?

She wished she still had the mask so that she could put it up against her face and remind herself just how unrecognizable she had been. It would certainly provide a little comfort to her if the Duke really did attend Dandridge.

But, despite her misgivings and the little, irrational fear that her prior act might be discovered, Ella could not help feeling a little excited by the idea of seeing him again. Or, indeed, seeing him for the first time. She still had no idea what the Duke of Hillington looked like, barring his coal-like dark eyes and his almost black hair. He was older than her, she already knew that much, but he had seemed fit and robust, almost like a man of her own age.

Suddenly, Ella needed to know. She needed to satisfy both feelings, the fearful one, and the excited one, by knowing if he really was to attend Dandridge Hall.

Feeling the spirit of adventure overtake her once again, she determined to creep over to the east side of the hall to where she knew her stepfather’s study to be. There were several other little-used rooms around it and, if she was careful, she could dart away into one of them and hide if the Earl and his visitor happened to come out suddenly.

Gulping down the rest of her tea in a most unladylike fashion, Ella was suddenly very keen to be on her way. She knew, in part, that it was because she did not want her sudden high spirit to falter, or her courage to depart. She wanted to make her way quickly and quietly to the east side of the hall and find out whatever she could about the Duke and his intentions.

When she came out of the morning room, it was to find the corridor empty. She darted along the corridor and through the entrance hall, passing the door to the drawing room as quietly as possible. She could hear the slightly raised voices of her step-sisters and, when she heard her mother’s attempt at a soothing tone, she knew that all three were accounted for.

Wasting no time, she hurried past and continued through the long corridor which led to the east wing of Dandridge Hall.

The door to the study was firmly closed when she arrived, and she crept on tiptoe, holding her breath until she reached it.

Taking a final look around and finding herself entirely alone, Ella gently pressed her ear against the heavy oak door. The voices inside were muffled, but she was certain that they were two male voices. So, the attorney had already arrived.

She closed her eyes as if to hear more clearly and quickly began to pick out much of the conversation that took place within.

“And the Duke really is determined to find a bride this time, is he Mercer?” Ronald Belville’s braying tones were easy to distinguish.

“Yes, His Grace is most determined.”

“And tell me, are there many young ladies in the running, so to speak?”

“Perhaps it would be a little indelicate of me to say.” There was something about the tone of Henry Mercer’s voice which seemed to suggest that he was making an invitation of sorts.

“Yes, quite so.” The Earl paused for a moment. “But perhaps we can find a way between us, my dear fellow, to ease the way just a little?” The Earl’s tone was so sly that Ella winced in distaste.

Was he really offering some sort of reward for the man to part with such sensitive information? And really, that he could even think that an attorney retained by the Duke himself would be so disloyal to his master spoke volumes about the man Ronald Belville was.

“Perhaps there is, My Lord.” The ageing attorney responded in a way which Ella had not expected for a moment. “But it is only right and proper that you suggest the means, Sir,” he went on as Ella shook her head.

Something about the way the two men were going about the whole thing was making her angry. It was as if they were involved in some sort of elaborate dance, each of them twisting this way and that despite the fact that they both knew they would inevitably reach the same conclusion; a conclusion that was undoubtedly agreeable to them both. How very undignified .

“Perhaps you would find this appropriate, my good man.” Ella noticed how Henry Mercer was going up and up in Ronald Belville’s estimation.

First, he was Mercer , then my dear fellow , and now my good man . She realized that she was silently witnessing the forming of an allegiance, a sinister alliance between two men of little scruple.

“Very appropriate indeed, My Lord.” Henry Mercer’s ingratiating tone sickened her.

As far as Ella could see, the dreadful little man had been charged with a most solemn duty. He had been trusted to find the Duke of Hillington a wife when the poor man had been unable to do so for himself. But surely the Duke’s own attorney would have more loyalty to his master than this? Surely, he could not be bought for a few pounds? And yet was it just a few pounds? Ella knew that Ronald Belville’s resources were almost limitless; it was the thing which had drawn her mother to him so completely, second only to the title. Perhaps it was a good deal more than just a few pounds.

“And let me just say at this point that there is certainly more where that came from. A lot more,” Ronald spoke significantly. “Especially if a certain preferred outcome is realized, you understand?”

“I understand perfectly, Lord Dandridge.”

“Good, I am glad that we have been able to find ourselves both in such fortunate positions.”

“Certainly.” Henry Mercer sounded so terribly self-satisfied that Ella fought an urge to knock loudly on the door and frighten the life out of him. “Now then, to business, My Lord,” he went on and sounded suddenly very professional again. “There are but three other young ladies on the list, barring your own excellent daughters.”

“Excellent?” Ella mouthed the word silently and incredulously to herself.

“Oh yes, three very fine young ladies indeed,” her stepfather said sarcastically, and it was clear to Ella that he was being shown a list with the other young ladies’ names upon it.

How easily a man’s morals fold in the presence of personal rewards.

“So, I presume that my own daughters will receive a little extra attention in all of this?” Once again, her stepfather spoke speculatively.

“I shall make very sure of it.”

“Then you truly do have the ear of the Duke, do you not?”

“I have had the ear of the Duke his entire life, as I had the ear of his father before him.” It struck Ella that Henry Mercer was boasting, and she thought it dreadful.

Could he not hear his own words? Could he not remember that he had, indeed, worked for the Darnley family for so many years that his loyalty ought really to have been assured?

“Then perhaps an afternoon tea here at Dandridge would be the order of the day?”

“I think I can assure you of that, My Lord. Shall we say next Wednesday?”

“Whatever day you can manage next week will suit me perfectly.” The Earl’s tone was practically affable.

“Then I shall let you know immediately. As soon as I have spoken to His Grace and arranged things, I shall have word sent to you.”

Fearing that their conversation and thus their meeting was drawing to a close, Ella decided that she would do better to quit the area altogether.

She had discovered not only what she had sought to discover, but so much more. She had discovered things that she almost wished she had not heard at all. For what good could it really do to know how the Duke was going to be steered and deceived? In the end, there was nothing she could do about it.

As much as the Duke had found her frankness amusing at the masquerade ball, she could hardly imagine that he would be so equally impressed with the word of a self-confessed eavesdropper. That sort of admission would take frankness to its extreme and very likely expose her actions to her stepfather if the Duke were ever to approach him on the subject.

No, she could see no way in which she could help him and realized that she would have to hope that the Duke’s good sense was as fine as his character had seemed to be.

With a sigh, Ella turned from the door and hurried back to the safety of the deserted morning room.




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