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KNOCKED UP BY THE REBEL: The Shadow Hunters MC by Nicole Fox (16)



Hours later, the two returned. Daphne opened the apartment door for Xander, and with a grunt, he paced the four massive bags of groceries onto the kitchen counter.


“Thanks again,” said Daphne, shutting the door and locking every lock.


“Stop thanking me,” he said. “Like I keep telling you, it’s the least I can do.”


“I know,” she said. “But I just feel so helpless.”


“Get used to it,” Xander said. “Because until this shit is taken care of, I’m going to be your damn shadow.”


Xander rifled through the bags and pulled out a bag of potato chips. Ripping them open, he took out a handful and shoved them into his mouth.


“Hey,” said Daphne. “Rule of the house is that you don’t get to eat the groceries until they’re put away.”


“‘Rule of the house’?” asked Xander. “You have rules for yourself?”


Daphne looked away furtively. “Um, yeah. I have terrible willpower.”


“Hmm,” said Xander.


Turning the bags and pulling out the contents, his mind drifted to just how strange Daphne was acting. He could sense that there was something that she wasn’t telling him about her life, but he didn’t want to pry. Besides, he was still pissed at her for leaving him so many years ago; the better part of him just wanted to get this situation with the Spawn sorted out so he could leave her to whatever life she’d made for herself.


After a little while, the groceries were put away.


“Let me make you a sandwich or something,” Daphne said. “I mean, you did pay for everything.”


“Fine,” said Xander.


“And I’m making dinner tonight,” said Daphne. “No ifs, ands, or buts.”


“Works for me.”


Part of Xander wanted a beer, but he knew that he needed a clear head. After all, he had no idea when Scar might make another appearance. He took a seat at the dining room table and watched as Daphne made his lunch. His eyes lingered on the curves of her hips and her round, full ass. The urge to repeat their little breakfast tryst occurred to him, but he decided that he’d better stay focused on the mission at hand. Besides, he didn’t want to give her the impression that he was interested in anything more than a few fucks on the side.


But was he? Xander knew that he’d be lying if he said that he didn’t enjoy having a woman around, especially one as familiar to him as Daphne. His life in the MC and the status and money it brought gave him a pretty steady supply of women to choose from, but none of them appealed to him for anything else other than a fuck here and there before he tossed them to the next guy down the line. But Daphne was different; he’d always known that in in the back of his mind, and having her here right in front of him made it so clear that he knew he couldn’t ignore it.


Daphne placed a plate in front of him. On it was a delicious-looking roast beef sandwich on whole grain bread, a pile of potato chips, and a small assortment of vegetables.


“Eat everything on there,” she said. “Vegetables, too.”


“Sure thing, Mom,” Xander said with a smirk.


But rather than the chuckle he was expecting, Daphne’s face went red.


What’s going on with this chick? he asked himself. It’s like she’s got a dead body or something that she’s afraid of me finding.


Daphne poured them a couple glasses of soda and sat down at the table with Xander. They ate in silence for a time, but eventually, Xander’s curiosity got the better of him.


“Listen,” he said. “I know it’s stupid bullshit that I shouldn’t care about, but I gotta ask.”


Daphne looked at him with a somewhat fearful expression.




“Why the hell did you walk out on me like that? Just up and left—no warning, no nothing.”


“Um,” she said, looking around. “I just didn’t want to be a part of the life that you were living. I mean, when I was younger it was exciting to be dating a guy in a motorcycle club. But once you’re living with a guy like that, it gets pretty clear that it’s no place for a woman who wants something like a normal life.”


“And that’s what you want?” Xander asked, gesturing to the apartment around him. “A normal life? Just like this one here?”


Daphne’s eyes narrowed. “Just because my life doesn’t involve drug-dealing and gun-running doesn’t mean that it’s not satisfying. After all, I was doing pretty well before I got caught up in your shit again.”


“And working at some clothes store?” he asked. “That’s worth leaving a man behind for?”


“It’s worth it to be safe,” she said, setting down her sandwich and glowering at Xander.


“But look at what’s going on now,” said Xander. “I have no problem keeping you safe. Nothing bad will happen to you when I’m around; I swear it.”


“Easy to say, but let’s see if you can actually live up to your promise.”


Xander decided to let the subject drop. But just as before, he knew that there was something Daphne wasn’t telling him. She was hiding something; he was sure of it.


Before he could give the matter too much thought, however, his phone buzzed in his pocket. He slipped out his phone and saw that it was Cutter.


“Talk to me,” said Xander, getting up from his seat and making his way to the window.


“Yo, man,” said Cutter. “I’m making a patrol around the neighborhood like you asked and I ain’t positive, but I’m pretty damn sure that Scar’s in the area. You might want to keep an eye out.”


“Where are you right now?” asked Xander, his tone stern.


“About three blocks away … hold on … yep, that’s him all right. I’d recognize that ugly-ass bike anywhere. And it looks like he’s headed your way, my man.”


“Fuck,” growled Xander, shoving his phone back into his pocket.


“What’s going on?” asked Daphne, concern in her voice.


“He’s back,” said Xander as he swiped his keys off of the counter and headed for the door.


“What are you going to do?”


“I’m gonna track his sorry ass down and put him in the hospital. Or a fucking grave.”




Daphne didn’t have a chance to finish. Xander pulled open the front door and dashed down the stairs. Minutes later, he was on his bike and gunning the engine. He pulled out onto the road just in time to see Scar’s bike tear down the intersecting street.


Got you now, motherfucker, thought Xander.


Xander revved the engine and took off in the direction that Scar had gone. Soon, he caught up with him, though far enough behind that he could blend in with the traffic. Xander followed Scar, his eyes locked onto the bike as he carefully weaved in and out of traffic. Part of him wanted to close the distance right then and there and knock Scar off his bike and in front of the nearest semi. But he knew he needed to wait until they were away from anyone who’d be able to witness just what Xander had in mind for Scar.


Xander followed Scar for another fifteen minutes or so, and eventually they reached the outskirts of the city. Eventually, Scar pulled into the parking lot of a dive bar out in the middle of nowhere. The place looked familiar to Xander, and he soon recognized it as the headquarters of the Stonemasons, one of the other MCs in the area.


What the hell are you doing? thought Xander as he watched Scar park and dismount his bike. The Masons are hard motherfuckers, not the kind to let someone from another MC just stroll into their HQ.


Xander parked his bike away from the bar and watched. Eventually, a trio of Masons emerged from the bar and greeted Scar with a slap on the shoulder and a handshake. It didn’t take Xander long for him to realize just what was going on: the Masons must’ve brought on the remainder of the Devil’s Spawn.


He pulled his phone out of his pocket and sent off a text to Grayson telling him of what he’d learned.


The response was nearly instantaneous.


Get back to HQ. I’m gonna need a full briefing on this.


Xander was about to put his phone away but decided first to let Daphne know what was going on.


He’s out of the area. You’re safe for now. Gotta check in with the boss; I’ll be back in a few hours.


With that, he shoved his phone back into his pocket and took off, part of him wanting to just drive his bike through the front of the bar and raise some hell. But he knew he’d need a little more backup to pull off something like that. He knew Scar’s days were numbered, and as he drove off towards HQ, he couldn’t help but fantasize about just what he wanted to do to the man who’d terrified the woman he once loved.