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LaClaire Touch: An After Hours Novel by Dori Lavelle (21)


Funny how emotions change just like that. I’ve spent years running, trying not to get lost, only to lose myself in the man I’ve hated for a long time, the man I never wanted to see again, the man who sliced my heart into two. Now, as I spread my legs wide open, all I want is him, every inch of him. I want him to go deep, to fill the empty spaces within me, to drown in me as I’m drowning in him.

I move my body against him, grinding, arching my back, screaming out his name as I had done at The Mirage. This time I don’t have to hold back. Opening myself wide is both thrilling and terrifying.

My impatience growing to explosive proportions, I wrap my arms tighter around him, my breasts crushing against his hard chest. My lips find the crook of his neck. Nothing has ever tasted better than his sweat. His heart thuds against mine, his breath heats my skin. His dick feels like it was made for my body. As it moves in and out, I’m desperate to give in to the orgasm that begs to be released but I don’t want it to end. But my orgasm wins, spreading like fire inside my belly, roaring and raging before it explodes mere seconds before Derrick also gives in to ecstasy.

His face is pressed into my shoulder as he whispers my name. Something inside me shifts, sliding back into place. The pain becomes a memory, a blur in the distance.

He moves his lips to my ear as we pant in each other’s arms. “Stay.” His voice is muffled against my skin. “Stay with me in Cabo.”

“Okay.” Like emotions, plans have a way of changing out of the blue. I suddenly want to be where he is. If it’s Mexico, so be it.

“You were amazing.” His fingers trace the length of my spine. “You’ll be the death of me, I swear. Woman, you’ve got skills. You’re hands down the best sex I’ve ever had.”

I don’t respond. But something is shifting inside of me again. The piece that had slid into place to complete me, is sliding back out, leaving emptiness behind. Reality doesn’t give me a warning before crashing into me. Some of those things he said sound familiar. Other men said those words to me before, strange men. In a few words, he reminds me of how low I had gone to make money, how dirty I allowed myself to get. He thinks I’m still the innocent girl he used to know.

Even though I don’t intend on prostituting myself ever again, Derrick has seen that part of me. There will be times he might make remarks that remind me of working at The Mirage. Once a prostitute, always a prostitute. The knowledge that Derrick has seen the dirtiest part of me makes me realize as much as I want this beautiful dream, I can’t have it.

I watch him dispose of the condom, as I pick up my panties and get dressed. It hurts to know that everything is different again. For a moment there we had been swept up in a cloud of passion, but it’s only a matter of time before we break each other’s hearts.

“What are you thinking?” He picks up his jeans. “You seem far away in your thoughts.”

“That’s because I am.” I reach for my linen dress. “Derrick, it won’t work.” I lower myself back into the couch.

He sits next to me. “What do you mean?”

“You know what I mean.” I close my eyes. “You and I can’t be. There are many painful reasons why this is all we’ll ever have. You’ll always remind me of the baby I lost . . . our baby.”

He takes my hand and holds it tight. “Brooke, after what happened just now, you can’t tell me you want this to be over already.”

“We were never together, not even for a moment. This was all a dream, a chance for both of us to hide for a while. But now it’s over. It was beautiful. I promise you, it was amazing, but I have to go back to the US.”

“You said you’re staying—”

“I want to. I really want to, but I can’t. I have obligations, I have pieces of my life to pick up and fix.”

“You don’t have to struggle anymore. I can take care of you from now on. I’m here now.” He runs his thumb over the top of my hand.

“No.” I give a small smile and withdraw my hand from his. “I won’t let you do more than pay off my debts. I won’t be a kept woman. I prefer to stand on my own two feet. I’m strong enough now to rebuild my own life. Seriously, don’t feel pity for me.”

“It’s not pity I feel for you. What I feel is—” He shakes his head as though he changed his mind about what he was about to say. “I want to be there for you. You’ve suffered so much and I wasn’t there.”

“You weren’t there because you didn’t know. Whatever happened between us in the past, I forgive you. Let’s stop here and start new chapters in our lives. I’ll start fresh and you can continue traveling the world. Continue doing the things you love.” I smile at him. “I’ve read the papers. I know how you love chasing amazing adventures. I won’t be the woman that stops you from living your life to the fullest.”

“Why don’t we write those new chapters together? I don’t want to do those things any more. I now know that I was seeking danger to find a sense of life. And you’ve just shown me what life is all about. That’s what I want. This.”

“This is what you think you want. Tomorrow, you might feel differently. You’re a free soul. I don’t want to chain you.”

He pinches the bridge of his nose. “Is it something I said that made you change your mind? You looked so happy.”

“No, it’s not what you said,” I lie. “But Derrick, don’t forget how we met again, where we met. I was a prostitute. I sold my body to many different men. Would you ever be able to forget that?” The heat of shame fills my cheeks.

“I don’t care what you did. You did what you had to do. I’ll never judge you for that. But I wish you would allow me to make up for the past.”

“You already have, in more ways than I can ever imagine.” It’s not only about the money he’ll give me. Making love to him has repaired me in a way I cannot explain. It has made me realize how much I care for this man and that I have to move away before we both hurt each other. “Whether you like it or not, there will be times where you will think of me as a prostitute, and if not you, then someone else in your life. I don’t want you to live a life of shame on my behalf.”

“They wouldn’t dare.” His nostrils flare. His words should give me the confidence I need to know he will protect me from the world but I’m still terrified.

“You’ll be surprised at how people react to different things.” I slide my gaze from his. “Have you told anyone about me? Your brothers perhaps?”

He doesn’t answer. My heart twitches with pain. That’s all I needed to know. “I’m sorry, but this is how it has to end.” I kiss him on the cheek. “We’re from two different worlds. We have to go our separate ways. But know this, this time, you’re leaving me changed in a good way.”