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Late as a Rabbit (Sons of Wonderland Book 2) by Kendra Moreno (24)

Chapter Twenty-Four

White says we’re close to the Hatter’s house. I don’t know how he knows that. The trees and giant mushrooms all look the same to me. We don’t have any more trouble with the roots, the beady eyes watching us with hatred as we move past them. Hateful fauna, that’s for sure. I remember the talking flowers of the story books at home. Someone definitely got it wrong.

White had taken care of me after the stream, carrying me from the water and helping me to dress again, before doing the same. We haven’t spoken about the tender moment, about the tears I hadn’t been able to stop as the emotions overwhelmed me. I’m certain it was much more profound than I’m willing to admit yet. White had smiled when he saw the mark on my skin from his bite. I had the urge to throw a bunny joke at him but restrained myself. He seems so happy, I don’t want to annoy him, even if it’s fun for me in the long run.

“How do you know which direction to go?” I had brought a compass with me in my backpack but so far, it has done nothing but spin in circles, never pointing in a particular direction. I log it as another thing in Wonderland that doesn’t make sense.

“I just know. We’re drawn towards each other like a beacon. It’s a perk of being a Son.” He glances back at me and grins at the compass. “Not working for you, huh?”

I frown and tuck it back into my backpack.

“Unfortunately, no.”

“Such instruments don’t work here. A lot of things don’t. The moment you expect something, Wonderland will make sure to do the unexpected.”

“You talk about Wonderland as if it’s a living entity,” I remark.

“That’s because it is. How can she die if she isn’t living?”

I don’t answer since it’s a fair point, not that I have the chance to. An ear-piercing shriek rents the air, and I clamp my hands over the sides of my skull. That feeling of knives being shoved into my ears returns. When I pull my hands away, they’re smeared with blood again. That can’t be good. How are my eardrums not permanently damaged yet?

I watch White turn, panic on his face. Blood drips down his hair from his ears, too much, too bright. He grabs me so suddenly, I almost squeak as the world turns on its axis. He throws me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes and starts running. I don’t complain. White runs so much faster than I can. I need to work on my cardio.

“What’s going on?” I shout, trying to gain my bearings.

“The Red Queen’s dogs have found us! If we can just make it to the Hatter’s, we’ll be safe inside.”

The trees fly by quickly, but not nearly fast enough that I don’t watch as beasts slam through the forest behind us. They’re worse than anything I had seen in the Dark Lands, their forms giant and wolf-like. That’s where the similarities end. There are three of them, and each one looks decayed, and missing pieces of flesh where I can see bone and muscle beneath. The center one snarls, and its lips peel back over razor-sharp teeth, the jaw so massive that it not only deepens the sound of the snarl, but the excess skin folds back to cover its face. My hands clench in White’s waistcoat at the sight, terror shooting through me. If they catch us, we’ll be torn to shreds.


“I know!” he replies, pushing himself harder. “We’re going to make it. We’re close.” His attempt at reassurance doesn’t make me feel better as I watch them gain more ground. White is fast, but not fast enough. The Bandersnatch howl as if they’re already celebrating their victory. We need to go faster, but I’m at a disadvantage. My body isn’t built for Wonderland. I have no special powers. Wonderland help us!

Suddenly, I watch one of the tree roots rise from the floor behind us, tripping up the lead Bandersnatch. Roots begin rising like a sea behind us, springing into action. It doesn’t slow the beasts down, however, as they crash through the wood, splintering it, as if there’s nothing there. The trees snarl in anger but don’t relent.

We break through the tree line into a clearing, the Bandersnatch right on our tails.

“Almost there,” White shouts. I can’t see the house, but I feel this tugging sensation, as if I’m tuned into the beacon White talked about.

We aren’t close enough.

The lead Bandersnatch leaps forward, its jaws opening wide and grotesque, coming closer. We’re within twenty feet of the house, a fact I have no idea how I know, but we’re still too far away. I realize I’m about to be eaten as the smell of rot and death slam into me. I scream just as White taps on his watch.

The jaw slows down, no longer rushing forward, but I don’t get a chance to study it further. I know White’s powers only last for a moment. I hear the front door of the house open just as White pulls me from his shoulder and throws me as hard as he can towards it. I scream at the sudden release, slamming into a warm body. I throw myself from the mystery person’s arms, ignoring their panicked shouts, to move towards the edge of the porch and reach my hand out for White.

Time speeds up again as he leaps for me, and my eyes widen as the Bandersnatch’s mouth closes in on White.

“No!” I scream, leaning further off the porch, prepared to grab him and pull him up. But this world is dangerous and heartbreaking, and destiny isn’t always kind.

Our fingertips brush just as the Bandersnatch clamps down on White’s ankle and jerks him backwards out of my reach.