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Legally Mine (Spitfire Book 2) by Nicole French (30)

I woke up the next morning with wide rays of sunlight streaming through my bedroom window. It was the one time of day where the light managed to slip between the brick buildings my window faced, and they landed directly on my eyes.

The other side of my bed was rumpled and empty. Brandon was nowhere to be seen.

I rolled to my back and stared up at the ceiling. The rest of the night had been a blur after Brandon had taken me home and we had continued "celebrating" my vacation well into the night. Perhaps it was that, or the copious amounts of water I'd drunk in between mind-bending orgasms, but I wasn't nearly as hungover as I should have been.

My door opened, and Brandon backed into the room carrying a tray of drinks and food. I was hit with a sense of déjà vu. How many times had I dreamed exactly this while we were apart? 

His broad shoulders filled the small doorway, a golden expanse of muscle, clad as he was in just a pair of boxer briefs that clung to every perfect curve of his ass.

"Did Eric get a look of you like that?" I asked as I sat up, not bothering to hold my sheet against my naked body. With Brandon, I had no shame. "I'm pretty sure seeing his boss in his underwear would qualify as awkward and uncomfortable."

"No. But I'm too damn hungry to care anyway."

Brandon turned around as the door shut, revealing a tray loaded with tea and bagels. His hair stood out in a wavy riot around his head; vaguely, I remembered clenching that mane a lot last night, urging him on as he feasted on my breasts and other body parts. I shivered and blushed.

He looked down at my bare breasts and the pink rising over my skin, and his friendly smile turned savage, a change also evident in the bulge in his briefs.

"On second thought, breakfast can wait."

Brandon set the tray on my side table before he crawled over the bed and completely covered me.

"Good morning," he murmured as he caged me against the bedding, positioning his long body over mine.

Considering what was currently pressed between my legs, it was a very good morning indeed. I grinned into his lips. He teased my mouth open with his soft lips and twisted his tongue around mine.

"Fuck," he murmured. "It just never stops, does it?"

"What's that?" I asked before he dove in for another kiss.

"The wanting," he said as he licked and nipped at my neck. "You. Always."

I arched into him, luxuriating in the feel of his big body.

"No," I said as my hands found their familiar clutch in his waves while his mouth moved lower to pull the tip of one breast, then the other. "It doesn't."

His reached to tug his briefs down, and kicked them and the sheets off the bed before situating himself between my thighs. I winced slightly as he entered me.

"Too much?" he asked, although by the look on his face, it wouldn't have really mattered.

"It's fine," I breathed, and grabbed his ass to push him further in. "But you're not wasting time, are you?"

"I can't wait," he said with a shudder as he slid fully in. "You feel too good."

His hips moved lazily in slow, languid circles, taking time to enjoy the friction of each movement. Covered by his wide shoulders, his lips on my neck and cheeks, I luxuriated in the feel of him. Of us. There was nowhere else.

"I want to try something," he whispered in my ear. "I need...fuck, Skylar. I need all of you."

He turned me over, pushed into me again from behind once, twice, before he pulled out and tugged my hips up toward him. I tensed as I felt him nudging a bit higher, just at my other entrance, the one that pretty much no one had ever touched. Actually, scratch that––no one at all.

"What––what are you doing?" I stuttered, although to my surprise, my hips pushed back instinctively.

"All of you," Brandon murmured again as he moved away and teased me with a finger. My whole body shuddered. "Will you let me?"


I couldn't speak as inch by inch, he eased himself into the unbearably tight space.

"Is this okay?" Brandon bent down to cover my back with his warm, hard body. His voice rumbled low next to my ear.

I shifted, letting my body adjust to the feel of him. "Yes," I finally breathed. "Keep––keep going."

He pushed in a bit more.

"Fuuuuuuuck," he breathed. "Jesus Christ, you're tight here."


I could barely get out any coherent words. I was Somehow, Brandon managed to reach into the drawer of my nightstand and pull out the small bottle of lubricant I kept there. I heard the sound of the bottle being opened and a quick squirt of the cold gel, before he pulled out slightly to apply it to where our bodies met. Then he pressed back in. I gave an animal groan.

"You can take it, baby," he said as he seated himself fully. "That's it, Skylar."

Brandon started to move, slowly at first, letting me acclimate to his size and the feel of him there, but then slowly picked up the pace until eventually he was thrusting into me just as hard as he had anywhere else. His hand on my ass disturbed the quiet with a loud crack.

"Ah!" I cried, my eyes clenched against the sweet combination of pain and pleasure.

"You like that?" Brandon growled behind me. His hand slapped down again, the rest of him ramming into me mercilessly. "You like it when I give it to you hard like this? When I fuck this gorgeous ass, baby?"

"I...please..." There were no words. I literally had no words anymore, and his were going to undo me.

My hand fell limp beneath me. My whole body was starting to feel limp. Brandon leveraged my hips up slightly higher, then reached down with one hand on my clit. I moaned against the feel of his mouth on my neck, the carved muscles warm against my back.

"That's it," he murmured into my neck. His teeth latched on to my earlobe as he pressed himself deeper, harder. "Fuck. You can't run from me now, Skylar, can you?"

Running? Who was running?

"Brandon!" I moaned. I was so close...soooo close. "Brandon, please!"

His thumb flicked against my clit. "Come," he growled. "Now!"

"Aaaaahhh!" I cried.

His fingers rubbed small circles, then suddenly grasped my clit and squeezed. The ache in my belly burst, and I unraveled in series of shudders and shakes, completely falling apart under Brandon's large, merciless form. He pistoned in and out of me at breakneck pace until both hands grabbed my ass again and squeezed hard enough to leave a bruise.

'FUCK!" he yelped.

I fell forward, and he fell with me. His big form shook until slowly, finally, his body relaxed on top of me.

"Oh God, Skylar. I love you," he moaned as he released himself into me. "I love you so much it hurts."

I welcomed his mouth on my neck, welcomed his body on mine, welcomed his essence into every pore of me, into this place where nothing else existed but two of us. My head was a fog; the fact that Brandon had just done something to me that no one––not Patrick, my ex, not anyone––had ever done just was starting to register. He could have every part of me, and he did. Love didn't even begin to cover it.

I flipped open my laptop while Brandon was in the shower, pulling up a packing list I often used for long trips. Almost immediately, my Facetime started ringing: Jane, looking to video chat, likely out of guilt. No doubt Eric had informed her of our conversation yesterday.

"Hi Jane," I answered as I pushed my glasses further up my nose and my hair out of my face.

"Well, hi there, Sunshine. You look like you had a nice night. And by nice, I mean exhausted because a tycoon was banging your lights out."

Jane grinned lasciviously into the camera, and I rolled my eyes. In the small picture-in-picture, I could see the tired circles under my eyes and the way my hair basically bunched around my face in that "just-fucked" sort of way. Well, wasn't I?

"I had a great night," I said with a grin. "And morning. And probably afternoon too. You?"

"Well, I'm about to head into day two here of the exam."

Jane turned to her phone to show me a blurry scan of the University of Illinois Chicago campus. She flipped back to her tired-looking face and took a drink from a paper cup.

"Is that coffee or vodka?" I joked.

"Ha fucking ha. Coffee, thanks. Although a shot probably would do some good right about now. My nerves are done."

I checked the clock on my desk. "When you start?"

"Thirty minutes. I should go in, but I can't with all the nervous energy in there. Was it like that for you, all these uptight almost-lawyers basically shattering the windows with their vibes?"

I chuckled. "Pretty much. But you're going to do fantastic. You'll kick ass, like you always do."

Jane shrugged, but her teeth ground audibly through the small phone speakers. "I tell you, I'm going to need a month to recuperate after all of this. Two weeks won't do it."

"Well, I'm sure Eric can help you out with that," I said with a sly smile. "He seems very eager to help you unwind. Starting Friday, apparently."

Jane bit her lip and cast one eye downward. "Are you mad I didn't tell you?"

I shrugged. Maybe I was a little disappointed that Jane hadn't confided in me immediately, but she was entitled to her personal life as much as anyone else.

"Nah," I said. "I just hope you guys are being careful."

"Oh, don't you worry about that. I make the boy double-bag it."

"I meant with your heart, Janey," I said with a roll of my eyes. "And I hope for Eric's sake you're joking."

Jane didn't quite look into the camera, just covered her mouth with a smile she was obviously trying to hide. Maybe she and Eric weren't willing to admit it, but it was clear that whatever was going on between them was more than just screwing around.

"Anyway," I continued, knowing she wasn't about to spill her guts out minutes before walking into her exam. "You can make him wear as many condoms as you want without worrying about me walking in on you this time."

"What? Don't tell me we're forcing you to live in the ice palace. I'm coming as much to see you as my sex Viking."

"Aannnd now I'm imagining you and Eric while he's wearing a Viking hat. Thanks for that."

"That's not a terrible idea," Jane said, tapping her lips. She grinned. "Ooh, late graduation gift!"

I chuckled. "Just disinfect the couch before I get back, all right?"

"And where is it that you're going?" Jane demanded, all thoughts of Viking hats clearly gone.

I grinned. "Oh, you know. Brandon's taking me to France for two weeks."

Jane's eyes bugged through the screen. "Whaaat? You lucky bitch. So, you're finally going to let him use all that money to do something fun for once?"

I blinked sheepishly. "It's not like that."

"I know, I know, Sky," Jane waved away my concerns. "I just mean, I'm glad you're finally letting him spoil you a bit. It's about time. That man is so damn crazy about you, and you deserve to be loved like that. I'm happy for you, friend."

I couldn't help but grin a little at her words. "Thanks, Janey. I'm pretty happy too."

Things were still so complicated, and we hadn't even come close to sorting out all the issues in both of our family lives, but that was the truth. And today, nothing seemed like it could get in the way of that.

"So, are you going to tell that the pressure is off?"

Through the wall, the wall the water turned off in the bathroom. I glanced back at the computer and shook my head vehemently, all the bliss of our conversation now evaporated.

"Not the time right now, Jane."

"But, Sky, you said that––"

"Not the time, Jane!"

She frowned into the screen, worrying her lips together before she finally sighed.

"Fine," she said. "I'll say no more. Just do it. Soon. You promise?"

I just blinked, then nodded my head. She was right, I knew, but I didn't want to ruin what was finally finding its rhythm again. It had taken this long for Brandon and I to rebuild what we once had. It was too precious.

My bedroom door swung open, and Brandon came back in wearing nothing but a towel, water droplets dewing over his shoulders and chest, his mop of wet hair curling more than usual around his ears.

"Thanks for the towel, man," he called back to Eric, whom I could see clearly through the doorway, focused completely on his coffee, thin shoulders hunched over like he wanted to disappear.

Brandon kicked the door shut, then flopped next to me on the bed, which poked his lean form into the frame. "Oh. Hey, Jane," he said.

"Shit!" Jane's voice exploded as her head shook so hard her glasses came loose. "For Christ's sake, warn a girl, Casanova. You could put someone's eyes out with those abs."

Brandon tipped his head back and laughed, the movement causing his already defined muscles to bunch into tight ridges. It really wasn't fair. The man was three years from forty and looked like he had been photo-shopped.

On the screen, Jane's eyes turned wistful. She waved a hand in front of the camera. "Will you get him out of there? I don't need that in my head while I'm testing. Otherwise, all I'm going to see is A) Brandon's abs, B) Brandon's pecs, or C) Brandon's biceps. Thanks a lot, Sterling. If I fail today, it's because of you!"

"I'm moving, I'm moving. Good luck, Jane." Brandon went to where he'd stashed his stuff on top of my dresser.

"I see that dreamy look on your face, Sky," Jane teased, causing Brandon to leer back at me as he pulled on a pair of clean briefs.

The heat in his gaze caused me to blush all over again.

"Right," Jane said. "I think that's my cue to go." She quirked a smile and tipped her head. "I'm glad you're happy, chick. And Brandon?" she called out.

"Yeah, Jane?" Brandon replied as he pulled on a pair of shorts.

"Take care of my girl in France. Don't forget, Don Juan: you mess with her, it's your balls on a platter, courtesy of moi."

Popping back into the frame, Brandon rolled his eyes and grinned. "Loud and clear, Jane," he said before leaning down to grab a T-shirt from his overnight bag.

"Good luck, friend," I told her. "I'll see you when we get back."

"You better, chick. Love you, Sky."

"Love you too, Janey. So much."
